Beautiful makeup under glasses. Makeup for the eyes hidden under the glasses. Hide blemishes when applying makeup

Makeup under glasses is not an easy task

A woman always remains a woman, regardless of her health condition. Poor vision and constant wearing of glasses is not a reason to give up makeup, especially for the eyes.

The well-defined eyelids add a special charm to the look. The main thing is to choose the right colors and style.

Correctly applied makeup will make your eyes more expressive behind glasses. Therefore, it is not just possible to paint, but also necessary.

Of course, any competent make-up artist knows how to paint eyes with glasses, despite the client's myopia. But it will not hurt to have this skill myself, since there is not always money, time and desire to visit a master.

Key points that short-sighted ladies should pay attention to in the first place:

  • The main thing to know during application decorative cosmetics with myopia - this is that any transparent lenses of glasses increase the contrast of the makeup, thereby enhancing its effect. Therefore, experts do not advise to paint too brightly. Natural shades, a small accent on the eyelashes with mascara, if they are light, this is quite enough.
  • It should be borne in mind that behind the glasses eyes look smaller than they really are.
  • Better to attract attention to lips... Thus, visually the eyes “recede” into the background.
  • It is necessary to apply blush on the cheekbones.
  • Accentuate the eyelids with shadows a tone darker than skin.
  • When choosing mascara, you should give preference fluffing rather than lengthening. Otherwise, elongated eyelashes will touch the glass, which is not very pleasant and acts as a distraction.
  • Thin eyebrows are no longer in vogue, especially among young girls. Although they look better with glasses - more elegant. But this does not mean that there should be dense "bushes". The best way- this is well-groomed and natural eyebrows.
  • The frame of the glasses should be under the eyebrow line or at the same level with it.
  • Shooter lovers should avoid thick lines. Only thin and graceful eyeliner strokes.
  • Full ban on smoky eyes.
  • Blue or pink eyeshadow should be pale shades rather than intense and frightening.
  • Be sure to apply under the eyebrow tonal basis.

The photo shows a step-by-step example of makeup for brown eyes with myopia.

Used gray shadows that are shaded. Otherwise, they will crumble and become a kind of "bruises" under the eyes, which clearly does not add beauty.

How important is the shape and color of the frame?

Rarely do women choose multiple glasses with different frames to suit a particular style.

Most often, neutral or classic models are chosen that suit almost any outfit.

The step-by-step application of cosmetics according to the photo instructions is a simple procedure, but makeup does not always suit glasses with myopia.

First of all, glasses must fit the type of face and be comfortable:

  • for oval faces any frames are suitable, but it is best to choose options that follow the shape of the eyebrow with the upper outline;
  • for chubby square frames are perfect, as if compensating for the disadvantage, but with smooth corners;
  • for square face widened at the top with a high shape, rounded or teardrop-shaped frames are suitable;
  • for face in the shape of a triangle elongated, round or oval options will be relevant, but no catchy and pretentious models;
  • for elongated rectangular faces massive and large frames are needed, but not square or rectangular.

Important: It is not recommended to use dark tones with thick frames in makeup.

Light and not bright are more suitable.

Do not forget about the corrector under the eyes when wearing glasses regularly. A little trick will remove the age-old shadow effect under the lower eyelid.

Technical Difficulties

In the process of applying decorative cosmetics, problems with the clarity of the visibility of the eye may arise.

The fact is that a nearsighted person does not see well into the distance. If the degree of the disease is high, then there are technical difficulties with the make-up.

A woman needs to get too close to the mirror to use mascara, pencil or eyeliner.

Interesting: An excellent solution would be to purchase a magnifying mirror. It is sold at any beauty store.

If you do not have such a mirror at hand, then it is recommended to take an eyeliner or a pencil with a short handle. This simple technique will allow you to get as close as possible to an ordinary mirror. And make-up can be done without any problems.

Also check out the video detailing makeup for glasses wearers:

To create spectacular makeup for a girl with glasses, you should know the little secrets that the site is sharing right now!

For many girls glasses- it is more than a means for correcting vision, it is a real stylish accessory, without which they simply cannot imagine their image. If you are just faced with the need to wear glasses, you should definitely know some of the nuances. makeup, which will emphasize the beauty of your face, and the glasses will make it a harmonious element.

Eye makeup for a girl with glasses: what is important?

Eye makeup if you wear glasses, should be more saturated - do not hesitate to experiment with fashionable summer shades, use the wet application technique, and also thickly eyeliner (if we are talking about evening makeup, for example). Try to avoid flashy neon shades, as well as too shimmery and pearlescent textures - especially if you are farsighted. If you have a goal to enlarge your eyes, we advise you to draw the eyelash contour with a pencil, as well as “play” on contrasts, combining dark and light shades (option for myopia).

Never leave the house without makeup - this is your strong point! Beautifully dyed volume eyelashes through the lenses will make the look attractive, and the image itself - memorable and bright.


Don't be afraid to do eye makeup with colored ink - green, purple, crimson, blue - what you need for the summer! . Apply mascara in two layers, carefully painting over the eyelashes from root to tip, do not forget about the lower eyelashes - one layer is enough here.

Makeup accent for a girl with glasses

Great accent in makeup for girls with glasses will become well-groomed, carefully traced wide eyebrows... Do not make a thread out of them, and even more so do not grow them to an indecent spikeiness - it is enough to maintain your natural density and shape. Using gels and special mascaras for eyebrows, you can style them beautifully and quickly in front, giving the right direction and the desired color / shade.

Make your eyebrows bright, but natural, thick, but not "Brezhnev" - in a word, such that, in combination with eye makeup, they look really harmonious, but also serve as an important accent.


Foundation for make-up "with glasses"

Tone is the most important element of any makeup, so you should take care to choose your shade as correctly as possible, because well-groomed skin is the very foundation without which there is no ideal image.


In the summertime, make sure that your tonal basis possessed a light formula and matting properties, because shine on the skin in combination with a glossy frame is bad manners. Always have in your cosmetic bag: a) matting wipes, b) light matting powder. These rescuers will always help out and refresh the image by absorbing excess fat from the skin.

Lip makeup for a girl with glasses

We finish makeup lips, of course. And here it is worth dwelling in more detail: if you did eye makeup thick and bright, opt for a neutral lipstick range, even better with a matte finish. If in eye makeup I used only mascara, it is better to focus on bright juicy lips.


This season, shades of red, berry colors, terracotta and rich coral are in trend. Be sure to apply a moisturizing balm on your lips, then a little foundation, and then proceed to light contouring (this season, by the way, a clear lip contour is no longer considered a trend), then there is a line of lipstick and gloss.

In this article, we will show you how to make the correct beautiful make-up those women who wear glasses.

The fact that glasses spoil the impression of make-up is a big misconception. Of course, with an inept approach, the image can be hopelessly spoiled. However, there are secrets that will allow you to avoid embarrassment and add attractiveness.

How to properly paint eyes under glasses with myopia: secrets and useful tips

With myopia, glasses are prescribed with the so-called "minus" diopters. They visually make the eyes and the area around them smaller. Well, skin imperfections are not very visible, but microscopic eyes will not please anyone. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the following tips:

Concealer it is advisable to purchase one that has reflective particles... A little tonal basis can be applied and under the eyebrows.

IMPORTANT: This is the main secret of such a make-up - brightness, intensity.

This is how makeup looks with a reflective concealer under glasses for myopia

Shadows welcomed bright. Especially suitable for glasses white, brown and pink palette. Bright hues welcome - they visually open their eyes. It is advisable to observe transition from light shade to dark.

Shadows brown shades- an ideal make-up option for glasses for myopia

The brightness of the shadows is what you need for makeup under glasses for myopic

Expressive look will give eyeliner... The lines are worth keeping up towards the temples.

IMPORTANT: Shimmer and openness will give a white tint in the inner corners of the eyes. Both a pencil and shadows are useful for a similar purpose. Naturally, it is necessary to shade the white dots.

Eyelashes under the glasses that reduce the eyes should, of course, be fluffy and long... Therefore, it is recommended to choose the appropriate mascara.

Long expressive eyelashes - the key to the success of eyeglass make-up for myopic

And here lips it is advisable to apply makeup under such makeup natural shade, because the emphasis is on the eyes. Allowed slight flicker lips.

The emphasis in make-up under glasses for myopia is better done not on the lips, but on the eyes.

Makeup for glasses with black frames: secrets and tips

Black rimmed glasses are good for the following makeup:

Powder or foundation should be maximally natural, without shiny particles. Blush allowed but barely noticeable.

It is desirable that brows were at least slightly lighter than eyeglass frames... Of course, if their owner is not a brunette.

IMPORTANT: If the color of the eyebrows is charcoal black, you need to try to make sure that their thickness or line does not coincide with the thickness or line of the frame.

But this is not the best option for makeup, since the eyebrows completely merge with the frame.

The eye area should be emphasized pastel shades of shadows... In this case, the shading needs soft, smooth. AND no arrows!

If there is a desire to make a bright accent, it is better to make it not on the eyes, but on the lips. Pick up lipstick or gloss of saturated color... For example, raspberry, burgundy, red.

If you want to make an accent in the makeup under glasses with black frames, you can choose burgundy lipstick

Scarlet lipstick is a great accent in makeup under glasses in black frames

Makeup for green eyes under glasses: secrets and useful tips

For green-eyed beauties who wear glasses, we can recommend the following:

  • Green eyes are expressive in themselves, even in light shades. Therefore, it is preferable to use light shadows... A dark shade can be applied, perhaps, to the outer corners of the eyes. It is recommended to pay attention to peach, beige, lavender shades. Golden shadows are generally a godsend!

IMPORTANT: C green shadows it is better to handle carefully - they should not merge with the eyes. If there is a great desire to apply them, it is recommended to choose a shade that does not match the color of the iris.

  • Lips it is better to emphasize some light lipstick, because you need to draw attention not to them, but to the attractive green eyes. In this case beige, pink, caramel, peach lipstick fit perfectly.
  • Blush in a delicate shade and they will give freshness to the image, and will not be distracted from the eyes.

Makeup for brown eyes under glasses: secrets and useful tips

Brown eyes have a wide palette, and therefore the shadows need to be selected, taking into account this nuance:

  • Light eyes will go well with brown, golden, beige shadows
  • Having greenish tint- with olive
  • Honey- with shades of champagne, gold
  • Dark saturated shadow colors will do. Such as purple, brown, bronze, green, silver

IMPORTANT: Brown-eyed young ladies are unusually drawn with arrows drawn in pencil. A light shade of the iris goes well with a brown pencil, and a dark shade goes well with brown and black.

Mascara fit classic black... but it is not advised to apply it much, because Brown eyes already expressive. Moreover, if preference is given to saturated shadows.

As for glasses, girls with this eye color are great. purple, blue, turquoise frames... For a sophisticated look, you can opt for bronze and gold Recently, glasses are worn not only for correcting vision, but also for image. Well, even in this case, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of creating makeup. Knowing them, you can create memorable day and evening images.

Video: 8 secrets of makeup for glasses

There are a lot of rules in eyeglass make-up, but for Everyday life just a few points are enough. For example, it's important that your makeup doesn't compete with the frames or look too bright. Makeup guru Bobby Brown, who has been wearing glasses for 15 years, assures that a neutral shade and black mascara are enough. However, there are other nuances.

When choosing glasses, it is important to focus not only on the color and relevance of the frame, but also on the shape of your own eyebrows: the frame should slightly cover the eyebrows. If the eyebrows are too pale, just pick up the frame a little brighter, it will correct the situation.

For thin silver frames, makeup artists recommend smoky gray shades of eyeshadow. And for golden, in their opinion, brown and beige-cream shades are better suited. Any warm shades go well with plastic or horn frames: from beige to terracotta.

An important nuance: make-up under glasses must be done carefully, because behind the glasses any error will be noticeable. Makeup artists advise not to forget about concealer. And pay attention to the scheme of applying blush: their place is strictly on the "apples" of the cheeks. However, these are general rules. The make-up technique depends on the choice of frame and the type of glasses.

  • 1 How to match the color of the frame with your clothes
    British makeup artist Lucia Pieroni loves to work with color. She recommends not focusing on the combination of frames and clothes, but simply adding a bright accent that matches the color of the frame. For example, lipstick. The main thing is to keep the general: combine warm shades with warm, cold with cold.
  • 2 What to focus on in makeup
    Makeup artist Bobby Brown thinks simple makeup is a safe bet. Under the glasses, she recommends two options: either play with the eyes, or not apply makeup at all, dispensing with lipstick.
  • 3 What to choose eyeshadow
    Maybelline NY make-up artist Yuri Stolyarov recommends makeup using light matte shadows and clear lines. If you want to make your eye makeup brighter, Yura suggests using pencils for the inner eyeliner.
  • 4 How to visually enlarge your eyes
    If the lenses visually make the eyes smaller, it is better to do makeup without clear lines, with shading. In addition to the classic black frame, MAC makeup artist Petros Petrohilos advises to make intense smoky eyes, this will also help to emphasize and enlarge the eyes.
  • 5 How not to visually enlarge your eyes
    With farsightedness, the lenses of the glasses make the eyes a little larger. To make your eyes look perfect both with glasses and without glasses, Sisley brand expert Natalia Abramova recommends avoiding very bright and dark shades shadows on movable eyelids. Also, do not play with contrasting colors of shadows. The eyeliner should be thin and clear. Or slightly blurry. In eye makeup, you can make the main one and apply mascara in several layers. The main thing is to avoid "overload": eyelashes should look long and fluffy, but at the same time natural.

Fashionable and bright accessory, complementing the image and emphasizing the individuality of the beauty - this is what leading stylists say about glasses. Glasses have long ceased to be just a means of correcting vision. But to become irresistible, makeup under glasses must be done correctly, otherwise the fashionista runs the risk of turning into a gray mouse or a fairground clown. Knowing the little tricks and avoiding the main mistakes in choosing style and cosmetics, it is not difficult to create the perfect make-up for glasses.

Glasses are a powerful magnet that literally attracts the eyes of others. No matter how bright and defiant the makeup is, a modestly made-up girl with glasses still more often meets the eyes of the interlocutor. Therefore, makeup for girls with glasses should be neat and flawless, since the eyes are the main focus in the image of a fashionista. In addition, the lenses of glasses (even glasses-trompe l'oeil) exacerbate even the slightest inaccuracies in makeup and skin imperfections, be it smeared lines, wrinkles, circles under the eyes, or crumbling mascara. This means:

  • the skin around the eyes should be perfect. Use masks, nourishing creams massage to restore skin elasticity and a fresh look. If wreaths, dark circles or wrinkles are still visible, eye makeup under glasses begins by masking imperfections (concealer, tone cream and other proofreaders);

  • carefully consider the choice of cosmetics. With an emphasis on the eyes, created by glasses, shadows crumpled in the corners of the eyes, crumbled mascara and smudged eyeliner are especially noticeable to others. Mascara should not only be of high quality, but very high quality, because the cilia constantly touch the lenses of the glasses, and friction with cheap cosmetics will turn into a disaster;

  • when applying makeup under your glasses, take your time and act very carefully. If poor eyesight prevents you from seeing inaccuracies in the process, use eyeglasses to apply makeup. The slightest errors will be noticeable, so the movements must be precise and confident. To make sure that the make-up is perfect, wear glasses and look in the mirror at each stage.