Summary of the routine moment (dressing for a walk) in the younger group (2–3 years). Dressing children for a walk in kindergarten Didactic game “Dress the doll Masha for a walk”

Lyubov Berezutskaya
Lesson summary in routine moments “Getting dressed for a walk in the second junior group”

Consultation for educators" Getting dressed for a walk in the second junior group"

Teacher Berezutskaya L. Yu.

My work as a teacher began six months ago in second younger group. And immediately I was faced with a problem - HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN QUICKLY AND WITHOUT TEARS DRESS FOR OUTDOORS? I read a lot of literature in the teacher’s office, on the Internet, but I never found a specific algorithm, so I had to rely on my imagination. I took the beginning from Krylova’s book for second junior group, and the rest I came up with myself, my kids really like it, they get dressed have fun walking!

The drivers got up, let's go to the locker room by car. We'll pump gasoline. (exercise of the articulatory apparatus Sh-Sh-Sh)

Educator:(sings)“The car, the car is moving, humming...

In the car, the children go to the locker room,

The driver is sitting.

Beep beep...

(children go to the locker room)

Educator: Where have we come? TO THE LOCKER ROOM. There are lockers with our clothes here. Everyone sit down on the benches (they stand in the middle). Boys, go to your lockers. See who recognizes your picture (general instructions must be given convincingly and confidently, but individual instructions must be given very gently, affectionately, sympathetically).

Educator: Well done boys, everyone found their lockers. Now girls, find your lockers. Open the doors, carefully, look, are there clothes there? Eat! Close the doors. Well done! Polina, Stas, Katya hear me well. (Whispers). Sit on the bench. (in a whisper, but powerfully). Take off your sandals, knock them like this (shows). Well done Angelica, she already has sandals. Well done Alyosha!

And now (in a calm tone) put the sandals in the closet on the bottom shelf and sit on the bench. Take off one sock and the other, show me both socks - I see it on Daniil, I see it on Nastya. Hide them in the closet, in the pocket on the door and immediately take out the tights. Sit down. Look, you have a red circle glued to your tights (children look at the tights and find a circle). You turn the tights so that the circle "watched" on me. This is what will happen "before" at the tights. As soon as you put on the tights, I will glue a large white circle here on the poster. (glue). Now take out your blouses. On your blouses there is a blue circle glued to the front right. Wear blouses, and I'll glue another white circle here, above the first circle.

Now take some warm pants. Look: You also have a circle on your pants, in your pocket. Put them on quickly, and I'll glue a small white circle here, above the previous two.

Guys, look what we got on the poster? Who does it look like?

Children: To the snowman!

Educator: Well done boys. And really, you and I got a snowman. There's just something missing from him. Why, guys? Look carefully.

Children: Eye, nose, hat.

Educator: Of course, guys. Where will we look for all this? Maybe under the bench? (children look under the bench). Or maybe on your hats? Get the hats out of your lockers quickly and look at them.

Children: Found!

Educator: What did you find? A circle?

Children: No! Square.

Educator: Certainly. You found a square snowman hat. Wear your hats like that so that I can see the squares. And I'll glue a hat on the snowman. (together with the nanny we help tie hats).

Now take out your jackets. Look, these are not jackets at all, but a big mountain with cave-sleeves. And there are magical mittens hidden in the caves, whoever puts them on will not have freezing hands! Let's find these magical mittens. The handle crawls into the cave slowly and carefully so as not to crush the mitten. Has everyone found the magic mittens? Well done boys! (with the nanny we help button up our jackets)

Now take out your scarves, look, you have a triangle glued to your scarves. It should be on the nose, because it is the nose of a snowman. (we help tie scarves).

Now grab your shoes and let's put on your shoes. Look, you have circles glued to the outside of your boots; these are the eyes of a snowman. Place your boots so that you can pat the circles with your palms (show how to clap). Now put on your shoes, we will help you fasten them. Have you put your shoes on? Let's glue some eyes on our snowman. So we have a nice snowman! Let's put on mittens and recite a poem about snowman:

One hand, two hands, we sculpt a snowman!

Three-four, three-four - let's draw a wider mouth,

Five - let's find a carrot for the nose,

We'll find coals for our eyes,

Six, let's put our hat on askew,

let him laugh with us!

Seven and eight, seven and eight

We'll ask him to dance!

Nine - ten snowman, somersault over his head!

What a circus!

We go outside.

Of course, you can use other images (for example, a Christmas tree before the New Year, a tree with leaves and fruits, glue whole pictures).

Undoubtedly, it is labor-intensive and requires preparation, but the result is worth it!

Of course, I don’t play this game every day, but twice a week is a must. On other days, you can just use a creative word.

Entered into group doll Masha dressed in outerwear and the teacher turns to children:

Children, look who came to us. This is a Masha doll.

Our Masha is small,

She's wearing a scarlet fur coat,

beaver edge,

Masha is black-browed.

Masha got ready for walk, and it’s cold outside and that’s why she dressed so warmly.

Come on, you and I will also get dressed now and go outside to play.

One two three four five

We're going for a walk.

(The teacher and the children go to the locker room).

I’ll put the doll Masha here, she’ll look like the kids get dressed. And you take off your sandals and put them in the locker.

If you want take a walk,

Need it quickly dress,

Open the closet door

In order dress.

First put on tights.

Gather your panties into an accordion,

And put it on your leg.

You take the other pant leg

Pull it the same way.

Are you wearing tights?

Now what dress?


Right. Some have blouses, some have sweaters. And the Masha doll is looking at you, guys. Here, Masha, how the kids are trying, themselves get dressed.

Look, on the street

It started to get colder.

It's time for a blouse

For kids dress.

They put on blouses and sweaters.

-We put on all the pants.

Now hurry up and get up

And panties dress.

All the kids have warm pants. The kids won't freeze outside in these pants. Nastya, what color are your pants? (Red). Right. And you, Timur (blue). What about you, Adelinochka? (blue). Well done.


Where are your ears?

Ears in a hat

Paws won't reach

(Children put on hats) .

So that your ears don't hurt

They quickly put on the hat.

And then a jacket

For long term walks.

Well, here are our jackets. The kids can’t zip up their jackets yet, so we’ll help them. And we'll tie scarves.

(The teacher and the nanny help the children).

One two three four five

We're going for a walk.

Nastenka tied it up

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots.

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and gallop.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots.

Nice boots

Your feet won't freeze.

All that remains is for the kids to put on mittens.

So as not to freeze

Five guys

They are sitting in a knitted stove.

It's about mittens. We put on our mittens and we all go outside together.

Go out to walk.

Stanovskaya Lyubov Alekseevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 5 "Rainbow"
Locality: Kholmsk, Sakhalin region
Name of material: plan - outline
Subject: Game situation “Dress the doll for a walk” in the second younger group
Publication date: 15.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 5 “Rainbow” of the municipal formation “Kholmsky”

urban district" of the Sakhalin region

694620 Russia Kholmsk, st. Shkolnaya, 52, tel.: 2-00-91

Topic: "Let's dress the doll for a walk."

Game-situation in the second junior group.

Educator: Stanovskaya L.A.



– Fix the algorithm for putting on clothes.

Program content:

Educational field: “Social and communicative development”

Develop and enrich play activities with a doll

Educational field: “Cognitive development”.

To consolidate children's knowledge about clothes and how to put them on,

Strengthen children's understanding of the signs of winter

Activate children's vocabulary

Encourage children to use names of items of clothing and

actions related to it.

Cultivate a desire to help the doll Katya.

Preliminary work:






“We’ll pick

undress”, consideration of illustrations on a winter theme.

Material: Doll Masha, wardrobe with winter clothes for the doll: hat, jacket,

trousers, scarf, mittens, felt boots, panels in the corner of nature “Winter”, cards -



“Children, let’s stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other and

Let's say "good morning" to everyone!

Guys, let's sit down on the chairs.

Now look at the pictures.

Q - who is depicted in the picture?

Q. - What do the children do?

D. - (They build a snowman, ride a sled, play snowballs).

Q. – When do they walk in summer or winter?

D. - In winter.

V. – Are they dressed warmly?

V. - What are the children wearing?

D. - Warm hats, jackets, mittens….

V. - What time of year is it now?


It's winter-winter

You swept everything at home,

I decorated the Christmas trees with hats,

Covered the yard with a white shawl,

In the snow, in the snowdrifts

Everything is white - winter has come!

Let's sit down on the chairs.


Guys, I hear some strange sounds, what about you? Listen, I think

someone is crying. Where could this be? I'll go and have a look, just quietly, otherwise

we'll scare you. (In the locker room).

The teacher brings in the doll.

This is Katya doll. Say hello to Katya (children say hello).

Why are you upset, Katya? (the teacher leans the doll to his ear, pretending

the doll speaks).

Katya said that she went for a walk, but was very cold, outside.

V. - Look what Katya is wearing?

D. - Cap, Sandals, sundress.

Q. - Guys, is it possible to walk in such clothes in winter?

D. – No, it's cold outside and you can freeze.

V.- Of course, because it’s very cold outside, but before you go

to go for a walk, we need to wear warm clothes.

What will we wear?

(children's answers)

Let's play the game "Get Dressed for a Walk"

(Children, imitating, put on socks, trousers, a jacket, a hat, and then


V. - Well done. Let's sit down on the chairs.


Let's help Katya get dressed.

V. - Katya, where are your things?

K. – Shows things laid out on the table.


are considering


name of clothing).

Educator: Now let's help the Katya doll get dressed for a walk.

Children: Let's go.

Educator: Tanya, what should we dress the doll first? (Tights.) That's right,

- Misha, what will we wear next? (Trousers.)

– Vika, what do we wear after the pants? (Blouse.) Well done, Vika.

- Nastenka, after the sweater, shall we put on mittens? (No. Hat.)

- Lenya, after the hat, shall we put on boots? (No, you need to put on a fur coat.) Well done,

- Ilya, what will you wear for the doll after the fur coat? (Boots.) That's right, Kostya!

- Veronica, what are we going to wear after the boots? (Scarf and mittens.) Well done.

while sleeping



So Katya is ready to walk with us!

I think that Katya remembered how to dress properly. Thank you,

guys, helped Katya.


And goodbye Katya, we will leave you pictures and diagrams that will help you

It will be easy to remember what to wear first.

Let's guys remind Katya once again how to do it correctly, in order.

put on clothes (use algorithm).

The doll thanks the children for their help.

And now let's say goodbye to Katya. (Goodbye).

Final part.

Guys, who came to visit us? (Doll Katya).

What couldn’t Katya do? (dress for a walk in winter).

What did we do for the doll? (We wore it for a walk).

What did we dress her first? (tights, etc.).

Well done. Today the doll Katya came to visit us. Well done you helped

She should get dressed, because it’s very cold outside, frosty. Our doll will not freeze.

Fix the correct sequence when dressing.

Strengthen the ability to put on boots correctly.

To develop cultural and hygienic undressing skills.

Now everyone goes to the toilet, then we go get dressed for a walk.

The children go to the toilet, then to the locker room.

Children begin to dress for a walk, I pay attention to the principle of sequence: tights, jacket, pants, boots, hat, jacket, mittens, scarf.

I help children when necessary.

Children stand at the door and go out with the teacher.

When going to kindergarten, we shake off the sand.

We go into the kindergarten, the children begin to undress. I help if necessary.

Looking at the locker.

Outline of conducting an outdoor game.

Game name: Find your color.

Venue of the game: street.

Wellness: improve health, develop spatial orientation.

Educational: consolidation of color knowledge.

Educational: create a positive emotional mood, develop attention.

Today we will play the game “find your color”.

I give each child flags of different colors.

Each one has checkboxes. When I raise a blue flag, those with blue flags run up to me. And when I raise the pink flag, the one with the pink flag runs up to me. If I picked up orange, then orange flags come to me.

In the meantime, we're walking.

I raise the flag. The children come up and show the flags.

I raise the flag like this 6-7 times.

Well done, everyone found their color, although there were those who did not match their color.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Before lunch, please wash your hands with soap. “Let’s go wash our hands.” I make sure they wash their hands with soap.

When they’ve washed, I say: “Let’s take our seats.” "Bon Appetit everyone!"

When the children have eaten, I say: “Lunch is over. Let's get up. We push in the chair. What needs to be said? We take the cups to the tray.”

Preparation for sleep.

Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic undressing skills.

Now everyone goes to the toilet, then they take chairs and go to the bedroom.

The children went to the toilet, took their chairs and went into the bedroom. When the children undress, I help as needed. The children go to lie down on their beds. I cover them with a blanket.

We close our eyes.

Kids are sleeping.


Day plan: preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon snack, getting your appearance in order, preparing for dinner dinner.

Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea.

Purpose: to remind cultural and hygienic eating habits.

Before afternoon tea, I ask you to go wash your hands: “Let’s go wash our hands.”

When the children have washed their hands, I say: “Let’s take our seats.” "Bon Appetit everyone."

During meals, I make sure that the children sit upright and eat in silence.

When the children have eaten, I say: “The afternoon snack is over. Let's get up. We push in the chair. What needs to be said? We take the cups to the tray.”

Getting the appearance in order

The children take turns coming up to me. They sit on a chair. I give them ponytails.

Preparing for dinner, dinner.

Purpose: to remind cultural and hygienic eating habits.

Before dinner, I ask the children to wash their hands: “Let’s go wash our hands.”

During meals, I make sure that the children sit upright and eat in silence.

When the children have eaten, I say: “dinner is over. Let's get up. We push in the chair. What needs to be said? We take the cups to the tray.”


Day plan: morning exercises, preparing for breakfast, breakfast, dressing children for a walk, returning from a walk, outdoor play, preparing for lunch, lunch, getting ready for bed.

Plan - outline

Morning exercises in the second junior group.

Location: group

FC instructor: Anastasia Sergeevna


Wellness: help strengthen muscles.

Educational: continue to teach clearly and perform exercises correctly.

Educational: create a positive emotional mood, arouse interest in physical education.

Equipment: no

Use of music: no

Content Dosage Organizational and methodological recommendations
1 introductory Construction. Walking. Run. 2-3 laps 2-3 laps. Let's get ready to charge. Everyone turns to Lisa. Step march! Let's march!
2 main Outdoor switchgear complex "Buratino" 1. Buratino rejoices. IP: standing, arms to the side. 1 – clap in front of the chest. 2 – move your arms to the sides. 2. Pinocchio turns to the dolls. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- hands on shoulders 2- turn 3- arms straight out. 4- hands on shoulders. 3. Pinocchio ties his shoelaces. I. p.: sitting, legs slightly apart. 1 – lean towards the right leg. 2- return to i. step 3 - lean towards the left leg. 4- return to i. P. 5 times. 5 times. 5 times. Now we will rejoice like Pinocchio. Hands to the sides and clap. Check. We're done. Now we will turn to the dolls. To do this, put your hands to your shoulders and turn around. When we turn, we straighten our arms. And we return our hands to our shoulders. Check. We're done. We sit on the floor. We spread our legs. We don't bother anyone. We bend over and tie our shoelaces. We straighten up and bend over to the other leg, tie the lace. Legs are straight. Check. We're done.
3 Zakl – I 4. Pinocchio is jumping. I. p.: standing. 8 jumps on two legs in place, alternating with walking. 2-3 times Let's get up. Now we will jump, walk in place. Now let's jump. We're done.

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Purpose: to remind cultural and hygienic eating habits.

Before breakfast, I ask the children to wash their hands: “Let’s go wash our hands.”

After the children have washed their hands, I say: “Let’s take our seats.” "Bon Appetit everyone!"

During meals, I make sure that the children sit upright and eat in silence.

When the children have eaten, I say: “Breakfast is over. Let's get up. We push in the chair. What needs to be said? We take the cups to the tray.”

Summary of a lesson on cognitive activity in the first junior group "How to dress for a walk in winter"

Erokhina Irina Yurievna, teacher of the MBDOU "CRR-DS "Smile" Abaza, Republic of Khakassia.

Description: This educational activity is intended for teachers of the first junior group.

Purpose: GCD in winter for children of the first junior group can serve as GCD for a competition.

Target: Creating favorable conditions for the formation of the concept of the generalizing word “clothing” in younger preschoolers.

1. Differentiate types of clothing by season: summer, winter clothing.
2. Create conditions for the development of the ability to recognize and name items of clothing.
3. Contribute to the development of comparison and generalization skills.
4. Create conditions for instilling neatness and attention to one’s appearance, and careful handling of clothing.
5. Exercise and match a pair to an object, matching them by color.
Methods and techniques:
Verbal: conversation, questions.
Visual: showing pictures of winter and summer clothes; didactic game “Find a Pair”
Practical: didactic game “What do you wear on the street.”
Previous work:
1. Excursion with parents to a children's clothing store.
2. Conversation about the purpose of clothing.
3. Examination with children of their personal clothing.
4. Conversation with children while dressing for a walk, showing on a doll.
Individual work:
Encourage Varya, Seryozha, Angelina to verbally pronounce the names of items of clothing.

1. Problem situation.

- Guys, look, the Katya doll has come to visit us. But for some reason she is shaking a lot. She froze! Guys, why do you think she was frozen? (Because she came to us in one thin dress) Is it possible to walk in a thin dress now? What time of year is it now? That's right, it's winter outside. What's the weather like outside in winter? (frosty, cold, snowy, strong wind blowing) That's right, guys. What clothes should you wear in winter? (warm). What is the name of the clothes we will wear in winter? (winter). What will we wear in winter? And what about the clothes we will wear in the summer? (summer).
– Is it possible to walk in summer clothes in winter? Why not? (you might get sick).
- Katya, what do you have in the box? What do you guys think? (Game “Choose winter clothes” - children divide clothes into two groups (winter for the snowflake, and summer for the flower))

2. Breathing exercises “Snow path”.

Oh, guys, look, the whole path is covered with snow, how can Katya go for a walk? … Right! We need to clear the path for her. (Children blow on cotton snowflakes, blowing them off the path). Well, now we have cleared the path, we can invite Katya for a walk.

3. Didactic game “Find a Pair”

While we were clearing the path, Katyusha mixed up all her clothes, help her find a pair. I have one sock, Varya, find the second one... what did you give me Varya (sock)

4. Outdoor game “I’ll freeze”

It's gotten really cold outside, we need to warm up faster. Let's play…
I'm not afraid of frost, I'll make good friends with it
The frost will come up to me, touch my cheeks, touch my nose
This means you need to not yawn, run, jump and gallop.

5. Reflection. Game "What for"

Guys, look, our doll is still not dressed.
Katya, now you have warm clothes, put them on quickly, and we’ll meet for a walk.
(Dressing up a paper doll...)

- What did we do today? Where did you go? What did you like most today?
Lesson summary: Katya the doll treats the children with vitamins so that they are always healthy.


Topic: “Learning to dress and undress”

(Junior preschool age)

Educator: Pavlenko Lidiya Mikhailovna,

Krasnoyarsk, Kirovsky district, MBDOU No. 22

Cycle of events:

  • Didactic exercises.
  • Didactic games.
  • Games - activities.
  • Games and exercises aimed at developing the skills of dressing and undressing.
  • Artistic works used to develop children's cultural and hygienic skills and foster independence in self-care.

The purpose of the training cycle:

Purposefully forming children's independence in self-service from a microprocess to a holistic process.

Game educational situations.

“Each leg goes to its own house”

Target: teach the child to put on tights independently, see the parts of the clothing and act correctly in accordance with the goal (grab tights by the elastic band, focusing on the mark - a piece of brightly colored fabric or embroidery; look for holes for each leg; insert legs one by one into the holes; put on tights from the sock, first gathering them into an “accordion” so that the heel is in place; pull up the tights so that the elastic is on the waistband).Fix the child's attention on the sequence of actions and methods of control. Evoke in the child positive emotions associated with achieving success in self-care activities.

“We now know how to dress ourselves for a walk”

Target: consolidation of the sequence and methods of rational execution of dressing actions. Teaching basic self-control using a subject-schematic model of the sequence of dressing for a walk. Formation of humane ways of behavior in joint activities with peers (the ability to offer help, thank).

"Katya in a new dress"

Target : acquaintance with girls’ clothing items: name items of clothing (dress, tights, shoes) and their most striking features.

“Kolya visiting the children”

Target: examining the boy’s clothes (trousers, shirt, socks, boots): name items of clothing and their most striking features.

“What is the Anya doll wearing?”

Target: learn to name items of clothing; teach to take off and put on the named item of clothing after the show (later on verbal prompting); continue to teach children to play with the doll.

“Katya’s doll’s warm hat”

Target: expansion of children's ideas about items of clothing and their purpose: it is cold outside, children began to wear warm hats with ties so that they would not get too windy and would be warm. Developing the ability to examine an object, isolating parts and the purpose of each part. Based on the simplest sensory analysis, identification of the quality of the fabric (thick, fluffy, soft).

“Whose clothes?”

Target: looking at the items of clothing in the pictures and identifying clothes for Katya and Kolya.

“Let’s choose clothes for the dolls”


“Let’s put the doll to sleep”

Target: activating the names of clothing items in the dictionary and mastering words denoting the actions and qualities of the items: unbutton, take off, hang neatly, the dress is red, beautiful, clean.

"Katya wakes up"

Target: dress the doll after sleep; enrich your vocabulary with words: put on, tie a belt, fasten, straighten a bow.

“Let’s teach Katya how to dress”

Target: teach sequential dressing of a doll using a diagram - an algorithm for the dressing sequence.

“Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

Target: continue to teach children to remember and name items of winter (demi-season) clothing, to know their purpose, the sequence of dressing.

"Pick it right"

Target: clarify and consolidate knowledge of winter (demi-season) clothing.

“Doll Katya is not afraid of frost”

Target: recognize and name items of winter outerwear and shoes; identify and name some characteristics of winter clothing and footwear.

“Katya and Masha are going to a party”

Target: teach children comparison by color; name the most striking signs.

Didactic exercises and games

Didactic exercise"Find your locker"

Target: introduce the purpose and methods of using a clothes locker; develop the ability to navigate in the subject space; enrich and activate children's vocabulary using words: cabinet, door, shelf, open, close, put, fold, hang.

Didactic game“Let’s teach the doll Katya to undress”

Target: help children remember the sequence of undressing. Learn to hang and fold clothes neatly. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll.

Didactic game“Let’s choose clothes for the dolls”

Target: learn to name items of clothing, differentiate clothes for boys and girls, and consistently dress a doll.

Game - activity “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

Target: develop the skill of sequential actions of dressing for a walk. Continue to teach children to remember and name items of winter (demi-season) clothing, to know their purpose. Cultivate neatness and respect for clothing; desire to take care of the doll.

Games and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands, promoting the successful development of self-care skills and cultural and hygienic skills.

“Stringing large balls on a string with a wooden tip”

Target: continue to develop the ability to grasp objects with a pinch, continue to develop consistency in the work of both hands.

Dictionary: beads, laces; I string, I stretch.

“Pick a bead to the cord”

Target: continue to develop the ability to use your fingers - grab with a pinch; string beads onto a cord; match the color of the bead and cord.

" Money box"

Target: improves “pincer (pinch) grip”; continues to develop hand-eye coordination; put small coins in the narrow opening of the piggy bank.

“What’s in the wallet?”

Target: fold your fingers in a certain way, convenient for grasping the zipper tongue; unfasten and fasten zippers, button; develop memory (put things in their place).

“What did Manya forget to wear?”

Target: fasten the “zip” on the doll’s blouse, fix the dressing algorithm, develop memory and imagination, improve thought processes - analysis and synthesis.

"Doors are closing"

Target: improve the skill of fastening and unfastening a zipper; improves fine motor coordination of the fingers of both hands.

Dictionary: understand and name parts of the car: “doors”, “cabin”; use the verbs of the present and past tense in the active dictionary: “I unbutton - unbuttoned”, “I open - opened”.


Target : improve the ability to fasten various types of fasteners: zipper, buttons, Velcro; match the color of the insect to the button.

Dictionary: understand, know, name insects, designate them with nouns “butterfly”, “dragonfly”, “caterpillar”.

"Tie the Fox's Tail"

Target: improving the ability to fasten Velcro; consolidate knowledge of fox body parts; continue to develop orientation in space (from behind).

"Hedgehog with fruit"

Target: consolidate the ability to fasten Velcro fasteners, attach fruits to the back of a hedgehog; navigate in space - from above; fix the name of the fruit; sympathize and help those in need.

"Drying clothes"

Target : take an object with a pincer grip; continues to develop finger strength; open the clothespin and use it to attach the clothes to the rope.

Dictionary: understand and use singular and plural nouns “clothespin - clothespins”; verbs of the present tense of the indicative mood: “I open”, “I close”, “I hang”, “I dry”.

"Lay out the buttons"

Target: continues to improve correlative movements; the ability to grasp objects with “tweezers” (with two fingers - thumb and index); distinguish and denote in words the size of an object (large, small button).

Dictionary: understand and use diminutive forms of nouns “button - button”; present and past tense verbs “took”, “lowered”, “fell”.

“Which tree did the leaf fall from?”

Target: fasten small buttons; group leaves by color - yellow, red.

Dictionary: understand and use singular and plural nouns in active speech: “leaf - leaves”, “branch - branches”; present and past tense verbs: “hanging”, “fell”.

"Tie Your Shoes"

Target: teach children to tie the first knot.

"Let's tie a bow for the doll"

Target: will strengthen the ability to tie a knot, empathize with other people, and rejoice with them.

Dictionary: understand and use the nouns “I’m tying” in active speech; adjectives denoting the color of the bow.

Artistic works used to develop children's cultural and hygienic skills and foster independence in self-care.

Folk songs, nursery rhymes

  • "Potyagunushki";
  • “Our Masha is small...”;
  • “Felt boots, felt boots, small ones, small ones...”;

Writers for children

  • "New things"
  • “Shoes” by A. Barto;
  • “The cold has come” by A. Barto;
  • “I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes” by E. Blaginin;
  • “In little mittens...” 3. Alexandrova;
  • “Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya
  • “Katya in the manger” 3. Alexandrova

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied it up

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and gallop.


Masha put on her mitten:

Oh, where am I going?

There is no finger, it’s gone,

I didn’t get to my little house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

You search and search and you will find.

Hello, little finger!

How are you?


Carcass, carcass,

Where are your ears?

Ears in a hat

The paws won't reach.


There's a shoemaker living in our alley,

He repairs and sews shoes for the children.

Knock-knock and knock-knock, knock-knock and knock-knock (while saying these words, tap the child’s shoe)

From morning to night he mends shoes,

So that they are like new after repair.

Knock-knock and knock-knock, knock-knock and knock-knock (tap the shoe again)


Aunt Agashka,

Sew me a shirt!

We need to dress up

Let's go for a ride.


You and I will go for a walk. Let's play with the kids.

So that my Katya never freezes.

We'll put on a hat to hide our ears,

On top of Katya's head. And a warm scarf on your neck,

Very soft and big. Well, now the overalls

Katenkin's favorite. You will become like a gnome

My little flower, dear! I'll put you in a stroller

And I'll tell you a fairy tale.


We put on a roar

A hat for your head

Felt boots for feet,

And now the boots

Wait, don't cry,

And put on your fur coat!

Mittens are small

They flew in like birds,

Jump on the right handle -

Jump on the left handle

We'll go for a walk

We will find the dog!


Now let's go for a walk.

Let's play with the kids.

But so that my Nastenka

Never frozen.

We'll put on a hat

To hide your ears

On top of Nastya's head.

And a warm scarf on your neck,

Very soft and big.

Well, now the overalls

Nastenkin's beloved.

You will become like a gnome

My little flower, darling!

I'll put you in a stroller

I'll tell you an interesting tale.


We'll go for a walk now

But let's not freeze.

To make us warmer,

Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket!

The ribbon is bright!

The blanket is hot!

Just eyes and nose!

For a walk! Out in the cold!


We're on chubby little hands

We put on a shirt

Repeat after me the words:

Pen - one, and pen - two!

Let's fasten the clasps

On your clothes:

Buttons and buttons>

Various rivets.


To my baby

We'll put on pants.

Repeat after me the words:

leg - one, and leg - two!

Now let's go for a walk.

Let's play with the kids.


If you want to go for a walk, you need to get dressed quickly,

Open the closet door and put them on in order.

Panties come first, followed by a T-shirt:

For a girl - with a bead, for a boy - with a bunny.

And then you and I will put on tights,

We will put each leg in its own house.

So we got to the shirt with you.

Here, each pen also has its own house.

Now feel free to put on your pants.

Tuck your shirt into them skillfully.

Look, it's getting colder outside.

It's time for the kids to put on a blouse.

Now let’s put our boots on our feet.

To prevent your ears from hurting, you quickly put on a hat.

And then a jacket for a long walk.