International Day of Social Educators. Congratulations on Social Teacher Day: beautiful poems and SMS Congratulations to the school social teacher

International Day of Social Educators, falling on October 2, is a young holiday adopted in May 2009 at the Copenhagen Conference of Social Educators. As part of the holiday, thematic seminars, forums, meetings and conferences are held in various countries, bringing together those who have chosen an interesting and important profession.

The profession of a social teacher involves the role of a mediator between adults and children, a psychological and pedagogical mentor and a defender of children's rights. Social educators work in schools, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation centers and social services. Their daily tasks include working with troubled teenagers and children from dysfunctional families. They help children who have experienced mental and physical trauma adapt.

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How boring would we live?
Without a social teacher
How often are you needed?
And your help.

Organize if you need something,
Or just help us -
Contact the teacher
He is ready both day and night.

Even though it’s not your birthday,
But the holiday is also yours:
We wish you patience
And health, you are our teacher!


Social educator, who is he?
He will open the path to a bright future for us.
He will judge, explain everything about our life,
He is like a doctor for children, noisy and capricious.

So the boy lit a cigarette in the school yard,
The teacher warned that lung cancer hurts!
Like an Indian going to war, a girl paints herself,
The teacher explains that she doesn’t need it.

So that there are no problems in the future of children -
This is not an easy job for all teachers,
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you the most brilliant ideas.


Teach or teach - efforts are useless,
If the child is not given education.
These rules are simple and clear,
You just need to set an example clearly.

If you don't know how to work yourself,
It is unlikely that the child will not be lazy.
The best motto of a teacher educator is
Do as I do and become a winner.


Social teacher,
Sometimes it's strict
But his soul is good -
And he himself, no matter where!
Will lend a helping hand,
Will not reproach you for anything,
He will say the right words -
Will always be sincere.
He will teach, he will instruct,
On good way will direct
Without him we will be lost
We'll fall into a dark pool,
May he live for a hundred years -
Very important person!


Congratulations to all social educators
WITH International holiday wonderful.
I sincerely wish you all earthly blessings.
May your skies always be clear.

Your work is great, necessary and significant
We respect. We kiss your hands.
Let all your worries melt away,
So that you don’t know grief and separation.

Prosperity in the home, happiness, inspiration,
Health, strength, love and understanding.
Well, and of course, excellent luck.
Good luck in life, light, prosperity.

International Social Teacher Day is celebrated annually on October 2. In 2017 it is celebrated for the ninth time. The decision to establish the holiday was made in May 2009 at the International Conference of Social Educators in Copenhagen.
This holiday is dedicated to specialists who are directly working on creating a system of various activities aimed at the optimal education of a person.
Social educators are needed in everyone orphanage, boarding school, social service, school and rehabilitation center. Their responsibilities are to work with children and teenagers who are brought up in dysfunctional families and, therefore, do not receive the best life experience. Social service teachers help children overcome trauma, both mental and physical. Social Worker's Day is a holiday for those people who are not alien to other people's problems and concerns! They are sometimes the only help for low-income and disadvantaged people.

International Day Social Educator

Scientific and methodological conferences are held throughout Russia on this day, where social educators from various regions gather to exchange professional experience. A similar goal is pursued by holding smaller events – seminars. Naturally, the event will not be complete without a cultural program - various creative groups and individual performers are invited to perform.
The work of a social teacher is extremely important, because such a teacher is an intermediary between adults and children. A social teacher is a psychological and pedagogical mentor, a defender of the rights of the child.
On the International Day of Social Educators, we join in congratulating these highly qualified specialists and wish them success and love, victories and joy in their work, which is vital for all of us! Happy Holidays to all social educators!

Congratulations on Social Teacher's Day in prose

Today is International Social Educator Day. This holiday is relatively young, but very responsible and important. We congratulate all representatives of this profession, we wish them success in teaching and easy contact with children and adults. Look for ways to communicate comfortably, because in our time it is so important!
On the International Day of Social Educators, I would like to sincerely wish you wonderful work, instant clarification of any problem, correct analysis, successful development of solutions to issues, good consultation, personal achievements, great success and complete harmony in life.
On the International Day of Social Educators, we congratulate teachers in this field. Your job is difficult, but incredibly responsible. Find the right approach It’s not easy to deal with difficult teenagers. Not everyone will understand the child’s problem, not everyone will give objective advice. Thank you, dear teachers, for your work!
Today we celebrate the International Day of Social Educators. We would like to congratulate you, our dear specialists, to wish you success and achievements in your work, as well as a comfortable climate in the family, because this is so important for a social worker, so that harmony is maintained both at home and at work! Happy holiday!
Our dear, irreplaceable social educators! Congratulations today on your professional holiday! Let your work bring you pleasure, and may it bring invaluable help and benefit to society! Work with all your heart, devote yourself to your work, and you will definitely get results. Congratulations!
Congratulations on International Day social educator and would like to wish to always remain a true example of self-confidence, sociability and a strong personality for both adults and children. I wish you success in your activities, pleasant and joyful moments of happiness in life, interesting communication and a fun time in the company of good people.
Congratulations on the International Day of Social Educators and I wish you not to lose your professionalism and positive emotional attitude. Let your work and diligence make this world a better and kinder place. I wish you health, mutual understanding of others, respect, happiness and all the best.

Congratulations on Social Teacher's Day in verse

Happy Social Teacher Day!
Happy International Day!
Let communication be yours
It will be free with children!
You communicate with them tenderly,
As if on equal terms
But always make it clear
Who is in charge in the conversation?
Let there be no grief
In your life and destiny,
More passionate adventures
I wish you!
If you can't do something at all
Or the parent couldn’t do something,
That acts as a faithful assistant
A special teacher is a social educator.
It is important to guide a teenager correctly,
So that he finds the right path.
Many mistakes cannot be corrected later -
We must go around this road.
Social Teachers' Day is celebrated around the world:
We need to pay attention to him.
Giving interest is, after all, better,
Why punish a crazy person a hundred times?
We wish social educators patience,
Let the joy of work be among them.
Let children reach out to teachers
And they congratulate them on their holiday.
Social teacher - you are a defender of the rights of the child,
You are a mediator between adults and children,
To all troubled teenagers,
You will always lend a helping hand.
On your holiday, please accept congratulations,
Let your work bring you inspiration,
We wish you good luck, happiness and goodness,
Let life put everything correctly in its place.
You always do good
The fate of problem children depends on you,
You are a mentor, psychologist and teacher,
You open many right paths for teenagers.
We wish you good luck on the holiday,
Prosperity and family well-being to boot,
May fate always smile on you,
All earthly blessings to you, peace and warmth.
Social teacher, like a good angel,
Helps children who are not spoiled by fate,
There are no random people in social services,
They devote themselves fully to their work.
Let what you do be good
Returns to you with a bang,
Live in abundance and love,
May the Lord help you.
You always protect the rights of the child,
Someone else's pain is perceived as your own,
You give part of your heart to your children,
And, of course, you don’t take anything in return.
May fate smile on you on this holiday,
Let life flow like a full river,
May you be loved, appreciated, understood,
Let good friends surround you.

A beautiful poem on Social Educator Day

With your warmth
You instill hope in souls.
You are a social educator

Find self-confidence
You helped a lot of people
Forgetting about yourself for a while
Other people's souls were resurrected.

Lifts up on wings

Working with troubled teenagers
Always gives a positive result
Caring for them like young shoots,
Good always prevails over evil.
Today is your holiday, please accept congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
Let there be only a white streak in life,
May fate be favorable to you.

Congratulations on Social Teacher's Day: beautiful poems and SMS

Congratulations to the school social teacher

Social teacher!
In our school you are truly a god!
You will resolve any conflict,
You are fair and a little angry.

The whole school respects you
The director follows with his gaze,
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you success in your work!
Social pedagogy is a difficult job.
You must solve the impossible:
How to reconcile a teacher with a student,
How to explain the basics to a preschooler.

But you cope with any task,
Good luck always accompanies you;
Keep and take care of your teaching talent,
Everyone will be happy to work with you!
Social teacher
Sometimes it's strict
But his soul is good,
And he himself is at least somewhere!

Will lend a helping hand,
He won’t blame anyone for anything,
He will say the right words,
Will always be sincere.

He will teach, he will instruct,
Will guide you on a good path.
Without him we will be lost
We'll fall into a dark pool.

May he live a hundred years
This important person!
With your warmth
You instill hope in souls.
You are a social educator
And your work is undoubtedly needed.

Find self-confidence
You helped a lot of people
Forgetting about yourself for a while
Other people's souls were resurrected.

May your life be bright,
Without storms, without severe bad weather.
Lifts up on wings
A reliable companion - a bird of happiness!
Social teacher!
I want to glorify you!
And I run as fast as I can,
To congratulate you!

From the bottom of my heart I want to wish
You have to believe in yourself!
Never be discouraged
Forget the losses.

Always a good deed
You are ready to do it!
Never be sad
Welcoming a new day!
Being a teacher is not an easy job,
And socially it’s doubly difficult!
You need to be a skilled psychologist,
To cope with the work completely.

Be an excellent organizer
To arouse children's interest!
And remain, moreover, cute,
To increase the trust qualification.

May all your wishes come true!
You do what you do from the heart!
I wish you just happiness,
May you always be good!
Congratulations, social teacher!
I wish you patience!
Let the warmth of these lines warm you,
I wish you luck on your holiday!

May luck not leave you -
It will come in handy at work!
I wish you all the best -
My cherished wishes come true,

Love your loved ones and those you
You guide me on the true path!
I wish you smiles, love, kindness -
You can handle anything, you know!
Sometimes problems arise
You can't decide on your own...
Friends and acquaintances do not help,
Even family doesn’t help...

Only he alone will understand the nuances -
Our wise social teacher!
And he will get to the main reason,
So that a person can solve the problem.

From the wilds of all conflict situations
The teacher will teach us to go out!
We wish you to smile more often,
Live your life happily and brightly!
To be a social educator -
The work is not easy at all!
You will need a lot of knowledge
Patience will help.

You are a social worker and psychologist,
And the teacher is one person!
Every ward is dear to you!
Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s difficult,

But you strive for all the solutions
Find any problem!
We wish you happiness, without a doubt,
And we hasten to wish you joy!
Social educator in response
For true spiritual comfort,
So that children are happy and healthy,
You have to believe - the best will come.

Yes, sometimes the work is not easy -
It seems like I have no more strength.
Only, without lowering your hands,
You go ahead so that there is

Every day is filled with luck,
Always new achievements!
You solve complex problems
Simple and easy as never before!
How hard it must be to carry knowledge,
Teach someone who doesn't need it
And how many bad words did you meet along the way?
Well, that's what it is, the teaching service.

On Teacher's Day, let everything pass peacefully,
I only wish you smiles in class.
May life return your efforts
Good luck, happiness, joy with a hug.
A social teacher is always held in high esteem,
You are all waiting for congratulations today!
We congratulate you together,
We wish you well-being and happiness.

International day just for you,
Make us happy with your successes and victories,
Only luck awaits you in life,
And you will solve all the difficult problems!

SMS congratulations on Social Teacher's Day: beautiful poems

Congratulations on Social Educator Day in verse, prose and SMS

You help children in life
You understand their problems.
Do not spare yourself, giving yourself completely
Walk through life proudly and skillfully!
I wish you smiles in class
Make fewer mistakes in life.
Your profession is honorable
May your life be joyful and fun!
Let the exercises proceed peacefully
Let the words be reflected.
May life reward you for your efforts
This is what fate dictates to a social worker!
Knowledge is not easy to convey
But you should be lucky in this matter.
May the social teacher always be lucky
May he find inspiration!
You are a protector and mentor for a child.
Today we celebrate an international holiday.
Patience to you in your work and life without worries
And of course, less everyday hassle!
Social teacher
Has an important mission -
Learn to communicate correctly
Don't fight and swear.
Your profession is very important -
She will reveal a lot to children.
Happy holiday, social educators,
Not many people are capable of teaching children!
We congratulate you on this day,
Thank you for your hard work.
It is very necessary and believe me,
All life is a big school.
You act as helpers for children
You know the full power of your words.
Children listen to you
We wish you to become closer to your dreams!
It is very important to guide the child correctly
After all, many mistakes, alas, cannot be corrected.
A social teacher will come to the rescue
And he will certainly find an approach to him!
Will help you find a place in life
He will tell you how to fight and win.
There are a lot of kids and they all have their own worries.
We wish the social teacher patience in his work!
Pass on knowledge and educate
All childhood experiences and troubles, you know.
Thanks for the great work
Good luck to you in any weather!
Cheerfulness, patience and inspiration.
In finding an approach to children, skills.
Social teacher happy holiday to you
You are a special specialist, simply classy!
You will help all children, difficult children and orphans.
Place your soul and knowledge in them.
The job of a social teacher is not easy
We ask God for good health for you!
We highly appreciate your work
Not many children will give hope.
You will always help solve problems
May trouble not touch you either!
We sincerely wish you well-being
Of course, we know about your hard work.
Praise to the social educator
May your life be happy!
Social worker -
Sounds very proud
And in this profession
You step firmly.

I want to wish
Good luck to you in life:
So that in all your affairs
We became richer!

Happy International Day of Social Educators

You are with those who are in trouble.
You are wise mentors.
Children's problems lead to you,
Sometimes they are not small at all.

Thanks for the hard work,
For sensitivity, for patience.
May you be rewarded on this day
Honor and respect.
Social teacher!
You are as important as God at school.
A bunch of papers, “difficult” teenagers,
It's not easy for you to work.

So let for your hard work,
They will finally give you a decent salary,
Be happy and stay pain-free,
And only the “right” children for you.
You are kind and non-scandalous
Social worker!
You will always help people
He gives hope!

Even Peter the Great
You are considered the most important
Fate is for you
He will reward you royally!
A social worker is someone who will help,
No one can get past the pain and fear.
He knows how to put a smile on his face
The one who stands on the outskirts, and the end.

Always be a kind person with a frank soul,
Very clean, decent, bright, big.
Know that a good deed will be returned doubly.
All the best in life to you.
We assume our lives
God has it!
One loses one’s health in an instant,
They don't know who would help them!

You will dispel all sorrows in an instant,
You give hope and peace,
Always a social worker
He was broad in heart and soul!
Goodness, original care,
You enter every home in peace,
Be healthy, social worker,
And be proud of your work!

There was so that old age would not worry,
Many people here are waiting to participate,
We know you will do what you can
They will reward you a hundredfold!
I congratulate you today,
Our social worker is dear!
I wish you all the best
Such a wonderful day!

May all your dreams come true,
Work will bring joy
I wish you a lot of happiness!
And may you be lucky with your career!

Short poems of congratulations to a social teacher

I congratulate you on your holiday!
I wish you, social worker,
So that work brings
All the best! I know,

That you deserve happiness
Helping people in many ways!
Warmth, good luck, and love!
Let success not leave you!
Social worker, congratulations
Take it on your personal holiday!
May good luck accompany you!
You live and prosper!
You accept, social worker,
Congratulations today!
Be happy! Love it!
Always live well!
Your great work is wonderful -
Work only for the benefit of people!
Let all the sorrows go away
And everyday life will become rosy!

We fully wish to receive
You have pleasure and money,
We wish you to move forward
For all career steps!
Such a wonderful person
I always want to stay.
May your path be safe,
And there are never any barriers!

Let family happiness warm you up,
And love will never go away
Let the bad weather disappear from the road,
Always be happy in life!
What would we do without you?
All teenagers, children?
We entrust it to you
All our hopes.
Social educators
We congratulate everyone,
Happiness, creative victories
We wish you!
Social teacher -
Difficult teacher.
His lesson is important to us -
How to become a winner
And her influences
For fragile minds
Young talents.
Thank you very much
And earthly slope
It's not an easy task -
The kids are legion
Teach, love and help
They need to find a place in life.
Social teacher
For children the king and God.
Teaches the simple truth,
Live with dignity, be yourself.
Morality, ethics and honor.
We cannot count the good qualities.
Be an example for children.
Like I once was a pioneer.

Modern dynamically developing society greatly influences the people around them, their views and principles, especially teenagers. Therefore, it is very important that it is healthy. Social educators are engaged in the implementation of this extremely important task. They are a kind of mediator between the adult and younger generation, especially if they are “difficult” teenagers. Problematic children, as well as those from dysfunctional families, have always aroused hostility and rejection from society. And only timely attention and work with this category of adolescents can achieve a certain positive result.

An international holiday is dedicated to people who work with “difficult” children and help remove this stigma from them.

When is it celebrated?

International Social Teacher Day is celebrated annually on October 2. In 2019 it will be celebrated for the 11th time. The decision to establish the holiday was made in May 2009 at the International Conference of Social Educators in Copenhagen.

Who's celebrating

The date is celebrated by social educators from all countries, as well as students studying in this specialty. Thematic events are held in countries around the world, including Russia. Universities that train such specialists also do not stand aside. They organize scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, games and concerts.

Event history

International Social Teacher Day is a relatively young holiday. It was first celebrated in 2009. In May of the same year, at the next XVII International Conference of Social Educators in the capital of Denmark, it was proposed to establish such an event, and all 44 participating countries supported this idea. For Russia, this conference and the established holiday became an incredible potential for learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills.

About the profession

The profession of a social teacher is in great demand, as there is an increase in childhood crime, the number of dysfunctional families, and children with mental disorders. Its essence lies in working with “problem” teenagers and their parents. In their activities, these specialists cooperate with the police, educators, psychologists and other bodies of the prevention system, as well as with the courts.

To work as a social teacher, it is necessary, in addition to special higher education, have a vocation, patience and desire to work with “difficult” teenagers, be able to adapt to each child and understand his inner world, find a problem and develop ways to overcome it.

The first Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko is a socio-pedagogical discovery of the 20th century. By decision of UNESCO in 1988, it received international recognition.

Despite the long-standing development of social pedagogy, the position of “social teacher” in the education system was introduced only in 2000.

International Day of Social Educators, falling on October 2, is a young holiday adopted in May 2009 at the Copenhagen Conference of Social Educators. As part of the holiday, thematic seminars, forums, meetings and conferences are held in various countries, bringing together those who have chosen an interesting and important profession.

The profession of a social teacher involves the role of a mediator between adults and children, a psychological and pedagogical mentor and a defender of children's rights. Social educators work in schools, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation centers and social services. Their daily tasks include working with troubled teenagers and children from disadvantaged families. They help children who have experienced mental and physical trauma adapt.

Social teacher
Sometimes it's strict
But his soul is good,
And he himself is at least somewhere!

Will lend a helping hand,
He won’t blame anyone for anything,
He will say the right words,
Will always be sincere.

He will teach, he will instruct,
Will guide you on a good path.
Without him we will be lost
We'll fall into a dark pool.

May he live a hundred years
This important person!

With your warmth
You instill hope in souls.
You are a social educator
And your work is undoubtedly needed.

Find self-confidence
You helped a lot of people
Forgetting about yourself for a while
Other people's souls were resurrected.

May your life be bright,
Without storms, without severe bad weather.
Lifts up on wings
A reliable companion - a bird of happiness!

Limitless patience
Always have the best days,
And in work - inspiration,
To mentor children.

More luck to you, good luck,
Only the right roads
Please accept congratulations,
Social teacher!

Many people cannot not know
How hard it is for social educators
And how they have a lot of work.
We wish them today
We want great patience,
Fewer difficult children
Health, happiness, inspiration
And a lot of creative ideas.

Problem children and orphans
You know firsthand
Everyone was offered support
And surrounded with care,
Because you are our glorious
Social teacher.

Your job is not easy -
To save someone from trouble.
Congratulations to you today
And with all our hearts we wish
Happiness, vigor, health,
Live without grief and anxiety.

The social sphere is not easy:
Development of adaptation programs,
Looking for a friendly atmosphere,
Help for children and advice!

And let your head spin,
You will be able to find a way out,
Can you choose the right words?
And you will help you achieve success!

Give everyone your kindness,
Always smile radiantly,
Solve all problems on the fly
And achieve all your goals!

You have chosen a difficult path in life,
Not everyone can handle other people's problems,
And on the day of the social teacher
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

We wish you patience and a lot of wisdom,
And only good luck on every path,
And let happiness not always wait at the doorstep,
But a lot of good things lie ahead!

Social educators
Today is the day - congratulations!
This is the work that people
Endlessly respected.

With warmth in my soul and heart
You meet everyone halfway.
The world is getting brighter
Life becomes easier for everyone.

They will break about kindness
All questions are acute.
Please be patient and pay attention
And love and understanding!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Send wishes.
I wish you happiness.
You are simply a master at work,

You will help and advise
You'll tell me everything according to the rules,
You are an ace in pedagogy
And the psychologist is simply class.

You are like Figaro - everywhere!
Everyone with problems comes to you.
And you could always help,
Social teacher.

Everyone needs your work.
Be loved by everyone!
Happy holiday! Good luck,
Strength, good luck and patience!

To all social educators
We wish for warmth in our souls,
And, of course, there is a lot of happiness,
May work be a joy!

Although we know that all children
Oh, what a simple people!
We are sure that for the kids
You will find an easy approach!

After all, masters of their craft
The job will be completed to perfection!
May your career soar
And it will flourish forever!

Congratulations: 49 in verse, 6 in prose.

Every year on October 2, International Social Teacher Day is celebrated. For Russia this is a young holiday. It began to be celebrated after a symposium in Copenhagen, which took place in 2009. It was attended by experts from the most different countries, as well as Russia.

Functions of social pedagogy

The working day of a social teacher is not easy. He is entrusted with very serious functions, the fulfillment of which determines the socialization and adaptation of a person in society.

The main task of the specialist is to study the child, how adapted he is to environment what kind of relationships he has with peers, teachers and parents. Typically, the need for a social teacher appears when a child or group of children has problems. It is for this reason that children’s institutions must have such an employee on staff.

The teacher must direct the child’s activities towards self-education and self-education. One of the functions is to teach the emerging personality to be responsible for his actions and life.

In addition, a worker in such a difficult profession is obliged to coordinate the activities of other specialists involved in childhood problems.

Where the presence of a social educator is necessary

Currently, such specialists are actively working in the following institutions:

  • Schools, kindergartens, higher educational institutions.
  • Children's clubs and leisure facilities.
  • Rehabilitation centers providing assistance to families.
  • Boarding schools, orphanages and shelters.
  • Special schools and
  • Narcological dispensaries.
  • Medical institutions.

On the Day of Social Teacher is held a large number of events during which you can gain invaluable experience. Specialists with many years of experience share their skills with young workers just starting out.

Events on Social Teacher Day in Russia

Symposia, seminars, and conferences are held all over the world on October 2, aimed at improving the skills of specialists in this field. These events cover the following topics:

  • Spiritual, moral and social forms of development of the younger generation.
  • Difficulties in raising children and adolescents.
  • The role of the family and relationships in it for the harmonious development of the individual.
  • Questions healthy image life.
  • Increasing the level of information work with the population.
  • Conflict situations and methods for resolving them.

The International Day of Social Pedagogues has become an excellent opportunity for Russian specialists to learn and acquire new practical skills.

Distinctive features of a regular and social teacher

Teacher or educator child care facility First of all, she works with each child, regardless of his or her problems in social life. While the activities of a social teacher are aimed at identifying and correcting difficulties in relationships and adaptation to the environment. He works with children and adolescents who have problems in their family or society.

It is worth noting that these two directions in pedagogy are closely interrelated and are in constant interaction. Exactly collaboration allows you to effectively solve the child’s difficulties.

Events on Social Educator Day are also aimed at training specialists to collaborate with other teachers and organizations dealing with issues of children and adolescents.

Pedagogy is a difficult science and requires the involvement of personnel who have the ability and, most importantly, the desire for such activities. In a day social people have the opportunity to obtain information about this specialty. This is especially necessary for children who are thinking about choosing this profession. To test their abilities for social and pedagogical work, special tests and trainings are conducted. In this way, young people will be able to assess their capabilities and gain a complete understanding of this science.