Short comic congratulations on Maslenitsa for your beloved guy. Short comic congratulations on Maslenitsa for your beloved guy Congratulations on Maslenitsa for men

How fun is it to congratulate your loved one on Maslenitsa with poetry in SMS? This holiday has been celebrated in Rus' since pagan times. In 2020 Maslenitsa week falls on the days from February 24 to March 1. Traditionally, during Shrovetide week there are fist fights, sleigh rides, festivities and noisy feasts with pancakes.

Mummers in animal costumes go around neighbors and friends, singing carols. And on the last day, when the effigy of Maslenitsa is burned, people, according to an old Russian custom, ask each other for forgiveness.

We offer short funny congratulations with Maslenitsa for your beloved guy, which he will definitely like.

Darling, congratulations on the holiday! Let everything in your life be like Maslenitsa: sweet, smooth and joyful. I wish you a bright and unforgettable holiday week!

Don't push! Let me pass! So what, what’s the turn, I’m a holiday SMS for the best and most beloved guy in the world. I want to tell him that there is one girl who loves him madly and congratulates him on Maslenitsa!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
I wish you happiness and goodness.
Always be like a delicious pancake -
Fresh, healthy, hot, loved!

Happy Maslenitsa, dear!
Have fun, walk,
Only about me alone
Don't forget!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa! May fate always cajole and protect you. May your life be sweet like honey, love hot like a freshly baked pancake, and financial condition– fatty, like homemade sour cream.

How fun is it to congratulate your loved one on Maslenitsa in verse via SMS?

Congratulations to my friend on this holiday.
On Maslenitsa I wish,
So that you are cheerful
And he always lived well!

Celebrate Maslenitsa
Have fun today!
Let all worries subside,
And no sadness comes at all!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa! Comfort and warmth!
May life be fun and joyful!

Forgive me if I offended you
Maybe I don't even know about it
Perhaps I didn’t see my guilt,
But you forgive me, and I forgive you!
Darling, I congratulate you
Happy Forgiveness, Enlightened Sunday!
I will come to you with pancakes, lovingly,
And I sincerely ask for forgiveness.

I'm sorry for everything, and I forgive you!
We could accidentally offend each other.
Like a bad dream, I forget the insults,
I will keep good things in my memory!
WITH Forgiveness Sunday!

Pancakes are being baked, a cheerful child is standing...
On Maslenitsa there is breaking of fast everywhere.
Today in Rus', as they say,
Forgiven holy sunday!
And so, in the name of such a day,
Since I have done something wrong to you,
Please forgive me!
And I forgive you for everything!

Maslenitsa is one of the most favorite holidays, which is usually celebrated in warm weather. family circle. For a whole week, friends and family treat each other to pancakes with different flavors, and at the end of the week they ask each other for forgiveness. During this week, you and your beloved young man will have to unite even more, ask for forgiveness for the words and actions spoken that could somehow offend or hurt each other. Treat your loved one to pancakes and have fun with him at events that will take place in the city. But most importantly, congratulate him on this wonderful holiday to express all your feelings. We created this information page especially for you and dedicated it to congratulations for your loved one. young man in honor of Maslenitsa. Such wonderful words will definitely not leave him indifferent.

People are laughing, everyone in the area is smiling,
Someone is already lying under the table,
Our people really like the holiday,
Maslenitsa and your loved one will become attached to you.
Children ride on sleds in the snow,
Drunk, like a bear staggers everywhere,
This is how people celebrate Maslenitsa,
People really like this holiday.

A nasty day will brighten up today,
Summon happiness and goodness into your home,
She will come to you fragrantly,
Expect Maslenitsa soon.
Pancakes will be served on the tables with butter,
And saliva will break through your mouth,
All food gets boring after a while,
Only Maslenitsa doesn’t bother us.
And let it be natural for the holiday,
People will burn the effigy again,
We also gathered to rest,
Everyone will drink and pour more.

I really like everything about my beloved,
Blood will rush into your heart and to you,
I want to snuggle up this Maslenitsa,
Spend it with you, alone.
Pancakes with syrup to eat,
The effigy of hatred was burned,
Never listened to anyone
Just to love as much as they could.
I hope we won't suffer
The main thing is to love and everything will work out.

Let the aroma of pancakes flow,
And you will be forever happy with me,
We will spend Maslenitsa together,
And we’ll put all the problems together.
Spring will come and kiss us,
Will throw happiness into the heart of the bit,
And you will understand how beautiful it is
When I am with you again.
I don't need anything more,
Just waking up next to you in the morning.

Congratulations to you, my love -
After all, Maslenitsa has come to us!
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I do good deeds.
Let luck come
And may good luck await you.
If Maslenitsa rules -
You will definitely be lucky in life!

Ah, my beloved man,
Suddenly there was a reason
Bake pancakes and invite friends -
For the sake of this Maslenitsa!
I want to tell you,
What should not be forgotten -
You will only be happy with me,
So amazing!

May Maslenitsa be a wonderful day,
Beloved, gives only happiness,
Let life be interesting
Let our passions not fade away,
May there be many joys,
Love will last for years,
So that there are no sorrows,
And only strive for the best!

I won’t lose heart on Maslenitsa,
I want happiness to be in my life again,
Love always bloomed in your eyes.
What can I wish for my dear?
To eat mountains of pancakes today,
After all, they say, with an eaten pancake,
Increases men's health!

I want to help with any problem I have
It's always up to you to decide, my love,
Only one scheme suits us -
May you and I always be together.
I wish you health on Maslenitsa,
Don't let it let you down
Forgetting doubts and worries,
May good luck lead you in life!

For you, my beloved,
I baked pancakes -
So that with only me
Be ready all your life.
Happy Maslenitsa, dear!
Have fun, walk,
Only about me alone
Don't forget!

Maslenitsa has come to us - a holiday,
Which brings joy
And many different wishes
The holiday is waiting for you, my beloved.
Health, joy and happiness,
Good luck and strength,
And if love is real,
And let him love me alone!

They say when you're the first to pancake
On Maslenitsa you passionately consume,
Then your wishes will come true,
If you think of them at the same time.
Yes, I want to say from the bottom of my heart -
Husband, let your wishes come true,
Know that you should not be discouraged.
And don’t believe in disappointments!

I want to wish my beloved man
On the day of Maslenitsa to celebrate the holiday,
Try the hostess's pancakes,
So that they bring health.
May you, my dear, be lucky,
Good luck and fortune will come,
You know, you shouldn’t be discouraged,
It’s better to just live and prosper!

I want to go to Maslenitsa for my husband
I wish you more happiness,
Let there be no cold in life,
May you not be discouraged.
Don't forget your beloved wife
You give compliments
Loving me is unbearable
Always be by my side!

Maslenitsa is coming,
And I wish you fun
So that the beloved man
Don't be sad for no reason
So that the heart can rest,
And love rewarded
To have a lot of happiness,
The bad weather has gone away!

Here you will be presented with many poems for a joyful celebration. Its roots go deep into pagan times. And initially, it was considered a funeral place, where they buried an effigy and commemorated it. But once he settled in, he became happier. Mass celebrations began to take place for a whole week. Here you can find every day congratulations on Maslenitsa to your loved one and delight him with them all week. Ritual days are very diverse, but they have one thing in common - this is a family holiday. Family not only in a narrow circle, but, on the contrary, on a grand scale, with reverence for all one’s close and distant relatives. From Monday to Friday you need to visit your relatives, invite them for pancakes, and treat them to various dishes. Particular attention was paid to newlyweds or lovers who decided to become related this year. If previously such couples were congratulated with various fun events that took place during the festivities, today you can send SMS wishes, which you will certainly find on this page.

Maslenitsa - farewell to winter. How did it all go? Monday – meeting, making a stuffed animal. Tuesday - “flirt” - the beginning of folk adventures. Wednesday – “gourmet” - lunches with treats. Thursday is a wild day of fist fights. Friday - mother-in-law's get-together. Unmarried girls need to prepare poems for the guy with whom you are in a strong relationship in order to soon receive a marriage proposal. Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. Accordingly, all daughters-in-law treat their relatives. Sunday – “Forgiveness”. It is customary to apologize when saying goodbye to the cold weather. Fun party, with roller coaster rides, sleigh rides, ice skating, and eating pancakes made from different types of flour, and today they are carried out noisily and en masse.