Master class "draw a simple flower". How to draw a paper scroll: step by step instructions How to draw scrolls with a graduation pencil

A scroll is a piece of paper or papyrus on which important information was written in ancient times. The scrolls were rolled up for better storage.

Why do you need to be able to draw scrolls?

Knowing how to draw a scroll will be useful for making original postcard or invitations to a celebration, or just to decorate a wall.

Be careful, once you learn how to draw these ancient rolls, you will draw them whenever the opportunity arises. And all because they look very beautiful and mysterious.

Learn how to draw a scroll by following the simple tips below.

How to draw a scroll yourself

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

Here's how to draw a scroll with a pencil quickly and easily.

Drawing a scroll with an increased level of complexity

To better master the process of drawing ancient parchments, try drawing the following picture.

How to draw a scroll in volume and make it “like a real one”? To do this, you need to practice a little and get better at working with shadows, locations and proportions.

Here's how to draw a scroll for more advanced artists. The resulting scroll can be decorated. You can give it a yellowish-brown tint. And to make it more believable, make torn edges to make the scroll look ancient. Approximately as shown in the figure below.

In general, drawing scrolls is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, and requires knowledge of at least minimal artistic concepts and principles.

So if you're a beginner, don't be discouraged if you don't get what you planned the first time.

Scroll designs are a medium difficulty pattern, but once you understand the concept and practice a little, you can recreate them without too much difficulty.

) rectangular selection and fill it with the desired color. I have this #e6d1b2.

2. Select our rectangle (press Ctrl + click on the layer thumbnail) and go to (Filter - Rendering - Clouds).

3. Without removing the selection, go to the filters again (Filter - Rendering - Lighting Effects)...

We enlarge the circle so that all our “ piece of paper" This is necessary to avoid overexposure. We remember where the light comes from. (in my case this is the first corner);

Decrease the value Negative from Intensity(Intensity);

Changing the channel in Texture(Texture) Channel to any one from the drop-down list. I changed it to red;

We get approximately the following result:

Hurray, we now have a texture on the future scroll!

If you do not want to age the scroll, you can safely proceed to step #5.

4. Now we will fray the edges of our leaf a little. This can be done either by going unevenly with an eraser along the edges, or by lassoing the part intended for removal and pressing the key Delete.

5. Using the tool ("Rectilinear Lasso" Tool / "L" key), select the cone-shaped parts at the top and bottom (in order to select several sections at once, after the first section is selected, you need to press the key shift+ start selecting the next section with the mouse).

6. Click Ctrl+J and copy our selected areas to a new layer (now we have 2 layer).

7. On a new layer, click Ctrl+T and pull the side square a little. Our snarls have increased. These are actually the future twisted parts of the scroll.

If desired, the upper and/or lower part can be moved slightly to the side.

The result is something like the image below.

8. For each truncated cone, erase the corners so that a semicircle is visible, and the opposite side " cones"Erase the middle a little (also so that a semicircle appears.

Let's work on the volume of the twisted parts. I will write how to do this using the example of the upper part, because... do the same for the bottom one.

9. Select the top layer, create a new (third) layer and DO NOT remove the selection.

10. Change the color to a light tone of yellow or cream.

11. light" and select a gradient with these settings.

We pull it not exactly down, but slightly obliquely, so that it coincides with the angle of our cone. Make 2 fills using the tool (). Changing the angle a little. Because We work on a new layer; if desired, you can move/rotate the result so that it lies flat.

12. Create a new layer, call it " shadow» and choose a blue/purple shade. Take the tool () and a regular round hard brush (button B), reduce Opacity(opacity) somewhere 8% -14% , change the blending mode to (Multiply) (screenshot of the brush settings in the next picture) and start drawing lines from the lower middle and down (in order to draw a line with a brush, you need to click on Shift and point the mouse 2 times - at the beginning of the line and at its end). By intersecting and overlapping each other, they will darken the bottom more and the top less.
Without fanaticism, let's walk along the very top edge of the scroll.

We get approximately the following result.

13. In order for the brush paths not to confuse us, still without removing the selection, let's go through the menu (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with a radius of about 2,5 . We'll get it.

14. We remember about the reflex and add light highlights at the very bottom. At this stage they are not visible, but at the next step everything will fall into place.

15. We return to the first layer - a rectangle and add a shadow. You can do this either on the same first layer, or, if you are afraid of ruining your work, create a new layer. The shadow is done in the same way as on “ rolls" A darkened area is outlined with a dark brush tone. The closer to the folded edge, the darker, and the further, the correspondingly lighter.

Please note that now our reflex prevents the lower and upper parts of the scroll from merging.

16. The corners are simple triangles, with uneven edges, darkened relative to the main canvas. You can use the tool () to select their shape, fill it with color and darken the edges.

The main goal of the lesson has been accomplished. Now let's start decorating :o)
Now our scroll looks like it has been chewed by mice. Let's spice it up a little and remember the edges.

17. Let's go back to the first layer and create a new layer. Let's call it " wrinkled edge»
staying on the new layer, select our rectangle (press Ctrl+click mouse on the thumbnail of the bottom layer). Let's take our round, hard brush and use a dark light to go over the edge here and there.

18. Considering our bruises, it can be stronger " break» sheet.

I promised to tell you about the process of making cards and drawings using the Pergamano technique.
Last night I drew and photographed a simple card that combines techniques such as embossing, perforation and drawing. All these techniques are used when performing large complex work, therefore, having honed his skills on small simple postcards, we'll soon be able to move on to volumetric creations.

Almost all the tools used in Pergamano can be replaced with more affordable ones. After all, if you really want to try it, you don’t have to spend large sums on purchasing materials.

From left to right: knife, pencil with white lead, arc punch, thin awl, embossing balls (medium and thin), metal ruler, paper cutting mat.

Drawing, foam mat, parchment paper (Parchment Paper density 150 g)

The drawing is closer.

Place the parchment face up on the drawing and secure with paper tape. It is very difficult to determine the front side of white paper, it is not necessary to do this, but I always try to press a line in the corner on both sides and check which side is brighter. The front side is where the design is pressed brighter.
After securing the paper, trace the drawing with a white pencil (pencil on the front side).
It turns out like this.

Don't worry if your hand trembles or you change your mind and decide to change the drawing - the pencil is erased very easily.
Then you need to turn the picture over to the wrong side and use a small embossing ball to circle the entire picture using light pressure. This tool can be replaced with a non-writing pen.

You need to trace very carefully, but confidently. Don't try too hard, it's very easy to get holes in the paper. Holes are a waste :(
Then we turn it over to the front side and check whether it’s beautiful or ugly :)

The lines should be bright and convex. Don't worry if the paper becomes uneven - overnight under light pressure and the postcard will straighten out.
Next, with a thin awl (thick needle) we begin to decorate the design according to the diagram (or in accordance with your imagination).

Holes should always be made from the front side so that the edges go inward. Sometimes I forget about this, in which case they need to be carefully aligned and pierced again in the other direction.
Next, we turn the picture inside out and poke the dots with a small ball, which turn into cereal on the front side.

The main thing here is not to get carried away, because it’s very easy to hit holes that will be very difficult to fix.

This is the front side. Here you can see a white pencil, which at the end we will carefully erase with a regular white soft eraser.
Then we work again from the wrong side - we shade two petals.

The best way to shade is this: use a small ball or pen to make vertical strokes (short-long-short-long), and then you need to use a tool that makes shadows, but I don’t have one, so I take a medium ball and shade with it from the tips to the middle semicircular movements. I think that you can try replacing the ball with an electronic thermometer, for example :)
We turn the drawing over to the front side and begin to decorate the remaining petals.

To do this, I used the proposed grid, but it turned out that it was easier to draw the points myself. First we outline them with a white pencil...

And then we squeeze out the peas from the wrong side with a ball, and we pierce holes on the front side with an awl.

You only need to work in this sequence. If you poke holes first, the paper may tear as you squeeze out the peas.

Check the quality of the drawing from the front side. There should be no stripes on it. If you can't get rid of the streaks, take a small ball and lightly shade all the thin spots.

This process takes quite a lot of time, so the quality of the shading in this picture is very low, you need to try better or buy a special tool.

Let's move on to the frame.

Using a perforator in the form of an arc, we pierce the picture around the perimeter. You can easily do without a puncher by using a thin awl or a thick needle, but this will take more time.

Small sharp scissors quietly help the paper come off. Be very careful, because in these places it easily breaks or breaks.

The result is a semi-finished product like this.

You can think about how to revive the picture and frame.

I took a pen and gold ink and quickly drew half-snowflakes.

Then we cut out the base according to the size of the postcard and put the card on top.

PS This is my first experience in conducting a master class, so I will be glad if you help me make it better :)
If something remains unclear, ask questions, I will definitely answer.

A scroll is a piece of paper or papyrus on which important information was written in ancient times. The scrolls were rolled up for better storage.

Why do you need to be able to draw scrolls?

Knowing how to draw a scroll will be useful for making an original card or invitation to a festival, or just for wall decoration.

Be careful, once you learn how to draw these ancient rolls, you will draw them whenever the opportunity arises. And all because they look very beautiful and mysterious.

Learn how to draw a scroll by following the simple tips below.

How to draw a scroll yourself

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

Here's how to draw a scroll with a pencil quickly and easily.

Drawing a scroll with an increased level of complexity

To better master the process of drawing ancient parchments, try drawing the following picture.

How to draw a scroll in volume and make it “like a real one”? To do this, you need to practice a little and get better at working with shadows, locations and proportions.

Here's how to draw a scroll for more advanced artists. The resulting scroll can be decorated. You can give it a yellowish-brown tint. And to make it more believable, make torn edges to make the scroll look ancient. Approximately as shown in the figure below.

In general, drawing scrolls is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, and requires knowledge of at least minimal artistic concepts and principles.

So if you're a beginner, don't be discouraged if you don't get what you planned the first time.

The scroll is a medium difficulty pattern, but once you understand the concept and practice a little, you can recreate them without too much difficulty.