Menu for a 5 month old baby. What does the diet of a five-month-old baby consist of when breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed? Rules for feeding a child of this age. Recipes for kids

Complementary feeding usually begins when the baby is six months old, but sometimes doctors recommend introducing new foods earlier. If the baby is fed an artificial formula, or the amount of breast milk is not enough, then the first complementary feeding is started at 5 months.

How do you know when it’s time for your baby to introduce complementary foods?

Diet of a five month old baby

The diet of a 5-month-old child should be such that the baby gets used to receiving food at the same time. Complementary feeding chart for a 5 month old breastfed baby:

  • After waking up, breast milk.
  • Second meal. Vegetable puree or 50 grams of dairy-free, gluten-free porridge. We supplement with breastfeeding.
  • Lunch: breast milk
  • Dinner: puree (vegetables or fruits), breast milk
  • 22.30 Chest

Diet for children using an adapted formula:

  • After waking up, milk formula (200 ml)
  • 11.30 Porridge prepared with milk mixture
  • 15.30 One-component vegetable puree, mixture
  • 19.00 Fruit or vegetable puree, mixture
  • 22.30 Formula milk

How much complementary food should a 5 month old baby eat?

Many young mothers wonder how much complementary feeding a baby should eat at 5 months?

Children 5 months old who eat formula receive a smaller portion than infants. This is explained by the fact that the mixture is higher in calories than human milk. The baby should eat no more than 900 ml per day. Infants should eat 50 ml of porridge, 50 grams of pureed vegetables and fruits. 5-month-old infants fed formula receive 30 grams of vegetables, fruits and 30 ml of porridge.

Recipes for dishes that can be given to five-month-old babies

The baby's menu at five months is based on mother's milk or formula. If complementary feeding begins with vegetables, the little one will eat porridge with pleasure. If the acquaintance begins with porridge, he can refuse vegetables, because porridge is much tastier. Many people prefer to make their own puree from organic vegetables. The menu of a 5-month-old baby will be rich in essential microelements. Preparing dishes from vegetables will not take much time, but will bring enormous benefits to the health of the little man.


If you are categorically against ready-made baby porridges, try making porridge for your baby yourself. To do this, washed cereals (for example, rice, buckwheat) are ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Pour a level tablespoon of the mixture into boiling water (100 ml) and cook, stirring continuously, for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Vegetable puree recipes

Broccoli puree

Sort the broccoli, remove leaves and stems, wash thoroughly. Boil until tender in water without adding salt, rub through a sieve. Offer your baby purees at room temperature.

Zucchini puree

Thoroughly peel the young zucchini, wash and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes and boil until tender. Cool and blend with a blender until smooth. Give a 5 month old baby puree at room temperature.

Fruit purees

Banana puree

Cut a ripe banana into pieces and grind into a puree. Add a little mixture or milk.


Grind the green apple pulp and add water. Boil the apples until tender, then cool to room temperature and puree in a blender. Add mixture or mother's milk.

What’s better – jars or making your own?

Making puree yourself or buying jars is an individual choice. Pros of canned food:

  • Time saving;
  • The quality of food is controlled by special services;
  • There is a wide range of different manufacturers on sale.

Pros of home cooking:

  • Know what products were used;
  • You can control the amount of food cooked;
  • By using vegetables and fruits grown on your own plot, you can be sure that they are environmentally friendly.

Doctor Komarovsky about complementary feeding

Dr. Komarovsky, known to many, advises starting the first complementary foods with fermented milk products. First, the child is offered kefir, after a week cottage cheese is added. After a month, porridge is introduced into the baby’s diet, which should be prepared with milk formula.

Time moves inexorably and your baby already knows a lot and gradually begins to master new skills. And it's time to pay attention to his nutrition.

If the child is completely breastfed, and you observe that he is absolutely healthy and his development does not have any deviations, you should not worry about introducing complementary foods for him, you do not need this yet.

If the nutritional substances supplied with mother's milk have lost their satiety, or there are few of them (with a lack of milk, with artificial feeding), the first complementary foods must be introduced from 5 months.

At this age, more mothers are gradually introducing new foods into the child’s diet.

Complementary feeding is introduced not only because the baby needs more vitamins and minerals, but because breast milk is no longer enough for rapidly growing energy costs.

The feeding routine for a five month old baby is based on his needs. The intervals between meals become much longer, but sometimes babies prefer to eat more frequently, but in smaller doses.

This is determined individually depending on the character of the baby. In various sources you can come across the statement that the final meal should be around midnight, followed by a break until 6 am.

Almost many babies also require night feeding, especially those who are fed breast milk. This is a temporary phenomenon and, as the child grows older, he will refuse night feedings.

Basic nutrition for a 5 month old baby- this is a mixture or milk, the norm of which is in the range of 900 -1000 grams per day. During one meal, a child can eat from 100 to 250 grams, but this norm is individual for everyone.

If by the age of 5 months your child has already tried vegetable and fruit purees consisting of one component (in the absence of doctor’s prescriptions), then now you can begin to try more complex flavors (pures that consist of 2 ingredients).

We recommend doing it this way. It is advisable to start with a puree that is already familiar to the baby’s taste (for example, applesauce or carrot puree) and add a pear, etc. But new components should be introduced into the diet one at a time, so that if an allergic reaction occurs, you can easily determine its cause.

If the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with vegetable tastes, offer him one-component purees of various vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, etc.) And only after making sure that introducing these components into the child’s diet does not cause allergic reactions and digestive problems, you can safely switch to two-component puree (carrots with potatoes, potatoes with cabbage, etc.).

You can gradually introduce all kinds of dairy-free and dairy-free porridges into your baby’s menu, replacing them with formula milk or gili ore milk. It is recommended to do this immediately before bedtime during the evening feeding (the baby will eat more satisfyingly and sleep soundly).

As for dairy-free porridges (these are porridges that do not contain milk), they can be diluted with either milk mixture or boiled water, to which your baby is already accustomed, or simply with milk. We recommend starting to introduce complementary foods only with such cereals, because they are more easily absorbed by the digestive system of children.

You should not use pearl barley, millet porridge (they are heavy in consistency) and semolina porridge for the first feeding, due to the gluten content. Gluten (gluten) is a component that combines a group of proteins found in the seeds of cereal plants (wheat, oats, rye, barley).

Gluten can cause gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions in a child in the first months of life. Based on this, pediatricians recommend giving your baby cereals containing gluten no earlier than 9 months, and in some cases (if the child is prone to allergies) no earlier than a year. For the first stages of complementary feeding, rice, corn or buckwheat porridge can be ideal for your baby.

The norm of porridge should be introduced into the diet of a 5-month-old child according to the same scheme as puree, starting with 1-2 spoons (fed with breast milk or formula) and gradually increasing the amount of porridge to the full feeding norm.

There are also milk porridges that contain formula or milk. By simply adding water to this porridge, you will instantly get a tasty and healthy product for your child.

However, it is necessary to take into account that such cereals are more allergenic in nature, unlike dairy-free ones, so it is recommended to introduce them to your child’s diet only after your baby has adapted to dairy-free products made from the same cereals as dairy ones.

We can say with confidence that the correct and rational introduction of complementary foods will contribute to the normal development of your baby, who will feel great, receiving all the essential elements for a healthy body.

Children grow up quickly. And now your baby is already 5 months old. He is already trying to roll over from his back to his tummy, holds his head confidently, tries to sit, but is still completely unsteady. She grabs toys with her whole palm, pulls them into her mouth and resists if someone tries to take her away. During this period, mothers have a question about what to feed their baby for 5 months. After all, his needs have already increased. His diet is changing, and perhaps it’s time to change his diet too.

What to feed a breastfed baby at 5 months

If the child is breastfed and is developing well, then the first complementary foods can be introduced at five months of age. The baby is already switching to five meals a day, with a ten-hour interval for night sleep. It is advisable to give complementary foods at lunchtime. But if something doesn’t work out, then you can do it at any other feeding except the last one, because overeating is harmful for the baby.

Many parents of infants often wonder what to feed their breastfed baby. By 5 months, your baby is probably already drinking fruit juices. If not, then you need to accustom him to juices, starting with a few drops, gradually increasing their amount to 40-50 grams. Fruit juices are good for children as they are rich in essential vitamins. It is advisable to start with apple or pear juice. Monitor the reaction of the baby’s body to avoid undesirable consequences if the child suddenly develops an allergy to any juices. When the child gets used to juices, you can switch to fruit puree. The rules are the same. That is, you start complementary feeding with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume to full feeding.

What can you feed a baby at 5 months, except juices and purees?

It usually takes one to two weeks for a child to adapt to complementary feeding. After he gets used to a certain product, you can add vegetable purees to your child’s diet. Vegetables such as potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, and zucchini are suitable for this. Just don’t try to diversify your child’s diet by including all the vegetables at once or making a kind of assortment of them. Accustom your child to everything gradually.

Sometimes it happens that after breast milk a child eats reluctantly, and sometimes even completely refuses vegetables. Don't rush to switch to another product. Give your child a chance to get used to it. Naturally, the puree should be fresh, warm and thoroughly ground. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil and a little mother's milk or dairy milk to the puree.

What can you feed a 5 month old baby with delayed physical development?

If a child has a delay in the development of any functions, signs of rickets or anemia have appeared, when feeding in puree, you can begin to introduce lean beef meat. The meat must be absolutely fresh, free of fat and films. Boil it, twist it through a meat grinder and grind it with a fork so that your child’s stomach, which is not yet accustomed to such food, does not suffer. Add half a teaspoon of it to vegetable puree for several days. Within a week, you can increase the portion to the age norm, that is, up to one tablespoon per feeding.

At 5 months, the child can begin to introduce egg yolk into his diet. It is entered according to the same scheme. At the same time, be sure to monitor whether the baby has allergies, since often when children introduce yolk into complementary foods, signs of allergic reactions appear. When they appear, do not introduce new types of complementary foods and be sure to consult your doctor about what to feed your baby at 5 months.

When wondering what you can feed your baby at 5 months, don’t forget about grandma’s old feeding methods. Porridge is the most common dish when introducing complementary foods, especially since children react to them much more positively than to vegetable purees. Rice cereal is preferable, but children suffering from constipation should be given it less often. Neutral porridge is buckwheat, rich in all kinds of vitamins and iron. Try to cook water-based porridge; you can add a little milk. When introducing your child to cereals, do not forget that while the child is still small, grind them thoroughly. Then, just like in purees, you can add a little vegetable oil. But just start with a few drops.

Sample menu for a 5 month old baby

At 6 o'clock in the morning we breastfeed, at 10 o'clock in the morning we add half an egg yolk and 40 grams of fruit juice to the breast milk. Lunch at 2 pm can consist of 10 grams of vegetable puree, breast milk and grated apple (about 50 grams). For dinner at 6 pm, you can offer your baby breast milk and apple or pear juice (20) g. And feed your baby breast milk at night.

Artificial feeding of a 5 month old baby

With artificial feeding, the question of what to feed a child for 5 months is considered quite difficult. Artificial babies are more acutely lacking in various components for full development due to the fact that mother's milk is difficult to replace. In this regard, when feeding with mixtures, fruit juices and purees begin to be given to them starting from 3-4 months.

Formulas prepared on the basis of protein hydrolysis or on the basis of soy protein are insufficient to provide the child with animal proteins. Therefore, it is recommended for artificial babies to introduce meat puree into complementary foods at 5 months; the meat is boiled twice and ground well. When introducing meat complementary foods, it is advisable to use beef and veal meat. If for some reason this meat is not suitable for feeding a child, you can replace it with lean pork, horse meat, rabbit or chicken. This complementary food should be introduced carefully; consult a doctor first.

In any case, whether your baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, before you start changing his diet, contact your pediatrician and ask him about what to feed your baby for 5 months. Based on the development of your baby and his state of health, the doctor will help you create the right diet for your baby, since each child is individual.

A child's daily routine at 5 months is almost identical to that to which all routine moments of his life were subordinated in the previous month. The duration of periods of sleep and wakefulness, the number of feedings remain the same, only the baby himself changes: day by day he becomes more active, stronger and more inquisitive.

Table with an approximate daily routine

  • 6:00-8:00 Waking up the baby, morning feeding followed by mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths, light massage, communication with the mother;
  • 8:00-10:00 First sleep combined with a walk in the fresh air;
  • 10:00-12:30 Second feeding, doing gymnastics, massage, active wakefulness.
  • 12:30-14:30 Daytime sleep.
  • 14:30-17:00 Third meal, active leisure time filled with educational games and physical exercises.
  • 17:00-19:00 Sleep in the fresh air.
  • 19:00-21:30 Fourth feeding, developing leisure time, communication with family members, bathing the baby.
  • 22:30 Last meal.
  • 23:00-6:00 Sleep until morning.

Another variant:

After familiarizing yourself with this routine, each mother can adjust it to the individual needs of her five-month-old baby.

Parents of a baby should prepare for the fact that at five months he may develop symptoms. This significant event can manifest itself in different ways: for some children it does not cause much suffering, while others react to it with an increase in temperature, constant whims, upset bowel movements and disruption of sleep patterns. For some time, this can cause unpredictable behavior in an unwell baby, which can lead to non-compliance with the usual daily routine.

Fortunately, such periods are quite short-lived. After teething, the mother should take care of returning the baby to her previous routine.


A five-month-old baby's night's sleep is usually sound: a well-fed baby is able to sleep for about ten hours without requiring feeding or disturbing sleeping parents. To achieve this result, the mother must properly organize her baby’s daytime rest, dividing it into three two-hour periods:

  1. The baby needs the first sleep after being awake for two hours in the morning. If the weather conditions are favorable, the mother can go for a walk with him, since it is in the morning hours that sleep in the fresh air will be most favorable for him.
  2. The baby's second nap occurs in the afternoon. In the warm season, it can be combined with a walk.
  3. The third time the child should be put to bed in the evening hours. At this moment, the father who has returned from work can go for a walk with the baby.

Pediatricians consider this type of daytime sleep to be optimal for a child. If the baby has fallen asleep, exceeding the allotted two-hour limit, you should carefully wake him up so as not to get out of the usual daily routine.

We feed

At 5 months, a child should eat at least a liter of breast milk per day. During feeding, he no longer dozes, but sucks very actively at the breast. It is at this age that the baby should be gradually weaned from the habit of falling asleep exclusively at his mother’s breast. Each period of daytime sleep should now begin not with feeding, but with rocking.

An exception should be made before putting the baby to bed for the night: at this moment, the mother’s breast will be not only a source of nutrition for him. Having quickly calmed down, the baby will sleep especially soundly.

Five-month-old breastfed babies still do not need complementary feeding: the nutrients contained in breast milk are sufficient for them. There are times when the baby does not get enough of his mother’s milk and therefore is often capricious and hardly gains weight. This situation is the basis for his transfer to mixed feeding using dairy-free cereals. After some time, the porridge can be made milky.

If complementary feeding was introduced into the diet of an artificially-fed child already at four months of age, his feeding schedule will look like this:

  • 6:00 Feeding with kefir or milk formula (200 ml).
  • 10:00 Complementary feeding: dairy-free porridge (150 ml), cottage cheese (40 g), vegetable juice (100 ml). Porridge can be rice, buckwheat or corn.
  • 14:00 Feeding with vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, zucchini or cauliflower, seasoned with a drop of vegetable oil (150 ml).
  • 19:00 Feeding with formula milk (200 ml).
  • 22:30 Feeding with kefir or mixture (200 ml).

When introducing new foods to your baby’s diet, you should monitor his stool and the condition of his skin: if rashes appear and the nature of bowel movements changes, they must be discarded immediately.

We're walking

The frequency and duration of walks mainly depend on weather conditions. On cold days, you can walk with your baby for no more than forty minutes, on warm days - up to several hours.

Under ideal circumstances, all periods of daytime rest can be combined with walks, since the active supply of oxygen improves the quality of sleep: it becomes longer and deeper.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

During walks, it is necessary to introduce the baby to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, accompanying everything he sees with simple comments that are understandable to him.

We are developing

At the age of five months, a child masters a whole range of skills. He can:

  • Recognize loved ones and your own reflection in the mirror;
  • React joyfully to the mother's voice;
  • Reach for an object you like, grab it and take it away;
  • Press the keys and buttons of musical instruments;
  • Play with a rattle and squeaker;
  • Examine the shape and texture of objects, feeling them with your hands;
  • Pull his hands/legs and everything that comes to hand into his mouth;
  • Follow the object with your eyes, turning your head in any direction;
  • On one's own . Turning over in the opposite direction is also not difficult for him;
  • Lie on your tummy for a long time, looking at your surroundings;
  • Leaning on your head and knees, lift your pelvis and torso;
  • Make your first attempts at sitting independently ();
  • Firmly grasping the adult’s fingers, rise and take a vertical position.

You should not force the baby’s development by forcing him to perform actions that the child of a close friend has already mastered. Five-month-old babies develop completely individually: today he can do little, but a week later he can master several skills at once, leaving his “rival” far behind. The key to successful development of the baby is daily activities with the mother.

Games and activities

For the successful development of a baby at five months, you can purchase several bright toys equipped with a set of sound effects. The most useful for him will be:

  • Soft toys with sewn-in squeakers, hard balls, foil inserts;
  • Baby drums and multi-colored rattles;
  • Bright nesting dolls;
  • Puppets for finger theater;
  • Voiced soft animals performing songs and fairy tales;
  • Children's musical instruments (piano, metallophone). Spoons, a saucepan with a lid, etc. can be a complete replacement for such tools.

What should be the content of developmental classes?

A five-month-old baby is very smart and inquisitive. He already understands what it means and reacts correctly to the words: “give”, “on”, “go to mom.” The baby can understand different intonations: when treated kindly, he will smile, but in response to a grumpy remark he may cry.

  • You should continue reading books and looking at pictures. You can show your baby photographs of family members and talk about them;
  • When telling your baby poems and nursery rhymes, it is very useful to stroke, knead and rub his tiny fingers: such a massage will help improve blood circulation, activate speech centers and stimulate the functioning of internal organs. To perform the massage, the mother can use a walnut, a ball or a pencil, rolling them between the children's palms or along the outer surface of the hands;
  • If you want to amuse the baby, you can pick him up and let him fly like an airplane. No less delight will be caused by the opportunity to jump on the lap of someone at home;
  • When walking around the apartment with a baby in your arms, you need to continue to familiarize him with the names of the objects in it;
  • You can introduce the baby not only to the different textures of the material, but also to the difference in physical properties, by letting him touch a piece of ice or a mug of warm tea;
  • It is necessary to talk to the child as much as possible, trying to pronounce words clearly and correctly, remembering that they are stored in his memory, creating a passive vocabulary.

Gymnastics and physical development

A child’s leisure time should be active, so care must be taken in advance to provide him with a free and safe space to perform physical exercise ().

  • It is very important to teach your baby to crawl. Having laid the child on the floor and placing his palms under his small heels, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to push off and make his first attempts to move forward ();
  • Gymnastic exercises with a large ball are incredibly useful for a baby, improving stretching and strengthening the muscular-ligamentous system ();
  • A baby who has not yet learned to roll over on his own from his back to his tummy should be constantly encouraged to do this by placing a palm under his side or placing a favorite toy near him;
  • We can only welcome the desire of many parents to teach their kids to swim. Regular exercise in the pool helps expand the lungs and improve coordination of movements. Children who can swim begin to walk faster. The duration of swimming exercises should be no more than ten minutes. In order for your child to engage with pleasure, it is necessary to turn the process into an exciting game, using bright, voiced toys. After swimming, you need to give your baby a relaxing massage.

Reasons for disruption of daily routine and ways to overcome them

Most often, disruptions in the sleeping and eating patterns of a five-month-old baby are due to:

  1. eruption of the first teeth.
  2. overly active introduction of new complementary foods into the diet.

You can alleviate the condition of a baby who is capricious during the teething period with the help of products designed to massage swollen and itchy gums.

If the cause of children's whims is a violation of the rules for introducing complementary foods, the problematic product should be completely excluded from the baby's diet for a while. After several days, you can try to introduce it again, but in very small portions, carefully looking at the reaction of the child’s body.

Since the baby, who cannot yet speak, reports unmet needs exclusively by crying loudly (), a caring mother should establish and eliminate its cause as quickly as possible (crying can be caused by a lack of attention, a feeling of hunger, or severe overwork).

A well-structured daily routine for a 5-month-old baby guarantees the child’s excellent well-being, disciplines his behavior and stimulates successful physical and intellectual development.

Video guide: baby 5 months

At this stage of development, the main food of the little man is still milk. The body develops quickly, so it does not receive enough nutrients from milk. It's time to diversify a 5-month-old baby's menu with vegetable and fruit purees and cereals. This time is optimal, because the body perceives gastronomic innovations best.

When can you start introducing complementary foods?

Until 4-5 months, the child feeds exclusively on milk. A five-month-old baby is completely ready to accept and digest thicker food. Moreover, pediatricians recommend not delaying the introduction of new treats, because by 6 months the body becomes deficient in vitamins, minerals and other components.

Until the child is six months old, he must learn to chew, otherwise there will be a delay in the development of chewing skills. Complementary feeding develops the baby's chewing skills.

General rules for introducing variety into the diet:

  1. Since the process begins with a minimal amount of an unusual treat, it must be offered to the little one before feeding him milk. Gradually it will be completely replaced by the offered delicacy.
  2. Acquaintance begins with approximately 0.5-1 tsp. Every day the dose is increased. In 7-10 days, it is necessary to increase the amount of administered treats to the recommended norm for a given age - 200 ml. Accustoming to unfamiliar products belonging to the same group is carried out within 5-7 days. Those. if the baby already eats vegetables, then adding another variety can be done faster; this principle applies to cereals and fruits.
  3. Getting used to unfamiliar food starts with single-ingredient dishes.
  4. Since the reaction to a new product can be unfavorable, the baby develops an allergy or bowel disorder, offer complementary foods in the morning so that conclusions can be drawn and measures taken during the day.
  5. You cannot change your toddler’s diet during illness, or a few days before and after vaccination.
  6. It is important that the food is prepared from environmentally friendly ingredients. Therefore, it is safer to use industrially produced products. Follow the information provided on the packaging and make your choice according to the age of your child. In this case, there is a guarantee that the food is harmless, has the required composition and degree of grinding, which is very important for a five-month-old baby.

As for vegetable purees, the most complete in terms of variety of nutrients are mixtures of three types of vegetables. The fifth month of baby's development requires caution. As already mentioned, the introduction of complementary foods always begins with monocomponent meals. Therefore, to begin with, offer your child puree from one vegetable. Many parents start with zucchini; it is easily digestible and does not cause allergies. After 7-10 days, add a little cabbage to the squash puree. Let the baby get used to two-ingredient food for another 7 days. Next, add the next vegetable to the mixture. Increase the portion of complementary foods to 200 ml.

What foods can be included in the diet?

Caring parents are concerned about what their baby can eat.

Vegetables are the best food for first acquaintance. After the child has already become accustomed to them, the time comes to accustom the body to thicker food - porridge. Vegetable foods are introduced first to children who have a tendency to constipation or accelerated weight gain.

The first dish can be porridge. This is exactly what should be offered to a baby who has developed anemia, has unstable stools, and is not gaining enough weight. Factory-made porridges enriched with micronutrients will compensate for the lack of essential substances. They saturate the baby for a longer period than vegetable and fruit dishes, giving a burst of energy for the active phase.

Fruit purees are also suitable for expanding the menu of a 5-month-old baby. But in this case, adults are often faced with the fact that after tasting the sweetness of fruits, the child demands exactly them, and eats everything else reluctantly.

Attention! As the menu expands, the baby's stool changes color; it can have orange, greenish or brownish hues. If the contents do not contain mucus and are of normal consistency, there is no cause for concern.

List of permitted products:

  1. Vegetables: zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin.
  2. Fruits: banana, pear, apple.
  3. Porridges: buckwheat, rice, corn oatmeal, etc.

Start with gluten- and dairy-free cereals. Industrially produced porridges are diluted with water. It is allowed to add breast milk, vegetable broth, and artificial formula. Milk porridges contain milk powder or an adapted milk formula, so they are more suitable for artificial babies.
You can prepare this dish yourself, the main thing is that the food is crushed, for example, using a blender.

The menu of a five-month-old baby may include juices. They are well digestible and children like them. But it is worth considering that they are low in vitamins and minerals, so pediatricians recommend introducing this delicacy to the child after all other foods, incl. meat. Juices, which add variety to a toddler’s diet, accustom him to eating sweets, which is undesirable. To drink, you can offer your baby water, fresh or dried fruit compote, or weak tea. Pour liquids not into a bottle, but into a cup, which it’s time to learn how to use.

Attention! You need to spoon feed your baby patiently and carefully. Force feeding is unacceptable! Buy a plastic or silicone spoon that will not injure your baby’s delicate gums.

At five months of age, the average volume of one meal is 200 ml.
Sample menu:

  • Breakfast #1: Breast milk or infant formula.
  • Breakfast No. 2: dairy-free porridge 150 ml, supplemented with milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable puree – 150 ml with milk supplement or 200 ml without supplement.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit puree - 60 ml, breast milk or mixture.
  • Dinner: breast milk or formula.

Children should receive exclusively freshly prepared food!

Remember, many foods are allergenic, so carefully monitor your child’s health. If an undesirable reaction occurs, the ingredient that caused it should be temporarily eliminated.

Kefir is a controversial ingredient for a five-month-old baby due to the presence of calcium in it and the immaturity of the baby’s intestinal microflora.
You can add butter and vegetable oil to the diet - no more than 1 tsp. in a day.

Features of supplementary feeding of breastfed and bottle-fed children

According to research by the World Health Organization, it is recommended that breastfed babies introduce new ingredients into the diet after 6 months. But many pediatricians believe that this option is good if the baby was born on time, is completely healthy and develops normally. At the same time, the mother should also be healthy, receive adequate nutrition and vitamin and mineral supplements. Otherwise, by 5 months the growing body will lack nutrients, and anemia and other deficiency conditions may develop. Therefore, the issue of complementary feeding must be decided individually.

At this age, the toddler is still learning about the world. New dishes may not be to his taste. But parents must be patient and diversify their child’s diet, although sometimes this is difficult to do. It happens that it takes 15 or more days to get used to new taste sensations. It is important to form taste habits correctly, because... Only with a varied diet can a growing organism obtain the substances it needs.