Fire group. Effective fire support is a balanced, integrated group of different weapons Special fire group

The security forces in Dagestan are so crowded that “friendly fire” is becoming more dangerous than militants. Attempt on the life of a Dagestan police officer. Large-scale and open-ended counter-terrorism operations are underway in the three Caucasian republics. A significant part of the territory of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria has actually been turned into military settlements. Local residents know: now their lives are regulated by a legal regime that justifies any action of a person with a machine gun. It is interesting that such a special operation regime has not been declared in Dagestan, which simply lives in a state of war. Not a day goes by without terrorist attacks, shootouts, or murders. The Lesnye are changing their tactics. If previously the main targets were ordinary members of the DPR, so intimidated that outside of Makhachkala they preferred to travel in unmarked cars, and fortified their stationary posts in the style of medieval fortresses, now they can breathe easier. “Lesnye” are increasingly turning to individual terror, targeting FSB officers, prosecutors, special forces, officials and imams who oppose Wahhabism. How do the security forces respond? Numerous special operations, the systematic liquidation of amirs and ordinary members of the underground, which NAC* reports on every day, have little effect on the activity of the “forest”. Which is surprising, given the number of law enforcement agencies and their staffing levels. Only in the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs today there are about 17 thousand people, and, despite the police reform, no one is going to reduce it “due to the difficult operational situation.” Moreover, Dagestan is increasingly immersed in internal departmental confusion, where virtually no one is responsible for anything. In addition to the forces of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are usual for any Caucasian republic, with its riot police, SOGs, special forces** and other special forces, units of internal troops of the Ministry of Defense and forces The local FSB, which conducts anti-terrorism activities, has two more special units operating in Dagestan. The FSB Special Purpose Center (TSSN) and the so-called “Detachment-800.” The TsSN is the most closed unit on the territory of the republic and has its own superbly equipped base near Makhachkala. Its units are the elite, the bulk of which consists of former Alpha and Vympel fighters. The usual number is about 200 people, they are sent to Dagestan for two to three months (recently it has begun to include local personnel, but there are not many of them) and are specially trained specifically to fight the armed underground. Today, the striking force of the main special operations is made up of the TsSN fighters, always wearing masks, in armored Urals or Hummers. Subordinate directly to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, all actions and movements of the center’s fighters are kept in the strictest confidence. This free spirit, naturally, aroused the envy of local security forces. And about a year ago, the authorities of Dagestan made an attempt to create a local subdivision of similar status. At first, it was planned to legitimize a kind of personal guard of the President of Dagestan called “Detachment-800” (based on the number of fighters). Moscow rejected this idea out of hand. And then the detachment, nevertheless created from local police officers, was called the “mobile detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” Although the original name remains in common use... The activities of Detachment-800 did not bring the desired result. During the 10 months of its existence, it was never fully staffed, and it reports to the commander-in-chief of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Rogozhkin, but the status of the unit is not fully clarified, and its functions are vague. But the maintenance costs are transparent: the annual payroll fund for contract soldiers is about 300 million rubles plus an apartment for each soldier. For Dagestan, the main question is not even the number of departments, but the delimitation of their functions and competence. Obvious leapfrog often leads to disastrous results. As evidenced by the recent special operation in the Kizlyar region, which the entire republic is still talking about. At dawn on June 21, a group of militants was discovered in the vicinity of the village of Kuznetsovki. The forest area was cordoned off and a local CTO regime was introduced. According to the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs, the core of the “Kizlyar jamaat” was in the forest - 10-14 people. However, it did not report that there were also 6 militants who had temporarily moved from the Vedeno region of Chechnya, where a special operation was being carried out those days. Over 2 thousand security forces took part in the operation. In addition to the SOG employees of the surrounding regional departments: Nogaisky, Babayurtovsky, Tarumovsky and Kizlyarsky, units of internal troops, including from Khankala, units of “Detachment-800”, and soldiers of the TsSN FSB of Russia were brought to the CTO site. The site of the special operation was surrounded by several cordon rings. For two days in a row, the forest area was hammered by aircraft and artillery. At night, the entire perimeter was covered with thermal imagers - devices that respond to the heat of the human body. The Jamaat was surrounded on all sides. Three days later, the operation ended in complete failure. Having lost two people killed, the militants left the encirclement. The security forces have at least 5 dead special forces soldiers and 16 wounded, many of whom were taken to hospitals in serious condition. It is impossible to clarify information about losses in more detail; None of the law enforcement agencies wants to comment on it. It is only known that the two killed special forces soldiers were members of the FSB TsSN. Their bodies were immediately sent by special plane to the “Mainland”; the funeral of two “Alfa members” took place in Moscow. Three more TsSN soldiers were seriously wounded. For a super-professional unit, these are very significant losses. There is information that some of the dead special forces came under “friendly” fire. It is unknown who will bear responsibility for the death of the soldiers and the wasted millions spent on this special operation. All my sources in the law enforcement agencies unanimously affirm that “such a result is natural.” There are too many divisions and little coordination in the republic; each department works autonomously. The FSB Directorate does not trust the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the NAC does not even trust the local FSB Directorate, the Ministry of Defense with numerous units of contract soldiers pursues its own policy. Unnecessary competition gives rise to intrigue. It often happens that they shoot at each other. In the village of Krasny Voskhod, riot police and the Kizlyar SOG (special fire group) fired at each other for half an hour before they figured out what was what. There are dozens of similar cases. Rashid Nurgaliev is aware of this problem. At the last operational meeting in Makhachkala, he stated that “every special operation must have a clearly structured implementation system, each must be unique. So that this doesn’t happen to us, they caught up with everyone, but there is no system.” By the way, it was precisely because of the shameful Kizlyar operation that the minister urgently arrived in Dagestan. However, after complaining about the problems, the minister suddenly announced the creation of another separate military group. It will consist of 7 thousand people. This group, according to Rashid Gumarovich, will include 5,497 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, 150 employees of the riot police and special forces, 878 servicemen of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, including 500 people from special forces units. The group will be subordinate to the NAC operational headquarters in Dagestan. The republican departments are very skeptical about this statement. “Such a decision will further confuse an already complex situation. We are put in conditions where we first have to deal with each other, and only then with the militants.” *National Anti-Terrorism Committee. **OMSN - special police unit, SOG - special fire group.

In modern Russia, almost every law enforcement agency has its own "Special Forces"- a group of specially selected and trained employees involved in solving issues that require the use of special forces and means. These are the guys who take on, for example, tasks that involve risking their lives. In their competence, say, the capture or physical liquidation of terrorists and the release of hostages. Job "specialists" is inextricably linked with war in its various manifestations, but the specifics of the actions of such groups are still very different from the army and do not always fit into the framework of police everyday life.

As in any other profession, special forces soldiers have their own criteria for skill and quality work done. As befits special forces, the criteria are special. At special competitions, which I also had a special chance to attend (unfortunately, I was present at the training ground only on the first of two days), specially trained people demonstrated their skills in front of special judges and colleagues in the “craft”. The event had the status of an open competition in special fire training and was dedicated to the memory of law enforcement officers and military personnel who died in the line of duty. At the training ground where special forces officers gathered to compete, the rules were in force: accepted into IPSC .

* * * * *

Safe shooting

The competition began with a general formation, greetings, a short briefing, raising the flag, presenting awards to those who distinguished themselves for past achievements and, oddly enough, with instructions from the chief judge of the competition, directly related to safety issues. Regardless of departmental affiliation, combat experience, merits and ranks, the rules were the same for everyone: uncontrolled waving of a weapon, moving around the training ground with a loaded weapon not pointed towards the target and other “minor mistakes” were immediately punishable by a fine or could result in the disqualification of the entire team .

Looking ahead a little: one of the teams was still disqualified. The reason was, in general, a slight sloppiness - a fighter who was performing an exercise that involved shooting from a pistol and a machine gun accidentally dropped his pistol. And he, to everyone’s surprise, was not secured with a safety cord and fell to the ground. To be fair, I note that all participants in the competition had a pistol equipped with a neat and functional twisted trench with a carbine. Therefore, the decision of the chief judge of the competition was unequivocal: the offender had no mitigating circumstances, a simple fine would not be enough. A military weapon, although not loaded, if dropped from the holster, poses a potential danger to others. Which is unacceptable. And he delivered a harsh verdict.

The chief judge of the competition, Kirill Kazakov (in January of this year, by order of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Moscow, he was awarded the qualification title “Judge of the first category”) spoke in detail about the safety requirements adopted by the FPSR. I started with myself as a judge. It turns out that the IPSC and the Russian Association of Practical Shooting Judges have a special code for judges. It begins with the words: “As an IPSC Judge, my first priority will be to conduct competitions with the safety of shooters and spectators in mind. All my thoughts and actions are directed towards this.” That's it, neither subtract nor add.

As for shooters, the Code of Practical Shooting lists four basic rules that should guide everyone who picks up a weapon. Here they are:

I will always treat the weapon as if it were loaded.

I will never point a gun where I don't want to shoot.

Before I shoot, I always check what is in front of and behind the target.

I will never put my finger on the trigger until the barrel is pointed at the target.

These and other reasonable FPSR rules They also operated at the training ground. For example, all fighters outside the exercise areas carried their pistols in a holster, unloaded and without magazines. All training with snatching weapons and further “drying” was carried out only in a special safe zone. In addition, the judges monitored the following possible violations (you can read more about them on the website of the All-Russian Sports Public Organization “ Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia»):

The shooter's pistol is in a holster with an inserted magazine - loaded or not (a direct violation of safety rules);

The shooter took the pistol out of the holster without a command during the match (a direct violation of safety rules);

The shooter dropped the pistol during the exercise or in the intermediate time (careless handling of the weapon);

During the exercise, an accidental shot occurred and the bullet hit the ground at a distance closer than 3 meters from the shooter (accidental shot);

During the exercise, the shooter pointed the barrel at an angle of more than 90 degrees relative to the line of direction towards the targets (Down range) (dangerous movement of the pistol);

The shooter kept his finger on the trigger while reloading the magazine or moving from one position to another (dangerous handling of the weapon)

During or after the exercise, the shooter allowed himself to speak rudely out loud or argue with the judge (unsportsmanlike conduct).

Looking ahead once again, I would like to inform you that no significant violations of the rules were identified during the competition, all shooters respected safety requirements properly, and the organizers were able to provide them with a comfortable and safe environment.

Tactical "kirzachs" and strategic footcloths

After the formation, the teams went to the ammunition distribution points, where they loaded themselves up with cartridges for pistols and machine guns. A whole series of exercises did not in any way limit the shooters in the amount of ammunition for personal weapons. You could shoot a lot, but you had to carry the ammunition on yourself, and every extra second spent shooting was reflected in the final team result. In a number of cases, group commanders had to rack their brains and choose the most important component in each exercise - accuracy or speed. The best performers, of course, were the teams that skillfully combined both of these parameters, multiplying them with tactical skill and the experience of the commander.

It was interesting to observe the weapons and equipment of the soldiers. There was nothing particularly extravagant in the equipment; small arms were also not impressive in their variety: AKs of varying degrees of customization of several series, Yarygin and Stechkin pistols. Machine guns with additional handles, tactical belts, and unusual muzzle brakes and flame arresters. Under-barrel flashlights were presented, among others, by Chinese models: Fenix ​​tactical flashlights with a remote button were described by the owners as “worth the money.” If we add to the Chinese flashlights Canadian collimator sights, Israeli fire control handles and unknown telescope butts and flash suppressors, we get exactly the same personal weapon modified for a specific shooter. Some machine guns were entirely or partially camouflaged. On some of them we were able to notice laser lasers and PBS. There were also non-standard magazines for AKs: with transparent indicator inserts and American rubber “ grips» Magpul, making it easier to remove the magazine from “unloading”. Some exercises directly prohibited dumping empty magazines on the ground, which is why, among other equipment, the competition participants carried a special container for empty magazines.

The variety of shoes was very, very striking. Basically, the fighters’ feet were tightly laced into so-called tactical boots, which were a successful cross between the well-known “high boots” and sneakers: high, dense, high-quality sewn from high-quality materials, with durable soles and deftly sitting on the foot. Strictly speaking, the English term tactical , which we use rather for marketing purposes, does not have an exact correspondence in the Russian language. So all kinds of tactical shoes, clothing, knives and even bottle openers (there are also such - Ace Rail Hook Sling Mount/Tactical Bottle Opener ) in relation to the situation can be called the adjectives “assault, combat, field, army.” Whoever likes it. The price tag for such foreign-made “tactical” or “assault” products, of course, is not humane, but modern wind-, water-proof, breathable materials that provide an extra bit of comfort are worth a lot. There were, of course, adherents of extremes who preferred exclusively sneakers or, conversely, budget high-top military boots. The assortment included knee pads, elbow pads, shooting glasses with lenses of different colors, headphones and gloves.

The appearance of the special forces fighters identified them as special forces fighters. During the process of gathering groups, while pulling up and adjusting equipment, a cute joke was heard every now and then about the inadmissibility of looking in the mirror. They say it’s not a good sign to see yourself in the mirror: you can get scared yourself, scare spectators, colleagues, judges, and even disrupt competitions. Before going out to the starting points, a second wave of jokes swept through the groups. They kindly laughed at the most intimidatingly stylish-looking fighters, they say, it’s already possible to sign up as an airsoft player, they should accept it without much quibbling!

Clear. Check it out. Report.

But jokes are jokes, and the upcoming exercises for the fighters, during which they had to show their skills, were quite difficult. And very different. For example, a group of special forces had to clear and inspect a one-story residential building. Enter on command, with pistols in hands and machine guns ready to fire. According to the rules of the competition, each shooter had to be loaded with a lot of equipment and ammunition: body armor of at least 4th protection class, a protective helmet, an assault backpack, an unloading system, four loaded magazines for a pistol and a machine gun, goggles and gloves. The shooters were not familiarized with the location of the rooms, furniture and targets in advance. The only thing they were aware of was that there was a hostage in the house. He is also an informant for the group. Accidentally killing a hostage is unacceptable and is equivalent to failure of the exercise by the entire group. In addition to the targets located in the rooms, there were others outside the building. They had to be hit with a machine gun. One of these goals was a model of a car quickly moving away along guide rails.

Another exercise, also carried out by the entire group, was planned as an ambush on the path of the convoy. According to information from the informant, at the appointed time two cars and a minibus with terrorists will proceed along the highway. In one of the cars, presumably blue, there is a briefcase with documents. They should have been captured. And the minibus and the second car must be destroyed with well-aimed machine gun fire. The exercise began in the same way: the group went to a position, examined the area for several tens of seconds, and the commander gave instructions to his soldiers. Then the grenade launcher fired a mass-dimensional simulator of a rocket-propelled grenade at the red “six”, and the entire group began aimed shooting at the remaining vehicles and targets appearing around them.

After shelling all visible targets, the group was divided in half and the two fighters making up the inspection group ran towards the blue car and minibus. But it was not so easy to grab the desired briefcase: the competition organizers provided for some element of surprise here too. The tablet was located outside the car, and when the inspection team found it in the field, additional targets suddenly appeared, imitating terrorists surviving under fire and fleeing towards the forest. For defeating such targets, you could earn a lot of bonus points. It should be noted that many of the grenade launchers hit the target, making convincing holes in the sides and doors of the target vehicle.

"Granny" under fire

Mini-ranges, where they practiced exclusively with pistols, were placed in a separate area. The shooting positions, embanked on three sides, were completely filled with targets and all kinds of limiters. In one place, whether you like it or not, you will have to shoot only with your left hand, in another you need to pull the cable with one hand, only then the target will rise, in the third the shooting platform is suspended on short chains and swings, and in the fourth the only place suitable for shooting is blocked unhittable targets - " grandmothers" Cardboard terrorists with pistols in their hands are covered from all sides by such untouchable “grandmothers” hostages. This is where the vigilance of the eye, the reaction of the brain, the steadiness of the hand and the reliability of military weapons were required at the same time.

Since we are talking about pistols, I would like to remember the Yarygin pistol, which was adopted in 2003 by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under the name “ 9 mm Yarygin pistol"(PYa). These pistols have been supplied to special units of non-military law enforcement agencies for several years now. Reviews about the pistol at competitions were different; apparently, there was a lot of subjective stuff in them, but the practice of using the PJ during exercises showed that delays when shooting from the PJ often occur. The fighter performing the exercise could not eliminate one of these delays on his own. The pistol jammed tightly and I had to resort to the help of a gunsmith instructor. According to the rules of the competition, any shooter had two minutes to eliminate a sudden delay. Yes, in competitions such minutes will result in just penalty points, but what can happen during this time in the real situation of a fleeting battle?

Having looked at such a short-barreled fiasco, I turned to the instructors and the fighters themselves for clarification. To sum up what we heard: the pistol, in general, is good, powerful and accurate, but the quality of its manufacture and the miracles that occur when shooting with domestic cartridges (a lot of unprintable things were said here) make us think about returning to obsolete and obsolete models: PM, PMM and APS. The latter, although it was produced until the end of the 50s of the last century, received well-deserved recognition from modern shooters. Of course, all shooting at competitions was carried out with domestic live ammunition, the only exception being exercises where a disposable grenade launcher was used - where the target was hit with inert ammunition that did not contain explosives.

In my untrained eye, the competition was organized skillfully and interestingly. The military personnel did a great job ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the training ground at all stages of the competition. Due to the specifics of the event, I couldn’t shoot everything, but, of course, there are no complaints here. The specificity of the service and work of the event participants is such that names and recognizable faces cannot be included in the report. As for skills and mastery, I think the special forces did not disappoint, and in some places even surprised. And special personal thanks to the judging and instructional team for numerous explanations and science.

Before the formation, those gathered actively communicated with each other, it was clear that this was not the first time they had met

Before the formation, those gathered actively communicated with each other, it was clear that this was not the first time they had met

Judicial instruction for commanders of special forces groups

Judicial instruction for commanders of special forces groups

Kirill Kazakov, chief judge of the competition

Kirill Kazakov, chief judge of the competition

Judging team

Judging team

Competitors with their own small arms

Competitors with their own small arms

The weapons of some special forces were camouflaged partially or over the entire area

The weapons of some special forces were camouflaged partially or over the entire area

Formation before the start of the competition

Formation before the start of the competition

Competition support group

Competition support group

Before the flag is raised

Before the flag is raised

Raising the flag and a skillful cameraman

Raising the flag and a skillful cameraman

There was no shortage of ammunition

There was no shortage of ammunition

Obtaining ammunition and equipping stores

Obtaining ammunition and equipping stores

At the training ground

At the training ground

One of the exercises involved group shooting at targets from small arms and hitting a building with an inert grenade from an under-barrel grenade launcher

One of the exercises involved group shooting at targets from small arms and hitting a building with an inert grenade from an under-barrel grenade launcher

The bloody battle that took place a few days ago on the border of Chechnya and Dagestan showed that despite constant losses, the bandit underground in the North Caucasus is still quite strong. Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, (the soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of this republic suffered the greatest losses) stated that members of illegal armed groups (IAF) came to the territory of his republic from Dagestan. It's not hard to believe, because... Comparing terrorist activity in two neighboring regions of Russia, one can notice that in Chechnya battles and terrorist attacks are, rather, an exception. While in Dagestan it is almost the daily norm of life.

To understand the reason for this and what is happening now in the troubled republic, we turned to Ruslan Gereev, an expert at the Center for Islamic Studies of the North Caucasus, who lives and works in Makhachkala:

“Currently in Dagestan, the search for possible remnants of illegal armed groups and combing of the forest in the battle area continues. The same thing is happening on the Chechen side. As a result of the clash, 25 police officers were wounded, 17 police officers were killed, and 7 militants were killed.

“SP”: — What causes this inequality of losses?

- Because these 7 people were in such serious fortifications that it was extremely difficult to get to them. Initially, their reconnaissance group of 3-4 people was discovered, and then during the pursuit they ran into this fortification. It had to be literally leveled to the ground with the help of artillery and aviation. But it must be said that this clash did not happen just like that: federal forces are now intensifying their work, because with the onset of spring, when the forests are covered with leaves, the gang underground always becomes more active. Therefore, now the republican and federal forces are doing everything to minimize the upcoming terrorist activity.

In general, the security forces have clearly drawn a conclusion from past clashes. It used to be like this: there is a battle in the mountains - they recruit security forces from nearby cities, and by the time they got there, there was nothing to do there. And now the intelligence services have decided to rebuild the mechanism of their work in order to become closer to the epicenter of events. Now they are relying on SOGs - special fire groups. On February 21, the President of the Republic of Dagestan and the Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia, who is also the head of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, Vladimir Kulyashov, visited the location of these groups in the village of Belidzhi, Derbent region. They were specially placed in the south of the republic because they expect that hostilities will spread to Southern Dagestan. Wherever the fighting takes place, the militants go to the south, because there are no other directions: in the east there is the Caspian Sea, in the north there is Chechnya, in the west there is Georgia, and there are very serious border troops there. All that remains is the border with Azerbaijan.

"SP": - But the conclusions drawn are clearly not enough.

— Yes, and we see that the federal center is running out of patience. Recently, about 2,000 regular Russian army soldiers were transferred to Dagestan from Khankala. This suggests that a “Russian boot” will pass through the republic. This has been predicted for a long time, because Moscow is already tired of the chaos that is going on here. Imagine: having the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Troops, the regular army, special fire groups, special forces, etc., the municipal authorities cannot restore order even in one district of Dagestan. Who will believe this? That's funny. Therefore, sooner or later we expected something like this to happen. We believe that this is just the beginning, because against the backdrop of a complete lack of justice and prospects, radical sentiments are only growing, and the presence of the federal center in the republic is becoming more noticeable every day.

So many efforts have been made that have not yielded any results. Now they will do the same, but only exclusively by the federal center.

"SP": - Is this good?

“In the long term for the development of the republic, this is probably good, but at this stage, from the point of view of the possible number of victims, it is bad, because soldiers or even officers will not particularly understand who is right and who is wrong. They follow orders and leave. There are no specialists. There is also no proper information coverage. Those services that should be involved in this do not work efficiently, again due to the lack of professionals, clannishness and corruption.

Sooner or later, Moscow had to take the republic seriously, because how much longer could this continue? We have been marking time in the same place for 20 years - no progress. Previously, bets were placed on religious organizations, but this mechanism did not justify itself and did not produce the desired result. Worse, in some respects he even worsened the situation - a split formed on religious grounds. But there are also splits along other lines - along social and even ethnic lines.

"SP": - What should be done?

— Correct youth policy needs to be made a basic element in any government. In Ingushetia and Chechnya, the emphasis was placed on precisely this: a competent youth policy decides everything, because the main rebellious element that calls for rebellion, resistance, and underground are always young people, and there are few adults there. But this experience is passing us by. The youth crisis unfolding in Dagestan can be felt at least by the fact that more young people have begun to travel to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia than to Moscow. These centers have stable development dynamics and complex relations with Russia, and, naturally, many return from there with far from warm feelings towards our country.

We are unable to overcome extremism because the radical sentiments of young people are not abating. But this does not happen because social problems are poorly resolved. Social inequality is becoming stronger and there is appalling corruption. And then, to top it all off, young people stopped being drafted into the army. This was the “last bastion” of their adaptation, their involvement in the general life of the state. Many could remain in the service on a contract basis, start a family, work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc., but now without soldier experience they do not have such an opportunity. And all these problems act simultaneously, reinforcing each other.

We are now being told about the development of the tourism sector in the republic. But the majority of the population does not want this, because with tourism the service industry will also develop. People are afraid that as a result Dagestan will turn into one brothel. Tourism, as a mechanism for attracting capital, is, of course, needed, but who will invest here if we live in a semi-war state?

“SP”: — That is, the “owner” will change in Dagestan?

“I don’t even rule out that.” Apparently, the federal authorities have run out of trust in the locals. The required effect was not achieved. If you compare it with Chechnya, the difference is simply colossal. Moscow gave the authorities of our republic many chances to solve problems. These chances have been supported over the years by an appropriate financial base and power resources. But all this was either used in the wrong direction, or the work was not organized professionally enough. There is only one result, and Moscow is clearly not happy with it. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB today there are more and more non-local security officials, and employees from central Russia. Including in high positions.

In addition, the Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi very soon. The federal center cannot take risks in the hope that by that time the Dagestan authorities will be able to cope with the situation. Moscow cannot allow the Olympics to be overshadowed by terrorist acts or local military actions, because will greatly undermine Russia's authority at the international level. And people in Dagestan are already very tired of all this. They want quiet work, a quiet life, and they rely less and less on power.

Fire team

element of the combat order of a formation, military unit; can be created when repelling an armed attack and invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation by military (sabotage and reconnaissance) groups and gangs, suppressing armed provocations, with the aim of destroying and suppressing enemy manpower, firepower and command posts; In addition to artillery units, it may include infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and other fire weapons. Fire engagement is carried out to suppress and destroy the invading enemy, support the entry of reserves into battle, cover the gaps and flanks of friendly units, and prevent the enemy from maneuvering. O.g. can be created to repel an invasion of large masses of the civilian population in the event of the possibility of it escalating into an armed provocation. In this case, O.g. deployed to firing positions in readiness to suppress the enemy.

Border Dictionary. - M.: Academy of the Federal PS of the Russian Federation. 2002 .

See what a “Fire Group” is in other dictionaries:

    Group (combat)

    atys toby- (Fire group) artillery bolimshelerinen nemese zhekelegen zenbirekter men stanoktik machinemetterden turatyn zhayau asker (atkyshtar) boliminin urystyk retinin element. A.t.soқky beretіn tοmеsе қызімға латин мѓатин мѯзіт үшін зән үкіл… … Kazakh explanatory terminological dictionary on military affairs

    Link (tactical unit)- This term has other meanings, see Link (meanings). Attack by a flight of “Il 2 attacks”, Soviet pilots ... Wikipedia

    SOG- Sevastopol Society of Geographers​ organization SOG investigative task force Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: LLC Publishing House AST, CJSC Publishing House... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    Combat unit- This term has other meanings, see “Link (meanings)”. The combat unit, present in some armies, is the smallest tactical unit in terms of size and importance, consisting of 3-4 people. In this case, the department consists of two three... ... Wikipedia

    US Marine Corps- United States Marine Corps (USMC) Emblem of the US Marine Corps Years of existence 1775 present ... Wikipedia

    Pilyugin, Dmitry Viktorovich- Pilyugin Dmitry Viktorovich Date of birth September 26, 1976 (1976 09 26) Place of birth, Arkhangelskoye village, Yasnogorsk district, Tula region ... Wikipedia

element of the combat order of a formation, military unit; can be created when repelling an armed attack and invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation by military (sabotage and reconnaissance) groups and gangs, suppressing armed provocations, with the aim of destroying and suppressing enemy manpower, firepower and command posts; In addition to artillery units, it may include infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and other fire weapons. Fire engagement is carried out to suppress and destroy the invading enemy, support the entry of reserves into battle, cover the gaps and flanks of friendly units, and prevent the enemy from maneuvering. O.g. can be created to repel an invasion of large masses of the civilian population in the event of the possibility of it escalating into an armed provocation. In this case, O.g. deployed to firing positions in readiness to suppress the enemy.

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  • - a massive strike by missile forces, artillery, and aviation against the main enemy group preparing for an offensive, with the goal of disrupting or weakening its attack. K- should begin suddenly for the enemy and pre-empt...

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  • - training of personnel in the use of standard weapons to hit targets in combat; subject of combat training...

    Glossary of military terms

  • - 1) a place occupied or prepared for occupation by machine guns, guns, mortars and other fire weapons, as well as artillery and tank units for firing. There are basic, temporary and...

    Glossary of military terms

  • - mutual fire support of neighboring units or fire weapons in battle. O. s. can be carried out along the front and in depth between individual fire weapons, subunits, units and artillery...

    Glossary of military terms

  • - the conventional name of a fire weapon located at a firing position in a strong point or in the interval between them, in a shelter or openly, using the protective properties of the terrain...

    Glossary of military terms

  • - a position in which the guns are hidden from enemy ground observation while firing...

    Border Dictionary

  • - a place occupied or prepared for occupation by fire weapons for firing. batteries include: places for guns, the distance between guns can be from 10 to 50 m depending on location conditions...

    Border Dictionary

  • - a limited-size area of ​​the sea that provides free combat maneuvering for a submarine or surface ship when firing missiles, as well as a group of ships when conducting...

    Marine dictionary

  • - the inside of the locomotive firebox, the ceiling and walls of the structure, are washed with water on one side, and on the other, with flames or hot gases of the fuel burned in the firebox...

    Technical railway dictionary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - a section of terrain occupied or prepared for occupation by one or more machine guns, guns, mortars, tanks, rocket artillery combat vehicles, etc. for firing. OP are divided into...
  • - a conventional term that refers to any fire weapon located in an open or closed firing position...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Fireteam" in the books

Fire training

From the book Call Sign – “Cobra” (Notes of a Special Purpose Scout) author Abdulaev Erkebek

Fire training To train special forces, you need to have a wide variety of weapons and not need ammunition. Of course, no one was going to give me any ammunition. Therefore, after inspecting the warehouses, I told the Afghans that from now on all trophies would go through

Fire training

From the book The War in Iraq through the eyes of a Ukrainian peacekeeper. Without censorship or embellishment by Phantom695

Fire training I was a grenade launcher. I would like to immediately say a big thank you to my instructors Art. Lieutenants Dyagterev and Podgorny, who taught our courses. They taught us everything they knew, and now I can say I’m quite good at RPG-7. But you can overcome the fig system.

Fire service

From the book The Past is With Us (Book One) author Petrov Vasily Stepanovich

Fire Service No ambiguity is allowed at firing positions. Everything is clear and precise. The gun crews are either in a position “in place”, at the guns, or “in shelter”, at rest. The gun commanders raised signal flags. The crews are ready to fire.


From the book “Falcons, washed in blood.” Why did the Soviet Air Force fight worse than the Luftwaffe? author Smirnov Andrey Anatolievich

Firepower At the beginning of the war, almost all Soviet fighters were inferior to German ones in terms of firepower. Firstly, most of them did not have air cannons. 26% of the I-16 combat air units (type 5 vehicles) available by June 1, 1941 had only two 7.62-mm ShKAS machine guns, all I-15 bis had each

Fire support

From the book Landings of 1941 author Yunovidov Anatoly Sergeevich

Fire support At dawn, the destroyers, the gunboat "Red Georgia" and sea hunters left to provide fire support for the landing force began firing at the requests from the shore. Until one o'clock in the afternoon, the ships worked without interference according to reports from correction posts. Destroyer "Besposhchadny"


From the book Brazilian guerrilla [A short textbook of an urban guerrilla] author Marigella Carlos

FIRETEAM To be effective, urban guerrillas must be organized into small groups. A group of no more than four or five people is called a fire team. A minimum of two fire teams, separate from other fire teams,

Firing position


Firing point

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OG) by the author TSB

54. A group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group. A crime resulting in death and other grave consequences through negligence

From the book Criminal Law (General and Special Parts): Cheat Sheet author author unknown

54. A group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group. A crime resulting in death and other grave consequences through negligence Group of persons - a group in which the joint actions of two or more co-perpetrators without prior consent

Firepower of the BMP-1

From the author's book

Firepower of the BMP-1 During the period of its creation and adoption, the firepower of the BMP-1 significantly exceeded all available armored vehicles in the world in its class. Initially, according to the TTT, the vehicle was supposed to effectively fight tanks and other

Firepower of the BMP-2

From the author's book

Firepower of the BMP-2 BMP-2 reaching land after overcoming a water obstacle (photo by Sergei Suvorov). BMP-2 from the 201st motorized rifle division at regimental tactical exercises with live firing of one of the motorized rifle regiments, Tajikistan, January 2004 (photo by Sergei

From the book T-34 in battle author Baryatinsky Mikhail

Firepower Early T-34-85 tanks were equipped with an 85-mm D-5T (or D-5-T85) cannon with a barrel length of 51.6 calibers. Gun weight 1,530 kg. The maximum rollback length is 320 mm. The gun had a wedge breech, similar in design to the breech of the F-34 cannon, and a semi-automatic copy type.