Methods of teaching reading according to Zaitsev. Advantages and disadvantages. An original and interesting way to teach a child to read - Zaitsev's cubes: teaching methods, games and exercises Zaitsev's alphabet method

The author of the popular technique is the talented and experienced teacher Nikolai Zaitsev. He is the author of excellent and effective methods aimed at teaching reading (Zaitsev's cubes). Also among his developments, the leading place is occupied by methods for teaching children grammar, mathematics, and English.
The main teachers of children are teachers and parents. The technique provides classes for children from birth to seven years.

Book "Writing. Reading. Counting";
Book "Read and Sing".

The main ideas of Nikolai Zaitsev:

The completely new method of teaching children to read, which Zaitsev offers, boils down to the fact that it begins not with the study of letters, but with special warehouses. Zaitsev's warehouse is "a conscious muscular effort of the speech apparatus." This is the merging of vowels and consonants together. The author claims that children begin to speak in colloquial ways from a very early age, pronouncing the long-awaited “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, “pa-pa”. Therefore, this teaching technique is natural and natural.
The basis of Zaitsev’s method is the joint work of an adult and a child using special cubes and tables on which syllables are depicted.

Principles of Zaitsev’s technique:

If Nikolai Zaitsev’s technique is ideal for you, then you need to fully agree with its basic principles:

1. Training according to Zaitsev is a game. The most important condition for classes is a relaxed and natural environment. During classes using this method, children can sit on the floor, jump, walk around the room, even be noisy, and exercise on sports equipment. Such kids never sit in one place (at a desk) for a long time; they are very mobile and active. The classes are dynamic: the kids very quickly change the type of activity, studying tables is replaced by cubes, then the children draw on the board, stomp, clap, etc. But at the same time, such a game does not serve as a recreation for children. According to Zaitsev, the basis of every educational and educational game is search and choice. Studying using his manuals and materials, children are in a state of search, they learn to read, dividing words into words, remember the accents of words, do sound analysis, try to make sentences, learn to count and write. All this happens only during the game;

2. All training materials must be compactly located or hung on the wall. Each Zaitsev manual contains posters with materials that must be hung on the walls in the room or classroom. It is important that it is necessary to hang all the tables that are included in the kit at once, and not one by one;

3. Kids must interact with all the tools and materials that will be used for training. It is important that they must be used from the very first lesson;

4. During the learning process, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children. It is important to use the desire of children to imitate adults in everything. Therefore, adults should take an active part in games with children. Consider the children's interests as well. If they want to sing, let them sing, but at the same time, together with the adults, let them analyze the words of the song.

Results of using Zaitsev’s technique:

Currently, Zaitsev’s technique is used by many people not only at home, but also in educational institutions.
The lesson in which the technique is used is conducted in a playful way. It is quite short and lasts only 20-25 minutes. Children can constantly change their position. At the same time, their posture and vision do not deteriorate, since quite often they switch their gaze and study large tables.
Even if you spend little time on classes, you will very quickly see the results of your work.
Zaitsev's manuals are perfect for kids with different temperaments and personalities. In kindergartens that practice according to Zaitsev, groups are formed so that they include both strong and weaker children, who soon do not lag behind the rest of the children.
In the process of playing with Zaitsev's cubes, kids very quickly learn to read, memorize letters, learn to feel the difference in the sound of consonants, vowels, hard and soft, hissing and whistling sounds. Kids learn to form simple words and write them. In addition, they show these words on the table and “sing” them.
Zaitsev is the author of unique methods that involve the use of cubes that make it easy to teach children writing, counting, and English.
Zaitsev's great achievement is the development of systematic approaches to the study of mathematics. His method is based on the use of a system of tables, which immerses the child in the world of numbers and figuratively demonstrates the composition of numbers and what properties they have. Kids learn to understand what actions can be done with numbers. Thanks to this, children quickly master counting up to 100, and in the future they can easily carry out various operations with numbers. The technique allows you to clearly explain to kids what a fraction and a degree are.

When to start classes?:

In fact, classes on Zaitsev’s cubes can be started at any age. But the most effective moment is when children begin to actively master spoken language. Classes according to Zaitsev give an incredible breakthrough in the development of the speech apparatus, and also allow you to quickly master reading skills (almost simultaneously with the acquisition of oral speech). The basic rules of the games are that all words can be seen and heard. Kids remember two images of a word at once.
4 years is the time when a child can already read fully. Be sure to instill a love of books! During this period, training according to Zaitsev’s method proceeds at the fastest pace.
Zaitsev claims that reading lessons from the age of three are most effective. But many mothers begin training from birth. At the same time, it is important to offer children cubes as toys to study the sizes of objects and colors.

Exercises for newborns:

From birth, parents must work on creating a speech base. To do this you need to use facial expressions and emotions. But the most important thing is to constantly communicate with your baby!
Newborn babies love to touch cubes, hold them in their hands, and build with them. Gradually, the little ones' attention switches to what is depicted on the cubes.
From about the second month, babies begin to actively walk. It is necessary to support him in this by pronouncing sounds with him: “ue-ue-ue”, “wa-wa-wa” even when the child is silent.
Around three months, baby babble appears, so adults must repeat the syllable chains: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, yes-da-da, ga-ga-ga, bo-bo-bo.
Parents should realize that children will not be able to say their first word until they learn to speak and pronounce sounds. This period stretches from 10 months to 1.5 years. When using Zaitsev's technique, you will provide great assistance to your child in the development of speech and mental abilities.
Don’t forget that at least six months will pass from the moment your baby reads his first word to the start of free reading.

Exercises for children over one year of age:

Classes with Zaitsev cubes

Presented in multi-colored cubes and tables (done on A1 sheets). Each cube is filled with ringing, rattling materials so that both dull and voiced warehouses can be depicted using characteristic sounds.
Voiced sounds are depicted on metal cubes and filled with metal objects. Wooden cubes, indicating dull sounds and warehouses, are filled with pieces or remnants of wooden objects (sticks, twigs).
Large cubes are intended for hard sounds and warehouses, and small ones are for soft ones.
The set contains 61 cubes, 16 of which are duplicates. They indicate the same sounds or warehouses. This allows you to compose words from the same warehouses, for example, dyad-dya, pa-pa.
As the game progresses, adults must first pronounce and sing the warehouses themselves, shown on the cubes and tables. Then the child must do it. First you need to learn two warehouses. When the baby has completely mastered singing with blocks, then it is necessary to move on to learning to write. To do this, you need to put together simple words from the cubes, and the child repeats them using the table with his finger.

Game "Locomotive"

The kid needs to build a train. Place on the table a golden cube with the letter A depicted on it. Say that in a steam locomotive all cars must contain the letter A and, using the example of one cube, demonstrate how to find it. The child should try to pick up the rest of the train cars on his own. Intervene only when you notice that the baby does not understand the principle of finding cubes with a given letter.
Explain to your child that the letter A can appear on different cubes. As a result, the child works with the cubes, visually highlighting the letter A. When the train is built, it is necessary to read all the warehouses containing the letter A. To do this, the adult needs to show the first large golden cube with his finger and name it. The child must say what he heard after you. Do the same with the other “cars”. It is important that you move your finger first, and only then pronounce the warehouse.
In subsequent lessons, build locomotives with different vowels. In the future, the child will choose which letters he will look for.


Let your child put together a word of his choice from the cubes. Let him take a few cubes and place them nearby. At the same time, show your child that it is important to place the cubes only from left to right and side by side. Read the resulting word. The kids are very amused by the resulting gobbledygook. They get excited, demanding continuation. This game develops independence in children and teaches them to consciously form existing words from cubes.

"Let's sing songs..."

An adult explains to the child that the cubes are magical and musical. Everyone has their own song. “Sing” the words written on several cubes, then invite your child to choose any one he would like to listen to.
In the process of “singing” the cubes, the adult’s face should be located at the child’s eye level. Hold the cube in two hands to the right of your face. The child should see the movements of your mouth and the side of the cube whose shape is being “sung” at the same time. This is a great exercise for children who do not speak clearly.
The “singing” of the cube should be slow, slightly exaggerated. Kids, having heard how you do this, will definitely try to repeat it over time.

"Singing Towers" ("Talking Towers")

Let the kid build a tower from the cubes. tell him that the tower's cubes are not simple. They can sing in their own way (sing any cube).
In addition, say that the cubes can talk (voice any warehouse). It is important to characterize the cubes that you “sing” or “pronounce” (for example: “This big iron one”).

We sing songs according to the table

The table developed by Zaitsev must be located directly in front of the child. The adult stands to her right. Explain to your child as follows: “This is a tablet. There are songs in it, just like in your magic cubes. Let me sing to you, and you follow my pointer and try to sing along.” You need to move the pointer very slowly across the table.
When singing, sounds must be pronounced very clearly. During classes, be sure to monitor your child’s reaction.
Vary your game. For example, when singing a large cube, you need to raise your arms up, and when singing a small cube, you need to squat.
Draw your child's attention to the fact that different cubes have different intonations. For example, large ones need to be “sung” in a low voice, and small ones in a higher voice.
Sing the whole tablet every lesson. If the child is very tired and does not concentrate, then break the table into parts. It is important that the child does not lose interest.

We write words according to the table

Place the sign in front of the baby. Place your baby on a chair and hold the pointer together. Choose the word you will "write". Then clearly pronounce the first syllable of the word and point the child’s hand along with the pointer to the column where the desired syllable is contained. Each warehouse is first voiced and only then shown. After the first attempt to “write” the word, repeat it all over again, but at an accelerated pace.
Zaitsev recommends first “writing” the child’s first name, then his last name, the name of his favorite toy, etc.

The role of riddles in the process of learning to read:

Kids love to solve riddles and make them up. This interest can be used when teaching reading. First, lay out the answers from the cubes, then you can write them down on the board and invite the kids to compose them themselves from the cubes. It is very important that your child remembers as many riddles as possible and asks them to his parents himself. Such exercises will perfectly develop speech, and also have a positive effect on the development of figurative, abstract and artistic thinking, and knowledge of literature.

Pictures for teaching reading, drawing, writing...:

Zaitsev is the developer of a manual that allows you to teach children to read whole words and without hesitation and will significantly strengthen their motor skills by tracing objects, drawing in cells, and teach them to distinguish fonts.
Zaitsev's cards have a variety of images on both sides. The front part depicts silhouettes of various animals, and their names are written in block letters. The reverse side shows these names, written using capital and lowercase block letters, as well as capital letters. Words are necessarily divided into warehouses. The warehouse on which the emphasis falls stands out more clearly.
First, the child looks at the large pictures, and the adult should focus on what is written. It is important to pronounce the syllable under stress more drawn out.
If the baby has become familiar with 6-7 cards, having studied them from both sides, then at 2-3 years old he will already be able to calmly look for the hidden word based on the inscriptions. Also, over time, children begin to understand that the same words are written on both sides, just in different ways.
On sheets where the alphabet is depicted, you can practice tracing the letters with a pencil.

Learning mathematics according to Zaitsev...:

- "Thousand +";
- "Million +";
- "Ornament".

A system of tables that immerses children in the world of numbers allows children to very easily master counting and mathematical operations, study the composition and properties of numbers. Zaitsev explains in a very easy and relaxed manner how fractions and powers of numbers appear. The method involves classes with children 3-4 years old, as well as primary school students.
Zaitsev developed a special time tape. It consists of 24 segments. Kids very quickly learn to tell time using it and navigate in terms of hours and minutes.
First, small pieces of minutes are glued onto a manufactured or purchased tape, folding them into hours.
Zaitsev also presents a number tape to the attention of adults and children. On it, numbers are placed in windows. It is indicated both by a number and by the corresponding number of circles and squares. One version of the ribbon displays tens and looks like a pyramid of 10 circles. Another option is a shelf of 10 squares arranged on two floors.
With the help of number tapes, children aged 3-4 years after three lessons can already count to 100 and back, as well as find any number on them.
The main beauty of the method is that the child not only sees the number itself, but also retains in memory the number of objects marked around it (squares and circles), learns the composition of the number (units and tens) and distinguishes between even (black) numbers and odd (orange) numbers. .
Visually, kids learn to determine which number is larger and which is smaller and by how much. In addition, children begin to master simple mathematical operations by adding one at a time within 100.
In the future, kids already learn to add and subtract in their heads, go beyond 100 and learn the multiplication table, for which they use cards and math cubes


To play, you need a box that contains a large number of figures for making patterns and studying the figures. To study shapes, you need to find all the rhombuses or triangles, etc. Also, using such materials, children quickly learn to understand what more and less mean.
In addition, the game perfectly develops memory. To do this, you need to line up a series of figures and give the baby time to look at them. Then cover the chain with a sheet of paper and invite the child to name all the figures that he saw and lay out exactly the same one.
You can make patterns and pictures from the figures.

Learning English...:

Zaitsev developed special learning blocks for learning English. But they are grammatical, not verbal. Designed for older children.

For whom is Zaitsev’s technique suitable?:

This technique is ideal for those parents who want to teach their preschool child to read, write, count, and draw. At the same time, they want to do this without coercion and in a playful way. Such parents are ready to spend time and money to purchase the benefits provided by the methodology.

Positive aspects of Zaitsev’s technique:

The manuals are prepared in a very simple and accessible form. Any parent can easily practice them with their children;
- During classes, children are active and do not sit in one place;
- Thanks to play activities in active conditions, the mental work of children is significantly enhanced. They quickly master reading, writing, counting skills, speech therapy deficiencies are corrected, their vocabulary expands and logic develops;
- Learning to read according to Zaitsev allows you to get a very quick result: children 2-3 years old learn to read in 6-9 months, 3-4 years old - in 16 lessons, 4-5 years old - in 5-10 lessons, 5-6 years old - in 4-6 lessons;
- Children who are characterized by poor perseverance and inattention achieve very high levels of learning;
- Medicine has a positive effect on the health of children. They do not have overloads, their vision and posture do not deteriorate;
- Zaitsev’s methods have proven themselves in the process of teaching children with developmental disabilities;
- The classes are interesting and exciting. The children's interest does not fade.

Difficulties when using the technique:

Speech therapists have a negative attitude towards the technique. They believe that children trained in it “swallow” the endings of words and find it difficult to analyze the composition of a word;
When the phonetic composition of words is taught in the first grade, teachers often reteach such children. The designation of sounds according to Zaitsev’s method differs from school ones and children often get confused because of this;
Classes using the Zaitsev method are not a cheap pleasure.

Costs for classes...:

Before you start using the technique, you need to purchase special literature, recordings of “singing” of warehouses, and manuals. You can either buy manuals or make your own. There are ready-made cube patterns available on the Internet. The tables can be printed and pasted in parts onto whatman paper. Colored fragments must be decorated.
You can also buy or make a time tape, which consists of 24 segments. Separately cut 60 “minutes” for it.
The set “240 pictures for teaching writing, reading, drawing” includes 120 larger cardboard cards (133*133) and 120 smaller ones (50*50), two A3 sheets for mastering calligraphic writing skills. You can buy them or make them yourself.

Good luck in applying the technique!

Today there are many pedagogical methods. Parents, for whom the intellectual development of their own children is not an empty phrase, are lost in the face of the variety of educational systems and technologies. A large number of offers is not bad; there is a chance of making the best choice. But on the other hand, you first need to understand how this or that technique works. Today we will tell you about Nikolai Zaitsev’s method.

Who is Nikolai Zaitsev?

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After finishing school, Nikolai worked at a factory for 2 years, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

Nikolai Zaitsev’s method of developing young children occupies a special place in pedagogy. The Russian teacher and educator was one of the first to begin to practice early teaching of children counting, reading, music, foreign languages ​​(in particular English) and other cognitive disciplines.

The famous teacher Nikolai Zaitsev created his own educational system for children 3-5 years old, according to which children learn to read and solve mathematical problems. Indeed, thanks to this system, many children mastered and acquired new skills absolutely without coercion and the usual cramming for school.

Basic principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s technique has the following basic principles:

  • From general to specific and from specific to general.
  • From the concrete-figurative through the visual-effective to the verbal-logical.
  • Providing visibility (not just from the word look) using various channels of perception.
  • Systemic material supply.
  • Algorithmization of educational actions.
  • Taking into account the physiology of perception of educational information.
  • Protecting the health of students.

Zaitsev cubes

Zaitsev gives us a new model of training: warehouses. He modeled his cubes with warehouses written on the sides. The sets that you can find on sale may differ slightly: in size, weight, material from which they are made, and fillings. These are 52 cubes, in which 7 syllables are repeated for words such as mom.

A syllable, unlike a syllable, is not only a combination of a consonant and a vowel, it can also be a separate letter, as in the word S-LO-N, or a combination of a letter and a sign (soft or hard), for example Ть or Нь.

Thus, it is easier for the child to understand, since in the recent past he learned to pronounce his first words. For example, MA-MA, MA-SHI-NA. This is how the child begins to speak, and this makes it easier for him to learn to read.

Features of the cubes:

  • They can be wooden or iron. And for good reason. Iron ones indicate ringing warehouses, wooden ones are deaf.
  • All the letters on them are of different colors, for example, the vowels are blue, the consonants are blue. This way we can distinguish vowels from consonants.
  • The signs (hard and soft) are indicated in green.
  • Large and small cubes also have differences: the large ones are hard, the small ones are soft.
  • There are no warehouses ZHY, SHY, ZHYA, SHCHYA, which will allow the child not to make gross mistakes in words.
  • White cube with punctuation marks.

This is how the child gets acquainted with words and begins to read, or better yet, speak. Then you can move on to the training tables.

Methods of teaching reading

Zaitsev's reading method and his teaching of reading are known all over the world. Zaitsev introduced such a concept as a syllable, which is a pair of loud + consonant, as well as a consonant with a hard sign + a consonant with a soft sign, plus one separate letter. Many parents know about Zaitsev’s cubes, which have syllables on them.

The Zaitsev system is based on the principle: from simple to complex. And this principle is taken from life itself, because when a baby begins to speak, he does not speak whole words, but pronounces individual sounds or syllables. This means going from simple to complex.

During training, children work with individual syllables, they sing them or clap their hands rhythmically to the beat. All cubes sound different, so children quickly understand the differences between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft consonants. Nikolai Zaitsev came up with 46 characteristics by which his cubes differ from each other. For example, wooden cubes have a characteristic tapping sound, while gold cubes have a ringing sound.

Mathematics behind Zaitsev

First, children learn to count from 0 to 100. Children are helped in this by a multi-colored tape on which numbers are written in circles, squares or a special matrix. The matrix clearly demonstrates the number relative to 100. For example, 65 is 65 colored cards, and the remaining 35 cards are not colored.

The next step after mastering the basics is more difficult. Children learn to add numbers, subtract, and operate with three-digit numbers. For this purpose, cubes are used during reading, as well as special tables and game sets.

For what age is Nikolai Zaitsev’s technique suitable?

The system is also not tied to a specific age. You can start mastering it at one, two, or five years old.

For children from 1 year: the child will speak faster and at the same time master the basics of reading. But at first, it’s better to play simple games with him: find a large or small cube, sort it by colors or sounds.

Children aged 3 years and older begin to read after just a few lessons. You can model the classes yourself and see for your child, if he is interested, you can do it more often, if he is not interested, put it off. Children usually like to play with blocks, sometimes in ways not intended for them.

Advantages of the technique

    • Children of younger age groups 3-5 years old can study;
    • the game form of learning is interesting for young children;
    • the first results appear after just a few sessions;
    • children quickly memorize words and begin to read;
    • your child will never make serious mistakes in words;
    • The technique is available both for team work and for individual use at home;
    • you can study at your own pace;
    • Quite simple and visual material.

Disadvantages of the technique

  • there is no development of creative abilities;
  • difficulties may arise with isolating a separate sound from a word, what will influence the writing;
  • the technique is more suitable for children whose right hemisphere of the brain is better developed;
  • at school you will have to re-teach your child, since the child, using warehouses in the composition of the word, will not be able to correctly formulate the phonetic composition of the word. Since the warehouses do not correspond to the syllables, the child will be confused and make mistakes;
  • teaching aids are not cheap and not every parent can afford it;
  • To conduct classes at home, parents themselves will have to spend enough time to read and master the material themselves, and then present it to the child. You won’t be able to just sit down and study! And if you decide to make the cubes with your own hands, you will have to spend more than one evening on craftsmanship. And not every mother has the time resource (although all household members can be involved in making cubes);
  • Some children swallow endings in words.

Zaitsev and his method made a real splash in the field of development of a child’s intellectual characteristics. Outstanding scientist Nikolai

Zaitsev made an invaluable contribution to the development of pedagogy. With the help of his developments, children quickly learn to read and count, but this is not enough to realize the mental potential of children.

The training system of the St. Petersburg teacher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev became very popular. Zaitsev’s teaching methodology is based on the idea that the elementary particle of speech is the warehouse.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant with a vowel, or a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Zaitsev wrote these warehouses on the edges of his famous cubes.

When a child begins to speak, he does not pronounce letters separately, he says “ma”, “pa”, “ba”. This method was used on cubes. Learning with Zaitsev's cubes takes place through play, children sing syllables, clap their hands, jump and run. In the same way, children get acquainted with mathematics through play. Zaitsev developed special tables on which children perform arithmetic operations.

Training according to Zaitsev’s method includes not only tables of syllables and arithmetic operations, but also toys that make different sounds, musical instruments, cubes with cut pictures, puzzles, construction sets, etc. In addition, the learning environment created in kindergarten or school must be supported at home. Tables should be hung around the apartment, any household activity should be accompanied by certain methodological instructions, and a lot depends on the spirit that reigns in the family.



As a rule, parents are both surprised and pleased when their children know all the letters by the age of three or four. These parents believe that their children are ready to read. Some simple word appears in front of the child, for example, CAT, and the child begins to read:"KAOTE". - "No! - Mom or dad begin to explain again to their child, -The letters K and T in words are read completely differently than on the cubes.”It turns out that almost everything is read differently than before. This is no longer clear to a child. Often such studies end with the parent “boiling up” and the child “cooling down” on reading, sometimes for a long time. In first and even second grade you can hear children say the word MAMA read: "EMAEMA". - “How can this be,” exclaims"EMAEMA" “He knew all the letters at the age of three.”

Is it possible to teach children to read differently?


St. Petersburg innovative teacher N. A. Zaitsev proposed a warehouse system for teaching children early reading, which has now become widespread. In addition to the fact that children initially learn to pronounce warehouses in this system the way they sound in words, the warehouses themselves are located in a strictly defined way. This systematic approach provides an excellent opportunity to make the process of learning to read exciting and joyful for the child. Children learn to read not by drilling words letter by letter, but by actually putting them together from separate warehouse blocks.


The game-aid “FOLDINGS” is intended for teaching children early (from 3-4 years old) reading in the warehouse system. The manual contains 21 cards, on which warehouses are presented in the form of vertical columns on the right and left sides of each card. Two storage posts on each card form a storage house. Drawings, poems, music create images of these houses, in other words, illustrate the warehouse education system.

Now let’s imagine a certain city Skladinsk. There are 20 houses in this city, which are filled with songs about Borya, and about goslings, and many others. There is also a solar house(A O U Y Y E I Y Y I E).There is also a song in this house. There is a beginning of a fairy tale.


1. Types of warehouses and their pronunciation.

The right and left vertical columns on each card are warehouses. The greatest difficulty in pronunciation is caused by warehouses presented in the form of consonant letters (they are located in the left columns at the top). For example, warehouse B is pronounced loudly and abruptly, like the last letter in a word ZU - B, and P - dull and abrupt, like the last letter in a word SOUP. Warehouses represented by vowels(AOUYYYYYYYYYYY- sunny house), are pronounced as in the alphabet, and all the other warehouses are pronounced as if you were reading a short word of two letters.

2. Warehouses and syllables.

The warehouses may coincide with the syllables, but they may also differ. For example, in the word WINTER there are two warehouses and two syllables: ZI and MA, and in the word ELEPHANT there is one syllable, but three warehouses: S, LO, N. In the word SUDDENLY there is one syllable, but four warehouses: V, D, RU , G. Now try to break down the words HE, NOTEBOOK, BOOK yourself. You should have two, four and three warehouses. The warehouse on which the accent falls is called shock. In the word BOOK the shock warehouse is NI. In the verses given on the cards in this manual, shock warehouses are highlighted in red.

3. Semantic and warehouse songs.

The semantic songs are given by the verse given on the card. When sung, the semantic song turns into a storage song. For example, you sing:“The kitten lost its mother, the kitten squeaked: “Meow, mommy, call me, mommy, purr.”M MA MO MU WE ME ME ME ME ME ME MU MI ME.”Warehouse M sets the sound of the warehouse song, so it must always be emphasized with clear pronunciation (like the letter M in the word THUNDER) and a short pause before further singing of the warehouses. All other warehouse songs are sung similarly. It doesn’t matter if you don’t play a musical instrument or think that you sing poorly. You are still the best singer for your child.

4. How to display warehouses.

While singing warehouse songs at the same time, show them to the child first yourself, and then with the child’s finger. To display warehouses, you can call for help from a tin soldier or a small doll. Always remember that the child should be interested.

5. The most important thing.

When learning to read, it is necessary to ensure that the child knows stock songs well.



STAGE 1: Together with your child, you look at the pictures on the cards, read poetry, come up with a fairy tale, for example, about the city of Skladinsk, and sing songs. Warehouse songs let your child help you sing along and show them. Children, as a rule, like these funny songs, and they remember them quickly enough. At this stage, it is worth paying special attention to the sunny house and the warehouses, which determine the warehouse songs V, L, R, G, etc.)

STAGE 2: try to ensure that the child not only sings and pronounces warehouse songs, but also shows them correctly.

STAGE 3: The child learns to identify individual warehouses from warehouse songs. For example, tell your child that you promised your friend’s cat that you would put the word together CAT. On the corresponding card, ask your child to find the warehouse CO. The child doesn’t yet know where it’s hidden KO, but he knows the song K KA KO KU KY etc. Maybe not the first time, but the child will stop his finger on CO. All that remains is to find T. If the child can find T himself - very good, if not - help. Two cards can be placed next to each other - that’s the word CAT. The first words that a child composes should be simple, close and understandable to him.

STAGE 4: take some card, point your finger, for example, at the warehouse RA and ask to read it. If the child is lost, then say the magic word - according to the song. R RA - of course it's RA. The child will soon get used to the fact that he can identify any warehouse by song and will use it himself.

So, you have accustomed your child to warehouse house songs and now begin to slowly lead him away from them. Let your child read words written in capital letters on special cards. Such cards can contain just a word, or even better - a word with a corresponding picture or drawing on the back

Warehouses on such cards can be divided by a dash; the shock warehouse can be highlighted in red. Make more of these cards.

Every parent wants his child to be the most developed and the most intelligent. Parents feel great pride when their child reaches the age of three or four years calmly reads advertising signs while sitting in a car or passing by. Training always begins with choosing a methodology, of which there are now many. Teaching reading using Zaitsev's cubes is the most effective for working with the smallest children.

Zaitsev's cubes: what are they?

Zaitsev’s original method has been in existence for more than twenty years. Despite this, it is constantly being improved. Today, many games and techniques have been created that complement the basics. Using this technique, even the smallest children successfully learn to read and write. For example, for a six-year-old child, a couple of lessons are enough for him to start reading.

Zaitsev’s method is suitable for both children who love to play quietly and restless, active children.

This method of teaching reading is suitable for children with poor hearing, vision and mental development disorders. Reviews say that excellent results have been achieved. Children with autism also show good results.

Zaitsev in this technique involved all types of perception, such as visual, auditory, motor, thinking, touch and memory. When working with children, the teacher must organize learning in a playful, relaxed manner and at the same time become a mentor for the children.

By studying according to Zaitsev’s method you can:

The kit includes:

  1. Sixty-one assembled cardboard cubes.
  2. Six tables made of cardboard with letters, syllables and other signs.
  3. Four cardboard tables in B3 format.
  4. A disk containing songs for tables and cubes.
  5. A manual that can be used as a notes for classes.

The SMARTUM Child Development Center is an excellent chance to refuse tutors in a specific subject and give preference to the comprehensive development of a child of school and preschool age.

Warehouse, what is it?

Zaitsev's method uses an alternative to syllables - warehouses. There the warehouse is the basic unit of language. A combination of a consonant or a vowel, a hard sign and a consonant, or just one letter - all this is a warehouse. The basis of this technique is warehouse reading.

The hand is placed just below the chin, then a word is pronounced, the strength of the muscles, which is felt by the hand, is the warehouse.

According to Zaitsev's method, warehouses are located both in tables and in cubes. There is no analytical thinking in learning, since it develops only by the age of seven. The warehouses that are located on the cubes differ in size, sound and color. This is done to ensure the operation of all channels of perception.

What is Zaitsev’s technique?

This method does not have an authoritarian style of communication between the teacher and children. Here it is taken into account individually development and characteristics of each child. Classes are held exclusively in the form of a game. Children sing, move, dance, jump, and all this is accompanied by playing with blocks.

The cubes have different sizes. The large ones depict hard sounds, the small ones depict soft sounds. They come in both double and single. Double cubes contain consonants that are combined only with certain vowels (zhi-zhu-zha).

Metal denotes a loud warehouse, and wood denotes a dull one. Vowels are associated with gold. On the iron-wood colored cubes there is a hard sign, and on the wooden-gold colored cubes there is a soft sign. The white cube is covered with punctuation marks. The color scheme of the letters is different from the school one. Vowels here are indicated in blue, consonants in blue, and green indicates soft and hard signs. Zaitsev believes that the difference from the red, blue and green colors that are used in school helps the child begin to read fluently.

As for the filling, it is different for the cubes. Those who are just starting to learn, first get acquainted only with cubes, a little later they will be introduced to the tables. The set contains fifty-two dice and seven more repeat dice.

The sets are:

  1. Collected;
  2. Plastic based;
  3. Cubes that need to be glued together independently; this includes a separate layout.

Gluing the cubes yourself will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of identical size. After gluing is completed, it is recommended to cover the cube with rubber bands so that it does not fall apart during the drying process. To make the cubes stronger, It is recommended to cover them with film or laminate the scan. When choosing this option, it is recommended to duplicate each scan in order to have a supply of warehouses on which the words will be written.

Tables should be hung high to prevent visual impairment and scoliosis. If classes do not take place in a group, but individually, then the height is determined by the child’s raised hand. He must be able to reach the top of the table. Often tables are placed in the corners of the room to make it easier for the child to find the necessary warehouses. Tables are also wrapped in film to make them last longer. Tables are just as important as playing with dice.

The technique involves singing all the warehouses. The author came to the conclusion that you can get a child interested in singing faster.

The cubes should always be in front of the baby’s eyes; first he will get acquainted with the manual, looking at it carefully. Let the child show the cube that interests him more than others. The warehouses that are written on the faces of the cube are shown by singing. Then you need to ask the child to find a large cube, then a small one, wooden, iron, gold. This is necessary so that the child understands that the cubes have different sounds and have different sizes.

When the baby understands the essence of this information, he should be shown the syllable tables. You need to sing one column from the table and ask the child to bring the same warehouse on a cube. You need to sing expressively to demonstrate what kinds of warehouses there are: silent, voiced, large or small. Many people also use movement. The child does not need to sing the words in response until he himself wants it and comes to it.

A child can be taught to write using blocks or a pointer. Understanding the composition of words comes by regularly showing the words on the table and singing them. By playing various games, including active ones, you can teach your child to write. It is recommended to conduct classes regularly, day after day, even a little at a time, however, if it is clearly visible that the child does not have the mood to study, it is better to postpone it; in no case should it be forced.

In training it is necessary to involve child's favorite games. If the baby is active, games should be active. It is better to offer quiet entertainment to diligent children.

The technique is successful if all requirements are fully met, and not some selective elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Any technique in our time has its pros and cons, and Zaitsev’s cubes are no exception.

Advantages of the technique:

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Creative abilities practically do not develop.
  • There may be difficulties understanding certain sounds, which can affect writing.
  • The choice when writing E and E is difficult.
  • Benefits are expensive.
  • Sound colors different from school ones.
  • Children may miss endings in words.

Every parent wants their child to become a child prodigy (or at least just capable and smart). To organize assistance for adults, there are many methods for teaching a child to read and write, reading and mathematics. These are the systems of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman and many others. A special place here is occupied by Zaitsev's cubes - a method of teaching reading from a very early age.

Features of the technique

Literally every day Zaitsev's cubes are gaining more and more followers. What is the unique feature of this technique? Why do children who have left infancy begin to read on their own after just a few lessons?

N.A. Zaitsev’s method of teaching reading involves reading in sequence. One unit here is taken not to be a letter, as is customary in conventional teaching methods, but rather a warehouse. It represents the natural force produced when speaking. Because warehouse is a natural effort; it will not be difficult for a child of almost any age to pronounce it.

Based on reading by warehouses, such a teaching methodology as Zaitsev's cubes was developed. They represent a whole teaching aid that promotes the harmonious development of the child’s personality.

Zaitsev's cubes are for learning to read, general development, development of logical thinking, and speech therapy exercises. Many mothers are confident that their children who practice this method will achieve a lot in the future.

Great teacher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev

Almost every adult has heard the phrase “Zaitsev’s cubes.” The method of teaching reading based on warehouses is gaining more and more followers every day. However, few people know who became the author of the unique technique.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is a great Russian teacher-innovator. Born into a family of teachers, from early childhood he dreamed of giving knowledge to children.

The idea of ​​​​creating a special method of teaching reading originated in his student years, when the future teacher was sent to Indonesia for pre-graduate practice. There he had to teach the basics and peculiarities of the Russian language to the local population.

Nikolai Alexandrovich began to apply the basics of his developments while working at school. He gradually introduced his works into kindergartens.

When the effectiveness of the methods created by the teacher was confirmed by several generations of children, the famous Zaitsev cubes were born, the teaching method of which was fundamentally different from the generally accepted one.

The unique author's technique is more than 20 years old. However, the innovative teacher does not stand still. It improves Zaitsev's cubes. The teaching methods are constantly being improved. To date, a large number of additional methods and game exercises have been created, which are based on classes using such unusual cubes.

What do Zaitsev's cubes look like?

What is a cube? One of the most favorite children's toys. Each of us can remember with what joy in distant childhood we built castles and towers with their help. Knowing how much children love such games, the author, when creating his methodology, took ordinary children's cubes as a basis.

However, they are not at all similar to the ones we are used to. Warehouses are depicted on each of their faces. What are they?

Warehouses may consist of:

  • From one letter.
  • Of two letters (consonant - vowel).
  • Of two letters (a consonant is a soft sign).
  • Of two letters (a consonant is a hard sign).

In addition, all the cubes are painted in different colors. This helps children quickly understand the principles of reading:

  • The cubes are golden in color. In Zaitsev’s method, they are called “golden”.
  • Gray cubes are warehouses with a ringing sound. The so-called “iron” cubes.
  • Brown cubes are a blind warehouse, “wooden” cubes.
  • Cubes of white and green colors are punctuation marks.

Reading from Zaitsev's cubes also develops children's tactile sensations, musical abilities, and promotes the development of hearing organs. To achieve this, specific content is added to each view. They are not hollow, like regular cubes. Due to their content, they have a certain sound.

Zaitsev cubes can be filled with:

  • wooden sticks;
  • bells;
  • pebbles;
  • sand;
  • small metal objects;
  • lids;
  • traffic jams

Due to their filling, the cubes are also distinguished by weight.

Every child literally falls in love with Zaitsev's cubes from the very beginning of classes. The teaching method according to them is not a usual educational activity, but a game one. During the game, children quietly move from looking at the cubes to reading independently.

To speed up the learning process, each cube has its own size.

  • The double cubes are large in size. They are solid warehouses.
  • The standard size dice depict soft warehouses.

What does Zaitsev’s technique influence?

Thanks to the unique structure, color and size of the cubes, the developed method not only helps children of any age learn to read, but also affects their comprehensive development.

Classes on Zaitsev’s cubes cover the following areas:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile.

In addition, during classes according to Zaitsev’s method, the musical, physical, and emotional development of children occurs.

How to practice according to Zaitsev’s method?

During classes, children do not sit at desks, as in school. They run, jump, dance, lie down, play. Thanks to their freedom of action, they don’t get bored with the game.

Not only cubes are used to organize the learning process. The methodological equipment also includes tables that display all warehouses. During classes, the tables are in front of the children's eyes. This helps improve learning efficiency.

At what age can you start classes?

The author recommends introducing children to his method as early as possible. Children under two years old can simply play with the cubes and study the folds on the faces. This way the child will be prepared for the reading process at an older age.

The optimal period to start classes is the time when the child begins to speak independently. This usually occurs by 2 years of age. During this period, the child is ready to begin learning.

If a child begins to study according to Zaitsev’s method at the age of three years, then he will be able to read independently in about six months. This period is considered the most favorable for learning to read, because The child’s speech apparatus simultaneously develops and the foundations for learning to read are laid.

Classes with children 4 years old will bring positive results after 16-20 “lessons”.

Children aged 5 to 6 years will learn to read independently in 5-8 lessons. This age period is also considered one of the most favorable for starting to learn to read, because The level of mental development of the child is most conducive to starting classes.

If a child began studying according to Zaitsev’s method at the age of 6, he will only need 5-6 lessons to start reading independently.

Learning by playing

Which children like to constantly learn? The main activity for preschool age is play. Therefore, lessons on cubes should also be built in the form of a game.

What games are there with Zaitsev cubes? To date, many of these techniques have been developed. Let's look at the most popular types of tasks based on gaming activities:

  1. Cheerful locomotive. We make a train from the cubes we like with vowels. In order for it to start “moving on rails,” the warehouses on the faces of the cubes must be sung.
  2. Kolobok. Throw a cube - a “bun” into any part of the room. The child catches up with the “bun” and reads the warehouse on its upper edge.
  3. Let's find couples. To play you will need cubes and tables. Choose any cube. We read the warehouse on its upper edge. We find the same warehouse in the table.
  4. Animal voices. We remember what sounds domestic animals make (cat, dog, cow, etc.). The child must find cubes with warehouses corresponding to the voices of animals (meow, mu, aw, etc.).

What do parents say?

The effectiveness of using Zaitsev cubes has been proven over time. Over the course of 2 decades, the number of followers of the unique technique has been growing.

What do parents say about Zaitsev's cubes? Reviews from adults who have used this method:

  • During the period of training according to Zaitsev's method, children literally fall in love with the process of reading.
  • Harmonious development of children in the field of education, upbringing, art.
  • Zaitsev's cube classes teach children not only reading. They discipline them, develop them and force them to think critically.
  • The learning process is quite easy. During the game, children do not even notice how they move on to independent reading.

However, not all parents praise and approve of Zaitsev's cubes. Feedback from adults when training did not produce results:

  • Many children do not grasp the essence of reading in sequences.
  • After learning using Zaitsev's cubes, it is difficult for children to switch to syllabic reading.
  • During individual lessons using this method, the child may have difficulties understanding the principles of reading. Collective teaching methods are more acceptable.

Reading is the basis for the harmonious development of a person in childhood. Classes with children using Zaitsev's method are the shortest and most natural path to the world of letters. Zaitsev's cubes are a real storehouse of wisdom, accessible to everyone.