Mandatory list in the hospital. What to take with you to the hospital? A complete and detailed list of things in the hospital. What to bring for your child

It is important to decide in advance what to take with you to the hospital, to collect an “alarming” package with all the clothes, hygiene items, diapers, diapers that will be needed in the prenatal and postnatal periods for mother and child. In order not to forget any of the things that will be needed in the hospital, you need to make a list in advance, buy and put everything in separate bags, which you put in a conspicuous place so as not to forget in the confusion before going to the hospital.

Usually for pregnant women after 30-32 weeks, the doctor in consultation gives an approximate list of documents, things for the baby and mother, which are desirable to take for childbirth. But the maternity hospital can establish its own rules, limit or expand this list. We offer you a memo for the prudent - a complete list of what to take with you to the hospital.

What things will definitely need a woman in labor

Experienced mothers recommend that every future woman in labor decide in advance what to take with her, make her own list of what is necessary for the maternity hospital and buy the necessary things for childbirth. This list can be divided into 3 parts:

  • the documents;
  • things and hygiene items for a woman in labor;
  • things and hygiene items for the child.

Required documents to take to the hospital

In a separate transparent folder on a button, a lock, you need to fold the documents that you will definitely need for registration in the maternity hospital:

  • the passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • contract for childbirth (if it was drawn up);
  • birth certificate (if any, you can not take it in advance, in any case it will be transferred to the maternity hospital);
  • in case of early hospitalization in pathology - the direction of the doctor of the antenatal clinic.

Things and hygiene items for mom

Different maternity hospitals set their own rules regarding items that can be taken to the ward by the expectant mother, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of staying in the chosen medical institution in advance. Some maternity hospitals welcome that the woman in labor and the baby are immediately dressed in household items, in other hospitals they use exclusively their own sterile nightgowns, gowns, diapers, caps, and undershirts.

In any case, experienced mothers take clothes for the delivery room and for the postpartum period with them for childbirth:

  • several light cotton nightgowns that open at the chest;
  • rubber or leather slippers that can be washed;
  • bra for a nursing mother, usually with fasteners in front;
  • a set of special disposable mesh postpartum panties;
  • disposable diapers for the first days after childbirth;
  • light or insulated dressing gown (depending on the heating in the wards);
  • a pair of warm or light socks;
  • face towel, shower bath towel, roll of paper hand towels;
  • usual personal hygiene products: a small tube of toothpaste, a brush, a comb, if necessary, hairpins, hair ties, postpartum pads, shower gel (small bottle), liquid baby soap, toilet paper (preferably soft);
  • special breast pads that are inserted into the bra;
  • cosmetics that the expectant mother usually uses;
  • mobile phone with charger;
  • personal cup and spoon;
  • a bag for dirty or unnecessary things;
  • water without gas;
  • a magazine or book to keep you occupied in the postpartum period;
  • on the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, a postpartum bandage.

If the presence of the pope is planned for childbirth, it is also recommended to fold a package of necessary things for him in advance. Dad needs to take a T-shirt, pants, slippers, socks to the hospital. In addition, he must have a passport with him, the results of fluorography and certain tests taken before the birth. You must definitely take them with you, otherwise you will have to return home and you can miss the most touching moment in the life of a married couple!

A nightgown in which mom plans to give birth, slippers and things for dad are recommended to be packed in a separate bag that can be quickly taken out of a common “alarming” bag. You also need to separately pack a set of first clothes for the baby, the first diaper.

Baby essentials

In the antenatal clinic, they can also give out an approximate list of things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the hospital. Some hospitals give out only their own sterile diapers for newborns, maternity hospitals, "friendly to children", welcome if the baby from the first minutes of life is dressed in clothes prepared by parents in advance. These questions need to be clarified during an introductory visit to the maternity hospital or on its website on the Internet.

  1. Clothes that will be put on the baby in the first minutes after birth: crawlers, undershirt, blouse or slip, hat. In maternity hospitals that promote the most natural childbirth, primordial lubrication is removed only 10-12 hours after birth, so the first set of clothes will be hopelessly damaged by permanent stains.
  2. Several sets of clothes for the baby: 2-3 light or insulated bodysuits, with closed sleeves, 3-4 long-sleeved sleepsuits, 2 light and 2 flannel caps, a couple of pairs of sliders, undershirts and blouses to change if the baby burps or a diaper will "leak".
  3. 2 pairs of scratches.
  4. A pair of light and a pair of flannel diapers: they can cover the little one, put them under the baby.
  5. Personal hygiene products for a newborn: powder, baby milk, oil, diaper cream. It is best to take miniatures of this children's cosmetics to understand if it is suitable for the baby and then either change the brand or buy larger bottles.
  6. Children's hygienic wet wipes.
  7. Diapers for newborns. Experienced parents recommend taking several diapers of a certain brand for the first days - if they fit the baby and do not cause allergies, then you can buy a package.
  8. Digital Thermometer.

The 3 Pack Rule

Many people say that in a pregnant state, a woman’s brains “turn off” a little, so it’s better to write a list of what to take with you to the hospital in advance, and check off already purchased and set aside items. Put them in plastic bags, as many maternity hospitals do not welcome cloth bags or suitcases.

  • 1 package - things for a woman in labor, dad and baby in the delivery room;
  • 2 package - things for mom and baby for the postpartum period;
  • 3 package - things for mom and newborn for discharge.

The first two packages will need to be immediately taken with you when contractions appear, because it is not known how long the birth will last, if they are fast, then postpartum things will be needed within a few hours after the birth of the baby. And happy relatives will be able to bring the third package to the solemn discharge of the little one.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

There are things that are not included in any maternity hospital list, but sometimes without them, as without hands. Many mothers claim that life in the maternity hospital has been made much easier for them:

  • electric kettle;
  • breast pump;
  • a bottle with a nipple for feeding crumbs;
  • pillow for feeding;
  • nipple pads;
  • dummy.

If the doctors of the maternity hospital do not mind the presence of these things in the newborn's room, then they can also be included in the list of necessary things, but they can be purchased and brought a little later, for example, on the second day of the mother and baby's stay in the hospital.

In any case, each expectant mother must make her own list of what is necessary for the maternity hospital, decide what she will take and equip to her liking.

Approximately in the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to decide what to take to the hospital. It is necessary to do this in advance so that by the 36-37th week the necessary things are in the collection. After all, childbirth can begin earlier than expected. And fees on the day of childbirth are fraught with the fact that you can forget a lot of important and necessary things. Before you start packing, you can check with your maternity hospital what you need to take with you and what is unacceptable to take. Each hospital has its own rules and recommended lists.

Basic principles

  • Collect the necessary documents in a separate folder or file.
  • You need to collect things strictly in plastic bags or bags. According to the sanitary and epidemiological regime in maternity hospitals, it is unacceptable to bring things in fabric or leather bags.
  • We are preparing 3 packages for the maternity hospital: for the delivery room, the postpartum ward and for discharge. This distribution will help you quickly find the right thing at every stage of your stay in the hospital. It will be even better if the bags are transparent.
  • In each package put a piece of paper with a list of things.
  • You can leave the package intended for discharge at home and tell relatives to bring it on the day of the solemn event.
  • If the plans include joint childbirth with a relative, then we are preparing a clothing package for him.

List of required documents

We take with us:

  • Identification document (passport).
  • Compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) policy.
  • An exchange card issued in the antenatal clinic with all tests and examinations.
  • Birth certificate. It is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic at 30 weeks with a singleton pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, then the certificate is issued at 28 weeks.
  • Sick leave, opened in the antenatal clinic. It is usually issued along with a birth certificate within the prescribed time frame.
  • Contract for paid management of childbirth and the postpartum period (if the contract was concluded on an individual basis).

We collect the first package: what should I take with me to the birth?

This group includes things necessary for a woman during childbirth and for a child immediately after birth.

We take the following for ourselves:

  • Cotton robe and shirt. You can buy the kit right now.
  • Two pairs of warm socks (not woolen). Chills often appear during childbirth. They can also be useful after childbirth.
  • Washable flat shoes.
  • Pure drinking non-carbonated water. We take 2 bottles of 0.5 ml. You can take a thermos with herbal tea, if it is not prohibited by the rules of the maternity hospital, as well as light food. But, as a rule, there is no particular appetite during childbirth.
  • Small towel (terry) Useful for wiping the face with cold water.
  • Hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, the lips dry very strongly, and lipstick will help to avoid drying out and the formation of microcracks.
  • If the hair is long, do not forget to put an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Elastic stockings or bandages for the lower extremities. Especially if you have varicose veins in your legs.
  • Disposable toilet pads.

In the delivery room for the child we take:

  • NB size diaper (for babies up to 5 kg).
  • A cap with strings or a thin hat.
  • Socks and anti-scratch gloves.
  • Flannel diaper.
  • Baikovy blanket.

Children's things are needed immediately after the birth of the baby. They must be washed and ironed on both sides, except for the diaper.

If the birth is planned with a partner, then he needs to take the following:

  • The passport.
  • The conclusion of the fluorographic examination. Other tests may be needed. This must be clarified in the hospital in advance.
  • Clean clothes (light pants, T-shirt or surgical suit), change of shoes.
  • Disposable mask and cap.
  • Camera or video camera (optional).

Putting together the second package: things to stay in the postpartum ward

2 hours after a successful delivery, the mother and newborn are transferred to the "mother and child" ward, where they stay for about 3 days. For this period, you need to take with you the following:

What to take with you for the child?

Some maternity hospitals prohibit bringing any supplies for the newborn, and allow only disposable diapers and creams. But many institutions do not prevent this, and even recommend bringing personal items for the child, up to diapers.

Therefore, it is better to check in advance at the maternity hospital what you can take with you. If there are no special restrictions, then for the newborn we take the following:


  • hats or bonnets - 3-4 pieces;
  • anti-scratch mittens and socks - 2-3 pairs each;
  • undershirts are thin and warm - 4 pcs each;
  • rompers or semi-overalls (thin and warm) - 4 pcs each;
  • quilt blanket.

All things for the baby must be taken washed and ironed on both sides.

If the estimated weight of the child is between 3 and 3.7 kg, then size 56 can be taken. If the baby is expected to be large, then it is better to take things one size larger (62).

We collect the package for an extract

For a newborn we prepare:

Things for mom:

  • cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or curling iron (optional);
  • unscented gel or hairspray;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, hair ornaments;
  • we take clothes (preferably looser), shoes;
  • perfumes or toilet water should not be taken, they can cause allergies in a newborn.

Be sure to take care of the transportation of the newborn from the hospital home. In advance, purchase a child seat or infant carrier for children from birth in the car.

If you plan to transport a child by taxi, then you need to notify the dispatcher about the need for a child seat.

When discharged from the hospital, do not forget to take all personal belongings, and most importantly documents:

  • medical birth certificate for registration of a newborn in the registry office;
  • discharge epicrisis from the history of the development of the newborn for the local pediatrician;
  • extract from the history of childbirth for the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

If the birth began unexpectedly, and the packages have not yet been collected, then you should not panic. Many maternity hospitals provide women and newborns with everything they need. The main thing is to take the necessary documents for admission to the hospital. Other things can be collected by relatives and brought a little later.

No matter how much a young mother prepares for childbirth, she will never feel absolutely confident. The event is so exciting that it seems that you will definitely forget something. It’s really very difficult to get together and calm down, but it’s much easier to collect if you first make an exhaustive list.

Essentials: what you can’t give birth without

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers begin to run around pharmacies and shops, buying up everything that seems to them suitable for the maternity hospital. Many people make this mistake. And unscrupulous manufacturers cash in on the natural anxiety of a pregnant woman, trying to slip expensive, and, most importantly, unnecessary things to an inexperienced mother.

Remember: in the maternity hospital you will be accepted in any case. Even if you get there "from the street" without having anything with you. The hospital is obliged to provide you and your baby with everything you need. You will have a bed, and food, and sterile clothes. Yes, these things will not be of the best quality, but of course, you want your child to be provided with the best. But as a last resort, free medicine will help you out.

There are things that will make your admission to the hospital easier. But this is not a generic bag and not a big concert with money. The most important thing is the documents. Collect them in a folder, put them in a prominent place or always carry them with you, even if you just went out for bread or are returning from work. It should contain:

  • the passport;
  • medical policy;
  • (this is the "case history" that your gynecologist kept);

Get your birth certificate by all means. Its presence will be looked at first. It depends on this piece of paper whether the maternity hospital will receive money for providing you with medical services. Therefore, doctors are usually very nervous if the woman in labor was not given it.

If you have already decided in which hospital you want to give birth, do not be too lazy to call or come there to ask what they require upon admission. Usually the lists are different. Some take copies of all documents from the expectant mother, others require a fluorography of the future father. By the way, if a young dad plans to attend, he needs a separate list of necessary things.

What to take to the hospital for mom: better less, but better

Some women tend to put their entire house in a delivery bag, hoping that this will help them feel more comfortable in the hospital. But remember that after the husband escorts you to the emergency room, you will have to carry the heavy trunk yourself. Reduce the list of things you need to what you really need.

The best adviser in this matter is your hospital. Different hospitals have different requirements for the list of things for the maternity hospital. Some do not allow to bring clothes for mothers and children, arguing that they are not sterile enough. Others require a clean nightgown and disposable maternity underwear.

Any list of what the baby and mother need in the hospital is individual. But most often you need to bring the following:

  1. transforming slates made of washable material;
  2. medical products for childbirth and the postpartum period (compression stockings,);
  3. daily hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, comb, baby soap, towel;
  4. disposable underpants, suitable postpartum pads. Sometimes it takes up to 11 pads a day;
  5. a phone with a camera and a charger for it (if you plan to take a photo of a child in a maternity hospital);
  6. toilet paper (the softest, but not flavored);
  7. personal utensils: mug, plate, spoon, fork; if possible, a knife.

Many demand that a woman carry a disposable razor with her. Other maternity hospitals equate it almost to cold steel. It is good to have a cream with dexpanthenol. It can be used by both mother and child immediately after birth. But find out if you can carry creams and medicines that are not prescribed by your doctor.

First clothes for newborns: what to take to the hospital for a baby

Newborn babies do not require a large wardrobe. The most necessary thing is diapers, and they will be given out at the maternity hospital. Most often, mothers bring several hats and socks, wet wipes for children (at least 20 pieces) and a large package of diapers.

Newborns can go to the toilet every hour, so diapers are used up quickly. A pack containing 50 diapers can run out in 5 days. When you get home, you can experiment with reusable or gauze diapers. But in the hospital, only disposables are needed.

Newborn at home: how to dress for discharge

So, the tedious period of stay in the hospital is coming to an end. The birth of a baby is an important event, so all relatives will come to meet you. Get your clothes ready for this occasion. But it is better for a woman not to take all this to the hospital at once. Ask a family member to bring a prepackaged package the day before you leave.

But what to prepare for discharge for a newborn? Clothing should be appropriate for the season and be comfortable. Here is a basic list of things for a newborn to be discharged for the warm season:

  • diaper (babies grow quickly, make sure that diapers do not become small);
  • bodysuit (this is better than a regular shirt, because the bodysuit does not allow clothes to slip, even if the baby fidgets);
  • pantyhose, sliders or panties (preferably even for girls, it's too cold outside to wear dresses);
  • socks and a cap (depending on the weather, the child is dressed in wool or cotton);
  • mittens without fingers (so that the baby does not scratch himself);
  • an envelope or blanket (to make it convenient to carry the child on the street).

Don't buy too many clothes. The kids are growing fast. Give relatives the opportunity to make a birthday present. It's good if they know what kind of things you should give.

Caring for a child is a difficult task for a woman who has just given birth. Collected by you should make it easier. Your bag should contain only useful things and a minimum of medicines.

So the waiting period for the baby is coming to an end, very soon you will be holding him in your arms.

This moment will be one of the happiest in life. But when the contractions begin, before the birth, believe me, it will be difficult to collect everything you need for the hospital.

At these moments, not at all. It is better to collect a bag with the necessary things to the hospital about a week or two before the expected birth.

The question arises: What should I take to the hospital? See below for my list of essentials that I collected for myself and the newborn.

When you enter a maternity hospital, the first thing you do is go to the prenatal room. Nothing is normally allowed to be taken into this room, except for a few items listed below (in the blue box). This is especially true if the maternity hospital is state-owned (free).

Therefore, when applying with you, you should only have:

  1. Your passport
  2. exchange card
  3. obligatory medical insurance. policy
  4. if childbirth is paid, then the contract (agreement) for childbirth
  5. washable slippers. Do not take fluffy slippers.

These are the most basic, necessary things for admission to the generic. Usually, nothing else is allowed in a free maternity hospital. In paid maternity hospitals, they allow you to take many additional things, such as: a camera, a video camera, a cell phone (it is better to take it with a charger). But each specific maternity hospital has its own rules of permitted things and it is better to clarify them in advance. Eating before childbirth is not recommended, so do not stock up on food. But after getting into the ward where you will be with the child, you will need more things. After all, you have to live there with a newborn from 3 to 10 days, depending on the situation. List of necessary things for yourself and the newborn in the ward:

What you need to take to the hospital from clothes for yourself:

  • gown is your daily wear in the hospital.
  • nightgown or pajamas (a couple of pieces to replace). I really liked wearing a beautiful nightie for nursing mothers in the maternity hospital. She looks like a dress with hidden cuts for feeding a newborn. Very comfortably.
  • socks
  • nursing bras. (preferably a couple).

What you need to take to the hospital - hygiene items:

  • soap with a soap dish, toothpaste and brush, comb, shampoo, small mirror.
  • toilet paper
  • sanitary pads are the largest (maxi, ultra super) or now they sell special ones for women in labor.
  • panties. I used to take regular ones and wash them. Now you can take disposables with you to avoid this.
  • a couple of towels
  • cosmetics (useful on the day of discharge)
  • cream for nipples - then the husband will buy if there is such a need. It is needed to lubricate cracked nipples. For me, it didn't work for me.

What you need to take to the hospital for a newborn:

Nurse girls themselves bring everything necessary for newborns. Diapers, undershirts and bonnets are issued daily in the right amount. Everything is sterile, so you do not need to take things for a newborn with you. But useful:

  • baby soap
  • cotton buds

It is not necessary to take diapers, diapers are given out in sufficient quantities, you will just change more often. A newborn baby without diapers will be even more comfortable :). Such things as powder, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide for treating the navel, body cream - everything is available in the maternity hospital, it is not necessary to take it with you. Especially if the maternity hospital is paid, such things are not useful there. The nurses themselves come and handle everything the baby needs. And the eyes will be washed and the navel will be treated and smeared with cream if necessary.

What to take to the hospital from things:

  • dishes (cup, spoon, plate)
  • notebook and pen

The food in the maternity hospital is tolerable, you can eat :). To be honest, after giving birth, it’s better to sit on such a diet for a bit. It is adapted for them, for newborns (so that there are no rashes). You can bring tea bags and sugar with you. Relatives will bring everything else at your request.

What you need to take to the hospital for discharge:

These things do not need to be taken in advance.
On the day of discharge, relatives will bring:

  • Clothes for mom. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to take things that were worn during pregnancy. Because the stomach does not leave so quickly, and you may not fit into another.

For a newborn, we take things with elements of blue or pink, depending on the gender of the child:

  • Diaper
  • Body or blouse or vest
  • sliders
  • thin cap
  • Booties or socks
  • Diaper (thin + thick). under a warm blanket.
  • Take a camera or video camera (or both) for discharge so that this wonderful moment in your life remains on photographs. This point is especially important!

In the cold season (autumn, spring, winter), you will additionally need to be discharged:

  • Warm cap
  • Winter overalls or an envelope or a warm blanket with a ribbon

On this list of what you need to take to the hospital for yourself and the newborn ends.

P.S. Sweet gifts and flowers for the nurse will also come in handy, which will endure your baby, and the rest of the doctors at will. From the bottom of my heart I wish you an easy delivery and give birth to a strong healthy baby! Happiness to your family and home!

What you need to take with you to the hospital should already be carefully sorted into bags, and carefully placed in the corridor. After all, when the moment of the onset of childbirth comes, there is simply no time for reflection and long gathering.

By the 36th week of pregnancy, the bag should be collected

Try to approach this issue in advance. So you add to yourself a sense of confidence and complete readiness for the upcoming event.

Try to divide all things into several bags: things for yourself, a separate bag for the child, and do not forget a small folder for documents. What you need before and after childbirth, also divide into different bags.

The first list of what to take with you to the hospital, namely before the appearance of the baby:

  • rubber (or other washable) slippers;
  • robe;
  • shirt or t-shirt in which you will give birth;
  • magazine or book;
  • phone, camera, video camera;
  • things in which the baby will be dressed immediately after childbirth (creepers, bodysuit, bonnet, socks, diaper);
  • a bag of medicines, a list of which is usually given by gynecologists with whom you are registered; each maternity hospital has its own.

Having collected this package, be sure to sign it, like everyone else, so you can be helped in case of anything.

List of required documents

With documents, everything is simple - you need to have with you:

  1. an exchange card with all tests and ultrasound results;
  2. passport (if you give birth with your husband, take his document);
  3. some money;
  4. insurance policy (if any);
  5. if the birth is unscheduled, referral to the hospital;
  6. when you decide to give birth in a paid clinic, take a contract for childbirth.

The folder with documents should lie somewhere on top, as it will be needed immediately upon arrival at the maternity ward.

Which robe is best?

A few small tips that will later add to your feeling of comfort:

  • When buying a dressing gown for a maternity hospital, initially consider the fabric from which it is sewn. Choose only natural, hypoallergenic materials that are non-irritating and breathable.
  • Also, the dressing gown should not be too long, or extremely short. Suitable length - knee-length (± 4cm.).
  • Notice the fasteners. For the prenatal and postnatal ward, for the convenience of feeding, do not take bathrobes with many buttons or buttons. The best choice would be a zipper or wraparound robe.
  • A big plus will be the presence of many pockets. It is better if they are deep and zippered.
  • Which bathrobe is better to take to the hospital also depends on the time of year. In winter, it is usually quite warm in the postpartum wards, but anything can happen. And it is better to take this factor into account.

Nightgowns in the maternity hospital should be selected according to similar criteria.

What to take from food?

No one will give you food during contractions. So the question of what to take from food to the hospital is a bit meaningless. Of course, if someone goes to support with you, you can take a couple of sandwiches with you, but this is an individual matter (and then there will be not enough food). In the ward where you will lie after childbirth, you can take biscuit cookies, kefir 1% fat, and low-fat cottage cheese, the rest is at the discretion of the doctor. Better take a bottle of non-carbonated mineral water.

Things for a newborn

For the crumbs, all clothes must be washed in baby powder and ironed. So drop your prejudice, and don't put the purchase of undershirts on the shoulders of a newly-made dad at the last moment. Moreover, it is so nice to choose the colors and style of outfits for a little peanut.

A complete list of things that the baby will need:

  • several diapers made of chintz and baize (firstly in the crib, secondly for swaddling);
  • thin blanket;
  • liquid cream soap, which is suitable from the first days of life;
  • baby wet and dry wipes;
  • a set of clothes for every day (a combination of a vest with high sliders or a bodysuit with regular sliders is very convenient) + socks, scratches and a cap for each;
  • baby cream, powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads, ear sticks and brilliant green for treating the navel;
  • diaper packaging;
  • disposable diapers for bed.

a) wet wipes b) bodysuit

If you are thinking about how many disposable diapers to take to the hospital, take several packs, as not only the baby, but also you may need them. And all because women in labor in the first month after childbirth are characterized by very abundant bleeding (lochia).

What diapers to take to the hospital?

It is difficult for inexperienced parents to deal with diapers, but this is a temporary matter. For the first days of life, the smallest sizes are suitable (from 2 to 5 kg.). They are usually identified by the number 1 on the package. Do not buy large packages (or several), as the baby grows very quickly and in another week you will need diapers one size larger.

When choosing which diapers to take to the hospital, also pay attention to the presence of artificial fragrances and flavors. They can irritate the baby's tender ass.

What you may need after childbirth

A young mother needs to take 2 bags with things to the postpartum ward: for use in the ward, and for discharge. In order not to forget everything you need, you can even print out a list of what to take to the hospital.

List for mom for the period of stay:

  • 2-3 nightgowns (do not take pajamas with trousers), it will be more convenient for you if they are intended for feeding;
  • a set of underwear (you can buy disposable panties) and socks for each day of your stay;
  • phone charger, books, magazines, player;
  • linens;
  • cup, spoon, fork, plate, knife;
  • packaged tea bags, zoological biscuits, sugar;
  • a bottle of water without gas;

a) water without gas; b) a cup with a spoon

  • electric kettle or boiler;
  • garbage bags (you can also put dirty clothes in them);
  • if the husband is with you in boxing, he will also need sterile clean T-shirts, trousers, slippers;
  • shower gel, washcloth, shampoo, toothbrush and paste;
  • liquid baby hand soap, a roll of paper towels (before you take the baby in your arms, you need to wash them);
  • cream or ointment for cracks in the nipples, for most primiparas it will be a salvation when feeding;
  • disposable diapers (packaging), toilet paper;
  • a bath towel;
  • comb, a pair of elastic bands;
  • gaskets.

a) postpartum pads; b) towels

List for discharge (including for a child):

  1. a beautiful outfit, it can be a dress or a suit, but the main thing is to consider the features of the figure after childbirth;
  2. shoes;
  3. a cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics to be beautiful in all the photos, but remember, perfumes will be superfluous here;
  4. spectacular hairpin or hoop;
  5. a beautiful set of clothes for a baby (bodysuit or vest, sliders, socks, cap);
  6. if the baby was born in cold weather, you need to put on a dress suit or light overalls on top, and another hat on the head;
  7. an envelope or a beautiful blanket, also choose according to the season.

a) an envelope for an extract; b) cosmetics

What pads to take to the hospital?

There are special postpartum pads, they are large, and are designed for abundant discharge of the woman in labor. But they are not always found (especially in small towns). For their replacement, you can buy regular night pads. Doctors recommend using those whose upper ball is made of natural materials, then air circulation is maintained. But many girls continue to use those firms that they are already used to.

If you are in doubt about which pads to take to the hospital after childbirth, take several options, the main thing is that the size is maximum. And remember to change them as often as possible, at least after every trip to the restroom.

What to take in the cold season - autumn and winter?

When the preparations for the maternity hospital take place, what to take with you in the winter does not differ much from the “summer” list. In the delivery and postpartum wards, it is usually warm (25℃ on average), and differ, only clothes for mother and child can be discharged.