What is the layer of blue clay in the Middle Urals. Blue clay for the face: benefits and applications. Contraindications for blue clay

Natural, inexpensive, effective and easy to use - all this is about blue clay, which has been used for centuries to treat and prevent many diseases. Gray powder, diluted with water, is used as masks for the face and hair, as a healing drink and in the form of medicinal applications, compresses and baths. So what is blue clay and what are its medicinal properties?

What is blue clay: description, composition

Blue or Cambrian clay (kaolin) is a sedimentary volcanic rock that is more than half a billion years old. It was formed on the basis of minerals: mica, marble, limestone, spar and kaolinite. The main production regions are Crimea and Altai.

The natural product has the appearance of a fine powder of a dirty gray color, does not dissolve in liquids, and settles to the bottom in mixtures. When mixed with water, the natural green dye contained in it, the copper complex of chlorophyllins, gives the clay a bluish tint. On the skin, under the influence of oxygen, it changes color to gray-green.

The chemical composition of the product differs depending on where it was mined. The basis of the powdery substance is:

  • silicon oxide;
  • aluminosilicates;
  • zinc oxide;
  • Nitric oxide;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • silver ions;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • radium (in a minimal amount).

What are the benefits of blue clay?

Kaolin is a source of beneficial microelements, which determines its therapeutic effect on the human body. The healing properties of volcanic powder are presented in the table:

Effect Characteristic
Antiseptic Disinfects and heals wounds on the skin, kills bacteria
Immunomodulatory Increases local resistance to infections and viruses
Absorbent Absorbs and removes toxins, poisons, excess gland secretions
Stimulating Activates metabolic and restoration processes in cells
Antitumor Radium (a radioactive element) contained in the composition prevents the formation of cancer cells
Rejuvenating Due to silver ions, it increases the synthesis of natural elements of collagen and elastin
Lymphatic drainage Eliminates swelling of tissues, fights the accumulation of fatty tissue

Treatment with blue clay, what are its benefits and what diseases can be treated with this natural medicine?
When creating man, Nature also took care of his health, endowing the objects and phenomena around us with healing properties.

Before buying pharmaceuticals, which mainly lighten your wallet, but, on the contrary, burden your body with aggressive chemicals, you should take an interest in natural medicines. Many people know about the healing power of herbs, flowers and trees, but it turns out that even the soil under our feet can save and heal.

Ordinary clay, which many of us perceive only as annoying dirt on the road, is in fact a universal and multifunctional substance. It is used as a material in construction, pottery, and artistic creativity.

However, the physical and chemical properties of this mineral allow it to be widely used in medicine. The biological activity of clay is due to its high content of various microelements and mineral salts, and the adsorbing effect is due to its special structure.

There are several types of clay, differing in chemical composition. Blue clay is considered the most useful and effective. Cobalt and cadmium salts give it its beautiful blue color. Blue clay has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores metabolism, helps with joint diseases, treats skin diseases (including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis), injuries and wounds.

Healthy blue clay!

With its help, poisoning, allergy attacks, various purulent inflammations and many other pathological conditions are successfully stopped. In addition, blue clay can be used to purify water - it absorbs all the harmful components of drinking water no worse than any industrial filter.

Treatment with blue clay

Treatment with blue clay is not difficult. Depending on the disease, clay is used both internally (in the form of drinking) and externally (in the form of a thick plastic mass for applications, compresses and masks). Clay baths are also effective.

As a raw material for the preparation of clay potions, it is necessary to use well-purified, high-quality clay. It is better to purchase it in pharmacies. Most often, blue clay is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is convenient to dose. It is recommended to store dry clay in a tightly closed container made of natural, “breathable” material - wood or ceramics.

Clay water For drinking is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dry clay per glass of water. The clay powder is thoroughly mixed, the suspension should be drunk immediately so that the clay particles do not have time to settle to the bottom of the glass. Depending on the specific recipe, lemon juice, aloe juice, honey, garlic, various herbal decoctions and infusions are added to the water.

Clay baths are prepared using the same principle, only the proportion will be slightly different: 500 g of clay per liter of warm water (infusion, decoction). The mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into the bath water.

For applications, lotions, compresses, wraps and masks, so-called thick clay is used - it is diluted with water, herbal infusion or decoction to the consistency of sour cream and stirred thoroughly, kneading all lumps. The mass should be smooth and homogeneous.

A very important note: during the cooking process, you cannot use metal objects - spoons, forks, bowls, ladles and saucepans. Stir the clay only with wooden, ceramic or glass spatulas and do not store finished products in metal containers.

These are the basic principles of preparing medicinal products from blue clay. In each specific case, certain components can be added to the basic recipes. Below we present several such recipes.

Drinking clay water has a beneficial effect on almost all endocrine disorders, nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory system diseases, cardiovascular pathologies and allergic reactions.

In addition, blue clay has the ability to “pull out” pus from tissues, so lotions and applications with blue clay are indispensable for abscesses, abscesses, phlegmons and other purulent formations.


Blue clay has bactericidal properties, so you can safely apply it even to open wounds - it will speed up healing.

Angina. During the day, every hour, gargle with clay water with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice, and in between gargles, drink two or three sips of this water. Make an application several times a day: apply a thick layer of clay mass to the neck area, tie a clean cotton cloth on top, folded in several layers, so that the clay does not dry out too quickly.

When the clay is completely dry, remove the bandage, rinse the skin with warm water and tie a hot, damp towel around your throat for a few minutes.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines, food poisoning. During the day, drink two to three teaspoons of clay water every hour. Blue clay is an excellent sorbent and antiseptic; it destroys pathogens and removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases of the respiratory system. Drink a large amount of clay water during the day, for the preparation of which use decoctions of oregano, plantain or coltsfoot. You can add a tablespoon of honey to your drink. Twice a day, rub the chest with liquid clay with the addition of grated garlic, and before going to bed, apply it to the chest.

A coughing attack can be stopped by sucking a small piece of clay in your mouth. Inhalations give good results: heat clay water to 70 o, bend over the container, cover your head with a wide towel and breathe over the steam. Attention! Be careful to avoid steam burns.

Skin diseases. For fungal skin infections, lotions with the following composition help: grind thick clay into a homogeneous mass with the addition of a tablespoon of food vinegar (9%), apply a thick layer to the area of ​​skin affected by the fungus and leave for several hours. For skin pathologies of various origins, rubbing and baths with clay water are also effective.

Dental problems. Blue clay can be used for brushing your teeth instead of toothpaste - you will be provided with the prevention of gum disease, tartar and caries. If diseases have already settled in your oral cavity, clay will help calm the pain and relieve inflammation. Rinse your mouth with clay water and sage infusion; in case of acute pain, apply a piece of blue clay to the sore spot from the inside.

Treatment of joints with blue clay

Separately, I would like to talk about the use of blue clay in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular joints. Perhaps, in this area of ​​medicine the “talents” of this natural material are most fully revealed. Blue clay relieves pain, removes inflammation, improves nutrition and tissue regeneration, and restores metabolism.

Clay wraps

Blue clay wraps are effective for inflammatory joint diseases - bursitis, arthritis, etc. Thick clay is applied in a thick, even layer onto a piece of clean gauze, folded several times. This “plaster” is used to wrap the sore joint, wrapping it with a woolen cloth on top.

After two hours, the bandage is removed, the skin is washed with warm water and wiped dry. You need to repeat the procedure every other day. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks. After a week's break, the course can be repeated.

Clay compresses

In more complex cases, compresses with blue clay are indicated. They are made in the same way as wraps, only you need to wrap the joint with plastic wrap over a gauze bandage with clay. The course of procedures in this case is one week.

To facilitate movements and relieve pain in small joints (for example, fingers), it is good to use clay water baths, heating it to a temperature of 37 - 40 o and adding two or three teaspoons of lemon juice (lemon can be replaced with aloe).

You need to take this bath every day for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and put on woolen gloves for one hour.

Blue clay in cosmetology

Blue clay is also indispensable in cosmetology.

Clay masks saturate skin cells with trace elements and essential mineral components, normalize sebum production, cleanse and tighten enlarged pores, remove dead skin particles, heal boils and acne.

I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

To create a convenient and comfortable life on a private plot, it is necessary to resolve such pressing issues as the organization of sewerage, lighting, and, of course, water supply.

Often the only solution is to drill a well. Even if there is a central water supply, if there is such an opportunity, land owners acquire wells, which allow them to save money on paying for water supply, not depend on interruptions, which occur quite often, and get better-tasting water.

Often when drilling, the problem is the appearance of blue (blue) clay. What does blue clay mean when drilling a well, is it worth drilling further, will there be an aquifer underneath it? Or is it better to abandon water extraction in this case?

What is perched water?

Water located at a relatively shallow depth (up to 30 meters, sometimes a little deeper) is called perched water.

They can be found in sand, clay, or gravel. Of course, it is easier to “get to the bottom” of this layer, but in fact, water from the upper layers is not always suitable for drinking, since this layer is subject to contamination, both from the surface of the water and from leaky (or insufficiently sealed) cesspools.

Thanks to natural circulation, water that enters the soil from sewer pits mixes with water that fell into the ground after rain (which is saturated with pesticides and other fertilizers) and with the waters of the upper aquifer. So it’s a stretch to call the water in the upper aquifer a bit of a stretch.

In addition, water reserves in the upper layer are not constant; they depend on the time of year and the dryness of the period.

Blue clay when drilling a well indicates that you have reached a dense formation, which protects the second aquifer, located much deeper, from ingress of perched water.

Second layer

That is, the appearance of blue clay indicates that your water carrier will be much cleaner, and you will receive water that is completely suitable for drinking, and the well will also be quite water-rich.

Depending on what kind of equipment is used to develop the well, your drillers may not reach the aquifer.

However, experts still recommend getting to the water layer if possible, since the fact that blue clay appears when drilling a well is a kind of guarantee that you will receive truly clean water that will not require serious filtration.

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Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Blue clay is a multifunctional and universal substance, which in terms of its properties is considered effective and useful; its rich composition allows for use for medicinal purposes in medical practice. The unique blue powder can even compete in the battle against cancer. It is in demand in cosmetology practice.


It is a storehouse of a huge number of different micro- and macroelements. A large number of people believe that its chemical composition is not inferior to many vegetables and fruits. It is mined in different natural places, so there may be differences in chemical elements, depending on the area of ​​extraction and storage conditions. Composition of blue clay:

  • Aluminosilicates (salts).
  • Aluminum oxide and silicon oxide.
  • Kaolinite mineral group.
  • Montmorillonites and so on.


The properties of a natural substance and its ability to treat many pathologies have been known since ancient times. The Egyptian beauty Cleopatra used clay to improve her facial skin in the form of masks. This substance is easy to find in stores. Its effectiveness exceeds its cost by several orders of magnitude:

  1. Therapeutic characteristics prevent the formation of acne.
  2. Helps fade dark spots on the skin.
  3. Helps strengthen and elasticize the skin.
  4. Improves blood circulation.
  5. It has a rejuvenating effect.
  6. Helps get rid of cellulite (anti-cellulite drug).
  7. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  8. Characterized by adsorbing characteristics.
  9. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  10. Characterized by a whitening effect.
  11. Promotes tissue regeneration.
  12. Causes the supply of oxygen to tissues.
  13. Antirheumatic characteristics.
  14. Cleansing the body of toxins.
  15. Stimulation of hair growth.
  16. Improves the functioning of the immune system.

Applications of blue clay

Due to its numerous properties it has a wide range of applications:

  • Chronic joint diseases.
  • Pathologies of the spinal column.
  • Muscle diseases.
  • NS pathologies.
  • Injury.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs of various forms.
  • Inflammatory phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hematological diseases and oncology (benign, malignant neoplasms).
  • Pathologies of ENT organs.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
  • Vascular diseases (edema).
  • In the treatment of skin diseases (acne).

Treatment with blue clay

The main principle of its action is to improve metabolic processes in the body. It doesn’t matter at all how you use the clay, internally (on an empty stomach) or as lotions, baths, trays and compresses. Modern medical practice recognizes its healing characteristics, which is why it has been widely used in various directions.

The natural substance is used to correct the figure (for weight loss), for hair (normalization of properties), and gives softness and elasticity to the skin. It is easy to purchase at most pharmacy kiosks and even supermarkets. Treatment with blue clay at home is easy, the effect of use is not inferior to expensive manipulations.

For face

It is strongly recommended that before use you decide on your facial skin type - oily, combination, dry. For dry skin, the use of moisturizing additives is provided; for oily skin, vice versa. Analyzing the mineral composition (macro- and microelements) of the substance, the cosmetic effects should be emphasized:

  • removes fatigue and symptoms of lack of sleep (as an antidepressant);
  • promotes smoothing of wrinkles (rejuvenation);
  • sebaceous glands are normalized;
  • narrows enlarged skin pores;
  • frees the skin from acne;
  • helps restore elasticity, softness, firmness of the skin;
  • promotes skin whitening, elimination of freckles, age spots;
  • improves complexion;
  • helps reduce scar tissue and regenerate abrasions.

For teeth

Natural blue clay has found its active use in dental practice. In this case, dentists recommend using a clay sour cream-like solution. It should be applied to the surface of the gums and left for about 15-20 minutes. It is allowed to rub this paste into the surface of the gums. The procedure helps reduce bleeding gums.

For joints

Orthopedic practice and rheumatology allow a number of recipes for using blue clay:

  1. Clay cake. The thickness of such a cake should be about 1-1.5 cm. The cake is applied to the problem area, covered with a piece of plastic on top and insulated with a woolen item. Leave for 120 minutes. Next, rinse the surface of the joint with warm water. The treatment course lasts 7-10 days. Use new clay every time.
  2. Bath. For 5-6 liters of water heated to 300C, take two tablespoons of powder, mix thoroughly and add to the bath, each procedure should last for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse off with warm water too. After this procedure, take a horizontal position and try to relax, so it is correct to take it before going to bed.
  3. Compress. Grind to a powder, dilute in a small volume of warm water to a paste form. Keep the mixture for several hours, then heat it to 40–45C and apply it on a gauze napkin to the problematic joint, fixing it and insulating it with woolen cloth. Allow to dry completely for about 30-40 minutes.

For varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins involves use as a complex drug. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a bath with heated water. Pre-brew 4-5 tablespoons of birch, chamomile, and nettle leaves in 3 liters of boiling water. Even only one of the named herbs is allowed. Cool to a comfortable temperature, dissolve 3 tablespoons of clay. Add more heated water and keep your feet in it for about 20-30 minutes. Perform such baths every 48 hours until the condition improves.

For skin diseases

Blue clay is used for skin pathologies in the form of boils, eczema or neurodermatitis; clay lotions are recommended. To do this, thoroughly dilute the clay with warm water until it becomes mushy (without lumps). While warm, apply to a cotton cloth or a multi-layered piece of gauze and apply to the damaged area of ​​the skin, covering with a napkin on top. After 60 minutes, it is recommended to remove the lotion and rinse the skin surface with clean boiled water.

For corns and heel spurs

When corns, calluses and heel spurs form on the feet, it is practiced to use a bath of aristocratic powder. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of crushed clay in 3 liters of hot water, but so as not to cause a burn, and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to alternately use compresses and baths, and wraps. The therapeutic course consists of ten daily procedures.

Contraindications for blue clay

Despite the long list of benefits of blue clay, there are still contraindications for use:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the acute phase.
  • Cardiopathology.
  • Renal failure (including kidney pathologies at the acute stage).
  • Hypertension, symptomatic hypertension.
  • Thyroid diseases.

The formation of hyperemia on the skin, severe itching, and polymorphic rash in the post-procedure period is facilitated by the use of additional ingredients (essential oil, any medicinal herbs, etc.), to which an allergic reaction is possible on an individual basis. The list of contraindications is not that long, so every patient can use the healing gift, however, everything should be within reasonable limits, after consultation with a specialist.

Blue clay - a natural substance for the beauty and health of facial skin, composition of blue clay, indications for use and beneficial properties, recipes for mixtures for faces with different skin types.

The content of the article:

Among the variety of cosmetic products for the care of the skin of the face, it is difficult to decide and buy a product that really brings the desired results. In addition, the product description does not always contain an exhaustive list of ingredients. But there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction to various components. As an alternative to purchased products, blue clay has become widespread, masks with which can be easily created at home, using only those substances that will be useful. At the same time, the cost of care is significantly reduced.

Benefits of blue clay for the face

Blue clay is a multicomponent source of elements biologically important for humans, which are present in greater or lesser quantities in the body and contribute to the normal functioning of its systems.

It is the composition of this type of clay that determines its benefits for the entire body in general and for the facial skin in particular. Individual components have an effect inherent in their properties. So:

  • Silicon. Helps synthesize collagen, and also takes an active part in natural metabolic processes, promoting the normal absorption of beneficial elements.
  • Iron. This element helps to improve blood supply, enrich skin cells with oxygen, and therefore other nutrients. Which in turn allows you to postpone the processes of aging and withering of the skin.
  • Zinc. Its tasks include fighting infections, which affects the beauty of the skin.
  • Copper. This element has many properties. The functions of copper include the formation of auxiliary connective tissues, which, among other things, perform protective functions, stimulate the formation of collagen, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is known that melanin production is impossible without copper. And melanin is the basis for an even, healthy tan.
  • Potassium. Participates in the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin. Potassium deficiency and its consequence: improper metabolism usually leads to swelling around the eyes, dry epidermis, and irritation.
  • Selenium. This component of blue clay promotes the absorption of vitamins and also helps them perform their functions. Due to normal levels of selenium in tissues, the risk of melanoma is reduced.
  • Magnesium. This is an important component of ATP molecules, which are responsible for supplying energy to cells. The strength and elasticity of collagen fibers is ensured by the presence of cross-links, the formation of which depends on magnesium.
  • Manganese. Manganese is involved in maintaining the normal structure of cell membranes. Participates in the regulation of the metabolism of certain substances, for example, copper, ascorbic acid, choline, B vitamins, and tocopherol.
  • Titanium dioxide. Has a broad effect on the skin. The most important property of this element is its ability to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, blue clay masks are relevant in the summer, when solar activity is maximum. Its use can also lead to a slight whitening effect. Titanium dioxide plays a big role in the beauty of the skin: it fights increased oiliness of the skin, mattifying its surface, evens out the epidermis, removing dead particles, and even removes wrinkles.
  • Aluminium oxide. Abrasion is one of the functions of aluminum oxide. It represents mechanical destruction and removal of dead particles of the epidermis. Thanks to this, epithelial renewal is stimulated, which leads to skin smoothing.
Based on the composition of blue clay described above, we can highlight its main properties that manifest themselves when used to treat facial skin: disinfection, cleansing, degreasing, whitening, reduction of inflammatory processes, nutrition and hydration, normalization of all natural processes in the skin, restoration of cell structure, narrowing pores, rejuvenation, prevention of aging, protection from external factors.

You can improve and diversify the beneficial properties of blue clay by adding additional nutritional elements to the masks, taking into account the nature of existing skin problems, its type and a few contraindications.

It is noteworthy that blue clay can be used at any age. Each age category has its own problems, for example, in adolescence it is acne, in adulthood it is aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Why is blue clay used in facial care?

Blue clay is recognized as the most popular. The reason for this is the extensive list of its beneficial properties, thanks to which this type of clay can be used to solve the following problems: the presence of microscopic impurities and enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, sagging and decreased tone of the skin, decreased vitamin content in the skin in spring and autumn, disease of the sebaceous glands in the form of acne, non-inflammatory blackheads, uneven skin color (freckles and other age spots), allergies that appear on the face, some dermatological problems (eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis). Let's look at some indications for use in more detail.

Blue clay for face against acne

Blue clay is an active “rescuer” against acne in an advanced stage due to its antiseptic qualities and anti-inflammatory properties. The zinc contained in this natural material plays an important role, because it fights skin infections.

Using a clay mask with aloe juice or aloe vera gel brings almost instant results. Already the first procedures will remove irritation and redness.

Also add herbal infusions and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to disinfect inflamed areas on the face, thereby eliminating acne.

Blue facial clay for skin whitening

Summer is the time when the sun's rays become more active, which leads to the appearance of dark spots on the skin. This spotting on the skin of the face is especially unpleasant. Blue clay can restore the skin to its uniform, familiar color and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

To lighten the skin on your face, add lemon, cucumber, potatoes, melon, parsley, grapefruit, sea salt, milk, vitamins PP, K, E to the mixture.

Blue clay for oily skin

Oily skin requires additional cleansing of pores from toxins and any other impurities in order to improve metabolism in cells, improve the enrichment of oxygen and other elements important for their functioning.

Oily skin on the face requires special components that would provide it with thorough cleansing, tightening of pores, and eliminating oily sheen. Such components are rice, oat flour, mineral water, aloe juice, lemon juice, alcohol tincture of calendula, egg white, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, puree from various fresh fruits, vitamins E, B, A.

Blue clay for face against wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles on the skin is associated with age-related changes, deterioration of metabolism, and the presence of active facial expressions. Blue clay restores all metabolic processes in the skin, helps saturate cells with useful elements, and moisturize the skin. The effect of blue clay can be called rejuvenating, toning, tightening. Restoring skin firmness and elasticity leads to a reduction in the number of wrinkles.

To speed up the appearance of the rejuvenating effect, enrich masks with blue clay with auxiliary components. For example, add vitamins in the form of oil (E, PP, A, C, B), cocoa, sea buckthorn oil, yeast, kefir.

Blue clay for dry skin

Blue clay can dry out the skin. To avoid additional degreasing and dehydration of dry skin on the face, it is worth enriching the solutions with additional components.

For improved nutrition, hydration, increased tone and smooth out fine wrinkles on dry skin, use cream, sour cream, olive oil, chicken egg yolk, apricot, grape or peach oil, honey, avocado, argan oil, rose hips, vitamins E and B. Complex The described ingredients help speed up the healing process of small cracks and deeply moisturize the skin.

After masks with blue clay, treat your face with moisturizer.

Using blue clay for the face at home

Using blue clay at home is a cheap way to refresh, moisturize, rejuvenate, protect, and cleanse your facial skin. Clay procedures do not involve the use of any special equipment or tools. To achieve success in DIY facial skin care, follow simple recommendations on technology and recipe.

Recipes for blue clay face masks

Considering the number of possible additional ingredients to clay, it becomes clear that there are even more varieties of masks with blue clay. However, do not get carried away with saturating mixtures with too many ingredients. It’s better to use ready-made recipes:
  1. Moisturizing mask for dry skin. Combine and mix 1 tbsp. l. cream and sour cream, add a quarter teaspoon of peach or apricot oil. After achieving homogeneity, add 20 g of blue clay. This mask is applied for 20 minutes.
  2. Nourishing blend for dry skin. Achieve a uniform consistency by mixing the yolk with olive oil (20 g). Add blue clay (20 g), mix the solution and apply immediately. Leave to act for 15 minutes.
  3. Refreshing mask for dry skin. Dilute 10 ml of olive oil with 10 ml of fresh cucumber juice, grind with a tablespoon of blue clay. Treat your face and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Purifying mask for oily skin. Take 1 tbsp. l. rice flour and blue clay powder. Add a small amount of water and stir the ingredients. Apply the finished mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Anti-acne mask for oily skin. Add blue clay (15 g) and tea tree oil (2 g) to warm milk (15 ml). The exposure time of the mixture is 10-15 minutes.
  6. Whitening mask for any skin. It contains blue clay and kefir. For one tablespoon of powder, take enough kefir to bring the solution to the desired thickness. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.
  7. Whitening composition for oily skin. Add 5 ml of juice squeezed from lemon and blue clay to 20 ml of vodka. To bring to the desired thickness, use clean water. The effect of the mask is limited to 20 minutes.
  8. Anti-freckle mixture for normal skin. Mix 1 part sea salt with 3 parts blue clay, add whipped egg white and fresh milk. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.
  9. Disinfecting mask against acne and irritation. It contains the following ingredients: 3 tbsp. l. clay, 1 tsp. talc from the pharmacy, 5 g of glycerin, 5 g of salicylic alcohol, mineral water. This complex, used regularly as a mask, allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process on the skin of the face and, accordingly, purulent rashes.
  10. Nourishing mask for normal skin. Ingredients: 3 tbsp. l. clay powder, water, yolk, 1 tsp. lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
  11. Rejuvenating mask. The composition includes 2 tbsp. l. clay powder, a few drops of aevit and 0.5 tsp. cocoa. This mixture is applied in two layers for 20 minutes. Use cool water to rinse off.

How to properly use blue clay for the face

To properly prepare masks with blue clay, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  • To break up caked lumps, sift the amount of clay specified in the mask recipe. Sometimes, with the help of such actions, it is possible to weed out unwanted elements that end up in packaging at the production stage. The sifted powder will be enriched with oxygen and will be easier to mix.
  • Use only natural ingredients for any type of mask.
  • Do not exceed the content of additional components allowed by the recipe.
  • Use only fresh solutions; during storage, the mixture loses its properties, so do not prepare for future use.
  • The solution should be plastic, no thicker than sour cream, so that the applied mask does not drain from the skin.
  • It is preferable to first mix the clay powder with liquid (water or broth) until smooth, and then add auxiliary ingredients.
  • Do not use metal utensils to mix components.

How to apply a blue clay mask to your face

The mask application technology includes the following rules and recommendations:
  • Pre-cleanse the skin on your neck and face, you can even use a scrub to remove dead elements and improve the penetration of the beneficial ingredients of the mask into the skin.
  • Solutions with clay can be applied to both dry and moisturized skin.
  • Start applying the solution from the bottom of your face. You can start from the neck and move towards the forehead. The blue clay mask should be applied to the entire skin of the face, with the exception of the area around the mouth and eyes.
  • To cover your face with the mixture, use a special brush or spatula. Keep in mind that a brush is the safest applicator option, while the latter, a spatula, can injure existing acne.
  • The amount of solution applied should not be large. The large weight of clay drying on the face can lead to its stretching and other mechanical damage, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Any facial movements produce a similar effect. Therefore, they should be excluded during the exposure of the mask. It's best not to even talk.
  • The best body position during the clay procedure is lying on your back.
  • To avoid premature and uneven drying of the solution, moisturize with boiled water those areas of the face where the solution begins to lighten.
  • After 15-20 minutes of exposure to the clay mixture (or other period of time provided for in a specific recipe), rinse the mask thoroughly with clean warm water. Then rinse your skin with cool water. You can also use wet wipes.
  • Each recipe provides for the frequency of use of the face mask. Sometimes the skin type can be a limitation: dry skin - 1-2 times a week, other types - 2-3 times.

Contraindications to the use of blue clay

Contraindications to the use of blue clay are:
  1. Individual intolerance to individual components.
  2. The presence of diseases in the body associated with an excess of any blue clay ingredient.
  3. Presence of wounds, burst pimples. With such skin damage, a clay mask can be harmful.
To test the body's reaction to blue clay, apply a small amount of the solution to the wrist area, where the skin is thin and sensitive. After some time it will become clear whether it can be used or not.

Sometimes irritation appears after several procedures. In this case, you should not immediately sin with blue clay if there were other components in the masks. It is recommended not to enrich the first masks with auxiliary ingredients.

How to use blue clay for the face - watch the video:

In order not to cause harm, when using a clay face mask, adhere to the technology of applying the solution, and also follow the rules of conduct during the action of the beneficial mixture, the timing and frequency of exposure.