Beautiful Muslim women in hijab for Ava. Beautiful hijab – ideas in photographs. What is a burqa? And how is it different from the hijab?

A huge number of Iranian girls took part in the mass flash mob "My stealthy freedom", which continues to gain momentum on the social network Facebook. Muslim women publish photos and videos of themselves with their heads uncovered, thereby showing their desire to move away from the tradition of wearing headscarves (hijabs).

One of the main provisions of Islamic Sharia is the wearing of a hijab by women. According to Sharia, the hijab is not a headscarf, but a garment with which a woman must cover her entire body except her hands and face. A woman has the right to remove her hijab only in front of her husband and close relatives; in all other cases, it will be considered a great shame.

Departure from tradition

In 2004, Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad founded a Facebook group where Muslim girls opposed to the hijab could send photos of themselves with their heads uncovered under the tag #آزادییواشکی, #stealthfreedom or #mystealthyfreedom.

A year after the group opened, it already had more than 800 thousand subscribers.

Often the group is subject to hacker attacks, offensive and completely unflattering reviews appear in it, but the girls continue to send their photos, because they believe that this is their only hope of being heard.

Muslim women are often photographed with their backs so as not to be recognized and humiliated.

But in most photographs, faces are still visible.

In this photo, the girl is enjoying the fresh sea breeze - it's wonderful when her hair flutters in the wind...

Look how much determination there is in the eyes.

A brave girl takes off her headscarf right in a public place.

Many women find support from their loved ones. Some husbands and brothers sincerely support their desire for liberation from traditional clothes

The mysterious women of Saudi Arabia have been hiding their appearance behind thick black fabric for centuries. The traditional long dress (abaya) is made of thick black material and is a mandatory attribute when appearing in in public places. Few people realize that behind this strict attire there are real oriental princesses.

Who is under the hijab

Without the usual attire, Saudi girls are very bright and attractive. Huge eyes and a bewitching gaze are combined with soft facial features and long black shiny hair. Girls highlight their natural features with cosmetics that make their faces very expressive.

Like other beautiful representatives of the East, Saudi Arabian girls have feminine figures. Slender and seductive in their youth, they become fuller in adulthood.

Women in Saudi Arabia take care of themselves and always try to look well-groomed. Under black robes you can often find a stylish beauty dressed in modern brands, with hair and makeup. Eastern girls wear a large number of jewelry and prefer bright outfits, however, they can only boast of this at home.

In a closed abaya, women appear on the streets, go shopping and go to work. However, this ancient rule is now becoming more lenient. Nowadays everything appears in Saudi Arabia more women who are not afraid to show their faces. Along with conservative representatives of society, on the streets of large cities you can see beauties revealing their hair.

The heads of these modern fashionistas are decorated with designer scarves that highlight their natural beauty.

Black abayas predominate in the attire of Saudi women, but the world does not stand still and black attire is being replaced by more interesting colors. The outfits are strict, however, some deviation from the usual is allowed color range. They are decorated with patterns and skillful embroidery, fit perfectly on the figure and emphasize the natural grace of oriental women.

Traditional black clothes, which completely cover the beauty of Saudi women, are designed to protect the weaker sex from dishonor. Nowadays, more and more Saudi women prefer a more open style, so we can admire the expressive beauty of Arab women.

However, Saudi girls without hijabs do not always look the way we imagine. Sometimes, wanting to see a beautiful oriental princess behind such a robe, we discover a plain-looking, tired woman with ordinary facial features.

Cute girl in a hijab and fashionable glasses, in leather jacket and jeans, probably waiting for someone.

A girl in a blue hijab, with a clutch in her hands. Most likely an evening hijab.

hijab #6
Glasses, pouty lips - bombita in a hijab.
red scarf, black dress, a cool combination, especially with such a pretty face.
hijab #7

Not a bad move either, a red scarf, a black turtleneck and a green dress with polka dots.
Hijab and black jeans don't look bad. But what a sweetheart.
A white blouse and a gray skirt, you can go for a walk in this hijab.
hijab #11
Well, isn’t it a doll, the eyelashes alone are worth it, and the shades of pink?

Well, in principle, “yes,” but not mine.

hijab #12
Blush, blush, oh those blushes!!

Suddenly, on a walk, I was impressed by a charming girl in a hijab, I didn’t even have time to fix it, although there’s no need to fix it, and everything is so beautiful.

purple scarf, and White dress Or maybe it's a jumpsuit.

Light brown tones, chocolate color is pleasing to the eye.

Hijab and hat, on the seashore, probably French.

Another charming hijab smile. I like the shoes))

Dark blue dress and denim jacket, legs crossed. Well, isn't it lovely?

If I'm not mistaken, a girl is at a wedding in the banquet hall "Marakesh" Makhachkala. The leopard doesn't look bad either.

Just a beauty in a hijab.

hijab #29

Nice girl, but these pants are not for me.

Hijab for walking. Trousers - plumes.

Plump lips, eyes, an ordinary hijab, but again it looks great.

Hijab and leggings, hmm.. Or is it skinny jeans?

Light blue jeans and a hijab are not bad, but... Won't you catch a cold while sitting on the floor?

hijab #38

Probably the bride's hijab. Wedding hijab.

The smile is stunning :)

hijab #41

Hijab, with patterns, red - I really like it.
hijab #42

Beautiful girl at the fence.

also very

Nice, it’s called Amazon.

A beauty in a see-through shirt, but with a ring)

hijab #50

Zebra shirt, with rolled up sleeves.

Hijab and hat - bandit. T-shirt "Calvin Klein"

hijab #54

hijab #55

Overall a chic, black hijab.

Lilac hijab. The girl was thinking about something)

Hijab and leather jacket.

Girlfriends are coquettes, black and white trousers.

Sports hijab, apparently "Adidas"

Pretty girl.

hijab with flower
hijab #68

Beautiful in hijab

Beautiful look

hijab #73

Militta has devoted many publications to the hijab and other items of clothing. We told the history of origin and wearing rules. Today we’ll look at the most beautiful images with hijab. This will be useful not only for Islamic girls, but Orthodox Christians can also get a lot of ideas for creating images.

It must be said right away that God does not require a person to renounce material goods and luxury. In parables there are examples when the Lord calls for generous alms and even giving away one’s property; the saints also talk about this. But such a path is not imposed on everyone, but is offered as an ideal. Simply put, if you want to achieve maximum perfection in spiritual life on Earth, leave only God in your thoughts, and don’t let everything else worry your soul.

Perfection in any matter is the destiny of the chosen few. The Lord knows our weaknesses and does not demand the impossible from us. Therefore, no religion denies wealth and luxury, the main thing is that they do not harm our soul. If you have the opportunity to buy expensive clothes and this makes you and your loved ones happy, that’s good. And if expensive clothes are needed to satisfy one’s own vanity and boasting in in social networks, this approach harms your soul.

God created the Universe and our Earth beautiful; in general, all of God’s creations initially shone with beauty, and then, under the influence of the sinful nature of man, many things were distorted and took on ugly, disgusting forms. But the desire for beauty is inherent in us from birth, which means that the desire to decorate ourselves with luxurious things is not sinful in itself. So be inspired by the beautiful stylish looks in the photo, buy scarves and create your own.

We live in a world that is rapidly changing, but there are still countries on the map that respect religious precepts and traditions. In some countries, even today it is mandatory to wear the hijab. Let's look at the history of Islam and pay attention to these girls, what do they - oriental girls - think about this and how do they perceive the obligation to wear the hijab?

Burqa? (sometimes called veil) - women's outerwear in Muslim countries. It looks like a robe with long false sleeves and a hair net that covers the face. The net is called chachvan.

The history of the burqa.
Initially in Persia this type of clothing was called faraji. It was a wide outerwear with long sleeves. Such clothes - a robe - were worn by both men and women in the 16th century. The classic burqa is not a burqa or a veil. By the way, you can see a real classic burqa in the Soviet film “White Sun of the Desert.” This film has been shown on television several times, and many of us like it: interesting actors, excellent production, script, and the sun, really scorching, white...

Translated from Persian - tent. This is a light women's bedspread, usually white, blue or black. It also covers the entire woman's figure from head to toe. The face is covered with a muslin cloth, which also covers the head.

Hijab (translated from Arabic as a veil). This is the name of any clothing in the form of a veil that envelops a woman’s figure from head to toe. But in Europe, the hijab is usually understood as an Islamic female hijab. Every woman who professes Islam is required to wear a hijab - this is one of the main provisions of Sharia.

What should a hijab look like?
This clothing should be long, and in no case tight, i.e. it should completely hide and not highlight the shape of the body.
According to the Koran, a woman should not show her beauty, her body, except for her husband, as well as numerous male relatives: “...Let them not flaunt their beauty, except for those that are visible, and let them cover the neckline on their chest with their veils and not show of their beauty to anyone except their husbands, or their fathers, or their fathers-in-law, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands have possessed , or servants from among men devoid of lust, or children who have not comprehended the nakedness of women; and let them not knock with their feet, letting you know about the decorations that they hide ... "

How do Eastern girls perceive the hijab?
A woman who professes Islam accepts the hijab with a calm soul; she understands that this is not a whim of men, but her religion, which is her position in life.

Yes, in Islam it is required that it be hidden from prying eyes. In Russia, women have never been hidden like this. For an unmarried girl, it was possible to be bare-headed, but this could not be said about a married girl. This is where the saying comes from: “to be foolish,” i.e. married woman she could not reveal her hair; on the contrary, she had to carefully hide it. Especially in the Middle Ages in Rus', young women, and especially girls, were protected from strangers male gaze- all feasts, all meetings took place without women participating in them. And only under the Great Emperor Peter I these laws were changed, as well as clothing for women, which began to reveal many parts of the body to please the eyes of men.
But both here and in Islam, the basis of family happiness has always been spiritual values. External beauty gradually fades over the years, no matter how hard we struggle, but spiritual wealth brings happiness for all years.

Beauty is needed at a wedding, but love is needed every day.
The wife is the rose of the house.
Not the beauty that is beautiful, but the beauty that is loved.
Uzbek proverbs

Hijab in different countries.
Hijab is now mandatory in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.
In Sudan, the penal code mentions penalties for wearing indecent clothing, but does not define what “indecent clothing” means.

And in countries such as Turkey, Tunisia and Tajikistan, a ban has been introduced on wearing the hijab in government institutions, as well as in educational institutions. Agree that these clothes are indeed not comfortable, especially in government institutions.

France went even further. A law has been passed here banning clothing that displays religious affiliation. This ban mainly concerns educational institutions, where some proportion of international students are actually possible. And it’s true, why escalate the situation and show only outwardly what your religion is. The main thing is what's in the soul. This law was adopted in September 2004.

In addition - oriental girls in all their glory.

Oriental girls and hijab for Militta Magazine