Can rabbits have watermelon rinds? Is it possible to give watermelon rinds to rabbits: beneficial qualities of the product and feeding rules? Can rabbits have melon rinds?

In the summer, a lot of fruit appears on store shelves and markets, and for people who have a garden, they grow right in the garden bed. Owners of rabbit farms just want to treat their pets to some delicacy from the garden. However, first you need to find out which fruits will be useful and which will harm the animals. The article will help you figure out whether rabbits can be given melon and peels.

Composition and beneficial properties of melon

Melon is a relative of pumpkin; both crops belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. Melon pulp is aromatic, sweet and juicy, it is a source of vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid);
  • tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid.

The composition of microelements in melon pulp is also rich. It includes substances:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese.

Eating melon pulp is beneficial for rabbits, as it helps provide the body with necessary substances. This fruit helps improve blood composition, helps speed up metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens the immune system of pets. Due to the content of folic acid, melon improves the condition of the reproductive system of rabbits, they reproduce better, and the offspring are viable.


Despite such a rich chemical composition, melon can be harmful to rodents. Its pulp is difficult to digest and irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Attention! Lactating females should not be fed melon pulp - the rabbits will suffer.

How to feed melon to rabbits?

There is no ban on feeding melons to long-eared pets, but it should be given no more than 2 times a week in small portions (15-30 grams). First, the fruit is washed, then cut in half. The seeds are cleaned from the inside. The surface layer, the skin, is cut off, and the pulp is crushed into cubes. In this form, it is more convenient for rabbits to eat the treat.

Attention! Rabbits under the age of 4 months are not given melon.

If the pet has never tried melon pulp before, he is offered 1-2 small pieces of the fruit. During the day, his body’s reaction to the new product is monitored. If the animal shows signs of indigestion, the treat is excluded from its menu.

Melon rinds are not given to rabbits. If there are thick melon scraps left from the human table, then the top layer, the yellow-brown dense skin, is removed from them, and the rest can be fed to pets. Some farmers recommend lightly drying the trimmings before distributing them to animals to reduce the amount of moisture, others do not find this necessary. Thin melon rinds contain a minimum of useful substances, and their taste is unpleasant, so the animals refuse to eat them.

You can feed rabbits with melon, observing the measure and feeding rules. This fruit is difficult to digest; it should be given to rodents in small portions once or twice a week, not more often. Pumpkin pulp is not offered to young animals, nor to lactating rabbits.

Today, rabbits are bred not only for their beautiful fur, but also for their tasty dietary and extremely healthy meat. However, in order to get all this, you need to feed the animal properly. Therefore, many are interested in the question: crusts, since it is believed that this food product has the best effect on the meat of these funny animals. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What are the benefits of watermelon rinds?

Watermelon peel contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Many people mistakenly believe that only the pulp contains a certain percentage of bioactive substances. However, it is not. If we talk about whether it is possible to give watermelon rinds and pulp to rabbits, then you can feed both ordinary and decorative individuals with both. You should definitely learn some feeding features.

The crusts have a much lower moisture content as well as sugar. But they contain more amino acids and fiber. This is very beneficial for rabbits. Based on this, we can conclude that the rind of a watermelon is even healthier for the animal than the pulp.

In addition, watermelon rinds contain dietary fiber, vitamins, as well as a large amount of organic acids and microelements. Thanks to potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, the furry animal receives all the necessary nutrients that have a positive effect on its health. Accordingly, when considering the question of whether it is possible to feed watermelon rinds to rabbits, the answer will be positive.


As you know, in order to grow watermelons as quickly as possible, they are most often treated with nitrates. Sometimes their content in fruits is so high that it is dangerous to give such a berry not only to animals, but even to humans. Nitrates themselves are salts of nitric acid. They stimulate plant growth and are much cheaper than natural fertilizers.

From this point of view, everything related to the question of whether watermelon rinds can be given to rabbits takes on a negative direction. If animals constantly eat foods high in chemicals, they may develop serious intestinal problems. The fact is that in the body nitrates are converted into nitrites, which have a detrimental effect on the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

How to control the amount of nitrates?

In order not to guess whether watermelon rinds can be given to rabbits, it is better to check the quality of the animal’s diet once again. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special device that will allow you to determine the amount of chemicals contained in the bark of the berry. However, this equipment has a very high price. You can replace it with special test strips. They are very often used in everyday life when checking various garden crops.

There are also visual methods that will help determine how much nitrates are contained in the berry.

If the fruits have been actively fertilized with chemicals, then thin white or yellow veins can be easily seen in the pulp. At the same time, the watermelon will taste very unsweetened and not aromatic. You can also clarify the amount of nitrates that were used when growing the fruit by soaking. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece of watermelon pulp and put it in a glass of water for 10-15 minutes. If after this time the water turns purple, this indicates that nitrates were used when growing the crop. Bright red liquid means that the unripe fruit is richly saturated with dyes. If the water has acquired a barely noticeable pinkish tint, then this is the best result. Can a decorative rabbit have watermelon rinds after such a test? Yes. However, before that, there are a few more recommendations that need to be clarified.

Do I need to wash and clean?

Before you think about your animal’s diet, you need to not only find out whether rabbits can eat watermelon rinds, but also how to properly prepare them.

It is worth considering that these fruits are often coated with all kinds of stabilizers and protective agents. If an animal begins to actively consume such foods, it will begin to suffer from indigestion and bloating. Therefore, immediately after purchasing watermelons, you must thoroughly rinse them in warm running water. Thanks to this, it will be possible to remove not only the accumulated dirt that settles during transportation and storage, but also some of the chemicals.

When should you not give watermelon rinds?

As you know, these animals are not very picky about food, so in any case they will eat everything that is given to them. Accordingly, before switching your rabbit to feeding on watermelon rinds, you should first give him a small piece of the berry to try. After this, you can increase the dose.

When determining whether rabbits can have watermelon rinds, it is worth considering one more recommendation. Animals should not be given such food if the process of softening the balls of their droppings has already begun. Also, sweet berries should not be given if animals suffer from diarrhea. The fact is that watermelon already has laxative properties.

Also, watermelon rinds should not be the main diet; in addition to them, you should definitely include fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to feed rabbits:

  • potatoes;
  • carrots;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • beets;
  • corn;
  • barley;
  • wheat;
  • mixed feed.

Good to know

Of course, under no circumstances should you give spoiled or rotten watermelon to rabbits. If the berry was purchased several weeks ago, then it is already considered absolutely unsuitable for food. It is also worth considering that the peel of the fruit deteriorates much faster than the pulp itself. Therefore, by the evening the fermentation process begins in it. It is recommended to give watermelon rinds as food to animals during the day, after which the food should be thrown away.

If we talk about watermelon seeds, then they can be safely given to animals, since they contain a lot of fatty acids that will be beneficial for the liver of rabbits.

Can rabbits have watermelon rinds? Of course, but before that you need to check them for the presence of nitrates, rinse them and make sure that the food has not spoiled.

Rabbits are herbivorous rodents; they feed exclusively on plant foods. In the summer, when fresh vegetables and fruits are available, owners of long-eared pets just want to treat them with some kind of treat, such as watermelon. Before offering a juicy berry to an animal, you need to find out whether it is possible to give watermelon rinds and pulp to rabbits, and whether such food will cause harm. The article will tell you which parts of the fruit and in what form can be fed to pets.

The benefits of watermelon

Ripe watermelon is a source of substances valuable for the body. 96% of its pulp consists of water, the remaining 4% contains useful substances. Watermelon pulp contains vitamins:

  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • carotene and ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin PP.

Among other things, there are macroelements present here - calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as iron. Due to its composition, watermelon has many beneficial properties:

  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • improves vision;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes milk production;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances.

The composition of watermelon rinds is slightly different from the composition of the pulp. They contain little vitamin A, but contain more B vitamins and ascorbic acid. This part of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and liver, and has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Watermelon peel is useful for constipation. If the rabbit has such a problem, he is offered to eat a small piece of rind.


Despite its rich vitamin and mineral composition, watermelon can be harmful to the rabbit. This warning especially applies to watermelon pulp.

It is known that watermelons are most often grown using growth stimulants. Toxic substances accumulate in the pulp of the fruit, so that they can cause severe poisoning even in an adult. The digestive system of rodents is even more delicate and sensitive. After eating watermelon pulp saturated with pesticides, a pet can die in a matter of hours.

Attention! You should not feed your rabbit watermelon if the fruit was purchased in a store at the beginning or middle of summer. The natural ripening period for the berries is August-September.

Can I have pulp or rinds?

It is possible to feed rabbits with watermelon rinds, but it is not advisable to feed them the pulp. And not only because toxic substances can accumulate in it. Watermelon pulp irritates the intestinal mucosa of animals. After such a treat, the animal may develop diarrhea. If the watermelon is grown on your own plot without adding chemicals and ripened naturally, which usually happens in August-September, you can give a small piece of pulp, no more than 10 grams. If the animal’s reaction to the product is normal, in the future you can offer the treat no more than once a week, a small piece.

Watermelon peel is a source of vitamins. Toxic substances accumulate in it to a lesser extent. Watermelon rind is considered a succulent food as it contains a lot of moisture. It is best given to rabbits along with hay or feed. A combination of different types of food will help prevent intestinal upset.

Rules for feeding crusts:

  • treats are offered to pets no more than 2 times a week;
  • the serving volume should not exceed 25-50 grams (depending on the age of the animal);
  • The green skin is peeled off the juicy crusts, and the light part is cut into pieces for ease of eating;
  • Watermelon peels are fed to animals in fresh and dried form.

Attention! If the rabbit has never tried watermelon rinds, offer a new product carefully. For the first time, you need to give no more than 10 grams of treats. The product should be excluded from the diet if the animal develops diarrhea.

It should be remembered that watermelon is a dietary supplement and not a complete food. First of all, rabbits should receive concentrated food rich in protein, hay, grass, vegetables, and sometimes they are given fruits and berries for variety.

Watermelon rinds can be fed dried.. In winter, pets will appreciate this delicacy. To prepare them, you need to remove the thin green skin and cut the pulp into oblong bars. You can dry it either in the fresh air or in a dryer or oven. If the latter option is chosen, the baking sheet is covered with parchment, and the slices are placed on it in one layer. The oven door is left ajar, securing it with a metal object. Temperature range – 55-60 degrees. The crusts are dried until the moisture has completely evaporated. The product should become elastic and decrease in volume by 2-3 times.

Attention! Dried watermelon rinds should be stored in a canvas bag in a dry, ventilated area. If mold is found on a product, it should not be fed to pets.

Is it possible to give watermelon to decorative rabbits?

The same feeding rules apply to decorative rabbits as to animals living on a farm. The only difference is that their immunity is even more vulnerable, and their digestive system is weak. You need to remember this when creating your diet. It is better not to offer watermelon pulp to a purebred pet animal at all, so as not to provoke an intestinal disorder.

Watermelon skins can be offered to a decorative rabbit no more than once a week, 10-15 grams, provided that such food does not cause digestive problems for the animal.

Attention! Rabbits under 4 months of age should not be fed watermelon.

Farmers and owners of decorative rabbits should understand that watermelon is a treat, not a staple food. It's like candy for a child, which is sometimes given to pamper the child. The safest treat would be a dried watermelon rind, but when preparing such food for an animal for the winter, the farmer must be sure that the rind is removed from a watermelon that is not loaded with nitrates.

Kira Stoletova

In Russia today, breeding rabbits has become popular along with keeping other domestic animals. Their diet should be healthy, rich in vitamins, microelements and other essential substances. Due to the affordability of prices in summer and autumn, especially in the southern regions, some of the most common fruits and berries are watermelons and melons. Based on this, the question arises: “Is it possible to give watermelon rinds or melon to rabbits?” Is it allowed to feed juicy fruits to eared animals?

The benefits of the treat in question

The benefits of watermelon lie in its composition. This berry is rich in:

  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins B1, B6, B9, A, C, E, PP;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron, etc.

The antioxidant “Lycopene” accumulates in watermelons, which gives the berry, in addition to its bright scarlet color, healing properties:

  1. Watermelon has a diuretic effect, so it is given to remove waste and toxins from the body.
  2. The substances that make up the berry help normalize digestion, prevent constipation and saturate the body with vital micro- and macroelements.

It’s not difficult to guess that a berry like watermelon is a useful product not only for humans. Can rabbits eat watermelon? - a question that concerns many novice eared breeders. The answer will be ambiguous (it all depends on the reaction of the animal that eats such a specific product).

“Can rabbits have melon?” - a question that worries novice eared breeders. Let's figure it out. Many useful substances have been found in them (melons):

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, E, C, PP;
  • amino acids;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc, etc.

Even a small slice of melon eaten can replenish the daily supply of vitamin C, which is so necessary for maintaining immunity and many processes occurring inside a living organism. The high fiber content in this product has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the body.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: melon for rabbits is not only a treat, but also a useful product, one of those that breeders give to their pets.

How to properly prepare watermelon and melon for feeding

In order not to harm the delicate body of the eared, it is important to follow the following principles for preparing treats:

  • Choose only fresh berries and fruits.
  • Before giving the treat, it should be rinsed well with boiled water.
  • Cut off the rind so that a small amount of pulp remains on it.
  • Remove the seeds.
  • Cut into pieces.
  • Before using the peel, you have to remove the thin skin from it, as dirt and nitrates have accumulated in it.

Important: from the last piece of advice comes the answer to the question that worries many: “Is it possible to give watermelon skins to rabbits?” - and it sounds like this: “No.”

Only careful preparation of products and proper composition of the long-eared diet make it possible to raise healthy livestock (it is enough to follow the above recommendations).

Features of serving treats to eared animals

Before offering an amazing treat to rabbits, the farmer will have to tinker, namely, carefully introduce complementary foods (goodies). This procedure is similar to changing the diet in young children (a new product is first given in small quantities and the eared child’s reaction to it is assessed).

Can rabbits be given watermelon? The answer to this question depends on the condition of the eared:

  • In case of gastrointestinal disorders, you should not give your pet even pulp, so as not to overload the body (since, due to a weak digestive system, animals have to select foods carefully).
  • For adult animals, just a small crust is enough. If everything is in order, and the rabbit asks for more, then you can give him a couple more pieces (let him eat).
  • It is better to feed small rabbits with crusts after their digestive system has already become stronger, although the baby rabbit eats the delicacy in question very well.
  • Pregnant females should not be given either pulp or rinds, as this food overloads the stomach due to its high water content.

Important: the answer to the question: “Can rabbits have watermelon rinds and melon?” individual (accepted by the farmer based on an assessment of the pet’s condition).

Feeding eared animals

It is better to accustom rabbits to watermelons and melons from the first month of life (they get used to this food and absorb it with pleasure). Experienced farmers begin to feed the baby rabbits in small portions no more than once a week (in the natural environment, melon fields are often visited by wild rabbits and gnaw the peel).

It is important to understand that watermelon and melon are products that are not fundamental in the diet of rabbits, therefore, due to the huge content of useful substances in them, they are given only as a treat.

There is no need to overfeed your pets with watermelon and melon, as these melons are difficult to digest. It is also worth considering that rotten peels should not be given (before eating, you need to wash the fruits and berries and remove the seeds from the pulp).

Many novice farmers have a question: “Is it possible to feed rabbits with watermelon rinds in addition to the pulp?” The answer will please lovers of juicy fruits and berries, because it is positive.

The thing is that the peels of ripe berries are rich in fiber, amino acids and other beneficial substances. In practice, it has been proven that after consuming watermelon rinds, the animal’s coat becomes more shiny, and the body is saturated with vitamins.

How to prepare and store food

It is better to choose the period from August to October, since the likelihood of purchasing watermelons and melons with nitrates is significantly reduced. Late fruits and berries can be purchased for future use, since if stored properly they will remain fresh for a long time.

Whole fruits should be stored in a dark and well-ventilated area. This could be a basement, for example, in a private house, or a special room that meets these requirements. It is better to give all the cut watermelon rinds for the rabbit, as well as the pulp, right away. But, if they appear and you need to save them, then cut the pieces into 1-3 cm and place them on a sheet that you place in an open space (at room temperature).

Every rabbit breeder knows that it is not as easy as it seems at first glance to create the right diet for a rabbit so that it gains weight, has shiny fur, and does not have digestive problems. When summer ends, it becomes possible to diversify succulent food with watermelon rinds. Many people don’t even think about whether it’s possible to give watermelon rinds to rabbits, they just give it and that’s it. Therefore, here we will tell you whether rabbits can have watermelon rinds, and how often.

Is it possible to give watermelon rinds to rabbits?

Wild rabbits often raid watermelon fields because watermelons are one of their favorite treats. In addition, this berry is a rich source of vitamins E and B, as well as ascorbic acid and carotene. But if one could rely only on these facts, then no one would wonder whether it is possible to give watermelon rinds to rabbits. The fact is that watermelon pulp can cause bloating, and for rabbits this is a huge problem. In addition, watermelons often contain nitrates.

One of the most important rules for keeping rabbits is perfect cleanliness. The juice and pulp of watermelon are very attractive to flies and other insects, which can create conditions of complete unsanitary conditions. When rabbits eat watermelon rinds, their faces become wet - and this is undesirable, since a rabbit's wet and sticky face is not only a target for flies, but also quickly turns dirty. But this, of course, is not a reason to deprive rabbits of their favorite treat. And yet, many will ask, is it possible to feed rabbits with watermelon rinds? You can if you follow a few simple rules:

  • If rabbits are given watermelon rinds, then the next day they should eat fodder beets or carrots.
  • Along with succulent feed, rabbits need to be given roughage - branches, grass and hay. When watermelon rinds are present in the diet, roughage is even more necessary.
  • Watermelons are known to be often saturated with nitrates, so it is better to give preference to homemade watermelons.
  • In order not to clog the stomachs of rabbits, they should be given watermelon rinds in limited quantities. If the rabbits have not eaten all the crusts that were offered to them, then it is better to remove them from the diet for several days.
  • Before giving to rabbits, watermelon rinds should be cut into cubes. It is not necessary to cut off the green peel; animals will not eat it anyway.
  • Watermelon rinds must be slightly dried before giving to rabbits.
  • You can dry watermelon rinds well and stock up on them so that you can feed rabbits outside of the watermelon season.

Is it possible to give watermelon rinds to decorative rabbits?

No less often the question arises as to whether a decorative rabbit can have watermelon rinds, because their diet should also be balanced. All of the above rules regarding the introduction of watermelon rinds into the diet of rabbits are also relevant for decorative rabbits. It is important not to give this food before the animals reach 4 months of age, when the digestive system is not yet ready to digest succulent feed. It should be remembered that an upset stomach can lead to the death of rabbits, so they should be fed watermelon rinds carefully and in small quantities.