Lesson notes for the "Skillful Hands" club (introductory lesson). Methodological development of the “Skillful Hands” circle association Organization of classes for the “Skillful Hands” circle in elementary school

Explanatory note

“Not every child comes into the world to become an artist. But it is also true that every person entering the world has a certain potential for artistic development, and this potential must be revealed! » A. S. Galanov

The problem of developing children's artistic creativity is becoming increasingly important. Children's creativity is realized in different types of artistic activities, and it is the job of educators to create all the conditions for introducing the child to various types of artistic practice. Manual labor is attractive to children because it satisfies their desire for independence, self-control and the development of creative abilities. In the process of creating crafts, perseverance, diligence, and determination are formed. Children understand the connection between an action and the result obtained.

Labor is a purposeful activity performed in accordance with certain rules and ending in the achievement of the intended goal. Through work, children’s knowledge of the properties, qualities, and possibilities of using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread, natural materials, etc.) is deepened. A child cannot be taught to work in any other way than by participating in labor. This broadens the horizons of preschoolers, develops aesthetic taste, emotions, sensations, and develops control skills. Self-control allows the child, based on a set goal, analysis of a sample, and a planned plan, to monitor his actions, results, see his mistakes and correct them. Control is formed in the child only in activities during which he is faced with the need to check the results of his work, to control the methods of action as he completes the task. The development of self-control leads to the elimination of children's mechanical imitation and to an improvement in the quality of work performance.

A special feature of a teacher’s work on the development of children’s artistic creativity is the targeted guidance of children’s creative development. The first thing you should pay attention to is that no one except a child will give the “correct” solution to the creative task facing him. Creative tasks are open-ended and do not have one correct answer: there are as many answers as there are children who complete them. The role of the educator is to understand and make a variety of decisions.

Work in the circle " Skillful hands "is an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children in the classroom is to enrich the student’s worldview, i.e. development of the child’s creative culture (development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of a task, nurturing hard work, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new for oneself).

The proposed program has artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities.

Club program " Skillful hands » designed for children 5-6, 6-7 years old. The program provides an annual load of 28 thematic classes. Classes are held 2 times a week for 30 minutes, a total of 56 lessons per academic year. Practical exercises make up a large part of the program.

Number of children: 2 groups of 10 people.

The result of children's activities can be exhibitions of children's works.

Purpose of the program - Develop independence, creativity, individuality of children, artistic abilities, by experimenting with various materials, non-traditional techniques; to form artistic thinking and moral personality traits, emotional responsiveness to beauty.

Program objectives


  • consolidation and expansion of knowledge and skills acquired at the educational educational center in artistic creativity, familiarization with the outside world, reading fiction, and promoting their systematization; training in how to use tools;
  • learning the ability to plan your work;
  • training in techniques and technology for making compositions; studying the properties of various materials;
  • training in working with various materials; learning how to independently develop crafts.


  • development of artistic taste and creative potential in children;
  • development of imaginative thinking and imagination;
  • creating conditions for self-development of preschool children;
  • development of children's aesthetic perception of the world around them.


  • instilling respect for work and working people;
  • developing a sense of collectivism;
  • education of neatness;
  • environmental education of children;
  • developing a love for nature.


Leading Idea This program is to create a comfortable communication environment, develop the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Principles underlying the program:

  • accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);
  • visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, are more accurately preserved by it and are more easily remembered,” (K.D. Ushinsky);
  • democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);
  • scientific character (validity, presence of a methodological basis and theoretical basis);
  • “from simple to complex” (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).

The topics of classes are built taking into account the interests of preschoolers and the possibility of their self-expression. As children master the content of the program, the pace of development of special skills, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, while less prepared ones can be offered a simpler work. At the same time, the educational and developmental meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against the fear of difficulties, to encourage him to create and create without fear.

Forms and methods of classes

During the classes, various forms of classes are used:

traditional, combined and practical classes.

And also various methods:

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

  • verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);
  • visual (showing illustrations, observing, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.);
  • practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.);

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

  • explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
  • reproductive - preschoolers reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
  • partial search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
  • research - independent creative work of preschoolers.

Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:

  • frontal - simultaneous work with all children;
  • individual - frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
  • group - organization of work in groups;
  • individual - individual completion of tasks, problem solving.

Expected results

As a result of training in this program for preschoolers:

They will learn various techniques for working with paper, plasticine, natural materials, foil, colored threads, fabric;

Learn to follow verbal instructions, read product diagrams;

They will learn to plan the order of work operations and control their work;

They will create compositions with products;

Develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination;

Master the skills of work culture;

Improve your communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Forms for summing up implementation results additional educational program

  • Participation in exhibitions of children's creative works, competitions in preschool educational institutions.

The content of this program is aimed at performing creative work, the basis of which is individual and collective creativity. Basically, all practical activities are based on the manufacture of products. Training is planned in a differentiated manner, taking into account the health status of students. The program provides for the implementation of practical work that contributes to the formation of the ability to consciously apply acquired knowledge in practice in the production of artistic treasures from textile and natural materials. During training sessions during the work process, attention is paid to compliance with labor safety rules, sanitation and personal hygiene, to the rational organization of the workplace, and careful handling of tools and equipment in the process of making artistic products.

The program introduces new and exciting types of needlework.

The program lasts 1 year.

  1. 1 . Working with natural materials (3 lessons)

Currently, there is a need to take care of strengthening the child’s connection with nature and culture, work and art. Nowadays, children are moving further and further away from nature, forgetting its beauty and value.

Working with natural materials helps them develop imagination, a sense of shape and color, accuracy, hard work, and instills a love of beauty. By designing from natural materials, the child is involved in observing natural phenomena, becomes more familiar with the plant world, and learns to take care of the environment.

Products made from natural materials . Technology of procurement of natural materials. Artistic techniques for making crafts and paintings from natural materials.

  1. 2 . Working with paper and cardboard (5 lessons)

Types of works made of paper and cardboard. Properties of paper: (easily cut, crumples, glues well.) Artistic techniques (fold and cut out of paper yourself with a folded accordion, cut off unnecessary parts, make cuts, glue, decorate crafts). Rules for using scissors and template.

  1. Working with fabric (5 lessons)

Types of work with templates, fabric, color perception, composition.

4. Making crafts from waste material (8 lessons)

Laying out and pasting various boxes, matchboxes and making various crafts and toys.

  1. Working with colored threads (3 lessons)

Development of skills in working with finely chopped threads.

  1. Working with plasticine (7 lessons)

Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.


Topic and objectives of the lesson

Material, methods of work


Target. Teach children to sculpt a birch tree, conveying its features. Develop interest in nature and observation skills.

Plasticine, bas-relief.

"Magic Leaves"

Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Teach children to create compositions from paper blanks.


Target. Learn to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur.” Develop technical skills

Cut thread applique


"Funny still life"

Target. To develop children's imagination, consolidate knowledge about still life, the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique


Target. Learn to draw a hedgehog using a stencil, plasticine, and sunflower seeds. Cultivate a love for animals.

Plasticineography, application from seeds.


Target. Learn to make a figure from matchboxes, develop accuracy, imagination, and strengthen the ability to use scissors.

Matchboxes, paper.

"Beads for Mom"

Target. Learn to string beads on a thread. Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination.

Modeling from foil.


"Bullfinches on a branch"

Goal: continue to learn how to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “feathers”.

Applique made from cut threads and paper balls.


Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


"Christmas tree"

Fabric applique.


"Father Frost"

Goal: Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with scissors and glue.

Application made of paper, cotton balls.


"Winter forest"

Target. Develop children's creative abilities, consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.

“Snowman” (Collective work)

Goal: Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, and cultivate neatness.

Application made from cotton balls.


"Polar Bear and Penguin"

Waste material, paper

Goal: learn to fix seeds on a plasticine base and create a composition. Develop imagination and creativity.

Plasticineography, application from seeds


"The Bird of Happiness"

Target. Develop children's imagination, strengthen their skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique

Goal: learn to connect parts using gluing, create a composition. Develop constructive abilities.

Matchboxes, paper


"Bouquet for Mom"

Target. To develop children's imagination, to consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, to consolidate the skills of working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.


"The starlings have arrived"

Goal: continue to learn how to make appliqué using templates. Complete with necessary details.

Application from paper circles.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop your imagination.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

"Magic plate"

Target. Learn to work in the decoupage technique, develop imagination and accuracy.


Target. Strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Waste material, paper, cardboard.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

“Postcard for City Day”

Goal: To create a desire to congratulate your hometown on its birthday, to consolidate skills in working with cardboard, glue, and scissors.


"Zhostovo tray"

Target. Introduce folk art. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


"Apple Tree"

Goal: To strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Mosaic application.


Target. Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors and glue. Strengthen the ability to correctly arrange finished elements compositionally.

Paper applique.


  1. “Applique in kindergarten” by A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolaeva
  2. “Design and artistic work in kindergarten” by L.V. Kutsakova
  3. “Artistic and creative activity. Fabric applique: thematic, plot, play activities for children 4-7 years old” Piskulina S.S.
  4. “Development of artistic abilities of preschool children” Komarova T.S.
  5. “Plasticine picture” Tikhomirova O.Yu., Lebedeva G.A.
  6. “Classes in visual arts. Collective creativity" Ed. A.A. Gribovskaya.
  7. “Relief paintings. We sculpt from clay, plasticine, salt dough” Lykova I.A.
  8. “Teaching origami techniques” Kirsanova S.V.
  9. “Applique with seeds” Kovalenko Z.D.
  10. “Crafts from matchboxes” by G.N. Davydov.
  11. "Seasons. We make and play” Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G.

Tatiana Sviridonova

Methodological development. Circle« Skillful hands» .

early this summer I was offered to lead circle« Skillful hands» . Frankly, I was worried, I didn’t sleep at night, I read a lot of programs and developments and developed its own. Work in mug« Skillful hands» – an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children is to enrich their worldview, that is, to develop the child’s creative culture.

She planned her work so that she would not repeat the program material on manual labor, but that the classes would expand and deepen the information on working with various materials. Job mug I tried to organize it taking into account the experience of children and their age characteristics.

My program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities.

Classes are held 2 times a week, resulting in 8 lessons per month.

1. Introduction to paper, Volumetric applique - Ladybug.

2. Acquaintance with natural materials. Application - Sun.

3. Hedgehog - applique, natural material.

4. Hedgehog (design and modeling, natural material, plasticine.

5. The hare boasts (design) natural material.

6. Volumetric applique Autumn tree (color stripes).

7. Volume applique Cloud with rain (color stripes)

8. Lesovik (design, natural material.

My kids really enjoy visiting circle, they look forward to new activities with great anticipation.

Publications on the topic:

Additional general development program “Skillful Hands” Explanatory note to the additional general developmental program “Skillful Hands” The purpose of the program: to create conditions for personal development.

Recently, my colleague and I decided to update the children's art board. The point is that we had a board for.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Everyone knows that manual labor contributes to the development of motor skills, attention, imagination, thinking and perseverance.

Purpose of the circle: Development of artistic and creative abilities in children through non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: - To form creativity.

The school year is coming to an end. On May 17, our kindergarten hosted an Open Day. I am the leader of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

Methodological development of a DIY fairy tale circle (origami + theater) MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SITNIKOVSKY KINDERGARTEN “ZVEZDOCHKA” Project in the direction “Social and personal.

State educational institution

"Sokolnichsky educational and pedagogical complex

kindergarten-secondary school"


Director of the State Educational Institution “Soklnichsky Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-Secondary School”

E.S. Belausova

Educational program

associations of interests

"Skillful Hands"

Program implementation period - 1 year


Head of Education Department,

sport and tourism Krichevsky

district executive committee


Explanatory note

The world in which people live today forces people to look for clear guidelines and to overcome the inconsistency of many ideas and knowledge formed as a result of the flow of information. In search of integrity, a person turns his gaze to history, strives to comprehend himself in complex connections not only with the present, but also with the past. His attention is directed to everything that gives rise to a feeling of lasting values. It is to such values ​​that he attributes ageless artistic thinking that never loses its attractiveness.

Decorative and applied arts foster a sensitive attitude to beauty and contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art goes deep and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the person of the future. Increasingly, works of decorative and applied art are penetrating people’s lives.

Seeing the beauty of objects of decorative and applied art, trying to make them with your own hands, isn’t that important, isn’t that interesting for a child?

Classes in an association of interests make it possible to significantly influence labor and aesthetic education and rationally use students’ free time. Working with paper, natural and waste materials, and fabric are the most common types of decorative and applied arts among schoolchildren. The simplicity of the equipment, the availability of tools and devices, materials, and the accessibility of work allow everyone to engage in arts and crafts.

Particular attention is paid to creating a friendly creative environment in the children's team, which helps to identify each individual's individuality.

The interest association “Skillful Hands” attracts children with the opportunity to make products from different materials: paper, thread, fabric, beads, etc. All products are used in everyday life, can be used for interior decoration, and many can be given as souvenirs. From the very first lessons, children begin to understand that the concept of “garbage” does not exist for an artist. Any object, any random find can be transformed by it and become a work of art.

The commonality of many works made from different materials with the products of folk craftsmen has a multifaceted significance. First of all, children get acquainted with Belarusian folk crafts and crafts of other peoples of the world. This is also the history of our ancestors, which has centuries-old traditions, bears the imprints of folk wisdom, skill, artistic taste, inexhaustible imagination and creativity.

The relevance of the program is that a child, especially a modern one, acutely feels the need to create his own world, mysterious, unusual and unique.

A significant element in the work of the association is expanding the horizons of children, their knowledge of materials and tools. Materials that are diverse in appearance and technological features create inexhaustible opportunities for the development of children's creativity, imagination, and the impulse to search for something new; they equip children with the skills and abilities to process various materials, and help them realize their power as a creator who is able to subjugate these materials to his will.

The choice of materials is determined by the material and technical base of the educational institution, the development of folk arts and crafts of their region, region, republic, as well as the interests of children.

The program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” was developed on the basis of the standard program of additional education for children and youth of the Ministry of Education of the Republic (art profile).

The period for obtaining additional education under the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” is 1 year. The program is implemented in full-time education and is designed for students of primary school age (6-10 years). The educational process during the implementation of the association program of interests is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students:

6-10 years old - classes are held once a week for 2 hours.

The main form of organizing the educational process when implementing the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” is the lesson. The duration of one study hour is 45 minutes. The duration of one lesson does not exceed 2 hours for 6-10 years.

The number of hours allocated in the program for each topic can be changed by the head of the association depending on the time that needs to be spent on manufacturing the product chosen for this topic. When students visit an association over several years, the topic of the program may change depending on the needs and interests of the children.

Completing the program requires students to master a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that generally ensure its practical implementation.

The program provides for teaching material in an “ascending spiral”, that is, from simple to complex. All tasks are appropriate in difficulty for children of a certain age. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, develops self-confidence.

Classes for students are held with mandatory breaks and ventilation of the room.

The program is based on modern pedagogical ideas, values, principles of training and education:

The principle of the national-cultural basis of training and education. During the association’s classes, special attention is paid to the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people, the need to preserve and enhance the traditions of arts and crafts;

The principle of a person-centered approach. Provides the opportunity for each student to identify and develop their individual inclinations and abilities with skillful pedagogical guidance from the teacher on the basis of dialogue, freedom of choice, meaning-making, and reflection;

The principle of creativity and success. The program provides differentiated individual creative tasks. Students’ participation in exhibitions stimulates creative activity, creates a situation of success, and creates a desire to improve themselves. Builds self-confidence;

The principle of continuity and consistency of acquired knowledge and skills. The study of the material is built from simple to complex, based on previously acquired knowledge and skills.

The principle of acquiring knowledge through activity. Children master theoretical material while working on their products.

Goal: aesthetic education, development of artistic taste, creative activity, imagination, and mastery of students through arts and crafts.

    create conditions for the child’s self-realization in creativity, the embodiment of his own unique features and individuality in artistic work;

    teach skills and ability to work with different tools, materials, observing safety regulations;

    introduce students to various types of arts and crafts;

    introduce students to a variety of folk crafts;

    develop students’ creative abilities and inclinations, labor skills and artistic taste;

    introduce students to Belarusian folk art, culture, history;

    cultivate respect for folk customs and traditions

Logistics support for the circle:

Paper, cardboard, foil;

Scissors, rulers, patterns, templates;

Pencils, paints, brushes, glue, eraser;

Beads, threads, wire.

To implement the program, it is necessary to comply with the following sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety standards:

Availability of a well-lit office, furniture appropriate for the age of the children;

Availability of cabinets for storing tools and materials;

Availability of instructions on labor protection and safety, fire safety;

Availability of a first aid kit;

Availability of exhibition space.

Students must be provided with the necessary tools and materials on the topic of the lesson.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic


Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.

Paper fantasies

In the kingdom of threads

The magic of beads

Final lesson

Introductory lesson (2)

Introduction to decorative and applied arts and products made using various techniques.

The purpose and objectives of the association. Contents of work in the process of studying the program.

Arts and crafts, variety of arts and crafts. Organization of the workplace. Tools and materials.

Rules for safe work, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene. Rules of conduct in the association.

Paper fantasies (30).

Brief information from the history of paper plastics. Demonstration of finished products. Acquisition of initial skills, techniques and methods of working with paper. Technology for working with various papers.

Tools, materials and accessories for work. Techniques and methods of working with paper.

Practical work.

Making crafts: postcards “Daisies”, “Bells”, “Poppies”, etc. Making products in various ways. Design of finished products.

In the kingdom of threads (20).

From the history of threads. Properties of the materials used. Technology for making products from threads. Materials, tools and equipment for work. Safe work rules.

Practical work.

Making soft toys based on pompoms: “Bird”, “Caterpillar”, New Year’s balls. Decorative design of finished products.

The magic of beads (16).

From the history of beads. Types of beads. Basics of color science. Selection of colors.

Tools, materials and accessories for work. Safe work rules.

The main beading techniques used for flowers and trees: parallel, loop, needle. Technology for making bead products.

Practical work.

Making simple beadwork: flowers, insects, small trees. Composing compositions, panels. Design of the finished product.

Final lesson (2).

Summing up the results of the association's activities for the year. Organization of an exhibition of students' works. Summer assignment.

Predicted results:

By the end of the academic year, students must

Technology for making souvenirs using various arts and crafts techniques;

Safety precautions when working with scissors, glue, wire, paper;

Main types of DPI, materials, tools and techniques for working with them.

Make simple arts and crafts products;

Apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice;

Work as a group, jointly look for solutions to assigned problems;

Master the rules of working with each type of material;

Compare and analyze.

Forms and methods of program implementation.

When implementing the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands”, both traditional teaching methods and innovative technologies are used: reproductive method (the teacher explains the material himself); explanatory and illustrative method (illustrations, demonstrations, including showing videos, presentations); problematic (the teacher helps in solving the problem); search (students solve the problem themselves, and the teacher draws a conclusion); heuristic (teacher’s presentation + creative search for students), developmental teaching methods, mutual learning method, time limit method, full load method (turns a lesson into a chain of expedient exercises that follow from one another), method of stepwise increase in loads (involves a gradual increase in loads as mastery of technology), method of game content, method of improvisation.

The use of various forms of training increases the productivity of classes and increases the interest of students in the educational process.

Depending on the goal set (educational, educational, developmental), various forms of work in classes are used: group, individual, game, etc. Classes can also take the form of creative tasks, competitions, competitions, excursions, travel, and final classes - in the form tests, exhibitions, creative reports.

To successfully implement the program, you must have: samples, templates, pictures, as well as the following materials: threads, glue, paper, brushes, scissors, paints, cardboard, beads, etc.

Expected results

Upon completion of the training course under the Skillful Hands program, students must:

Various types of creative arts, folk arts and crafts;

The sequence of performing any product in any studied technique;

Main types and properties of materials worked with;

Make products for various purposes using any studied technique.

Literature and information resource

For teachers

    Magazines “Ksyusha for lovers of needlework”

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"

    Internet resources

Literature for students

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"


about the club formation of arts and crafts "SKILLFUL HANDS"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Decorative and applied arts, as part of domestic and world artistic culture, which has absorbed the enriched experience of centuries of collective creativity, the wisdom and talent of many generations, will open up wide scope for creativity and development of people, making their lives morally more stable and spiritually richer.

1.2. The club formation “SKILLFUL HANDS” (hereinafter referred to as CF) was created on the basis of the branch of the Maryinsky Rural House of Culture.

1.3.KF is organized for children and lovers of arts and crafts, based on the common artistic interests and creative activities of the participants. 1.4.KF operates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the MBUK "CDC named after V.N. Sosin", these Regulations.

2. The purpose of the CF:

2.1.Providing information and practical assistance to children in creating arts and crafts items.

3. Objectives of the CF:

3.1. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in creating objects of decorative and applied creativity;

3.2. Broadening the horizons of children;

3.3. Study of folk traditions in decorative art;

3.4. Mastering the basics of artistic skill;

3.5. Development of imagination, imaginative thinking, artistic taste in children;

3.6. Development of imagination and emotional sphere; 3.7. Awakening interest in fine and decorative arts in children;


4.1. Educational work in the CF is determined by a plan and program, which should include:

Introduction to art history,

The processes occurring in amateur folk art,

Trends in the development of its individual types and genres;

Team members visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, concerts, etc. for educational and educational purposes.

4.2. Classes at the CF are conducted:

To study the history of decorative and applied arts;

Applied arts techniques - quilling, papier-mâché, decoupage, beading, etc.; compositions.

Working with natural materials - performing artistic and design tasks;

Organization of exhibitions,

4.3. Creative and organizational work includes:

Involving participants in the team on a voluntary basis in their free time from work (study);

Organizing and conducting systematic classes,

Activities to create a creative atmosphere in teams; conscientious fulfillment of instructions by participants, fostering a careful attitude towards the property of the institution;

Conducting creative reports on the results of their activities (exhibitions, demonstration classes and open lessons, master classes, etc.);

Participation in events and promotions of the Maryinsky SDK, the use of other forms of creative work and participation in cultural and social life;

Participation in municipal, regional, regional, all-Russian and international festivals, competitions, exhibitions, etc.;

Holding a general meeting of team members at the beginning and end of the year to sum up the results of creative work;

Accumulation of methodological materials, as well as materials reflecting the history of the development of the team (plans, diaries, reports, albums, layouts, programs, photos, videos, etc.) and creative work.

5. Procedure and management of the CF

5.1. The number of participants is determined by the head of the CF, taking into account the minimum standards for institutions located in rural areas: at least 6 people. 5.2. CF classes are held according to the schedule, at least 2 times a week at the Maryinsky SDK branch; Lesson duration is at least 1 hour

5.3. General management and control over the activities of the CF is carried out by the director of the base institution. To ensure the activities of the team, the head of the institution creates the necessary conditions, approves the regulations on the team, work plans, programs, income and expense estimates.

5.4. Direct management of the team is carried out by the head of the CF, who has experience working in an arts and crafts team

5.5. The head of the CF is hired and dismissed in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

5.6. The head of the CF is personally responsible for the organization of creative work, the program, the content of the team’s activities, its development and financial results.

Explanatory note

The world in which people live today forces people to look for clear guidelines and to overcome the inconsistency of many ideas and knowledge formed as a result of the flow of information. In search of integrity, a person turns his gaze to history, strives to comprehend himself in complex connections not only with the present, but also with the past. Here his attention is directed to everything that gives rise to a feeling of lasting values. It is to such values ​​that he attributes the growing artistic thinking of his ancestors, which never loses its attractiveness. It is no coincidence that a fair number of books and materials on folk arts and crafts are being published today. Folk arts and crafts foster a sensitive attitude to beauty and contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art enters the wilderness and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the person of the future. Increasingly, works of decorative and applied art are penetrating people’s lives.

Seeing the beauty of objects of decorative and applied art, trying to make them with your own hands, isn’t that important, isn’t that interesting for a child?

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that “a child by nature is an inquisitive researcher, a discoverer of the world. So let a wonderful world open before him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in fairy tales and games, in his own creativity, in the desire to do good to people. Through a fairy tale, fantasy, play, through unique children’s creativity, this is the sure way to a child’s heart.” In my opinion, a course in decorative and applied arts meets these requirements.

The “Skillful Hands” circle course introduces the child to the wonderful world of creativity, gives the opportunity to believe in themselves, in their abilities, and provides for the development of students’ visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, and creative individuality.

Purpose of the program- development of the creative abilities of a child who shows interest in artistic and creative activity, mastering the figurative language of decorative and applied arts.

To achieve this goal, the programs set the following tasks:


  • Develop skills and abilities in the production and design of completed work;
  • Teach children how to use tools and equipment;
  • Learn how to sew a seam;
  • Learn to sew toys and souvenirs, make appliqués from patches;
  • Teach artistic paper modeling;
  • Teach examples of constructing crafts from natural materials.


  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Develop attention, memory, imagination, perseverance;
  • Expand your artistic horizons, enrich your personal life and practical experience.


  • Foster hard work, relevance, and adequate self-esteem;
  • Form a creative approach to the chosen type of activity

For classes, children are offered artistic and technical techniques for making the simplest products available to primary schoolchildren. The content of the program is represented by various types of labor activities (working with paper, fabric, working with natural materials, working with waste materials) and is aimed at children mastering the elements necessary in life, handmade techniques with various materials, making toys, and various crafts useful for the home. For each type of work, the program contains a list of practical and theoretical work.

Working methods:

  • Visual: use of diagrams, tables, drawings, models, samples;
  • Non-standard: creative relay race, competition, exhibition;
  • Presentation.

Conditions for the program:

  1. There are children who want to gain additional knowledge in needlework.
  2. Classes will be held individually.
  3. It is possible to regularly organize exhibitions of works.
  4. There are special collections of methodological material.

Work principles

  1. The talent of children is universal: there are no untalented children, but there are those who have not yet found their business.
  2. Superiority: if someone does something worse than others, then something must turn out better - you need to look for it.
  3. The inevitability of change: no judgment about a person can be considered final.
  4. Success begets success: the main task is to create a situation of success for all children in every lesson, especially for those who are not sufficiently prepared: it is important to make them feel that they are no worse than others.

Club formation record sheet

1. Name of the club formation

"Skillful Hands" arts and crafts group

2. Information about the manager

Chumbaeva Lyudmila Nikolaevna

3. Financial source of work of the club formation

On budget financing.

List of members of the club formation

mug “Skillful hands”


Last name, first name


Date of Birth

Aladinsky Nikita

Belyakova Stefania

Bobrov Ilya

Stolbovsky Christian

Stolbovsky Denis

Solonenko Sergey

Zhigulin Ilya

Golunova Valeria

Zhigulina Karina

Solonenko Natalia

Sweet Maxim

Lapina Daria

Lesson notes


"Skillful Hands"

Lesson topic : Introductory lesson

Target :

the formation of artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastery of the figurative language of decorative and applied art.

Tasks :

Educational :

Contribute to the formation of children’s ideas about the work of the circle;

Familiarize students with types of handicrafts;

Generalize and expand children's ideas about needlework;

Familiarization with safety precautions during classes when working with tools.

Developmental :

Developing interest inmanual labor

Development of creative thinking;

Educational :

To cultivate in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing work techniques, diligence, listening skills, communication skills, neatness, activity, work culture, and the ability to work in a team.

Methodological equipment:

    Samples of labor objects

    phonogram with recorded music.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation

Equipment and tools: templates, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, natural material, pieces of fabric.

Techniques, methods, teaching technologies used:


    Demonstration of finished works

    Conversation explaining new material

    Independent work

Teaching methods :

Conversation, showing samples, discussion, dialogue, viewing slides.

Type of activity : learning new material (introductory lesson)

Lesson form: creative workshop (frontal, individual, work in small groups),

Predicted result: interest

Connection with other areas (subjects): the surrounding world, music.


    Organizing time .

Psychological mood.

Teacher: -Hello guys! Today I will give you a lesson in the “Skillful Hands” circle.

I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

Let's smile at each other to make everyone feel warmer on this cold winter day!

Guys, I want to introduce you to the work of the “Skillful Hands” circle, i.e. e.

with what you can do in the classes of this circle and what this circle is about.

2. Introduction to the topic.

And the roots of the circle go deep into the ancient history of mankind.

We call everything that has come to us from time immemorial folk art.Folk art originated a very, very long time ago. This most likely happened when the first thinking human ancestor with the poetic name Petya Kanthrop, having crushed a mammoth with a stone club, expressively said with some Cenozoic accent:

Petya Kanthrop

mammoth clap!

This was the beginning.

Along with the development of humanity, folk art also developed. In some year of the next century(even during the reign of King Pea) Russian folk tales began to appear. And in order to make interesting tales when telling children fairy tales, the ancient man first drew the heroes of fairy tales on a stone in a cave, then sculpted them from clay, carved them from wood, sewed them from animal skins, and then from fabric. This is how handicraft appeared.

What is handicraft?(children's answers: Handicraft is something that you can do yourself from paper, from fabric, from natural materials.)

Right.Handicraft is a type of human activity, in other words, employment . We can also say that handicraft is a hobby, DIY creativity or, in other words, a hobby. Each of you has ever done something with your own hands. For example, I painted nature outside the window. And even if you don’t know how to draw, but with your work you conveyed what you see, how you understand the beauty of this world. Through our works we convey all the love, beauty and kindness.

Tell me, it’s more pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands than those you bought in a store. So in the “Skillful Hands” club classes we will make various crafts with our own hands. And you can give your work to your loved one for some holiday or just to do something nice.

And now I will show you what crafts can be made during the club’s classes, what crafts are made by the children who are already attending this circle.

3. “Skillful Hands” circle. View slides about the mug.

4. Practical task. Work in groups.

1. - And now, guys, you will play the role of Russian masters. You will work in groups. Each group will make their own craft.

Can you work in groups?

How should you work in groups?

Let's remember the rules of working in groups

Rules for working in groups:

1. Select a group commander.

2. We work together, amicably.

Now, each group, after consulting, will choose its commander.(children choose)


Then we can safely get to work.

2. - Group commanders go out and select a sample of the craft that will be made.(choice)

What else do you need for your work?(answers)

Right. You select all the material on the next table according to your sample.

You can use your imagination and add something of your own to the item you are making.

Physical education minute.

(To the tune of the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”).

Together it’s fun to walk through the open spaces, through the open spaces, through the open spaces,

And of course it’s better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.

They sat down once, sat down twice, rested,

They stood up once, stood up twice, and stretched.

One right, two left turned

And each other smiled good-naturedly.

5. Practical work. (music sounds)

Each group begins to complete the assigned task. We work quickly and amicably.

6. Exhibition of children's works.

7. Summing up.

- Look what wonderful crafts you have made.
- Today you saw how much your hands can do. You played the role of Russian masters and you succeeded.
Each group completed the task and did very well.

But there is so much in the world that you can still learn, and the “Skillful Hands” club can teach you this.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Thank you everyone for the lesson and for the communication. I wish you success.

- Who had fun making crafts with their own hands?

- Why?