How to choose a chair for a schoolchild - reviews from experts. Children's orthopedic chair for a schoolchild - secrets of choosing Which chair is best for a child

Every parent knows that the child needs to create the right conditions for preparing homework. One of the mandatory attributes of a schoolchild’s workplace is an orthopedic chair. We suggest you study all the nuances so as not to make a mistake in choosing the ideal option.

Why do you need an orthopedic school chair?

During a long stay in a sitting position, the child’s spine experiences enormous stress.. And, if an adult’s body has enough of its own resources, then a growing child’s skeleton requires outside help. In addition, adults are more likely to be able to control their position at the table, unlike children.

Unfortunately, it is not customary to bring your own chair to school, so you have to be content with what general education institutions offer. It’s good that recently they are increasingly paying attention to the health of students and purchasing ergonomic furniture.

But at home, parents can create all the conditions to preserve the child’s health.

Orthopedic chairs for schoolchildren for home are a guarantee:

  • a properly formed spinal column;
  • development of the necessary muscle tone;
  • proper blood supply to all organs and tissues;
  • straight posture and absence of scoliosis or other back diseases.

The condition of the spine directly affects the functioning of all internal organs, which is why it is so important to monitor its proper formation from an early age.

Types of orthopedic chairs for schoolchildren

The furniture market offers a huge variety of models. We will name only the most popular types of furniture.

Computer chair

An orthopedic computer chair for a schoolchild is one of the most popular options, because today, from the first grade, children are asked to complete home projects and prepare reports using their home computer.

All models of this type are adjustable - and this sets them apart from other options. You can adjust not only the height of the chair, but also the tilt of the backrest, and also choose models with or without armrests.

An adjustable computer chair will allow you to save a lot of money, because it can be adjusted to the parameters of a growing child.

Tables and chairs a la school desk

Some parents choose orthopedic tables and chairs for schoolchildren. These structures represent a single whole, while All dimensions of the chair perfectly match the parameters of the table. But each of us has encountered a problem when an ideal chair does not want to keep company with a seemingly good table.

True, these complexes have one huge drawback - they will not be able to “grow up” with the child. But Natural materials are selected for their production(usually plywood), which will not harm the child and will not cause allergies. This option is suitable in cases where the student has younger brothers or sisters - they are the ones who inherit a bright and durable set.

Chair with knee rest

Today, unusual models are becoming more and more popular. One of these is an orthopedic chair, in which the main load falls not on the spine, but on the knees. The convenience of such a design is questionable, especially if the child has to prepare homework for several hours.

Excessive stress on the legs is not the best option for a developing child’s body. Such a chair, however, is good for fidgets who cannot sit in one place for a long time and concentrate on solving a problem or writing another essay.

Choosing an orthopedic chair for a first-grader

In any furniture store you will be offered to buy dozens of orthopedic tables and chairs for schoolchildren. How not to get confused and buy something that will really help maintain your child’s health? Let's take the ideal chair apart.


It should be firm enough so that the child does not drown in the feather beds. Seat depth – 2/3 of the child’s hip. In this case, the person sitting will be able to lean comfortably on the back while resting.


The height of the backrest should end at the middle of the shoulder blades. The adjustable backrest allows you to customize the orthopedic chair for schoolchildren to the needs of the child.

If a hard chair really has an orthopedic effect, then its design already meets the requirements of the correct anatomical position of the body, including the backrest adapted to the characteristics of the child’s physique.


The choice of this element is more complicated. Alone orthopedists advise choosing chairs without armrests so that the child does not have the opportunity to lean his elbows and slouch. Other doctors allow the presence of an adjustable support so that the neck and shoulder girdle can be relaxed at least sometimes.

  • The labeling of hard orthopedic chairs must indicate the age of the child for whom this model is designed;
  • bright design will create a positive mood, which is so lacking when preparing homework.
  • It is best to purchase furniture together with your child. Having seated your child on the model you like, see if the edge of the seat rests on the inside of the knee.

    If you are buying a hard chair, then evaluate the angle at which the child’s shin and thigh are located. It should be straight - this is the ideal height of the chair (remember that you will not be able to adjust it at home). If the angle is acute, then the seat is very low; if it is obtuse, the seat is too high.

    With the right orthopedic chair, your child will remain healthy and, who knows, maybe even enjoy doing homework.

    Before September 1, parents are naturally concerned about the equipment of the children's room. How to choose a school chair for a first grader? How to choose the right school desk for a student? But it is clear to all adults from childhood that you can, of course, do your homework at any table, the main thing is that it is a school table that is comfortable in height .

    If you want to buy a good school chair at an inexpensive price, do not buy a school chair in August and September; after September, prices for this product drop slightly.

    The secret of attracting a first-grader to lessons lies, among other things, in the color of the school table and school chair for the first-grader. So, boring, familiar colors do not lift your mood, but bright flashy shades are also not suitable. What color should it be?adjustable school desks? Delicate but optimistic pastel colors are suitable: light green and green will calm a hyperactive child, yellow (helps to perform monotonous actions), light blue and indigo improve concentration, gentle orange gives a boost of energy and helps to concentrate, neutral white prevents the eyes from getting tired, and brown relaxes.

    Table and chair height cheat sheet for school

    If you cannot take your child with you to the store - measure the length of the leg from foot to knee - this is the height of the chair (from the floor to the seat), the height of the table - measure his height to the chest in a sitting position on the right chair (feet are completely on the floor) .

    When sitting, you must follow the rule of “three angles”: the knees under the table form one right angle, the line of the hips and back - the second, and the arms bent at the elbow joint - the third. The height of the chair must be adjusted so that the seat is at the level of the knee folds.

    • Child height 110-119 (table height 50-52 cm) (chair height 30-32 cm)
    • Child height 120-129 (table 57 cm) (chair 35 cm)
    • Child height from 130 to 140 (table 62 cm) (chair 38 cm)
    • Seat depth 50 cm.

    The child stands near the school table - the table should be 2-3 cm above his elbow;

    There should be a palm's distance between the child's chest and the table;

    The depth of the chair should not be too large; if the child sits completely deep in the chair and his legs cannot rest with his feet on the floor, then this chair is not suitable.

    How to choose the right chair for a first-grader and organize a workplace

    • If the height of the chair does not change, a footrest or crossbar in the table will help.
    • The lower back should be in contact with the base of the school chair or armchair;
    • The legs should be with the entire foot on the floor;
    • If a child uses a computer, do not forget that the elbows should not hang, and the eyes should be in line with the top edge of the monitor, and the distance to the monitor is at least 50 cm, or better yet, a meter;
    • The neck should not bend or stretch forward.
    • It is more comfortable when the school chair has a wide and medium-soft seat.
    • The school table should always be free of objects (that’s why it’s better to hang a small shelf nearby for textbooks or buy a table with drawers);
    • You should not purchase a table with overhanging structures that can put psychological pressure on you from above. It is better to buy a regular small desk (computer or desk) with or without drawers.
    • When writing, your elbows should not hang, but should lie on the table.
    • Wheels can be distracting, but are useful when you need to move your child closer to the table. They must be fixed.
    • If the school desk does not have a special tilt level or stand, place a stand under the textbooks to make it easier for the eyes.
    • Bowl-shaped seats help you take a comfortable but correct posture;
    • The Tripp-Trapp chair can accompany the child in school life, but it is not cheap;
    • A saddle chair helps you maintain your posture, but you won’t sit for long – you’ll want to find support for your back.

    It is not so difficult to seat any child correctly, the main thing is to always pay attention - If the child is bent over or his legs are hanging, or there is nowhere to put his knees, the first-grader is sitting incorrectly!

    The Snille Ekea work chair (RUB 1,500) is suitable only for tall children, although the height is adjustable, the depth of the chair is not suitable for a baby.

    When designing a workplace for a child who is just about to go to school, or is already successfully gnawing on the granite of science, a chair plays an important role. Not only the student’s posture, but also the ability to concentrate on tasks, perseverance, and productivity of classes will depend on the correct choice of model. Indeed, a comfortable fit with the correct position of the spine ensures good blood flow, high brain activity, and normal functioning of internal organs. After all, when sitting at a desk is comfortable, nothing will distract the child from the tasks at hand.

    Our online store has collected for you hundreds of the best offers on the domestic market, both from well-known European manufacturers and from companies without big names in our country, but with decent products. It’s up to you to decide which option you prefer. We, in turn, offer extensive consultations on any issues and guarantee the highest level of service.

    Current trends in the world of armchairs and chairs
    So, in order to make the right decision, you must first understand what qualities an ideal chair should have. For ease of understanding, let’s combine the main properties into a small list:
    • strength and durability - given large and regular loads, the chair must be able to withstand various tests and at the same time maintain integrity throughout its entire service life;
    • wide functionality and the ability to adapt - adjusting the height, position of the armrests, and the angle of the backrest are required to personalize such furniture;
    • external attractiveness - aesthetics play an important role in choosing a model, as it will become a full-fledged participant in the interior.
    As you can see, the list of requirements is not so long.
    The right choice of materials
    For a chair to last a long time and offer a comfortable learning environment, it must be made from quality materials. For example, for upholstery it is better to choose natural or eco-leather, as well as types of textiles that can easily allow air to pass through. Supporting parts and parts of the frame are preferably made of metal, and plastic can be used as linings, armrests and other additional elements.

    When setting up a home workspace for a schoolchild, many parents often wonder what is better to buy – a chair or an armchair. The student’s health and academic performance largely depend on the right choice...

    Do you want your child's back to look like the picture? Then you shouldn’t waste your time looking for special orthopedic furniture for schoolchildren, but simply sit your child at the kitchen table on an ordinary stool

    The problem of spinal curvature is widespread today. According to statistics, more than half of school-age children have scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As a rule, this is due to excessive stress on the spine when sitting for long periods in an incorrect position.

    Many domestic orthopedists advise purchasing chairs the old fashioned way. Hard backs, lack of armrests and the inability to roll or spin are the main reasons. However, foreign designers and ergonomic specialists have developed special children's orthopedic chairs. They fully comply with the requirements of Russian orthopedists and at the same time have a number of important advantages over the chair.

    Advantages of an orthopedic chair over a chair.

    . Anatomically shaped orthopedic back, which follows the curve of the spine. It fits tightly onto the child's back and lower back, which significantly reduces the load on the spinal column and forms a healthy and beautiful posture.

    Some models, such as Comf Pro Match, have floating backrests. When the child leans back, the back begins to put pressure on the lower back, which forces him to sit up straight.

    Rounded edges of the textile seat. In this case, when the child is sitting, the veins and vessels in the legs are not pinched. This is unfortunately not possible on a chair, as the edge of the seat cuts into the hamstring. This leads to poor blood circulation in the legs, numbness and, as a result, the inability to concentrate on work.

    Modern upholstery materials provide excellent air circulation, which prevents your feet from sticking to the seat.

    Possibility to customize the chair individually to the size of the child. You can adjust the height of the chair, the height of the backrest and the depth of the seat so that your back touches the back of the seat - your child will enjoy studying while sitting in a convenient and comfortable chair, and you will not have to worry about his posture.

    It is very important that your feet touch the floor completely and that the angle between your thighs and calves is 90°. If your legs hang down, as often happens when a schoolchild sits at a chair, then the muscles of the hips will strain and quickly get tired. The child begins to fidget, tries to tuck his legs under him and slouch.

    Orthopedic doctors say...

    Why is a chair without armrests better?

    In the lower grades, children love to lean on them and sit imposingly. The back muscles relax excessively, which is unacceptable for children, since their muscle corset is still developing. As a result, they develop a lateral curvature of the spine.

    Today there are a huge number of manufacturers of orthopedic furniture on the market. How not to get confused and choose a good chair?

    A good chair should be easily adjusted individually to the parameters of each child - seat depth, chair height and backrest. It should have automatic wheel locking and axial rotation locking. Ideally, there is also a “floating” back. An example of a chair that fully meets these requirements is Comf Pro Match (Taiwan).

    A children's orthopedic chair is an ideal option to equip a workplace for a schoolchild. He will feel comfortable in it and will be able to do a lot of productive work. But the main thing is that the chair will help shape your posture, prevent curvature of the spine and preserve your health.

    In stores, the variety makes unfortunate parents' eyes widen, and they take either what the child himself points at (something bright, but not always the best), or what the sales consultant recommends (it’s not a fact that he is an expert in question). Therefore, you need to prepare for an important purchase in advance.

    What should the desk be like?

    The first requirement is that the desk must be proportionate to the child’s height. Moreover, there are standards:

    Of course, few people thought about this before, and if it was too low to sit, pillows or a stack of magazines were placed on the child’s chair. How can you concentrate on the copybooks if you have to fidget and keep your balance?

    Space for creativity

    The desk should be wide enough so that the child can take a comfortable position while writing or drawing. The depth of the tabletop should be at least 60-70 centimeters, and its width should be at least a meter. Considering that children cannot do without a computer, there must be space for a system unit, monitor and keyboard.

    For the system unit, you can buy a separate shelf that is attached to the desk - this will make it easier to keep the wires in order.

    A shelf for a system unit that can be installed on a standard desk. Price from 6,010 rubles, “Kupistol”

    At the right angle

    Many schools have desks with adjustable tabletop angles. It is advisable to have the same one at home. Ideally, there should be several levels of inclination: 0º, 15º (for writing), 30º (for reading), 45º (for drawing and sketching).

    A perfectionist's dream is a desk with two types of tabletops: inclined and regular, so that while working at the desk there is somewhere to put, for example, a glass of compote. Your vision and posture will be completely safe with such a desk.

    Desk with inclined and stationary tabletops. Price from 51,200 rubles, Kupistol

    Everything is in place

    If you want your child’s desk to have at least a semblance of order, choose a desk with a built-in pencil case, a drawer for small items, and additional shelves for notebooks and textbooks. But there should not be many shelves and drawers, so that there is no temptation to accumulate junk.

    A desk with shelves for educational literature and a hook for a briefcase. Price from 23,900 rubles, Kupistol

    Also, the desk should be equipped with a hook or a special basket for a briefcase, although it is not difficult to attach the hook yourself, placing it at a comfortable level for the child.


    Choosing a chair is almost a more important matter than choosing a desk, since the health of the child’s back will depend on its comfort. What should you pay attention to?

    The chair must match the height of the desk. The distance between the tabletop and the seat of the chair should be within 20-24 centimeters - then there will be somewhere to put your feet, and you won’t have to stretch.

    Reliable support

    It is important that the chair is suitable for the child’s height: the feet should not just touch the floor, but be bent at an angle of 90º and rest the entire sole on the floor. The knees should also be bent at a right angle. The ideal option is a chair with adjustable seat and back height.

    The most demands are placed on the back of the chair. It should be quite rigid and follow the shape of the back. And to maintain correct posture, the back should not be higher than the level of the shoulder blades. Otherwise - hello, scoliosis! And no armrests - leaning on them, the child will overload the cervical spine.

    Ergonomic chair with adjustable backrest and seat height. Price from 10,640 rubles, Kupistol

    Let's grow together

    More recently, a growing number of furniture for children have appeared on the market. Its advantage is obvious - you won’t need to buy a new one when the child grows up.

    Such furniture, as a rule, is thought out to the smallest detail, ergonomic and available in various options to suit every taste.

    A set of growing furniture for a schoolchild. Price from 10,300 rubles, Kupistol

    But not everyone decides to make such a purchase. Some people think that it is impractical to buy furniture for a long period - after all, probably in five to ten years you will want to refresh the decor, and the furniture may go out of fashion. And some are simply not ready to spend such a large amount on buying a desk.

    Opt for a model made from natural materials in calm shades and without superheroes or princesses painted on it - then even ten years later, when you want to make repairs, the old furniture will be able to fit perfectly into the interior of a teenager’s room. As for the relatively high price, the choice is yours: you can first buy a desk for younger schoolchildren, and when the child grows up, exchange it for a more suitable one. Or you can buy furniture once and forget about this problem for the entire duration of your child’s education.

    Whatever desk you choose, it should be made of safe and high-quality materials. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the seller to show you the corresponding certificate.

    TO A classic desk that will fit into any interior. Price from 27,480 rubles, Kupistol.

    What else should parents know?

    It doesn't matter whether you're taking your kids to first grade or eleventh grade, it's back-to-school shopping time! How to prepare a child, arrange his room, what to buy by September 1 - read about this in our special project "Happy childhood". And since school is only a part of children’s lives, in the project we will cover other areas: recreation, entertainment, vacations, gifts, toys and educational activities, travel, gadgets.