About the benefits of the mineral chromium, which helps you stay slim. The physiological effect of chromium (Cr) on the human body, benefits and harms. Why is chromium needed in the human body?

Chromium is not just a chemical element known from school, but also a substance vital for human health, although not many people know about it. The benefits and harms of chromium for the body and how this metal is associated with diseases such as diabetes will be discussed further.

The benefits of chromium and its role in the human body

As a chemical element of the periodic table of Mendeleev, a metal that colors its compounds in different colors (which is why it received the name “chromium”, or color), chromium is extremely necessary for humans, albeit in trace quantities.

The discovery of this substance in the 18th century. is associated with the name of the French chemistry professor Louis Vauquelin, and the American doctor Walter Mertz has already been studying the influence of the microelement on the human body in our time.

Research has revealed the importance of chromium in the control of carbohydrate metabolism: by activating enzymes, it helps glucose pass into the cell more easily, thereby enhancing the action of insulin and reducing the body's need for it. Metabolism is accelerated and blood glucose levels are thus regulated.

In addition, the element is able to increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL), which cleanses the vascular walls of excess “bad” cholesterol (LDL), which can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. This balancing of cholesterol levels prevents the development of harmful heart attacks and strokes. Chromium exhibits the property of accelerating the absorption of 4 amino acids such as serine, methionine and aminobutyric acid in the heart muscle.

Thus, drugs containing it are recommended not only for those suffering from diabetes (primarily type 2), but also for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Another useful property of chromium, revealed through research: obtaining energy for the body - by stimulating the transformation of complex substances into simple ones (catabolism). This property, combined with improved transport of glucose and amino acids into cells, including muscle tissue, is appreciated by athletes and people with high physical activity.

The trace element is also important in lipid metabolism: it contributes to the processing of fat in our body and thereby helps maintain normal weight.

Another beneficial property of chromium is its ability to replace iodine in the human body, which has an important effect in thyroid diseases.

There are also great benefits in strengthening bone tissue, which is important in the prevention of osteoporosis.

At the genetic level, the participation of the mineral in the preservation of hereditary information, regeneration and growth of body tissues is important.

Chromium reserves in the body help overcome stress more effectively.

Products containing chromium

It is best to choose products that are rich in organic chromium: they are easily absorbed by the human body.

These include:

  • nuts (high content in);
  • seafood (mainly shrimp, mussels, oysters);
  • pork;
  • fresh grains of legumes;
  • fruits and berries (apples, bananas, grapes, sea buckthorn, spinach, broccoli and);
  • cereal grains: wheat, barley.

River or sea fish, mollusks and crustaceans can replenish the required daily balance of chromium. These include: tuna, capelin, mackerel, flounder, crucian carp, shrimp and oysters.

The element was also found in an organic complex, which is maximally absorbed by the body, while in the composition of mineral salts its absorption is only 3%.

Dairy products (butter, margarine, milk) and sugar have the lowest content.

Indications for the use of drugs containing chromium

Before using chromium supplements in food, you should consult your doctor.

Preparations with chromium in combination with other ingredients have become widespread on the market: such as B vitamins, yeast, fiber or green tea extract.

Due to its beneficial properties, chromium is used to treat hypoglycemia, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

Medicines containing chromium are prescribed both for the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • kidneys and liver;
  • allergic reactions;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • heart failure.

The need for this microelement increases so much during pregnancy that there is even so-called gestational diabetes due to its deficiency.

Regular consumption of chromium in tablet form reduces calcium excretion in urine, which may prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

The benefits of chromium for men are manifested in its ability to prevent the occurrence of problems with potency.

Using chromium for weight loss

Information about the miraculous effect of chromium on weight loss has become widespread - especially in weight loss techniques.

Indeed, by regulating blood sugar levels, it significantly reduces the need for sweets and attacks of ravenous appetite.

It is also capable of speeding up metabolism, so it can be an excellent ally in the fight against excess weight, but not a “magic pill” that will solve the problem for a person.

The use of chromium for weight loss should be accompanied by constant strength loads: then the useful microelement will help build muscle mass and break down fat.

In addition, chromium-containing preparations, without the use of special diets, help prevent harmful fat deposits and remove dangerous carcinogens.

Another beneficial property of the microelement for metabolism is the normalization and restoration of thyroid function.

Chromium also acts in favor of stimulating reproductive function in a woman's body.

Daily value of chromium

A properly balanced diet should provide us with the right amount of chromium - for an adult it will be 0.05 - 0.2 mg per day.

For children, 0.02 mg will be sufficient; for adolescents, 0.02 to 0.03 mg of the microelement is recommended; for people with a sedentary lifestyle, the lower daily norm will need to be 0.05 mg.

For nursing mothers, it is necessary to increase the content of the beneficial substance, since the baby will be able to receive the beneficial microelement only with breast milk: this will require 0.05 - 0.2 mg of it entering the body daily. This norm is comparable to the chromium requirement of athletes - from 0.15 to 0.2 mg.

Important! The benefits of chromium when the dosage exceeds 0.3 mg turns into harm and poses a danger to the human body.

What affects the absorption of chromium by the body?

Our body receives chromium, which is important for health, in compounds found in food, water, and air.

The microelement is absorbed mainly by the jejunum, and excreted mainly by the kidneys - up to 80%, as well as by the lungs, skin (including hair loss) and intestines. Bile contains a lot of chromium.

When consuming supplements with a microelement, it is necessary to take into account the list of drugs that can enhance its absorption by the body.

These include:

  • vitamin C;
  • aspirin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • naproxen and others.

Symptoms of chromium deficiency in the body

Chronic fatigue, irritability, frequent headaches and increased cravings for sweets may indicate that our body is “asking” for this beneficial microelement.

It should be kept in mind that cravings for sweets more often than ever and a ravenous appetite may be caused by stress - and then even the use of elemental supplements in tablets will not be beneficial.

Increased consumption of simple carbohydrates: sugar, carbonated drinks, refined wheat flour products can lead to the loss of chromium through urine and reduce its benefits to the body.

Heat treatment also reduces the beneficial microelement content of products.

Experiments on animals have shown that chromium deficiency can cause harm such as growth retardation, neuropathies and disorders of the nervous system, as well as a decrease in the fertilization properties of sperm.

In addition, a lack of an element in the body can manifest itself:

  • perforation of the nasal septum;
  • allergic diseases, including - asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • astheno-neurotic disorders;
  • increasing the harm of developing cancer.

Indicators of chromium imbalance in the body will be the following manifestations:

  • constant thirst;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue, irritability;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • risk of developing female infertility and male impotence.

Why is excess chromium in the body dangerous?

If you consume products containing organic chromium every day, then there is no danger of an overdose of the element. The risk arises only when systematically using too high doses of supplements.

In this case, the body's absorption of chromium antagonists - iron and zinc - will decrease, and insulin production will also be impaired.

Important! When taking drugs with chromium indicated for diabetes, you should consult your doctor: this may reduce the effect of taking other medications.

An excess of a microelement manifests itself as a harmful toxic effect for the body in the form of:

  • dizziness, nausea, tendency to faint;
  • dermatitis;
  • stomach ulcers, liver and kidney problems.

Interesting! Clinical studies have found that damage to the arteries of the brain is associated with an increase in chromium content in human hair, and in apparently healthy individuals with a high risk of myocardial infarction, its content in the nail plate was reduced.


Now that it has become known what the benefits and harms of chromium are, interest in it is returning not only in the context of the fight against excess weight and burning excess fat. If you use its properties of normalizing metabolism, strengthening the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, bone tissue, and cleansing the body, then this element will cease to be one of many abstract chemical elements and will turn into a means of protecting human health.

Microelement chromium– a vital compound found in medicines and vitamin preparations. It is part of all organs and tissues. The human body needs a stable concentration of the metal.

The role of trace elements in the body

Chromium is involved in the absorption of glucose, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism and stabilizes body weight. Without it, protein transport, proper functioning of the thyroid gland and tissue restoration are impossible.

The trace element helps the pancreatic hormone regulate metabolism. When chromium is contained in the right amount, a person's need for insulin decreases. This explains its high importance for diabetics. A sufficient concentration of the metal is one of the measures to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Nucleic acids are synthesized with the participation of chromium. It ensures the integrity of their structures and the preservation of the hereditary information carried by the gene. Therefore, the role of metal in the proper development of tissues and their restoration should not be underestimated.

The compound has the ability to replace iodine, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland. This property is extremely important for patients with iodine deficiency. By participating in the regulation of fat metabolism, the microelement prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. People prone to atherosclerosis and diseases need vitamins and minerals.

The microelement has the ability to maintain normal weight by normalizing the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Chromium prevents fat from accumulating in the form of deposits. It is necessary to prevent bone tissue destruction. In patients whose body contains chromium in sufficient concentrations, the risk of pressure drops is reduced. It removes harmful toxic compounds.


Excess weight, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, frequent stress, as well as an acute lack of protein contribute to a decrease in the level of this microelement. Chromium deficiency occurs for various reasons. In order to prevent this, you should know which products contain chromium.

However, when the body receives enough of the compound, a person's absorption may decrease due to metabolic disorders. According to medical personnel, modern products contain few minerals, since alkaline compounds are used to fertilize the soil.

Under some circumstances, the body needs more chromium. Additional vitamins and minerals are necessary for a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, the element can be excreted excessively, especially when the diet is dominated by baked goods, pasta, and sweets.

Heavy physical activity leads to deficiency. A person needs nutritious foods enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Insufficiency is accompanied by sleep disturbances, attacks of headaches, decreased sensitivity of the limbs, and increased cholesterol levels in the blood. This increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Some people with a lack of connection gain excess weight, others lose weight. This state of the body is due to the loss of the ability to absorb glucose, especially in old age.

This increases the risk of developing diabetes and coronary heart disease. In males, the reproductive system stops functioning. When deciding how much of a microelement the body needs, the doctor takes into account the patient’s age and lifestyle.


The trace element in its pure form is slightly toxic. Symptoms of excess appear when more than 2000 mcg of chromium enters the body. At a dose of 3 g, death is possible. However, such a result can occur when consuming 300 g of the metal in powder form.

Excess chromium causes slower regeneration and damage to the skin and mucous membranes. It is possible to receive a toxic dose of a microelement when working in chemical production, as well as by neglecting safety rules. It is impossible to obtain a high dose of the compound from food.

Some metal compounds have a pronounced toxic effect. Chromium with a valency of 6 has these properties. It is part of complex salts that are well absorbed in the intestines. The compound has a mutagenic effect.

Personnel working at metallurgical and chemical enterprises are more likely to encounter microelements in this form. As a result of experiments, it was proven that the production of a 6-valent compound increases the risk of cancer.


Cereal crops such as buckwheat, pearl barley, corn and millet are enriched with chromium. Lovers of dairy products and mushrooms can also compensate for the lack of the element. You can find out which products contain the maximum amount of microelements from the tabular data.


Brazilian nut

Dried dates




Information on the composition of products is presented in many literary sources. With proper nutrition, you can get vitamins and minerals in the required quantities. The trace element is present in broccoli and some fruits. The diet should include sea fish, since chromium is found in fish products.

If there is a deficiency of the compound for a long time, it is impossible to do without drugs that contain chromium. When prescribing them, the doctor takes into account the doses in which the patient needs the microelement. Appointments are given to each individual individually. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of drug use. Most products that contain chromium are dietary supplements, the effect of which is aimed at improving the condition of the body.

Chromium deficiency in the body, a very important microelement, can manifest itself as symptoms of insomnia, headaches, and fatigue. The person doesn’t even know about it, he goes to doctors and they don’t find anything.

  • How to find out if you have enough of it and what to do if you have a deficiency.
    The simplest thing is to look at your diet on the table. What's in it?
  • If there are buns, dumplings, pancakes, then there is no need to guess - there may be a shortage.
  • When chromium is lacking, you will be irresistibly drawn to sweets.
  • Chromium deficiency is found in all obese people, patients with atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels, diabetes mellitus
  • There is a big shortage of it among pregnant and nursing mothers - everything goes to the baby.
  • During heavy physical work or athletic training, its deficiency has also been identified.
  • Chromium is found in every cell of our body - it is part of its composition. The norm of chromium for an adult is 6-12 mg.
  • Studies have been conducted, women consume only up to 40% of food consumed per day. Men up to 60%.
  • The rest is in short supply. These are the numbers.

Who needs chromium, symptoms of chromium deficiency:

Definitely needed.

For weight loss:

  1. Essential for losing weight for absolutely everyone who wants it. The craving for sweets is eliminated and weight gain stops.
  2. Precisely because of the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. When the chromium level decreases, excess glucose in the blood begins to turn into fat mass.
  4. Intake of chromium, on the contrary, helps convert fat into muscle.
  5. Naturally, if you don’t lie on the couch for days.


  1. Patients with type 2 diabetes in particular need chromium “like air.”
  2. Mandatory for everyone predisposed to this disease. Its lack is one of the causes of impaired glucose tolerance.
  3. This fact is especially worth paying attention to for everyone over 40.
    With sufficient chromium levels, diabetes will never develop into an active disease.
  4. When treating patients with this disease, chromium in combination is also prescribed. This requires less insulin.

Heart diseases:

  1. This element also protects against heart disease - atherosclerosis of diseased vessels.
  2. Breaks down and removes the well-known “bad” cholesterol from the human body.
  3. Helps in accumulating the “good” or high-density fraction.
  4. Blood pressure is normalized.

For procreation:

  1. In the strong second half of humanity, the reproductive system may be disrupted - to put it simply, it is problematic for a man to become a dad.
  2. For this reason, men need to watch their diet.


  1. For the health of the thyroid gland, the presence of the norm of the element chromium is huge.
  2. It can replace iodine in case of acute shortage of it in our human body.

Glaucoma and toxins, osteoporosis:

  1. Chromium has a very important preventive role in predisposition to glaucoma.
  2. The risk increases after 40.
  3. Chromium also perfectly strengthens bone tissue - this is the prevention of osteoporosis.
  4. Helps to cleanse ourselves of toxins, known heavy metal salts, and various radionuclides from our body.
  5. This indicates the seriousness of the health problems associated with chromium deficiency.
  6. If you have an excess of iron in your blood, there will definitely be a deficiency of chromium - know this.

Where to get chromium, food:

We need from 50 to 300 mcg per day as normal. Absorption occurs best from organic compounds - food.

Contents in products:

VegetablesTomatoes, different varieties of cabbage, broccoli, radishes, onions, red beets, green peas, any corn.
Fruits, berriesAny varieties of apples, healthy blueberries, any variety of sea buckthorn, preferably black grapes, medicinal blueberries, rowan.
SquirrelsMeat, liver, nuts, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, milk of any fat content, seafood, sea fish.
CarbohydratesPearl barley, barley.
OtherBrewer's yeast, dry or fresh dates,natural cocoa powder,any type of black tea.
  1. Heating reduces chromium levels in foods. Conclusion - eat fruits and vegetables raw.
  2. If you take chromium preparations, strictly monitor the dosage. When taken more than 200 mcg, it is toxic.
  3. Taking more than 300 mcg may pose a risk of death.
    Chromium is found in the herbs lemon balm and marsh grass.

As you can see, chromium deficiency in the body is a very serious symptom that directly affects health.
Try to eat more foods containing chromium and gradually everything will return to normal.
I'm not saying goodbye.
Ertli S.V. With respect to you.

Every trace element contained in the blood, tissues and organs of our body is not accidental. The human body is a very powerful, precise and, at the same time, fragile mechanism that can cause significant harm if there is a shortage of one or another component. Chromium plays an important role in the body, ensuring the normal functioning of some organs. We will tell you in this article what the benefits of this microelement are, what the deficiency entails, and what products contain it.

Chrome is a bluish metal. In addition to industrial needs, it is also actively used in medicine. Using chromium isotopes, research is being conducted to determine the characteristics of various diseases. This microelement is absolutely necessary for the human body, and its deficiency can lead to disastrous consequences.

Role in the body

This microelement is needed primarily for the synthesis of carbohydrates. As you know, these substances supplied with food are broken down and release the energy a person needs for a full life. Chromium in the body helps these processes. This effect on metabolism plays a special role in losing weight: active and proper absorption of carbohydrates is the guarantee that there will be no excess fat.

What else is chromium good for the body?

  • Allows you to absorb sugar and maintain the desired glucose level, helps insulin respond correctly to metabolic processes. Diabetics lack the latter. This means that with the presence of the required amount of microelement in the body, the need for insulin decreases.
  • This trace element affects blood pressure and controls it. For a person suffering from hypertension or hypotension, this is very important.
  • Chromium plays an important role in removing toxins from the body - harmful substances that tend to accumulate in it and poison it. It also removes radionuclides - products that inevitably appear in the blood of cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Products containing chromium can facilitate recovery and support the body.
  • This microelement is one of the “builders” of bone tissue, which is why it prevents the development of osteoporosis. The element keeps bones strong for many years with regular use.
  • Chromium replaces iodine in case of iodine deficiency.

Role for weight loss

All women want to be slim. To do this, they go on diets and actively engage in muscle strengthening, which tightens their figure and changes it for the better. Chromium is important in this area as well. The microelement allows you to maintain mass balance, accelerates and facilitates the process of burning calories during physical activity, and helps keep muscles in order during a diet. A sufficient amount of this metal in the body is a necessary condition for good shape for athletes, and for any person who wants to look great.

The element has an interesting feature - it reduces cravings for sugar and confectionery products. An uncontrollable passion for sweets is a signal that there is clearly not enough chromium for the body.

In what cases is there a deficiency of an element?

  • During pregnancy.
  • When breastfeeding your baby.
  • During diets, especially unbalanced ones, therapeutic fasting.
  • In case of serious metabolic disorders that do not allow the beneficial elements to be properly absorbed.

To feel good, a person needs 6 mg of microelement per day. Chromium should be consumed in the body in an amount of 30 to 50 mcg per day. However, it should be remembered that the highest permissible dose is 250 mcg per day. In disproportionate quantities, the element is toxic to the body, and if consumed per day exceeds 3 grams, death is possible.

Sources of chromium

There is an opinion that the richest source of chromium is meat and dairy products. But that's not true. Sprouted grains and brewer's yeast are rich in this microelement. The latter are even prescribed for chromium deficiency, especially for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, diabetics, and people with weakened immune systems. Wheat sprouts, lentils, buckwheat, chickpeas or mung beans are an excellent alternative to store-bought vitamins. They can be eaten plain, added to salads or main courses.

Wholemeal bread is also rich in this microelement. There is a lot of it in legumes and potatoes, which are recommended to be consumed with the skin on.

Cabbage and tomatoes, beets and radishes are fresh vegetables containing chromium in abundance. It is useful to eat both fruits and berries: apples, cherries, blueberries, blueberries, plums, grapes. Northern berries are rich in chromium: cranberries, rowan, sea buckthorn.

It is worth buying corn oil for dressing salads - it will compensate for the lack of this microelement.

Chromium, like many other chemicals, is necessary for the human body to function properly. It is important to remember that for its absorption and proper breakdown, the presence of amino acids is necessary, which will help the absorption of this microelement. This means that synthetic vitamins are unlikely to help replenish the body properly. A reasonable, balanced diet of live foods will allow you to compensate for the lack of chromium, get the maximum benefit from it, and be a healthy and strong person until you are very old.