What can you talk to a woman about? The best, interesting topics for conversation with a girl on the phone, on VKontakte, on the Internet: a list of questions. How to start, initiate and maintain a conversation with a girl you don’t know and with the one you like? Main topics for discussion

Meeting or talking to a girl is a serious challenge for shy guys. In their case, we are not talking about the usual slight jitters, but about a real tsunami of fear and excitement. Sean Cooper, a man who got rid of shyness on his own, is sure that all these troubles can be overcome. Below are some of his recommendations to help combat shyness and make conversation more relaxed.

3 reasons why you are afraid of girls

1. Feelings of inferiority

Just the sight of someone attractive makes you nervous, and the thought of approaching her makes you terrified. Why? Because you consider yourself unworthy of this beauty. Think of women whose appearance is far from your ideal. Surely their company causes less discomfort.

The point is that men make too far-reaching conclusions based only on a woman’s external data. But imagine: what if she’s stupid? Or does she completely lack a sense of humor? Or do you just have nothing in common? You don’t know this person yet, but you are already sure of her magnificence (and your inadequacy to it).

As a result, feelings of inferiority deprive you of confidence and prevent you from expressing your individuality.

Advice: Remember that appearance speaks more about genes than personality. So don’t rush to deify a stranger and add yourself to the list of unworthy ones. It’s better to find out in practice what kind of person she is.

2. Obsession and unrealistic fantasies

Shy guys tend to choose one girl as the object of their dreams. You can connect with a beautiful person with just a couple of short conversations or smiles: for a shy person this is enough to imagine a future together in every detail. What happens in the end? The guy pushes himself so hard that when it comes to taking decisive action, he gets lost under the weight of high expectations.

You thought about her for so long and turned her into such a perfect being that you were paralyzed with fear.

Sean Cooper

Another scenario: you finally dare to ask her out on a date, but after three minutes of conversation you realize that she is not the beautiful lady in your head. And based on a three-minute conversation, you decide to retreat without really getting to know the girl.

Advice: say “stop” to empty fantasies and direct your energy to communication. Well, remember that there are many cute and interesting girls. Obviously, you shouldn't focus on one that you're barely familiar with.

3. Procrastination

Guys who suffer from shyness or have little relationship experience may wait a long time to talk, touch, or have a first kiss. But the longer they wait and the more they think about it, the stronger the fear becomes.

Advice: act impulsively. All thoughts that appear after the first impulse are aimed at dissuading you from doing something. After all, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

How to talk to a girl

1. Structure the conversation correctly

Cooper mentions the chain message method. You've probably already used this technique, but perhaps not entirely correctly.

Its essence is as follows... Any, even the most insignificant information becomes the starting point. Then a clarifying question is asked. Based on the answer to this question, the following replica is constructed. And further down the line.

Example of a failed conversation:

A: Hello! Where are you from?

IN: From Chelyabinsk.

A: Oh, and what are you doing there?

IN: Working.

A: Where, if not a secret?

IN: At the factory.

A: And by whom?

IN: Milling machine operator, *&%+#!

Mistake A is that he approached the conversation too formally. As a result, it came down to a banal listing of facts, which made milling machine operator V. go berserk.

Advice: rely on emotions, not boring data.

Exercise “Conversation Map”

Take a blank sheet of paper. In the middle, write a word that can serve as a conversation starter or that you often hear from girls. Now draw the rays that extend from it. They will be the directions of the conversation. Formulate them as statements or as questions. The main thing is that they relate to emotions and values. The more directions you come up with, the better.


  • Starting word: psychologist.
  • Branch-emotion: How do you feel when you enter into such close relationships with different people?
  • Branch-value: you must be a very caring person if you chose this profession.

Sudden pauses in conversation, Cooper says, are normal. What is not normal is that you feel awkward and uncomfortable about them. It is these feelings that you need to fight.

The first thing to do is to realize that you are not a toastmaster, but an accomplice in the conversation. There is no need to blame yourself for not being able to react instantly and figure out how to continue the conversation. This will only increase the stupor.

The second rule is to remain relaxed. If you're nervous about silence, it automatically becomes awkward.

The third rule (and tip) is to naturally continue the conversation. This is where situational comments can help. The essence of the method is to pay attention to what is happening in the outside world, and not try to frantically find a topic in your head (which becomes completely empty due to stress).

When you are relaxed and not focused on internal search, the dialogue ceases to be forced.

3. Learn to talk about nothing

Another problem many shy people have is that they believe that every conversation needs to be meaningful. At the same time, conversations are constantly happening around, the content of which many instantly forget.

These are annoying or confusing, and their participants may seem simply narrow-minded. However, these people have no difficulty initiating contact and get their dose of social interaction. And this is worth learning from them.

Where to begin? Stop thinking and allow yourself to be spontaneous. Be in the present moment without worrying about what you said 10 seconds ago or what you need to say in another 10 seconds.

Trust your brain, and don't try to squeeze all the juice out of it. In fact, this is a powerful device with a decent amount of information. You just need to let him do his job.

4. But just in case, have a list of topics.

Prepared topics are like a cheat sheet: you don’t have to use it, but you feel more confident with it. The range of topics that you can talk about with a girl does not need to be kept in mind all the time. It is enough to outline it and leave it on the periphery of consciousness: if something goes wrong, you can always use it.

Sean Cooper suggests nine areas from which to draw conversation ideas:

  1. Hobby.
  2. Work, study.
  3. Trips.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. Food, cooking.
  6. Past experience.
  7. Observations of the present (situational comments).
  8. Future plans.
  9. Human relationships.

As a practice, you can come up with five example topics for each of these areas.

Another option is to talk about what you really know a lot about, and try to interest your interlocutor in this. You will feel more confident in your field and be able to open up.

Another alternative is to let the girl talk about what she understands, but at the same time remain genuinely passionate about the topic. Genuine interest is always felt. And it attracts.

Of course, you shouldn’t follow all the advice at once. Try one technique, then another, check in practice in which situations they work better, or choose the one you like best.

Scientists from Harvard University are seriously concerned about the problems of men who do not know what to talk about with a girl on a date. They allegedly developed an algorithm for the love compatibility of two people. According to them, you should answer only 4 questions together:

  1. Do you like horror films?
  2. Have you ever traveled alone?
  3. Would you like to give up everything and live on a ship?
  4. What would you add to the pizza?

We are sure that when a woman hears such questions from you on the first date, she will be intrigued. And on top of everything else, this is a great option if you don’t know what to talk about with a girl!

But if you still don’t risk trying the recommendations of American scientists on yourself, then we are ready to offer you a list of interesting topics for conversation at the first meeting (and not only).

What to talk about with a girl? Let's start with universal themes

At the very beginning of dating, it can be very difficult to talk to a girl. The man is immediately overcome by doubts: “What does a woman like? What topic can be raised in conversation?”

There are 8 win-win options for starting a conversation:

Favorite movies / books / music bands etc.- Dale Carnegie also claimed that every person’s favorite topic of conversation is himself. So feel free to choose any of the directions, use your imagination, ask questions and share information about your tastes.

Trips- a truly inexhaustible topic. Even if you have never ventured further than your city, don’t be afraid to dream out loud about where you would like to go.

What to talk about with a girl? Ask about interesting places she has visited. Imagine together about unexplored routes - in general, let your soul unfold!

Animals. It's great if you have pets and your preferences match. But even if suddenly not, then you can always tell a funny story from childhood about your hamster or beloved dog.

Human qualities. The topics of conversation with a girl about relationships or character traits are inexhaustible. Find out what kind of men she is attracted to, what qualities she values ​​in people, and what is unacceptable to her in a relationship.

Memories. You can talk about childhood, pleasant moments in life, travel again. Share only pleasant and interesting stories, ask a woman about her unusual adventures.

Holidays. You can talk about what holiday is her favorite, how you prefer to celebrate the New Year or birthdays.

Future plans and dreams. You don’t have to share your deepest secrets, but you can outline how you see your life in a couple of years.

Hobby- truly a huge resource on what to talk about with a girl. Asking about a woman's hobbies and telling her about yours is the least you can do. Share your impressions, teach each other the intricacies of your favorite activities, or simply show her your passion in practice. This is a great reason to ask a girl out on another date.

Next: what to talk about with a girl on the phone and by correspondence

So, we have chosen several directions for building a conversation with a woman. If you haven’t asked her out yet and are just chatting on the Internet, then it’s time to call her and ask her to meet. But how to overcome embarrassment, what to talk about with a girl on the phone before asking her out on a date? Surprise her with unusual questions. They will not leave the girl a chance to remain silent in response and will certainly interest her.

Here is a small list of such topics:

  1. How do you imagine your life in 5, 10 years?
  2. What would you spend your money on if you won a lot of money in the lottery?
  3. Tell us about the funniest incident in your life.
  4. When did you first fall in love?
  5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  6. What traits are most important to you in a man?
  7. What is the most valuable thing for you in a relationship?

You can talk about these topics in person, you can correspond. They are universal and non-trivial. If the girl keeps up the conversation, don’t hesitate - invite her on a date and continue talking on interesting topics. By the way, these same questions will help you develop the conversation or take the conversation in a completely different direction if communication is not going well?

Aron's experiment and 36 questions for great love

About 20 years ago, Arthur Aron, an employee of the New York Psychology Center, conducted an experiment: he asked a man and a woman who had not met each other to answer 36 questions.

After that, they had to look into each other's eyes silently for 4 minutes. According to the scientist, after just six months the couple announced their desire to get married.

In 2015, New York Times columnist Mandy Lee Catron decided to test the “36 Questions for Love” thesis on herself and her friend. She wrote about the results of the experiment in the publication and noted that the theory really has the right to life.

Well, even if you don’t manage to repeat the success of Arthur Aron and the New York columnist, then 36 questions for great love will be a great idea for a fun date and will help you get to know each other better.

We have selected the most original questions from this list:

  • Describe your ideal day?
  • When was the last time you sang? Alone or for someone?
  • Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose anyone on the planet?
  • Why do you value your friends?
  • Would you like to become famous? In what field?
  • What are you most grateful for in life?
  • Tell the story of your life in 4 minutes.
  • What would you like to know about the future?
  • What is your greatest achievement?
  • Share your best memory.
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • And love? What place does she occupy in life?
  • Worst memory?
  • What do you think shouldn't be joked about?

You should not take all questions as a direct guide to action. Some of them are too personal to ask on the first date, but still there are many interesting topics on the list that will help not only get closer to the girl, but also have a fun time.

What should you not talk about on a date?

Well, and finally, a few taboo topics. What you shouldn’t talk to a girl about (especially at the very beginning of a relationship):

Religion. Is it really important for you to start an argument about religious views? If not, then it is better to try to avoid this topic so as not to create tension in the conversation when one of you will have to prove your point of view.

Past relationships. You haven't yet developed enough of a bond of trust to share negative memories of your exes.

Policy- the same “slippery” topic as religion. First, you may not see eye to eye. And secondly, the latest political vicissitudes are not the most fun theme for a romantic evening.

And the most main advice- never be afraid to seem ridiculous, uninteresting and boring. Relax and let the conversation flow. And with our list of interesting topics, you will always know what to talk about with a girl.

Meeting or talking to a girl is a serious challenge for shy guys. In their case, we are not talking about the usual slight jitters, but about a real tsunami of fear and excitement. Sean Cooper, a man who got rid of shyness on his own, is sure that all these troubles can be overcome. Below are some of his recommendations to help combat shyness and make conversation more relaxed.

3 reasons why you are afraid of girls

1. Feelings of inferiority

Just the sight of someone attractive makes you nervous, and the thought of approaching her makes you terrified. Why? Because you consider yourself unworthy of this beauty. Think of women whose appearance is far from your ideal. Surely their company causes less discomfort.

The point is that men make too far-reaching conclusions based only on a woman’s external data. But imagine: what if she’s stupid? Or does she completely lack a sense of humor? Or do you just have nothing in common? You don’t know this person yet, but you are already sure of her magnificence (and your inadequacy to it).

As a result, feelings of inferiority deprive you of confidence and prevent you from expressing your individuality.

Advice: Remember that appearance speaks more about genes than personality. So don’t rush to deify a stranger and add yourself to the list of unworthy ones. It’s better to find out in practice what kind of person she is.

2. Obsession and unrealistic fantasies

Shy guys tend to choose one girl as the object of their dreams. You can connect with a beautiful person with just a couple of short conversations or smiles: for a shy person this is enough to imagine a future together in every detail. What happens in the end? The guy pushes himself so hard that when it comes to taking decisive action, he gets lost under the weight of high expectations.

You thought about her for so long and turned her into such a perfect being that you were paralyzed with fear.

Sean Cooper

Another scenario: you finally dare to ask her out on a date, but after three minutes of conversation you realize that she is not the beautiful lady in your head. And based on a three-minute conversation, you decide to retreat without really getting to know the girl.

Advice: say “stop” to empty fantasies and direct your energy to communication. Well, remember that there are many cute and interesting girls in the world. Obviously, you shouldn't focus on one that you're barely familiar with.

3. Procrastination

Guys who suffer from shyness or have little relationship experience may wait a long time to talk, touch, or have a first kiss. But the longer they wait and the more they think about it, the stronger the fear becomes.

Advice: act impulsively. All thoughts that appear after the first impulse are aimed at dissuading you from doing something. After all, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

How to talk to a girl

1. Structure the conversation correctly

Cooper mentions the chain message method. You've probably already used this technique, but perhaps not entirely correctly.

Its essence is as follows... Any, even the most insignificant information becomes the starting point. Then a clarifying question is asked. Based on the answer to this question, the following replica is constructed. And further down the line.

Example of a failed conversation:

A: Hello! Where are you from?

IN: From Chelyabinsk.

A: Oh, and what are you doing there?

IN: Working.

A: Where, if not a secret?

IN: At the factory.

A: And by whom?

IN: Milling machine operator, *&%+#!

Mistake A is that he approached the conversation too formally. As a result, it came down to a banal listing of facts, which made milling machine operator V. go berserk.

Advice: rely on emotions, not boring data.

Exercise “Conversation Map”

Take a blank sheet of paper. In the middle, write a word that can serve as a conversation starter or that you often hear from girls. Now draw the rays that extend from it. They will be the directions of the conversation. Formulate them as statements or as questions. The main thing is that they relate to emotions and values. The more directions you come up with, the better.


  • Starting word: psychologist.
  • Branch-emotion: How do you feel when you enter into such close relationships with different people?
  • Branch-value: you must be a very caring person if you chose this profession.

Sudden pauses in conversation, Cooper says, are normal. What is not normal is that you feel awkward and uncomfortable about them. It is these feelings that you need to fight.

The first thing to do is to realize that you are not a toastmaster, but an accomplice in the conversation. There is no need to blame yourself for not being able to react instantly and figure out how to continue the conversation. This will only increase the stupor.

The second rule is to remain relaxed. If you're nervous about silence, it automatically becomes awkward.

The third rule (and tip) is to naturally continue the conversation. This is where situational comments can help. The essence of the method is to pay attention to what is happening in the outside world, and not try to frantically find a topic in your head (which becomes completely empty due to stress).

When you are relaxed and not focused on internal search, the dialogue ceases to be forced.

3. Learn to talk about nothing

Another problem many shy people have is that they believe that every conversation needs to be meaningful. At the same time, conversations are constantly happening around, the content of which many instantly forget.

These are annoying or confusing, and their participants may seem simply narrow-minded. However, these people have no difficulty initiating contact and get their dose of social interaction. And this is worth learning from them.

Where to begin? Stop thinking and allow yourself to be spontaneous. Be in the present moment without worrying about what you said 10 seconds ago or what you need to say in another 10 seconds.

Trust your brain, and don't try to squeeze all the juice out of it. In fact, this is a powerful device with a decent amount of information. You just need to let him do his job.

4. But just in case, have a list of topics.

Prepared topics are like a cheat sheet: you don’t have to use it, but you feel more confident with it. The range of topics that you can talk about with a girl does not need to be kept in mind all the time. It is enough to outline it and leave it on the periphery of consciousness: if something goes wrong, you can always use it.

Sean Cooper suggests nine areas from which to draw conversation ideas:

  1. Hobby.
  2. Work, study.
  3. Trips.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. Food, cooking.
  6. Past experience.
  7. Observations of the present (situational comments).
  8. Future plans.
  9. Human relationships.

As a practice, you can come up with five example topics for each of these areas.

Another option is to talk about what you really know a lot about, and try to interest your interlocutor in this. You will feel more confident in your field and be able to open up.

Another alternative is to let the girl talk about what she understands, but at the same time remain genuinely passionate about the topic. Genuine interest is always felt. And it attracts.

Of course, you shouldn’t follow all the advice at once. Try one technique, then another, check in practice in which situations they work better, or choose the one you like best.

What to talk about with a girl

Dating and Pickup

What to talk about with a girl

One day you woke up and realized that there were so many beautiful, charming and lonely girls walking around you. Being a purposeful, passionate and generous person, you realized that you should not do anything stupid and leave these lovely creatures without your attention.

The only problem is that at the first stage of dating there are often problems in understanding with a girl, which prevent you from winning her heart. And to put it simply and more accessible: these long pauses of silence that confuse even the most determined guy. Therefore, today we will tell you how to behave with a girl and what to talk to her about. No magic or empty promises, only proven methods.

A small disclaimer. If you are the guy who has a red BMW and a successful business, then the only thing you need to do is relax and wait for the girls to come running and fight over you. And then your hands will be free to choose the most worthy of them. Do you think that only “corrupt” girls are attracted to money? Unfortunately, everything is underway, but the form may be different.

What do girls expect from a conversation with a guy?

Before you build complex schemes for talking to a girl and memorize a few pretentious phrases, answer a simple question: “Have you ever seen a girl who is silent and does not interrupt?” You may be talking about several silent and shy girls you know, but are you sure that they behave just as quietly when alone with their boyfriends?

We know for sure that not a single girl likes to remain silent and listen unquestioningly to anyone, including her boyfriend. Therefore, you need to understand a simple and accessible principle: A girl does not want to have a conversation with a guy, she wants the guy to listen to her and support her point of view. For this reason, if a girl walks in a row with you and is silent, it means that you are not giving her the opportunity to say anything, and this is very bad!

Concentration. When telling something, a girl wants to be sure that her words will be heard. For this reason, you need to make the maximum amount of effort to still concentrate on her words, and not on her appearance. This way you can maintain a conversation with and speak phrases in accordance with the topic.

No rednecks! Cool movies show moments when a guy insults a girl, and she perceives it as coolness and throws herself at his feet. IN real life This, of course, also happens, but it’s such a small thing! In fact, girls are much more pleasant to communicate with a guy who treats them kindly and positively. Naturally, you need to add a little playful flirting, but you shouldn’t confuse “playful touching” with direct insults.

Emotional support. In the lives of each of us there have been a sufficient number of stupid and sometimes terrible moments, remembering which we want to grab our heads. Once you start communicating with a girl, she will soon start mentioning her failures. Absolutely all girls do this, and if we talk about Russia, then here it is expressed as clearly as possible.

You will need to accept this fact with equanimity, and then express your support. That such cases happen to people, that she did a great job - she dealt with this problem, give a few examples from her life. Basically, show her that her failure is normal for you.

What phrases to start a conversation with a girl with?

When it comes to meeting girls, many guys make the same big mistake: they overthink their words and phrases. What this comes down to is that various grand openings and speeches appear. Girls, seeing all this writing, simply understand that the guy is not very good!

We all communicate with you in simple words, so in simple words you need to communicate with the girl. There is no need to invent any “crowns” and “tricks”. In the long term, this leads to failure.

If you like a girl, there is nothing easier than to quickly familiarize yourself with the information that is available on her and ask a question regarding her interests. Or say everything in simple words.

For example:

Hi, I noticed that you have a lot of photos of your bike. Can you tell me where you made them? I don't recognize these places. A phrase that focuses on the girl’s interests, if you know any additional information.

- Hello, could you tell me, I need your advice. It is necessary to say “advice”, since this word is perceived positively, in contrast to the expression “I need help.”

- Hi, how are you? The most banal phrase, but it really works. The peculiarity is that the girl will first evaluate you and if she considers you worthy, she will respond.

Important points when talking to a girl

There is no getting to know each other stage. You don't have to make a big deal out of your first communication. Treat your girl like she's yours good friend, which you haven't seen for a long time. This will help you avoid many mistakes, and will also allow you to be more relaxed. There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed about your questions and statements, if you want to say something: say it.

Flirting and sex. After you start to feel more or less free with a girl, you will need to include an element such as sex. This means that you should insert flirtation and sexuality into your communication - compliments on your figure, hints about continuing the meeting and sometimes direct desire.

Any girl wants to feel desired and sexy - this is a normal desire. Therefore, if you are planning to start any kind of relationship with her, you must show her that you are serious about it and acknowledge her sexuality.

No topics are taboo. If a girl wants to discuss some strange topic with you, then you should keep the conversation going. You may not be too interested in this, but it will bring her closer to you. Therefore, any topic is appropriate for discussion.

So what now?

Not all of us are given the charisma to lead people and captivate them with our speeches. However, talking to a girl is not such a big challenge. Just let her talk, guide the conversation in the right direction and see for yourself how simple it is!

Movie- a universal theme. We start with the question: “Have you been to the cinema *?” We find out what he likes to watch, whether he goes to night shows, talk about new releases and invite you to a movie - it’s in the bag!

Hobbies. For example, you roller skate or collect stamps. In the first case, after a short conversation, you can invite him for a ride. If he doesn’t know how, promise to teach him. In the second - tell romantic story associated with your favorite brand and invite you to view the collection. During the conversation, do not forget to ask what the girl is interested in and give her time to talk about it.

Literature. Does the girl like to read? If yes, go ahead. What have you been reading lately? Which writer is your favorite? Tell us what you are reading yourself. Maybe you know which book will soon be filmed? Have you already read a new book from a series she likes? Promise to let me read it.

Museums, memorial places. There are tons of them in any city. You need to pick up a guidebook and remember information at least about those where you visit most often. Then at any moment you can strike your intellect in something like this: “Do you know that Pushkin (James Bond, Carlson) lived in this house?” We are interested in the lady’s favorite places, tell her a romantic story about her favorite park and invite her to take a walk.

Bad habits. It’s better to talk about “cute” shortcomings: the habit of constantly being late, losing pens, or vice versa - unbeknownst to yourself, collecting them from everyone you know. The main thing is to have fun.

Money. Talking about how much daily travel and food, CDs, books cost is a good opportunity to start a conversation. True, you shouldn’t drag it out; he’ll think that you’re a miser. After a couple of opinions, move on to another topic. For example, to food.

Food. From family dinners with grandma’s pies to favorite dishes, exotic seafood, good cafes, barbecue trips, etc. An invitation to your favorite cafe or out of town on the weekend will be completely logical in this case.

Travel, walks. You can talk about your recent trip. Ask where the girl likes to go, travel, about her favorite weather for walking, where she would like to visit. What do you like best – forests, mountains or diving into the unknown depths of the sea for treasures?

Cars, transport. Ask if the girl drives a car. If not, is there a desire? What cars do you like? What other transport would you like to drive? spaceship or an armored personnel carrier? Share your thoughts about your dream car.

Work and study. Tell us a couple of funny situations from your work or educational practice. Ask about relationships in the team: are there common holidays, ask about the bosses and teachers. There will definitely be something in common in these stories, something to laugh at.

Rest. What do you do on the weekend? Regardless of the answer to the question, we don’t criticize anything, even if the girl doesn’t get off the couch all day, eating kilos of cakes. Maybe she has a terribly stressful job, and this is compensation for stress. Your task is to keep the conversation going.

Sport. Start carefully with your favorite sports. If you hear that a girl is doing ballet or dancing, do not rush to laugh “at the top of your lungs.” Try at home in front of a mirror, standing on tiptoes, raising your legs, sitting down, jumping and at the same time beautifully waving your arms for a couple of hours in a row. Your torment will have nothing in common with ballet, but you will feel the degree of stress. Famous athletes GYM's, types of swimming, sports tourism - there are many.

From sport to health. Here is the time to say that it is better to ride bicycles on fresh air than sniffing glue in basements. We can philosophize a little on this topic together. Unless, of course, the girl yawns during your moral lecture.

Religion. Do you believe in God, in fate, are you interested in Buddhism, the history of religions, don’t even believe in chance, etc.? Don’t be shy, ask: does she believe in predestination from above or does she believe that a person creates his own destiny. Do you feel that your meetings are not accidental? Hint about it. This could make for an interesting conversation.

Relationship. Here you can ask what kind of guy she would like to meet. What he will not tolerate: betrayal, boringness, greed, etc. In response, express your opinions. Ask about your friends, tell us about yours. Just don’t start scrutinizing your ex-girlfriends.

Children. kids, younger brothers and sisters, nephews and just acquaintances. There will definitely be something to discuss: funny sayings, pranks, whims. If the lady you choose is already a mother, the conversation can be endless. You can find out how serious the person in front of you is.

Gifts, holidays. Which holiday is the best? What gifts does he like? Give or receive? About yourself - definitely. For example: you love winter, New Year, Santa Claus and swimming in an ice hole under tangerine rain wearing only fins.

Cloth. Be sure to compliment her on how beautiful she is appearance. Make fun of your favorite jeans. Ask: How does she feel about the guys working the runway? Hint that a woman is beautiful in any clothes - any a real man knows about this.

Pets. The topic is a win-win, unless you run into an outright psychopath. Does she have a cat, a dog, a rat, a fish, a parrot? Praise! It is mandatory to talk about your pets. Imagine what your favorite iguana and her guinea pigs would do together.

Sex. You can shock a girl by immediately announcing your sexual preferences. True, the result will be extremely doubtful. Therefore, wait until your relationship becomes really close. In the meantime, you can talk about famous couples: are they really suitable for each other?

In contact with