Description of the friendship between the little prince and the fox. “Reflections on Exupery’s fairy tale “The Little Prince.” The Fox and the Little Prince essay

Writers often touch on the topic of friendship in their works, but as for me, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry managed to show the true essence of friendship in his work in The Little Prince. The main character there is the fairy-tale character The Little Prince. He left his planet and traveled to other planets and asteroids in search of truth. He wanted to understand what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. He met many amazing characters on his way. There was a King here who only knew how to command, and a lamplighter, and a Drunkard who wanted to lull his conscience. Finally, the Little Prince gets to Earth, where he meets the Fox. The conversation with this animal became a climax. It allows you to understand what friendship is and what its essence is.

The Fox and the Little Prince essay

Antoine de Saint-Exupery in The Little Prince showed an example of true friendship by depicting friendship Little Prince and Lisa. The Fox gave the Little Prince arguments that help the boy understand and reveal to him the essence of the human heart. The fox taught the prince not only to love, but also to be friends. He revealed to the hero something that people began to forget about. They stopped seeing beauty, forgot how to care about each other and began to simply exist, forgetting to rejoice simple communication With my friend. At the same time, the Fox explains what friendship is. After all, until people tame each other, they are mere passers-by, of whom there are thousands.

So the Fox for the Prince is just one of thousands of similar animals. But once the prince tame the Fox and start taking care of him, the Fox will become special. The Prince will recognize his steps from thousands. Having tamed someone once, they become necessary and irreplaceable, becoming the only one in the whole world. For these reasons, all the prince’s thoughts are about Rose, who remained on the boy’s home planet. But there are whole gardens of such roses on earth. But these are simple flowers, which cannot be said about the beloved Rose, who remained on a distant planet. It is about her that all the Prince’s thoughts are about. And all because he tamed her, cared for her, cherished her.

How to tame? And here this secret is revealed through the example of the friendship between the Little Prince and the Fox. As the Fox said, to tame means to create a unity of souls, to strengthen the bonds of love.

The Little Prince is a work written for adults, but which we schoolchildren study with pleasure. This is a work where the Fox taught the hero loyalty, friendship, and made it clear that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Wonderful work that teaches and instructs.

Essay: friendship between the Little Prince and the Fox

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Characteristics of the characters based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” Essay on the topic: Garnet bracelet - the drama of love little man Essay on friendship

  1. (48 words) True friends always treat each other with sensitivity. The hero of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin, allowed himself a cruel joke towards his friend Lensky. He did not take into account that he could take everything to heart, and his rash act turned into a tragedy. Their relationship was not true friendship.
  2. (48 words) Unfortunately, often, under the pretext of friendship, one person uses another. Such a case occurs in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's Dvor". Matryona's friends, taking advantage of her kindness, constantly ask her to help with the housework - of course, for free. But they know very well that she already has a lot to do, but their own benefit is more important to them.
  3. (38 words) An example of sincere, tender friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova from “Poor People” by F.M. Dostoevsky. Despite poverty and life's difficulties, each of the heroes cares more about the well-being of the other than about their own, which is reflected in their touching letters.
  4. (59 words) “There is no use in those who forget old friends!” - this is what Maxim Maksimych says, one of the characters in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". He considered Pechorin a close friend and was very happy new meeting, but received only a cold handshake in response. This upset the poor old man to tears. By the way, Pechorin was punished by fate: he remained alone until the end of his life.
  5. (49 words) A somewhat unusual friendship arose between the main characters of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov. It would seem that Ostap and Ippolit Matveevich are not only partners in a common cause, but also rivals in the fight for precious loot - however, they go the whole way together, and only in the end the proximity of the goal destroys their friendly relationship.
  6. (46 words) True friendship involves equality. In W. Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, children left without adults quickly divided into leaders and subordinates, and only a few retained the ability to make friends. One of these characters is the boy Piggy, who does not abandon his friend Ralph, even when he turns from a leader into an outcast.
  7. (48 words) It is known that a friend is in trouble. The hero of Mayne Reid's novel "The Headless Horseman", Maurice Gerald, was falsely accused of a terrible crime, but could not prove anything due to his clouded consciousness. His comrade, the hunter Zebulon Stump, did everything possible to restore justice, and he succeeded: the real culprit was punished.
  8. (57 words) In A. De Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale “The Little Prince,” the words of the Fox describe what friendship should be like: “We will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world...” He also tells the Little Prince that when parting with a friend, bitterness is inevitable, but at the same time, pleasant memories will remain forever.
  9. (41 words) The idea of ​​the importance of friendship permeates J. K. Rowling's fantasy novel Harry Potter. By supporting each other in grief and joy, the heroes more easily cope with personal problems and overcome life's difficulties. But most importantly: only together they form a force capable of resisting evil.
  10. (41 words) The story of friendship between a man and a wolf is told by J. London in the book “White Fang”. The most amazing thing is that people caused White Fang a lot of harm, but the kindness of the last owner worked a miracle with the wild beast. He did not remain in debt and became a devoted defender of the whole family.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (51 words) best friendship- the one that lasts forever. But I know of a more amazing case when even death was not the reason for its end. Two of my father’s acquaintances fought together in a hot spot. One died, and the second is still (and more than twenty years have passed!) helping the elderly mother of his comrade in memory of him.
    2. (53 words) Yes good parable about friendship. It talks about an old man and a dog who walked for a long time and were very tired. Suddenly an oasis appeared on the way, but animals were not allowed to go there. The old man did not abandon his friend and walked past. Soon they reached a farm, the owner of which let them both in. A true comrade will not leave you in trouble.
    3. (33 words) In L. Hallström’s film “Hachiko”, a true friendship arises between the characters, which defeated death. The professor adopted a stray puppy who was used to greeting his savior from work. The devoted dog waited for his master even when he died.
    4. (48 words) It's no secret that the most strong friendship born during the student period. Indeed, at this time people have already formed as individuals, so connections are usually established between those who are close in spirit. It is known that Boris Yeltsin met with former classmates every year and did not change his tradition even when he became president.
    5. (43 words) They say, “A friend is a friend in need.” This is clearly visible in the Russian film adaptation of Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers. Yuri Ryashentsev wrote excellent songs praising the military brotherhood of heroes. Each of them, covering their comrade, chants: “I’ll delay them, nothing!” In this phrase, all the power of male friendship breaks through.
    6. (48 words) Many films are devoted to the theme of friendship. One of my favorites is “Yolki-1” by Timur Bekmambetov. In it, an orphan girl named Varya unwittingly lied that her dad was the president and would wish her a Happy New Year. So what's now? Fortunately, it comes to the rescue true friend Vova, and thanks to his efforts the impossible becomes possible.
    7. (54 words) Nowadays, almost every person has several dozen, or even hundreds of friends in in social networks. Is this considered friendship? I'm sure yes, if you communicate a lot with the person and it brings you joy. Moreover, I was lucky to meet some of my online acquaintances in real life, and this only strengthened our affection.
    8. (49 words) There is a common saying on the Internet: “A friend is not someone who communicates with you in free time, but the one who frees up time to chat with you.” We can agree with this: when a person sacrifices his affairs for the sake of another, it means he values ​​him; and if not, most likely it’s just a friendship that doesn’t last long.
    9. (45 words) Friendship is incompatible with selfishness - that’s a fact. Good example for me - my friend Anya. I know I can always count on her. One day I urgently needed someone to come and sit with me. younger brother while I'm away. Anya agreed without hesitation, although she lives on the other side of the city.
    10. (48 words) You can be friends not only with people. Aren't our pets our true friends? My dog ​​always waits for me from school, and if he sees that I’m upset about something, he tries to console me, for example, laying his head on my lap or calling me to play. And vice versa, when she sees that I’m busy, she won’t interfere.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Friendship is one of the brightest and most significant feelings for a person. Real friendship arises between people who treat each other reverently, carefully and patiently. Perhaps this is why in their works philosophers, writers and poets at all times have addressed and continue to address the topic of friendship, reviving it with new colors and revealing its new facets.

“The world has become a desert, and we are all trying to find comrades in it,” Saint-Exupéry, the creator of the wonderful philosophical fairy tale and parable “The Little Prince,” rightly notes. Main character The writer lives on such a tiny planet that he can see the sunset and sunrise at the same time. His only friend is a beautiful, but very capricious rose.

Tired of the whims of an arrogant flower, the Little Prince sets off on a journey in search of friends. After all, travel always means new experiences and new acquaintances. But the very first meeting with the king, who rules the world without subjects, brings disappointment to the Little Prince. Our hero does not find satisfaction in communicating with a drunkard, whose whole life passes in the eternal fog of a hangover. The Little Prince feels bad both with the man who constantly counts something, and with the lamplighter who lights the lanterns every evening. None of them can become friends because they don't know what friendship is.

Everything changes for the Little Prince when he lands on Earth. Here, on this huge, beautiful planet, there is so much light, air, greenery, beautiful and unusual flowers. Here he meets the Fox, who says: “You are responsible for those you have tamed.” And these words awaken in the soul of the Little Prince a feeling of guilt for leaving a defenseless rose alone. He begins to realize the pricelessness of the only flower that remains on his little planet. The little prince understands the meaning of the expression that “only the heart is vigilant, you cannot see much with your eyes,” and comes to the conclusion: “I should not have run, behind these pathetic tricks of the flower and its tricks I should have guessed tenderness.”

Following the Little Prince, we come to the conviction that there is no point in looking for friends on distant planets when there is at least one creature at home who needs you, who loves you and is waiting for you, and without whom you yourself become bored.

Little curly-haired Dinka from the story of the same name by V. Oseeva with great difficulty withstands a long separation from Lenka, her close friend and protector. The days seem endlessly long, and nothing pleases the cheerful and mischievous girl before. She peers into the distance and waits for the appearance of the white steamer on which Lenka sailed away. She lives the dream that someday she will again be able to swim, sunbathe, drink tea on a cliff, climb for watermelons and invent new games all day long with Lenka.

In turn, Lenka also misses Dinka in distant Kazan. Neither new “clothes”, nor new impressions and responsibilities can distract his thoughts from his little girlfriend, who remained on a distant shore and whom he lovingly calls Macaque.

A. Pristavkin talks about friendship that saves, unites, helps to survive in incredibly difficult conditions in his story “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night.”

Summer 1944. Thin children from Russian orphanages are taken south to the liberated lands of the Caucasus to be fed. However, the humane idea turns into a terrible tragedy, as a result of which both adults and children die.

The writer focuses on the fate of the Kuzmin twin brothers. Outwardly, they are like two peas in a pod, but in character and behavior they are very different. Inventive and naive, practical and generous, tenacious and simple-minded, the boys, among the orphanage children, end up in the Caucasus and find themselves in the very center of a crazy fratricidal war.

Empty villages and unharvested fields give rise to an incomprehensible internal anxiety in Kuzmenyshi. The feeling of fear grows and spreads when the brothers try to figure out who shot the teacher Regina Petrovna? Who and why blew up a truck, killing the dashing twenty-year-old driver Vera, who was driving orphanage children along the dusty road from the station to the cannery? Material from the site

Soon the Kuzmenysh will learn about the Chechens - people who, by the will of Stalin, were expelled from their native land. One cruelty provokes retaliatory cruelty, and now innocent children must run through the thickets of corn, hearing behind them the clatter of horse hooves, the noise of a chase, guttural speech, and expect death every minute. Why should Kolka experience mortal fear that turns him into a small animal? Why is Sashka hanging on the fence with his stomach ripped open, full of bunches of yellow corn, with an ear of corn sticking out in his mouth?

And after the death of his brother, fate brings Kolka to Chechen boy, just as homeless and lonely. They are both orphans, both victims of cruel circumstances; they contrast their childhood friendship with the inhuman hostility of adults. In the Kolka mountains, death is threatened, and Alkhuzur begs his fellow tribesman to spare his sworn brother; in the valley danger lurks for Alkhuzur, and now Kuzmenysh is protecting the little Chechen. Children swear that they are brothers, and adults bow to their words. No one can separate the emaciated boys who cling to each other, because it was in each other that the meaning of a difficult life was revealed to them.

Throughout his life, a person strives for happiness. Sometimes he has no idea how close it is. Happy will be the one who tries to make his neighbor happy. He will gain a sincere and devoted friend in him.

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“The Little Prince” quotes about the friendship between the Fox and the main character are collected in this article.

"The Little Prince" quotes about friendship

  • It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone had a friend.
  • Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them what you have new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.
  • My friend never explained anything to me. Maybe he thought I was just like him.
  • It's good if you once had a friend, even if you had to die.
  • - And when you are consoled (in the end, you are always consoled), you will be glad that you once knew me. You will always be my friend. You'll want to laugh with me. Sometimes you will open the window like this, and you will be pleased... And your friends will be surprised that you laugh, looking at the sky. And you tell them: “Yes, yes, I always laugh when I look at the stars!” And they'll think you're crazy. This is the cruel joke I will play on you.
  • It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

"The Little Prince" quote about Fox

  • Words only interfere with understanding each other.

“You are not at all like my rose,” he told them. - You are nothing yet. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This is how my Fox used to be. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

  • - You are still just for me a little boy, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. For you, I am just a fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world.

Quote "The Little Prince" about taming

  • You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.
  • You can only learn those things that you tame,” said the Fox. - People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.
  • “If you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will become the only one in the whole world. And for you I will become the only one in the whole world” - Said the Fox to the Little Prince...
  • When you allow yourself to be tamed, then it happens that you cry.
  • “People have forgotten this truth,” said the Fox, “but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.” You are responsible for your rose.

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