Calorie content during drying in men. Body drying nutrition for men: menu for the week. Safe weight loss. how to stay healthy while losing weight

Body fat is a special diet that is designed to burn fat while preserving muscle mass as much as possible. This means that with properly organized drying, you will be able to burn fat deposits as much as possible, and not muscles (this is what happens when following most fashionable diets).

Maintaining muscle mass will provide benefits such as a more attractive silhouette (toned muscles with a minimal amount of fat look much better than sagging skin after an exhausting diet), as well as a more varied diet (people with a higher percentage of muscle mass can afford to eat much more calories without danger to your figure).

Many women work hard to train their abdominal muscles for years, but they are hidden by subcutaneous fat. If you want to see your sculpted abs, then drying is the perfect solution for you. Let’s immediately say that drying is suitable for those who need to lose up to 10 kg. Otherwise, drying may take longer, and then your health will suffer greatly. In general, drying should last about two months.

It should be borne in mind that 80% of success in cutting depends on nutrition, but you also need to remember about physical activity.

  1. Preservation of muscle tone and muscle mass.
  2. Increased metabolism and, accordingly, faster burning of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Increasing the calorie window, due to which weight loss occurs.

Where to start the drying process?

Drying should not start abruptly. This is the strictest, the body needs to be prepared for it. Therefore, 2-3 weeks before drying, you should reduce your protein intake to a maximum and carbohydrates to a minimum. This means that it is necessary to exclude all harmful products from the diet, from baked goods and sweets to smoked products. Remains in the diet: whole grain bread, cereals, pasta made from rye flour, as well as durum wheat. Of course, the basis of the diet will be protein products such as meat, fish, legumes and low-calorie milk.

Drying was invented for athletes and in its original form it involves 4 periods. During any drying period, the minimum daily calorie intake should be higher than 1200 kcal. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in serious health problems.

The first drying period (stage) lasts 4 - 6 weeks. At this stage, you should consume 50-60% protein, 10-20% fat and 20-30% carbohydrates (20% is better). The optimal calorie content for this period will be 1600 kcal per day. Following this condition, protein should be 200 grams (820 kcal), fat - 34 grams (320 kcal), carbohydrates about 117 grams (480 kcal).

Sample menu at this stage:

  • breakfast example: boiled chicken egg + 1 egg white (throw away the yolk or give it to the enemy), oatmeal cooked in water (per 50 grams of dry cereal) + green tea.

Total: 22 g protein + 14 g fat + 34 g carbohydrates. Calories – 260 kcal.

  • second breakfast (after about 2 hours): 100 grams of chicken breast + salad of boiled grated beets (about 200 grams), seasoned with a teaspoon (4.5 grams) of flaxseed (olive) oil + medium apple (about 200 grams).

Total: proteins 27 g (111 kcal) + 6.5 g fat (61 kcal) + 38 g carbohydrates (156 kcal). Calories – 328 kcal.

  • lunch: 200 g squid fillet + rice porridge on water (50 g dry cereal) + salad (fresh cabbage or cucumbers) - 200 g + 1 tsp. olive oil.

Total: proteins - 46.5 grams, carbohydrates - 46.5 grams, fats - 6.5 grams. Calories – 441.

  • snack: 200 grams of baked chicken breast.

Total: proteins - 47 g, fats 4 g. Calories – 230 kcal.

  • afternoon snack: omelet of 5 chicken proteins, fried without oil.

Total: proteins - 18 g. Calories – 74.

  • dinner: boiled chicken fillet 150 g + salad of 100 g shredded white cabbage (can be sprinkled with lemon juice).

Total: proteins - 39 grams, fats - 4 grams, carbohydrates - 5 grams. Calories – 255.

Second drying period

This stage should last a week or two (but a week is still better). You need to consume 80% protein, 20% fat. Eliminate carbohydrates completely. The diet should consist only of pure proteins. Lean meat (mostly chicken fillet), white lean fish, squid meat, chicken egg whites, shrimp. Fats will enter the body along with protein foods. The above products must be baked or boiled. The calorie content of the daily diet can be reduced to 1200-1400 kcal per day (234-273 grams of protein and 26-30 grams of fat, respectively).

During the first two stages of drying, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of clean artesian water (about 2 liters per day).

If you are not involved in professional sports and are not preparing for competitions, then you should stop at this stage of drying. If you follow all the recommendations, you should get the correct result.

Try to drink water more often between meals. Drink green tea and chicory root extract. These drinks will not only help decorate your diet, but will also enhance the fat burning process.

Menu for the second drying period

Example menu for this drying period:

Breakfast: chicken breast – 200 grams.

Total: proteins – 47 grams, fats – 4 grams. Calories – 230.

Second breakfast: omelet (3 whites and 1 egg), fried without oil.

Total: proteins – 23.5 grams, fats – 11 grams, carbohydrates – 1 gram.

Lunch: 300 grams of lean white fish.

Total: 54 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat. Calories – 250.

Snack: 200 grams of baked chicken breast.

Total: proteins – 47 grams, fats – 4 grams. Calories – 230.

Afternoon snack: 200 grams of squid fillet + 1 cucumber.

Total: proteins – 36 grams, fats – 1 gram, carbohydrates – 3 grams. Calories – 170.

Dinner: 150 grams of baked or boiled chicken breast.

Total: proteins – 36 grams, fats – 3 grams. Calories – 176.

Third drying period

It lasts no more than a week and is conducted by professional athletes closer to the competition. At this stage, proteins are reduced to a maximum, fats to a minimum, and carbohydrates are absent. The amount of incoming liquid is also minimized.

Fourth drying period

It's called "carb loading." This is a kind of beginning to exit the diet. It starts three days before the competition.

If you decide to get by with the first two stages of drying, then you need to immediately start carbohydrate loading.

You should finish drying by starting to eat foods that are low in carbohydrates (having a low glycemic index). The vegetables that are poorest in carbohydrates (greens, cucumbers, cabbage) come in handy here. Then you can add some fruit, baked potatoes, cereals, pasta made from durum wheat or rye flour. It is better to spread this process over a week. Afterwards, you can begin your normal balanced healthy diet.

During drying, be sure to take complex vitamins and minerals. These can be regular complexes or drugs for athletes. At the same time, you can reduce the loss of vitamins and minerals in the body, despite following a strict diet.

It’s also a good idea to add natural and artificial fat burners during drying. Acceptable natural fat burners during this period are: green and ginger tea, chicory, all kinds of spices (cinnamon, vanilla, cloves). Of the artificial fat burners, L-carnitine is considered the safest and most effective. It will help burn fat during workouts, add energy, and also strengthen the heart muscle. L-quarantine should be drunk on days of physical activity half an hour before it. For example, if you train on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, then half an hour before training you need to drink 0.5-1 grams of L-carnitine.

When will drying results appear?

The first changes can be noticed already at the end of the first week if the recommendations are followed correctly and the diet is followed. You will notice that you have tightened up. If you were already actively involved in sports before drying, the muscles will become better palpable. During the drying process, it is the fat mass that is lost, while the muscle mass (which is much heavier) is retained, so weight will be lost more slowly than volume. So that the motivation to dry does not leave you, you can keep a diary where you record your volumes. Measure them no more than once a week.

At the end of drying, you will lose a significant part of the fat deposits from your problem areas.

It is optimal to carry out active physical activity at least 3 times a week. This will ensure high metabolism and preservation of muscle mass. You should also try not to miss the opportunity to do “everyday” exercises: once again wash the floors with a rag rather than a mop, ignore the elevator, get off the transport earlier and walk at least one stop.

Drying is a very strict diet, so it has a number of contraindications. You should not dry yourself if you have diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, pancreas and liver, as well as diabetes. Drying is also contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers.

In conclusion, I suggest watching a video about a cutting diet for girls.

Drying the body for men– this is the period when the athlete trains in order to give his muscles definition. Some athletes “dry” easily, while others experience some difficulties in this matter. The first include ectomorphs (thin athletes, with a small proportion of muscle tissue) and mesomorphs (muscular men, with a small percentage of fat); others are typical endomorphs (athletes with a large percentage of body fat).

Skinny man (ectomorph) develops muscles with great difficulty, but his “relief” cycle goes through easily, without complications or difficulties. He practically does not need aerobics - insofar as his muscles are naturally of high quality. Training in a “pumping” mode (many sets of high repetitions with relatively light weights) and diet will do their job without any drugs or aerobic training.

Mesomorph Gains muscle mass relatively quickly and easily. During the drying period, he also does not experience any particular difficulties. The exceptions are those young people who eat poorly, do a lot of aerobic exercise, and “diet” more than they should. The acquisition of relief in such athletes is accompanied by a loss of muscle mass.

Endomorph does not gain weight very quickly, although he does not experience great difficulties in developing strength, and it is even more difficult for him to achieve muscle definition. He needs aerobic training. He also needs to strictly “sit” on a diet. The slightest deviation will significantly slow down the process of body restoration.

Basics of drying the body for men - nutrition and training

It happens that both genetically gifted men and hard gainers (young people for whom physical development is difficult) experience great difficulty when training to give their muscles relief. This happens when the program for drying the body is designed incorrectly, or the athlete makes mistakes in training. Also, the reason for the failure may lie in his diet. Nutrition for drying the body should not be the same as during the “strength” and “mass” periods, but a “shortage” of the daily dose will certainly have a negative impact - either on the athlete’s condition during training, or on his body.

By eating incorrectly, an athlete, along with gaining relief, loses muscle tissue. At the same time, the health and functioning of internal organs deteriorates. The consequences may be irreversible. For example, when an athlete sits on a protein diet for too long, consuming protein much more than his norm, his kidneys and liver begin to malfunction, as a result of which he has to resort to. Ailments of this kind are often “attributed” to the use of steroids, which in fact in such cases are only partly to blame, or not at all. If you take the “chemistry” a little and systematically, it will not cause any harm.

Body drying for men - menu

The body drying diet for men differs from other diets in that it is slightly different on different days. That is, On the day of training, the athlete should consume some carbohydrates, A on a “day off” completely ignore them. Of course, it is not possible to completely avoid the consumption of carbohydrates - since they are present in greens, vegetables, and fruits. But it is possible to give up food where carbohydrates predominate. You also need to take into account that on the day of training you need to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (porridge, vegetables). Sweets (carbohydrates with a high glycemic index) will not harm the athlete’s body, but will slow down the drying process.

Any athlete, regardless of somatotype (body type - mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph), should during the “drying” period consume 1/3 more protein than he consumes during the period of strength development. That is, if an athlete needs 1.5 - 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day to maintain performance and build muscles, then during the drying period he should consume approximately 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

Rules for drying the body for men

  1. Having breakfast is a must! Skipping your morning meal slows down your metabolism.
  2. You need to eat frequently: 5 times a day, every 2-3 hours. Often, eating in fractional portions prevents the body from becoming “starved” and storing fats in reserve.
  3. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. 2/3 of the daily ration should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  5. Completely eliminate alcohol, sweets, fast food and sauces from your diet.
  6. Don't forget about water - you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day!
  7. Take vitamins and multivitamin complexes, since a lack of certain vitamins can negatively affect muscles.
  8. The diet should contain healthy fats, which are found in fish or nuts.

BZHU during the drying period

On the day of training, carbohydrates should be present in the athlete's diet.. But these, as already mentioned, must be complex carbohydrates. Complex (also called complex) carbohydrates are black bread, cereals, pasta and fruits and vegetables. Sweets (i.e., simple carbohydrates) can be consumed by ectomorphic athletes, but in small quantities, and in no case should they be consumed before training. After training, eating sweet foods is acceptable - insofar as during this period the body needs glucose. The second meal after training should consist of complex carbohydrates with a small amount of protein.

Let's calculate the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For example, let's assume that your body weight is 85 kg.

Squirrels- 2 g per 1 kg of body weight (85 x 2 = 170 g). It is advisable to consume proteins throughout the day in equal portions of about 30 g, but if there is more in some portion, it’s okay: proteins take quite a long time to digest.

Carbohydrates- from 2 to 7 g per 1 kg of body weight for normal nutrition, when cutting we reduce it to a minimum - 2 g (85 x 2 = 170 g)

Fats- they are definitely needed, the golden rule is 0.5 g per 1 kg of body (85 x 0.5 = 42.5 g of fat per day)

Calories are secondary. The number of calories (of course, we are talking about kilocalories, Kcal) is calculated based on the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats:

Carbohydrates - 4 Kcal/g

Proteins - 4 Kcal/g

Fats - 9 Kcal/g

Example: for our diet the number of calories (we take carbohydrates to the maximum) is as follows: 170*4+170*4+42.5*9 = 1742.5 Kcal

Menu for the day when drying

Below is an approximate basic menu for a man 80-85 kg:

8.00 - Chicken - 100 g (turkey, beef, veal), porridge - 100 g (buckwheat, rice, pasta, oatmeal, barley)

10.00 - Cottage cheese 0-4% - 400 g

12.00 - Apples 300 g

14.00 - same as 8.00

16.00 - Cottage cheese 400 g

18.00 - Chicken 150 g, vegetables - 300 g

20.00 - White omelette 300 g (whites only, discard yolks)

22.00 - Cottage cheese (or protein)

Rice- approximately 200 g of complex carbohydrates per 250 g of rice

Buckwheat- approximately 200 g of complex carbohydrates per 300 g of buckwheat

Anyway on a day free from training, menu athlete should consist of half carbohydrate foods, with a small dose (no more than 1/3) of simple carbohydrates.

Food consumed before training (1.5 - 2 hours before it) should consist of natural proteins (cottage cheese, meat, eggs) and complex carbohydrates. What more is an individual matter. It is better for an endomorph to prefer food with a predominance of protein, and for his slender colleagues - with a predominance of carbohydrates.

Body drying program for men

Of course, to achieve good results, you need not only to eat right, but also train correctly. Strength training (low reps, high sets, with appropriate weights) coupled with aerobic training may produce some results for a genetically gifted man, but for a hardgainer it will be useless. For the endomorph such training will not only be useless, it will “help” him store an even greater percentage of fat.

An ideal option for “restoration” training– this is a program that includes exercises for the whole body, in a high number of repetitions and sets; Among athletes, such training is called pumping. You take a barbell that weighs half as much as the one you can perform 5 reps with, and do 6-10 sets with it until failure, resting no more than 2 minutes between them. In this mode you must execute the entire program. Rest between exercises is the same as between sets - no more than 2 minutes.

When starting a relief program, you need to clearly define the exercises. All the exercises that you are going to do in the gym should ideally match your leverage (a feature of the structure of the joints), that is, be as beneficial as possible for you from a biomechanical point of view. When training to develop strength, the main thing is to use the ligaments and tendons, and when training to develop mass and relief, the muscles themselves. If your triceps don’t “burn” after exhausting close-grip bench presses, then they will be useless (in the case of genetically gifted athletes, of little use) for “pumping” training.

You can modify the program a little. For example, perform supersets in pumping mode. Superset– these are two approaches from different exercises, of which the second is for the antagonist muscle; for example, a superset for arms would consist of a French press and a barbell curl. In such cases, both exercises are performed without rest. After the superset - rest for 1.5 - 2 minutes. It is not recommended to perform more than 3 supersets per body part per workout. A larger amount may not harm, but it will not speed up the result.

Exercises for the calves, long back muscles (lumbar muscles), forearms, trapezius muscles and shoulders should be performed as usual. Moreover, all three heads of the shoulders - rear, lateral and front - must work separately. For calves, it is also advisable to perform 2 exercises - standing calf raises and sitting calf raises; The first exercise is for the gastrocnemius muscle, and the second is for the soleus. For the forearms, it is also advisable to perform 2 exercises: one for flexion of the arms, the second for extension.

Weekly program for drying the body of men

Day of the week Exercises for drying the body
Monday and FridayHack squats superset with deadlifts.
Dumbbell bench press in a superset with a vertical block row.
Barbell curls in a superset with a similar exercise, but with an underhand grip.
Donkey exercise (calf training).
Seated calf raise (exercise for soleus muscles).
Raises of arms with dumbbells, standing straight (training the lateral heads of the deltas).
Raising your arm in front of you (training the front deltoids).
Arm raises while standing bent over (exercise for the rear deltas).
Lifting the barbell for biceps in a superset with arm extensions.

Squats and deadlifts will keep your abs in shape. In other cases, abdominal training is necessary. On Monday and Friday, abdominal training should be gentle; 5 sets of classic crunches will be enough. Nothing more serious will happen - insofar as the abdominal muscles are already noticeably tired in squats and deadlifts.

Probably everyone has seen a sign with grams of carbohydrates called “body drying for girls.” Thanks to social networks, today not the smartest sports strategies spread to the masses much faster than those that can actually achieve the same result safely. It is assumed that some imaginary girl will start drying out with as much as 100 g of carbohydrates per day, and will continue at the textbook 40, and then 20. The days of “0 carbohydrates” are especially moving. Sports wits dubbed this “methodology” as bone cutting. The truth is that for most gym goers, any type of drying is contraindicated, whether healthy or not. They simply have too little muscle, and at the end of almost any such program they will resemble more of a skeleton covered in skin than anything resembling an athletic beauty.

The content of the article:

The stern answer to this question is to everyone who does not compete in fitness bikini, body fitness, “physics”, and bodybuilding with fitness, do not make a living from fitness modeling, and do not work as fitness trainers at a high enough level that the lack of a 6-pack would be a problem. questions about professional suitability. Drying is a set of measures aimed not only at “burning fat,” as they say in public pages, but at removing the maximum amount of water from the body. This is necessary to make the muscles look more prominent and the skin to look thinner.

Classic cutting is not used in categories where a healthy percentage of fat is allowed. The same fitness bikinis “dry” a little differently than old-school bodybuilding recommends to us. And not because something “doesn’t work right” for women, but because “being harsh” is usually pointless. Visually, the result of a standard protocol with a gradual decrease in carbohydrates and no carbohydrates for 8-12 weeks will be comparable, at least when it comes to women's natural training.

However, in practice, we most often talk about the state of “yesterday I signed up for the gym, today I want to dry off for the summer.” In this case, if there was no weightlifting section before the gym, it is advisable to change the word “get dry” to the combination “lose excess weight.” This is, if it exists, according to medical standards. Or “change body composition” if the weight is normal, but the fat is somehow strangely localized on the body that everyone can see it.

Only a person with sufficient muscle mass can be “dryed” according to the usual scheme. Translated for girls, this is somewhere between weight and height minus 90-100. In kilograms. And these should not be kilograms of fat, or rather not only kilograms of fat, but also muscles. In terms of timing - at least something can be dried only after 3-8 months of the mass-gain cycle. The length depends on the individual characteristics and physical shape of the athlete.

Well, what about wellness? physical education? No drying agents should be used in it. A diet with reduction of calories and simple carbohydrates.

Drying for girls from the Internet

The following options are common on the Internet:

  • eat for 1400-1500 kcal, from the following products - 100 g of dry rice (rice, of course, must be boiled and not chewed like that), 500 g chicken breasts, about 1 kg of vegetables, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for salads, 150 g of cottage cheese (removed 2 weeks before the end of drying) 0%, and 6 egg whites or a protein shake. As drying stops (the weight does not fall), remove the rice. Build your diet something like this: chicken with rice, cottage cheese, chicken with rice, proteins or protein, chicken with vegetables (all other meals). This is someone’s retelling of the diet discussed in the book “Carcass to Dry” by Denis Borisov. It must be said that the retelling is not complete, with errors and without conveying the main essence of this literary work. But the point is that you need to calculate your individual caloric intake and proceed from it, and not from ready-made diets. The indicated diet with rice and chicken is given in the book as an example, and there are also options for what and how you can change so as not to get bored with the monotony;
  • “Russian drying” - this phenomenon was so dubbed by one very famous athlete. Russian drying consists of taking 600-800 g of chicken breasts per day, boiling them, plus buying another kilo of cucumbers. This is what you will need to eat during the entire 8-12 weeks of drying. Or add another portion of oatmeal in the morning if the author-reciter of the article was in a good mood;
  • sit on 40 g of carbohydrates, and eat 20 g before training and 20 g after. And the rest of the time - chicken breasts and fish, but at least you can have vegetables don't count. cucumbers, of course.

The rules are simple - you can either choose a “clean” diet or a flexible one. A clean diet consists of fish, meat, lean poultry, eggs, zero and one percent fat dairy products (some “clean” fans consider them harmful and do not eat them), as well as all types of non-starchy vegetables, plus rice, sweet potatoes, buckwheat, oats and quinoa for complex carbohydrates, and nuts and natural vegetable oils for fats.

A flexible diet in practice is very similar to a “clean” diet, but those who choose it usually also eat various protein bars, plus regular sweets and cooked foods, as well as bread and tortillas. The secret is to calculate the calories in advance, and take into account the chemical food composition. In practice, this is possible either in restaurants that make the quantities of ingredients public on their menus, or by preparing the food yourself.

Typically, two methods are used to calculate calories:

We take the initial diet, which serves to maintain the current weight. A few days, or better yet a couple of weeks, we calculate the composition and enter it into an application that can build a graph of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Accordingly, we calculate and build a schedule. What you get is a starting point. It is understood that if you are “getting dry” and not just losing weight, you are doing strength exercises. Therefore, it is also assumed that you will consume 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of current weight, and 1 g of fat per 1 kg of current weight. Next, we calculate the energy value of only proteins and fats (multiply by 4 and 9, respectively), and look at how much the numbers differ from “support”. If about 200 kcal is left for carbohydrates, which is very little, you need to change the physical activity factor. Simply put, add more cardio from the very beginning of cutting. And if the difference is from 800 to 1500 kcal, everything is fine. You can start with relatively high carbohydrates, and cut them back gradually, by 10-20 g, as needed. Usually they start “cutting” no earlier than the weight comes on for the first time. In this way they move from week to week and evaluate the results. Each cut is different, and it may happen that this approach will work, or it may require a review of what you eat.

If calories are low enough, carbohydrates are reduced to about 2 g per 1 kg of weight, and the person is not losing weight, do the following:

  • They take blood tests for TSH, T3, T4 and sex hormones. The “chaos” in this area may be the reason why no cutting diet works. In case of violations, drying should be interrupted and follow the doctor’s recommendations;
  • everyone starts to carry out cardio training with a heart monitor, and monitor the intensity of work;
  • reconsider strength training, moving from a volumetric style of training to a purely strength training style, or vice versa. There are “gurus” for both approaches, but the truth is that it works differently for everyone;
  • weigh and record more carefully, and stop using ready-made food, store-bought sauces and semi-finished products.
  • The clean eating option does the same thing, it’s just that the range of products is more limited. Well, the issues of carbohydrate loading and water manipulation should be of little interest to an amateur, since they give only a short-term effect, and are interesting only in order to show the best form on stage, but not in life.

    Read more useful information:

    How to make a protein shake
    How many calories should you eat per day?
    How many carbohydrates do you need per day
    How to calculate your ideal weight

    Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

To control your weight, whether it be losing weight, gaining muscle mass or staying in physical shape, you need to know how to calculate BZHU. Knowing your daily norm of BZHU, you can easily achieve the goals you set for yourself. How to correctly calculate BZHU, Today we will look at a specific example, and I will also show you how best calculate BZHU for weight loss.

The BZHU ratio is considered to be 1:1:4, respectively. But this proportion is not entirely correct, as it leads to an excess of carbohydrates and a deficiency of proteins. Do you know that consuming large quantities of carbohydrates has the consequences of fat deposition due to the fact that the body does not need the amount of carbohydrates with which you “stuff it” and simply does not have time to process them, so all the excess coals go straight to the fat depot .

Meanwhile, protein in our body, on the contrary, has become deficient. And the less protein, the building material for muscles, the worse the muscle recovery process after training, the less muscle mass and the slower the metabolism in the body. Personally, I don’t really like this trend, and not only me, so among coaches and sports consultants there is a different formula, how to calculate BZHU– 4:2:4 or 5:1:2 (this proportion is more suitable for losing weight and drying the body).

I prefer to choose the average value between these two proportions and calculate the BZHU using this formula - 2-2,5:0,8-1:1,2-2. This corridor is most suitable when calculating daily norm of BZHU to reduce the fat component.

Calculation of daily caloric intake

The daily calorie intake per 1 kg of weight, if you engage in physical activity 3-5 times a week, should be: weight in kg x 35. This is to maintain normal weight.

If you want to lose weight (reduce the fat component), then you need:

Weight loss formula = desired weight (kg) x 24, but a mandatory condition here if your excess weight is no more than 10 kg!

Example: a 65 kg girl wants to lose weight to 55 kg. We calculate the calorie content of the diet for weight loss using the formula: 55 x 24 = 1320 kcal. You can take an intermediate value: 60 x 24 = 1440 kcal. This means that at first she can consume 1440 kcal per day, and when she reaches 60 kg, she can safely reduce her caloric intake to 1320 kcal.

If your excess weight is more than 10 kg (you weigh 90 kg, but you want to lose weight to 60), then you need to break the weight loss process into at least three stages, since the difference between the calorie intake for a person of 90 kg and 60 kg will be significant. At the first stage you need to use the following formula:

Weight loss formula (1st stage)= (current weight-10) x 24 = (90-10) x 24 = 1920 kcal

When you have lost 10 kg and your weight is 80 kg, you recalculate the caloric content of your diet:

Weight loss formula (2nd stage)= (80-10) x 24 = 1680 kcal

Weight loss formula (3 th stage) = (70-10) x 24 = 1440 kcal

This is how the daily caloric intake of the diet is calculated in several stages; you can also subtract the number 5 from the current weight instead of the number 10, but then there will be more stages.

Now knowing the daily calorie intake, you need calculate BZHU for weight loss (drying).

Calculation of BJU. Daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Percentage daily norm of BZHU to reduce the fat component is:

We know that 1 g of protein contains 4 kcal, 1 g of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 g of carbohydrates contains 4 kcal. Now we count.

Let's take our girl as an example, who wants to lose weight from 65 kg to 55 kg. We have already calculated that her daily calorie intake is 1320 kcal.

45% protein from 1320 kcal is 594 kcal/4 kcal = 149 g of protein per day our girl needs to consume. This is approximately 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of desired weight.

25% fat from 1320 kcal is 330 kcal/9 kcal = 36 g of fat per day. This is about 0.7 g of fat per 1 kg of desired weight.

30% carbohydrates from 1320 kcal is 396 kcal/4 kcal = 100 g of carbohydrates per day, which is 1.8 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight.

If you have more than 5 workouts per week, then increase your protein intake so that your muscles have time to recover well.

There are several other methods that will allow you calculate your daily requirement of BZHU. I talk about one of them in my video below. This method, in my opinion, is the simplest and fastest. But it’s still up to you to choose which method to use.

But remember that these percentages and numbers are INDIVIDUAL for each person. They may differ slightly or, on the contrary, significantly from those stated. This once again suggests that each organism is individual: for some, the formulaic ratio of BJU is perfect, but for others it will not work at all. Here you need to find your own numbers and percentages through trial and error, observation and analysis. If you need help in this difficult matter, then I am at your service, you can where I will calculate your daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and I will also schedule all meals by the hour, and most importantly, I will monitor your changes in weight and, if necessary, adjust the nutrition plan.

So now we know how to correctly calculate BZHU for weight loss. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to sit down with a calculator and spend 5-10 minutes of your time, so that later in the process of losing weight you do not have sudden dizziness and fainting states from the lack of certain useful elements in your body. Calorie intake and daily norm of BZHU- these are very important elements of the entire mosaic called “Weight Loss”. If you have already decided to put all the puzzles together in order to finally assemble a beautiful picture in the form of your slender body, then you must be able to correctly calculate your BZHU taking into account your workouts and your weight, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

I wish you good luck on the way to your dream!

The main rule of diet when cutting is not just giving up the “three foods that make your belly grow,” but complete control over the calorie content and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Moreover, if you do not understand, and have never done this, it is better to start not with a cutting diet, but with determining exactly how many calories and nutrients you usually eat.

It is also important that during drying, the calorie content of food differs on different days - on training days the usual amount of calories and carbohydrates is maintained, while on rest days they are reduced. However, the overall reduction in calories should not exceed 15-20%, otherwise you risk an increase in hormone levels and loss of muscle tissue rather than fat.

What is "drying"?

Cutting is the process of defining muscles, consisting of following a strict diet (most often, a high-protein keto diet or a no-carb diet) and doing. In fact, when an athlete is “cutting”, he strives to burn the remaining subcutaneous fat (mainly on the abdomen) without losing muscle mass.

At the same time, cutting nutrition is fundamentally different from a regular diet for weight loss, since in the medical sense, “cutting” athletes already have a low level of body fat and they do not need to lose weight at all. In simple terms, if you want to get rid of a big belly, you need a regular diet rather than a cutting diet.

Drying on a low-carbohydrate diet

Although the most commonly recommended cutting diet strategy is strict, it is not the most optimal approach to getting rid of residual belly fat. A protein diet will indeed lead to fat burning, but the muscles will significantly lose volume due to the depletion of glycogen depots.

Fluid retention in the body, in turn, is provoked by the consumption of “sticky” cereals. Containing wheat and white polished rice are typical foods that promote the formation of mucus in the stomach and are prohibited in dry diets. Also, milk and dairy products often contribute to the formation of stagnant effects and “swelling of the abdomen.”

When dieting for drying, fresh vegetables and cereals are recommended that do not boil under moderate cooking - for example, barley (pearl barley), buckwheat, quinoa, rye and millet. Many of these grains have diuretic properties. In addition, teas made from herbs such as fennel, mint, chamomile, hibiscus, sage, nettle and rose hips help remove fluid from the body.

A fat-burning training program for relief and an example of a simple menu.

Consumption of fats while cutting

Proper nutrition during drying requires minimizing animal fats - from cheese and butter to fatty meats and egg yolks. However, it is also not recommended to completely abandon saturated fats, since this will lower the level of testosterone production, worsen metabolic processes, and also make joints and ligaments more fragile.

The ideal choice for a “fat” diet for cutting would be in moderate quantities - due to its special structure, the body is practically unable to use it to form reserves. Light vegetable oils are allowed (olive, corn, mustard, safflower, flaxseed), but it is preferable to avoid sunflower oil.

Budget diet for cutting

One of the main myths of cutting is the need to consume huge amounts of protein. However, the more protein the body receives, the worse it uses it. It is wiser to consume protein at the lower limit (about 1.5-2.5 g of protein per kg of dry weight), forcing the body to use it sparingly. Preference should be given to white poultry meat, as it is leaner and drier.

Ideally, the total amount of protein in the diet during drying should be two to three times smaller than the amount of carbohydrates, and the source of these carbohydrates should be various vegetables and cereals (primarily barley and). The main advantage of this approach is that the cost of such nutrition will be much lower than the consumption of expensive sports protein.

Daily nutritional requirements for drying:

Norm for men per 1 kg of dry body weight Normal for a weight of 80 kg and 10% body fat Recommended Foods Prohibited foods
Squirrels1.5 – 2 g110 – 150 gChicken, lean fish, lean beef, egg white, protein isolatePork, semi-finished meat products
Fats1.2 – 1.4 g90 – 100 gCoconut oil, olive oilButter, animal fat, sunflower oil
Carbohydrates3 – 5 g250 – 350 gVegetables, buckwheat, pearl barleyPotatoes, bread and pastries, wheat, sugar

Drying nutrition program

When creating a diet for drying, do not forget that limiting carbohydrates in the diet can lead to a lack of vitamins and microelements. Pay special attention to the daily consumption of fresh vegetables, as well as the overall diversity of your diet - if you eat the same protein foods for a month, this will negatively affect your health.

Let us remind you that the key minerals for athletes are zinc (responsible for ), (regulator of energy processes) and (associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland). The norms of their daily consumption increase significantly both during physical training and when following any diet for weight loss or cutting.


A diet for drying muscles involves consuming fast carbohydrates exclusively after strength training, maximum limitation of animal fats and their replacement with light vegetable oils, as well as monitoring the total calorie intake. On training days, caloric intake should be normal, and on rest days it should be reduced by 15-20%.