Official return to work after the New Year holidays. When to go to work after the New Year holidays. What holidays will there be in January

In article No. 112. This is the norm for January holidays in 2019, the duration and validity of legal days off. Holidays at the transition of the coming year gave the country's workers a long January rest: January 1-6, January 8, plus January 7 - the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. When to go to work in January 2019 is already known in advance both from the Government Decree and from the production calendar.

First working day in January 2019 after the holidays

Thus, according to the law, 8 January holidays are approved - from the 1st to the 8th. The first working day in January 2019 is 09.01. So we go to work in January 2019 with a five-day work week, and with other schedules. The 9th falls on Wednesday, so the first working week will be short, only 3 days, followed by the usual Saturday and Sunday.

The weekend will begin in the last days of this December. The 31st day in 2018 falls on a Monday, so by Government decision this day is moved to Saturday, the 29th. Holiday holidays begin on December 30 and last until January 8.

yandex_ad_1 Therefore, the question of when to go to work in January has been resolved. The Government Decision provides for another transition of the weekend - January 5-6, which falls on Saturday and Sunday, has been moved to May 2-3 in order to extend the May holidays. This is also pleasant for working citizens, because it will give them the opportunity to work hard in their dachas and gardens.

Such transfers have already become traditional in the country. Citizens are waiting for them, calculating their time of rest or work at their dachas. Many families spend the New Year holidays traveling, but they need to plan their vacation taking into account when we go to work and return home in a timely manner after the holidays.


If at state enterprises production is continuous and requires the work of all employees, payment on such days is double, which is stipulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. No. 153. Double pay on weekends, in addition, is prescribed by the collective agreement and local regulations.

yandex_ad_2 It is possible to transfer a day off, when an employee needs to work at his place, to other days, at the employee’s choice. This issue is agreed upon individually between the employee and management, and is fixed by the Order for the enterprise. Then payment for the work is made as usual. This is also enshrined in Article No. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Production calendar

Work and rest standards are reflected in the production calendar, which the Ministry of Labor draws up in advance, even in the current year. It is now known what the production calendar will be for the coming January, and it is known in advance what date to go to work after the New Year.

The January production calendar indicates the number of working days and the duration of the New Year holidays. It specifies working time standards for different working weeks - 40-, 36- and 24-hour.

The production calendar helps accountants and personnel department employees. It normalizes the number of working days, days off, and working hours in a month. This data helps to correctly calculate salaries, pay sick leave, calculate vacations, and work schedules.

New Year holidays last until the 8th inclusive. Of the holiday days, the 7th is an independent holiday - Christmas. It turns out that I have to go to work on the 9th. The weekend sequence consists of:

  • vacation part (1-6 and 8);
  • Christmas (7).

Dates that fall on standard weekends are postponed. The transfer from 04.01 and 05.01 will be carried out to 04.05 (Monday) and 05.05 (Tuesday). As a result, the New Year holidays will last 8 days.

Work plan for January

A short working month is extended by part-time work. For example, if you are offered to work on weekends, you will have to rest less. But you will be able to earn more.

Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to pay a “double tariff”. A collective or employment agreement may sometimes provide for even more favorable working conditions on holidays. Some workers choose time off instead of increased pay.

Features of the work mode of individual specialists

For workers in different fields of activity, the answer to the question of what date we go to work in January 2020 is different.

For employees of medical institutions, the answer to this question is: in accordance with the duty schedule, which is approved by management and communicated to the staff. For ordinary citizens, this means that it is possible to receive medical care in the period from 1 to 8. There is no uniform standard for the scope of medical services. In Moscow, clinics will be open from 9 am to 6 pm, and it is possible to call a doctor at home, including January 1. In other cities, 1 is a day off in clinics, but it is possible to call a doctor at home.

The ambulance is operating as normal, although in fact it is intensified. Any holiday is a period of increased injury. Some suffer due to excess drinking, others - due to the fault of the first category of citizens.

An emergency situation awaits police and rescue workers. Office workers rest until the 8th inclusive, but patrols are intensifying. This is due to the large number of public events. More than a thousand people are deployed to ensure fire safety in Moscow alone.

Road patrol squads are being tightened everywhere. Their crews will concentrate in places where public events are held. Their other “mission” these days is to help people on trails outside of cities. Of course, given such tasks, employees of the law enforcement system will not rest during the New Year holidays.

Shift workers in any industry work according to previously approved schedules. The New Year holidays will only affect their salary: double pay when going out on a holiday.

From what January to work in 2020 for employees in the service sector?

Workers in the service sector deserve special attention. Their work is aimed at meeting the needs of customers who need washing, haircuts, repairs, delivery, consultations and much more, not only on weekdays, but also on vacation. Work there is usually shift work, which means there will be no long weekends. For example, grocery stores are recommended to close on December 31 no earlier than 20.00, and in early January to open at the time set by the store management. All New Year's holidays they work as usual.

The operating hours of shopping and entertainment centers are worked out annually by the city administration in coordination with the management of the centers. They all start working from the middle of the day on January 2 or on the morning of January 3, and on the remaining days they work as usual.

The exception is municipal and state institutions, where employees will leave on January 9. Rosreestr, departments of guardianship, privatization and land relations, passport office and other similar structures will resume reception after the end of the holidays.

January is a difficult and difficult month in every sense - you had to go back to work or study after long holidays, get into a working mood, start getting your body in shape after cakes and salads, do post-New Year's cleaning, throw out the Christmas tree... As usual, you gave yourself a lot of promises - to go on a diet, learn a new language, sign up for oriental dancing... We will tell you how to force yourself to start a new life.

First and most importantly, don’t be lazy and put things in order after the New Year’s celebration. Wash the dishes, take out the trash, and then start getting rid of the “garbage in your head.” Realize that everything that happened in the past is an experience that happened, but there is no need to dwell on it. Set yourself and your thoughts up to the fact that the coming year will definitely be better than the previous one.

February is coming very soon, the last month of winter and the second month of the new year. It's time to part with the past, let go of everything that pulls you back and tune in to the positive, prepare for spring and start enjoying the present!

1. Write a letter to your past

Yes exactly. write on a piece of paper everything that you would like to part with - thoughts, memories, habits, grievances, a person who hurt you, an unloved job... Write, re-read, and then crumple up this piece of paper and burn it. This way you visualize getting rid of the past.

2. Draw your new future

In contrast to what you got rid of, you need to create your dreams. Visualize your desires - let it be a piece of paper on which you write or draw/paste cuttings from the journal of your desires. Everything - from the Cartier ring to a nice neighbor (instead of that grumpy one who lives next to you). Start implementing it right now - take up yoga (or strip plastic), start looking for a new job, and the Universe will help you with the rest.

3. Imagine your happy life more often

Don't dwell on what didn't work out today. Keep the image of your ideal life before your eyes and boldly go towards it!

4. Develop habits

Psychologists say that a new habit is developed on average in 21 days. You have no problem washing your face at night and brushing your teeth, right? Develop a new habit. which will help you achieve your goals - go to the gym, go to interviews, don’t sit at home on weekends, get a dog.

5. Train your willpower

Getting rid of the old and getting used to the new is very difficult. A couple of failures can completely discourage you from going further, but what if you create a training schedule in which you need to mark something every day or tell your loved ones about your goals? In this situation, you do not want to be known as a person who is not responsible for his words, and therefore you will strive to prove that you are capable of realizing your intentions.

Finally, with all these important things to do, don’t forget about the holidays - Valentine’s Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day. You have enough time to choose an original gift and present it with taste to your soulmate.

Well, that's it, the ten-day New Year holidays are over, whether you like it or not, you need to get to work!

But how can you force yourself to perform your duties with the same diligence from the first day of work as before? Very hard. The whole New Year passed under the motto: if you eat, you can sleep, if you sleep, you can eat. Coming out of a ten-day hibernation is now oh so difficult! And getting on the scale after days of overeating is generally scary. Some managed to escape the captivity of the salads and go on a visit, but most of the townspeople remained within their city, received guests, or were themselves visiting friends and relatives.

To be honest, after the third day of eating Olivier and herring under a fur coat, the understanding came: “Is it necessary, so many days of idleness?” If we talk about this topic from an economic point of view, then employers benefit from a multi-day vacation - saving on wages.

No employee - no salary for these days. Payback for a long vacation will come in February, along with your January salary (isn’t that a reason to lose those extra pounds you’ve accumulated?).

Then you will have to tighten your belts. For those who accepted these changes and established New Year holidays for their holidays in warm countries, a long weekend is at hand. It's summer in the southern hemisphere and you can bask in Thailand or Bali. True, ordinary Novoshakhty residents cannot afford this type of vacation, so we are content and enjoy our native spaces.

On the eve of the long New Year's weekend, Soviet times are always remembered: December 31 was a working day, and people went to work on the second of January. I remember how, in my second year at the university, on December 31, I took a test in ancient Russian literature, and on January 2, the winter session schedule included an exam on the history of the CPSU. And everyone worked in such a tight, intense mode. New Year's Eve was a short respite until the next three-day May holidays.

And nothing, no one suffered or cried about the lack of rest. Maybe you had time to gain strength in the summer? After all, the working class had a real opportunity to relax on a trade union trip to a sanatorium or to the sea. The salary allowed. And the working day was strictly rationed; no one was forced to stay after the shift in order to complete the plan. People had time to rest. What's happening now? We have been waiting for the New Year holidays almost since the summer. And by the end of the year, fatigue accumulates to such an extent that the first decade of January becomes a potion from the annual bustle.

On January 9, everyone came out - no, rather, they crawled out to work. Judging by the videos sent via instant messengers, the whole country reluctantly began to fulfill its professional duties. Either they didn’t have time to rest, or they were too relaxed! There is only one good thing: the work week is short, the weekend is in three days, and you can again forget about everyday work for a couple of days. What's happening to us? Or have we been spoiled by triple-four weekends, or has the rhythm of life become so tough that by the end of the year our body is screaming sos? Or maybe it’s just age taking its toll?

What does this long rest give us? The first and probably most important thing is communication with family and friends, which we sorely lack. Agree that when we come home from work and barely have dinner, we switch off. Where can you have a heart-to-heart talk with your children, help them with their homework, or chat with your spouse? The New Year holidays give us the opportunity to catch up, visit relatives and friends, and be ourselves. Exhale before a new long distance.

As the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog approaches, more and more people are beginning to wonder what the updated calendar will look like for the coming 365 days. What date will you have to go to work for the first time in 2018, and which January dates will you still be able to spend with friends and family?

The first working day in January 2018 will only occur on the 9th, and this provision will be relevant both for those who work on a 5-day schedule and for those whose schedule includes a 6-day service. However, there is still a difference in the duration of winter rest. Thus, the first category of Russians will enjoy a 10-day vacation, which will begin on December 30, 2017 (Saturday) and end only on January 8 (Monday) inclusive.

Employees who work 6 days a week will have to leave work worries a day later, i.e. December 31 (Sunday). This means that their vacation will be one day shorter, however, despite this, both groups of citizens will be able to fully experience the joy of two official weekends (January 6 and 7, Saturday and Sunday, respectively), the week of New Year's celebrations, as well as Orthodox and state holidays. The Christmas festival, which will fall on the same January 7th. This procedure was approved by Part 1 of Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250 “On the transfer of holidays in 2018.”

In total, the first month of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will consist of 17 working days and 14 weekends and holidays, 10 of which will coincide with special events. This arrangement is an excellent opportunity to make the vacation even longer for those who have the right to take a vacation. Considering that such a combination of circumstances does not happen often, taking the chance to delay the first working day in January 2018 will be the most optimal and winning option.

Important! An exception to the above rules is a number of organizations and enterprises whose scope of activity does not provide for long-term absence of employees on site. This applies to shops, organizations providing services to the public, etc. However, for working on a holiday, a person has the right to demand a double rate in accordance with Art. 153 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, a citizen who goes to work on a 2/2, 2/3 schedule and others similar to them will have to be ready to start his shift as usual. But if management calls a Russian in an emergency (for example, to conclude a particularly profitable deal, etc.), the latter will need to ensure that his work on an official day of rest is documented and documented. So, according to Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an order must be issued to attract an employee to duty. In this case, he can hope to receive a salary for working overtime and taking a day off on any day convenient for him in the future.

Important! On December 29, Russians also have the right to count on a reduction in work time by 1 hour, as stated in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2009 N 588n.

More information about postponing holidays

In Part 1 of Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that if a weekend and a non-working holiday coincide, the first of them is transferred to the working day following the holiday, but it is also mentioned there that this provision does not apply to the week from January 1 to January 8. Will legitimate hours to replenish one's strength be lost as a result?

The authorities also provided for this point by developing a transfer system. So, the January weekend will be filled:

  • Saturday 6th – Friday 9th March;
  • Sunday 7th – Wednesday 2nd May.

As a result of this reshuffle, citizens will have the opportunity to relax twice in the spring for 4 days in a row - from March 8 to 11 in connection with International Women's Day on Thursday and from April 29 to May 2 in connection with Spring and Labor Day celebrated annually on April 1.

Established service standards

In total, in January, employees throughout Russia will need to work a total of the following, clearly regulated, number of hours:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 136 hours (17 days multiplied by 8 hours);
  • with a 36-hour week - 122.4 hours (17 days multiplied by 7.2 hours);
  • with a 24-hour week - 81.6 hours (17 days multiplied by 4.8 hours).