What a modern man he is. What is he like - a modern man Digital technologies and gadgets

Until recently, being a man was very simple: eat, sleep, reproduce. And now we have been dragged into a race that is sometimes damn exhausting.

Throughout history, man was first a child and then an adult. He grew from “We Lived with Grandma...” to Brahms in an instant. But then, at the dawn of the sixties, the word “teenager” appeared in dictionaries, and a completely new species was seen. The kind that had money but didn't have to worry about loans, feeding kids, or paying bills.

The creation of the word "teen" opened up perhaps the greatest market niche since the resurrection of Christ.

After all, now - in the gap between lullabies and Brahms - a gaping seven-year void had opened up, which could be filled with all sorts of boogie-woogie, and at the same time a burger with Coke and a pair of Levi’s.

The problem is that today all possible ways of exploiting teenage naivety have been explored. So some smart guy in designer glasses and a turtleneck decided it was time to create a new kind of customer: a new breed that needed to be fed a whole new line of products that its representatives never even knew existed. So he came up with a concept called “men.”

Until recently, being a man was very easy. Eat. Sleep. Multiply. The only real catch was having to remember which day you had to make a nice cream pie and which day you had to come home in a bearskin coat and do the rough housework. And I certainly never had to worry about writing on the elastic of my panties.

But not now. Not only that, you are expected to rub dirt into your hair, polish your nails, buy things to make your teeth shiny and white, and go to the gym to stay in shape. And long gone are the glory days when wristwatches were bought to tell the time.

Open any glossy magazine and you will be stared at by stone-jawed men advertising watches during some heroic outdoor activity. Put on Breitling and you are no longer Garrett Syrnikov from accounting. You're Clint Sledgehammer, and on the weekends you ride your Confederate Hellcat between pylons in the Nevada desert. Put on an IWC and you're a deep sea diver. Wear an Omega and you're George Clooney.

You go to a movie premiere these days and some dumb sheep with a microphone always asks, “Who are you wearing?” I don't carry anyone, you fool. I was wearing things that were lying on the floor near the bed.

However, now this is not enough. A man must be sophisticated, must know how many buttons should be on the cuffs of his jacket - and God forbid he wear a shirt with a breast pocket.

Worse than that. Recently, on a British Airways flight, I glanced at a duty free magazine, from the pages of which the editor in his column informed me that with the arrival of spring, I should treat myself to a new scent. And the choice was very wide.

As it turns out, I have to wear "Acqua di Parma" to work, which makes me smell "clean, fresh and professional." What?! How can you smell like professionalism? This concept is not one that has any known smell. It's like smelling of modesty, indifference or sadness.

Then there is “Eternity for Men”, which is “ideal” for tough men because it smells like the sea. Which sea? Mediterranean? Caspian? Or a tiny swamp not far from my country house? There is also plenty of sea there - at least, seasickness covers a kilometer away.

We might prefer 212 VIP Men, with warm, sweet and sexy notes of vanilla, sandalwood and tonka bean. What kind of tonka bean is this? Well, I was not too lazy to dig up information - and everything is very sad. They are banned by the US Food and Drug Administration, they cause liver damage in rodents, they are used in occult rituals, their constituents prevent blood clotting, and they are also used to flavor tobacco.

Still want to put on some perfume to impress the girls at the club? The flag is in your hands.

Only without me. And in general - spare me all this nonsense. According to British Airways magazine, I should layer my scents - first shower gel, then deodorant, aftershave, conditioner and eau de toilette. I don't have time for this. And I don't need a manual about the differences between cologne and eau de toilette, because I don't want to smell like a German or a swamp. I want to smell what I ate or what I did. I am a man, and perfume is for women.

Shopping is also for women, and our friend with thin glasses seems to have forgotten about this. Of course, I understand that some men like to walk around the city in their free time, getting haircuts and buying ridiculous clothes. These people are called footballers and restaurant critics. They have scrotums, but they are not men at all.

A real man will think long and seriously if he is asked to choose between selling his own children for organs and going to a booth to try on pants. Trying on pants is, without a doubt, the worst thing that can happen in a man's life. This is water torture, a trip to the dentist and cancer all rolled into one.

Look at the man in the supermarket. It looks like a blur of activity blurred by fast forwarding: buy what you need at the moment, and then get the hell out of there. For a man, stocking up in a supermarket is like removing a band-aid: the faster, the better.

How many men have you seen in the market town of Bicester in Oxfordshire? No one. This place is simply heaven on earth for women, but for me it is one of the circles of hell: a whole street of things that do not fit.


Modern man. Is a man an animal or a person? Man in modern society. The image of a modern man.

We have already observed many times how society justifies the disgusting actions and crimes of men: betrayal, beatings, rape, murder... The modern Russian man has become not a man at all.


"She PROVOKED him"

"She seduced him"

"She DID him"...

The picture is vivid: an unfortunate dog, unable to answer for his actions, a hostage of circumstances and a victim of provocation on the part of a person who was supposed to follow safety rules when interacting with an unreasonable person, must bear responsibility for his reaction, because only she is capable of this.

Society paints this picture without delving into the details, without noticing the problem.

And the problem with victim blaming is that men are considered completely rational beings who are capable of deciding whether to beat, rape, or kill someone...

Or is this a false view of them?

We continue to receive various instructions:

“Don’t go out at night, there are inappropriate dogs walking around”, “Walk covered from head to toe in hoes so that you have less chance of provoking the dog”, “Don’t be alone with the animal, because it may well bite you to death”... The man introduces himself like an uncontrollable and dangerous beast of prey.

Why are we forced, returning from school or work in the evening, to turn around and worry that a mad rooster might be following us? Girls who believe that men are people and go out to have fun with them are to blame for this? No, the whole world naively believes so.

Let either penis-bearers walk with muzzles and leashes in public places, or begin to take the blame for their actions completely, without any “male nature”, “unstable psyche”, “terrible influence of testosterone”... Why does a man have the right to harm a woman? just because it has a process between its legs?

Either animals or people.

We are provoked by all accusations of provoking victims, but until we have been too successfully provoked, we have not divided the accusers into pieces of meat.

Justifying betrayal and disgusting actions is stupid, but walking around at night, in parks naked and thinking that no one will rape you is even stupider.

A man is a male or a male, there are tame dogs, or, conversely, wild wolves, but some behave like an animal, a pig, for example.

What, animals are not people?

Some kind of bullshit. Everything was gathered together. The image of a modern man presented as a kind of savage, unable to control his instincts, coupled with complete inadequacy with a mania for murder

Nothing can justify violence. No one has the right to touch anyone without mutual consent.

Right. The men became insolent to the extreme. The modern Russian man is exactly like that - a wild, uncontrollable animal. You should go to jail for any offense. And then the rapists are already acquitted.

A post from an unsatisfied and abandoned aunt. It's just funny!

And I always laughed at the topic “she stole him.” And he was like a goat on a string, he took it and ran away.

I don't argue, but they are touching. Even I prefer to carry a gas cylinder or a knife with me, because it’s safer, because there were different situations in life, and a defenseless girl should be even more afraid of reality, so it’s better not to walk alone at night. They have no rights, but they will rape you.

Yes, it’s clear that once again it’s better not to walk alone. It still outrages when they say that the victim is to blame. Modern man a priori innocent, because the woman is guilty, you see, she went about it on her own and tried to get it.

That's funny. Of course, I understand everything, but... Is it okay that all these rapists, murderers, and so on on the list are raised by women? And it turns out that men are evil, and women just came to see. What nonsense? I don't condone either gender, but even feminism should be in moderation. It's my opinion.

I'm not saying you should walk around naked. I repeat: I am against it when a rapist is justified “it’s her own fault.”

There is a great way out. You take it and leave en masse for Turkey or similar countries, where men are individuals and blah blah blah. And you will live in peace, and it will only benefit us. You will see what kind of man should be where the law recognizes a man as higher than a woman.

I don’t justify men for cheating, but I also don’t understand whores who start relationships with married people. It would be too fat for one man to have several women at once. Dating a married man means encouraging his low behavior and disgracing other women. Because then such a “male” will think that he is cool: at night he fucked his wife, in the morning he fucked his mistress, in the evening he found another one. Ugh. You can't be stupid meat. I have always been disgusted by men who, while married, tried to hit on me.

Fuck you guys. Why should women be afraid to walk the streets, and the likelihood that someone will rape a man in his underpants is zero? These animals need to be castrated.

Something else has always amused me: on the one hand, society often tries to convince us that a man is the head of the family, responsible for making the most important decisions; he is rational, his words and actions are balanced and deliberate (unlike the actions of overly emotional and rash women, yeah)... But on the other hand, a man, it seems, “does not need to be provoked”, he can be “led away”, “brought” And so on. Double standards, which are very convenient to hide behind. A man in the modern world is a kind of muslin young lady or a circus monkey, which can be given any vector of rotation. And this is convenient for them, because by default they are not to blame for all their vile deeds. It's always the woman's fault, yeah.

Everyone must think for themselves, and often the one who is to blame is the one who was robbed, raped, or run over while crossing the road. For if she had not gone half naked from the club through the park, but had taken a taxi, she would not have fallen for a maniac, if she had not flashed money everywhere and did not walk with a wad of money at night, then she would not have been robbed, if she had looked around when the road crossed - they would not have shot down. There is always guilt, this does not justify the person who raped, robbed, ran over, etc., but it also does not relieve the victim of guilt. Sometimes it infuriates me how people cross the road - they don’t even think that they will be run over, they don’t even think that they will be raped, robbed, or maybe even killed. Funny people.

It's chaotic, but I agree with the main idea. Every person (not taking into account really sick people) is able to control himself and his actions, and must be responsible for their consequences. You can only “take away” a man under deep hypnosis, for example, or under substances. And even that is a controversial excuse. If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t get carried away. A man and a woman are generally opposed, as beings from different worlds. This is wrong. But regarding rapists, it’s a nightmare. This means that they are imprisoned for exceeding self-defense, but for rape they still have to prove it! And yes, even if a woman walks naked around the city, no one has the right to infringe on her sexual freedom. Unless the cops grab you, well, that’s another story. And those who justify rapists and robbers are themselves not much better than them.

B not adequate? When a person is hit, it is an accident; in such a situation, none of the victims or victims wanted what happened. Both the pedestrian and the driver are at fault. What does all this have to do with it? Are young children also to blame when they are killed and raped? Provoked by your childish cheeks? Yes, you need to avoid some dangerous places and situations. But I’m just tired of the fact that in society it is customary to blame the victim of violence, and not the rapist.

No, in fact, if there were fewer slutty skins, then men would cheat less. For example, he had a fight with his wife, went to drink, and then the woman climbs on him and he thinks, “Fuck my wife, someone else likes me,” and so on. Such a rude one, but still an example. And so men become impudent and stop appreciating women. Since so many have become easily accessible.

Every day I am afraid of “rabid roosters”. Men in modern society are like children in Japan - complete impunity, because that chick is guilty, flashing her thighs or tits.

In this case, both participants are complete animals. You can't justify anyone. If there are problems in the family, let him decide or run away and have sex with anyone. And women who sleep with married people are generally a separate caste. I despise people like that.

I expressed my attitude to the matter. You can agree or not, your right. But upbringing and family climate influence a lot. And judging by the way you answered me, you had problems like most. Unreasonable aggression is always a sure indicator. When a man’s signs are fear for his safety next to him, it’s really sad and scary.

I have no problems. Neither like the majority, nor like the minority. The reason for my aggression is someone's stupid head. A child’s future behavior is largely influenced by his environment, the books he reads, the films he watches. There are many factors.

Why is she naked at night and in the park? What if you work until 10-11 p.m., go home, and are attacked in your own yard right at the front door? It's also your own fault, right?

No one should harass women sexually without their consent. In Israel there was an incident with a chick being passed around in a circle, everyone was almost imprisoned, only then did they pay attention to the fact that the girl initially said that it was her idea. That's it - good health! And if, no matter how hard she tries, she doesn’t give consent, don’t touch her. Pick up a whore if you want

Men drink like non-humans, use drugs in the company of women and take off their T-shirts, pants, underpants, tear their T-shirts on the dance floor, run naked, swim, walk in thongs on the beach, behave provocatively. And no one touches them! Men in modern society are much more protected than women.

I would say that women are much more cultured than men. Who would think of raping a man if he has a place sticking out so erotically in the area of ​​his fly?

Well, who knows, I once went to the store from home, it was a 5-minute walk, I came out in what I was wearing, some home pants, a sweater, a jacket. They tried to rape me, I barely lost my legs. What did I provoke?

Mad dogs must be poisoned and shot. Great post.

And here’s another thing: now you don’t need to walk your dog in the evening either? Let the dog piss himself, but I won’t provoke anyone! Why does a man believe that he has the right to attack any woman? I don't understand this at all!

Even the fiercest beast has a drop of pity. I have no pity, which means I’m not an animal.

- “It’s not my fault that I robbed the bank, it was the cash collection machines that seduced me, why did they stand there so temptingly”, “it’s not my fault that I stole from the store, this chocolate looked too delicious.” Sounds stupid, doesn't it? I think you can draw an analogy yourself.

Well, they shouldn't be raped. They should be punished at the state level. Sterilize and send to medical treatment facility.

I remembered about onanists. Ananyuga woman imagined: a group of guys are sitting on a bench, talking and then they notice how their aunt is looking at them from the bushes and jerking off, and the more shy they are and pay attention to her, the more she plays up.

Yes, they have the right, just imagine. If you are not satisfied with someone's moral character, this does not mean that you can rape and beat. Or are men, in your opinion, rabid monkeys who simply cannot control themselves?

Actually, yes, they have the right. And the maximum that you have the right to is simply to protect yourself from their society. All.

That is, you do not consider parents to be the child’s environment? And also do not attribute the climate in the family to that many factors.

Both scary and beautiful people are raped, and even if a girl is dressed in a down jacket, she can easily be raped, and she can be walking down the street late, returning from work or school. In Islamic countries, women wear burqas, but the rate of rape there is much higher. Conclusion - all accusations of the victim are just an excuse and a pathetic attempt to justify oneself. This is the whole point of men.

In addition to these two people, his parents, the child is surrounded by many more people. So divide it to find out approximately in percentage terms how much parental influence there is.

I don’t think it’s okay to kill someone if I don’t like their behavior or appearance. I do not justify rapists and murderers. So yes, I am a person, not an animal.

And when you dance drunk in clubs, when you cheat on your boyfriends or have sex in all positions with who knows who, sometimes even with animals, when you lead a mercantile lifestyle, you don’t behave like animals, eh, girls? I see that there are really women against men here, some kind of war is going on, by God!

Why did you decide that I was wandering around drunk and cheating? I don’t think people can behave like that (note, not just women, but people in general), but that doesn’t mean I can stone a drunk man. If I don’t like watching this, I just turn away and that’s it.

Where did you get the idea that all men are just trying to rape you and they are all animals?

Have mercy, my friend! Am I saying that animals are absolutely all men? No, that's not true. Animals, and absolutely disgusting ones, are the ones who justify violence by saying: “It’s her own fault! Why did she twist her ass in front of him?” And not only men are such disgusting animals, but also women, unfortunately. I don't understand this.

Animals are also those who wag their asses in front of others. Do you agree?

They picked up the animals to insult them. My snail doesn’t shake its butt in front of anyone, for example.

She crawls slowly, sexy, leaving a trail of sexy mucus behind her. I have a couple of snails. I know them.

Tempting, vile animal?

This is undoubtedly unworthy behavior for a person. But I will repeat to you again, this does not mean that someone has the right to beat and humiliate a person who behaves stupidly. And it’s certainly a million times worse to justify violence than to wear a short skirt. We were all raised differently. It seems to you that this is indecent, but to others it is completely normal. Nothing can justify violence.

- “Anyone who dares to raise his hand against a human female becomes unreal (and not a man at all). Even for the purposes of self-defense. Here, any brainless female with infinite wisdom in her eyes and soulfulness in her voice will declare that if a woman throws herself at you, you owe her calm down with a kiss or a member. Whoever likes it more. Usually adherents of such a philosophy, if you ask them a question like: “What to do if a woman aggressively attacked you (your loved ones) and you (they) are in danger?”, “What if does the woman have a knife? - they fall into a stupor, not finding an answer, and “you can hear a fly fly by." Even worse, they begin to spout utter nonsense that cannot be analyzed logically and adequately understood. A small remark. If you are cooler than other real men, then at least call you a non-man and they won’t, but, nevertheless, they will condemn your merits. Higher education? - “Fucking intellectual!”. A lot of money? - “Fucking bourgeois!”, and so on. You can find fault for any reason. As they say, if only there were a person , and then there will be an article."

Yes Yes! I completely agree. Nonsense, she stole it, yeah, of course it’s a calf or something. Yes, in general, people are bullied, a person lives his own life, and there is no need to pester a person, either physically or mentally. And I’ll add - no one can take away a loving man.

Being a whore has now become the norm. Women who wear short skirts so everyone can stare at them are just as animals as those who rape them. Some - because they are led by their base sexual instincts, others - because they are not decent and do not know the rules of decency.

I hope that all the men who justify violence will be caught by gays, jocks, swept away and treated as liabilities. Then let's see how they crow.

Perhaps I will now open America to you, but not only women are raped, but also men, and children, and even our furry neighbors on the planet. That is, the question should be posed differently: is the victim to blame? The child, of course, provokes the pedophile with his age and shorts in the summer - look, a three-year-old whore went out into the sandbox in shorts like these! A goat, of course, provokes a bestiality by the fact that she is a goat. I saw the land, I was born a goat, it’s my own fault! Don't you think it sounds stupid and the rapist is always guilty? I am especially pleased by men screaming about the guilt of the victim, thus hinting that all owners of penises (apparently themselves) are unable to keep a cigarette in their pants when they see a short skirt. I would really be afraid of such people, otherwise suddenly their skirt would ride up a little, and they would immediately collapse, overwhelmed by the desire to confirm their own bad ideas. A man after such statements is not a man at all. Don't you think so?

When I cross the road, I think that a car might hit me. When I walk through the courtyards at night, I think that I could be robbed, and a girl walking half naked with an iPhone in her hand should think with her head that she could also be robbed or raped, and there is no need to walk in deserted places at night. When children are kidnapped, parents need to think about this and not let their children go alone. It’s obvious that those who are to blame for what happened to the child are stupid parents, who could have prevented this if they had thought with their stupid heads and not shifted the blame to themselves.

The one who came out, yeah, I always try to walk around with a knife or a canister in residential areas. They tried to rob several times - always unsuccessful.

That is, in your opinion, I should sit at home from 4 pm (when it gets dark in winter), not go out to the store, or anywhere at all, because someone is sick in the head? At home, in the village, where everyone knows me? Sorry, but this is complete nonsense.

Logic - be wary of those who write that the victim is to blame and not be afraid to walk half naked at night? When they rape, rob, or kill, it will be too late to look for the guilty and consider who was right. You need to think about yourself and your own safety.

It shouldn't, but it's worth the wait. And wear pepper spray, electric shock, and so on. They tried to rob me more than once, and each time somewhere in deserted courtyards because I took such a shortcut to somewhere, but I expect this and deliberately walk through the courtyard, taking risks, so to speak.

Baba will never be able to think about her safety, much less provide it for herself on her own.

Believe me, when they grab you in their arms and drag you into a car, you simply won’t have time to pull anything out, and only your survival instincts, teeth, and legs will save you. And shortening the road, where there was no thought for five minutes in a straight line - a straight, illuminated road.

In short, all the men who unsubscribed here said themselves that they were either rapists or would calmly rape. The modern Russian man is like that!

It is necessary, so I am planning to move to a safe country where there is practically no crime. So maybe then we shouldn’t let children go out alone? There are also plenty of pedophiles, they can attack in broad daylight.

A pepper spray can also cause harm to the defender, and make the attacker more angry; with a shocker you will have to come into close contact, again, with the aggressor. And she may simply not have time to get the injury out of the bag. Therefore, physically, a woman will always give in to the rapist. Because she is simply weaker than him.

She can, if she doesn’t walk alone at night in deserted places, if she at least carries pepper spray, and so on. Reasonable people think about their safety and are safe and alive - but stupid people blame everyone, just so as not to think with their own heads.

When you have a knife at your throat and a guy is three times your size, then why the hell will you do something.

Do you really think that 16.00 is night?

If you go to work by 8 o’clock, then you need to leave at 7 am. Walk in the dark. Yes, there are a lot of cases when a girl walks in the dark for reasons beyond her control. And what kind of man would think that she’s pushing herself? The one the author wrote about.

Under no circumstances should you let small children go alone. Besides pedophiles, they can also be hit by a car and so on. I'm so stunned when some first-graders walk home from school alone. I would never let my children, so small, walk alone.

I once had to experience the effects of these cans on myself a couple of times. And I will say that they are really ineffective. Because after them, coordination of movements and physical strength do not disappear.

Perhaps you should change your social circle? If you are surrounded only by “whores” and potential rapists, this is not the norm.

I sprinkled pepper on the men a couple of times - the desire to attack completely disappeared. You can’t see anything there, your eyes are flooded - hell, what can you do with pepper in your eyes? Try it, spray the bottle, and then just wipe your eye with this hand - then you will wash your eye for 10 minutes.

That is, I can’t let my 11-year-old sister go alone to the playground in our area? Do you have to sit there all day with her? So I have my own things to do, my parents do too, she’s old enough to go out alone. And what if a pedophile drags her from the site into a car, will she be to blame? Look, at the age of 11 I left the house, which means I provoked it. Are men against a girl of 11 years old walking on the street? I'm shocked.

So I already have a normal social circle. But I agree with you.

At 16.00 it is now dark as night.

AND? Don’t leave the house, don’t take your child to kindergarten, don’t go to work? Do you think this is normal? And all so that the animal-like peasant does not think that he is being provoked.

Well, walk along the avenues, don’t walk through groups of drunk men, and so on, obvious rules that are even told to children.

You can’t see anything from the window, and I’m telling you, we have our own things to do, so now my sister will never go for a walk?

They can drag you into a wheelbarrow and rape you from the avenue.

We have an area where from the stop you can only go through the forest. They rape and kill there all the time. Why are you so stubborn? Well, it often happens that a girl or child is forced to walk along an empty street at night. The rapist and the robber are always to blame. And the fact that we must try to avoid hot spots is understandable. But this does not make the victim guilty. I read it - it turns out that the modern man is so wild - don’t provoke him, don’t offend him.

In reality, everything happens differently. You have to act according to circumstances and often according to fact. Already during the attack. Consider the woman attacked. She is in a panic, that is, her brain no longer understands anything, and her body does not give in to clear coordinated movement. Even if she takes out a gas canister, she will start spraying in all directions. And she herself will get into trouble, and it’s not a fact that the rapist will suffer. Far from a fact. No matter how many times we covered, for example, candy wrappers from both the division and Muscovites, well, they managed to get shockers and pepper spray, but this did not help them much.

Let your sister at least walk in the company of friends and not alone. But in any case, this is dangerous in our country, and parents let go at their own peril and risk.

On a crowded avenue you have a better chance of staying safe because people will notice and the police will be called. They can do it everywhere, but you have to be careful and not take unnecessary risks.

What does it do! Have men even loosened their belts? Do they think that everything is allowed to them? Look at the crime statistics - robberies, assaults, rapes, beatings. Among the criminals there are no women in such crimes. All are men. And who are the animals here, I ask you?Between man and womanthere is a significant difference - a woman will not rape and kill. And if he’s drunk, he won’t rape children or beat up gentle men.

Fucking world. Don’t leave the house in the dark, don’t go for a walk, don’t pass by men, don’t do anything, otherwise they’ll decide that you’re asking for rape. What nonsense!

Here recently a girl with a dog went to the park (forest) at 5 am; the dog was found 40 km away - the girl was not found. She’s not stupid to go into the forest at 5 am, right? Well, the rapist, the maniac is to blame, and what next? Will this bring this girl back or what? It is her fault that at 5 am she went from the city to the forest.

Well, of course, my sister goes out with friends and girlfriends, but these are her peers. So then you need not leave the house at all (although they may break into the house). I don’t know even then, maybe build an underground bunker... It’s a matter of law. If there is a punishment for rape of 3 years, and it is not a fact that they will be caught, this gives people a free hand.

Girls need to be taught self-defense - a ready girl will react normally.

Well, people will notice on the avenue and call the police, but you’re already in the car, and there are five Tajiks with you.

It's not her fault, that girl with the dog. Those who have a dog will understand. Anything can happen that you have to go at night. If a girl is on the street at night, then this is not a reason to kill her.

I also walked with the dogs in the forest in the morning. Where else can you go for a walk with them? In the city center on the square? So, do men in modern society have the right to attack women like savages? And then make excuses for what she provoked?

Do you even understand what you are saying? Why is a woman, a girl, a girl to blame? Because she needed to walk the dog?

Yes, sick people don’t care about punishment; they cannot be frightened by a life sentence or the death penalty. When the roof comes off, people are not afraid of punishment. And they can break into the house and stuff you into a car on the avenue, but more often everything happens in deserted courtyards and parks. And because of the stupidity of the victims themselves.

Before work, she took the dog to piss, was it her fault, or what? What kind of idiocy is that! If you saw a woman walking her dog at five in the morning, you would immediately attack her with your gaping penis, “How great is it that we are all gathered here today?” And would you fuck a dog into the bargain? And then in court, “What kind of person was she born anyway? A provocateur.” What animals are men compared to? Yes, do not insult animals by comparing these creatures with them.

So here it is. The mother herself helped this maniac look for girls as victims. What I mean is that it’s not only men who rape and it’s all their fault.

Who's talking about what, and the lousy one about the bathhouse.

It will be necessary to identify people who say that the girl is to blame herself, and put dogs in piles of them under the door.

Am I wrong? Do you know how many cases of violence there are in St. Petersburg, when drunk women are raped after a club by taxi drivers and on the threshold of the entrance by migrant workers from a neighboring construction site?

There are people. And there are animals. So, anyone can be animals or people, and it doesn’t depend on gender.

That is, if I go to a park at night where dubious people are drinking, and they rob me and kill me there, it’s not my fault that I went for a walk alone in a dangerous place? In my opinion, I will be to blame because I am so stupid and did not understand that 50 percent of the time I would end up there.

Another way to scare. Look at the crime rate in Singapore. It is minimal (mostly tourists violate it), yes, there is the death penalty for theft, violence, murder, drugs and in general the law is very harsh and rightly so, people are afraid, so they live according to the rules. There you can leave your phone, money, bag on the bench, no one will even think about taking it. And the modern Russian man is a sweet soul!

What can you do if modern girls look like whores?

You are in vain. I've only been to clubs a few times. I don't like places like this. And in general, you shouldn’t judge by appearance. I know prostitutes and whores, and they look very decent and hardly wear makeup. And there is a girl I know who was constantly drinking in clubs, walking around half naked, she is now 30 years old, and she had and still has only one man.

It's not just drunk people who get raped. Stop putting the blame on women. Even if a woman behaved stupidly, this does not mean that she can be raped. We're tired of justifying complete rapists.

I don’t, but someone else, and that’s all. And there is no girl, and it doesn’t matter who is to blame (he probably wasn’t found) and the girl cannot be returned. If she hadn’t gone, she would have walked on the grass near the house with the dog, and she would have been safe - and who is to blame. Lack of brains and self-preservation instinct. I think it makes no sense to discuss why the man did this. You are the one to blame.

Well, these are fables. You didn't hold a candle.

You mean, on the grass near the house? No, I know about you, but here you can’t walk dogs in residential yards.

Well, if you are beaten, then it is not your fault. Who can know where danger awaits. By the way, in my life I walked past drunk men several times, even late at night, and no one touched me. So a drunk man is not necessarily a maniac, as you think. A sober, quiet botanist from the next door can also be a maniac. Why a man does this, we don’t know.

Who justifies them? And look, in Moscow alone, up to 70% of rapes are committed by migrants. So go lay claim to your southern pals. And I’m talking about the fact that a rapist belongs in the trash and a raped woman belongs in the LTP.

This will never happen in Russia, and here in Poland too, that’s why I’m going to move.

And they can rape you near the grass near the house. And at the entrance, when you get up after a walk, they can rape you. These crazy people can rape you anywhere. Maybe the dog there is big, and it must run, otherwise there will be health problems. And yes, maybe there, near the house, there is no grass, as such, but a small flowerbed, for the welfare of which grandmother Zina from the second floor will not only physically but also fuck you mentally.

Is the child who was raped by a pedophile also to blame?

Go out, but take risks and think about your protection and the protection of the child, and not blame everyone but yourself. Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself. And so it is.

No. Children are sacred.

You have obsessive thoughts about guests from southern countries; you remember them inappropriately and inappropriately. I don’t have a single “southern friend” at all, by the way. Once again: not only drunk, depraved, homeless prostitutes are raped. Children who were raped are also in the LTP? And are they to blame?

Yes, even if they walk around naked, no one has the right to even touch these people. And justifying aggression towards even naked people is inadequate. A man has no right to touch a woman unless she gives her consent.

In that case, the girl had a small dog with her. I wonder where the chance of rape is higher - in the park at 5 in the morning, where there are no living people except drug addicts, or on the grass near the house, where everything is hung with cameras and there are thousands of people in the apartments? It seems to me that the answer is obvious.

That is, the child is to blame for being a child and attracting a pedophile with his age, the goat is to blame for being born a goat and attracting a zoophile, don’t you think this is ridiculous? It's always the rapist's fault, it's his problem that he can't keep his dick in his pants.

Where did I “attribute the blame to someone else”? What I'm saying is that there are plenty of freaks. And no matter what you do, there is a chance of getting into trouble.

Both are to blame. Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself. That's all. And why a man does this is the tenth thing.

Once again, you can’t often walk on the grass near your house. In our city there are elite residential complexes all around - Khrushchevka Plaza, River Govnotechka Beach, what the hell are these cameras?

I have already said that children are sacred. When a woman who has already matured as a woman is raped, that’s one thing. There could be any reason for rape. When a child is raped, it is a broken psyche. And his childhood spoiled. For this he should be executed immediately. And help the child recover from mental and physical trauma.

So if some idiot rapes a goat, will the goat also be guilty of being born a goat? The logic is fantastic!

That is, it’s okay to rape a woman, but not a child? Or if a 14-year-old child is raped, that’s also normal, he’s formed.

By your logic, a raped woman is always absolutely to blame? Are there any exceptions? And this doesn’t affect the psyche in any way?

14 years old is still a young girl. But now, even from this age, girls begin to be sexually active. And the fact that there, a 20-year-old woman, had an extra member or two or three extra members because of her disagreement after a nightclub, I don’t care at all. In principle, there can be sexual relations between a man and a woman, and this is normal. I don't feel sorry for this one at all. From now on there will be science.

You don’t, but others write it off. There is always a chance, I was almost robbed on the subway with your non-Russian friends - we were sitting in an empty carriage, these three entered together and two stood on either side of us, and the third sat opposite and the stupid girls, of course, did not understand anything, but I cleared , what was happening, and before the doors closed, he took the girls out of the car. We got into the next carriage, these three immediately sat down together, and at the next station we ran to the train in the opposite direction. There is a chance everywhere, but if you think quickly with your head, you have a much greater chance of avoiding problems. Not always, but in 95% of cases.

Japanese god! But a woman who has been raped doesn’t care at all, right? Well, just think! Just raped, humiliated and beaten! It’s better not to meddle in places where you don’t understand anything. How can you be like this? Indeed, the modern man is a primitive animal.

At the age of 14, a virgin is already formed and can even carry a child and give birth.

Awesome logic, of course.

We’re just talking about the fact that in order to “get into trouble,” you don’t have to run naked near the pubs in the middle of the night. The situation is not always the result of provocation. Everything is very individual. And each situation must be considered separately.

Do you think people rape you only after the club?

This is beyond good and evil. There are simply no other words. I’ve never walked down the street with my butt naked, I’ve never been lying around drunk, and I’ve never tried to attract unnecessary attention to myself, but I wouldn’t have enough fingers to count all the unpleasant situations that have ever happened to me. Once they approached me in the winter, at three o’clock in the afternoon, in a crowded place, just out of the blue, because it occurred to them. But somehow the awareness of my guilt does not reach me (unless, of course, being born a woman is not a crime). Well, here it is, the image of a modern man. Worthy, so to speak!

I generally try to avoid this dirt. Well, if she was raped, humiliated and beaten after some provoking actions by her, then I don’t give a damn. And I'll say more. All normal people don't care. But... if, while passing by, I would hear a woman’s cries for help, even if this woman was dressed like the last whore, I would help her. Not because she is a woman. But because this is the way it is in a healthy society, and I, as a citizen of this society, am obliged to promote order in this society and comply with moral and ethical standards and the law.

The goat had to walk with pepper spray, and not walk in the field alone, without a shepherd. You're trying to blame everything on the effect, and I'm trying to blame it on the cause. Both you and I are right, but people like me will remain safe, and people like you will be raped (God forbid, of course), but you need to take care of your own safety, and not look for guilt in someone who has already committed a crime. The dead cannot be helped by the fact that the maniac has been punished.

True, but the point is that if you walk half naked at night in a remote park with an iPhone in your hand, the chances of being raped or robbed are hundreds of times greater than walking in the same form along the central avenue, and the fact that the victim found himself in this state alone in the forest - only her fault.

When I was 14 years old, 2 men accosted me during the day. Right in the store where I bought ice cream. And no one helped me. Probably the same ones who believed that it was her own fault.

Well, a bestiality can buy a goat and rape it. Will the goat be to blame?

Do you think people don’t rape or kill during the day?

There are no maniacs in the forest, by the way. What should they do there? I’ve been going to forests all my life, I’ve never met a single one, but the cities are full of them.

The life of a modern man is presented in some terrible colors - a maniac who does not control his penis. A mad animal that attacks a female only due to the fact of her existence. The example about the goat is absolutely awesome. Don’t you think that we simply have a sick society, since such topics are raised at all?

You blame it on the rapists, and in fact defend your right to walk naked in the forest at night. You are not right.

Because women are raised as potential victims.

When treated correctly, a man is a man's great friend! Well, rabid people, of course, need to be isolated, they are dangerous to society.

Your brains are crooked, to put it briefly.

A forest, roughly speaking, is a park. I have a park here, a 10-minute walk from residential buildings, and it’s like a forest, deaf, where people are periodically raped, killed, or disappeared. But, nevertheless, girls with a dog go there at 5 am and disappear.

Agree. Well, this is the fault of parents and society.

The same applies to women: Your mother told you: “Vasya, be careful, there are some guys at the entrance.” The teachers at the School repeated: “If you see a group of several people, go to the other side.” You were taught not to make eye contact. This might make some people angry. You might get hit. Beat up. Cripple. Get dirty.

I also have such a park across the road, I haven’t seen any maniacs. But I myself look like I’m avoiding all maniacs, and I’m not wandering around here alone. Or maybe I'm a maniac myself?

Your opinion does not coincide with the legislation, since in our country it is not the victims who are punished for rape, but the rapists. It is only because of patients like you that women are afraid to go and write a report to the police about rape.

Don’t I have the right to take a walk in the park or in the forest? This is not prohibited by law, but violence and murder are prohibited. And if men are against it because, you see, I seduce them, that’s their problem. Why should I suffer?

Good text, I will need to copy it in case of important negotiations.

I will not say a word of condemnation to a raped woman, moreover, if I can help her to prevent this rape, I will help. I wrote above. The rapist must be eliminated. This is definitely true. Unless, of course, his violence had serious consequences, and not as in the case of Sycheva or Soleva. But women also need to be taught decency.

Yes, you have the right, calm down, I do not forbid you to run into maniacs and rapists. You have the right to be raped, and the fault, of course, lies only with the rapist, you were just walking alone, at night, half naked in the park, everyone does that.

You have already proposed to identify raped women in the LTP.

In occupational health centers they will learn decent manners. Work puts you on the right path. You see, after a couple of years of treatment, your values ​​and worldview will change.

A real woman will commit suicide after being raped; honor is more important.

So, are all raped females over 14 years of age dishonest?

In 95% after 16-18 years - yes. Women are to blame for their troubles. You need to love men. And don't provoke. A beloved man will never rape.

I sincerely wish everyone who believes that the victim is to blame for rape and violence to be in her place themselves.

Walking in the park at night is not prohibited by law, but rape is prohibited, it seems obvious who is right and who is wrong.

Rapists need to be castrated!

This is not difficult to understand. 50-65% of types of rape are cases where the woman herself is to blame. Another 30%-45% are returning home from all sorts of parties. Well, the rest is real violence. When, for example, a girl walks home from school or work through the park, and she is attacked.

Where do the statistics come from?

From ongoing observations on reports of sexual crimes.

Is it okay that not every victim will write a statement? And do a couple of percent of such cases even make it to court? By the way, sometimes a woman and her husband rape and beat her, but she does nothing, because “this is her husband. Everyone lives like that.” Modern Russian man. Ordinary.

Are you a sociologist? Link to statistics to the studio.

What statistics if these are my personal observations?

Why are you presenting your “personal observations” to us in the form of statistics? Then it turns out that these numbers of yours are bullshit.

You can't take a normal man away. A normal man is monogamous.

If you provide statistics, then be so kind as to back them up with real research by specialists, and not “I think.”

For me it’s not nonsense. I think so, so it is so.

- Modern manin all its guise. Read above. If he thinks so, then he is right. The author is right.

You never know what's there is not nonsense for you. In general, it seems that you are not entirely adequate. So I will ignore your “personal observations”.

99% of crimes against sexual integrity are committed by men; in 9 out of 10 cases, a man will be to blame for crimes against the sexual integrity of children (pedophilia). These are not people. These are wild and dangerous animals.

From the medical portal. True story.

"Experts analyzed data from 600 Americans aged 18 to 50 years. Participants talked about their behavior and shared their ideas about the male gender. Volunteers were also asked whether they corresponded to these ideas. Scientists found out: men who considered themselves insufficiently masculine resorted to Those who were confident in their masculinity were more likely to commit violence. These participants were more likely to commit armed attacks and injure victims. Researchers found no connection between stress due to insufficient masculinity and alcohol and drug abuse. Substance use does not appear to be as good as like violence, helps men feel more masculine."

Good things written in the post. Everything is correct.

Victims are mocked by the police, “lost” tens of thousands of examinations, and driven to the point of madness by confrontations. And all rapists still consider themselves disadvantaged. Although most men believe that it is possible to take a wife by force, drunk or young in a skirt, they are allegedly obliged in fact. Every third woman has been raped. Only 3% contact the police.

And in general, even real victims are ashamed to say out loud that they were raped, since this is a shame and subsequent persecution. And then we are told a horror story that men have been terrorized by women and women are screaming about violence in the street. In reality, there is a war to the death between a woman and a man.

Not an animal, but a child. They are children.

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“On the one hand, men are told that they should be attentive, caring, passionate, sympathetic. On the other hand, they are still expected to be macho,” notes Dr. William Pollack, founding director and president of the Center for Men and Young Men at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. This paradox becomes a serious source of male stress.

At the same time, today's men can no longer look to their fathers as positive examples. Pollack quotes one of his patients who said, “Why bother doing it? My father did this. Now they are divorced, his mother does not want to talk to him, he lives alone... And he is unhappy.”

2. This pressure is taking a toll on their sex life.

“The main problem I see with patients is low levels of desire,” says Dr. Ian Kerner, sex therapist and author of numerous books, including She Comes First. — Just 15 years ago, low libido was mainly a women's problem. Now men are ready to overtake women in this regard.” All of these patients, as Dr. Kerner explains, attribute the loss of desire to internal psychological pressure: “They say that they are stressed, that they are not themselves and that they have a lot of problems to solve.”

3. Why modern men are in no hurry to tie the knot

“From a physical point of view, they can afford to take their time to have children because modern medicines have solved this problem,” says youth activist and entrepreneur Wes Moore, author of the best-selling book The Other Wes Moore. And he adds that it’s also about the high bar that modern ladies set for potential husbands. “If a woman is looking for a man who is educated, and noble, and has a good job, and who is ready to get married, then she greatly narrows the circle of those from whom she has to choose.” The trick is that a man who meets her list of demands is not in a rush to take responsibility. He knows that he can afford to live for his own pleasure.


4. They are increasingly relaxed about women who earn more than them.

The famous moment from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” when the factory director and people’s deputy hid her social status and income from her fiancé, a factory foreman, for fear of scaring him away, is becoming less and less understandable to today’s youth.

“Modern young people don’t see a problem in the fact that you bring more money into the house than they do. They are more likely to hope that they will be able to earn more next year,” explains New York University sociology professor Kathleen Gerson.

And this is not a purely Western approach. We see that in Russia, since women had the opportunity to do business, women’s success began to be perceived precisely as women’s success, and not as men’s failure.

This is because, Professor Gerson believes, that men have begun to look at this issue more broadly: they understand that it is more important, for example, to buy a joint home than to calculate who has invested more in the mortgage. “They prefer to cooperate rather than compete,” the professor sums up.

5. And yet, for many men of our time, a successful woman is a grief in the family

It's all about how much a man feels in demand. If his life partner is a horse, a bull, a woman, and a man, then what remains for him?

“Women choose to do both: to be productive and to fulfill a reproductive role,” laments Lionel Tiger, a professor of anthropology at Rutgers University. That is, to pursue a career and give birth and raise children. It turns out that the man’s role as a breadwinner was taken away and he was given nothing in return. He feels that he has nothing to contribute to the family and feels unwanted.

The international popular science television channel Discovery (Discovery Channel) presented the results of its study “Discovery Species: Modern Man from A to Z,” which covered modern men aged 18-39 years and conducted in 21 countries.
The new wave of Discovery Species research continued an in-depth study of the male audience in Europe and Russia, covering 15,000 respondents (of which 1,000 were Russians). In Russia, the study was conducted throughout 2009 using online methods and personal interviews. In addition, in Russia, experts supplemented the qualitative part of the study by studying the blogs of young men, and expanded the quantitative part using the online panel of Discovery Channel viewers, which covers more than 8,000 Russians. The sample of respondents included a largely educated and wealthy part of the audience from different regions of the country.

Four main types of modern young men Based on interviews with sociologists, marketers and other experts, as well as qualitative and quantitative research in a number of countries around the world, 18 attitudes were identified that play a key role in the lives of modern young men. A comprehensive quantitative study has established the importance of each of the life attitudes for men from different countries. Based on the results obtained, four main types of modern young men were identified:

  1. Modern and one step ahead - 53% of men.
  2. Burdened with obligations - 14% of men.
  3. Egocentric - 14% of men.
  4. Zero commitment - 19% of men.
1. Modern and one step ahead:
  • Family-oriented men; hold more modern views on gender roles and fatherhood; adapt more easily to social pressure.
  • Full-time employment is likely; studying at a university is less likely.
  • Favorite television genres: science and technology, comedy films, comedy shows, news and current events, cars, wildlife.
  • Prefers television and the Internet, less interested in radio and newspapers, minimally interested in games and DVDs.
2. Burdened with obligations:
  • Family-oriented men hold more traditional views on gender roles and fatherhood; strive for career growth; are under public pressure; worry about the financial security and health of their family members.
  • Is in a relationship, probably has children.
  • Favorite TV genres: talk shows, music, crime, drama, reality shows, news and current events.
  • Prefers newspapers, games and DVDs, less interested in television and radio, minimally interested in the Internet.
3. Egocentric:
  • Typical bachelors whose priority is career and friends; As a rule, they adhere to modern views on relationships; thirst for information; have a wide range of interests and hobbies.
  • The probability of full employment is below average.
  • Most likely has no children.
  • Favorite TV genres: science and technology, lifestyle, history, news and current events, documentaries, wildlife.
  • Prefers television and the Internet, less interested in games, newspapers and DVDs, and minimally interested in radio.
4. Zero commitment:
  • Young men who live for today and avoid any obligations; strive to live cheerfully; they carefully monitor their appearance (but do not necessarily always maintain good physical shape).
  • Most likely full time.
  • Not in a serious relationship.
  • Favorite television genres: reality shows, quizzes and game shows, sports.
  • He prefers DVDs and newspapers; he is less interested in television, the Internet and games; he is least interested in radio.

How do Russian men differ from European men?

Christian Kurz, director of research for emerging markets at Discovery Networks EMEA, comments: In Russia, the increase in the “modern and one step ahead” category of men is noticeably higher than the European average. Russian men today demonstrate self-confidence and keep up with the times: they experience external pressure, but find a way to cope with it, they leave overcome difficulties in the past and boldly look to the future; They attach more importance than ever to their immediate environment - family, friends, everyday life. And at the same time, they are more open than ever to the perception of modern ideas and the development of new technologies. Russian men are generally very flexible, open to the world, and ready to accept everything new. The study found that they are positive, optimistic about the future and do not look back to the past. Russian society has gone through so many changes in a short period of time that men were required to be able to adapt quickly. And they reacted like this: ok, I can’t do work that interests me now, so I’ll earn money, and then maybe I’ll return to what interests me. If I’m not fulfilled in my work today, I’ll take care of my family. If we compare Russian men and representatives of the stronger sex from other European countries, we can say that they have even more in common than before: for example, today 40% of Russian men believe that fathers should primarily support their children morally and emotionally , and only secondarily - financially.This figure has grown (in 2008, 31% of young Russians expressed this opinion) and has approached the average for the rest of Europe (52%).

There are more modern ones

Compared to 2008 (when the first wave of the study took place), in Russia the number of men who belong to the “Modern and one step ahead” type has increased significantly. Such people have a modern view of gender roles and fatherhood, are family-oriented and easily adapt to changes in society. If in 2008 there were only 36% of such men in Russia, then in 2009 - already 53%. Although this trend, according to researchers, is observed almost throughout Europe, including Poland, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark, in Russia this figure is one of the highest among European countries. At the same time, the study found that the number of men belonging to the “Egocentric” type in Russia has decreased (14% currently versus 26% in 2008). These are typical bachelors whose priority is career and friends; as a rule, they adhere to modern views on relationships; thirst for information; usually have a wide range of interests and hobbies.

Family comes first

According to the study, 52% of Russian men aged 25-39 cook for themselves and their families at least once a week, 82% wash dishes, 81% regularly play with their children, and 64% read to them before bed. Young Russians pay special attention to home: 80% of respondents agreed with the statement “Having my own house or apartment is a life priority for me.” At the same time, in Europe this is important for only 69% of respondents. 85% of Russians versus 70% of Europeans consider it their responsibility to provide for their family financially. 81% of Russian young fathers play with their children at least once a week, and 63% teach them new things. In general, men in Russia have reconsidered their attitude towards work and are now focused on those areas of life that are more amenable to their control: family, personal relationships and everyday life.

Work is pressure, but earning money is more important

Work is a “double pressure” for young Russian men, researchers point out. The reason for the “double pressure” at work: on the one hand, the need to earn money, on the other, the desire for self-expression and satisfaction. One of the main trends is that in the post-crisis period, greater importance is attached to earnings, that is, at the moment, for many Russian men, it is much more important to earn money than to receive satisfaction from work. In 2008, 84% of respondents in Russia said that an interesting job or an interesting profession was important to them, but now this number has dropped to 55%. A similar trend is observed in the rest of Europe, although 69% of Europeans still believe that job satisfaction is at least as important as earnings. As the study showed, the desire for material wealth is a higher priority for Russian men than for residents of other countries. Overall, pressures and demands from all sides (work, family and social life) increase and, as a result, balance becomes increasingly difficult to find. Young Russian men do not allow pressure to get the better of them and cope with it with dignity.


As before, the main concern of fathers is earning money, so 85% of young men agree with the statement “The most important thing for me is to provide financially for my family.” This result is comparable to the data from 2008, and, as before, is higher than the European average (70%). However, today young men are paying increasing attention to other aspects of fatherhood - in particular, relationships with children. Many young Russian fathers take care of their children with their wives and enjoy spending time with their children (“My ideal evening is an evening with my family, when I can just play with the children”). The pleasure of interacting with children helps men, in particular, to remain “calm and satisfied with themselves.”


The results of the study suggest that grooming for Russian men is one of the ways to cope with the pressures of the outside world. Thus, 67% of respondents believe that self-care helps them look attractive in the eyes of their spouse or girlfriend, 60% believe that it makes them feel more confident at work, 56% take care of their image in order to create the right impression of themselves, and 53% feel more successful. In 2008, only 30% of Russian men felt comfortable being noticed, but today almost 50% think that taking care of their appearance gives them self-confidence - both in personal relationships and in work. These men use a variety of beauty products. It is curious that young men in Russia are noticeably more interested in their appearance than Europeans. “The man in the mirror” is one of the key trends for young Russian men, and its further development can be predicted in the future, the authors of the study indicate.

Something tasty?

Another trend that is typical for men of the “Modern and One Step Ahead” type is a modern approach to seeking equality in relationships. This manifests itself when it comes to relaxing with friends or enjoying cooking. Interestingly, the passion for cooking is not so unusual and this trend is increasingly spreading in Russia. So, among young men 25-39 years old:
  • 52% cook for the whole family at least once a week (12% every day);
  • 10% bake at least once a week;
  • 34% exchange recipes with friends;
  • 58% have a “signature dish” (from pies to pizza, from borscht to sushi).

Digital technologies and gadgets

Russian men still attach great importance to digital technologies. At the same time, in Russia technology plays a greater role in their lives than anywhere else in Europe. Thus, 79% of respondents believe that the Internet has opened up inexhaustible opportunities for them, which is significantly higher than the European average (71%), and 84% of young Russians (more than the European average - 66%) agree with the statement “I like technical devices “They allow me to live to the fullest.” In addition, there has been a sharp increase in the popularity of online shopping among young Russian men.

The sample by region was made in the following ratio:

  • Volga region - 25%
  • Moscow — 20%
  • North-West region - 14%
  • Siberian region - 10%
  • Central region - 10%
  • Ural region - 10%
  • Southern region - 9%
  • Far Eastern region - 2%
You can learn more about its results by downloading the Discovery Species 2010 presentation (PDF file), as well as on the project website -

Before I publish this stream of consciousness, which turns into a cry for help, I would like to make a small introduction. I won’t say that this is an indicator of my condition. This is more of a lyrical PMS mood, interspersed with recent experience. I just wanted to pour it out on paper.

I ask men not to take this personally. I know and believe that there are The Ones! Therefore, if this text offends you, it’s a reason to think about it.

I love you! :)

"About modern men"

What happened to modern men?
Why do they expect women to catch them, show attention, take the first steps?

"I really liked you. But you and I live an hour away from each other. I think it will be too difficult to build a relationship..."

“I'm asking you on a date. But it is convenient for me to meet only in this area. You can not? Ah, well then, good luck!”

You like a girl, you are not too lazy to register on a dating site and spend hours scrolling through profiles and correspondence. But you are too lazy to take the initiative! You are too lazy to strain yourself... Do you think I made it all up? No! One guy wrote: “It seems to me that women, like men, should achieve what they deserve.”

Since when did this happen? When did women start fighting for men?
Let's go back a little to the origins of nature. The males fought among themselves so that the strongest could own the females and continue the race. A man subconsciously seeks attractive women, and a woman searches for strong men to continue a healthy and survivable generation.

And then we wonder why there are so many lonely people. And because an hour’s drive is an obstacle to building a relationship, a girl’s activity is an indicator of her interest. Only now no one thinks about her self-esteem and the crowds of the same infantile guys who are trying to meet her.
How can she choose the strongest?

You know, I am simply amazed by the logic of many modern men.
Doesn't the girl write first? Doesn't hang around your neck? Doesn’t she say that you are the man of her life? She's not interested in me! And people live for years in their loneliness. They are waiting for someone to fall in love with their uniqueness, being able to see it under the layer of immaturity.

But how to choose?
Let's say I liked a man. Somewhere we have common ground. But how can I love you when you don't open up? How can I open you if you sit and wait only for my actions? A person is perceived holistically. Few people are interested in infantile men.
And I would like to give you all the unspent joy, tears of happiness, oceans of love and warmth. But to whom? Who are you?

Hundreds of men show interest in me. But how can we look at You? How can I, a single woman who works and develops, relying only on herself, find time to try to get to know each of the more or less handsome guys? It's just like going to work. But I already have a job...

I am a happy and at the same time unhappy woman. I have met men on my way who know how to show their superiority over others. The cave days are behind us, there were no physical battles. But there was a desire to conquer with words, actions, and interest.
If you really like a woman, what's stopping you from trying your luck? I don't need diamonds or expensive gifts. Be a man, be a man, so that I can recognize you from the crowd. Take me to an original movie, show me unique parts of the city that I haven’t seen, go to training with me or invite me on a hike. How little it takes to believe that I am exactly the one you need...

I know you are afraid of being deceived, you don’t want to waste your energy...
But I never give hope if there is none. I appreciate your attempts, I will always remember you, but if feelings don’t flare up, I’ll say so without hesitation.
And if I like you, you won’t find a more tender, devoted woman. But you don’t even let me open up.

But this is my position. What's yours? How will you find the one?

You are waiting for the woman to prove herself.

And I ask myself, who should I give my love to? Anyone who will offer to meet?

I am ready to drink this cup with HIM to the bottom. Just show yourself, don’t be one of the crowd of lonely hearts afraid to be real...

I've suffered enough. I don't measure You by ideals. You can be brunette, blond or red. You can be macho or intellectual. Anyone... But where are you?