Peeling with calcium chloride. Peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap Peeling with calcium chloride and soap

Peeling with calcium chloride is an effective home cosmetology procedure designed for deep cleansing of facial skin. This is an inexpensive chemical cleaning method that has both advantages and disadvantages. And before you start doing it, you need to study as much information as possible about the procedure - from the stages of implementation to contraindications.

Chemical chloride peeling is a salon procedure that can be repeated at home. The cost is low, and as a result the skin is better renewed and cleansed. Under the influence of the peeling composition, the surface layer of the epidermis is removed, and the natural regeneration of the deep ones is accelerated.

To carry out the procedure at home you will need to take:

  1. Calcium chloride. A solution with a concentration of 5-10% is suitable for you. You can buy it at any pharmacy.
  2. Baby soap without fragrances or fragrances.
  3. The simplest cotton pads.

The procedure itself is also simple and does not require special skills. But it requires care and caution - watch your skin’s reactions to the reagent. If negative manifestations are noted, do not repeat the procedure; choose a peeling with a different composition for yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many positive effects from peeling. Among them:

  • Renewal and deep cleansing of the skin.
  • Lightening.
  • Drying out small rashes.

The effect of cleaning is much more noticeable than with mechanical cleaning. Suitable for almost all skin types. Dry is the only exception. Even pre-moisturizing will not help; such peeling will only worsen the situation. This is the main disadvantage of this method of cleansing. It can also negatively affect your skin if you have problems with tolerating chemicals.


Before starting a chemical skin cleansing procedure, you should make sure that you do not belong to one of the groups of people for whom it is contraindicated. Chloride peeling should not be performed in the following cases:

  • Dry skin.
  • The presence of foci of inflammation, large or numerous pimples.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Herpes and similar skin diseases.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Increased sensitivity to chemical reagents.

If the above situations apply to you, you should choose a different method of cleansing your skin.

Preparing the skin for peeling

The procedure at home begins with preparing the facial skin for peeling. For this:

  1. Check for any damage, rashes, or cracks on the skin.
  2. Remove makeup with a special product.
  3. Wash thoroughly with your favorite product.
  4. Dry your skin.

Make sure the skin is completely dry and clean before working with calcium chloride. There should be no moisture.

Stages of the procedure

The simplest recipe for peeling with calcium chloride takes place in several stages:

  • A calcium chloride solution is applied to clean, dried skin with a cotton pad.
  • Wait until it dries, apply another layer. And then another one. Feel free to use up the entire ampoule.
  • Lather your hands with natural, unscented soap (baby soap) until you get a lot of foam.
  • Start massaging your face with soap foam. The movements are neat, without pressure.
  • During the process, pellets will form on the skin; it will be necessary to apply foam to the skin until they stop appearing.

When finished, wash your face with clean water to remove any remaining product from your skin. Don't forget to apply moisturizer with vitamins. Be sure to be light - oily will only clog cleaned pores, will not allow the skin to be saturated with oxygen, and will quickly nullify the results of peeling.

In beauty salons, the procedure is carried out according to the same scheme. Fashionable peeling rollers from different manufacturers of caring cosmetics also work on this principle. If this method of home procedure suits you, you can save a lot on facial cleansing.

Calcium chloride peeling results

The results of peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap are amazing. Such a visible effect cannot be achieved with ordinary masks and scrubs. After the procedure you will mark as:

  • the facial relief is smoothed due to the removal of the surface layer of skin;
  • pimples dry out and shrink;
  • reduces oily shine by cleansing pores and improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • blackheads and even some subcutaneous comedones are removed;
  • red spots and pits after acne are removed or become less noticeable (depending on intensity);
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin is renewed, becomes smoother, velvety, pleasant to the touch.

By doing this peeling regularly (once every 1-3 weeks depending on the type and condition of your skin), you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. And the sebaceous glands will begin to function better, causing you fewer problems.

Skin care after peeling

It is recommended to exfoliate before bed so that the skin has time to calm down overnight. You should not expose it to sunlight and the environment when going outside. Also change the pillowcase on your pillow to a clean one before going to bed.

You will feel tightness and dryness of the skin immediately after the procedure. Therefore, be sure to take care of moisturizing with a suitable light cream. Also in the first days after facial peeling:

  • Avoid physical activity to help your skin regenerate faster.
  • Don’t forget to drink water to hydrate your skin on the internal level (a homemade humidifier will also be a good idea).
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen before going outside.

By following these care rules, you will not aggravate your skin condition, and it will recover quickly after chemical peeling.

When performing chemical chloride peeling at home, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Test your skin's sensitivity to calcium chloride. Apply it to your wrist or inner elbow for 5 minutes. The skin will burn a little in any case. But if redness and itching appear, such peeling should be abandoned.
  • For the very first home peeling procedure, take a 5% calcium chloride solution. In the future, you can try using 10% if the skin reaction is not negative.
  • If you have rashes on your face (or are suffering from a viral skin disease), they will need to be treated before peeling.
  • Chloride peeling is allowed do once a week if you notice increased sebum secretion. In other cases, it is not recommended to do it more than once every two weeks.
  • For combination skin type, calcium solution is applied only to the T-zone area, because the rest of the area is dry.

At home, it is possible to carry out chemical peeling using a solution of calcium chloride. This procedure perfectly cleanses, renews and evens out the skin. But there are a number of contraindications for use that must be taken into account in advance.

What is peeling with calcium chloride, what are the indications for the procedure, benefits and possible harms, formulation and methods of applying the product to the face, rules for post-peel skin care.

Benefits of facial peeling with calcium chloride

Calcium chloride is a medical product whose scope of use is quite wide. Injections with this substance help get rid of allergies, inflammation, bleeding and in many other cases. This product has also found application in cosmetology. In particular, it is used for chemical peeling, which is based on removing the top layer of cells, stimulating the skin to natural renewal and collagen production.

Domestic beauties have been using calcium chloride for scrubbing for several decades. In the 80-90s, this substance was almost the only one with which it was possible to carry out deep cleansing of the face. Then it was called “Hollywood peeling” or “rolling”.

This method of dry leather cleaning has several significant advantages:

  • Mattifying, drying oily skin;
  • Cleansing, tightening pores, removing blackheads;
  • Alignment of the structure of the epidermis;
  • Renewal of the upper skin layer;
  • Elimination of redness and pits from post-acne;
  • Elimination of small wrinkles.
It is recommended to use this peeling for those with oily and thickened facial skin. If your skin is combination, then perform the procedure only in the T-zone.

Contraindications to peeling with calcium chloride

Any peeling is a significant stress for the face. Therefore, those with overly sensitive and dry skin should be especially careful when choosing deep cleansing products. Calcium chloride is absolutely not suitable for such epidermis.

Women with normal skin type should not get carried away with chemical peeling. Otherwise, you can disrupt the fat balance of the epidermis and cause a number of problems: peeling, redness, allergic rashes, oily sheen.

Contraindications to the use of this substance as a peeling agent are:

  1. Presence of wounds, damage, scratches, pimples on the skin;
  2. Skin diseases of any etymology;
  3. Activation of the herpes virus;
  4. Pregnancy, lactation.
Uncontrolled use of calcium chloride for cosmetic purposes can lead to irreversible negative consequences for the skin and even necrosis.

The risk of an allergic reaction should not be discounted. Before using the peeling product, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. To do this, a little five percent calcium chloride should be applied to the inside of the elbow. Leave it for about 20 minutes. If during this time there is no reaction from the skin (redness, burning, itching), then the peeling procedure can be carried out.

Composition and components of a mixture with calcium chloride for peeling

Typically, the main components of a chemical peel are calcium chloride and natural soap. As a result of the reaction, a film of calcium salts is formed, which are insoluble in water. They roll off the skin and exfoliate it, taking with them dead epidermal cells.

Let's take a closer look at the components of the mixture for chemical peeling:

  • Natural soap. In its production, vegetable and animal fats are used, which contain potassium and sodium salts of higher tricarboxylic acids, with which calcium chloride reacts. For chemical peeling, it is recommended to take baby soap made exclusively with this fat without additional chemical additives. You can also use tar or laundry soap. Remember, not all detergents, foams, gels that contain sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate are able to give the desired reaction in combination with calcium chloride.
  • Calcium chloride. The substance can be purchased at any pharmacy. Its price is quite affordable. The drug is sold in the form of a solution in ampoules. Its concentration can be different - 5 and 10%. To begin with, you don’t need to take a too concentrated substance. It is best to use a five percent composition for peeling for the first time. If you have a ten percent solution, then it can be diluted in half with water. One ampoule is usually sufficient for the procedure.
To make a high-quality chemical peel at home, you will need to prepare, in addition to a solution of calcium chloride and soap, cotton pads.

Solid soap contains sodium salts of higher tricarboxylic acids, while liquid soap contains potassium salts of the same acids, and they should not be confused with laureth sulfate.

Preparing the skin for peeling with calcium chloride

Before carrying out the peeling procedure, you need to examine your facial skin for scratches, wounds, scratches, cuts, and inflamed pimples. If you find even slight damage from scratching or squeezing a pimple, it is recommended to postpone the procedure, as you risk causing a chemical burn. Wait until all mechanical damage to the epidermis has completely healed.

At this stage, we thoroughly cleanse the face. To do this, we use soft foam or skin care gel. Remove cosmetics with milk or a special liquid. After you clean the epidermis, you need to wipe your face dry with a napkin - and you can move on to the next stage of the procedure.

How to peel your face with calcium chloride

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, it is important to approach the choice of the method of its implementation responsibly. The peeling technique itself is not difficult if you carefully follow our recommendations.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride on clean skin

This peeling method is simpler and is suitable for those women who decided to try it on themselves for the first time. The procedure does not require any new devices or tools.

We process the face in this order:

  1. Open the ampoule of calcium chloride and moisten a cotton sponge or disk with the substance, apply the solution to the skin, avoiding particularly sensitive areas.
  2. After the first layer has dried, apply the second and repeat the procedure until all the contents of the ampoule are exhausted.
  3. Take a bar of soap and moisten it with water, lather your hands until foam forms. You can also soap a cotton pad separately. However, you should be careful: during the procedure you need to use as little water as possible, and cotton wool absorbs a large amount of moisture, so you should not use discs, especially if you are inexperienced and are peeling for the first time.
  4. Massage your face with soapy fingers (cotton pad) along the massage lines. Do not skimp on soap suds; add it constantly during the process. Your movements should be smooth, without pressure, soft. There is no need to stay in one place for a long time.
  5. During the massage, whitish pellets will gradually appear on the skin. When new ones stop forming, the remaining mixture from the face should be washed off with warm, clean water.

Peeling facial skin with calcium chloride using soap

This option of facial peeling with calcium chloride is more suitable for those who are not doing the procedure at home for the first time. The difference from the first method is only in the order in which the components are applied to the skin.

The process goes like this:

  • Wet a bar of soap and whip up a little foam in your palms.
  • Apply soap foam to the skin in several layers.
  • Break the ampoule of calcium chloride into a small container and, taking a little with your fingers, apply it to your face.
  • Rub the substance into the soaped skin with massaging movements.
  • From time to time we wet our fingers with a solution of calcium chloride and wipe our face until we begin to feel the pellets.
  • After you feel the creak of the “roll”, the skin needs to be massaged for some time.
  • When all the pellets have fallen off your face, you should wash it with clean warm water without soap.

During treatments, it is important not to apply either soap or calcium chloride to the skin around the eyes and upper lip.

Post-peeling facial skin care

After cosmetic manipulation of your facial skin, you will feel a feeling of tightness. Hyperemia is also common. After some time, these unpleasant manifestations disappear, and the skin looks younger and fresher. But still, it is imperative to carry out post-peeling procedures, which are aimed at actively moisturizing the epidermis.

If possible, apply one of the restorative masks to your face:

  1. Mask with banana and oatmeal. For this mixture you will need a tablespoon of mashed banana, ground oatmeal into flour and chamomile infusion. Apply the composition to the face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Mask based on baby powder and banana. To prepare it, take baby powder (half a teaspoon), a couple of drops of tea tree oil, a tablespoon of herbal infusion (mint, chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus), banana pulp (a tablespoon). All components are mixed and applied to the face for 10-12 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.
Any peeling is aimed at restoring youth to the skin, but at the same time leads to a lack of biologically active substances that prevent damage to the epidermis and aging. These substances are primarily alpha-tocopherol and coenzyme Q. Their content in skin cells can be restored by using facial creams, emulsions and vegetable oils containing a lot of these components after peeling with calcium chloride.

Useful vegetable oils to restore balance are: jojoba, macadamia, grape seed, avocado. It is recommended to apply them to the face after the mask. If you don’t have any of the above remedies at hand, you should at least lubricate the skin after peeling with calcium chloride with a nourishing cream.

Calcium chloride can also have adverse effects on the skin. This usually happens when the rules for its use are not followed, so it is important to know some of the recommendations of cosmetologists for its use.
  • If your skin is combination (has the so-called T-zone), then the substance should be applied only to the forehead, nose and chin. As a last resort, you can reduce the number of layers of calcium chloride on the cheeks to one.
  • When applying the drug to the face, go around the areas under the eyes, eyelids, red border of the lips, and the area from the upper lip to the tip of the nose.
  • Make sure your skin is completely dry before applying the calcium chloride solution.
  • It is important to minimize the use of water during the process.
  • If you feel a strong burning sensation, do not immediately wash off the solution with copious amounts of water. First of all, you need to wipe your skin as dry as possible with a napkin or soft towel. Only after this do we wash off the composition from the face.
  • It is recommended to perform peeling in the evening. This is necessary so that the skin can recover and calm down overnight.
  • After the procedure, bed linen should be changed. This way you will avoid bacteria and dirt getting into the open pores of the epidermis.
  • After peeling, you should use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50.
  • For a couple of days after peeling, you should refrain from strenuous physical activity and saunas. This is due to the fact that active sweating can slow down the process of skin regeneration.
Peeling with calcium chloride should be carried out in courses: one procedure once a week for 21 days. After which it is important to take a break of 2-3 months. If your skin is normal or combination, you can limit yourself to one procedure every month.

How to peel with calcium chloride - watch the video:

This is an effective method of cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. Carrying out the procedure is not difficult at home, and all the components of the product are quite inexpensive. The effect will surprise you: a matte and smooth face.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride has been used in cosmetology for several decades. It has gained great popularity because it gently cleanses and brightens the skin.

This method does not require a lot of money or special preparation, so every woman can do it at home. Peeling does not cause discomfort if all recommendations are followed.

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    The benefits and harms of peeling

    Peeling with calcium chloride is a gentle and superficial method of skin cleansing. The positive effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure:

    • pores are cleaned of sebaceous plugs, residues of cosmetic products and dust;
    • the complexion is brightened and evened out;
    • dead epidermal cells are exfoliated;
    • inflammatory processes are reduced;
    • small pimples dry out;
    • toxins are eliminated;
    • wrinkles are smoothed out.

    However, this procedure can bring not only benefits, but also harm. If the rules for preparing and carrying out peeling are not followed, the dosage of calcium chloride is exceeded, and contraindications are ignored, the following unpleasant consequences are possible:

    • Dehydration of the skin, which leads to early aging.
    • The pH balance of the skin is disrupted. This promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the development of acne.
    • Pigmentation appears on the face, especially in summer.
    • An allergic reaction that manifests itself as severe redness and itching.

    During the procedure, slight tingling and burning may occur. This is a normal reaction. Slight redness, a feeling of tightness and dryness immediately after peeling are also normal.

    How to peel?

    The procedure involves applying a calcium chloride solution to the prepared face. After contact with the epidermis, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in:

    • the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged, and old cells exfoliate;
    • the recovery process starts;
    • collagen actively begins to be produced;
    • skin cells are renewed.

    Before using calcium chloride for the first time, you should check your skin reaction. To do this, apply a little product to the forearm area or the inner bend of the elbow. If severe burning or itching occurs, the peeling procedure will have to be cancelled.

    To clean your face with calcium chloride, you need to prepare:

    • One ampoule of calcium chloride solution. It can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. For the first peeling, you should use only a 5% solution. 10% must first be diluted with the same amount of water.
    • Soap. You need to buy baby soap without additives. Otherwise, no chemical reaction will occur.
    • Cotton pads.
    • Nourishing or soothing face mask. You can purchase a ready-made one or make it at home from available ingredients.
    • Moisturizing cream.

    Classical technique

    Peeling according to the classical scheme is performed in the following sequence:

    1. 1. Prepare the skin for the procedure. It is necessary to remove remnants of makeup, sweat and fat using cleansers (foam or gel).
    2. 2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the entire face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and mouth. After 1-2 minutes, apply another layer of calcium chloride. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to apply up to 4 layers.
    3. 3. After the last layer has dried, soap your fingers and massage your entire face with them until pellets form. They are the result of a chemical reaction between calcium chloride and soap. They also remove dead cells and dirt from the surface of the skin. You can also lather a cotton pad.
    4. 4. Continue rolling until a “creaking” sound appears.
    5. 5. Wash with warm water.
    6. 6. Make a mask and apply moisturizer.

    If pellets do not form during the procedure, then you should change the soap.

    Alternative option

    This method is simpler. The procedure includes several stages:

    1. 1. Cleanse your face of makeup and impurities using cosmetic gel, milk or lotion for washing.
    2. 2. Apply soap foam to your face.
    3. 3. Wet your fingertips with a chemical solution and perform a light massage. Pellets should form under your fingers.
    4. 4. After complete cleansing, make a mask and apply cream.

    Before performing a calcium chloride facial peel, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some useful recommendations:

    1. 1. It is advisable to perform peeling in the evening before bed, so that the skin has time to calm down and recover.
    2. 2. After the procedure, it is important to ensure proper skin care. It is necessary to use sunscreen. To avoid the appearance of pigmentation, before each trip outside, it is necessary to apply a cream or spray with high protection.
    3. 3. Cosmetologists recommend postponing physical activity and training for 1-2 days. They slow down the skin restoration process.
    4. 4. You should not use powder or foundation for 2-3 days.
    5. 5. It is not recommended to apply makeup the next day.
    6. 6. Try not to touch your face with your hands for 24 hours after peeling.
    7. 7. It is not recommended to go to the solarium for 2 weeks.
    8. 8. Do not perform any other chemical peels for the next 2 weeks.
    9. 9. Only 1 layer of product can be applied to the cheek area.
    10. 10. Do not peel if you have elevated body temperature or general malaise.
    11. 11. Apply calcium chloride only to a dry face.
    12. 12. After peeling, change bedding so that the skin only touches a clean surface.
    13. 13. If severe redness does not go away the next day, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.
    14. 14. Almost everyone experiences a burning sensation in the first 10 minutes.

Nowadays, there are many ways to cleanse the face, each of which is based on the use of certain chemical elements and preparations. Each of them has different effectiveness, as well as advantages and disadvantages. However, recently Hollywood peeling, based on the use of sodium chloride and phytic acid, has become increasingly popular. This type of peeling is used by many famous actors and pop stars, since it does not have too strong an effect on the facial skin and is one of the safest.

general information

Many stars tidy up their facial skin using this procedure due to the fact that the chemicals included in the peeling product are very gentle on the skin, so you don’t have to take a break from work to cleanse your face. The product helps remove old and dead epidermal cells that prevent the skin from breathing normally. Phytic acid helps remove metal ions from the skin, which cause pigmentation of the epidermis and inflammatory processes.

Hollywood peeling is one of the most modern methods of facial cleansing, which is very effective in combating wrinkles and aging skin. In addition to phytic acid, the facial cleansing substance includes retinoic, azelaic and kojic acid, as well as a set of vitamins and microelements necessary for the health and elasticity of the skin.

Hollywood peeling is suitable for all skin types and can solve many problems:

  • smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin;
  • normalization of pigmentation and return of facial skin to normal color;
  • smoothing scars resulting from rashes, acne and pimples;
  • cleansing the face of acne and pimples.

Facial cleansing in a cosmetology salon

Hollywood facial cleansing is performed using modern cosmetics, the main component of which is calcium chloride. This chemical promotes gentle and gentle exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. Most often, representatives of Balzac age turn to this procedure who want to rejuvenate their skin and put it in order, as well as get rid of wrinkles. Representatives of the younger age category use this procedure mainly to combat acne and skin inflammation.

The procedure in the salon begins with the complete removal of makeup and cleansing of the facial skin, after which a special cosmetic product consisting of various types of acids is applied to it. Upon completion of the peeling procedure, a special mask containing phytic acid is applied to the face. This mask should be on the face for 24 hours, after which it is washed off with a special gel. At this stage, the cleansing process begins, which may be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, and after approximately three days, the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells begins.

What will be needed to complete the procedure?

Hollywood peeling can be performed both in the salon and at home. In the first case, to cleanse the face you will need phytic acid, a cleansing scrub, a toning lotion, a skin moisturizer and any cosmetic mask that has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

To perform peeling at home, you will need to acquire baby soap, olive or coconut oil, cotton pads, and a five percent calcium chloride solution. Using a highly concentrated solution is not advisable, because if your skin is too sensitive, you can get severe facial burns.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the conditions under which you perform Hollywood facial cleansing, the process begins with a preparatory stage, which includes a consultation with a cosmetologist, selection of the most suitable peeling agent, as well as preparation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis for the application of a cosmetic substance. For this purpose, special substances are used, which contain glycolic acid. In most cases, the preparatory stage takes about a week, however, in very severe cases, skin preparation may require about a month.

Hollywood cleanse at home

Peeling using the Hollywood method at home does not require preliminary preparation of the skin. The only thing you need to do is check the compatibility of the product you are using with your skin type. This is done very simply: apply a small drop of peeling substance to your wrist and wait a little. If no allergic reactions occur over the next day, then you can safely begin cleansing your face.

Hollywood peeling is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. Completely remove all makeup from the face. For this it is better to use special lotions.
  2. Apply a small amount of calcium chloride to a cotton swab and distribute it evenly over the entire face. It is worth noting that when applying the substance to the area near the eyes, you should be extremely careful so that it does not get into the eyes. The entire procedure is performed in five stages, and each subsequent layer of potassium chloride is applied to the face after the previous layer has completely dried.
  3. After the last layer has dried, we thoroughly wash our hands with baby soap to form a foam, and then do a facial massage. Baby soap contains alkali, which, when interacting with potassium chloride, will cause the formation of flakes, which will remove keratinized and dead cells of the epidermis. This stage of facial cleansing is carried out until flakes stop completely forming.
  4. The face is thoroughly washed with plenty of warm, but not hot, water, after which a nourishing mask is applied to the face. Before going to bed, your facial skin should be lubricated with any cosmetic cream that has a moisturizing effect.

Peeling in the salon

In a professional beauty salon, Hollywood facial cleansing is performed a little differently than it is done at home. First of all, specialists completely cleanse the face of cosmetics, after which a special lotion is applied to the skin, which contains a set of necessary acids. Next, sodium glycolate is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, and then the skin is covered with phytic acid for the same period of time. At the final stage, a special mask is applied to the face, which is necessary to soothe the skin and prevent inflammatory processes, after which the skin is thoroughly lubricated with moisturizer. The total duration of this type of peeling is about 40 minutes.

Features of Hollywood peeling

Many representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age, are interested in facial skin care issues, in particular, Hollywood peeling. It is worth noting that if you visit beauty salons, this type of facial cleansing is not recommended to be used more than twice a month. And there is no particular point in this, since after completing a full course of peeling, consisting of eight sessions, you will give your facial skin a healthy and attractive appearance, as well as firmness and elasticity for a long time. As for performing peeling yourself at home, one procedure per week is allowed.

Benefits of Hollywood peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, Hollywood peeling has a huge number of advantages, among which are:

  • careful removal of dead areas of the epidermis;
  • sodium chloride acts exclusively on the upper layers of the skin without penetrating deep into it, so this procedure can be done quite often;
  • complete absence of discomfort and any painful sensations;
  • the procedure takes very little time;
  • low cost;
  • no side effects or contraindications.

Thus, taking into account all the benefits of Hollywood facial cleansing, we can say with confidence that this type of peeling is one of the most modern and effective methods for getting your facial skin in order.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride is a time-tested method of gently cleansing and brightening the skin. Many people know this technique as Hollywood peeling, but from Hollywood it only inherited the name, nothing more. Calcium chloride was used in Soviet beauty salons, and this procedure cost an impressive amount, but today everyone has the opportunity to carry out chemical peeling at home for pennies.

Known facts about the procedure

Peeling with calcium chloride is not a new procedure, but rather a forgotten old one. Its peculiarity is that dead cells and dirt particles “roll off” from the face during the procedure, there is no rehabilitation or peeling. You will be able to evaluate the effect of facial peeling with calcium chloride at the end of the procedure.

In Soviet times, the recipe for peeling with calcium chloride was not disclosed; it was a privilege only for beauty salons. Today you can easily perform such a chemical peel at home. Do not forget that a chemical reagent is used to cleanse the skin, so failure to follow the rules for its implementation can result in unpleasant effects.

Be sure to check the skin's reaction to the drug before using calcium chloride for facial peeling. To do this, apply a little product to the skin, preferably in the forearm area or on the inner bend of the elbow and monitor the reaction. If severe burning, itching and inflammation occur in the treated area of ​​skin, the peeling procedure should be postponed.

Benefits for the skin

The use of calcium chloride for facial peeling is a superficial and gentle cleansing method. The procedure is characterized by a quick and noticeable effect after implementation, simplicity and low cost, as well as a minimal risk of side effects.

The peeling procedure with calcium chloride at home has a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

  • Destroys sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores from residues of cosmetic products and dust particles;
  • Visibly brightens and evens out the shade of the epidermis;
  • Has a drying effect;
  • Reduces inflammatory processes.

Possible side effects

Peeling with calcium chloride can end disastrously for the client if you do not follow the rules for preparing and carrying out the procedure, the subtleties of skin care after cleansing and exceeding the dosage of the main ingredient, and neglect contraindications. Such errors can cause the following troubles:

  • Skin dehydration and early aging;
  • Impaired pH balance of the skin - a decrease in acidity promotes the development of bacteria and acne;
  • Increased pigmentation, especially in hot weather;
  • Allergic reaction and irritation.

During peeling, there may be a slight tingling and burning sensation, but this is a normal reaction. Slight redness, a feeling of tightness and unusual dryness after the cleansing procedure are also considered normal; after a while, the defects will disappear without a trace.


Before peeling with calcium chloride, be sure to check your skin for contraindications:

  • You are hypersensitive to chemicals;
  • Individual intolerance to calcium chloride;
  • There are areas of acne, inflammation or open wounds on the face;
  • The skin is thin, there are complaints of dryness and flaking;
  • You belong to the light phototype;
  • Any stage of pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Herpes and other manifestations of infectious diseases.

How to peel at home

Many beauty treatments popular in a beauty salon can be performed at home. If you follow all the nuances of the procedure and adhere to the advice of cosmetologists, the result will be no worse than the salon one.

Required Tools and Ingredients

To cleanse your skin with calcium chloride you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of calcium chloride solution - for peeling you need to use a concentration of 5%, you can buy the product at a pharmacy kiosk. Alternatively, you can purchase a 10% solution and dilute it with the same amount of water;
  • Soap – for peeling, use baby soap without additives, otherwise the proper chemical reaction may not occur and, accordingly, the desired result may not be achieved;
  • Cotton pad (sponge);
  • Natural face mask - you can purchase a ready-made product or prepare it from homemade ingredients. It is recommended to use nourishing and soothing formulations;
  • Moisturizing cream.

Classic peeling technique

The peeling procedure with calcium chloride and baby soap is performed in the following order:

  1. Prepare your skin for cleansing: remove any remaining makeup, sweat and oil using a cleanser.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in a solution of calcium chloride and apply it to your face, but do not touch the area near the eyes and mouth. After 1–2 minutes, apply another layer of the drug. To achieve a pronounced effect, it is recommended to apply up to 4 layers, and then wait for the last one to dry.
  3. Lather your fingers and massage them over the skin; pellets should form as a product of the chemical reaction of calcium chloride and soap solution. These pellets take away dead cells and dirt with them. You can lather not your fingers, but a cotton pad, and wipe your skin with it.
  4. Continue rolling until a “clean squeak” appears.
  5. Wash your face with warm water.
  6. Secure the result with a soothing mask and cream with a moisturizing effect.

If pellets do not appear during peeling, replace the soap with another.

Alternative peeling option

There is another, simpler way to peel your face with calcium chloride:

  1. Cleanse your face of daytime makeup, particles of dirt, sweat and fat in the usual way (using cosmetic milk, gel or lotion for washing);
  2. Wash your face with soap foam.
  3. Wet your fingertips with a chemical solution and perform a light facial massage. You will notice that pellets will begin to roll under your fingers.
  4. Further steps are identical to the classic method: after a special crunch appears, rinse the product with water, make a face mask and moisturize with cream.

Peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap is best done before bedtime, so that overnight the skin calms down, recovers, and slight redness disappears.

Post-peeling care

After exfoliation, it is important to ensure proper care. First of all, it involves the use of sunscreen cosmetics. The sun's ultraviolet radiation causes pigmentation of the weakened epidermis, so be sure to apply a cream or spray with a high sunscreen filter before each time you go outside.

How often to cleanse

It remains to figure out how often you can cleanse your face with calcium chloride so as not to dry out the skin and harm yourself.

The cleansing course consists of 7 procedures, after which you need to take a short break (3-4 months). As for the interval between procedures, it depends on the type of epidermis: for oily type it is 1 session every 7 days, for normal type it is 1 procedure every 14–17 days, and for acne-prone skin 1 exfoliation every 15 days is enough. days.

Keeping your skin clean and fresh doesn't always require sacrifices. The calcium chloride cleansing procedure proves this. Gentleness of action, ease of implementation, minimal risk of harm to health and instant results are the main advantages of this peeling. Be beautiful!