Royal gift from Prince William. What did William and Kate get? Christmas earrings from Kiki McDonough

Unusual gifts will receive on their wedding day - this title was awarded to the newlyweds by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The gifts included a tandem bicycle, a set of photographs and a souvenir box with Fedoskino painting.


Prince William and his wife Catherine preferred that instead of buying expensive gifts . The couple said they would only accept gifts from close family members, and other guests were asked to make confidential donations to charities. However the newlyweds were still not left without small but pleasant souvenirs.

Prime Minister of Great Britain David Cameron has announced that he is giving Prince William and Kate Middleton a set of photographs of Welsh, where the newlyweds will move shortly after the wedding. The area is home to a Royal Air Force air base where the Prince serves as a search and rescue helicopter pilot. According to Cameron, wherever Kate and William subsequently settle, a wonderful set of photographs of the island will allow them to always remember Anglesey “with warm feelings,” RIA Novosti reports.

The newlyweds were not left without congratulations and Russian President with my wife. Dmitry Medvedev presented the newlyweds with a souvenir box. “I cordially congratulate you on your marriage. This day is a great and significant event not only for you, but also for the entire people of the United Kingdom. May harmony, joy and love always reign in your family. My wife joins me in my congratulations,” the congratulations say head of the Russian state.

As a gift, Prince William and his young wife were sent a papier-mâché box with varnish coating"Fedoskino Factory of Miniature Painting", on the lid of which a winter panorama of Moscow of the 19th century is depicted with a view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Original gift invented by London Mayor Boris Johnson, who is a fan of bicycles. A tandem of the same type as the famous “Boris bicycles”, which can be rented in the central areas of the British capital, was made especially for the newlyweds.

Note that Prince William's parents, Princess Diana and Prince Charles, received 4,000 gifts for their wedding. The newlyweds received 20 silver dishes from the Australian government, and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia gave them sapphire jewelry. Practical gift was presented to Charles and Diana by the New Zealand government - the couple became the owner of the carpet.

Some gifts from newlyweds of the previous generation were different. Delivered to the wedding of Prince William's grandparents, Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh Philip, over 2,500 gifts, including 76 handkerchiefs, 30 scarves, 148 pairs of stockings and 16 nightgowns. Among them was a special gift - lace woven by Mahatma Gandhi.

The nimble little Golf finally got out of the cramped streets of London and rushed towards Berkshire. IN rear mirror it was clear that a jeep was relentlessly following the Golf, as if both cars were connected by an invisible cable.

Kate had already decided that no one would protect her anymore... Who is she now? Just a young lady named Kate Middleton, Prince William's ex-girlfriend. Why protect ex-girlfriends when is the new one coming out?

Photo: All Over Press

Kate's motionless gaze did not leave the silver ribbon of road rapidly unwinding in front of her; before parents' house there was still at least half an hour left. Thank God that she is alone now, lately she almost never managed to be alone with herself and collect her thoughts - there were always people around her, paparazzi, reporters, spies, curious people were running after her: they spied on her, kept watch, did not allow her to pass. Yesterday morning, Wil officially confirmed that yes, the rumors are true this time: his relationship with Miss Kate Middleton is over. Kate looked sadly out the windshield. What will happen to sister Pippa when she finds out that it was Kate who actually took the initiative to break up with Prince William, that it was Kate who told His Highness that she had had enough: she was not going to put up with his behavior!

What will your brother and parents say?

Kate opened her bag on the seat next to her and pulled out a bag of her favorite popsicles... Wil was probably marching or target shooting with the others at his military training camp in Dorset right now. She imagined the lanky figure of Wil - he always and everywhere rises above the crowd, like Gulliver, of course - he is “only” ninety-one meters tall! And in general he handsome guy, he is lucky that he looks like his mother - Lady Diana, unlike younger brother Harry is almost the spitting image of his father, Prince Charles, except with red hair.

Kate secretly really didn’t want William to go to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst after university, but that’s how it was supposed to be for future English kings - they all went through military service and then became commanders of the country's armed forces.

Wil amazed Kate with the story that even his grandmother Elizabeth, when she became queen, put on a uniform, drove a military truck and even received the rank of sergeant!

Kate turned off the highway onto a picturesque path along which, like an even formation of soldiers, thin, trim spruce trees stretched out, and drove into the town of Bucklebury in Berkshire. If you look closely, over there, in the distance on the right, you can already see their solid red brick house, soon a view of the huge garden over which mom is shaking so much will open up, and now you can see the back buildings of the stables.

No, Katie, you’re hiding something,” Pippa’s suspicious green eyes bored right through her sister.

We dated for four years, made love, everything was fine... And suddenly it’s the end of everything for you!

Pippa stamped her foot in indignation.

Everything seemed “nonsense” to the younger sister: just think, Wil now meets with Kate only twice a month! He's at the military academy, and there are rules there! What Pippa meant by this word - God knows! Princes William and Harry were allowed to leave every day, and in general they enjoyed very great freedom; if he wanted, Wil could meet with Kate at least every day!

He cheated on you, right? - Pippa asked.

After a year and a half of dating, Prince William gave his Kate a Victorian ring made of rose gold, decorated with pearls and garnets. Firstly, it is beautiful and expensive in itself. Secondly, on top of everything else, it is also an incredibly touching gift. You can understand its real value by remembering that garnet is Kate’s family stone, and pearl is William’s. With such a gesture, the future husband wanted to show the family connection and once again confess his love to his future princess.

Princess Diana's engagement ring

October 2010, ahead of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a trip to Kenya - three weeks of a painful safari for the heir to the throne, during which he will not dare to propose to his beloved. Before leaving his native Great Britain, the prince will take that same family ring from the royal vault and carry it with him in his trouser pocket until he finally proposes his hand in marriage to Kate at the very end of their joint African trip. Legendary ring lady di made from white gold and features an 18-carat blue sapphire surrounded by 14 diamonds. Was William really afraid of rejection?

Family gold wedding ring

There is a tradition in Prince William's family that the bride's engagement ring (the royal groom, by the way, is not entitled to one) should be cast from Welsh gold. This precious material is considered one of the purest and noblest metals and has therefore always been strongly associated with the royal family. From the same nugget were cast wedding rings Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret and Diana. Kate's ring was made by Wartski jewelers from a gold bar that was given to William by the Queen shortly after his engagement. Kate always wears it with Lady Di's sapphire ring.

Earrings with sapphires

Another heirloom that passed on to Kate from Princess Diana. The sapphire and diamond earrings, which perfectly complement the engagement ring, were given by William some time after the wedding. These stud earrings, which Diana loved very much and often wore out in public, were slightly altered by Kate, like many other family jewelry. Now they have taken the form of pendants. Kate first wore earrings during a tour of Canada three months after the wedding.

Kiki McDonough Christmas earrings

For Christmas, which Kate and William celebrated for the first time as spouses, the prince gave his beloved earrings from her favorite brand, Kiki McDonough. The $3,880 piece is made of 18-karat gold and features nearly 6-karat oval green amethysts surrounded by small diamonds. After the Duchess appeared in public wearing these earrings, the previously not very popular, but still long-respected jewelry brand instantly became one of the most popular in the UK, and what can we say, throughout the world. It is worth noting that even after such PR, which every brand dreams of, prices at Kiki McDonough did not skyrocket, but remained at the same, “pre-royal” level.

Brooch with pink diamond

Royal families are full of traditions. So, for the birth of an heir, the royal father must give the mother of his child something valuable as a sign of gratitude and love. According to the same tradition, they are most often presented as a gift. Jewelry. After the birth of Prince George, the whole world wondered what William would give his wife. According to the British magazine Hello, the prince thought about the gift for a very long time; he wanted to truly surprise his beloved. In the end, the choice fell on a brooch with a pink diamond, in the design of which he was directly involved. The stone itself, according to the prince, is not only very beautiful and feminine, but he also associates it with Kate herself. By the way, no one has seen this brooch yet.

The daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William, Princess Charlotte, will celebrate her first birthday only on May 2, but some companies have already prepared gifts for the baby. Thus, the largest producer and breeder of chrysanthemums, Deliflor, named a new variety of flower in honor of Charlotte. The chrysanthemum, with green and pink petals, will be on display at the Chelsea Flower Show, which runs from May 24 to 28 at the Royal Hospital.

Princess CharlotteChrysanthemum named after Princess Charlotte

We think demand for these flowers will be high among fans of the royal family, especially given their alarming willingness to snap up everything Kate Middleton, Princess Charlotte and Prince George wear. On May 2, the princess's birthday, everyone will have the opportunity to buy such chrysanthemums - they will be sold in the Waitros online store for £8. 50 pence from each flower will go to East Anglia's Children's Hospices, of which Kate is a patron.

Princess Charlotte is not the first British monarch to have flowers named after her. So, in 2014, it was named after Prince George the new kind daffodil - Georgie Boy daffodil. In 2012, during a visit to the Singapore Botanic Gardens, Kate Middleton and Prince William saw the orchid named after them, Vanda William Catherine. The white orchid was also named after Princess Diana, the mother of Princes William and Harry, who died in a car accident in 1997.

More recently, we talked about popular legends that... Whether it’s true or not, William and his wife are doing well, and sometimes he gives her gifts. Which?!

Ring with garnet and pearls

Victorian ring - rose gold, pearls, garnet, in a word, beauty! The prince gave it a year and a half after the start of the relationship. Garnet is the heirloom of the Middleton family, pearl is the heirloom of the royal family. Here is the connection of families - and even a hint of the formation of a new one!

Diana's engagement ring

Before going to Kenya on safari in October 2010, the prince took his mother’s engagement ring from the royal vault, and after three weeks of a grueling Kenyan “trip”, he gave it to Kate! Diana's ring is made of the most luxurious material in the world - white gold! And it is decorated with a blue sapphire and fourteen diamonds. Judging by the fact that William delayed for three weeks, he was really afraid of his beloved’s refusal!

Engagement, gold

And not just any gold – real Welsh gold! It is Welsh gold that is the family metal of the royal family. Elizabeth, Margaret and Diana's rings were cast from the same gold nugget! Kate received a ring from the Wartski brand - and a gold bar, which William received from his grandmother, the queen, as a gift after the engagement, and the Duchess wears it along with a sapphire engagement ring.

Earrings – with sapphires and diamonds

And these earrings also went to Middleton from her late mother-in-law. Diana loved stud earrings, and Kate, with the help of jewelers, turned their shape into pendants. Prince William's wife wears them quite often: she wore them for the first time on a tour of Canada three months after her marriage.

Earrings by Kiki McDonough

Kate and William celebrated their first married Christmas together, and the prince gave his wife earrings from her favorite brand! Three thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars is no joke. Gold - eighteen carats! Green amethysts are six carats, and in addition, they are also diamonds! And this jewelry brand instantly became perhaps the most popular in the world. And the prices didn’t even increase, they remained the same!

Brooch with diamond

A valuable thing as a sign of love and gratitude - a mandatory gift for the birth of the heir to the throne! It ended up being a pink diamond brooch, which the prince helped design. And the prince says that he associates the stone with Kate Middleton herself! However, no one saw the brooch. Apparently, the Duchess considers it too personal an item - an intimate gift, so to speak.

Journalist JoeInfoMedia Diana Lynn reminds: well-being in the family does not depend on expensive gifts! Of course, William is obliged, as a prince, to give Kate luxurious jewelry. But remember that someone didn’t give something to someone. Love each other, and let everything that your loved ones give you be perceived as a gift from a pure heart, and not as a more or less expensive thing.