Open class hour on the topic of friendship. Class hour "lesson of friendship". Conception stage. Front work

Target: expand children's knowledge about human relationships and friendship.


  • V game form tell children about the qualities of a true friend;
  • form good relationships between children in the class;
  • develop the communication skills necessary to build friendships and teamwork in the classroom;
  • cultivate a sense of tolerance.


I. Organizational moment

- Hello guys! Sit down.

II. Class topic message

– To find out the topic of the class hour, we need to solve a crossword puzzle ( Annex 1 ).


  1. It makes a person softer and more responsive. (Kindness)
  2. It helps us make smart decisions and thoughts. (Intelligence)
  3. It often affects older people. (Respect)
  4. Without it, you cannot do any work or learn any lessons. (Wish)
  5. It helps us store things, school furniture, and toys for a long time. (Thrift)
  6. It helps us always look clean and tidy. (Accuracy)

– What word did we get vertically? (Friendship)

(Student recites a poem)

Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who feels the shoulder nearby,
He will never fall
He will not be lost in any trouble.
And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up!
Always a reliable friend in trouble
He will extend his hand.

III. Work on the topic

-Who is a friend? What is friendship? Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary provides an interpretation of these words.

Friend- a person who has a friendship with someone; supporter, defender of someone.
Friendship - close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

– There are many examples of real strong friendship we find in fiction.

Quiz “Who is friends with whom”

The teacher names the name of a literary character, and the children must remember his friend in the work: Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet), Baby and... (Carlson), The Little Mermaid and... (Sebastian), Deniska and... (Bear), Robinson Crusoe and... (Friday), Chuk and... (Huck), Leo and... (dog), D-Artagnan and... (Athos, Parthos and Aramis)

- Let's determine what qualities a person should have. a true friend. And the guys who have prepared small sketches from school life will help us.

Dramatization of the story "Friends"

One day Sasha brought an electronic game “Football” to school. Maxim immediately ran up to him and shouted: “We are friends, let’s play together!”
- Let's! – Sasha agreed.
Other guys also came up, but Maxim blocked the game from them.
– I am Sasha’s friend! – he said proudly. - I'll play with him.
The next day Denis brought transformers to class. And again Maxim was the first to appear next to him.
- I am your friend! – he said again. - We'll play together.
But then Sasha came up.
- And accept me.
- No, we won’t accept it. - said Maxim.
- Why? – Sasha was surprised. “You’re my friend, you said it yourself yesterday.”
“That was yesterday,” Maxim explained. - Yesterday you had a game, and today he has robots. Today I am friends with Denis!

– Do you consider Maxim a true friend? Why?

Conclusion: Some guys tend to make friends only with those from whom they can get something: toys, stamps, books, etc. These guys live by the rule: “You give me, I give you.” You need to be friends not so that he (friend) will do something good to you, not because it is beneficial. But because this person is close to you, his interests, views, inner world are close.

The story "Before the first rain"(student says)

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. First Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya came for Masha. One time when the girls were walking down the street. It started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.
- Take off your cloak. “We’ll cover ourselves together,” Tanya shouted as she ran.
– I can’t, I’ll get wet! – bending his hooded head. Masha answered her.
At school the teacher said:
- How strange, Masha’s dress is dry, but yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did this happen? After all, you walked together?
“Masha had a raincoat, and I walked in one dress,” Tanya said.
- So you could cover yourself with one cloak, teacher rock, and look at Masha. She shook her head. - Apparently, your friendship is until the first rain!
Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.
– What can you say about the girls and their friendship?

Why did both girls blush deeply?

– Now listen to a poem about friendship and think, can this hero be called a true friend and why? (Student tells)

A friend reminded me yesterday
How much good he did to me.
He once gave me a pencil
I forgot my pencil case that day,
In the wall newspaper, almost every one,
He mentioned me.
I fell and got wet
It helped me dry out.
It's for a dear friend
I didn’t spare the pie either.
He once gave me a bite,
And now I presented the bill.
Doesn't appeal to me guys
No longer attracted to a friend.

Dramatization of the story “Identical”

There lived two inseparable first-grader friends. Both were small, pink-cheeked, fair-haired, they looked very much alike. Both mothers were dressed in matching dresses. Both only got straight A's.
– We are the same in everything, in everything! – the girls said proudly.
But one day Sonya, that was the name of one of the girls, ran home and boasted to her mother:
“I got an A in math, but Vera only got a C.” We are no longer the same...
The mother looked at her daughter carefully. Then she said sadly:
- Yes, you have become worse...
- I? – Sonya was surprised. – But it wasn’t me who got the C!
– Vera got a C, but she got it because she was sick the other day. And you were happy - and this is much worse.

- Why did mom condemn Sonya?
– What would you tell Sonya?

Conclusion: be able to empathize with your friend. Support him.

– Listen to another story about friendship (student says):

Gulyaev Kolka beat me:
Why did I throw a snowball?
But I didn’t cry at all,
I silently swallowed my tears.
Came home, slammed the doors,
He fell face down onto the bed.
But I believed in our friendship!
But there will be no more friendship!
And we were going to share everything,
Like real friends!
To apply for one ship:
A sailor - you, a sailor - me!
We wanted to travel around the world together
Swim far and wide.
Oh, Kolka, Kolka, what are you doing?!
I couldn’t save such a friendship!
You didn't save a good dream,
And now it’s all over!
But whose footsteps are in our hallway?
Who opened the door quietly?
Yes, this is Kolka - so timidly
He entered with his head bowed:
- Sorry! Are you angry? Get to work!
Trouble is, I'm so hot!
I go up to him to make peace
And I tell him: “Well then!”
I'm not angry. Why be angry?
I knew you would come!

– Why was the hero of the poem sure that his friend would come?

Dramatization of the story “So or not so?”

Anya moved to a new apartment in another area of ​​the city. She was sorry to part with her friends. IN new school Anya didn't know anyone. Therefore, during lessons she did not address anyone and no one addressed her. I kept looking closely at the teacher, at the school, at the class. During recess I stood in the corridor near the window alone, did not play, did not go with anyone.
One day during a big break, her classmate Galya came up to her and asked:
-Are you not friends with anyone yet?
“No,” answered Anya.
“And I’m not friends with anyone,” Galya sighed. – The girls in our class are bad: Lenka is a troublemaker, Vera is a cunning one, Nadya is a liar, and Ira is a bully. Galya went through almost all the girls - they all turned out to be bad. She just didn’t say anything to herself.
– I just don’t know who you can make friends with here?!
“Don’t worry,” Anya answered. – I don’t know yet who I’ll make friends with. But I know who I shouldn’t be friends with.
– How is Anya portrayed in the story? And Galya?
– What qualities did Galya note in her classmates?
– How did Anya guess who she shouldn’t be friends with?
– What qualities should a true friend have:
kindness, devotion, selflessness, responsiveness, honesty, reliability, tolerance. The word tolerance comes from the Latin word patience, tolerance. To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences.
- Look at each other. Are there at least two completely identical people among us? We are all different: in appearance, in interests, in character, in abilities. Sometimes it is difficult to restrain ourselves when we notice that a person does not look the way we like, thinks differently, or acts differently. But in order not to be left alone, you need to develop respect and tolerance for people. And this means to be tolerant. We need to be kinder, more attentive to each other, pay attention to what brings us together, see the merits of people, try to understand each other better.
The situation in the world is not simple right now. In many parts of our planet there are wars, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters occur. People are forced to leave their homes and leave their native places in order to escape hunger, devastation, and disease. They come to other cities in the hope that we will lend them a helping hand and share everything that we ourselves have. These people are of different nationalities, different beliefs, different faiths. They may have a different skin color.
Regardless of skin color or nationality, all people dream of being happy, of finding friends: loyal, reliable, kind, sympathetic, honest. If all people have such qualities, then wars and conflicts will disappear on Earth, because we all live on one planet Earth, we are the crew of one big ship.

The student reads the poem “World Round Dance” by S.Ya. Marshak.

Poem for children
All peoples and countries -
For Abyssinians
And the English
For Italian children
And for the Russians,
Negroes, whose homeland is
African coast,
For the Redskins
Both Americas;
For the yellow skinned ones,
Which ones to get up
When we go to bed;
For the Eskimos,
What in the cold and snow
They're climbing
In a fur bag
For the night;
For kids
From tropical countries
Where in the trees
There are countless monkeys;
For the kids -
Dressed and naked -
Those who live
In cities or villages...
All this noisy
Perky people
Let him get his act together
In one round dance.
North of the planet
Let him meet the South,
West –
With the East,
What about children -


- Let's stretch out our palms to meet new friends. Trace your palm on paper, choosing one of the colors:

  • Red palm– if the topic of our class excites you and you want to learn more about it.
  • Yellow palm– if you have not yet decided whether this topic is interesting to you.
  • Blue palm– if this topic does not interest you.

– Remember what we talked about and write down on your chosen palm the most important rule of friendship that you discovered for yourself today. Attach your palms to our world map.

Target: show the value and necessity of friendship.

Tasks: to clarify children’s ideas about what friendship is and what a real friend should be; cultivate a polite attitude towards each other; contribute to the formation of a friendly class team.


The song “Song about Friendship” is playing< Slide 1>. Presentation

In every school, in every class there are students.
In every class, in every class there are faithful friends,
Everywhere together, everywhere together they are always seen,
In an hour of fun, in an hour of idleness and labor.
Friendship! What a wonderful word.
Those who have not been friends will not understand him!
Pure friendship is ready for a feat,
Friendship ends if a friend lets you down.
Sharing joy, sharing sorrow faithful friends.
It’s just a pity that the top five cannot be divided.
Both girls and boys are friends with each other,
“It’s impossible to live without friendship,” anyone will tell you! (S. Mikhalkov)

Leading: What a wonderful word “friendship”. Say this word.

Educator: What do you think friendship is?


Leading: When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other. True friends understand you and respect your interests.

So what is friendship?<Slide 2>

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

Educator: Where does friendship begin?

Children: With a smile.<Slide 3>

Educator: That's right, guys, with a smile. There is even a song about this.

The song “Smile” is playing.

Educator: Sit comfortably, tuck your chin, hold your head high. Fill your lungs to capacity and smile as you exhale. Well done! Now look at each other, hold hands, look your neighbor in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile you can, one by one.

How did you feel when you smiled at another person? What did you feel when they smiled at you? (The guys share their impressions.) Remember these feelings. You were undoubtedly pleased, because a smile is the best antidote created by nature against troubles. Now listen and guess what we are talking about.

It's free, but it costs a lot.

It enriches those to whom it is intended, but does not impoverish those who give it.

It appears for a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.

No one is rich enough to live without it, but even the poorest person will become richer with it.

She is rest for the weary, a ray of light for those who have lost hope, joy for the sad and the best remedy from troubles, given to us by nature.

But it cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen, because it itself is worth nothing until it is given to someone else!

So what is it?

Children: Smile.

Educator: Now pay attention to the phrase “If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself!” Remember it and use it when necessary.<Slide 4>

Educator: What feeling do you get when you meet your friend?<Slide 5>

Children:(answer). Joy.

Educator: Select the qualities that you want to see in your friend (loyalty, poise, politeness, responsiveness, honesty, consideration, frankness)

Children: choose cards.

Leading: There are still those qualities that you would not want to see in your friend (indifference, idle talk, selfishness, boasting, greed, laziness, envy).

Educator: If you have a friend, take care of your friendship with him, value it. It's easy to lose a friend, much harder to find one. And if you find it, take care of it.

Know, my dear friend, the price of enmity and friendship
And do not sin with hasty judgment.
Anger at a friend can be instantaneous,
Don’t rush to pour it out just yet.
Maybe your friend was in a hurry
And I accidentally offended you,
A friend was guilty - and he apologized -
Do not remember his sin.
People, I ask you, for God's sake,
Don't be shy about your kindness.
There are not many friends on earth,
Be afraid of losing friends. (R. Gamzatov)

The song “True Friend” is playing.

Game “I’ll give you what I have”

Stand in a circle. One of the participants begins the game with words, for example: “I will give you, Maria, what I have...”. While pronouncing these words, the participant holds something in his hands, approaches Maria and gives it to her. Mary, in turn, “accepts the gift” with both hands. It doesn't matter what kind of gift it is. It is enough if the participant understands approximately what size it is, whether it is fragile or strong, light or heavy. After this, Maria must decide who she would like to give the gift to and “hands over” it with the same words: “To you, Sasha, I will give what I have.” The game ends when everyone receives at least one gift.

— What did you like more – giving or receiving gifts?


Educator: What a reliable and capacious word... Friendship! You can be friends with everyone and only one, but still the most important friendship begins in the family. After all, family is the beginning of our life, we were born here, we grow, we mature

Educator: What proverbs about friendship do you know?

Game “Finish the proverb” < Slide 6>

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have... (a hundred friends).

A man without friends is like a tree... (without roots).

Look for a friend, but you will find... (take care).

A tree lives by its roots, and a person... (by friends).

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, it won’t be folded.

A friend is known... (in misfortune).

Without a friend in life... (tight).

Educator: Guys, it’s not for nothing that I said that the main friendship begins in the family. It is in the family that mothers read you the first fairy tales, stories about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship have you already read?


Educator: Now we will have a quiz.

Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”


    Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka.)

    Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina.)

    Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet.)

    One day four musicians got together and became friends. Together they gave concerts, together they drove away robbers, they lived together and did not grieve. Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey.)

    Which girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda.)

    Carlson fell onto the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world.” He demanded medicine. The kid gave the medicine, to which Carlson said: “A friend saved a friend’s life.” What medicine did Little Carlson give? (Raspberry jam.)

    The heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and Galya decided to make friends. How did they do it? (We decided to build a House of Friendship, and while they were building it, everyone became friends.)

The song “When my friends are with me” plays.

Educator: In life, however, there are people who have no friends. Essentially, they are alone, which makes them offended by others and suffer themselves. But a lot depends on the person himself.

Educator:What do you think needs to be done to win friends and please people?


Educator: I suggest you listen to the rules of communication formulated by the famous psychologist D. Carnegie.<Slide 7>

Rules of communication:

- be sincerely interested in other people;

- smile;

- remember that a person’s name is the most wonderful and important word;

- be a good listener;

- talk about what interests your interlocutor;

- Help your interlocutor gain a sense of self-importance and do it sincerely.

Educator: By following all these rules, you will make many friends.

Game “Mittens”. < Slide 9>

To play, you need mittens cut out of paper; the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The presenter throws mittens with the same pattern, but not painted, around the room. The children scatter around the hall. They find their “pair,” go to a corner and, using three pencils of different colors, try to color the mittens exactly the same as quickly as possible.

Educator: Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.<Slide 10>

Basic laws of friendship.

    One for all and all for one.

    Be friends, do not offend your friends and everyone around you.

    Respect each other and help each other.

    Rejoice with your friends.

    Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises.

    Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. old friend better than the new two.

So let's, let's be friends
Let us remember these verses more than once.
If you always value friendship,
Then any wish will come true.

Exercise “Complete the sentence.”< Slide 12>

Participants are asked to complete the sentence, the text of which is written on the slide:

- “A true friend is the one...”

- “Friends are always...”

- “I can be friends with people who...”

- “They are friends with me because...”

What is friendship, everyone knows?
It may be funny to ask.
Well, what does it mean?
This word? So what is it?
Friendship is if your friend is sick
And he can’t come to school, -
Visit him of your own free will,
Bring school lessons.
Patiently explain tasks
Take on some of his worries,
Give him your attention -
Days, weeks, month or year...
If your friend has something, unfortunately
Did or said something bad
It must be honest, direct, without a doubt
Speak the truth to your face.
Maybe he won't be able to understand everything,
Maybe he'll suddenly be offended
You still have to tell the truth,
After all, that's what a best friend is for.
Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.
A friend will always give his last.
A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues
He who does not deceive will not betray.
Friendship never knows boundaries
There are no barriers to friendship.
Friendship on earth unites
All children - both white and colored.
Friendship is what children write
Letters to children from another country.
Friendship is peace on the entire planet
Without orphans, without the horrors of war.
Friendship is the summer wind
The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of winter.
Friendship means children.
Children mean us.

Leading: Guys, we often have to make a choice in life: with whom to be friends, with whom not to be friends; who is a true friend and who is not. To meet a loyal, sympathetic friend in life, you need to follow the path of goodness and then everything will work out for you.

The song “The Road of Good” is playing. < Slide 13>

The purpose of the class hour: to reveal the personal and social significance of friendship as the highest human feeling.

  • cultivate moral qualities, the ability to make friends and value friendship;
  • develop the ability to express your opinion and defend your position;
  • develop communication competencies.

Decor: Poster “Friendship is strength”, chamomile, hearts, rules for working in a group, flowers.


  • multimedia projector;
  • presentation for class;
  • film about class;
  • video “About Friendship”.

Class progress

Everyone present sits in a circle.

Word from the class teacher:

Good afternoon, dear class participants, today we will talk about friendship. They say that a person without friends is like a tree without roots; a friend is one soul living in two bodies. ( Aristotle) That friendship is love without wings, that selfless love is more common in life than true friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère). What does this word mean to us? What importance do we attach to friendship? Can we be friends?

You can talk about the friendship of two or several people, or you can talk about the friendship of a team, a class. Our class can be called a new team. And the success of a team largely depends on how friendly it is, how well its members can communicate, understand each other, respect themselves and their partners, and whether they can take responsibility for their contribution to common affairs. You are all different, but each of you is an individual, each of you is a whole world with your own advantages and disadvantages, with your own feelings and experiences. Each of you is unique. And if we treat each other kindly, with respect, and try to understand the other person, it will be easy and comfortable for us to live and study in our class.

Verse by E. Yevtushenko

There are no uninteresting people in the world

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Each one has everything special, its own,

What if someone lived unnoticed
and made friends with this invisibility,
he was interesting among people
its very uninterestingness.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.
There is the best moment in this world.
There is the most terrible hour in this world,
but all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies,
his first snow dies with him,
and the first kiss, and the first fight...
He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain,
cars and artists canvases,
yes, much is destined to remain,
but something still leaves.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.
Their destinies are like the history of the planets.
Each one has everything special, its own,
and there are no planets similar to it.

Cool hand. Today we will conduct training exercises. I would like to remind you of the rules for working in a group (the rule of the circle).

Rules for working in a group

  1. Listen carefully to the speaker.
  2. Do not interrupt, giving the opportunity to speak.
  3. Express your point of view. Speak for yourself.
  4. Treat others the same way you want others to treat you.
  5. Everything that happens during the training is not disclosed outside the training under any pretext.

Now let's introduce ourselves.

Let's do exercise 1 “Your name”

All participants stand in a circle, each in turn takes a step into the circle and says his name in the form that he likes. That's what they'll call him today. Then he returns to his place and everyone repeats his name. Who wants to start? (I'll start first). How did you feel doing this exercise? What are your feelings? You probably remember psychologist Dale Carnegie who argued that the most pleasant word for most people is their own name. [ 1]

Exercise 2 “Thread”

All participants stand in a circle. Presenter: you need to name the personality qualities that help you live in society and make friends, while you pass the ball of thread to each other, unwinding it. In the end, all participants will be connected to each other. (The result was a thread intertwined like a spider web).

What do you think we did? This is how all people are connected to each other - by activities, actions, desires, events.

Cool hand: Now pull each thread towards you. Move one step to the right. Why does the thread break? Why weren't you able to shift? (Everyone pulls the blanket over themselves). So in a team, you need to be able to negotiate, follow general rules, work together, understand each other.

Attention to the screen. Meet our 10A class(film about class).

Friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but also be a good friend ourselves. But not everyone knows how to be a friend. You need to grow into friendship. One who is proud and wants to play in it cannot be a friend. main role who does not know how to sincerely, disinterestedly, without envy, rejoice in the success of a friend. Do you have real friends? Can you call yourself a good friend?

To answer this question, let's perform a small test, which prepared and conducted by Ira Dreval. ( Performing the test and analyzing its results).Annex 1

Teacher: I hope that this test will help each of you understand that being a friend is difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself. Friendship is not only a great gift, but also a great work.

Exercise 3

Classroom participants, sitting in a circle, are divided into pairs and then communicate in three ways for 1 minute each. First, 1 is sitting and 2 is standing. Then 1 stands and 2 sits. Then both sit facing each other. The conversation lasts 3 minutes. [2]

Teacher: Tell me in what position it was more comfortable, convenient, easier for you to communicate. Why? (Friendship implies equality, so most people feel comfortable communicating while sitting facing each other, looking into each other's eyes.)

The verse “Friends” is read by presenter 1

There are friends for a minute,
For money, for the day and for the night,
When it's convenient for them,
They evaporate away.

There are friends in misfortune,
There are friends out of boredom,
There are those who
You can't call them friends.

There are friends out of habit,
There are friends for love,
There are friends at work -
That's why they are colleagues.

There are secret friends
There are friends for show
There are friends that are useless,
For a lifetime and just once.

There are friends through letters,
There are friends along the way,
There are friends from idleness,
But... are they friends?

There are friends by hearsay,
Which are easy to lose
And yet you need to decide
To call someone a friend.

O. Redekop

Classroom teacher: What qualities and skills will be required in order to maintain a warm relationship on an ongoing basis? Let's try to create a universal code of friendship for our class.

Collective discussion and drawing up a code of friendship. I gave a group of guys the task to work on this issue. See what they offer. (On the screen is the first option). Tell me what points need to be added in your opinion? Or remove it.

The student reads the points of the friendship code and offers their own points.

Code of Friendship. If you want to be a good and loyal friend:

  1. Be faithful in friendship.
  2. Share your successes and failures with a friend.
  3. Know how to listen.
  4. Give your friend moral support.
  5. Keep your friend's secrets.
  6. Trust your friend and be confident in him.
  7. Don't be annoying and don't lecture.
  8. Don't discuss your friend in his absence.
  9. Don't be jealous of your friend's other friends.
  10. Respect your friend's inner world and feelings.
  11. Rejoice in your friend's success.
  12. Friendship is the moral enrichment of a person.

All your suggestions will be taken into account and the guys will finalize our code of friendship.

If you want to have a good friend, try to become a better person yourself. You must be kind, fair, honest and responsive, you must strive, learn more, be able to do more, so that others would be interested in being friends with you. Then people will be drawn to you, and you will definitely find someone who will become your true, loyal friend. True friends help each other, understand and support each other, and value friendship.

Attention to the screen. Nastya presents a video about friendship.

Presenter 2: Now listen to one parable:


Poking his head out of the nest, the eaglet saw many birds flying below among the rocks.

- Mom, what kind of birds are these? - he asked.

“Our friends,” the eagle answered her son. - The eagle lives alone - such is its lot. But sometimes he also needs to be surrounded. Otherwise, what kind of king of birds is he? Everyone you see below is our true friends.

Satisfied with his mother's explanation, the eaglet continued to watch the flight of the birds with interest, considering them from now on to be his faithful friends. Suddenly he shouted:

- Ay-ay, they stole our food!

Presenter 1:

Friends are a rare wealth!
They are always ready to listen to you.
They support you and open their hearts to you.

Class teacher: Show your friends how dear they are to you. Take the hearts that are on the table and give the warmth of your heart to the one to whom your heart tells you.

The song “Friend” by O. Gazmanov is playing


  1. What did you like about the class hour?
  2. What didn't you like?
  3. What suggestions do you have?


  1. Kozlov N.I. The best psychological games and exercises. – Yekaterinburg. 1997.
  2. Tyrtyshnaya M.A. 50 ideas for the class teacher. – Rostov n/a. 2010.
  3. Comb N.F. Psychological tests. Mn.: Modern school 2007.

All people have the need to have a loved one, a friend, an adviser next to them. This is especially important for schoolchildren, because childhood their inner world is being consciously formed, and they are looking for answers to the questions “Who is a friend?”, “What does friendship mean?”, “Is it good to be without friends?” Class hour on the topic of friendship will help you find answers to these and many other questions.

Goals and objectives of a class hour about friendship

The goal is to identify the personal and social meaning of the category friendship as the highest of human feelings.

  • to cultivate a respectful attitude towards other people and a desire for mutual assistance;
  • to develop such qualities as the ability to make friends and value friendship;
  • to unite the class team and help establish more friendly relations;
  • formulate the rules of cultural communication.

Possible topics for a class hour about friendship

  • Looking for Friendship
  • Friendship in our class
  • A true friend
  • Best word about friendship
  • Laws of Friendship
  • Friendship is…

What will it take to conduct a class on friendship?

Appropriate literary and musical works will help students answer many questions about friendship. Their choice depends on the age category of the students.

IN primary school the poems of S. Marshak (“Friends and Comrades”), S. Mikhalkov (“My Friend and I”), Y. Akim (“My Relatives,” “Friend”), A. Barto (“A Friend Wanted”) best tell about friendship ). You need to discuss with the guys what kind of friendship they saw in these works, and whether they want to see the heroes as their friends.

For high school students You can offer small excerpts from major works that reflect the role of friendship in human relationships.

  • Cervantes "Don Quixote".
  • A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” (suitable for discussing friendship in grades 4 and 5).
  • J. London "Hearts of Three".
  • EM. Remarque "Three Comrades"
  • A. Saint-Exupery " A little prince"(suitable for discussing friendship in grades 2 and 3).

For memorization in high school, you can give several poems, having previously divided the children into groups (for example, E. Yevtushenko “There are no uninteresting people”, O. Redekop “Friends”).

As musical breaks or compositions for games, you can use songs such as: “Together we have more fun,” “A true friend,” “If you go on a journey with a friend,” “What do I care about snow, what do I care about heat.”

What games and activities can be used during a class hour about friendship?

The purpose of the games during this class hour should be team unity, mutual assistance and support.

  • Game "Me and my friend." The class is divided into pairs. The teacher asks questions. At the end, the students' answers are compared. The pair with the most matches wins.
  • Game "Traffic Light". To play the game you will need cards of three colors. The teacher asks questions (for example, do you think our class is friendly?). Depending on the answer, students raise a certain card (green - yes; yellow - I don’t know; red - no).
  • Game "Friendly Team". Students stand on a bench and, at the teacher’s command, rearrange themselves according to height, seniority, etc. The goal is not to drop anyone.
  • Draw up a code of friendship. Draw a friendship tree with wishes for classmates on the branches.

Class hour "Friendship"

1. Give the concept of true selfless friendship.
2. To introduce the rules of friendship, to show the importance of true friends in a person’s life, to show that a person cannot live alone, he needs true friends.
3. Teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, teach to share joys and sorrows.
4. Cultivate respect for others, polite treatment of children to each other.

1. Children’s understanding of the essence of the concept of “friendliness.”
2.Development of the ability to formulate judgments,
argue your point of view, form adequate self-esteem.
3.Formation of one’s own position regarding the importance of friendship in people’s lives.

Explanatory note

The main task of education in primary school is to unite children's group, formation of friendly relationships, the ability to make friends. After all, friendship gives a child not only people with similar interests, but also an additional opportunity to learn to respect another person and trust him. It is through friendly relationships that a child learns to communicate fully. However, friendship does not develop spontaneously, but is formed through the development of moral qualities in children, such as mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, and empathy.

Class progress

- Good afternoon. I would like to start our meeting with a fairy tale. (Music plays and a fairy tale is told.)
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love on earth. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years:
- Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me.
The wizard thought and said
- Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew has not yet dried...
In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place... She came and saw: five beautiful girls standing, one more beautiful than the other.
“Choose,” said the wizard. - one is called Joy, the other is Kindness, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Friendship.
“They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. - I don’t know who to choose...
- Your truth. – the wizard answered, “they are all good, and you will meet them again in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them.” She will be your friend for the rest of your life.
Love came closer to the girls and looked into each one’s eyes. Love thought.
Teacher: - Who would you choose? Why?
(Music sounds and continuation of the tale):
Love approached a girl named Friendship and extended his hand to her.
Teacher: - Why did Love choose Friendship? (Children's answers).
Teacher: - What a wonderful word - “friendship”! You say it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading a new book or sharing secrets about your own.
- Today we will talk about what true friendship is and what it gives to a person.
- What do you think we should learn, what new things should we learn? (Children express their guesses.)

Teacher: “Extend your hand of friendship
Look into each other's eyes
Let love always sound in your hearts
Strong friendship will unite us all"

2. Getting to know poems about friendship and talking about their content:
Who believes in friendship fervently,
Who can feel your shoulder next to you?
He will never fall
In any poor situation it will not disappear,
And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up!
Always a reliable friend in trouble
He will extend his hand.

Teacher: - Guys, what is this poem about?
Most wonderful gift after wisdom,
which nature could bestow upon us is friendship.
La Rochefoucauld

Teacher: -- Imagine a scale. On one cup is friendship, and on the other is wealth. Which bowl will win? What's more important?
- Of course, friendship will tip the scales, because money will run out sooner or later, but friendship remains forever.

What is friendship? Friendship is a relationship based on mutual affection and common interests.
In V. Dahl’s dictionary, friendship is “disinterested, lasting affection.”

Guys, today we are very familiar with the word “friend”. But how did it arise? Let's listen to a poem called “The Word “Friend”.

When no one knew a word -
Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow” -
The ancient man was used to his neighbors
Show fists and tongue
Make faces (which is the same thing),
But, in a word, there became a guttural sharp sound,
More meaningful face, smarter hands,
And the man came up with the word "friend"
I began to long for each other and yearn for separation.
He is at peace with my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends - people I love,
I will never offend you.

Teacher: - Look carefully around you. Can you say with confidence that you are surrounded by friends?
- Are you friends with anyone?
- What should a true friend be like?
- We name the qualities of a friend (I write them down): kindness, responsiveness, understanding, sympathy, respect...


Don't stand aside indifferently,
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
If it will help someone
Your kindness and your friendship,
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain
You live in the world in vain!

3.Creative task: “True friend”
Let's now try to show our best sides when resolving problem situations. (guys are divided into groups)


1. Two good friends, Sasha and Kolya, talking about their pets, begin to argue and swear, because Sasha likes dogs, and he considers them the best, and Kolya likes cats, he considers them the best animals in the world. The boys had a fight and don't talk anymore.

Teacher: - Comment on the situation. What would you do?

The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen. A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:
- Shame on you!
- What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
“That’s bad,” the woman answered angrily.

Teacher: - Why is the story called “Bad”? What is the boys' fault?

3. The class was going down the stairs at school. And suddenly one of the students, Vera, slipped, swung her briefcase and fell. When she fell, she accidentally pushed Ira, who was descending in front, and hit Kolya with her briefcase. How did the guys react to what happened? Ira screamed: “Are you pushing? What an awkward, bungling thing!” Following Ira, Petya said loudly: “Not a bungler, but a blind chicken. You have to watch your step.” Kolya waved his briefcase and tried to hit back the fallen girl. Luda laughed loudly. The rest of the children walked past as if nothing had happened. And only Oksana said: “Guys, why did you attack her? Did she push on purpose? She fell!” And Oksana went up to Vera, helped her get up, and brushed off her dress.

Teacher: - Which of the children behaved correctly and why do you think so?

Remember again - what should a true friend be like?

4.Written work: “Letter to a friend”
Ask the children to write a letter to a friend on pieces of paper without signing their names. In this letter, children should write their thoughts and dreams about friendship and what they would like to do with their friends. The teacher collects the leaves and hangs them on the stand and the children read letters about friendship throughout the week. As a result of this task, everyone can analyze how close their thoughts and hobbies are to their classmates.
Sometimes voices are heard
That there are no miracles.
There are wonders on Earth,
But they must be found, of course.
Friendship is always the most important thing.
One hundred discoveries are real for everyone.
And any trouble is no trouble,
If your friends are real.

So let's, let's be friends,
Let these verses be remembered unbeknownst to us.
If you always value friendship,
Any wish will come true.

Teacher: - We are all different, but we all live in one community.
- Can our class team be called friendly? If you think so, raise up the red cards lying in front of you, but if you think the class is not friendly, raise up the yellow cards.
- Which cards are there more?
- On what principles is true friendship built? (I agree)
If there are friends in the world -
Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
Even the strongest wind
Even the storm will not bend.

We are the rain, the snow, and the cold
Let's walk happily.
We’ll be friends no matter the weather –
This friendship cannot be broken.

And any of us will answer,
Everyone who dared will say:
We live in this world
For good, glorious deeds.

5. Creative work “Tree of Friendship”.
Teacher: - Guys, what do you think, can a friendship fall apart? For what reasons can it fall apart?
- Let's try to discover the secrets of friendship. Work in groups and create friendship rules. Write these rules on pieces of paper.
Each child comes out, reads out their rule and attaches it to the tree.
- By following these rules of friendship, I think you will never lose a friend. (The teacher gives these rules to everyone as a souvenir).
1. Don't call or humiliate your friend.
2. Help a friend in need.
3. Don't deceive your friend, be honest with him.
4. Don't betray your friend.
5. Know how to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.
6. Be considerate of your friend.
7. Know how to give in to your friend.

6. Game "Glomerulus".
And now I ask all the children to go to the middle of the class. We will play the ball game. (Children take turns chanting each other’s names with the words: “I’m glad, Seryozha, that you are next to me.” Wrap the thread from the ball around your finger and give it to a neighbor, etc. It turns out to be a circle of friendship. Raise your hands up and then down together. so as not to break the general circle)
8. Song “The world is like a colorful meadow”
9. Summing up
Teacher: - Our day about friendship is over. Our class is a small family. I would like kindness, respect, love, and mutual understanding to always reign in our family.
Let's make our lives good, let's help each other in difficult times, appreciate and take care of good and loyal friends. After all, “Friendship is more valuable than wealth.” Thanks for the lesson.

    Practical implementation. This extracurricular activity will help students treat each other with respect and acquire skills in working together. Students will be able to understand what qualities a true friend should have, what role school friends play in their lives.

  1. Analysis of the event results. This extracurricular activity corresponds to age characteristics and interests of students. The use of computer technology, group work, collective and creative work motivates students to be motivated during extracurricular activities. All types of work are aimed at uniting the team and developing the concept of “ school friendship" At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of books that tell about true friendship. I think that in this extracurricular activity managed to achieve the set goals and objectives, while avoiding overload and fatigue of students.