Small touch cards with your own hands. Tactile cards. From two to two and a half years

Games with tactile cards.

Our kids learn the world around them with all the senses, and one of the important areas child development is familiarity with various tactile sensations. Tactile cards can be made independently and used in games and activities with children different ages(both early and preschool).

Tactile cards is an interesting game that develops fine motor skills hands, visual perception, attention, memory, perseverance, intuition, help the baby get acquainted with the properties of different objects and surfaces. This is a great learning tool.

The impact of various textures on the fingers of children is in itself useful for its sensory, and thanks to the explanations of an adult, he learns that the surface can be different (smooth, rough, slippery, etc.). small cards it is convenient to hold for small hands, and all children, without exception, like getting, laying out and sorting out these “allowances”.

Older children, thanks to tactile cards, replenish their active vocabulary with many new adjectives: soft, hard, smooth, silky, convex, rough. For players 4-7 years old with cards, you can come up with many interesting games that develop memory and attention.

I bring to your attention several games with tactile cards.

The game "We study the texture"- smooth, prickly, rough, hard
Target: develop tactile memory, enrich vocabulary, develop fine motor skills, memory, fantasy, imagination.

Game "What does it look like"

The child feels the card, and then calls what it reminds him of or what it looks like.

Target: develops tactile memory and imagination.

Game "Find a Pair"This is a classic game - connecting, allows you to learn to find and name cards that are the same not only in color, but also in texture. Shuffle the cards and lay them out “texture” up, lay out the same in a row. You can play from 2-2.5 years.

Target: development of tactile sensations, attention, the ability to compare and combine cards according to 1 or 2 signs.

Game "Guess by touch"WITH two year old you can group touch cards by color or other characteristic. If the child already speaks well, invite him to guess the material when he feels the offered card under the covers. Further complicate the game by increasing the number of cards and the number of signs by which they can be combined.

Target: development of tactile sensations, attention, the ability to compare and combine cards according to 1 or 2 signs, speech development.

Game "Memory" Shuffle the cards and arrange them face down. Open pairs of cards in turn - if the same cards are found, they are removed from the field, and the player can make one more move. If the cards are different, the right to move passes to another player. In addition to enriching tactile sensations, the game contributes to the development of visual perception and memory, voluntary attention, and trains perseverance. You can play from 2-2.5 years.

Target: development of tactile sensations, attention, memory.

The game "Find the extra"You can start playing a simplified version of this game from the age of 1.5. Use only 3 cards, two of which should be the same, and the third should differ from them in one essential way. Further complicate the game by increasing the number of cards and the number of signs by which they can be combined.

Target: development of thinking, visual attention, to develop the ability to classify objects according to their essential feature, to generalize.

"Sequences"Have the children arrange the cards in order from the hardest and roughest to the smoothest and softest. If the child already speaks well, invite him to guess the material when he feels the offered card.


"Lay out a row according to the model". Invite the child to lay out the next row so that the cards match only on one basis (color or texture). Pay attention to him that 2 completely different rows turned out in appearance, but they are identical to the touch. Ask the baby to close his eyes and verify this with his fingers. By the way, if the kid can already easily play blindfold games, you can replace 1-2 cards in a row and ask him to guess what has changed.

Target: development of tactile sensations, attention, logical thinking.

"Tracks" Competitive game. Shuffle the cards and distribute them all, except for one card, equally to all participants. The task of the participants is to lay out the longest track from the cards they have, starting from the first card (a white card is common for two rows), while each next element of the track must be connected with the previous one, that is, have the same color or texture with it.

Target: The game contributes to the development of analytical thinking and the ability to predict the consequences of their actions.

Game "Animals at your fingertips"

Invite the children to take turns feeling the cards that resemble an animal in texture, and the children name the animal they stroked. The answers may not be clear, so the child can explain why he decided so.

Target: the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills and logical thinking, consolidates knowledge about animals and the texture of their coat and body.

Our kids learn the world around them with all the senses, and one of the important areas of child development is getting to know various tactile sensations. Sensory (or tactile) cards can be used in games and activities with children of all ages - starting from about 8 months, when they are already confidently sitting on their own, and up to 7-8 years.

What are touch cards for?

Tactile cards are not just an interesting game; they develop motor skills, visual perception, attention, memory, perseverance, intuition, help the baby get acquainted with the properties of different objects and surfaces.

For the youngest children, touch cards are an excellent educational tool. The impact of various textures on the baby's fingers is in itself useful for his sensory, and in addition, thanks to the explanations of the mother, the baby learns that this smooth surface- silk, soft and fluffy - cotton wool, and rough is called sandpaper. It is convenient to hold small cards for small hands, and all kids, without exception, like getting, laying out and sorting out these "allowances".

Older children, thanks to tactile cards, replenish their active vocabulary with many new adjectives: soft, hard, smooth, silky, convex, rough. For players 4-7 years old with cards, you can come up with many interesting games that develop memory and attention.

The basis for tactile cards is usually cardboard. You can use old, unnecessary carton boxes or buy cardboard specially, in a stationery store. In addition, felt can also become the basis of the cards. The size of the cards is approximately 5x8 or 5x9 cm. Usually two identical sets are made for different games, for example, searching for cards that feel the same.

What to stick on cardboard? Materials for creating your "author's" tactile cards can be very diverse:

  • any fabrics (silk, linen, velvet, raincoat fabric, fleece, knitwear, wool, batting, fabric with sequins, burlap and others);
  • leather, natural and artificial fur;
  • felt (you can stick it on cardboard or even use it as a basis for touch cards. In this case, make two sets of felt in different colors);
  • yarn, satin ribbon, braid;
  • cotton wool, synthetic winterizer;
  • velvet paper;
  • sandpaper;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • Velcro, or Velcro tape;
  • foil ordinary and from thermal insulation;
  • shreds from rubber and household gloves;
  • feathers;
  • quartz sand (aquarium or colored from sets for children's creativity"Fresco"), shells, pebbles;
  • paraffin (you just need to carefully drip it from a burning candle);
  • matches, toothpicks;
  • wire, wires;
  • paperclips;
  • buttons (sewn to the card);
  • pasta, peas, beans, rice, barley, buckwheat, semolina, millet;
  • sponges for washing dishes (divide the sponge into a hard and soft part and stick each on a separate card);
  • beads, beads, rhinestones;
  • walnut shells;
  • baby food jar lids, bottle cork pieces, tin can openers.

To keep the parts firmly, use superglue (for example, SuperMoment). Reliable adhesion of materials to cardboard is a prerequisite for the manufacture of tactile cards. This is especially important for kids who love to try everything by mouth. Getting into the mouth of small things such as pasta or beads is a real danger if they are not glued firmly enough. Sand can be poured over ordinary PVA glue, fabrics and fur - fixed with a stapler.

To make the cards look more fun, you can make them multi-colored. This will come in handy, for example, when conducting “color weeks” with a child.

Tape the edges of tactile cards with tape or masking tape so that they wear out less over time.

The form of applying tactile elements of the card can be any, to your taste. You can stick them in the form of letters and numbers. If desired, you can even make a whole alphabet or a complete set of numbers from 0 to 9.

Tactile card games

From 8 months

The main purpose of tactile card games for the little ones is to create different sensory experiences, and not just for the baby's hands. Neuropsychologists also advise applying tactile cards to the cervical and lumbar region, to the cheeks, feet and heels of the crumbs.

From a year and a half

1.5-2 years - the age of an avalanche-like growth of active vocabulary. With the help of tactile cards, you can learn with your child the names of colors, glued materials, the names of the characteristics of surfaces and the sensations of touching them. You can learn the names of colors and textures, for example, by offering your child to find a pair for a card by color.

Starting from a year and a half, you can try to play the game "The Third Extra" with your baby. Put three cards in front of him, two of which will be the same, and one will be different in color or touch. Everything is clear with the background color, and an example of different textures can be velvet or glossy paper, fabric and beads of the same color. As the child grows older, the number of cards used in the game and their characteristics increases.

From two to two and a half years

With a two-year-old, you can group the sensory cards by color or something else. If the child already speaks well, invite him to guess the material when he feels the offered card under the covers.

Children over 2-2.5 years old are already conscious enough to play Memory with them. Tactile cards make this simple but beloved game even more interesting. Its rules are simple. Players take turns opening a pair of cards. If the same ones are caught, they are removed, and the player has the right to one more move. If the cards are different, they are turned face down again, and the next player gets the right to move.

From the age of three

1) With children 3 years and older, you can lay out the cards from the softest to the hardest, from the smoothest to the roughest in feel.

2) You can also play with the baby with the help of tactile cards in the connecting game. Lay them out in two columns (start with 3 cards each) and offer to find pairs by color or material.

3) By making special tactile cards with two fields, you will add to your home board games great domino. Surely the kids will love it. Everyone knows the rules of this game.

4) Invite the child to lay out the same row as you did. Thanks to such games, the baby learns to act according to the model and develops attention. You can complicate the task: let the cards in the rows match only on one basis - color or texture. If he picked up matching cards with the same materials but different colors, ask him to close his eyes and make sure that the cards in the rows are identical by touch.

5) The next game is suitable for those children who are already comfortable with blindfolding. Lay out a series of cards, offer to feel and remember them. Then blindfold the baby, replace one of the cards and ask him to guess what has changed.

6) If you have made a set of cards with letters or numbers, to teach the child, you can offer him to guess the letter or number found with his eyes closed or under the covers.

7) With children who are already good at expressing their thoughts with words, you can use touch cards while listening to music. Ask the child to describe with the help of a card how the melody seemed to him to the touch. Such tasks will develop his imagination and associative thinking.

8) Several people can take part in the next game. Choose one, the initial card, and divide the rest equally among the players. Now they have to compete - lay out the longest path possible, with the condition that all adjacent cards must be connected to each other, i.e. have the same color or materials.

We hope that the suggested ideas for making and playing with tactile cards will help you make your child's leisure time brighter. We wish you an interesting and boring time spent with the kids!

Choosing between tactile boards and tactile covers for a child for a long time, I decided to stop at the second option.

And as it turned out, you can come up with a huge number of educational games with such covers ...

Why did I choose between planks and lids for a long time?

The advantage of planks is that the tactile surface can be made quite large. These boards can be used to make tactile mats and walk on them barefoot or apply to various parts of the body to enrich the child's tactile experience.

The large size of the boards for some, as for me, may turn out to be a minus: they need to be stored somewhere, which means tactile options will certainly be less.

To create my manual, I decided to use metal lids from Frutonyanya baby food.

What made me choose them:

  • availability: the required number of caps can be quickly assembled, because baby food"Frutonyanya" is given out in the dairy kitchen;
  • ready to use: covers only need to be washed, no need to measure, draw, cut, etc.;
  • aesthetics: all covers are even, of the same size, with rounded edges, pleasant to the touch, which is difficult to achieve when making boards on your own;
  • relatively small size(Largest lids available): Small enough for compact storage and large enough for tactile feel.
In addition to the covers to create the manual, I needed glue gun And A large number of different in color, weight and texture of materials that I collected for more than a year while I was thinking about everything.

It can be:

Various types of paper, cardboard, cellophane, sponge, polystyrene, etc.,

Buttons, shells, beads, beads, matches, sticks, stones, figurines made of glass and other materials,

Seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, cereals, pasta...

And the manufacturing process tactile covers very fast!

From cardboard, I cut out a circle of sufficient diameter to exactly fit the inside size of the lid. Then I used it as a stencil for cutting circles from various materials.

The eldest son himself made several tactile caps as a two-year present for the youngest: for him, this is an opportunity to express himself, to feel his importance and involvement, and also to train motor skills, for me - the opportunity to photograph the process.

The glue in the gun heats up in minutes. At the same time, it is not very hot: the temperature of the adhesive composition is 110 degrees. After squeezing out, the glue quickly cools and hardens, so they can’t get burned if they get on the skin (neither my son nor I did it ;-)).

We smeared the glued part with glue and quickly pressed it to the lid. Within 1-2 minutes, the glue hardens, and you can already play with the lids!

The younger son literally "pulled" them out of my hands.

At the first meeting, he kept some for himself, and put some aside - he didn’t like it!

Then my two-year-old son came up with a game that was repeated over and over again when I gave my son caps:

the son turned all the covers in turn with the tactile surface down, and then up again.

He always touches each lid with his fingers.

Considers the tactile surface.

And can apply to lips, cheeks ...

The six-year-old son could not stay away from new toy brother, selected some of the lids for himself and laid them out, guided by his principles.

A small number of tactile lids are conveniently stored in chip jars. If desired, a rectangular slot can be made in the lid for younger children, then the children will lower the lids into the jar as if into a piggy bank.

When I had lids for three full jars, I decided to put them in a box, which turned out to be very convenient.

The entire top row with pairs of identical caps. Medium - with pairs of similar covers on some basis. Bottom row with covers in one copy.

1. Find the exact pair of caps (eyes open or closed).

2. Find a logical pair of caps.

3. Feel the lid and describe your feelings in words. Choosing the right word (rounded, ribbed, soft, etc.) expands vocabulary.

4. For one cover, try to pick up as many appropriate adjectives that describe tactile sensations, or nouns that can be similar to touch (author Natalia Sukhoruchenkova, based on the books by I.Yu. Matyugin).

5. Feel the lid and find a pair of available pictures or objects for it (author Natalia Sukhoruchenkova, based on the books by I.Yu. Matyugin).

Then the selected objects / pictures can be removed and the child can be invited to remember the pairs by feeling the covers.

Items for this version of the game I took from another one of my "Wonder Box".

6. Find a pair of lids that can be described with synonymous words.

7. Find a pair of caps that can be described with antonyms.

Variant of the game: the concept of "big-small".

8. Make a sequence of caps from the most pleasant to the touch to the most unpleasant and explain your choice (author Natalia Sukhoruchenkova, based on the books by I.Yu. Matyugin).

8. Tactile memorial(with open or closed eyes).

Option: tactile geometric memory.

9. Drawing up patterns, mandalas.

10. Drawing up a sequence in which each next cover is similar to / differs from the previous one in one or more ways (with open or closed eyes).

11. Visual memory according to Shichida: a quick display of one cover, which you then need to find among two or more similar ones.

Sensory (or tactile) cards can be used in games and activities with children of all ages - from about 8 months, when they are already confidently sitting on their own, and up to 7-8 years.

Tactile cards are not just an interesting game; they develop motor skills, visual perception, attention, memory, perseverance, intuition, help the baby get acquainted with the properties of different objects and surfaces.

For the youngest children, touch cards are an excellent educational tool. The impact of various textures on the baby's fingers is in itself useful for his sensory, and in addition, thanks to the explanations of his mother, the baby learns that this smooth surface is silk, soft and fluffy is cotton wool, and the rough one is called sandpaper. It is convenient to hold small cards for small hands, and all kids, without exception, like getting, laying out and sorting out these “allowances”.

Older children, thanks to tactile cards, replenish their active vocabulary with many new adjectives: soft, hard, smooth, silky, convex, rough. For players 4-7 years old with cards, you can come up with many interesting games that develop memory and attention.

From 8 months

The main purpose of tactile card games for the little ones is to create different sensory experiences, and not just for the baby's hands. Neuropsychologists also advise applying tactile cards to the cervical and lumbar region, to the cheeks, feet and heels of the crumbs.

From a year and a half

1.5-2 years - the age of an avalanche growth of active vocabulary. With the help of tactile cards, you can learn with your child the names of colors, glued materials, the names of the characteristics of surfaces and the sensations of touching them. You can learn the names of colors and textures, for example, by offering your child to find a pair for a card by color.

Starting from a year and a half, you can try to play the game “The Third Extra” with your baby. Put three cards in front of him, two of which will be the same, and one will be different in color or touch. Everything is clear with the background color, and an example of different textures can be velvet or glossy paper, fabric and beads of the same color. As the child grows older, the number of cards used in the game and their characteristics increases.

From two to two and a half years

With a two-year-old, you can group the sensory cards by color or something else. If the child already speaks well, invite him to guess the material when he feels the offered card under the covers.

Children over 2-2.5 years old are already conscious enough to play Memory with them. Tactile cards make this simple but beloved game even more interesting. Its rules are simple. Players take turns opening a pair of cards. If the same ones are caught, they are removed, and the player has the right to one more move. If the cards are different, they are turned face down again, and the next player gets the right to move.

From the age of three

1) With children 3 years and older, you can lay out the cards from the softest to the hardest, from the smoothest to the roughest in feel.

2) You can also play with the baby with the help of tactile cards in the connecting game. Lay them out in two columns (start with 3 cards each) and offer to find pairs by color or material.

3) By making special tactile cards with two fields, you will add a great domino to your home board games. Surely the kids will love it. Everyone knows the rules of this game.

4) Invite the child to lay out the same row as you did. Thanks to such games, the baby learns to act according to the model and develops attention. You can complicate the task: let the cards in the rows match only on one basis - color or texture. If he picked up matching cards with the same materials but different colors, ask him to close his eyes and make sure that the cards in the rows are identical to the touch.

5) The next game is suitable for those children who are already comfortable with blindfolding. Lay out a series of cards, offer to feel and remember them. Then blindfold the baby, replace one of the cards and ask him to guess what has changed.

6) If you have made a set of cards with letters or numbers, to teach the child, you can offer him to guess the letter or number found with his eyes closed or under the covers.

7) With children who are already good at expressing their thoughts with words, you can use touch cards while listening to music. Ask the child to describe with the help of a card how the melody seemed to him to the touch. Such tasks will develop his imagination and associative thinking.

8) Several people can take part in the next game. Choose one, the initial card, and divide the rest equally among the players. Now they have to compete - lay out the longest path possible, with the condition that all adjacent cards must be connected to each other, i.e. have the same color or materials.

Elena Kebikova

Our kids learn the world around them with all their senses, and one of the most important areas of child development is acquaintance with various tactile sensations develop the sensory perception of the child, tactile memory, fine motor skills of the fingers, and as a result, they have a beneficial effect on the mental potential of the baby. Playing with them, the baby gets acquainted with the features of the world around him, expands his ideas about the properties of various objects, and increases his vocabulary.

For the smallest children tactile cards are a great educational tool. The impact of various textures on the baby's fingers is in itself useful for his sensory, and in addition, thanks to the explanations of adults, the baby learns that this soft and fluffy surface is cotton wool, and the rough one is called sandpaper.

Thanks to such cards older children develop tactile sensations and study the properties of objects, attention and memory, imaginative thinking and motor skills, replenish their active vocabulary with the help of a variety of adjectives: soft, hard, smooth, prickly, convex, rough, magnetic. Playing with such touch cards children can receive sensations not only through their fingers, they apply them with great interest to the cheeks, neck and other parts of the body.

Basis for card stock is usually cardboard. Materials for creating your "author's" cards can be very varied. In order for the parts to have a strong bond with cardboard-- use super strong glue (I used a glue gun). Application form tactile elements of the card can be any. You can stick them in the form of letters and numbers, geometric shapes etc.

Here are some I got cards.

WITH reverse side short description cards.

Nursery group.

Middle group.

Preparatory group.

Some cards can be used for drawing.

for storage cards you can use a shoe box.

Thank you for your attention!

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