How to do a perm at home: step-by-step instructions. Molecules from plasticine. Step-by-step modeling lesson Chemical crafts at home

Just a few drops of essential oil can replace almost all household chemicals. In addition, anyone can prepare these products if they wish.

You just need to know some points and cooking tricks.

Essential oils are not at all expensive, but their wonderful properties are very much appreciated, but before using them, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies, otherwise the essential oil will only cause harm, not benefit.

Let's try to prepare home remedies that will definitely come in handy around the house and will have a magical aroma. So, essential and aromatic oils for all occasions.

How to use essential oils to prepare essential household products?

Home air freshener.

To prepare a natural air freshener, without chemicals, you need to take a bottle with a spray.

We will need:

  • 50 ml vodka;
  • 1/4 teaspoon bergamot oil;
  • five drops of clove oil;
  • five drops of lemon oil.

Shake everything and add one glass of distilled water and mix again. Let our home air freshener sit for three to four days, and then spray it around the apartment and enjoy the aroma!

Chemical-free moth repellent:

Let's prepare a moth repellent that will not only cope with annoying insects, but also give your things an extraordinary aroma.

Again, take a spray bottle or an old perfume bottle, pour 8 drops of lavender, lemon, rosemary, and clove oils into it.

We remove all the things in the closet and wipe all the walls inside with a cloth soaked in the resulting mixture. Then we put the things back, take cotton balls soaked in this fragrant composition and put them in the closet.

Fabric softener:

Everyone knows that store-bought synthetic fabric softeners can cause allergies.

What to do? I really want things to be soft and smell great, then we’ll try to prepare conditioner at home, immediately before washing and even with a reserve.

How to make fabric softener?


  • half a liter of water;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • half a pack of baking soda.

The mixture should be effervescent.

Add five drops of geranium oil and five drops of lavender oil to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and the conditioner with a wonderful aroma is ready.

The conditioner is poured into a plastic container and closed tightly. As usual, before washing, add 60 ml of the prepared conditioner to the special conditioner compartment.

The laundry will be fresh, pleasant and most importantly with a wonderful aroma.

Shoe freshener:

The most effective shoe freshener is one made from baking soda and essential oil. Let's try to prepare it: take two or three tablespoons of baking soda and drop mint, tea tree, lavender, and rosemary oil into it.

We put a sock with this mixture in our shoes overnight. The wonderful and delicate smell will last all day, this procedure can be done at least every day.

Wonderful hair rinse:

How to make hair rinse?

Have to take:

  • two glasses of boiling water;
  • half a glass of a mixture of dry herbs: burdock, nettle, horsetail mixed in equal quantities;
  • ten drops of sandalwood oil;
  • five drops of sage oil.

Cover the resulting broth with a lid and let it sit for 40 minutes. Then strain and pour in 3/4 cup of apple cider vinegar - the miracle rinse is ready! Your hair will become strong, shiny and grow quickly.

Stain remover:

Eucalyptus essential oil - perfectly removes stains from grease and sweat. It’s very simple: a cotton pad or rag is soaked in essential oil and applied to the stain. The result is that the stain disappears and you can wash the oil from your clothes.

Harmless dishwashing liquid.

All dishwashing detergents are very harmful; in order to completely wash them off, you need to rinse the dishes in ten waters. Of course, hardly anyone succeeds. Let's prepare a homemade liquid that is completely safe and will protect the skin of your hands.


  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • glycerin - 2 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon and grapefruit oil - 10 drops each.

All components are mixed well and poured into a plastic container. After using such a wonderful liquid, the dishes will be clean, there will be no chemicals left on them, and the skin of your hands will be safe.


Take 0.5 liters of warm water and add 3-5 drops of essential oils: lavender, bergamot, tea tree, juniper, pine, thyme or eucalyptus.

Then we wipe all surfaces in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom with the resulting solution. This mixture will not only disinfect the room, but also save you from colds and fill your apartment with freshness and pleasant aromas.

Try to prepare safe, natural products for washing dishes, rinsing hair, cleaning rooms and you will protect yourself from harmful chemical fumes.

Beautiful wavy locks have always been the pride of a woman. But what to do if nature has not endowed the lady with delightful curls? Nowadays, nothing is impossible, and in order to make your hair curly, you can use perm. The procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. How to make it at home will be discussed further.

About perm

How to do a perm at home? There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the instructions described below.

It is a difficult procedure and allows you to temporarily become the owner of curly hair. This styling helps you always look well-groomed. You can actually get a perm without leaving your home. Before carrying out this procedure, it should be borne in mind that even the most gentle products harm the hair and completely change its structure.

Types of hair curling

There are several types of hair perm, these are:

  • Acidic. Provides long-lasting effect and reliable fixation. Suitable for any type of hair. Severely damages curls. After it is carried out, a number of restorative procedures are required.
  • Alkaline. This is a softer type of curl than an acidic one. Helps create the effect of natural curls. Lasts a long time, but is not suitable for all hair.
  • Neutral. It is the most gentle method. Helps create wavy curls along the entire length, regardless of their condition and type.
  • Amino acid. Suitable for owners of weakened and fragile strands. It not only curls curls, but also nourishes them with proteins and amino acids during the procedure.

Professional stylists come up with new ways to achieve curly hair every day, but despite this, many women wonder how to perm themselves at home.

Preparatory stage

Before you do a perm at home, you need to prepare for it. Twenty days before the event you cannot dye your hair. It would be a good idea to conduct a drug sensitivity test before perming. To do this, apply a little product behind the ear and wait a day. If no allergic reaction occurs, the product can be used; conversely, if there is irritation or rash, it is better to stop using the drug.

Before this event, you should see how the chemical reagent will act on your hair. To do this, a small curl is treated with a curling compound. If after a couple of minutes the strand breaks, then the concentration of the solution is halved. The procedure is repeated on another strand. If your hair still breaks, then you need to give up perm and pay attention to restoring and strengthening your hair.

All products for this event must match your hair type. For long bobbins, choose a larger diameter, for short ones - a smaller one. Be sure to evaluate the condition of your hair before curling. Weak strands should not be subjected to such an event.

Before the procedure, the curls are moisturized, which improves the absorption of the chemical solution, reduces the exposure time of the drug, makes the curl more natural and less damaging to the curls.

Tools for work

Before you do a perm at home with “Lokon”, you need to prepare your tools. For the procedure you will need:

  • a comb with sparse teeth and a pointed end;
  • curlers with a lock or bobbins of the required diameter, about 50-80 pieces;
  • non-metallic containers;
  • foam sponges;
  • plastic clips;
  • beaker;
  • gloves and headband;
  • cellophane cap;
  • two towels.

To create curls, you can use not only “Lokon”, but also ready-made perm kits.

In addition to tools, you will need citric acid or vinegar in a concentration of 6% or 9%, shampoo, restoring balm, which is applied to the hair after “chemistry,” nourishing cream or Vaseline.

Stages of curling "Curl"

To learn how to do a perm at home with Lokon, you need to carefully read the instructions for the product. Perm with this product is divided into three stages: perm, neutralization and fixation.
Each step of this procedure has its own characteristics and is necessary to achieve beautiful curly strands.

Curling with "Curl"

How to do a perm at home (a photo of the result of the procedure can be seen below) will be discussed further. To carry out the procedure you should:

  • Divide your hair into several parts. Each strand is processed by “Lokon”, combed and wound onto bobbins (curlers). After all the hair is curled, it is covered with a plastic cap and towel. From this moment the curling time is counted.
  • The exposure period is different for all hair. On soft strands, the drug is kept for up to 20 minutes, on normal-type hair - up to 16-18 minutes, on hard curls - no more than 10-12 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, you should unfold several curls in different parts of the head and look at the degree of curl. If a curl is not formed, then the strand is wound again on curlers. The next curl control is carried out after five minutes. This is done until the curl takes the desired shape. The maximum exposure time for “Curl” on the hair is 45 minutes.
  • After the curls are formed, the curling agent is washed off without removing the curlers or bobbins, being careful not to mix the strands with each other. A towel is applied to the hair to collect remaining moisture.

After curling the strands, they proceed to the stage of neutralizing the chemical substance.

Carrying out neutralization

To carry out neutralization you need:

  • Dissolve a third of a teaspoon of lemon in a fourth of a glass of water. Grind 4 hydroperite tablets to a powder and add them to the citric acid solution. Add another quarter glass of water and half a teaspoon of shampoo here. That's all - the neutralization composition is ready.
  • Each strand is generously moistened with a neutralizer. The procedure is carried out twice, spending exactly half of the prepared solution on the hair. After treatment, leave the hair for ten minutes.
  • After the specified time, the curls are freed from the curlers and moistened with the remaining solution. Leave the neutralizer for another five minutes.

To fix curls, you can replace hydroperite with perhydrol. Here half a teaspoon of lemon is diluted in a quarter glass of water and 1.5 teaspoons of perhydrol are added there. Add another ½ cup of water to the resulting mixture. The consumption of the neutralizing agent is affected by the length and thickness of the scalp. The prepared composition must be used immediately and cannot be stored.

Fixation procedure

In order to consolidate the result, a third of a teaspoon of lemon is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and the hair is thoroughly rinsed with this solution. This operation is repeated 3-4 times. After this treatment, the hair is soft and pliable; all that remains is to comb and style it.

If the curls are very discolored, then the volume of water in the solution should be increased to two liters, the proportion of citric acid does not change.

It’s not difficult to do a “Lokon” perm at home; you just need to follow the instructions given above. All stages of the procedure must be performed sequentially.

Some ladies are interested in how to perm long hair at home using the “Curl” method. The procedure in this case is performed in exactly the same way as on strands of medium and short length. The only thing is that the curling options may be different. Here you can wind the curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but from the middle, or curl the hair only on the lower part.

How to do a perm at home without “Curl”?

You can do a perm at home without “Lokon” by purchasing ready-made kits for this event at a professional cosmetics store. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Before curling, you should wash your hair without conditioner or conditioner.
  • Dry the strands slightly with a towel.
  • Curl your hair in curlers, starting from the back of your head.
  • Lubricate the skin around the head with Vaseline along the hairline.
  • Apply curling agent. If you need soft curls, leave for 10 minutes; for strong curls, it takes half an hour.
  • Put on a cap and wrap your hair with a towel.
  • Check the curl by untwisting several curls: if the result is satisfactory, then wash off the product, and if the strand is not curled enough, wait another 5-10 minutes.
  • Next, the hair is treated with a fixative. Leave for 10 minutes, remove the curlers and apply the remaining part of the fixative to the curls again. After 5 minutes, the hair is washed with water.
  • The curls are rinsed with water and vinegar.
  • A restorative agent is applied.

Before you perm yourself at home, you should carefully study the instructions for the finished kit. The curling agent is kept on average for 25 minutes on coarse hair, 20 minutes on medium hair and 15 minutes on fine hair.


Before you do a perm at home yourself, you need to take into account the skin’s tendency to allergies. In addition, the procedure is not performed on weakened and damaged strands or with alopecia. It is forbidden to do “chemistry” to women with bleached hair, as well as to blondes.

Perm is not carried out during the menstrual cycle and a few days after its end. It should not be done to pregnant or lactating women, or if a person is taking strong hormonal medications. Do not resort to the procedure for colds and infectious diseases.

Basic Rules

Perming strands at home requires special attention. When carrying out this procedure, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • If the curls were treated with a reducing agent, then the perm is done when they are completely cut off.
  • “Chemistry” is done only when the previous perm has completely disappeared from the hair.
  • Metal products should not be used during the procedure.
  • To avoid damaging the skin of the hands and the nail plate, the procedure is carried out using rubber gloves.
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with water.
  • To speed up the formation of curls, you cannot use a hair dryer, as this will increase the degree of damage to the hair.
  • If there is damage to the skin of the head (abrasions, wounds), the procedure is not performed.

Compliance with the above rules will help you avoid unwanted consequences and achieve the desired result.

About caring procedures

Even a correctly performed procedure using the most gentle preparations can cause damage to the hair. Therefore, special attention should be paid to hair after “chemistry”:

  • actively use special restorative agents;
  • Do not use a hair dryer for several days after curling and comb your curls as little as possible;
  • do nourishing masks at least once a week and for at least 10 sessions;
  • Strands should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • You can dye your scalp only a couple of weeks after the “chemistry”;
  • To an aggressive method of gaining curls, you should prefer a more gentle one, for example, bio-perm.

A perm done at home looks no worse than a salon perm. The main thing is not to rush and follow the sequence of all actions.

Curling without curling irons or curlers

Next we will talk about how to do a perm at home without curlers and curling irons. These devices can successfully replace cotton rags. To do this, the unnecessary item is cut into strips, the width of which for large curls is about 8 cm, for small curls - 3 cm.

Paper papillots will also help save the situation. To do this, cut out narrow strips from polished paper, twist them into tubes, and secure the end with tape. The strands on them are arranged in a spiral from top to bottom. The tube is twisted into a ring and secured with a bobby pin or hairpin. This type of curling helps to get large and tight curls.

Braids can help replace curlers and curling irons. With their help you can give your hair the desired volume and waviness. Braids are braided on damp, clean strands. The more braids, the smaller the curls will be. Similar manipulations are done at night, and the hair should be slightly dried with a hairdryer before going to bed.

There are many more ways to curl without curling irons or curlers. They cause less damage to the hair, and the result is quite decent.

How to do a perm at home for short, medium and long hair was written above. From this we can conclude that the procedure does not cause any particular difficulties for women, and the effect is no different from the salon one.

Today we will conduct a lesson not only in modeling, but also in chemistry, and we will make models of molecules from plasticine. Plasticine balls can be represented as atoms, and ordinary matches or toothpicks will help to show structural connections. This method can be used by teachers when explaining new material in chemistry, by parents when checking and studying homework, and by children themselves who are interested in the subject. There is probably no easier and more accessible way to create visual material for mental visualization of micro-objects.

Here are representatives from the world of organic and inorganic chemistry as examples. By analogy with them, other structures can be made, the main thing is to understand all this diversity.

Materials for work:

  • plasticine of two or more colors;
  • structural formulas of molecules from the textbook (if necessary);
  • matches or toothpicks.

1. Prepare plasticine for modeling spherical atoms from which molecules will be formed, as well as matches to represent the bonds between them. Naturally, it is better to show atoms of different types in a different color, so that it is clearer to imagine a specific object of the microworld.

2. To make balls, pinch off the required number of portions of plasticine, knead in your hands and roll into shapes in your palms. To sculpt organic hydrocarbon molecules, you can use larger red balls - this will be carbon, and smaller blue balls - hydrogen.

3. To form a methane molecule, insert four matches into the red ball so that they point towards the vertices of the tetrahedron.

4. Place blue balls on the free ends of the matches. The natural gas molecule is ready.

5. Prepare two identical molecules to explain to your child how the molecule of the next hydrocarbon, ethane, can be obtained.

6. Connect the two models by removing one match and two blue balls. Ethan is ready.

7. Next, continue the exciting activity and explain how a multiple bond is formed. Remove the two blue balls and make the bond between the carbons double. In a similar way, you can mold all the hydrocarbon molecules necessary for the lesson.

8. The same method is suitable for sculpting molecules of the inorganic world. The same plasticine balls will help you realize your plans.

9. Take the central carbon atom - the red ball. Insert two matches into it, defining the linear shape of the molecule; attach two blue balls, which in this case represent oxygen atoms, to the free ends of the matches. Thus, we have a carbon dioxide molecule of linear structure.

10. Water is a polar liquid, and its molecules are angular formations. They consist of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The angular structure is determined by the lone pair of electrons on the central atom. It can also be depicted as two green dots.

These are the kind of exciting creative lessons you should definitely practice with your children. Students of any age will become interested in chemistry and will understand the subject better if, during the learning process, they are provided with a visual aid made by themselves.

DIY Tesla coil. Tesla's resonant transformer is a very impressive invention. Nikola Tesla perfectly understood how spectacular the device was, and constantly demonstrated it in public. Why do you think? That's right: to get additional funding.

You can feel like a great scientist and amaze your friends by making your own mini-reel. You will need: a capacitor, a small light bulb, a wire and a few other simple parts. However, remember that the Tesla resonant transformer produces high voltage, high frequency - read the technical safety rules, otherwise the effect may turn into a defect.

Potato cannon. An air gun that shoots potatoes? Easily! This is not a particularly dangerous project (unless you decide to make a giant and very powerful potato weapon). The potato cannon is a great way to have fun for those who love engineering and mischief. The super weapon is easy to make - you just need an empty aerosol spray bottle and a couple of other spare parts that are easy to find.

High power toy machine gun. Remember children's toy machines - bright, with different functions, bang-bang, oh-oh-oh? The only thing many of the boys lacked was for them to shoot a little further and a little harder. Well, this can be fixed.

Toy machines are made of rubber to make them as safe as possible. Of course, manufacturers have made sure that the pressure in such pistols is minimal and cannot cause harm to anyone. But some craftsmen have still found a way to add power to children's weapons: you just need to get rid of the parts that slow down the process. From which ones and how - says the experimenter from the video.

Drone with your own hands. Many people think of a drone solely as a large unmanned aerial vehicle used in military operations in the Middle East. This is a misconception: drones are becoming an everyday occurrence, in most cases they are small, and making them at home is not that difficult.

Parts for a “home” drone are easy to acquire, and you don’t have to be an engineer to assemble the whole thing – although, of course, you will have to tinker. The average handmade drone consists of a small main part, a few additional parts (can be purchased or found from other devices) and electronic equipment for remote control. Yes, it’s a special pleasure to equip a finished drone with a camera.

Theremin- music of the magnetic field. This mysterious electro-musical instrument is of interest not only (and not so much?) to musicians, but to mad scientists. You can assemble this unusual device, invented by a Soviet inventor in 1920, at home. Imagine: you simply move your hands (of course, with the languid air of a scientist-musician), and the instrument makes “otherworldly” sounds!

Learning to masterly operate a theremin is not an easy task, but the result is worth it. Sensor, transistor, speaker, resistor, power supply, a couple more parts, and you're good to go! This is what it looks like.

If you don’t feel confident in English, watch a Russian-language video on how to make a theremin from three radios.

Remote controlled robot. Well, who hasn't dreamed of a robot? And even self-assembled! True, a fully autonomous robot will require serious expertise and effort, but a remote-controlled robot can be created from scrap materials. For example, the robot in the video is made of foam, wood, a small motor and a battery. This “pet”, under your guidance, moves freely around the apartment, overcoming even uneven surfaces. With a little creativity, you can give it the look you want.

Plasma ball I've probably already attracted your attention. It turns out that you don’t need to spend money on purchasing it, but you can gain confidence in yourself and do it yourself. Yes, at home it will be small, but still one touch to the surface will cause it to discharge with the most beautiful multi-colored “lightning”.

The main ingredients are an induction coil, an incandescent lamp and a capacitor. Be sure to follow safety precautions - this spectacular device operates under voltage.

Solar powered radio- An excellent device for lovers of long hikes. Don't throw away your old radio: just attach a solar panel to it and you'll be independent of batteries and other power sources other than the sun.

This is what a radio with a solar battery looks like.

Segway today it is incredibly popular, but is considered an expensive toy. You can save a lot by spending just a few hundred dollars instead of a thousand, adding your own time and effort, and making a Segway yourself. This is not an easy task, but it is quite possible! Interestingly, today Segways are used not only for entertainment - in the United States they are used by postal workers, golfers and, most strikingly, experienced Steadicam operators.

You can get acquainted with the detailed almost hour-long instructions - however, it is in English.

If you doubt that you have understood everything correctly, below are the instructions in Russian - to get a general idea.

Non-Newtonian fluid allows you to do a lot of fun experiments. It's absolutely safe and exciting. A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity depends on the nature of the external influence. It can be made by mixing water with starch (one to two). Do you think it's easy? Not so. The “tricks” of a non-Newtonian fluid begin already in the process of its creation. Further more.

If you take a handful of it, it will look like polyurethane foam. If you start throwing it up, it will move like it’s alive. Relax your hand and it will begin to flow. Squeeze it into a fist and it will become hard. It “dances” if you bring it to powerful speakers, but you can also dance on it if you stir enough for this. In general, it’s better to see it once!