Red fish from what age. At what age should a child be given fish? Is it possible to give a child dried, red, salted and river fish? Fish dishes for children: recipes

Fish is one of the most valuable food products. It, like meat, is an irreplaceable source of high-quality protein that a person needs for the full course of all physiological processes. Dishes made from low-fat fish varieties are much easier and faster absorbed by the child’s body than meat ones. The fish has a delicate consistency; even the digestive system of a small child can “process” it. Lean fish contains significantly fewer calories than meat.

Low-fat fish is very necessary on a baby’s menu - it prepares the body to accept “adult” foods, but is easily digested

Fish is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for active mental and physical activity and to maintain excellent health. In terms of selenium and iodine content, fish firmly holds the palm among other food products. Vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and fluoride are important building materials for a child's teeth and bones.

In addition, fish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are known to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, accelerate cell renewal and metabolism, and improve mood. Starting from the second half of life, it should definitely be introduced into complementary foods for a healthy infant.

When and how to introduce fish food?

At what age should fish be introduced into the diet and how much should I give? According to most pediatric doctors, the introduction of fish complementary foods is possible from 8-10 months, when the child is already accustomed to complementary feeding with meat (see also:). Fish, especially sea fish, can cause an allergic reaction, so your baby should receive fish dishes no more than once every 3 days. You need to introduce fish complementary foods, like any other, little by little, starting with just a few crumbs.

If your baby has a clear tendency to diathesis, fish should not be introduced into his diet earlier than 12 months. Do not give him any other new foods at the same time - this way you will immediately determine how well the child tolerates complementary feeding. If a severe allergic reaction such as urticaria occurs, it would be wiser to delay the introduction of fish supplements for up to two years. It happens that a baby’s allergy is provoked only by a specific type of fish.

During the period of introducing fish complementary foods, parents should be extremely attentive and careful. For the first time, give your baby about a coffee spoon of fish puree before the main feeding with formula or breastfeeding. Over the next day, monitor how his body reacts to the new food.

If the allergy does not appear, then after 3 days give the child a teaspoon of the same fish dish. Such a temporary break is necessary because allergies to fish protein tend to develop after accumulation in the body. Children should not be offered fish dishes too often. To avoid the risk of developing allergic reactions, fish should be in the baby’s diet no more than 2-3 times a week, and for potential allergy sufferers - once every 7 days.

Little by little, every few days, increase the portion so that by 9-10 months the baby eats 40-50 g at a time, and by one year - 60-70 g. For a child of 10-11 months, fish puree can be alternated with meat puree. After 1 year, pediatricians advise giving your baby 80-90 g of steamed fish balls, puree or boiled fish 2 times a week.

Steamed fish meatballs without spices will pleasantly diversify your child’s menu

What fish should you give your child first?

What fish should I start feeding my baby with? Let the first fish that a child tries in his life be a low-fat sea fish without small bones. It is readily available for sale:

  • pollock;
  • whiting;
  • flounder;
  • cod.

Why is sea fish a priority for a child? Sea fish is a healthy dietary product. It is richer in proteins and nutrients than river water and is much less likely to cause allergic diathesis in young children.

Among the river species you can try as complementary foods:

  • zander;
  • White amur;
  • carp.

Sea fish is usually sold fresh frozen. Do not defrost it completely - you just need to let it thaw a little in salted water, then cut it into pieces and cook. This way it will retain more vitamins. River fish must be purchased alive, otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a spoiled product.

Many young children really like fish dishes and eat them willingly. It is too early to seat a child 8-11 months old at a common table; he needs to cook separately. You can bake fish for it, boil it, steam it, make a soufflé, but under no circumstances fry it! Make sure that there are no small bones left in the cooked fish.

Soufflé is another interesting way to serve fish on a children's menu. It is very important to remove all the bones during cooking.

Fish dishes for children up to one year old

Let's learn how to cook simple fish dishes for a baby 8-11 months old, for example:

Hake meatballs

Wash hake fillet (250 g) and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the minced meat 1 small raw egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of washed rice, salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and form small meatballs. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into slices. 1 sweet pepper, seeded and cut into strips. Lightly fry the vegetables for 4 - 5 minutes, then place the meatballs on them, fill everything with hot water and simmer on low heat under the lid for about 20 minutes. The meatballs should be half covered with water. There are other recipes.

Fish puree

Boil fillet (100 g) of any fish suitable for the child, cool, then grind in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to the resulting puree. Put it back on the fire, bring to a boil, cool. This puree can be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Pike perch soufflé

Take 300 g of pike perch fillet, wash it, cut it into pieces and grind it in a blender. Separate the yolk of a raw egg from the white, pour the yolk into the minced meat and beat again. Then prepare the milk sauce: fry half a tablespoon of flour in a frying pan until golden brown, little by little add 50 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter. Cook until it thickens. Mix the prepared sauce with the minced meat. Whip the remaining egg white into a thick foam and also pour into the minced meat, stirring gently. Place the soufflé in animal-shaped molds and place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. After 20 minutes the soufflé will rise and brown. The baby will be delighted.

Fish pudding

Cook 200 g of the pulp of any fish, and at the same time cook the potatoes in another saucepan. Knead the finished products with a fork and combine them together. Add 1 beaten egg, a quarter glass of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter to the resulting puree. Mix everything and put it in the mold. Place in a double boiler and in half an hour the pudding will be ready.

Steam cutlets

Pass 50 g of fish fillet through a meat grinder, add white bread (20 g) soaked in milk. Mix the minced meat and pass it through the meat grinder again. Beat half the egg, add a little salt to taste and knead. Steam the cutlets for 20-30 minutes in a double boiler or on a special grill (designed for ordinary pans).

Fish is a healthy protein product which is enough rarely able to provoke allergic reactions. At the same time, fish often causes pseudo-allergic manifestations. This means that after eating a significant amount of fish, a person is bothered by the symptoms of common allergies - rashes, itching, redness, but they are not caused by disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, but by excessive consumption of a product rich in histamine.

Fish in the diet of children under one year of age - how to properly introduce fish into a child’s menu and which one to start with?

It’s worth introducing fish into your child’s diet from 8 months. This should be done gradually, starting with a small piece - the size of half a teaspoon will be sufficient for the first time. Fish It is best to grind or beat with a blender as an addition to vegetables or cereals, and It is necessary to give it to the child 2-3 times a week. During the period when the baby is 8-12 months old, the volume of fish consumed can be increased to 100 grams at a time.

Fish is well accepted by the child's body, as it is an easily digestible protein. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which proper metabolism is impossible, as well as important vitamins – A, E, D, B vitamins, and microelements – phosphorus, fluorine. For example, Omega-3 fatty acid prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood cholesterol levels. In addition, fish is rich in iodine, which is very important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is important to know! Iodine is found mainly in marine fish, but in freshwater fish its amount is half as much.

It is necessary to start introducing fish into complementary feeding for infants with low-fat marine varieties. Hake, cod, perch, navaga, pike perch and flounder are best suited for this. It is advisable to give one type of fish during the first month of complementary feeding, and then try the rest.

What fish should not be given to children: table of contraindications by type of fish

Every mother should remember that some foods that are well accepted by the adult body can harm the child. This also applies to fish.

The fact is that all fish are divided into three groups - low-fat (skinny), medium-fat and fatty. Based on this classification, fish is introduced into a child’s diet from a certain age.

Remember! The fattest fish are mainly deep-sea oceanic or marine species. The percentage of fat in the fillet of such fish is up to 33%. Naturally, a child’s body will not be able to digest such fatty foods, and a teenager’s body does not always cope with this task easily.

Such fish themselves eat carrion and the remains of other fish, and therefore their meat often contains very few useful substances, but there is a lot of dangerous ones. Moreover, the habitat of the fish should also be taken into account - it is best to purchase varieties that are found in local or nearby latitudes and are caught from natural bodies of water. After all, fish grown for sale in private reservoirs and artificial conditions are mainly fed with special growth hormones, which are designed to increase the weight of the stock in the shortest possible time.


Naturally, there will be practically no vitamins and microelements left in such meat, but the hormones that regularly enter the body have a negative impact on the well-being of both the child and the adult. For example, it is better to avoid species such as pangasius and tilapia, which are quite often found on the shelves of our stores.

The benefits of different types of fish for the growing body of children and adolescents

High-quality and properly selected fish will be very useful for a child. Firstly, it is an easily digestible protein that saturates the growing body with strength and energy. Secondly, it is a source of all necessary amino acids and vitamins.

Children under 3-4 years old should absolutely not eat fatty fish., and you should be careful with medium-fat ones. The fact is that the children's pancreas cannot yet cope with the heavy load that it has to feel when digesting fatty foods. This, in turn, can cause many problems, such as ulcers, gastritis or constipation. But in the period from 10-12 years, on the contrary, growing the body needs more fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, and they are contained to a greater extent in fatty varieties of fish.

The child’s diet should include 200-300 grams of salmon, mackerel or herring 2-4 times a week. Keep in mind that this should not be salted or smoked fish, but baked or steamed. Only in this case will it be beneficial to the body and not cause harm to it.

Interesting to know! 2% of children are allergic to sea fish. To meet the fatty acid needs of such children, they should eat freshwater trout, since it contains the maximum amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6, unlike other freshwater species, in which they are practically absent.

Undoubtedly, fresh fish is an ideal option, but it is not so easy to purchase it for people living far from the sea coast. Therefore, choose fresh-frozen options for your child.

On a note

It is better to defrost sea fish in slightly salted water, which resembles its real habitat - sea water. This way, all the beneficial vitamins and substances will be preserved as much as possible in the fillet.

Children from 8 months of age need to grind and grind fish in a blender until pureed, or buy ready-made canned baby food from trusted manufacturers. As soon as the child develops a chewing reflex, you can try giving him small pieces of fillet. It is soft and does not require much effort when chewing.

Nutritionists recommend that children under the age of three steam fish, boil it in unsalted water, or bake it in the oven. If a child refuses to eat unsalted fish, then during its preparation you can add a pinch of salt directly to the water, and not on the fillet.

Be sure to eat fish with your whole family at least twice a week - and the well-being of all family members will definitely please you. Your family will be less likely to get colds, experience constipation, and forget about dizziness caused by low hemoglobin!

There is one special category of parents: their children eat fish. Answering everyone else, including me, to the question: “How do you do it?”, some shrug their shoulders in bewilderment: “We didn’t do anything special, we just love fish very much. We lived in Vladivostok as children, fish and seafood were constantly present on our table, and fishing was our favorite pastime,” others say much the same: “In our family, we all, including children, eat fish because we like it.” like".
I would add to this the ability to choose and properly prepare this delicate product.

Useful properties of fish

  • Fish is a source of complete proteins and essential (not synthesized in the body) amino acids; it contains the same amount of them per unit weight as lean meat.
  • White fish contains small amounts of fat, while the fat in other types of fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the development of the nervous system and are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.
  • Sea and freshwater fish are a valuable source of microelements: iron, zinc and selenium, which, although present in smaller quantities than in meat, are just as well absorbed.
  • Sea fish is the main source of iodine, which accumulates in it from the marine environment. This is important because almost all regions of Russia have mild or moderate iodine deficiency.

How to choose fish?
The fish must be absolutely fresh, this is the main condition. Buy fish where it is properly stored and sold quickly. If, approaching the fish department, you smell a specific smell, do not even approach it.
When you buy fresh fish, ask the seller to peel back the gills and smell: no fishy smell, just a slight aroma of sea water.

  • clear eyes,
  • dense, shiny scales,
  • natural color and moisture,
  • elasticity to the touch,
  • a subtle smell of the ocean instead of a persistent fishy stench.

For some reason, buyers are prejudiced against fresh frozen fish, considering it a less valuable product than chilled fish. However, the peculiarities of fishing are often such that the caught fish is cut up, immediately frozen and put on the shelves in this form. Proper freezing does not change its beneficial properties at all, and the ice glaze, which is present in minimal quantities from a conscientious manufacturer, protects the fish from oxidation and drying out.

Such fish should be defrosted slowly, on the refrigerator shelf at the lowest temperature: this is safe and allows you to preserve its texture and taste. Of course, fish should only be frozen and thawed once.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an independent international environmental organization, has issued a special guide for fish consumers in Russia, which introduces all interested parties to the peculiarities of catching (or growing) fish and seafood and gives recommendations to buyers.
This guide can be downloaded.

What kind of fish can children eat and how should they cook it? Tips with examples
Children usually have two complaints about fish - the bones and the actual fishy taste. Therefore, you need to choose the least bony fish and try to remove all the small bones using special tweezers. Another option is to make fish cutlets or meatballs. If you are preparing them from lean fish, be sure to add a little butter to the minced meat. Something as simple as adding a teaspoon of sugar per pound of minced fish will also enrich the taste of the cutlets. This technique is used by manufacturers of canned fish for baby food.

As for the taste of fish fillets, in addition to the impeccable freshness of the fish itself, marinades can help. If you bake the whole fish, add herbs and lemon slices to the belly. When using fillet, you can rub it with a marinade of olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and add slightly mild mustard (for a child over three years old) and honey (or sugar). Variations are possible - instead of lemon juice and mustard, use a little soy sauce. Or the simplest option: salt, a little ground pepper, olive oil, fresh thyme.

It is very important that the fish is fully cooked, but in no case is it too dry: then it is simply inedible. I have an old edition of Baby Nutrition from 1957 - “a book on how to feed a child properly in order to raise him healthy and strong.” This guide recommends simmering the fish pieces in water at a low simmer for 30 minutes. It seems to me that this is too long, and besides, boiled fish is an amateur dish, but baked or grilled fish will probably be a success.
If a child likes pasta (I haven’t come across children who don’t like it) with white sauce, it’s quite possible to add small pieces of fish fillet to it.

What fish dishes and products are best avoided?

  • Up to three (and preferably up to seven) years of age, children should not be offered strong fish broths and soups, fish jellied fish, caviar, beloved by grandmothers, is also prohibited: due to the very high fat content, salinity and the presence of preservatives, caviar is not a children's product.
  • You should not offer children dried and smoked fish.
  • Surrogates like crab sticks have no place in baby food either.
  • If your child's mom, dad, or other blood relatives have a proven allergy to any type of fish, shellfish, or crustaceans, you should consult your doctor before giving your child any of the above.
  • The key to fish consumption is moderation (1-2 times a week as much as your child will eat) and variety. Pollution of the World Ocean due to human activities and modern aquaculture technologies force us to be more careful in choosing the fish we eat.

Your baby has already grown up a little and is beginning to explore the taste of new foods that you offer him. Starting from 9 or 10 months, fish can be included in the diet. which is so rich in minerals, amino acids and, naturally, proteins, which are very useful for a growing child's body. But parents should know how much and what kind of fish they can give their child.

As you know, fish is divided into fatty, low-fat and medium fat.. So, you need to start introducing your baby to this product with low-fat varieties of fish. These include pollock, sea bass, flounder, hake, pike perch, and cod. You can introduce your child to medium-fat varieties (catfish, perch, trout, carp) a little later. But introduction to pink salmon, sturgeon, halibut, mackerel and herring (fatty varieties) should be delayed until at least three years of age.

Give your baby fish very carefully.. After all, this product quite often causes allergies, most of all this concerns children with allergies. An allergy may not be caused by the fish itself, but by the substances contained in it. Therefore, if a negative reaction is noticed, then it is better to postpone the acquaintance to a later date. It is precisely because of the high degree of allergenicity of red fish (chum salmon, salmon, salmon, etc.) that one should not rush to introduce it into the baby’s diet.

For food, the child should buy fresh fish, but if this is not possible, then fresh frozen fish will do. When purchasing, pay attention to the condition of the product; if the fish is shrouded in a rather large shell of water, then it is better to refuse such a purchase; the fish has probably been frozen several times, and there is nothing useful left in it.

Having studied what kind of fish can be given to a child, let’s proceed to the issue of preparation.

When preparing fish, parents should be careful and careful. The main rule is that there are no bones in the fish. I think parents can imagine the danger of a bone getting into a child’s throat. To do this, you can choose not very bony varieties of fish, or fish with large bones, or generally give preference to fillets. But in any case, you should be very vigilant in checking for the absence of bones.

In order for the fish to retain most of the nutrients, it is better to defrost it in salted water.. The fish can be stewed or steamed, and be sure to mash with a fork until pureed. A one-year-old child can already have boiled, baked or fried fish, and these can already be separate small pieces.

And finally, let's talk about quantity. You need to start introducing your baby to fish products with half a teaspoon, but not more than once a week. The portion needs to be increased gradually and per year it can reach 60-70 grams. In the period from one to two years, the portion can reach up to 100 grams and can be given twice a week.

Fish for children

The tender fish meat literally melts in your mouth, and it is not surprising that many children prefer it to chicken or veal. The content of useful substances in it depends on the season, habitat and species. Children are recommended to cook mainly sea fish, as it contains less salts, more iodine and nutrients.

Why is fish good for children?

The main value of fish lies in its easily digestible protein. In addition, it contains a whole set of important essential amino acids that a growing body needs. They are like a building material for the cells of internal organs, including the brain, and these elements are also necessary for muscle growth.

Fish is useful not only for its protein, it also contains other substances that have a positive effect on the child’s health:

  • vitamin D - it is extremely important for the formation of the skeletal system; the regular presence of fish in the diet of an older child is the best prevention of rickets;
  • vitamin A - participates in protein synthesis, normalizes metabolism, increases the body's resistance, helping it fight viral and inflammatory diseases;
  • ?3 and ?-6 fatty acids - needed for the construction of muscle cells, participate in metabolic processes;
  • iodine is an important element that is involved in many processes, in particular, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • fluorine is important for the formation of a strong skeleton.

In addition to the substances mentioned above, fish contains phosphorus, calcium and potassium. In terms of the content of useful elements in fish, it is significantly superior to meat and many other products.

There are other benefits too. Fish meat is better digestible than, for example, veal, beef or chicken. Thus, according to the results of the studies, it was found that on days when a person eats only fish, abstaining from eating meat, the load on the pancreas decreases by approximately 2 times.

What kind of fish can be given to children?

Important! In some types of fish, the fat content can reach 33%. Low-fat types, such as salmon or sea bass, are suitable for children. Good river fish include carp or trout, the meat of which is particularly tender and has a refined taste. In total, there are three categories of fish based on fat content:

  • Low-fat. Its fat content does not exceed 4%. This category includes: hake, pollock, perch, pollock and navaga.
  • Medium fat content - up to 8%. Catfish, catfish, carp and sea bass. The pleasant taste of these varieties is combined with the tenderness of the meat.
  • Fatty fish: from 8 to 30%: sturgeon, pink salmon, mackerel, herring.

It is best to start with low-fat varieties of fish, and after the baby gets used to them, gradually expand his diet. It is strictly not recommended to offer fish with a high fat content to children under one year old, as it is less digestible and can cause upset in the child’s fragile digestive system.

Not only the type of fish matters, but also the method of preparing it. We all love fried foods, but if you want to cook perch or trout for your baby, it is best to stew them or, if the baby is already a year old, bake them. Light fish soups are also useful.

Introducing fish into your baby's diet

It is better to introduce fish into the baby’s menu no earlier than your daughter or son turns 8 months. The best option for the first fish course is puree without salt and spices. Some mothers advise adding a little starch to it as a thickener - this should not be done, since the baby’s stomach is not yet adapted to process it. Use a blender to grind the fish. First you need to boil it, after which you can add just a little butter.

Under no circumstances leave the prepared portion for the next feeding - fish is only useful in its fresh form; intensive bacterial growth begins quite quickly in the finished product. Other tips:

  • the size of the first portion is no more than 1–2 g, every day it can be increased little by little and brought to 40-50 g by the year;
  • up to 12 months, offer the baby fish, crushed to a homogeneous mass - without lumps; when the child grows up, you can give him fillet “crumpled” with a fork with small pieces;
  • It is advisable not to add salt to fish dishes - they already contain it in sufficient quantities for this age;
  • red fish are more likely to cause allergies, so choose white varieties, such as hake, cod, pike perch or silver carp;
  • Fish can be introduced only if the baby is healthy and has not been vaccinated within the past week;
  • Complementary foods should be given before breastfeeding.

After the first “tasting”, monitor the baby’s condition. Make sure that no rashes have appeared on his body, his temperature has not risen, and his stool is normal. The optimal serving size for fish at 8 months is 10–30 g, when the child grows a little - you can offer no more than 50–60 g per day, at one and a half years you can increase the piece of fish to 70 g, and for a two-year-old baby - up to 80 g.

After a year, the portion can be increased, and fish should be on the child’s menu no more than 2-3 times weekly. It is recommended that children not be given red fish varieties until they reach 2–3 years of age. Also, do not offer them herring or other pickles. Fried fish should be prepared only after the child is 3 years old. Please note that children under 6 years of age should not be smoked, but even at an older age this category of fish is not considered healthy.

Fish dishes for children: recipes

Fish soufflé

Ingredients: 100 g of fish, preferably sea fish, a chicken egg, some white bread, which can be replaced with oatmeal if desired, 100 ml of milk, butter for greasing the mold.

Steam the fish to make it easier to separate the meat from the bones. Grind the boiled fillet with a blender, add the yolk, milk and soaked bread to the mixture. Beat the egg white separately and add it to the puree. If you wish, add a little salt. Before putting the mixture into the molds, do not forget to coat them with butter. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. The dish is designed for children from 1 year.

Trout in dough

You will need 120-150 g of trout, 5-6 quail eggs, 50-70 ml of milk, a little sparkling mineral water, a little wheat flour for dredging, olive oil. Cut the fillet into portions. Prepare the batter separately: beat the eggs with a mixer, add a little salt, milk and sparkling water, as well as flour. Stir until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is obtained. Dip pieces of fish in batter and fry in olive oil. Due to the carbonated water, the “fur coat” comes out very light and airy. The dish is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Steamed cod cutlets

Ingredients: 250 g cod, a small onion and the same carrot, 50 g wheat bread, 1 tbsp. l. milk, chicken egg, herbs - to taste. Cod can be replaced with pollock or any other type of white fish. Grind the food in a meat grinder (cod, vegetables, bread soaked in milk), add a little salt, and mix thoroughly. Form small cutlets, roll them in flour and place in a steamer. Cook for about 20-25 minutes. Serve with side dish.

Delicious fish dishes always increase children's appetite. Important! Use only high-quality products to prepare them, and do not store them in the refrigerator for a long time, as they lose their beneficial properties when stored for a long time.

Which fish is best to start complementary feeding with: introducing fish dishes into the diet of a child 8-10 months to 1 year

Fish is one of the most valuable food products. It, like meat, is an irreplaceable source of high-quality protein that a person needs for the full course of all physiological processes. Dishes made from low-fat fish varieties are much easier and faster absorbed by the child’s body than meat ones. The fish has a delicate consistency, even the digestive system of a small child can “process” it. Lean fish contains significantly fewer calories than meat.

Low-fat fish is very necessary on a baby’s menu - it prepares the body to accept “adult” foods, but is easily digested

Fish is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for active mental and physical activity and to maintain excellent health. In terms of selenium and iodine content, fish firmly holds the palm among other food products. Vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and fluoride are important building materials for a child's teeth and bones.

In addition, fish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are known to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, accelerate cell renewal and metabolism, and improve mood. Starting from the second half of life, it should definitely be introduced into complementary foods for a healthy infant.

When and how to introduce fish food?

At what age should fish be introduced into the diet and how much should I give? According to most children's doctors, the introduction of fish complementary foods is possible from 8-10 months, when the child is already accustomed to complementary feeding with meat. Fish, especially sea fish, can cause an allergic reaction, so your baby should receive fish dishes no more than once every 3 days. You need to introduce fish complementary foods, like any other, little by little, starting with just a few crumbs.

If your baby has a clear tendency to diathesis, fish should not be introduced into his diet earlier than 12 months. Do not give him any other new foods at the same time - this way you will immediately determine how well the child tolerates complementary feeding. If a severe allergic reaction such as urticaria occurs, it would be wiser to delay the introduction of fish supplements for up to two years. It happens that a baby’s allergy is provoked only by a specific type of fish.

During the period of introducing fish complementary foods, parents should be extremely attentive and careful. For the first time, give your baby about a coffee spoon of fish puree before the main feeding with formula or breastfeeding. Over the next day, monitor how his body reacts to the new food.

If the allergy does not appear, then after 3 days give the child a teaspoon of the same fish dish. Such a temporary break is necessary because allergies to fish protein tend to develop after accumulation in the body. Children should not be offered fish dishes too often. To avoid the risk of developing allergic reactions, fish should be in the baby’s diet no more than 2-3 times a week, and for potential allergy sufferers - once every 7 days.

Little by little, every few days, increase the portion so that by 9-10 months the baby eats 40-50 g at a time, and by one year - 60-70 g. For a child of 10-11 months, fish puree can be alternated with meat puree. After 1 year, pediatricians advise giving your baby 80-90 g of steamed fish balls, puree or boiled fish 2 times a week.

Steamed fish meatballs without spices will pleasantly diversify your child’s menu

What fish should you give your child first?

What fish should I start feeding my baby with? Let the first fish that a child tries in his life be a low-fat sea fish without small bones. It is readily available for sale:

Why is sea fish a priority for a child? Sea fish is a healthy dietary product. It is richer in proteins and nutrients than river water and is much less likely to cause allergic diathesis in young children.

Among the river species you can try as complementary foods:

Sea fish is usually sold fresh frozen. Do not defrost it completely - you just need to let it thaw a little in salted water, then cut it into pieces and cook. This way it will retain more vitamins. River fish must be purchased alive, otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a spoiled product.

Many young children really like fish dishes and eat them willingly. It is too early to seat a child 8-11 months old at a common table; he needs to cook separately. You can bake fish for it, boil it, steam it, make a soufflé, but under no circumstances fry it! Make sure that there are no small bones left in the cooked fish.

Soufflé is another interesting way to serve fish on a children's menu. It is very important to remove all the bones during cooking.

Fish dishes for children up to one year old

Let's learn how to cook simple fish dishes for a baby 8-11 months old, for example:

Hake meatballs

Wash hake fillet (250 g) and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the minced meat 1 small raw egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of washed rice, salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and form small meatballs. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into slices. 1 sweet pepper, seeded and cut into strips. Lightly fry the vegetables for 4 - 5 minutes, then place the meatballs on them, fill everything with hot water and simmer on low heat under the lid for about 20 minutes. The meatballs should be half covered with water. There are other recipes.

Fish puree

Boil fillet (100 g) of any fish suitable for the child, cool, then grind in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to the resulting puree. Put it back on the fire, bring to a boil, cool. This puree can be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Pike perch soufflé

Take 300 g of pike perch fillet, wash it, cut it into pieces and grind it in a blender. Separate the yolk of a raw egg from the white, pour the yolk into the minced meat and beat again. Then prepare the milk sauce: fry half a tablespoon of flour in a frying pan until golden brown, little by little add 50 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter. Cook until it thickens. Mix the prepared sauce with the minced meat. Whip the remaining egg white into a thick foam and also pour into the minced meat, stirring gently. Place the soufflé in animal-shaped molds and place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. After 20 minutes the soufflé will rise and brown. The baby will be delighted.

Fish pudding

Cook 200 g of the pulp of any fish, and at the same time cook the potatoes in another saucepan. Knead the finished products with a fork and combine them together. Add 1 beaten egg, a quarter glass of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter to the resulting puree. Mix everything and put it in the mold. Place in a double boiler and in half an hour the pudding will be ready.

Steam cutlets

Pass 50 g of fish fillet through a meat grinder, add white bread (20 g) soaked in milk. Mix the minced meat and pass it through the meat grinder again. Beat half the egg, add a little salt to taste and knead. Steam the cutlets for 20-30 minutes in a double boiler or on a special grill (designed for ordinary pans).

Surely you have heard a belief that forbids giving a child fish before he speaks. They believed that if such a recommendation was not followed, problems with speech might appear, or the development of speech skills would be delayed. Of course, these are superstitions, but you really shouldn’t rush into introducing fish as complementary food.

Fish should be introduced carefully, after most foods, even after meat. This is justified by the allergenicity of the product; moreover, finding a quality product to prepare for a child on their own can be quite a difficult task.

Fish is extremely beneficial for children's bodies. It contains:

  • Protein
  • Vitamins A, B12, D
  • Iodine (sea fish)
  • Magnesium
  • Fluoride (sea fish)
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body on its own

When can fish be introduced into baby's complementary foods?

Despite the importance of fish in your baby’s diet, remember that this is an extremely allergenic product. Therefore, complementary feeding should be started after other foods, including meat.

According to the schedule for introducing complementary foods to a child, at the time of adding fish to the diet, it is approximately 10-12 months. If you have an allergic child, delay introducing fish into complementary foods for up to a year or more; you can consult an allergist.

Approximate schedule for the introduction of complementary foods:

What kind of fish can be given to a child under one year old?

Conventionally, fish are divided into the following groups:

  • Low-fat— cod, hake, pollock, blue whiting, haddock, river perch, navaga
  • Moderately oily— pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, pike perch, bream, catfish, catfish, etc.
  • Fat— halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, saury

It is best to start the first feeding with river perch or hake. The main thing is to use fish from the first group with a fat content of up to 4% for complementary feeding.

Fish for first feeding should be low-allergenic. Make your own puree. To do this, boil the fish fillet, then grind in a blender, grind through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve to make a puree. For the first time, literally 5g is enough. Then gradually increase the amount; you can mix the fish with porridge or vegetables familiar to your baby.

You can buy special canned fish for first feeding. When purchasing, make sure that canned food does not contain salt or starch.

Important: Give fish no more than twice a week. Start introducing complementary foods in the first half of the day so that you can monitor possible reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or notice an allergic reaction.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways - rash, vomiting, frequent and profuse regurgitation, upset stool. If you notice at least one of the symptoms, delay the start of complementary feeding for a couple of weeks, then try giving a different type of fish.

After 2 months of complementary feeding, you can prepare a soufflé for your child:

  • Wash 400g pike perch, cut and grind in a blender
  • Add the egg yolk to the minced meat, beat
  • Beat the egg white until foamy

Prepare the sauce:

  • Fry 0.5 tbsp. flour until golden brown
  • Pour in 50ml milk, stir constantly
  • Add 25g butter
  • Cook until thickened, stirring constantly
  • Pour the sauce into the minced meat
  • Add whipped egg white
  • Place the soufflé in molds and place in the oven at 180°C
  • Keep in the oven for about 30 minutes

This soufflé goes well with vegetable purees.

What kind of fish can be given to a 2 year old child?

By this age, the amount of fish has already increased to 100g per meal. Giving your child fish too often is still not a good idea.

At this age, you can diversify your baby’s menu. Give fish not only in the form of puree, but also in the form of casseroles, cutlets, meatballs, puddings, etc. After a year, you can introduce boiled or baked fish into your diet. At 2 years old, the child’s stomach is already sufficiently prepared to try fried or smoked fish.

Cod meatballs for a child over one year old:

  • Prepare cod fillets by removing skin and bones
  • Grind in a meat grinder into minced meat along with soaked bread
  • Add egg yolk and a little vegetable oil, mix thoroughly
  • Pour water into a deep frying pan halfway
  • Form the minced meat into balls and place in a frying pan.
  • Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes

Hake meatballs:

  • Pass 500g fillet through a meat grinder or grind in a blender
  • Add 1 egg
  • Add thoroughly washed rice

Prepare the vegetables:

  • 2 tomatoes cut into pieces
  • 2 sweet peppers cut into half rings
  • 1 onion cut into rings
  • Fry vegetables for 5 minutes
  • Form meatballs and place them on vegetables
  • Pour boiled water, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes

Important: If you show a little imagination and present the dish in an unusual way, it will be much more interesting for your child to eat.

What kind of fish can be given to a 3 year old child?

After three years of age, give fish broth to children with decreased appetite. Fish contains extractive substances that pass into the broth during cooking.

Important: Do not overuse this appetite enhancer to avoid overstimulating the digestive glands.

At three years old, you can already use salt when cooking for your child. Therefore, your task will be easier, because your baby can eat food from the common table, and you will not have to cook for each family member separately.

Flounder with vegetables in the oven:

  • 500g flounder fillet, cut into pieces
  • Cut 2 onions and 2 eggplants into rings and fry

Place in a baking dish:

  • 1 layer - vegetables
  • 2nd layer - fish, sprinkle this layer with lemon
  • 3rd layer - tomatoes, cut into rings
  • Bake for half an hour at 180°C

What kind of fish can be given to a 4 year old child?

  • At this age, the child can already eat with his parents; you just need to not go overboard with the spices or prepare a portion separately. Too spicy, fatty is harmful for the baby
  • Keep an eye on the bones, they should still be removed as much as possible or make sure that the child copes with this task himself, otherwise he may choke or injure the oral cavity
  • Try to diversify the appearance of the dishes; an interesting composition will interest the child, and he will eat much more willingly

Secrets of cooking fish for a child and choosing it

  • Fish are most useful in winter and spring, before they go to spawn.
  • Signs of fresh fish: bright red gills, light eyes without a cloudy film. These signs also apply to frozen products.
  • Properly frozen fish should make a loud knock when struck.
  • The meat of freshly frozen fish is light, pinkish in color; after repeated freezing, the meat darkens
  • Try to use fresh fish. If you purchase a frozen product, be sure of its quality
  • After defrosting, use the fish as quickly as possible
  • Thaw frozen fish in salted water - this will retain more minerals.
  • Do not defrost the fillet completely, let it thaw, then cook it
  • Boil the fish in large pieces or whole - it turns out much juicier this way
  • To prepare the broth, do not add too much liquid. The less water, the healthier the result
  • The greatest amount of nutrients is retained when steamed
  • When cooking, lower the fish into boiling water, then reduce the heat. If you cook fish that has been immersed in water since the beginning of cooking, it will become overcooked and lose its taste.
  • Cook red fish without spices

Can children have dried fish?

Can children eat red fish?

Due to its high allergenicity, it is not recommended to give red fish up to 2 years of age; it is better to start getting acquainted with it with baked dishes; you can also present it boiled or stewed. In addition, there is an opinion that many varieties of red fish grown artificially are oversaturated with harmful substances that are added by breeders for rapid growth and increasing the population.

After 3 years, you can offer your child the following dish:

  • Soak 1/4 of white bread crumb in milk
  • Finely chop 2 small onions and add to the crumb
  • Take 600g red fish fillet (trout or pink salmon are good) and make minced meat
  • Mix the minced meat with the crumb and add 2 eggs
  • Add spices and 50g semolina, mix thoroughly and let brew for 15-20 minutes
  • Form cutlets, fry on both sides, then add water and simmer covered until cooked

Can a child eat salted fish?

It is not recommended to give salted fish to children due to the high fat content and low amount of vitamins. In principle, salt has no benefit at all, so it is better to protect your child from salted fish at least until he is 3-4 years old.

Can a child have river fish?

For the first complementary feeding, sea fish is recommended due to its low allergenicity compared to river varieties. However, you can use pike perch and silver carp in cooking, after removing the bones. As your child gets acquainted with fish, introduce new varieties and new dishes.

Important: Introducing a new type of fish should only be done if you are not allergic.

Video: Fish puree for children