The best natural toothpaste recipes for snow-white teeth. Tooth powders From ancient India: neem sprigs

The primary cause of all reasons is, of course, caries. Tooth decay is caused by oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which convert sugar into lactic acid, which eats away enamel.

These bacteria live in our mouths and eat tiny pieces of carbohydrate food that stick to our teeth.

To starve them, it is enough to maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day (in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed), and ideally after each meal.

In ancient China, henbane was often mentioned as a base for medicinal paste. It was also used to get rid of toothache in Egypt, Greece, Rome and in the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia.

The Romans called henbane "tooth grass" (Latin - "herba dentaria"). The Roman physician Scribonius Largus proposed removing “tooth worms” by smoking teeth with smoke from henbane seeds. At the same time, the Bukhara doctor Avicenna considered the best remedy for caries to be fumigating the patient with a smoking mixture of onions and henbane.

Bacteria living in the mouth have a terrible sweet tooth. So the best protection against caries is to reduce sugary drinks and foods (white sugar, honey and products that contain them). You should know that caries is most destructive during the first 20-40 minutes after eating. Moreover, the degree of destruction depends on the amount of sugar. Therefore, after each meal or drinking sweet water, it is important to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with a weak saline solution of water and sea salt. To prevent and treat caries, it is also useful to rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus and sage. It is very useful for the preservation of teeth to replace sweet water with melt water, silicon water or green tea with stevia or licorice root, which are the best natural sugar substitutes.

In order for your teeth to have enough calcium, you should eat flax, sesame, cabbage as often as possible, and also eat foods rich in silicon, without which calcium is poorly absorbed. Horsetail contains a lot of silicon. Therefore, it is useful to drink a decoction of it along with sweet herbs - licorice root and stevia.


To treat caries, pour 1 tablespoon of dry sage and calamus with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and rinse your mouth. You should also keep a cotton swab containing the infusion on the affected tooth for 30 minutes. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.


To treat caries, you should attach a pea of ​​propolis to the diseased tooth for half an hour. Place a cotton swab on top. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.


Sauerkraut is known to successfully treat periodontal disease. This cabbage is known to help treat stomach, liver and many other diseases. But it will also help you with periodontal disease. To do this, you should chew it for a long time. You can also rinse and massage your mouth with cabbage juice. It will take about 1-2 weeks before you notice how your bad teeth are getting better.


This recipe helps well if you have periodontal disease, bleeding gums, this procedure also strengthens the gums, whitens and strengthens the teeth, and is a good preventive measure to maintain their health. Mix a spoonful of fine sea salt with a teaspoon of olive oil. Rub your teeth and gums with this morning and evening for five minutes. If you don’t have olive oil, then use any other oil that you have in your home, but know that then the healing effect will decrease.


This is a very effective folk remedy for dental treatment. Calamus penetrates into the roots of teeth and anesthetizes them, and propolis fills all microcracks. Teeth are completely healed naturally! Take 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water and add half a glass of calamus roots. This is the first infusion. To prepare the second, take another 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water, and add 15-20 grams of ground propolis. Leave both infusions for 7-10 days. Both tinctures are used simultaneously. Mix one tablespoon of calamus tincture and a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Rinse your mouth with this for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, or can be done during severe pain. After 1-3 days, the pain will completely go away. Duration of treatment is 3-5 weeks.

If you do not drink alcohol, you can use the following treatment methods: To treat teeth, rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus. And also attach a pea of ​​propolis to a sore tooth for half an hour. And repeat this for so many days until the caries goes away (at least a month). Propolis can also be used effectively as “sugar-free gum.” Scientists have known for a long time that propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties. To this day, researchers at the University of Rochester in New York State have confirmed that propolis is particularly effective in combating bacteria that cause caries, since it can completely deprive them of their nutrient medium.

Propolis allows you to heal and strengthen teeth and enamel, because it contains about 300 useful components, and it contains 400 times more vitamin A than carrots. It is useful to chew propolis 1-3 g per day after meals. It has been proven that adding 1 drop of propolis to toothpastes and mouth rinses protects against periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, and protects against caries and premature aging of teeth. Adding 3-5 drops to water or food increases local immunity of the digestive system, promotes the healing of ulcers, and relieves irritation.

Natural dental care

Scientists have already proven that sodium fluoride, found in many toothpastes, is a toxic substance. A full tube of toothpaste contains enough of it to kill a child.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) are used as foaming agents in toothpaste. They can damage the epithelial membranes of the mucous membrane. They destroy cellular protein, causing the membranes to begin to leak toxins. In addition, SLS penetrates into groundwater after use. It is toxic to fish and other organisms. And we brush our teeth with these chemicals every day. Maybe there are more natural and natural ways to have clean, white teeth? Let's ask nature.

Instead of toothpaste, you can chew young wheatgrass. Through chewing, the grass turns into small, soaked cellulose fibers. Each fiber like a brush cleans your teeth. Moreover, grass juice is alkaline. Almost all cereal grasses have this property - good brushing of teeth: wheat, rye, oats, wheatgrass, ryegrass, bluegrass, timothy, fescue, etc.

To give it the necessary medicinal properties and smell, it is enough to add a leaf of yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, oregano, thyme or a sprig of rowan, willow, bird cherry, or serviceberry to the cereals. Choose for yourself the herbs that effectively help you. In summer it is better to chew them, and in winter to make decoctions and tinctures from them. Dried raspberry leaves, lemon balm shoots, marshmallow roots, pine needles - pine needles give vigor to the body. You can also brush your teeth with powder made from ground chestnut grains.

A wonderful remedy for cleaning teeth and healing the whole body is larch resin. And in the so-called third world countries they chew sugar cane.

Willow bark also cleans teeth very well. You can chew a thin willow twig, but the bitter taste is not for everyone.

A sprig of cedar or pine. The tip is softened by the teeth and becomes fibrous, and then it can be used like a regular brush. The branches are forever green, no need to prepare them for the winter. You can chew cedar gum.

Grind the roots of calamus and galagan (also known as perstach erecta, cinquefoil erecta) into powder (the roots are naturally dried) in a ratio of 1:1. Brush your teeth like you would with toothpowder.

It is advisable to drink only spring ice water; a diet with a predominance of raw vegetables and fruits prevents bad breath. To prevent the appearance of microcracks in the enamel, do not eat foods with a contrasting temperature (for example, coffee with ice cream) and do not smoke.

There is another wonderful remedy for cleaning teeth - radish. If you chew a piece of radish every day before going to bed (or after eating), you will never have caries. The substances contained in radish kill all putrefactive bacteria and microbes.

Soda cleanses teeth very well from tea, coffee and other things. Simply apply to cotton wool and wipe your teeth, then rinse with water.

For gum treatment

Chewing resin from spruce, pine, cedar, larch and their needles will help treat any gum disease. You can also use cedar oil internally, having previously “drove” it well in your mouth.

Avoid chewing gum completely. Many of them contain antiseptics, which kill not so much the pathogenic flora as the beneficial ones. Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity begins. Hence all kinds of diseases of teeth and gums.

It is very useful to chew honey in honeycombs. By consuming only honey, we are “robbing” ourselves. The caps that bees use to seal their honeycombs contain many very useful substances. And there are a lot of them in the honeycomb wax itself, including propolis. Therefore, by chewing honey in honeycombs, you not only consume it internally, but also treat your teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity.

Chewing calamus root is a very effective treatment for periodontal disease and other gum diseases. True, it is bitter, but it cures even advanced diseases.

Gums can be effectively treated with a decoction of cherry branches, as our ancestors advised. Boil for a couple of minutes, then rinse your mouth. This also cures periodontal disease.

Sunflower oil: you need to take 1 tablespoon of oil into your mouth once a day, hold it for 10 minutes, and then spit it into the toilet, and then rinse your mouth with diluted citric acid.

It turns out to be an amazing remedy.

Those who are familiar with Amway products know about L.O.C., which is a Swede, a reaper, and a trumpet player... sorry). You can use it to wash dishes, floors, laundry, and wash yourself... all this is really true, it’s been tested.

But there is such a modest mustard powder in stores. It amazingly cleanses fat of any origin.

Where I checked it:

Cleans even in cold water. It's better when it's hot, of course. But when we were too lazy to heat it, we just took water from Onega, poured powder into it, and even washed the pans after frying. Completely removes odors, even after fish.

How to use. Yes, like a regular powder product. Pour onto a sponge or into a container of water, wash the dishes, then rinse.

It was tested on a large terry towel (used for a long time, but intermittently and without fanaticism. Stale and a little stained), children's shorts (they walked well and for a long time on dust, sand, all available surfaces), all sorts of small things (socks, panties).
I couldn’t wash out the heavy stains on my shorts (although I can’t wash them with regular powder, only with soap. I don’t know how, apparently). Heavy stains mean clothes that are very worn out or very dirty and have been waiting a long time to be washed.
I looked at the socks (also no longer red, but almost black) during the washing process with disbelief, and then with shock. Everything was cleaned up.
The towel required almost no effort at all. It now hangs clean, bright and fresh.

How to use. We need hot water. It washes much worse in cold conditions. If you soak it for a short time, there is no point. The rest is as usual. Pour it in, stir it, wash it. I haven’t tried putting it in the machine, I’ll have to do an experiment like that).

Washing yourself.
I generally have a difficult relationship with personal hygiene chemicals. I can't wash myself with it. The skin is sticky, unpleasant to the touch, somehow rough... In general, for several years now I have been washing with just water, and sometimes (when I haven’t had a bath for a long time) with shampoo (it’s better than gels). In the bathhouse I make a scrub from honey and salt (but that’s another topic).
So, testing the mustard powder. It does not completely dissolve on the hand; it turns out to be such a soft scrub. During washing there is a smell of mustard (I like it, but it's not for everybody). Everything that accumulates on the surface of the skin and requires removal is cleaned off without any residue. You know, it happens that you get out of the bathroom, it seems clean, but you start to dry yourself - the skin rolls off on your shoulders, on your hips, above your heels... This time this didn’t happen - I rubbed it on purpose). There is no leftover smell left either.

How to use. Pour into palm and rub over body. If necessary, moisten a little. You can probably sprinkle it on a washcloth; I didn’t need any additional abrasives. Yes, it is better not to wash it off with hot water. From cool to warm to keep you comfortable.

Floors also launders, already checked). I don’t smell it, I just didn’t wash it with water the second time.

Big advantages.
Easy to rinse out. And even if there is only a little left, after a while it will disintegrate on its own. The most terrible event for me was in the laundry - it was rinsing. Especially something big. It's not scary for dishes either - it's quite an edible product.
Removes odors. He doesn’t leave his own either. For me, in many cases this is the most important thing, because there are no stains, but the thing is no longer fresh. Only if you do not wash it completely, there may be a slight smell of mustard. Disappears on its own.
Does not harm the skin. I would even say that it helps. The skin becomes soft and clean.
Does not harm the environment. Who cares).

Possible disadvantages.
I've only been using it for a while now, so I'm just guessing.
May dry out skin with very active use. We need to check.
The smell of mustard. I don’t see anything wrong with it, I even like it), but, as they said, it’s not for everyone. Moreover, it only smells during the process.

We try it and write our impressions).

The rules of good manners include giving others a sincere and friendly smile when meeting others. And, of course, it must be flawless! How to whiten your teeth at home if you don’t trust salon methods? We offer 7 natural and effective ways.

The opinion of doctors on the teeth whitening procedure today is ambiguous. Both salon and home methods are equally subject to doubt. The thing is that during any whitening, teeth are traumatized, and the effect of chemical components on the enamel is destructive. Some dentists even discourage their clients from doing this procedure, since after it, in addition to whiteness and luxurious shine, there is a high risk of increased tooth sensitivity, problems with enamel strength, and an unnatural shade of the dentition. It turns out that we should say goodbye to the dream of a Hollywood smile forever? Not at all!

If you take proper and careful care of your oral cavity, your smile will be perfect! Dr. Mervin Druyan from The London Center for Cosmetic Dentistry encourages her clients to wear a natural smile. The whiteness of the teeth should be natural, that is, match the color of the whites of the eyes.

The first and most important rule of dental care is timely cleaning. You need to brush your teeth immediately after waking up, and not after breakfast, as many people do. The food we eat disrupts the acid-base balance in the mouth and makes teeth more vulnerable during brushing. That’s why you need to plan your meals in advance, and after eating, rinse your mouth with water or special means!

In the evening, beauty should be done immediately before bed. The toothbrush should not be too hard. Dr. Michael Tam A dentist from Australia (Cosmetic Dentistry Australia) advises choosing a brush with soft bristles. In his opinion, such an accessory will minimize the likelihood of damage to the enamel, and will also thoroughly clean the teeth without unnecessary pressure.

Before you start teeth whitening at home, go on a diet! Dentists urge limiting the consumption of highly acidic drinks, such as soda, juices, energy drinks and sports cocktails. They can stain teeth and damage enamel. Love of strong tea and coffee, colored sweets, marmalade, ice cream and other colorful foods is also not welcome. After eating them, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Better yet, choose healthy and nutritious foods!

Now let's proceed directly to the bleaching itself. What natural ways are there to make your smile radiant? What substances can help?

A paste made with coconut oil and peppermint leaves will help remove stains from your teeth. This is a magical remedy with a pleasant aroma and taste! Lauric acid contained in coconut oil effectively fights bacteria and also easily removes unsightly stains. Peppermint maintains the effect and adds a note of freshness to the paste.

To prepare a whitening solution, mix a small amount of coconut oil and add a few crushed mint leaves, apply the resulting mixture to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual. This method can be used daily.

Using baking soda is a very common way to whiten teeth. Today there is no doubt about its effectiveness, but the advisability of teeth whitening with soda is questionable. Sodium bicarbonate is a mild abrasive and its irrational or frequent use can damage the enamel. Do not brush your teeth with dry powder! When bleaching, soda must be mixed with a liquid substance!

Combine a tablespoon of baking soda and the same amount of fresh lime juice. Apply the resulting paste to your toothbrush and brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes. Do not use this method more than once a week!

Baking soda is especially effective in removing smoker's plaque. But in order to see a noticeable result, the procedures should be repeated regularly, taking precautions. Sodium bicarbonate is quite an aggressive substance!

A natural and safe way to whiten your teeth at home is to use yellow banana peels. Surprisingly true: it can help your smile! After you eat a banana, you need to rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for 3-5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with water. The more often you use this method, the sooner your smile will become brighter. This method has no contraindications.

Strawberries and wild strawberries are favorite berries for many. They are liked for their bright taste and pleasant sweetness. But few people know that these berries are quite effective in whitening teeth. They contain fruit acids, which have long been used in cosmetology for peeling and whitening procedures.

For a Hollywood smile, combine 2 tablespoons of berry puree with half a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir thoroughly and use a brush to apply the paste to the tooth enamel. Rinse off after 3-5 minutes. Use this method 2-3 times a week.

The benefits of mustard oil for human health are priceless; it is not for nothing that it is often used in cooking. The oil has pronounced antioxidant properties and contains many vitamins. And salt is an emergency aid for toothache, as it relieves pain and helps relieve swelling. Together, this duo can whiten your smile and improve gum health.

Prepare the whitening paste as follows: combine a tablespoon of mustard oil with a pinch of salt, and use the resulting mixture to clean and massage your teeth and gums for 3-5 minutes. After this, rinse the mixture with water. This method can be used daily, it will keep your gums healthy and make your smile whiter.

In addition to teeth whitening, using natural oils can bring dividends. This is healing of the gums and restoration of the microflora of the oral cavity.

6. From ancient India: neem sprigs

Tooth powder is considered the ancestor of modern toothpastes. However, many people still prefer to use this particular product for dental care. The difference between powder and paste is that it is available in dry form. The small abrasive components in the product allow you to quickly and effectively deal with plaque in the mouth and even tartar. When using the powder, the whitening effect is noticeable within a few days.

In terms of their properties, dental care products differ slightly in composition and spectrum of action. Each type of drug and methods of its use will be discussed below.


What does tooth powder consist of? Previously, chalk was used as a cleansing component in the product. However, manufacturers of modern products have improved the quality characteristics of the drug by including small abrasive particles obtained under production conditions.

Other useful components are added to the composition:

  • sea ​​salt - it strengthens hard tissues and improves the condition of the gums;
  • baking soda is an additional abrasive if you need to use powder for teeth whitening;
  • essential oils from various plants have a beneficial effect on the condition of oral tissues.

The following components can be noted in the composition of tooth powders:

  • Polishing and abrasive (98-99% of the total mass). Manufacturers use various ingredients as these substances: tricalcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate, chalk.
  • Fragrances and flavors (1-2% of the total mass). They are used to give the drug a pleasant smell and taste. For this purpose, manufacturers add essential oils (mint, lemon balm, lavender, menthol) to the powder. Fragrances also improve the physical characteristics of dry paste, making it light and fluffy.

Product benefits

People had fewer dental problems when they used the powder as a dental care product. This is due to the fact that it consists of 99% natural ingredients. The product is highly abrasive and removes even old plaque well.

Food debris on teeth and plaque are the main causes of periodontitis, caries and gingivitis.

The visible result from using the powder is observed after several sessions of use: the surface of the teeth becomes smoother, traces of nicotine and coffee are removed from the enamel. However, the remedy does not help in all cases. If your teeth are very dark, then only a dentist can help you cope with the problem.

Gel toothpastes are considered harmful to human health compared to powder ones. In addition, the latter remedy has a low price, which makes it accessible to the general population. Another advantage of the powder is its versatility; it can be used to cleanse plaque from precious metals and to create various masks and scrubs.

Harm of the product

The main disadvantage of dry paste is the inconvenience of use. Gels are much more comfortable to use, as they do not crumble. The powder should not be used by people with hypersensitive teeth.

The advantages of the drug outweigh its disadvantages. In addition, you can make the use of the powder more convenient. To do this, purchase a special container for the product. The brush is dipped there during hygiene procedures.


In order for the effect to be observed from using the product, it is important to choose the right product. The dentist will help with this issue. He will determine the optimal product to use depending on the condition of the tooth enamel and mucous membranes of the mouth.

When brushing your teeth with powder, you should follow a number of rules:

  • Use the powder no more than 2 times a week.
  • To prevent the spread of microbes in containers with powder, it is better to purchase a special container for bulk substances. Before each use, pour a small amount of the drug into a container and dissolve it with water. The resulting mass is applied to a toothbrush and standard hygienic procedures are carried out.
  • The brush used with the powder should have soft bristles to minimize the risk of injury to the enamel.
  • The duration of cleaning teeth with powder should not exceed 3 minutes. All movements are made without strong pressure vertically or in a circle.
  • Cleaning begins with the front elements and then moves to the side elements.
  • After the manipulations, the mouth is thoroughly rinsed with water.

Product Types

Tooth powders are available in a wide range. Consumers most often prefer the following products:

  • GumGold - produced by the Indian company Nidco. The drug contains numerous natural ingredients: lavender, peppermint, ginger, rock stone, cumin. When used correctly, the powder improves blood supply to the gums and prevents periodontal disease. The product is recommended for people with gum sensitivity. Its average cost is 220-230 rubles per package.
  • Avanta is a product produced by a Russian manufacturer. The powder has a pleasant mint taste and effectively whitens teeth. Dry toothpaste contains natural menthol and mint oils. Due to this, it freshens your breath for a long time. Ideal for lightening enamel, but with prolonged use it can cause increased sensitivity.
  • Carbon Coconum - a natural component (coconut charcoal) is used as a cleaning ingredient in the powder. It carefully whitens the enamel and is not capable of causing intoxication of the body. The powder quickly returns the smile to its former whiteness and removes pigment spots from nicotine and coffee from the enamel.
  • Lion Tobacco is a powder from a Japanese manufacturer. Recommended for smokers and coffee lovers, as it effectively cleanses the surface of teeth from age spots. The drug also has a pleasant taste and a refreshing effect. The average price per package is 350-370 rubles.
  • Lacalut active forte. Contains medicinal extracts, which prevents inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The only contraindication to the use of the drug is increased sensitivity of the gums.
  • Mint is the cheapest type of powder produced by a domestic manufacturer. The approximate cost per box is 25-30 rubles.

There are special dental care products for children. Their difference from adult preparations is the smaller size of abrasive particles. Thanks to this property, injury to fragile enamel is prevented.

A popular children's tooth powder is Sunny Bunny. In addition to polishing components, the product contains plant components: dandelion, calamus, coltsfoot, chamomile, ginger

The average cost of dry toothpaste for a child is 320-330 rubles.

Making at home

You can make your own dental cleaning products. Only in this case can you be sure that the drug consists entirely of natural ingredients.

Options for making dry toothpaste at home:

  • Basic: 1 part white clay is combined with 1/5 part fine salt and 1 part soda. All components are ground using a coffee grinder and used 2 times a week to lighten the enamel. When finished, the product is stored in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Fito. First, make a base powder, and then add ½ part of herbs (sage and mint) to it. The plants are pre-dried and ground to a powder form. Additionally, a few drops of citrus essential oil are added to the product to improve the taste characteristics.
  • Whitening tooth powder. Add crushed activated carbon (½ part) and essential oils (5-8 drops) to the base base.
  • Antibacterial. Add ½ tsp mustard powder to the base composition. and the same amount of ground cinnamon.

Which is better: tooth powder or toothpaste?

To figure out which product is better, you should compare paste and powder. The advantages of each product are presented in the table.

What is better to brush your teeth: powder or paste? Doctors do not recommend replacing one remedy with another. It is better if the funds are used jointly. It is recommended to use the gel 5 days a week, and the powder 2 times a week. This method of dental care will allow you to achieve maximum results in lightening the enamel without harming the health of your teeth.