Guf's new friend. Guf spoke for the first time about his new girlfriend. Yana from Yekaterinburg, Gufa's girl, photo, why she had an abortion, at what period

Let us recall that in winter, photographs appeared in the press in which Katie and rapper Guf were allegedly photographed sunbathing in an embrace by the pool. Since the quality of the photo was poor, the faces could not be seen, but random witnesses claimed that Guf and Topuria were vacationing together in Thailand.

Katie and I are friends. And after this ridiculous news we become even stronger friends. I don't know who is in the photographs.

In an interview, journalist and blogger Yuri Dud asked Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​who had repeatedly had problems with drugs, whether Topuria helped him in 2016, when the musician once again became interested in taking illegal drugs.

She had no idea about this. We met on the set of a video and sometimes met to drink tea. She constantly persuaded me, but I, being on my own wavelength, always merged. Then he turned to her for help and asked her to do something. She put me in hospital in Moscow several times...

In addition to rumors about an affair with Katie, Guf also openly and regretfully admitted that he destroyed his marriage with his own hands, although the entire CIS was rooting for their couple. Now, from whom she gave birth to a son, Elvis.

I cheated on my wife for a while. Almost immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy. This is terrible... At some point I just stopped hiding it, I disappeared into strip clubs, hung out there for a couple of days. This was already in the order of things... At some point, she decided to teach me a lesson so that I would put myself in her place. She met some guy, kissed her, and it all ended up on the Internet. At the same time, she simply kissed.

Now Guf regrets the past, but the ex-couple managed to improve their relationship for the sake of their son. Now in

At the beginning of May, 38-year-old Alexey Dolmatov, better known as Guf, performed for the first time in Yerevan. After the concert, the artist met with journalists and talked about his work, his attitude towards his colleagues and his personal life. Dolmatov admitted that he was very worried before meeting with fans, but he managed to cope with the tension. The audience warmly received Guf and started rocking to his tracks.

The performer was asked what words he would use to describe himself. Alexey admitted that it is not easy for him to answer this question.

“I am modest, shy, nervous, jealous. (...) I still don’t understand it myself,” the artist shared.

In a conversation with Yuri Dudem, Dolmatov said that he used drugs, wanting to fill the spiritual emptiness. Now Guf does not take prohibited substances. According to Alexey, he has a lot to do.

“I have a new love now. Well, like new, we’ve been together for a year or two. In general, I have a lot going on in my life right now. I opened a store, I also live outside the city and tend to my personal plot. Somehow I cope without substances,” the rapper shared.

There are rumors that Guf is dating the 31-year-old lead singer of the group A"Studio, Keti Topuria, who announced her separation from her husband in September last year. Then it was rumored that it was the too close friendship with the rapper that caused changes in the singer's personal life. However, Dolmatov himself denied such speculation and said that he respects the artist and her family.

Be that as it may, Guf and Keti never cease to stir up interest in their extremely warm relationship. Photos of stars together often appear on social networks, which invariably provoke heated discussions on the Internet. In addition, Guf constantly comments on Katie’s posts on Instagram and even goes live with her. Recently, the rapper confessed his love to Topuria. Many fans of the couple believe that in this way Guf confirmed the rumors about his passion for the performer.

In a recent interview, Dolmatov said that he is inclined to long-term relationships. The rapper prefers not to use his popularity in order to have affairs with the opposite sex. “I have one woman, then after some interval another. I don’t say something like: “I’m Guf, come here,” Alexey told Vivaro News.

Let us remember that the famous rapper was married to Aiza Vagapova. The lovers legalized their relationship in August 2008, but a few years after the wedding they filed for divorce. Aiza and Alexey have a common son, Sami, who was born in May 2010.

Recently, things have not been going very well for Guf, or Alexei Dolmatov to be more precise. Another problem was the girl Yana, who was in an “interesting” position from the artist. The girl is from Yekaterinburg and it became known that she had an abortion because she was pregnant from the rapper.

Just recently it became known that the rapper broke up with the lead singer of the group “A-Studio”. Their relationship lasted for quite a long time, but eventually the couple broke up. Netizens and journalists suggested that Yana had something to do with this breakup. But this information is not confirmed, besides, we must not forget that some time ago the artist was beaten after his performance, by the way, then Katie helped Alexei. In any case, the chronology of these events is worth understanding.

So, it recently turned out that the rapper had a mistress, and a minor one at that. As already mentioned, the girl’s name is Yana and she is from Yekaterinburg. It was her fans of the artists who considered it a stumbling block in the relationship between the rapper and the singer.

To prove she was right, the girl published correspondence and messages from the rapper online. In one of them, Alexey can be heard telling Yana that it is difficult for him to cope with the breakup with the singer. In addition, the rapper said in another message that because of the scandal he has problems with his beloved.

True, Yana herself spoke very skeptically about the relationship between the rapper and the singer, believing that all this was not important for the artist. Here's what she said:

He initially had a dream of sleeping with a chick from A’Studio. These are his words. He later came and said: “I’m bored with Katie, I don’t want to be with her, I can’t be with her. I tried to break up with her five times. This time everything is final.

Yana from Yekaterinburg, Gufa's girl, photo, why she had an abortion, at what period

As for the rumors about the girl’s pregnancy, this is indeed true, at least according to the girl. But all this caused a very negative reaction from the rapper. In general, when it became known about this whole story, the girl said that she was being threatened and a security guard even started walking with her. It is unknown at what stage of pregnancy the girl had an abortion, but this was a fact.

Regarding the rapper’s reaction to this whole story and to Yana, it was very negative. He only ridiculed her in an aggressive manner, saying that he never had feelings for Yana, and the gifts were just payment for sex. Then Shvetsova did not want to have anything in common with the musician and had an abortion.

Live, Guf also admitted that the story with Yana had unsettled him so much that he intended to become a participant in the talk show “Let Them Talk.” Luckily for him, he changed his mind.

I was so angry with this Yana that I almost went to “Let them talk.” My senior people just stopped me in time. It’s just that if I start saying “Let them talk,” it will be too muсh for Yana. It was not because of Yana that I broke up with Katie. Yana is a stupid “fallen woman” that someone put under me. I didn’t understand who put it under me in Yekaterinburg. Yana, can you hear me? “I know what you hear,” Alexey said.

Guf Alexey Dolmatov and Keti Topuria

As you know, the relationship between Alexei and the singer was very serious and lasted for a couple of years. They even introduced their children from a previous relationship, but in the end they separated, but they did not voice the reason. To dispel the rumors, Alexey conducted a live broadcast, where he said that Yana had nothing to do with it, and he would continue to love Katie.

I broke up with Katie not because Yana appeared in my life. I will love Katie until the end of my days. I’ll just dot the i’s for you,” Guf said.

The journalists decided to take a comment from the lead singer of the group, but she answered very strangely and probably just decided to laugh it off. There are rumors that it was the 32-year-old singer who decided to break off the relationship. This conclusion can be drawn precisely from the fact that the musician had a very hard time withstanding the breakup.

Keti Topuria immediately disowned the scandal surrounding her former lover. The artist stated that the story came to light after the breakup, so it has nothing to do with it. Let us remind you that after the breakup of a two-year relationship, the lead singer of “A’Studio” was supported by Alla Pugacheva. The diva responded to a post about loneliness published by the singer on Instagram.

It was love at first sight and an alliance beneficial for the freedom-loving rapper, which gave him not only good sex with a young beauty, but also put an end to his boring and boring relationship with Keti Topuria.

Fans of Guf and Keti Topuria are panicking - their beautiful and “sincere” union has fallen apart. Apparently, there is no talk of a peaceful separation by mutual consent - the ex-lovers separated after a serious quarrel, and are very offended by each other. This is indicated by their behavior - Katie and Guf unfollowed each other on social networks, which gave rise to gossip.

And while both artists remain silent, the pretty “reason” for the breakup boldly reveals intimate details of Alexey’s life on social networks, confirming her words with piquant photos and audio confessions from the celebrity. It turns out that Guf cheated on Katie Topuria with a 16-year-old blonde named Yana, and now the rapper’s mistress is blackmailing him with intimate photos. “Dangerous sex” backfired for the performer - the offended girl threatened to tell Katie about her affair, and after another round of insults from her beloved, she “leaked” all the incriminating evidence against Alexey on the social network.

According to his mistress, they met in Moscow - Guf simply gave the girl a lift. The next meeting took place in Yana’s hometown - Yekaterinburg. The performer asked the girl to come to his concert, after which he confessed his feelings to her. Guf complained that he was tired of boring Katie, he allegedly tried to break up with her three times, but the cunning lover, who loves him madly, turned the situation in her favor and maintained their relationship. The singer actively had fun with his young mistress for several months, but then threats began to pour in.

The frightened girl claims she decided to protect herself and promised to tell Katie about their relationship, which she did. The lead singer of “A-studio” could not forgive this - anger, pride and resentment took over, and she left the traitor. It is worth noting that Yana is now 18 years old, but at the time of her first intimate relationship with a man she was only 16 (the age of consent).

January 12, 2019

Yana Shevtsova started dating Artem Soroka.

Guf and Yana Shevtsova/VKontakte

A few days ago, the ex said that the organizers of the project need to take certificates from new participants. Allegedly, some of them may be infected with dangerous infections. At the same time, Frost hinted that we were talking about an 18-year-old who even had an abortion from him. Frost almost openly accused Shevtsova of spreading HIV infection on the project.

more on the topic

For her part, Shevtsova noted that she and Frost never had mutual friends. She promised to defend her good name in court. Meanwhile, Shevtsova came to the project with Zakhar Salenko, Frost’s former lover. Her relationship with him did not work out, and she switched to Artem Soroka. Apparently, serious passion flared up between the young people.

One of the project participants, Alexey Kupin, stated on his page on the social network Instagram that fate gave Artem a beautiful girl named Yana. He noted that the image of the girl is shocking, but this is exactly what Artem Soroka dreamed of. Shevtsova and Soroka themselves have not yet spoken about their feelings.

“It’s a disgrace, such behavior is screwed... I watched everything at Dom-2, it’s too much,” “This is how to behave like this from a young age, but what’s next? After all, you will have to answer for every word. And here is the sale of body, mind, soul...”, “I haven’t watched Dom-2 for a long time. It makes no sense, but when I saw this lady, I became interested, what kind of miracle is this?! And where does it come from!? There haven’t been any like them there yet, I think she has a problem with her head,” users noted in the comments.