How to arouse interest in a man - effective ways and recommendations. Women's intrigues that keep men's interest How to interest an ex-man in you

There is a widespread belief that the first step must be on the part of the guy. That’s true, but in the modern world, girls quite often have to take the initiative into their own hands. And everyone knows the famous words from the song, where for every ten girls there are only nine guys. So it turns out that if you wait for the first step from a guy, you can grow old alone. But now it’s not about sad things.

In order not to miss out on her happiness, every girl should be able to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. This is the first step towards acquaintance, which in the future may turn out to be fateful. But what can you do to get a guy interested?

1. Appearance.

To attract the attention of men, any girl must first look stunning. Even if the young lady uses the most incredible psychological methods of attracting attention, but turns out to be a gray mouse, consider that she has no chance with a worthy partner.

Therefore, first of all, a pleasant but unobtrusive appearance: neat manicure, light makeup, elegant hairstyle, stylish clothes, decent figure and other feminine charms. Believe me, appearance is the calling card of any woman.

2. Competent speech.

The Greek philosopher Socrates once said: “Speak so that I can see you.” This aphorism also holds true in the modern world. After all, behind a beautiful wrapper (appearance) there must be a deep soul, a sensual nature, an educated personality. And nothing else characterizes a person more than his speech.

If a woman has a pleasant timbre of voice and a moderate rate of speech, then communicating with her will be pleasant and calm. In addition, she must correctly formulate sentences, use literary vocabulary, and in no case swear. This will help complement your pleasant appearance with an equally pleasant manner of speech, which, you see, is very good in achieving your goal.

3. Self-confidence.

A trait characteristic of strong, strong-willed and purposeful women. Men like such candidates. After all, today not every guy is ready to support his beloved girl. Representatives of the fairer sex have achieved equality.

Therefore, in order to be popular with men, every girl from her youth must cultivate a very important trait in herself -.

Of course, you will have a question: how can you interest a guy more? More on this later. It all depends on the situation in which the girl and her potential “victim” find themselves.

4. Eye contact.

It has long been no secret to the female audience that you can interest a man with just one glance. But it must be correct and clearly thought out. And here many girls have problems, as they say, they don’t know how to make eyes. In this case, a simple psychological trick will help, which over time will come from the subconscious of every woman.

If a guy looks at a young lady, then she should answer him with a short look straight into the eyes, then smile and look away in the other direction, or better yet, turn away altogether.

If the guy doesn't notice the girl, then she needs to look at him until he pays attention to her. After an awkward meeting of the eyes, the girl should look down in embarrassment. Thanks to this behavior, the guy will see that the girl is embarrassed because she was taken by surprise. And that’s all the lady needs! But with such a demonstration, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, while Mademoiselle is “embarrassed,” the guy may be taken away by another “hunter.” Therefore, after 2-3 seconds, the young lady should look up again and look the man in the eyes, then smile, become embarrassed again, and once again look away. Such a play of the eyes will not leave any man indifferent. Of course, if he doesn’t have a lover yet.

But when establishing eye contact, you need to be extremely careful, because a meaningless and downcast gaze, as well as an excessive number of insincere smiles, will only repel the potential “victim”.

5. Telephone conversation.

There are situations when appearance and looks will not help to interest a guy. This includes, for example, a telephone conversation. It would seem that a playful smile, a warm look and other feminine things won’t work, which means it’s a lost cause. But it was not there!

To know how to interest a guy during a telephone conversation, you need to follow simple but very useful tips:

  • a girl should adapt to the guy’s manner of speaking, copy his timbre and intonation as far as possible;
  • do not chatter into the phone, do not talk quickly, so as not to put the man in an awkward position due to the fact that you will have to ask again;
  • a woman needs to choose interesting relationships with a guy, be attentive to details, and show sincere interest.

6. Interest a man in a personal conversation.

To begin with, as in any conversation, be it telephone, correspondence or personal conversation, you must show sincere, incorruptible interest. In any case, sincerity will put the girl in a much better light than the trap of lies, when the young lady tries to seem different from what she really is and lies, being interested in something that in real life does not bother her at all.

Regarding what question to interest a guy, everything is individual and largely depends on the topic being discussed. The only thing that can be advised is to listen carefully to your interlocutor and ask him about some details of this or that matter. Attention to detail will once again confirm that the young lady is really interested in the topic, and will present it favorably in the eyes of the guy.

7. Electronic correspondence.

Correspondence is even more difficult than any other type of communication. Here you won’t be surprised by your appearance, as in a personal conversation, or by your voice, as in a telephone conversation. The only tool is writing.

To interest a man, a woman should follow some tips during correspondence:

  • first– sincerity. In any type of communication, this trait can show the girl in the right light;
  • second– literacy. A perfectly literate written language is an indicator of a young lady’s education;
  • third– originality. Under no circumstances should a girl use standard phrases or signs. You need to appear to the guy not as an ordinary average young lady, but as a special person.

Finally, we need to add a few more tips that will help beautiful ladies achieve the desired result:

  • a woman must forever forget about two extremes: being obsessive and being afraid to be so;
  • Every girl should strive to agree with herself. If some psychological trick for a lady seems wrong, then it is better not to use it;
  • If a guy has a beloved, then it’s better not to count on him, so as not to disappoint him later in life and in these pieces of advice.

A skirt, such as a cuff for the butt, a bust falling out of the neckline, bright cosmetics - with such means, of course, you can seduce a man. But, just to seduce, and only for one or two nights, and not everyone. It won’t be possible to captivate a man so that he thinks, if not about a wedding, then at least about a serious relationship; it requires a long siege, a smart strategy and the right tactics.

Before moving on to the strategy, I advise you to read one important piece of advice - how to make a man fall in love with you, so as not to make the most important mistake!

Who shouldn't waste time on?

  • Inability to communicate. It is very difficult to captivate a man who is at a decent distance from you, for example, lives in another city. Of course, there are also cases when distance only fuels interest, but this only happens when this interest is already there. But it is difficult to win and captivate a man whose meetings are rare and irregular. Therefore, you should not waste time on a man with whom you do not have the opportunity to see often. You can only interest someone who sees you often and can communicate.
  • A man with problems. If you know that the subject of your interest is preoccupied with some serious problems (debts, major troubles at work, illness, large loans that he cannot pay), that is, any major troubles, do not try to captivate such a man - nothing will work. A man can become interested in someone only if at the moment everything in his life is more or less in order. Major problems simply won’t allow him to think about something else, and at best he won’t notice your interest; at worst, such attention will irritate him. You can sympathize with him, try to help, but you shouldn’t try to captivate him, wait until he copes with his problems.

Several rules and ways to captivate a man

So, the subject of your sighs is in the same circle of communication with you and is not burdened with any serious problems. You can begin the “siege of this fortress.” Whether this siege will be successful or not depends almost 100% on you.

Common interests and interest in his person

It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the subject of your hobby: what he loves, his social circle, his hobbies, how he likes to spend his free time, what he is successful in, and so on. Having collected such a unique dossier, you can interest him by casually mentioning your preferences in leisure, music, car brand, books. Yes, about anything, as long as it matches his hobbies.

You need to talk about this in passing, unobtrusively, without drawing his attention. It is important to be in the zone of his interests so that the man understands that he can discuss with you everything that interests him, that is, you are a person spiritually close to him.

Men love it when sincere interest is shown in their person, interest in their views on life, hobbies, opinions about other people. But there are also taboo topics about which you should not show curiosity; it is impossible to captivate a man by asking about the size of his salary, about his previous novels, about some of his past failures.

After such curiosity, he will quickly relegate you to the category of an obsessive fool, and the relationship will end happily before it even begins.

Confidence, but not aplomb

A confident woman is always able to attract at least the attention of a man at first. This is not about business or life confidence, but about your conviction in your attractiveness to men. You may not be the brightest and most attractive in appearance, but you are sure that:

  • always arouse male interest,
  • any man, not the last one in your life,
  • you are sexually attractive
  • understand men, and can conquer almost anyone

Just don’t confuse such confidence with aplomb, based on the fact that her appetizing forms and “legs from the ears,” coupled with a completely empty head, are capable of conquering any man. Such self-confidence, based only on external data, can only arouse fleeting sexual interest. Men often call such girls “dolls with monkey brains.”

Verbal perception

It is an axiom that a man loves with his eyes, but many of us understand it incorrectly. A man, indeed, at the first meeting evaluates a girl externally. But he pays attention to her appearance as a whole. That is, he is unlikely to notice her expensive jewelry, bright makeup, complex hairstyle, or fashionable clothes. Men, as it were, see the picture as a whole, that is, how the girl looks in all this, her neatness, grooming, taste.

A simple example: he will not pay attention to a skirt and beautiful tights, but will appreciate the slenderness of a woman’s legs, will not admire a thoughtful hairstyle, but will see how beautifully the hair frames a woman’s face. And so on, but all this can be a minus sign if she does not pay enough attention to her appearance.

Enchanting laughter and enchanting aroma

The fact that a man “loves with his eyes” does not exclude his other senses. In the verbal perception of a woman, both hearing and smell are involved in men. The way she talks and laughs also influences a man’s interest in her.

It is impossible to captivate a man with a lady with a sharp, commanding voice and a loud, unpleasant laugh (such a laugh is also called “neighing”). A pleasant, soft, gentle voice, a charming smile, a cheerful facial expression, an infectious but not loud laugh - this is what can attract a man at first sight.

And the unique aroma of a woman is also immediately perceived by representatives of the stronger sex, from the very first minutes of acquaintance. No matter how good a girl looks, if she emits a pungent odor of sweat, which she tried to drown out with an equally pungent perfume, such an aroma can immediately repel a man.

Each person, including the fair sex, has their own individual smell, meaning the smell of a healthy, clean body. Choose a perfume or eau de toilette that goes well with your natural scent, and the man you want to attract will always enjoy being around you.

Easy accessibility with a minus sign

When a lady is available almost from the first meetings, this will rather cool a man than help captivate him. This refers not only to sexual availability, which will be discussed below, but to the availability of a woman in general.

When from the very first meetings she gives a man all her time, attention, admiration, love, the man quickly loses interest in such a person. Men are hunters by nature, and in their subconscious they associate a woman with game that needs to be chased and caught. And if the game itself rushes into the arms of the hunter, what is the interest in that?

By the way, even when the relationship is already quite serious or legalized, a man will not lose interest and attraction to his soul mate, who continues to imitate his hunt for her, that is, a man should not be sure that he has forever caught and subdued his beautiful game.

Also, easy availability in sex can push a man away. It is very easy to attract a man for one night, but this cannot guarantee a long-term relationship. Sex and love begin and end in the head. And if it affects only the genitals, this is ordinary lust, which does not make your head spin and disappears immediately after its satisfaction, leaving nothing in either the heart or the head.

If a girl gives herself to a man on the first day of meeting him, he can imagine that she behaves the same way with all men and will perceive her as a “one-night stand.” Of course, there are men who do not take such “little things” into account, but when the character and preferences of the partner have not yet been studied, can one vouch for his perception of hasty sex?

Admiration and compliments

Most people are partial to praise, admiration for their merits or actions, and men are no exception. Admire and compliment the man you're trying to attract, but do it wisely. This should not be empty flattery, based on nothing, or admiration for virtues that your chosen one does not possess.

For example, the most narrow-minded man will understand that a lady, admiring his figure (which is very far from ideal, and he himself knows this very well), openly and stupidly flatters him, trying to please him. Admiration and compliments should be based on the man's real merits and achievements, even if you do not consider these virtues and achievements outstanding.

Admire his computer skills, ability to drive a car, always look neat and stylish, his good manners, his perseverance and determination, for example, in mastering a foreign language, his athletic figure - any man can find a lot of things that he is proud of. That is, by the virtues that he possesses and to which he himself attaches importance.

Here are six techniques or rules with which you can captivate a man.

These techniques work on almost all men. But all people are different, including men, and it may well be that you want to captivate a man who has some special preferences in choosing women.

For example, there are such slaves of the stomach that the most desirable for them will be a woman who knows how to cook deliciously, or some men don’t like kind, flexible women, give them a person with a slight bitch in character, someone may like a woman just because others like her men.

To find out this and become exactly the way (or pretend that you are) what he likes, the first rule “interest in his person” will help. When you find out what qualities he likes most in a woman, you will be fully equipped to capture his imagination with exactly what he likes.

And then all that remains is to understand whether the man is really seriously interested in you? How to do it -

Apply the rules of conquering the stronger sex to the man you want to captivate, and he will not be able to resist your love and purely feminine enterprise.

Even in those days when gentlemen decided everything and were considered the crown of civilization, and a lady’s lot was family and home, young ladies used tricks to attract the attention of an eligible groom.

Now, in the age of equality, any self-respecting woman should know how to interest a man.

And no matter what boring conservative women say about how “only fallen women hang themselves on men’s necks,” the ability to attract a man’s attention is very useful.

What kind of woman can always interest a man?

Modern men are spoiled creatures.

They were brought up by the example of Hollywood stars and supermodels, under the influence of men's magazines, which claim that beauties with two higher educations, incredible sexual abilities, culinary skills not inferior to Jamie Oliver, and a desire to create home comfort and order that even a brownie would envy, exist in nature.

This is, of course, a very exaggerated female image, but it is impossible to interest a man if:

    Looks terrible on the outside.

    Men love with their eyes, so if you are beautiful and beautiful, then your chances of attracting male attention increase significantly.

    Be stupid like a duck.

    You may be a super-duper beauty, but if you are unable to put two words together, if you think that tolerance is some kind of disease, and Shakespeare is the name of a nightclub, then your image will significantly fade in men’s eyes.

    Don't believe in yourself.

    If you don’t consider yourself worthy of male attention, then how are you going to interest someone else in your insecure, doubting persona?

How can you interest a man?

Imagine that you, for example, are an electrician.

To change the wiring, you must use a certain set of tools: pliers, pliers, voltage indicator, screwdriver, etc.

Trying to interest a man is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the use of tools.

Naturally, you must learn to use these tools flawlessly so as not to look ridiculous.

You can interest a man with:

    There is no need to stare at a man without blinking, or bat your eyelashes like Scarlett O'Hara.

    Learn to send a signal with your eyes: “I am interested in you. Come and meet me."

    Then two or three short glances will be enough.

    If you smile at a man you want to interest, then your smile should be beautiful, sincere, light and slightly flirty.


    Tucking a strand of hair behind the ear, throwing hair over the shoulder to expose the neck, playing with a glass, biting the lower lip, squinting the eyes, etc.


    We need to talk about this tool in more detail.

How to interest a man during a conversation?

Let's say you struck a man with your unearthly beauty, encouraged him with your gaze and smile, he, having caught your signals, rushed as fast as he could to get acquainted.

And now it’s important not to ruin everything, but to interest the man even more by presenting yourself as an interesting interlocutor.

Many women, and men too, lack the ability to conduct a conversation.

Pauses that arise, interjections “uh-uh”, “well”, “that’s it”, difficulties in choosing a topic, inability to formulate your thoughts - all this can alienate a gentleman from you, especially if he himself is smart enough and does not suffer from such problems.

For women trying to interest a man during a conversation, it is important to remember that:

  1. Speech must be beautiful and correct: surzhik, obscenities, speech errors, slang - all this does not adorn a woman.
  2. Proper formulation of thoughts is the key to a successful conversation.
  3. You should select topics that may be of interest to your interlocutor of the opposite sex.

    What you talk about with your girlfriends will not be interesting to a man.

    You can’t start broadcasting on personal topics: complaining about your exes, your boss-satrap, digestive problems, talking about all your relatives or children’s complexes.

    There will still be time for such topics.

    You need to not only be able to speak, but also listen to your interlocutor.

    A conversation is a dialogue between two people, not your monologue.

Is it possible to interest a man you are meeting for the first time?

Just yesterday I came across an article by Irina Khakamada about relationships with the opposite sex.

Some of the advice was devoted to how to attract male attention at parties.

Irina claims that a woman must turn into a hunter, then the signals she sends will definitely be heard by a man.

As an example, the behavior of the heroine Nicole Kidman (the film “Eyes Wide Open”) at a party was given: she takes a glass of alcohol, leans on the bar counter and begins to scan the room with her eyes, and a second later a gentleman hungry for attention materializes nearby.

Irina Khakamada claims that she once did everything exactly like Nicole Kidman’s heroine, and in the blink of an eye she managed to interest not one, but several men at once.

Try this tactic too.

Here are 2 more tips for you on how you can interest a stranger:

    Without inventing anything.

    Come over, introduce yourself and start chatting.

    And during the conversation, try to charm your interlocutor.

    Cunning tricks.

    For example, approach an object of interest with the phrase:

    “That guy in the corner is bothering me with his advances. Maybe you can save me from them? or “I took this cocktail for my friend, but for some reason I can’t find her. Won't you join me?"

A few more tips to interest a stranger in conversation:

you will find in the video:

What not to do to interest a man?

All women's magazines and Internet resources are filled with advice on how to win a man.

Books, blogs, radio and television programs, trainings and much more are devoted to this topic.

There are so many of these recommendations that you can get confused in them, although some advice wanders from material to material (and mine is no exception) not because the authors lack imagination, but because they are really effective.

What upset me is that it is not often possible to come across information about what women who want to win a man should not do.

And in my opinion, this is important, because often ladies are overly zealous in their desire to attract male attention, turning themselves into an object of ridicule.

So, even if you really want to win a man, you don’t need to:

    Behave stupidly and unnaturally.

    Ladies, having read advice about being mysterious, flirtatious, playful, sexy, begin to make faces and grimace, so instead of interest they cause fits of laughter in the stronger sex.

    Hang on his neck.

    You did everything you could: you smiled, rolled your eyes, started a conversation first, but the cruel gentleman remained indifferent to your charms?

    Get over it and leave him alone.

    There are still plenty of fish in the sea.

    Jumping into his bed the day you met him.

    Such easy prey becomes uninteresting to most men.

    There are too few happy endings for love stories that involve sex on the first date.

I hope the advice helps you, how to interest a man.

Moreover, you will take into account not only what needs to be done, but also remember what not to do, even if you really want to attract his attention.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to interest a man through external behavior and in the process of communication, about how to understand that a man is attractive to you.

It is common for a man to win the woman he likes, seeking her favor. This behavioral ritual is inherent by nature in the subconscious of the stronger sex. But if a woman is the first to show activity, then such behavior often causes a certain dissonance in men. How to maintain boundaries and what actions to take so that the young man you like has an independent desire to win a girl?

How to attract a man's attention

To begin with, it is important to understand what female images attract men. "Men love with their eyes." There is a certain set of externally attractive features, the combination of which makes the image alluring and desirable.

  • Neatness and neatness.

Two important components of human attractiveness. Unwashed, uncombed hair, lack of manicure or peeling nail polish, stale clothes in pills, dirty shoes always look repulsive. It even causes disgust and hostility in many people.

A woman should always look clean and fresh. Neatness is one of the forms of respect not only for yourself, but also for the people around you.

A girl who respects herself and her body is always attractive.

  • Well-groomed.

Always fresh hair, good makeup, velvety moisturized skin indicate that a woman “invests” time and money in herself and loves herself. Girls who love themselves always arouse the interest of others. Any male representative would like to gain permission to approach and touch such a pleasant person.

  • Athletic body.

Some prefer exclusively thin girls, others prefer curvaceous girls. Some people like miniature ones, others like tall ones. Taste is always individual. But! A strong, healthy, toned female body with elastic buttocks attracts the eye for a long time and makes you turn around. Many modern women have long moved away from exhausting endless diets and took up fitness. Regular physical activity makes a woman's body firm, sexy and youthful.

  • Aroma.

The pleasant, delicate smell of perfume and clean body is always seductive and attractive. You want to approach a woman who smells good and enjoy the enchanting aroma.

  • Cloth.

Elegance, sense of style, harmony, femininity and appropriateness to the environment make the image attractive. Vulgarity, pretentiousness and extravagance often repel men. A large number of accessories, bright contrasting colors in clothes, many open parts of the body make the appearance aggressive and intimidating. It is preferable to choose clothes from light, flowing fabrics in light shades. Neat shoes with small thin heels will make the look more feminine.

  • Smile and look.

A radiant, cheerful look adds lightness and intrigue to a woman’s image. A tired and sad person with dull eyes is associated with a lot of problems. Starting a relationship with a problematic woman, tired of life, does not seem interesting to a modern man. Everyone wants lightness, joy and carefreeness. The prospect of just such a relationship captivates and makes you desirable. Sometimes one friendly smile and an interested look is enough for the desired response.

  • Self confidence.

A girl who wants to win the attention and heart of the guy she likes is ready to undertake any experiments. But a young man is not always interested in a beautiful shell. Sometimes a man prefers to communicate with some “gray mouse”, because she is interesting as an interlocutor, it’s easy and comfortable to be with her. Of course, being beautiful and attractive is the primary goal of any young girl, but there are many more aspects that need to be taken into account in order to interest a guy. The psychology of relations between the sexes is a difficult but understandable thing, and in this article we will try to figure out what you need to do and how to behave so that the man you like is yours.

Imagine that you have finally met a guy who meets your ideal in all respects. At this moment, you feel both good and scared at the same time, because you don’t need to push the person away from you, but, on the contrary, attract his attention and win him over to the conversation.

The first thing you can do to prove yourself is your appearance. Unfortunately, it gives the first impression. But the second impression that determines a relationship is the ability to attract and get someone talking. It should be noted that any woman is naturally endowed with charm and charm, with the help of which she can bewitch men. It's just that not everyone knows how to use it.

There are several basic rules that will help a girl learn to seduce men:

  1. Let go of all negativity from your head. You must always be in a good mood for this world to be favorable to you. No man will figure out why negative energy comes from you. He'll just pass by.
  2. Don't lose confidence in yourself. You must always be clear about what you are doing. Self-esteem is important for a woman, and you need to make sure that nothing lowers it. A person who is confident in himself attracts people on an intuitive level.
  3. Listen to your inner voice, listen to what your body is telling you. You can even talk alone with yourself, there’s nothing crazy about that. This is ordinary psychotherapy that will help you dot the i’s in life and make the right decisions.
  4. Don't lose your individuality by trying to become like some famous beauty. Every girl is unique, and the “herd mentality” is for the weak. Be interesting individuals who are simply fun to talk to.
  5. Train seduction techniques at any age so that a man can be easily caught in a trap. You should always be fully prepared so that after a conversation with the man you like, you don’t have to regret that you looked at him in the wrong way, or that you told him something wrong.

In general, you should always try to be natural and behave sincerely. The falsity, especially the feigned one, is felt at first sight. And, as you know, it only causes laughter and mistrust.

How to interest a guy in a one-on-one conversation?

You've seen the guy of your dreams. What to do next? Psychologists recommend that you first interest a man with a look and a smile. You just need to try to catch the eye of the guy you like on yourself, but make sure that he doesn’t notice that you’ve been staring at him all this time. These are the subtleties of psychology - a person always feels when someone is looking at him.

  • As soon as a man's gaze falls on you, shyly lower your eyes to the floor for a few seconds, and then look at the guy. If his heart is free and open to meeting people, then he will definitely smile at you and even come up to get to know you better. Just don't overdo it with a smile. If a young man decides that you are an easily accessible object, then he will want only one thing from you.
  • When communicating with a young man, be open; it’s better to hide your bitchiness away. You can show your “little bitch”, which sits in the head of every young lady, to the guy later, when you are connected by some kind of relationship.
  • Don't try to charm a guy with a bottle of beer in your hands or a cigarette. Even if you have the most charming smile on the planet, a guy simply won’t respond to it if you sit in a cloud of your own smoke and smell like brewer’s yeast.

After the guy approaches you, you need to start an interesting conversation. Here it is very important to understand what questions to interest a guy in order not to scare him away during the conversation. In a conversation with him, do not try to deceive him, somehow embellish yourself, or attribute non-existent qualities and skills with achievements. After all, if it turns out that the guy is your destiny, then you will have to blush very much for the false opinion that the young man has formed.

In general, you need to be yourself when talking and not be afraid that the person will not be interested in you. If he’s yours, then he’s definitely not going anywhere, and if not, then why do you need him around in the first place?

  • When a guy starts telling something about himself, don’t interrupt him, but listen patiently, even if he talks incessantly, but don’t allow yourself to be excessively talkative. You don’t need to tell a lot about yourself, because a woman should always remain a mystery to a man, so that he always wants to solve her.
  • There is no need to take languid sighs and change your intonation when talking to a guy. You restrain yourself in emotions and control. After all, men are immediately afraid of excessive emotionality. They just think that a woman who constantly waves her arms and says something quickly is a volcano that is constantly erupting and cannot sit still for a minute.
  • When talking to a guy, you need to figure out what his interests are. Once you understand what he is interested in, you will immediately find many different topics for conversation. Please note that these topics should be of interest primarily to the guy, because men are very proud people.

And, of course, during the conversation, do not forget to shoot your eyes and smile sweetly. This will all disarm the man and endear him even more to you.

How to interest a guy in a telephone conversation?

It is much more difficult to interest a guy over the phone, because the interlocutor cannot see beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile. But, having a good imagination, you can easily and simply win over your interlocutor. What in this case will be the girl’s main weapon:

  1. Adjust your voice timbre and intonation to the guy you are talking to on the phone.
  2. Speak measuredly so that the young man does not need to ask again. Some guys are embarrassed to ask again what they haven’t heard.
  3. Find a topic of conversation that is interesting for a man. During a conversation about a man's hobbies, you can ask many questions that are interesting to you. If you have already had one conversation on the phone, then during a new conversation, “look into the past” - remember what he told you that you can talk about again. The guy will understand that last time you listened to him carefully, which means that you are interested in him as a person.

In other words, when talking on the phone you need to show your attentiveness in order to be an interesting interlocutor.

How can you interest a guy during a date?

If your conversation on the phone went well, the young man will probably invite you on a date, for which it is important to prepare correctly and thoroughly so as not to lose the interest shown in your person:

  • First, you need to think through your image to look stunning. Wear your favorite dress that makes you look irresistible. But keep in mind that if a guy prefers to wear jeans with T-shirts, then in an evening dress next to him you will look out of place.
  • Talk about the same things you talk about on the phone. At least you can start a conversation with this, and then the conversation itself will be meaningful.
  • Behave well-mannered and discreetly on a date. Think about what usually irritates you personally in people. Eliminate any irritating factors from your behavior.

How to interest a guy by correspondence?

A profile on a social network will tell you everything about a person and his life! If you are interested in a person, first carefully study his page. Everything he publishes there, writes - it all reflects what kind of person he is. Look at what communities he is in, what music he listens to - you will immediately find 1000 topics to start a conversation with him.

Let's say you met a guy in the virtual world, not the real one, and you want him to pay attention to you. What can you do in this case:

  1. Leave a comment below his beautiful photo. Just don't compliment him openly. Try to disguise it somehow. For example, write: “What a beautiful place! I also took pictures there, but I didn’t get such a beautiful photo as yours.” If you look attractive, then a man will 100% pay attention to you and write a personal message to get to know you.
  2. You can ask the guy another question in personal correspondence. For example, you saw that he has a lot of photos of him on a bicycle. Ask him if he knows where you can get your bike repaired properly. A man, if he is normal, will write to you, but he will immediately, at the subconscious level, develop an interest in a girl who loves bicycles.
  3. Don't use cliched phrases typical of stupid girls. "Hello! let’s get to know each other”, “I’m not in the mood, maybe you know how to cheer it up?” - this is not your option. Male psychology is also not as simple as it seems.
  4. If you manage to talk to a young man, he will offer you some kind of help as a result, do not refuse it, but simply leave this message unnoticed so that you have a reason to write in a few days. For example, 3 days after correspondence, write to him: “Hello! Do you remember when you offered to help repair your bike? Is your offer still valid? The guy, of course, will answer positively, and you will have a reason to meet.

It sometimes happens that after a breakup, interest in a guy does not disappear. Then we look for ways to make this interest mutual. The most difficult thing to regain sympathy is if the breakup was unpleasant. The guy may be angry, offended, he may even just not want to hear or see anything about you. But this is not a reason to give up.

Here's what you can do:

  1. There is no need to immediately call the guy and tell him directly about your intentions to return him. This will only raise his self-esteem, he will become arrogant and make you run after him. Have self-esteem, and do not humiliate yourself even if you really want to get the guy back. Be smarter.
  2. If your boyfriend dumped you on his own, then lay low. Make sure he doesn't see you in person. But fill your pages on social networks with beautiful photographs so that he can see how you live without him. Guys are still curious, they will in any case be interested in how your life is going without him. Keep in mind that tears and sadness on your page will only cause him positive emotions, because he will understand that you are not able to be happy in life if he is not involved in it. Guys, as a rule, are not attracted to such girls. On the contrary, you must make him sad that he left you.
  3. Constantly work on yourself so that your appearance becomes impeccable. When you appear in front of him, he should have a break in reality. Go in for sports, change your image, preferably radically. Seeing you in a new role, your ex may become eager to conquer you again.
  4. Don't make an appointment to meet him in person. You need to make sure that your meeting with him is as if by chance. Find out where he usually spends time, with whom, and show up to this place in good company, fully armed. Your stunning appearance should simply blow him away.
  5. When he approaches you, and this will definitely happen, be smiling and joyful. Talk nice to him, but don't say a word about yourself. Don't be interested in how his life is crumbling. Act as if you have no feelings left for him. Let him think that you are just buddies and that's all he can count on.
  6. Talk to your ex-boyfriend for just a few minutes, and then announce that they are waiting for you and leave to join the friends you came with. It is very good if in the circle of these friends there is your admirer who will show you signs of attention in plain sight. This behavior of yours will intrigue your ex, and he will want to resume communication with you.

Then everything will depend on you, on your ability to be feminine, cunning, wise. Use your beauty, charm and charm for the right purpose. Let the world lie at your feet, because you were born to submit to it simply because you exist! And no matter how arrogant it may sound, it is precisely this behavior that always leads to success in relationships with men.

Video: “How to interest a man?”