Beautiful statuses about children. Comments on children's photos Status on children's photos

Beautiful statuses about children - A gentle face, every line. The snub nose sniffles. Money, career - all this is not important... What is important sleeps nearby.

The kitten will grow up to be a cat, the mouse will turn into a mouse, and only for the mother native child forever baby!!!

Children are flowers of life. I picked a bouquet - give it to grandma!

Thank you, Lord, for every moment in which my children are near, And I ask you to keep them, They are more precious than anyone in the world, Only next to them life is important, Without them it is not worth a penny. Thank you that I am not alone, And my angels are with me.

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

Everyone has their own idea of ​​a “Miracle”. But only one “miracle” can call you dad and mom...

A child is a creature that you carry within you for 9 months,
In hands - 3 years,
And in your heart - until you die.

Our happiness is our children! There are no better ones in the world, They fly like butterflies, They fill our lives with meaning! Without children there is no life, but boredom. There is no warmth and no comfort, No fun, no fire, There is no continuation of you...

Children are the main joy in life!!! Everything else comes and goes

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child...

The most precious treasure is my beloved child!!! ... Everything else is the little things in life!!

The greatest happiness in life is seeing your child smile!

Don't waste time with your children
Look at the adults in them,
Stop quarreling and getting angry,
Try to make friends with them.

Children are happiness, children are fairy tales
Children are sleepy eyes in the morning
Children are feet on the parquet floor in the morning
And mom has warm palms on her cheeks
Children are a sweet dream, magic is everywhere
Fills the house with happiness - a small miracle!!!

Children's smiles are so sweet!
So enchantingly beautiful!
In this strange and dangerous world
Children are like the salvation of the soul!

The child does not look like his mother, the child does not look like his father - an exact copy of an angel!

Children are happiness! Children are joy!
Children are a breeze in life...
You can't earn them, it's not a reward.
By grace God gives them to adults!

You grow little by little, you are my mother’s happiness,
Palm to palm, five fingers in a hug,
So that's what you are - mom's happiness!!!

What is happiness? Where can I buy it? - Happiness?.. No, you can’t buy it! Happiness can only be born!

Children are the brightest and purest phenomenon... They come into our world to give warmth and tenderness, a sea of ​​smiles, joy and happiness!

There are flowers in the world and these flowers - children cannot be replaced by anyone in the world, they are our joy and happiness always, they work miracles for us adults.

There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.

Nowhere, in any city in the world, do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of childhood.

What is the sweetest candy in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, pastille and sherbet. Only now did I understand the answer. The smell of our own baby’s crown that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and nails, butt, knees and elbows.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than children gobbling up with gusto.

Putting children to bed is very simple: you just need to give them something to drink, eat, pee and read books, sing a lullaby, say “Good night”, kiss, stroke their back, tummy, lie in bed with them... and fall asleep, why the hell, before them !

Happiness is not money or wealth, happiness is small, with short legs, a squeaky voice, a loud funny laugh and familiar eyes.

Every mother has wondered, “How can I love another child as much when the first one already occupies my whole heart?” When the second one is born, you realize that your heart just gets bigger.

Children are an excellent cover for indulging in the simple joys of life: jumping with a ball, splashing in the river, playing snowballs, sledding... And when they grow up... all hope is in grandchildren!

I'll fall asleep next to my mom,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.


My first toys -
Well, of course, Rattles!
I look at them carefully
Oh, how interesting.


I sit and my mother feeds
I look closely.
I look at my mother with my eyes,
I bewitch her with my gaze.


Today is my holiday:
The first tooth has appeared!
All my relatives wanted
Look into my mouth!

I already have two teeth!
Let me ask you,
Can I not do it too much?
Bite your finger?


I have a grandma
just a beauty.
I love her so much
I will hug you tightly, tightly.


I can really fly, -
I rise into the clouds.
I have big wings
Dad holds only lightly.


Once Pampers met Popa,
He joyfully exclaimed: “Oh-pa!”
Instantly opened his arms,
And he wrapped the whole Popa.


My plan for the year is extremely simple -
more weight, more height,
I need to know and be able to do more
And cry less every day!


As if smeared with honey
Round cheeks
And it's so delicious to kiss them
With my beloved daughter!


My eyes are tired of looking
Hands are tired of playing.
Legs are tired of jumping
The girl wants to sleep


Fresh air for kids
Very necessary and useful!
We have a lot of fun walking!
And no diseases!..


It's so interesting on the playground
Probably everyone already knows this!
There I am digging in the sandbox with a shovel,
And my mother pushes me on the swings.


Leg, arm, leg again
How difficult it is to control your body
But you won't turn back time
Look, mom, I'm growing
And now I’m already crawling!


I've already rinsed
Wrapped in a towel
And now I'm clean
Satisfied, fragrant.


I don't sit still
Although I’m not going yet!
If something is far away
Not easy to reach
I get on my knees
And I'm crawling there!


And these are my first steps
In a huge, interesting world
Parents call that world “apartment”
I'll run, try to catch up!


Our girl is gone!
The room became small.
Training - every hour,
Our legs are getting stronger!


Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom.


I will kiss my mother deeply,
I’ll hug her, my dear.
I love her very much
Mom is my sunshine!


I have a car
I'm very close friends with her
And of course for a walk
I always go with her.


That's when I become an adult,
And if I want to swim, I’ll climb into the big bathtub myself,
I'll turn off both taps
I rub my stomach and back and the freckles on my nose,
I'll wrap myself in a sheet,
And I’ll take it to bed!


Pot - cunning us porridge cooked .
Us porridge cooked , handkerchief covered .
Handkerchief covered And waiting us will wait ,
AND waiting , Who or first will come ?


I on street I'm walking ,
From strollers I'm getting out .
Me Mother scolds ,
Everywhere catch Not succeeds .


How Great V bath bathe !
IN bath Can splash .
Mom pour over water ,
A she laughs with me !

I can really fly-
I rise into the clouds.
I have big wings
Dad only holds lightly!

It's like they're smeared with honey
Round cheeks
And it's so delicious to kiss them
With my beloved daughter. /my son!

If you were found in cabbage-
You have no reason to be sad
Because then you
Food provided!

With a tumbler
Look at me
That's how beautiful I am!
Compared to Vanka-Vstanka
After all, I am much better!

With grandparents
Baba and grandpa spoil me
They often take you in your arms.
If I open my mouth,
They're right there.

With grandfather.
Look at the portrait
I have a serious grandfather.
So I became serious
I didn’t make a mistake in front of him.

Baby learns to crawl
I wanted to learn to crawl
He even raised his head.
I'm with my hands and feet
He jerked, he jerked, he raked.
It's just very strange
Where I lie is where I lay...

At the birthday party.
I'm at my godmother's
I was at a birthday party.
they didn't pour me beer
That's bad luck.

Next to the flowers.
And there are flowers, flowers all around
Simply amazingly beautiful
Only everyone around knows
I am the best I am a flower.

I, like a man, endured pain
I wanted to chew something all the time.
One day I got tired of enduring
I attacked my mother.

Got up in bed for the first time
I'm tired of sitting in my crib
And I was completely tired of lying down.
And that's why guys,
He strained himself and stood up.

With a machine gun.
Don't you see that I'm small
That I won't become an adult soon.
Just let the signal be given
I will stand up for my mother's defense.

In winter overalls.
Look how important I am.
I'm not afraid of any frost.
Mom and dad dressed me
And I look like a snowman.

to the photo where the child is smeared with porridge:
The porridge turned out to be delicious
He smeared himself skillfully...
Hands, cheeks, even forehead,
I stained everything I could.

And this is on the playground:
It's so interesting on the playground
Probably everyone already knows this!
There I am digging in the sandbox with a shovel,
And my mother pushes me on the swings.

Laughs here:
Golden I'm Golden!
And there's a smile in the eyes!
The sweetest and dearest!
I am my mother's picture!

Well, one more thing:
What a little son,
Cute, with a fashionable haircut!

My dad brings me toys, candy,
But that’s not why I love dad.
He sings funny songs to me,
The two of us are never bored!
The apple is ruddy
I won't eat alone
Half an apple
I'll give it to my beloved mom.

The refrigerator is close though -
You can't see sour cream on your pussy,
Do not open the steel door.
What should she do now?
So be it, I'll make sour cream
I'll get it for my pet.
Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom.
Have sympathy, guys -
We won't share our mother and brother.
My brother wanted a song
I find the fairy tale more interesting.
Why is it always at mom's
One program for two?
And you have to endure -
Sing songs with my brother.
- But! - we said
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!
We woke up.
Let's reach out!
From side to side
We turned around.
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle!
Raise our daughter!
Any photo -
Just a case
But mom whispers:
"The best"
Look from the side or straight on.
Do I look like my dad or mom?

for photos of parents:

I think I've started to figure it out:
Mom is the one who sings songs,
Dad - who carries me for a swim.
for a family photo:

I have a big family
But the main thing in it,
Of course it's me!
I'm learning a little bit
Nipples, cups and spoons.
How nice and easy
Drink milk from a pacifier.
Not trinkets for me
My books and toys.
There's a wave going through the bathtub...
Won't my duckling swim away?
Let the achievements be simple,
But there's always a first time for everything.
I love the new game:
Ride around the yard in a stroller.
For the first New Year:

My circle of acquaintances has now increased -
Now my friend and Santa Claus.

“I’m full and happy - the porridge was delicious,”
“I like the apple, but how can I deal with it?”
“I respect every home where they serve milk,”
“in the middle of winter, summer will come when you try this” (about fruits),
“Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your nose (cheeks, hands) so dirty?” (about a child getting smeared while eating),
"he who drinks milk will run far, will jump high, he who drinks milk"
“Buckwheat porridge. Where was it cooked? In the oven! She got boiled and insisted that (name) eat!”

About swimming: “Swimming! Bathing! The house is full of people! A whole group of people are heating water in the kitchen!”
“Tap, open! Nose, wash your face! Wash both eyes at once! Wash your ears! Wash your neck! Neck, wash yourself thoroughly! Get wet! Wash your face! Dirt, wash away! Dirt, wash away!”
“Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel!”,
“Squelch-squish with your hands! The basin is full of foam! Don’t touch (name) your eyes with a soapy pen.”
“and now we are clean, fluffy bunnies.”

About the potty: “What’s your name, my friend? And my name is potty!

About my mother: “I have been friends with my mother for a long time. She is at the same time with me in all my undertakings. I don’t know boredom with her, and I love everything about her, but I love my mother’s hands most of all!”

About walking: “our girl is walking! The room became small. Training every hour, our legs are getting stronger!”
“Here, baby, take one more small step! Our boy walks with difficulty; he walks around the house for the first time. There will be time, baby, you will run far!”

Our dear AQUARIUS!
Lessen your tears!
Be as beautiful as rain
Like a transparent dewdrop!

Water pours into the bathtub,
Hey all the toys are here
Ducks, bunnies and cats
I'll wash you a little
Water, water, wash my face,
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites
And I helped my mother, I licked half the apartment!
There are upper teeth, there are lower teeth.
They are all different, but very necessary!

All teeth should be twenty,
The doctor counted them himself...
It turned out to be twelve
Vanya lost eight.
What a strange bliss -
Realize what's inside,
Perfection grows and matures,
My angel, the fruit of my love
The floor got dusty.
I took the broom. And so - he swept it.
Oh, how clean!
Don't go here yet!

I'm standing there worried, all the ladies are gilded,
They don’t walk around the park - they guard the water.
I'd like to take a swim in the fountain...
Just how to pay security?
You're looking at nonsense, mom!
I have my own program!
Teach from an early age
Baby surf the Internet.
I sat down well
and learning to pose.
I beg you to
Hurry up and take a picture!"

I help my mother
I work every day
I'm clearing the table
I wash the floor with pleasure!
Guys, I love work.
A hunter of everything.
And it's not for nothing that they call me
Mom's assistant!
Don't bother us now
Our laundry is urgent!
Me and mom, just the two of us,
We manage the laundry.

Oh, my legs are tired,
I’ll sit down and rest a little.

Looking for something...
I need to get up quickly
Don't be lazy, don't yawn.
Very tasty candies
Find it quickly.

Our old grandmother
He loves us very much, his grandchildren!
Buys us toys
She even takes her to kindergarten!
That's a good one
Our dear grandmother.

Helper son.
I am my mother's only son,
Mom doesn't have a daughter!
I need my mom to help me
Wash handkerchiefs.
Soap foaming in the trough,
I'm doing the laundry, look!
I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
I'm not rolling around on the carpet
I don't skip.
Now I'm cleaning
All toys and books.

The best...
I'm the funniest in the world
That's why I like both adults and children.
I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,
Smart and moderately well-fed.

I don't want to wash my hands
I don't want to eat.
I'll whine all day long
Don't listen to anyone!
Why do I keep screaming?
What do you care!
I do not want anything,
I'm tired of everything!

I had a lot of fun
I played and had fun!
And now it's time for me to sleep,
Good night, bye everyone!

I look like my mother.
I smile like a mother.
I frown just as stubbornly.
I have the same nose
And the same hair color!
I'm shorter, but still
Both the eyes and nose are similar!

I'm harmless, not evil,
I'm a treasure girl!
I'm both smart and beautiful,
Everyone is talking about it!

I eat porridge and sour cream,
I have a strong one!
Still, I won't fight
Just don't mess with me!
I hung the balloons
I drew flowers...
I didn't even notice
How big she has become!

Let's put away the toys
Let's lie down on the pillow,
You close your eyes
And I'll dream about a fairy tale


The room became dark,
Stars shine through the window.
Everyone is tired, we need to sleep
(name) will lie in bed


"Amazing Child"
"Amazing Child"
Everyone is talking about me.
Because I'm from the cradle
I smile at everyone.

I'm not afraid to swim
I'm laughing out loud in the bathtub!

When I walk down the street with my mother,
I hold mommy's hand tightly.
Why should she go and be afraid,
How can she get lost?!

We are 1 month old
My tummy hurts!
Mother! Help!
Give me your medicine quickly!
Take it in your hands!
Rock me in your arms
Sing me a song.
No more stomach pain.
Good with you!

2 months
I can talk!
I say “aha”!
So I want to tell you,
That I love you!
Mom says "yeah"
That means he loves me too.
And he keeps saying “goo-goo”
My uncle Seryozha.

How to ride well
In grandfather's arms!
Will lift you so high
What I say: “Ah!”

I'm happy today
I did something stupid today

We are not afraid of work
No work - let's go to bed
There is work - we also sleep
We are not without work

My baby has small hands
My baby has small feet
Sweet eyes, pretty cheeks,
Plump lips are like petals.

Whose legs are these jumping along the path?
Whose hands are these clapping?
It was our daughter who got up early in the morning
Dancing merrily and gnawing on the steering wheel!

The most interesting thing
Play with grandma.
You can pull her nose
And pull your hair!

She doesn't swear
Doesn't shake a finger.
And she laughs with me.
(name) is fun!

6 months
I like to lie on my back
Put your foot in your mouth.
Baba, look.
Well, repeat it!

I played and had fun!
And now it's time for me to sleep,
Good night, bye everyone!

I look like my mother.
I smile like a mother.
I frown just as stubbornly.
I have the same nose
And the same hair color!
I'm shorter, but still
Both the eyes and nose are similar!

I'm harmless, not evil,
I'm a treasure girl!
I'm both smart and beautiful,
Everyone is talking about it!

Foam, steam and splashes everywhere,
Laughter and joyful squeals,
My whole family is in the soap,
At least I'm the only one swimming!!!

I've already rinsed
Wrapped in a towel
And now I'm clean
Satisfied, fragrant.

I only have two teeth
Let me ask you:
“Can I grab your finger now?
Does it hurt to bite you?"

The mouth smiles, the eyes smile,
I'm not just a princess, I'm a princess from a fairy tale!


If you want to be healthy, toughen up
Run in the morning without panties - don't be shy!!!

Both girls and boys often pee in their pants
mothers are indignant, and children are blowing
in front of the whole country they proudly pee in their pants,
but when they get big they stop writing

I decorated all the wallpapers -
That's how great I am!
I learned, thank God,
I can finally draw!

Under the bed.
Climbed under the bed-
I want to scare my mom (brother, dad, etc.).

Dasha ate laughing
Buckwheat porridge
They washed it for an hour
Buckwheat Dasha!

About the pots.
Operation "addition"
Everyone in the group learned -
Pyramid of pots
They built at the door.
We are daring guys
Even though they are small in stature!
Here we are sitting on the potties
We look at each other.
We don’t get bored in the potties -
We look around -
This is how we entertain each other
Let's not be sad over trifles!

Maybe someone needs something about exercises, physical education, gymnastics:
In the morning we do exercises to keep things organized
so that your arms become stronger, so that your chest becomes stronger.
Our exercises are dexterous movements,
be a strong and healthy person

We're doing exercises
We start in the morning
To contact less often
See your doctors for advice.
We need pills and medicine
And in the frost and in the cold
Replaces physical education
And cold water.
If you want to become skillful, fast,
strong, dexterous, brave.
Do physical exercise
And douse yourself with water,
Never be discouraged
Keep up the pace cheerfully.

Such sweethearts are copies of daddy and mommy.

Happy children's smiles reflect the well-being of the family.

My happiness, my meaning in life and hope for the future.

My little babies and my greatest achievement.

Tiny fingers, small legs. There is no more beautiful boy. There is nothing dearer to the heart.

I already have two teeth. And not much, but not little! And teeth marks are everywhere, no matter what I chew!

I am my mother's treasure and my father's joy. I am grandma's sunshine and grandfather's reward!

The smile of a toddler immediately brings joy to the soul. Let children always laugh from the heart, all over the Earth!

It’s immediately obvious that mom and dad tried their best. It's a true joy when there are kids in the house...

Such cheeks, such eyes! Let your daughter grow up like in a fairy tale - a princess, a fragile and gentle lady and live the happiest life in the world!

My son is your copy. It's like you've worked on a photocopier! Let him surpass you, live richly, carefree!

You have received a gift from God. While he is fragile as crystal. Only a little time will pass and it will become stronger than steel!

Comment on the photo of a little girl

I have my mother’s eyelashes and my eyes are so brown)) I am obedient, pretty, and look like an inch!

There are a lot of pretty girls, but I’m still the prettiest of all))

My dear girl is growing up very quickly. I enjoy her childhood. I'm trying to stall for time before he grows up and flies away from home...

I've been waiting for you, baby. I dreamed of how you and I would play with dolls and read books. You turned everyday life into a holiday, changed my goals in life and made my whole family fall in love with you!

This is my copy! This is little me! My dear girl, the world is better than heaven!

Compliments to a little girl's photo

What cheeks! Like two juicy peaches with adorable dimples.

What freckles! You are the beloved child of the Sun himself!

Such a little girl - oh, what a smart look!

Just a miniature Barbie!

Sparkles scatter from your sincere laughter.

I want to admire your childish smile again and again.

That snub nose just makes you want to smack it.

What a flirt you are, but you look like a sweetie.

A lighter for smiles, a warmer for hearts.