A man touches a woman's hand. How to use men's body language to flirt. He goes to the beat with you


Men don't always talk directly about their feelings and emotions. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what’s going on in his soul and how he treats his chosen one! If this is the beginning of your acquaintance, pay attention to his gestures. Luckily, a man's body language is text that's easy to read!

Here is a list of signals that indicate his interest.

1. Pay attention to his pupils, they are enlarged. This is a typical reaction of the brain when it likes something (or someone)!

2. His eyebrows are raised, especially when you speak. He subconsciously makes this gesture to increase his field of vision.

3. He smiles, showing his teeth. Men smile this way only when they are truly happy.

4. The man smiles from ear to ear. A sincere smile causes forehead wrinkles and squinting of the eyes in men in particular. If a man smiles in this way, it means that he wants to attract female attention.

5. Focuses his gaze on your face. He is guaranteed to like you if he spends 80 percent of his attention looking at your eyes, nose and mouth.

7. He takes a deep breath when he sees you. The intake of air causes the chest to expand and the waist to narrow. This is a sign that the guy subconsciously wants to be attractive to you.

8. He leans a little towards you when you say something, even if he hears you perfectly. This means deep interest in your words.

9. When he turns towards you, he places his hands on his hips with his elbows facing out. The man thus shows that he wants to focus your attention on himself.

10. When he picks a hair or speck off your blouse, it means he is trying to initiate physical contact to see your reaction. Wants to be closer to you.

11. Sits with legs wide apart. Thanks to this position, he shows his very sensitive “masculinity.” This is a subconscious way to show not only the openness of the personality, but also mental activity.

12. Moves (gently) a little closer if you are sitting next to each other. This means that he is hunting you.

13. Involuntarily points the toe of the shoe in your direction. However, if you touch his shoulder and you notice that his legs are moving away from you, it means that he has lost interest.

14. Swinging your legs is an attempt to attract attention. If a man crosses his legs or stretches them out, it means a lack of interest on his part. If he shifts from foot to foot, but the rest of his body is facing you, this means shyness.

15. Approaches you when you say something. This is a sign of interest.

16. If during a conversation he does not focus his gaze on you, this means that he is looking out for someone else. However, if he asks a lot of questions and looks for commonalities, and his eyes wander, this may indicate simple shyness.

17. Touches his own neck. This may indicate not only interest, but also fear about your relationship. It depends on the context.

18. When he holds your hand and intertwines his fingers around yours, it means that he wants to get to know you better.

19. Touches you with his hand when he speaks. This means that he wants your attention, wants to be heard. There is a desire to make an impression.

20. Casually touches your leg, but quickly removes his hand. This means that the man is interested in having sex with you. If he removes his hand slowly and smiles at the same time, this means that he loves you very much.

21. Walks next to you, but does not notice the road ahead of him. However, if he walks a few steps ahead of you, he is more focused on himself.


Many women want to know how this or that man treats them. Psychologists say that this is quite simple to do: you just need to observe the object of interest. A man's sympathy can be indicated by increased attention to you, a desire to help, a willingness to make sacrifices, and some other signs.

“Does a man like me?” - you will find the answer to this question by reading this article, in which Damico described the most striking signs of male love.

Sign One: He's Watching You

A man who feels sympathy for a woman constantly looks for her with his eyes. He admires the object of his affection and at the same time watches him, trying to detect signs of reciprocity.

If a man periodically glances in your direction while talking with other people, he almost certainly likes you.

A man in love begins to be more careful about his appearance: he tries to dress more neatly, generously pours perfume on himself, polishes his shoes until they shine, etc. However, there is a possibility that he is “preening his feathers” for the sake of another woman, so look for other signs of his sympathy for to you.

If he tries to put his arm around your waist, touch your arm or knee, there is undoubtedly some interest. However, a man seeking physical contact is not always in love. It is quite possible that the ultimate goal is light flirting or seduction. Therefore, to find out the seriousness of his intentions, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs.

Sign four: trying to protect and help

A man in love strives to protect and preserve the object of his love. This manifests itself even in small things: a man lets you go ahead, throws his jacket over your shoulders, takes your side in an argument. If you have problems, he will try to solve them.

Asks questions about your life, asks mutual friends about you. If his intentions are serious, he tries to invite you to visit him in order to see the environment in which you live and get to know your household.

Sign six: behaves differently with you than with other people

For example, a calm and balanced guy, when communicating with you, turns into a joker and a merry fellow. And the sociable and witty young man suddenly becomes silent and hardly squeezes out every word. This sign indicates serious interest.

If a man likes you, he will strive to please you. Even small trifles like a box of chocolates or a flower indicate that he cares about you. Most men won't waste time or money on a girl they're not interested in.

If he missed a match with his favorite team to visit your grandmother with you, celebrate the victory! Only love can make a normal person neglect a football broadcast to visit someone's grandmother!

Sign nine: jealous

His mood gets worse when he sees you with someone else. A temperamental man may even behave defiantly: demonstrate his hostility to his opponent and be rude to you.

If a man remembers your dog's name, notices the slightest change in hairstyle, and says the date and year of your birth without hesitation, then most likely he is in love with you. All the lover's attention is directed to the object of love. What is not connected with the object is ignored, but any little thing that has at least some relation to the woman he loves is recorded and remembered.

Sign eleven: boasts

Trying to conquer you, a man will probably intensively advertise himself. He will tell you about all his achievements, from winning the kindergarten marathon to the five ten-kilogram pike he caught last week.

You can understand a man not only by words and actions, but also by gestures. In this article we will look at some behavioral characteristics of men.

How to understand by gestures that a man likes you

If a man likes you, he will definitely show you signs of attention. The smallest details in his behavior may indicate that he is interested in you. Unexpected calls, regular messages, offers to help you with something - men do all this to show their sympathy.

You can understand a lot by a man's gestures. If a man likes you, he will definitely touch you. At the same time, it is important to observe what gestures a man allows himself. If this is touching hands and shoulders, then this is an expression of friendship rather than sympathy for you as a woman. Touching your waist, legs, and hands is an expression of interest in you and a desire to “get closer.”

How to understand by gestures that a man is in love

A man who is in love will always listen to you carefully.

Interaction with other people occurs on several levels. The first level is verbal, that is, communication through speech. The second level is non-verbal, which includes body language and gestures. And if we have learned to masterfully control the verbal method of communication, then sign language is controlled purely by our subconscious. The richness of body language is in no way inferior to the richness of our speech. When we are excited, excited, upset, irritated or passionate, our body gives certain signals to the interlocutor.

Interestingly, both women and men have a non-verbal method of communication. We use different signals just to convey our emotions. It is very difficult to thoroughly master the language of gestures and facial expressions. At least psychologists have been studying this art for many years, but then they manage to determine his true feelings literally from the first seconds, looking at the face or reaction of the interlocutor’s body. Since a person’s subconscious never lies, we simply must learn the basics of a man’s body language in order to understand how he treats us. Moreover, if a man is interested in you, it will be immediately noticeable by his facial expressions, gestures and body movements.

10 body language signals of a man in love

1. He raises his eyebrows

If a man slightly raises his eyebrows when he sees you and immediately lowers them, this indicates his interest. This fleeting movement simultaneously reflects joy and surprise. But if during a conversation a man raises his eyebrows and is in no hurry to lower them, most likely he is skeptical.

2. He reaches out towards you with his body.

When we like someone, we subconsciously strive to get closer to that person. For example, if a man sits opposite you and tilts his torso slightly towards you, this means that he is attractive to you. You can also be sure of his sympathy if, while in society, he strives to turn his body and shoulders more in your direction.

3. He doesn't know where to put his hands

Hand movements very eloquently convey a person’s feelings. When talking to a man, watch his hands. If he randomly fiddles with something, shows his palms, touches his belt or pockets, this indicates that at the moment he wants to move the conversation to another topic and attract attention to himself. These gestures also convey embarrassment, which is known to only occur towards people who care.

4. He touches his hair

For women, hair is a source of pride. Therefore, when we unconsciously try to attract attention to ourselves, we begin to correct them, twist them, string them on our fingers, etc. Although men usually cannot boast of bright hair, they use the same signal to attract the attention of the person they like. If you see that the man in front of you has begun to ruffle or smooth his hair, know that he is preening so that you pay attention to him. A similar meaning is symbolized by touching a mustache or beard.

5. He goes to the beat with you.

A man's stride is much wider than a woman's. But if you are walking next to a man who is in love with you, you will not have to do your best to catch up with him, because... he will go in time with you. By adjusting to your step, a man subconsciously demonstrates his interest and disposition towards you.

6. Mirror effect

According to psychologists, if you are not sure of a man’s feelings when communicating with him, start gesticulating and observe whether he repeats your movements or not. As a rule, a truly interested person will begin to unconsciously imitate your gestures. This effect occurs when a man's subconscious seeks to demonstrate that he is your friend and will not cause harm.

7. He makes eye contact while talking.

It is usually difficult for men to follow the logic of women's speech. But if a man is in love, he will listen, literally, to every word from your lips. If during your monologue a man looks into your eyes, does not make unnecessary gestures and does not look away, this indicates either that he is interested in you or that you are a very good storyteller.

8. He gestures intensely

When a person is in a calm state, he uses a minimum of gestures. But if he is excited, excited or interested in attracting the attention of his interlocutor, his gestures become more expressive, brighter and more intense. If even at this moment a man suddenly begins to speak a little faster than usual, do not doubt that he likes you. Thus, a man subconsciously strives to keep your attention.

9. He touches you

When communicating with a person who does not arouse any interest in us, we avoid touching him and keep our distance. But if you notice that during a conversation a man discreetly touches you, offers his hand or holds you while walking, this almost 100% means that he is very interested in you. Tactile signals also indicate that he likes you sexually.

10. He speaks softly and subduedly.

The voice is a subconscious tool of seduction. If a man needs to get your attention, he will speak softly and hushedly, as if he is telling you a secret that no one else should know about.

In the first stages of dating, fear of rejection and embarrassment can “interrupt” body language. If there is a shy man in front of you, try to be the first to convey your disposition non-verbally - show open palms, look him in the eyes and smile. Subconsciously, a man will sense your mood, which will help him act more decisively and boldly.

“Speak, I say!”..

By what exactly the young man says, you can easily determine what exactly the guy wants from the girl and how he plans to develop their relationship. If a guy at the first meeting constantly bombards a lady with compliments, non-stop talking about how amazing, beautiful, smart and sexy she is, without really listening to her and not paying attention to the girl’s opinion about anything, it means that he simply wants to quickly seduce the lady. The fact is that many guys firmly believe that you can get a woman into bed if you promise her everything possible and shower her with compliments. However, to be honest, this works quite often. And in order not to fall for the bait of a womanizer, always pay attention to what the guy says.

How to understand a guy's intentions

When a young man plans a serious relationship with a girl, he takes a closer look at her, so he listens carefully to what she says in order to understand her tastes, interests, life values ​​and goals. In this case, the young man will not be scattered with words, since he simply cannot say all this from the bottom of his heart. And if a man takes a woman seriously, he will not lie to her. Therefore, rejoice when, instead of a stream of compliments, you hear questions about how you imagine your life in ten years or what you think about Mayakovsky’s work. This means that the guy just wants to understand who you really are in order to make sure that this is the kind of girl he needs.

These eyes are opposite

His gaze can also tell about a man’s attitude. If a guy is attracted to a woman sexually, he looks at her breasts, butt, and evaluates her figure. But when a girl is really important to a young man, he will look at her face and admire her. Therefore, when communicating with a guy, carefully watch how he looks at you. It is not for nothing that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. A look can truly reflect a person's emotions. If you see that a guy looks at you for a long time, and his gaze is clearly not focused on the main feminine charms, it means that he is in love. And a truly in love person is always serious about the object of his feelings. But the one who glances over your body and grins meaningfully, most likely dreams only of sex and nothing else. Of course, love cannot exist without desire, but when desire clearly takes over, there can be no talk of any seriousness.

Gestures and movements

A man’s serious or frivolous attitude can also be recognized by his gestures and movements. When a man always tries to support and pick up a lady, if he remembers to throw a jacket over her shoulders on a cold evening and holds her by the waist, and does not constantly try to lower his hand lower, it means he has quite serious feelings towards the woman. The point is when a man he takes you by the hand, hugs you around the waist, shoulders, covers you - this means that subconsciously he wants to protect, keep the person safe. And such desires arise only when a guy takes a girl seriously. You can immediately distinguish between those couples where the guys really love the girls and those where the man just needs stable sex. This can be seen from the gestures that men make. Moreover, you shouldn’t judge by whether the guy opens the door and offers his hand from the vehicle. In fact, this only speaks about his upbringing. Here the matter is completely different. When a man takes a heavy bag from a woman without a reminder, when he does not forget to offer his hand where it is difficult for her to pass, when he simply hugs her in public with tenderness and not lust - this shows his serious attitude.


By how important it is for a man to enter into a sexual relationship with a girl, his seriousness can also be determined. If a guy really plans to stay with this lady for a long time, he will never insist on sex. No one says that he doesn’t want to, but if a man loves, he can wait, because he respects the woman and sex in their relationship is an important, but not the dominant thing for him. But in the case when a guy hints at sex from the first days, persuades or even threatens to break up, there can be no talk of a serious relationship. Such a man just needs to share a bed with someone consistently. And if he comes across someone who is more willing to agree, he will immediately forget about you. Therefore, no matter how much they say that in modern society sex is a very common thing, in fact, loving men can still wait and respect the decision of their girlfriend. Because, anyway, they value their beloved too much to lose her because of banal lust. So if you want to understand whether your boyfriend has serious intentions, do not rush into an intimate relationship with him. Many young girls make this mistake, firmly believing that guys cannot do without sex. In fact, a person who loves will never leave a woman because she decided to delay sex. Of course, ladies shouldn’t go too far and drag out this wait for years. It’s very cute and romantic to believe in sex after marriage, but don’t forget that in those days when this was the case, people got married at sixteen, and a couple of months usually passed between meeting and getting married. Therefore, in this matter, you still shouldn’t go too far.

Actions and deeds

But, of course, you can best understand the seriousness of a man by how he acts towards a woman. After all, serious guys often don’t like to talk much. They make. But girls who, as you know, love with their ears, forget about this. As a result, they mistakenly take multiple declarations of love seriously. Although, in fact, a guy can say that he loves only once, but he will confirm this with many actions.

When a guy has serious intentions towards a girl, he always tries to make her feel better. For example, when choosing a gift, he at least tries to choose something that she likes, and not just some trinket. A man who is serious about a girl never turns a deaf ear to her problems and requests. He may remain silent, but he will do everything to help her.

When a guy really sees his future wife in a girl, he tries to become better, to be the one who can provide for her and please her. And also, everything he does, he does just like that, without expecting anything in return. He can arrive at two in the morning just to say I love you and go home, not counting on the fact that the girl will leave him with her and give him a hot night. When presenting an expensive gift, he will not wonder if she can give him something equally valuable. No, he will just be happy that she is smiling. When a man takes a woman seriously, her joy becomes the most important thing for him. She becomes the most important for him and he accepts her with all her shortcomings and problems, with relatives that he does not particularly like, with children whom he can quite sincerely call his own. When a man has serious intentions, nothing scares him, because he knows for sure that with this woman he can overcome any problem, because only she is his true happiness.