What should be the diet for the first positive and negative blood group? Nutrition according to the first blood group: preferred foods Losing weight according to blood type 1 positive table

According to D'Adamo, this is the most ancient blood group, from which all other groups originated. It includes 33.5% of the Earth's population. The ancestors of this blood group were hunters, which left an imprint on the behavior and nutrition of people with this blood group. This strong, self-sufficient leader. When transfused, type 0 (I gr.) is suitable for all blood types. Type 0 is suitable only for blood of its group. / /

Basic recommendations on nutrition and diet for the first blood group - type 0 (group I) - “Hunter”


Strong digestive system.

Strong immune system

Systems designed for efficient metabolism and nutrient retention

Weak sides

Difficulty adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions

Sometimes the immune system is too active and acts against the body itself (allergies)

At-risk groups

1. Blood clotting problems (poor clotting)

2. Inflammatory processes - arthritis

3. Increased stomach acidity - ulcers

4. Allergies

High protein diet - meat eaters.

Good: meat (except pork), fish, seafood, Vegetables and fruits (except sour), pineapples, limited rye bread. quantity

Limit: cereals, especially oatmeal, wheat and products made from it (including wheat bread). Legumes and buckwheat are fine.


Cabbage (except broccoli),

Wheat and all products made from it

Corn and all products made from it

Marinades, ketchup.


Good: green tea, herbal teas from rose hips, ginger, mint, cayenne pepper, licorice, linden; seltzer.

Neutral: beer, red and white wine, tea from chamomile, ginseng, sage, valerian, raspberry leaf.

Avoid: coffee, hard liquor, aloe, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, strawberry leaf

Weight control program:

Exclude: Fresh cabbage; Legumes; Corn; Wheat; Citrus; Ice cream; Sugar; Marinades; Potato;

Helps: Seaweed (brown, kelp); Fish and seafood; Iodized salt; Meat, especially beef, lamb, liver; Greens, salads, spinach, broccoli, radishes Vitamins and food supplements B vitamins, vitamin K. Calcium, manganese, iodine. Licorice root (licorice), seaweed. Pancreatic enzymes.

Avoid: Vitamin A, vitamin E.

Physical exercise

To maintain good physical shape and especially in a weight loss program - very intense exercises: aerobics, skiing, running, swimming

For type “0” the main problem is low metabolism. There are the following factors that can increase your metabolic rate and thus reduce weight:

1. Remove wheat and all products made from it, corn, legumes, and lentils from the diet - they block insulin production and thereby slow down metabolism.

2. Remove all types of cabbage (except broccoli) and all oat products from the diet - they inhibit the production of thyroid hormones (thyroid hormones) and thereby slow down metabolism.

Increase the consumption of foods containing iodine - seafood, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach, broccoli), iodized salt, as well as foods that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones - radish, radish, daikon. It’s good to make juice from them half and half with carrots.

3. Eat meat (red), liver. These foods also increase your metabolic rate.

4. Intense physical exercise.

II To solve the problem of blood clotting (if any) - foods containing vitamin K: greens, salads, seaweed, meat, liver, cod liver oil, eggs. Avoid yeast foods; if the balance of intestinal bacteria is disturbed, take acidophilus and bifidobacteria.

III Be careful when taking aspirin (it increases acidity and thins the blood) and Gingko Biloba (the effect of increasing blood circulation is due to its thinning).

IV Avoid antibiotics of the penicillin class, as well as sulfa drugs.

Recommendations for selecting products for the first blood group:

Diet for blood group 0(I)

Foods that promote weight gain
WHEAT (GLUTEN). Reduces the effectiveness of insulin. Decreases metabolic rate.
CORN. Reduces the effectiveness of insulin. Decreases metabolic rate.
REGULAR VEGETABLE BEANS. Interferes with the utilization of calories.
DARK BEANS. Interferes with the utilization of calories.
LENTILS. Slows down nutrient metabolism.
CABBAGE. Provokes hypothyroidism.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Provokes hypothyroidism.
CAULIFLOWER. Provokes hypothyroidism.
YOUNG MUSTARD LEAVES. Inhibits the secretion of thyroid hormones.

Products that help you lose excess weight
KELP. Contains iodine. Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.
SEAFOOD. Contains iodine. Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.
IODIZED SALT. Contains iodine. Stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.
LIVER. Source of B vitamins. Improves metabolic efficiency.
RED MEAT. Promotes efficient metabolism.
LEAF CABBAGE, ASPARAGUS (BROCCOLI), SPINACH. Promotes efficient metabolism.

Meat and poultry
Particularly useful products
Mutton. Beef. Buffalo meat. Lamb meat. Venison. Heart. Liver. Veal.
Neutral products
Rabbit meat. Chicken of meat breeds. Turkey meat. Partridge meat. Quail meat. Pheasant meat. Chicken meat. Duck meat.
Pork. Goose.

Particularly useful products
White halibut. European hake. Yellow perch. Red Berix. Salmon fish. Lofolatilus. Bluefish. Swordfish. Morone. Sole. Sturgeon. Striped bass. Rainbow trout. Light snapper. Herring. Seriola. Whitefish. Mackerel. Cod. Shed. Pike. South African sardine.
Neutral products
Shark. Anchovy. Beluga. Venus, or clam (mollusk). Gorbyl. Scallop (clam). Grouper. Long flounder. Longfin tuna. Pufferfish. Squid. Flounder. Rock perch. Carp. Smelt. Crab. Shrimp. Trout (salmon-taimen). Mussel (clam). Abalone (mollusk). Angelfish (fish). Sea bass. Lobster. Haddock. Porgy. Crayfish. Ronka (silver perch). Sailfish. Sunfish. Edible frog. Edible snail. Acne. Oyster. Sea turtle. Shchuryata.
Barracuda (sea pike). Caviar. Smoked salmon. Other shellfish. Octopus. Striped catfish. Herring (salted or pickled).

Dairy and eggs
Particularly useful products
Not recommended
Neutral products
Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Butter. Soy milk. Soy cheese. Goat's milk cheese. Mozzarella cheese (from buffalo milk). Feta cheese (Greek recipe, made from white goat's milk).
Blue cheese. All types of yogurt. Food casein. Kefir. Goat milk. Ice cream. Munster cheese. Skim (2%) milk. Buttermilk. Processed cheese. Pressed cottage cheese. Cream cheese. Whey. Cheeses: "American Brie" "Gouda" "Gruyère" "Camembert" "Colby" "Monterrey soft" "Parmesan" "Cheddar" "Swiss" "Edamian" "Emmental". Whole milk.

Oils and fats
Particularly useful products
Linseed oil. Olive oil.
Neutral products
Cod liver oil. Sesame oil. Rapeseed oil.
Peanut. Corn. Safflower. Cotton.

Nuts and seeds
Particularly useful products
Walnuts. Pumpkin seeds.
Neutral products
Pine nuts. Almond paste and nuts. Hickory nuts. Macadamia nuts (sormond). Pecans. Sesame seeds. Tahini (sesame paste), tahini halva. Sunflower seeds. Sweet (edible chestnuts). Hazelnut.
American nuts. Peanut butter and nuts. Poppy seed. Cashew nuts. Litchi (Chinese plum) nuts. Pistachios.

Legume fruits
Particularly useful products
Azuki (angular or radiant bean). Cow's peas. Pinto (spotted) beans.
Neutral products
White beans. Jicama beans. Cannellini beans. Red soybeans. Fava beans. Green pea. Broad beans. Red beans. Large northern beans. Lima beans. Chickpeas (lamb peas). Vegetable green beans. Pea pods. Green beans with fiber. Shelled beans. Black beans.
Copper beans. Tamarind beans. Dark beans ("navy"). Regular vegetable beans. Lentils.

Cereals and cereals
Particularly useful products
Neutral products
Amaranth (schiritsa). Buckwheat. Kamut. Rice. Spelled. Barley.
Corn. Oats. Wheat. Rye.

Bread and baked goods
Particularly useful products
Bread from sprouted grains "Essei" and "Ezekiel"
Neutral products
Wheat bread. Rye chips. Rice cakes. Gluten free bread. Brown rice bread. Spelled wheat bread. Rye bread. Bread made from soy flour. Crispbread.
Baking. High protein bread. Wheat bran buns. Multigrain bread. Durum wheat products. Matzo. Sprouted wheat bread. Rye meal bread.

Particularly useful products
Artichoke. Okra (edible hibiscus). Sweet potato. Brauncol. Broccoli. Jerusalem artichoke. Leaf cabbage. Kohlrabi. Red hot capsicum. Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Yellow onion. Spanish onion. Red onion. Leek. Chard (chard). Sea vegetable (seaweed). Parsnip. Parsley. Loose lettuce. Turnips (forage turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Horseradish. Chicory. Garlic. Spinach. Escarole (salad).
Neutral products
White peas. "Bok choy." Swede. Water chestnut (chilim). Portobello mushrooms. Daikon (Japanese radish). Oyster mushroom. "Enoki" (mushroom). Yellow pepper. Green onions (lemon onions). Green pepper. Ginger. Italian chicory. Chervil (Kervil). Coriander. Watercress. Lima beans. Bulbless onion. Shallot (charlotte). Olives are green. Carrot. Abalone (mushroom). Cucumbers. Fern (curls). Jalapeno pepper. Bamboo shoots. Golden bean shoots (mung beans). Radish shoots. Rape. Radish. Rocket salad. Lettuce. Beet. Celery root. Asparagus. Tempex (soy product). Caraway. Tomatoes. Tofu (soy product). Pumpkin (other types). Dill. Fennel. Zucchini. Endive (chicory salad). Yam.
Avocado. Eggplant. Greenhouse mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms. Cabbage: white and red, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower. Potato. Corn. Olives: Greek, Spanish, black. Young mustard leaves. Alfalfa shoots.

Fruits and berries
Particularly useful products
Figs, fresh and dried. Plums. Prunes.
Neutral products
Apricots. Pineapples. Watermelons. Bananas. Cowberry. Concord grapes. Cherries. Blueberry. Grenades. Grapefruits. Pears. Guava. Melon "Kanan". Crenshaw melon. Starfruit. Raisin. Spanish melon. Carambol. Cassaba (winter melon). Kiwi. Cranberry. Red Ribes. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Kumquat (citrus fruit). Lime. Lemons. Loganberry. Raspberries. Mango. Cantaloupe. Nectarine (peachless peach). Papaya. Peaches. Fruits of prickly pear (Indian fig). Christmas melon. Dates are red. Persimmon. Black currant. Blueberry. Black grapes. Apples. Elderberries.
Oranges. Melon "Cantaloupe". Muscat melon. Blackberry. Strawberries, strawberries. Coconuts. Tangerines. Rhubarb.

Juices and liquids
Particularly useful products
Pineapple. Plum. Black cherry.
Neutral products
Apricot. Grape. Grapefruit. Cranberry. Vegetables from recommended vegetables. Papayas.
Orange. Cabbage. Apple. Apple cider.

Herbs and spices
Particularly useful products
Cayenne pepper. Curry. Red algae. Turmeric. Parsley. Carob fruits. Fucus vesiculosa (a type of brown algae).
Neutral products
Agar. Anise. Basil. Bergamot citrus. Dried pepper grains. Carnation. Mustard. Wintergreen. Allspice. Edible gelatin. Cardamom. Chervil (Kervil). Maple syrup. Coriander. Cremortartar (stone of tartar). Bay leaf. Marjoram. Arrowroot. Honey. Molasses (black molasses). Miso (soy product). Mint. Paprika (red chilli pepper). Rice syrup. Rosemary. Granulated sugar. Soy sauce. Salt. Tamarind (Indian date). Tapioca. Thyme (thyme). Caraway. Dill. Horseradish. Garden savory. Garlic. Red pepper flakes. Sage. Saffron. Chives. Chocolate. Almond extract. Tarragon (a type of wormwood). Barley malt.
Balsamic vinegar. White, red (wine), apple cider vinegar. Vanilla. Capers. Cinnamon. Cornstarch and syrup. Nutmeg. White pepper, ground black.

Particularly useful products
Neutral products
Mustard. Jams and jellies from acceptable fruits. Mayonnaise. Salad dressing (made with acceptable low-fat ingredients). Spicy soy sauce. Apple butter.
Ketchup. Kosher pickles and marinades. Pickles in sour or sweet marinade or dill vinegar. Relish (spicy side dish of pickled vegetables).

Herbal teas (infusions)
Particularly useful products
Alzina. Smooth elm. Ginger. Cayenne pepper. Linden. Peppermint. Dandelion. Fenugreek. Parsley. Sarsaparilla. Mulberries. Hop. Rosehip berries.
Neutral products
White birch (buds). Hawthorn. Elder. Valerian. Verbena. "Dong quai" (Chinese angelica). Ginseng. Green tea. White oak bark. Mullein. Catnip. Raspberry leaves. Curly mint. Chamomile. Licorice root (licorice). Thyme (thyme). Yarrow. Sage. Shandra. Skullcap.
Aloe. Hydrastis ("golden seal", goldenseal). Gentian. St. John's wort. Senna. Red clover (meadow). Corn silk ("silk"). Strawberry leaves. Burdock. Alfalfa. Coltsfoot. Shepherd's purse. Rhubarb. Curly sorrel. Echinacea.

Other drinks
Particularly useful products
Seltzer. Soda water.
Neutral products
Wine white and red. Green tea. Beer.
Diet soda water. Other soda drinks. Coffee. Drinks with distilled ethyl alcohol. Soda-Cola. Black tea (regular and decaffeinated).

Those who want to lose weight resort to a variety of diets. The blood type diet is quite popular. The principle of this diet is not to reduce the calorie content of the diet and the amount of food eaten, but to exclude certain foods from the diet. This diet allows you to lose weight comfortably, because you don’t need to starve, and the weight comes off. It is necessary to understand in more detail what constitutes diet for blood group 1 with positive or negative Rh factor.

Scientists believe that if a person has a certain blood type, they should only consume foods that are approved for them. This is explained by the different structure of the cell and the entire hematopoietic system. As a result of consuming prohibited foods, a person begins to gain extra pounds. How to get rid of this by staying healthy and not eating restrictively.

This weight loss method was developed by American doctor Peter D'Adamo. It is necessary to consume only foods approved for the first blood group.

According to his method, food included in the diet is divided:

  • to harmful - when broken down, toxins are released that negatively affect the cells of the body;
  • neutral - do not have any effect on metabolic processes;
  • useful - when broken down, they release energy necessary for the functioning of the body and have a positive effect on it.

To achieve rapid weight loss and stay in shape for as long as possible, you must follow all nutritional recommendations for your blood type. There are 4 known blood groups that affect not only a person’s characteristics, but also his nutrition. If you do everything right, you can lose weight without starving and relieving your body of stress.

Nutritional Features

The nutrition of people with the first blood group is different in that all foods and ready-made meals that are harmful to the stomach are excluded from the diet. Each group has its own list of allowed products that can speed up metabolic processes. The activity of metabolic processes entails the acceleration of the breakdown of fat deposits and their removal from the body.

Please note: The main food item in the diet of this blood type is meat. This can be beef, poultry and lamb. Pork should not be consumed because it contains a lot of fat cells, which are not good for weight loss.

Wheat and oatmeal dishes should be removed from the diet, as they have a negative impact on human health. But plant foods must be on the menu, because the body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.

You can eat, for example, radishes and turnips, which can replenish the body with useful substances and also improve the functioning of the endocrine system. For normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume legumes and buckwheat. The diet for the first blood group is the same for people whose Rh is positive or negative. This feature is not important for weight loss.

This is interesting: Currently, 33% of people with the first blood group live on the planet. The doctor called these people hunters, because in ancient times all people were with the first group and led a hunting lifestyle.

Losing weight using this method involves not only proper nutrition, but also exercise. In people with the first blood group, metabolic processes occur more slowly, and sport helps to activate metabolic functions.

What can you eat

In order to painlessly lose weight without resorting to fasting, women should eat only foods approved for their blood type. What is allowed for the first blood group - for the answer there is a table of products for women with 1 positive blood group.

Group What is allowed Clarifications
Meat products Rabbit, beef, chicken, lamb, lambs The body better digests foods and meats prepared from young animals
Dairy Cottage cheese, kefir, milk
Seafood Halibut, tuna, cod, pink salmon, shrimp, squid. Squid and shrimp are allowed to be consumed no more than once a week
Cereals Buckwheat, rice, pearl barley porridge, barley and millet.
Fruits Pineapples, plums
Eggs Chicken and quail, boiled or fresh
Vegetables Spinach, radish, broccoli, carrots
Beverages Sage and chamomile tea, pineapple juice Tea is drunk only fresh

These are the basics of diet and nutrition, approved for long-term use. To lose weight with their help, you need to include them in your diet every day. The duration of the weight loss course is at least 2-3 months. Your diet should be developed so that food from the presented products becomes constant. The effect of this diet can be noticed within a month. To maintain optimal nutrition and not gain excess weight, you should adhere to the developed table. It clearly shows which products have a positive effect on the weight loss process, which have a negative effect, and which have no effect at all.

For people in the first group, wheat and corn help to gain kilograms by slowing down metabolic processes, and lentils in combination with cereals can not only help in gaining kilograms, but also provoke diabetes. Dairy products, on the contrary, are poorly digested, which is why they do not lead to weight gain. Some vegetables are also harmful and lead to weight gain, especially those rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, avocados, olives and even cabbage. You should not drink cabbage juice because it increases the production of gastric juice, which causes hunger. Of the vegetable oils, only sunflower oil is allowed to be consumed a little. Some fruits and their juices contribute to weight gain: oranges, tangerines and grapefruits.

Diet features
Possible in unlimited quantities Forbidden Available in limited quantities
Beef, lamb, turkey, liver, ground beef Pork, ham, ham, lard Rabbit meat, duck meat, chickens, eggs
Seaweed, sturgeon, fresh herring, trout, hake Salted or pickled herring, catfish, caviar, smoked salmon Carp, squid, flounder, tuna, eel
Whole milk of all varieties, food casein, kefir, yogurt, cheese, processed cheese Sheep cheese, homemade cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oil Peanut, soybean, corn, cottonseed oil Cod liver oil, margarine, sunflower oil, butter
Walnuts and pumpkin seeds Peanuts, poppy seeds, pistachios Almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds

Equally important is how the dish is prepared. To lose weight, food should be steamed, boiled, stewed or grilled. But it is also not recommended to overuse the grill, since burnt fat clogs the stomach.

What you can't eat

Now we know what foods can be consumed, but there are foods that are prohibited. They are prohibited from being used in any situation and in any form:

  • Meat delicacies: ham, pork and some types of semi-finished products.
  • Seafood: salted and smoked fish, it promotes the accumulation of fats and reduces metabolic functions.
  • Cereals: wheat, corn and oat flakes, pasta.
  • Fruits and vegetables: all citrus fruits, strawberries, cabbage, olives and champignons, potatoes, avocados, melons.
  • Condiments: mustard and ketchup.

These products negatively affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, causing waste and toxins to accumulate in the body, which are difficult to remove, and also inhibit metabolic processes, which has a bad effect on weight loss. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking fruit juices or eating dairy ice cream. You can eat a little rye bread every other day. You should not drink alcohol, especially beer, which, together with meat products, leads to the deposition of fat reserves - they are excluded from the diet. https://youtu.be/uB2s-uAquKQ

About the weekly diet

When you decide to lose weight using a diet for the first blood group, you should create a menu for every day so that you know in advance what products to buy and what to prepare. It’s better to do this for a whole week so that there is no confusion.

Approximately the menu for the week should look like this.

Day of the week Meal time What to eat if you have blood type O
Monday Breakfast any allowed fruit and unsweetened tea
Snack glass of freshly squeezed cherry juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 200 g oven-cooked raba, apple, linden blossom tea
Afternoon snack rosehip decoction
Dinner 200 g of fried liver with a slice of rye bread, a piece of pineapple and mint tea
Tuesday Breakfast 150 g grapes, herbal tea
Snack Pineapple juice
Dinner 150 g chicken, vegetable soup and tomatoes
Afternoon snack 2-3 plums
Dinner steamed fish with seaweed salad, tea
Wednesday Breakfast any allowed fruit, chamomile tea.
Snack apricot juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 150 g grilled meat, cucumber salad, slice of bread, green tea
Afternoon snack carrot juice
Dinner 100 g boiled shrimp, 200 g grilled zucchini, tea without sugar
Thursday Breakfast banana and a glass of milk.
Snack raspberry tea
Dinner vegetable soup, 300 g low-fat cottage cheese
Afternoon snack low-fat kefir
Dinner seasonal salad, 200 g of boiled meat, banana and hawthorn tea
Friday Breakfast a slice of bread, any fruit and herbal tea
Snack plum juice
Dinner puree pumpkin soup, 200 g boiled squid, tomato salad, tea
Afternoon snack carrot juice
Dinner 200 g baked fish with beet salad, tea with thyme
Saturday Breakfast 2 boiled eggs, a slice of bread, green tea
Snack pomegranate juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 150 g fried fish and tea
Afternoon snack herbal decoction with honey
Dinner boiled chicken, seasonal vegetable salad, tea with thyme
Sunday Breakfast any berries, rosehip tea
Snack juice from allowed vegetables
Dinner vegetable puree soup, 230 g fried liver, vegetable salad, slice of bread, unsweetened tea
Afternoon snack cranberry juice
Dinner salad of any vegetables with baked fish, tea with linden blossom

It is important to drink 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day; it is not advisable to drink it at night. It is necessary to add physical exercise to the diet, then the effectiveness will double.

Practical advice: The main thing is not to finish the diet in the first week, hold out for at least a month, then you will be pleased with the result.

For obese women who do not want to go on grueling diets, eating according to blood type is a panacea for obesity. There are no strict restrictions required, and you can eat many different foods. The main thing is that once you start eating as you should, you shouldn’t stop halfway.

The problem of excess weight has recently become particularly relevant. Excess body weight can lead to serious health problems. Poor nutrition, constant stress, bad habits and sleep disturbances can cause a person’s weight to rapidly increase.

There are many ways to get your body in shape and... In order to lose weight, you don’t have to exhaust yourself for hours in the gym, give up your favorite foods, and thereby cause even more stress and harm to yourself.

What do you need to know about the blood type 1 diet?

  • Scientists together with doctors have developed a unique method that will help you get rid of extra pounds and improve your overall well-being. helps not only to get in shape quickly and effectively, but also helps restore overall health, since it is developed individually.
  • American scientists have found that products can have beneficial, unfavorable and neutral effects, which can directly affect a person’s body weight and general condition. Thus, a diet for blood group 1 involves avoiding certain foods that have a toxic effect on the body and are poorly digested. By eliminating the “wrong” foods, the process of losing weight in a person occurs. The main condition of such a diet is that the diet contains only those foods that have a positive effect on the human body.
  • As a rule, with the first positive blood group, people are advised to create a menu taking as a basis one of the protein diets, but only those that include eating large amounts of fish and any meat except pork. This blood type digests meat products well, but even in such cases complications sometimes arise.

Such people have a low level of adaptation to new products; the main difficulties they may encounter include:

  • excessive activity of the immune system, leading to allergic reactions;
  • development of peptic ulcers;
  • increased level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to diet properly?

What to do to make the diet effective?

In order for the blood group 1 diet to be more effective, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

Diet products


People who have blood type 1 make up their diet from foods that will keep their weight normal and their body in good shape.

The main products included in the diet include the following:

You can create a menu yourself by combining products at your discretion. If we talk about alcoholic drinks, they are naturally not welcome, but white and red wine is allowed in small quantities.

Which ones should be abandoned?

Before you start drawing up a menu during a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with those foods that can harm your health and will block a person’s weight loss.

Such harmful products include the following:

These products not only worsen a person’s well-being, clog the gastrointestinal tract with toxins, but also slow down the process of losing weight.

In order for the weight loss process to proceed more effectively in parallel with the diet, it is advisable to observe calorie intake and perform at least the minimum.

While following a diet designed for people with blood type 1, you should remember that after your weight is normalized, you should not return to your usual menu. This diet should become a lifestyle.

Sample menu for the week

The weekly menu for blood group 1 is maximally balanced for women and men, and it includes all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, the person will lose weight.

An example menu in the table, which can be changed at your discretion, looks like this:

Day of the week Menu
Monday : buckwheat porridge, soy milk, cheese, rosehip tincture.

Dinner: baked turkey fillet with prunes, stewed pumpkin, greens.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: grilled halibut fillet and sweet potato salad with asparagus.

Friday Breakfast: rice porridge with half a grapefruit and rosehip drink.

Lunch: grapes or persimmons.

Dinner: stewed liver with vegetables.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: lightly salted herring and fresh vegetable salad.

Saturday Breakfast: rye bread with soy sauce and 2 peaches.

Lunch: fresh tomato or carrot juice.

Dinner: stewed beef heart with vegetables, kohlrabi and herbs salad.

Lunch: sunflower or almond seeds.

Dinner: baked hake with boiled young peas, radish salad with herbs and cucumbers.

Sunday Breakfast: 2 eggs with soy cheese and rye bread, linden tea.

Lunch: kiwi or pomegranate.

Dinner: beef cutlets with zucchini puree and salad.

Lunch: hazelnut.

Dinner: stewed cod and beetroot and prune salad.

Despite the fact that at first glance, preparing dietary dishes may seem complicated, it is not. Everything is prepared quite simply and quickly. Let's look at a few of them.


Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • To prepare, you need to chop the cabbage, finely chop the zucchini, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Fry the onion in olive oil.
  • Place vegetables in boiling water and simmer for an hour.
  • After a while, add rice and peas to the broth.
  • Cook until done.

Baked lamb with prunes

Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • Rub salt and pepper into the meat, make small cuts, and place small slices of carrots in them.
  • Place the well-washed prune meat on the foil and the raisins on it.
  • Then wrap the foil tightly and place it in an oven preheated to 160 o C for 60 minutes.

Baked apples

Required ingredients:

Preparation progress:

  • Wash the apples and cut out the core.
  • Place on a baking sheet.
  • In a separate container, mix raisins, cumin, sugar and sprinkle with a little lemon juice.
  • Place the resulting mass in the centers of the apples and place them in an oven preheated to 180 o C for an hour.

There are many different diet options and each can affect people differently.

So, for example, one person can gain weight by following a certain diet, while another person’s weight loss will be only 1-2 kg. First of all, such results depend on the fact that the human body reacts differently to dietary restrictions.

In some cases, by eating the same foods, one person can gain weight and another can lose weight, and all this is a consequence of genetics.

Blood type 1 or type 0 is considered the oldest blood group on Earth. In the process of evolution, other blood groups originated from it. About 33.5% of people in the world have the first blood group. Those with the first blood group are called hunters. This is the type of people who constantly lead, strong and purposeful individuals.

Representatives of blood group 1 are good developed digestive system system and the immune system. Metabolic processes occur in the body very quickly and efficiently. But they do not adapt well to changes in environmental conditions. Often this group of people is prone to the following diseases:

  • allergy
  • arthritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • poor blood clotting
  • There are no useful seasonings.
  • neutral products: mayonnaise, mustard, fruit jams and jellies, apple paste.
  • It is prohibited to use ketchup, relish, pickles and marinades.

Drinks and juices for the diet for blood group I:

  • very healthy juice from plums, cherries and black cherries. You can drink soda water and seltzer water.
  • neutral drinks: white and red wine, juice from grapes, cranberries, apricots, grapefruit. Vegetable juices from permitted vegetables. Green tea and beer.
  • Avoid drinking juice from oranges, apples, and cabbage. Black tea, coffee, apple cider.

Herbal teas and infusions that are used in the diet for people with blood type 1:

  • healthy tea products with the addition of ginger, linden, hops, dandelion, peppermint, rosehip.
  • neutral infusions of hawthorn, chamomile, ginseng, thyme, raspberry leaf. Elderberry, valerian, sage, yarrow.
  • Infusions and herbal teas using St. John's wort, burdock, coltsfoot, rhubarb, and clover are prohibited. Corn silk, strawberry leaves, alfalfa, shepherd's purse, echinacea.

Food is a source of energy and building material. It is needed to replenish vital macro- and microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Our bodies react differently to different foods and have specific needs that must be met. Creating the right menu for every day is the key to a healthy body.


There are, apparently, millions of different diets, and every year one or two of them rise to the top, then fall out of favor. The blood type diet is considered in demand today. However, you may find that a blood type 1 diet that works wonderfully for some people may not necessarily work as well for others.

Throughout history, people with Type 0(I) blood have been known to be natural hunters, prone to angry outbursts, aggressive behavior and impulsiveness. Although there is no real scientific support for this information, it is certainly interesting and does shed some light on the diet that characterizes these people.

Some believe that the impulsive behavior of the first group leads to big problems. Due to overeating, they develop obesity, diabetes, ulcers, insulin resistance and thyroid problems.

Attention! Many people believe that those with this blood have many positive character traits: physical strength, a lean body (despite eating a lot of food) and an active spirit. Men often become champions in sports and withstand heavy loads, while women successfully build a career.

What is the AB0 system and the Rh factor?

At the beginning of the 20th century, Landsteiner discovered the blood group system - AB0. He was one of the first to divide blood groups according to the presence or absence of agglutinogens - substances located on the membrane of red cells. This is how A, B, AB and 0 types appeared. Antigen A on the surface of red blood cells gives the second blood group, agglutinogen B - the third. AB are two agglutinogens on the surface of blood cells and the fourth group. 0 is the absence of agglutinogens on the membrane and the first group.


At the end of the 20th century, another group was discovered that reacted to type 0 - Bombay blood. Individuals with the Bombay group cannot synthesize the H-antigen, which is present in all representatives of AB0, so they produce antibodies even against the first group. Officially, the first type of blood is considered a “universal” donor, but in fact it is the Bombay type.

In the 1950s, Winner and Landsteiner discovered the D antigen in a young woman who had agglutinated red blood cells during a blood transfusion. It was originally called the “Rh factor” due to an erroneous historical interpretation that the D-antigen was supposedly found in rhesus monkeys.

In literary “jargon” this word has taken root and is used to this day. People who have D protein on the membrane of their blood cells are called Rh positive, and those who do not are called Rh negative. During blood transfusion, this indicator plays an important role and allows you to more accurately determine blood compatibility.

Diet for blood group 1: protein

It is believed that people with the first blood group make best use of protein poor in amino acids. It's wise to make healthy choices when eating protein foods, since excess red meat or other fatty protein sources have serious health consequences: heart and kidney problems, diabetes and weight gain.


When choosing protein, it is recommended to pay attention to lean meat: veal, beef, venison and cold-water fish: mackerel, herring and cod. Although people with type 0 blood are able to digest meat more easily than other types, there are some types of meat that even they should avoid: pork, ham, bacon, goose, smoked salmon, catfish and caviar. Unfortunately, the protein-rich diet recommended for these individuals is not suitable for vegetarians.

Diet for blood type (1 positive): vegetables

It is worth understanding which vegetables to include in your diet and which to avoid. It is recommended to add the following vegetables to the menu: white cabbage, spinach, romaine lettuce and broccoli.

Nutrition by blood type (1 positive): table of milk products

These vegetables are good for blood types O because they are rich in vitamin K, which promotes hemostasis. People who carry blood type 1 experience more difficulties with clotting and therefore must monitor their diet by adding more coagulant vegetables. Other vegetables recommended for these people: turnips, okra, leeks, sweet potatoes, garlic, onions, horseradish, red peppers, pumpkin, parsnips, parsley, leeks and artichokes.

Important! A person with the first group can eat almost all types of vegetables, but some types are recommended to be avoided. To avoid harm to the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth excluding fermented olives, mushrooms and alfalfa sprouts from the menu.

People with the first group are prone to arthritis and should therefore avoid eggplants or potatoes, which can aggravate the condition. To maintain insulin synthesis, it is recommended to consume less corn. People with the first type are also prone to problems with the thyroid gland and should therefore exclude cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and mustard.

Nutrition according to blood type (1 positive): fruits

To balance your protein-rich diet and add some sweets to your diet, it is recommended to eat fruits. A person with the first group tends to eat a large amount of “sour” foods, so it is necessary to balance them. Fruits recommended for people with type 0 blood are figs, prunes and plums. It is important to balance the acidity of the stomach to avoid gastritis and ulcers.

There are certain fruits that should be avoided in the diet of Rh-positive blood group 1, as they cause irritation to the mucous membranes: oranges, strawberries, tangerines, blackberries and rhubarb. It is also recommended to exclude coconuts and melons from the diet. All other fruits and recipes based on them are considered safe.

Read also: and characteristics of the group, the principle of inheritance

Dairy products: list of permitted and prohibited products

It is imperative to limit the amount of dairy products in your daily diet. It is also recommended to reduce your egg consumption and reduce the number of eggs to one per week.

Dairy products that are considered acceptable for people with type 0 blood are:

  • Chees Feta;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Spreads.

Blood type diet (1 positive) for weight loss

When creating a menu, you need to take into account the usefulness of the products. Each blood group has its own recommendations. Products for 1 Rh-positive blood group:

  • Walnuts;
  • Olives;
  • Cereals (rye, millet, barley, rice);
  • Sesame oil.

A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and a balanced schedule will help in weight loss. Blood type 1 is very sensitive to food intake and is prone to rapid weight gain. However, the opinion on this matter remains controversial among scientists.

Nutrition according to blood type (1 positive): food table for women

Komarovsky E. O. believes that you need to eat a balanced diet, taking into account constitutional, physiological and environmental conditions. The opinion of a famous doctor is in the video below:

Harmful foods that negatively affect the blood 0

  • Wheat flour;
  • Cashew nuts;
  • Cocoa;
  • Peanut;
  • Pistachios;
  • Poppy seeds;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • Safflower oil.

Approximate dietary menu for a month:

  • Breakfast: tea, yogurt, figs;
  • Lunch: lean meat, brown rice and vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: chicken fillet, boiled potatoes and juice.

Advice! Depending on age, body weight and health status, you need to choose an appropriate diet. It is imperative to visit a nutritionist to clarify this issue. People with the first blood group have a high predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. This means that they are advised to maintain a normal body weight, and immediately lose weight if it exceeds acceptable values. Obesity is the main risk factor for the development of cardiovascular accidents.


Prescription of immunoglobulin for Rhesus conflict, indications and contraindications