How to escape an energy vampire at work. How to protect yourself from the negative influence of an energy vampire? How to protect yourself from the evil eye of your neighbors

Energy vampires don't drink blood, don't sleep in coffins, and don't kill virgins during the full moon, but they can cause serious harm to your health.

A human vampire feeds on emotions and life forces. For him, you are just a generator from which you can “recharge.”

Is it possible to recognize them? How to protect yourself from energy vampires? And what to do if your loved one turns out to be a “bloodsucker”?

Vampires are excellent at camouflage; they can wait for you at work, in transport, on the street, and even live with you under the same roof!

Of course, they are not afraid of garlic and they also do not have fangs the size of a human finger, but there are a number of signs by which they can be recognized.

  • After communicating with such a person, you feel like an emotional wreck; joy and love of life are replaced by despondency and apathy.
  • You feel tired. It seems like nothing happened, just a normal working day at the office, but it seems like they were carrying water on you and an elephant (or two) was dancing a jig.
  • There is a tendency to depression and self-examination. It seems that all the color has been sucked out of life. Only gray and black tones remained.
  • Chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Often, after communicating with an energy vampire, people complain of headaches and increased blood pressure.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself?

There are three types of energy vampires.

1. Solar. This species is the most active. For them, scandals, quarrels and squabbles are the meaning of life.

A vampire may turn out to be a dandelion grandmother who does not want to sit in line at the clinic and screams throughout the entire corridor.

Or the “Bloodsucker” may be hiding under the guise of a stern colonel, chasing soldiers around the parade ground until they lose consciousness

2. Lunar. They are also jokingly called “mourners.” Not a day goes by without such a vampire crying about his problems and troubles.

Actually, his scheme is simple: he finds free ears - he pours out negativity - and his life becomes easier, more fun...

Well, a person who has received such a portion of destructive emotions then collects himself piece by piece.

3. Planetary. They love to bring the victim to white heat, but they do it on the sly. Envy, slander, lies - they do not disdain any means.

They take pleasure in the suffering of others, taking the position of observers.

Their main weapon is discussing disasters and personal tragedies. The stronger the listener’s emotions, the better the vampire.

Is it possible to protect yourself from vampirism?

Yes, but first you need to recognize the vampire. They don't have "Beware, I'm a Pest" markings or identifying marks, but you can trust your instincts.

If the interlocutor causes you unreasonable irritation, and your inner voice repeats: “Danger!” – it’s worth listening to him.

Do you feel that even after a short conversation with a person, a feeling of fatigue and apathy appears? – So you are another emotional donor.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Emotions. Vampires unceremoniously invade our personal space, they are attracted to your inner strength and emotionality.

If you notice that an unfamiliar colleague with her endless problems is often visiting, or the boss is increasingly calling you “on the carpet” for no particular reason, you need to defend yourself.

Of course, you cannot beat a vampire on his field, but you can deprive him of the source of joy - emotions.

It is difficult to feed off of a donor who remains calm and balanced in any situation.

Learn to block your emotions and not give in to provocations.

Visual contact. Bioenergy specialists believe that the eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, they are one of the most important ways of energy exchange.

That's why you shouldn't hold direct eye contact with an unpleasant interlocutor.

Not only are the communication channels open, but also your emotions are in full view: fear, self-doubt, and pity are reflected in the pupils...

Walk away from the conversation. Of course, observing the rules of good manners. You don’t have to proudly turn around and slam the door, just tell your clingy friend: “Sorry, I’m in a hurry, we’ll discuss this later.”

Besiege your annoying fellow traveler: “I’m not ready to discuss this topic with you.”

Learn to say no. Many energy vampires are talented manipulators.

They play on your heart, like on the strings of a violin, at the right moment awakening pity, compassion, pain, aggression, passion...

They bask in emotions, as if in the warm rays of the sun, depleting the internal reserves of your body.

Learn to say “no” to people who constantly want to put the bag of their problems on your shoulders. They don't need help as such, just emotional support.

Surprise. Imagine the situation: you are standing in a long line, into which a woman begins to squeeze through.

And not silently, but by stepping on your feet and swearing in a sophisticated manner. The desire to quarrel with someone and throw out anger is written on her face.

Learn to act unconventionally: make a joke at her expense or simply ignore her, but don’t be led by emotions and don’t rush to teach the “impudent girl” a lesson, because that’s exactly what she wants!

Detachment. There are situations when changing the subject or avoiding a conversation is impossible. Let's say you have an unbalanced boss who starts every Monday meeting with curse words and stormy lectures...

He just has a way of “feeding” on fear, resentment and aggression of his subordinates. Your option is not to get into trouble and step away.

Learn meditation techniques, try to clear your mind of unpleasant emotions. Imagine that you are in a bubble into which no negativity penetrates - this is the barrier of your mind from vampirism.

Some advise wearing amulets: mirrors, pins, crosses, red thread around the wrist... Very dubious protection from vampires.

After all, if you don’t learn to control yourself and avoid unpleasant people, you will remain a convenient donor.

What to do if a loved one turns out to be a vampire?

There is definitely no need to pour holy water on him and drive an aspen stake into his chest. Start by analyzing the situation.

How often does a husband (wife, friend) complain about difficulties and problems? Asking for advice? Looking for tactile contact?

Every time you sincerely worry about him and pay for your feelings with vitality.

Try to move the conversation in a different direction more often, act more rationally, and not just pat on the head and feel sorry.

You can restore energy in other ways:

  • a change of scenery;
  • romantic evenings and picnics;
  • physical exercise;
  • interesting hobby.

This is a kind of energy doping that people lack so much in everyday life.

Let's sum it up

Effective ways to protect yourself from vampires:

  • minimize communication;
  • do not be led by emotions;
  • avoid an unpleasant topic of conversation;
  • abstract yourself from what is happening.

Then the vampire will have nothing to profit from! Have you met energy vampires?

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire is a relevant question for each of us. Because, whether we realize it or not, in life we ​​quite often encounter real energy vampires who provoke us to choose negative emotions. After meeting such a person, you feel empty, and the vampire, having received a boost, will soon come again for a new portion.

If you are under an invisible attack

There are clear signs that you are being affected by an energy vampire. So, the attack takes place if:

you feel (even if intuitively) that a person is influencing you psychologically during communication;

you feel out of place with a person, you are “stressed” by his presence; you “flare up” in a conversation with a person, no matter what you say, it is not clear why you are nervous, when communicating with him you feel overwhelmed, you even feel as if you have a cold or are too tired.

Vampires can manipulate you, make trouble and provoke you to release energy, but you can and must fight them

Of course, we don’t need any energy vampire as a buddy or friend. But, since they are different, accordingly, you need to defend yourself in each case, using different methods.

There are vampires who are actually very dissatisfied with themselves: they are not going well at work, and there are eternal problems in the family. So a person thinks that if he complains “about life” all the time, he will win your attention and receive sympathy. In other words, he will feed on the energy of his neighbor.

Is it possible to fight this? Need to! For example, as soon as they try to engage you in an unpleasant conversation, simply smile and remain silent, making it clear that you want to stay away. He, of course, can continue to carry on the conversation, but the main thing is that you are not “involved” emotionally. After all, it is your emotions that such people need.

Of course, in such situations it is difficult to say no, to isolate yourself. But it’s more expensive for yourself to feel sorry. You need to learn to look at everything from the outside - and no vampire will be afraid of you. After a neutral reaction on your part, he will generally leave you alone.

Sometimes, knowing your “pain points,” the energy vampire talks about exactly what concerns you, but what does not make you happy at all. With such conversations, many bring the interlocutor to his knees. There are two ways out: either say that you don’t care, you’re not worried at all, or start taking action to solve your problem. Then the vampire will simply have nothing to cling to.

Flow of light as protection against energy vampirism

By developing your imagination, you will help yourself create a virtual, but very reliable protection from energy vampires. All you need to do is imagine that you are standing in a stream of light.

Visualize this light destroying negative programs in your energy field. When you feel that the heavy burden of communicating with another person seems to be falling off your shoulders, then you can assume that the defense has worked.

If you still feel tired, it means that you have failed to defend yourself, and it is better to stop the conversation - only as gently as possible (remember that irritability feeds a vampire) and by finding any excuse for this.

While you imagine that you are being bathed in a bright protective light, you will be distracted from the whining and complaints of the human vampire. The vampire will feel that he cannot break through the defense, and, therefore, will lose power over you and interest in you. You will see for yourself, he will change the topic of conversation.

A stream of light will help repel a vampire's attack - imagine how it literally permeates your body

You should never forget that a vampire can break through your energy defense only when you allow him to do this: you feel sorry for him, give advice when he feels bad, empathize (cry, worry).

And in general, think about whether it would be better to part with those acquaintances and friends who make you feel bad both morally and physically. It is important for you to understand that you are not responsible for the fact that something bad happens to people. And you are not at all obliged to give “smart” advice, losing your own vital energy.

One of the tactics to combat vampirism is escape.

Don't even hope that you can re-educate an energy vampire! By the way, the easiest thing is to just run away from him as fast as you can. Moreover, not only in the figurative sense of the word.

You need to try to outplay the vampire emotionally, and then he himself will be “scared” of you.

If you are somehow connected with such a person, for example, through work, then only through work with him and intersect. Meeting such people as little as possible is a good solution. But even in these cases you should not relax, you need to be well prepared.

We remember that the energy vampire wants to anger you, scare you, cause irritation or other negative emotions. Therefore, you should not give him the opportunity to do this. The solution is to outplay such a person emotionally. He, of course, will not “play” your game, but you yourself will play it unnoticed by him.

Similar behavior in response also produces good results. For example, if a person wants to pity you, to make you cry with some details, in response you can give invented examples from life, and with even more “compassionate” details.

The energy vampire will not want to absorb such unpleasant details and will change the subject. Moreover, he will understand that complaining to you in the hope of getting sympathy will not work. And he will have to switch to someone else.

We laugh and effectively counteract energy “suckers”

Agree, the best way to overcome anger and anger is laughter. For example, in the office of a formidable boss, imagine him in a funny form, for example, a clown, or in a ridiculous form, say, naked and with a tie. He scolds you, boils like a samovar, and you look politely, but smile to yourself from ear to ear: after all, the “king” is naked!

Under no circumstances should you be angry in response, and if you make excuses, do so emotionally lightly, not including angry, black emotions.

If an energy vampire is your boss, the only way out is to quietly laugh at him

It’s even better if you mentally look at everything from the outside. Imagine that you are sitting opposite your boss (another person), but your soul is flying somewhere under the ceiling and looking down at what is happening. Such abstraction must be supported by internal laughter. And it’s really funny: a person loses his temper, gets angry, scolds you, and doesn’t even suspect that you are “not here,” but laugh, hovering over his head.

Think to yourself: “Well, when will this “big boss” let me go... but for now I’ll fly some more.” And to make it easier to switch to something fun, watch more comedies - it will come in handy. Always at the right moment, you can easily remember something funny, and the energy vampire will definitely feel that you are on his own wavelength and will lag behind you.

In the same way, you can protect yourself from energy vampires at home, that is, people from your closest social circle. After all, both friends and relatives can be energy vampires. The principle of protection is the same.

In addition, remember that often the person himself does not realize that he is trying to deprive you of energy, provoking a scandal. If you are aware of this, you will not succumb to provocations and will not experience resentment, anger or other negative feelings that open the door to your own energy field.

A conspiracy to neutralize an energy vampire

Using the words of the conspiracy, you can also build an invisible wall around yourself, and this neutralizes the negative energy attack.

By pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you will not allow the energy vampire to influence you

When pronouncing words to yourself, you should imagine how they shield you from an unpleasant interlocutor.

Say: “A barrier of words reliably protects. Words-amulets help me win. Your dark talk doesn't concern me. With my words, like a lock, it is securely locked.” At the same time, you should make simple movements with your fingers: click in the air, as if you were “kicking” checkers, as in the children’s game “Chapayev”. Everything bad will thus “bounce off” from you.

Runes will preserve your energy

Since ancient times, clover has been considered a strong amulet for protection against those who “drain” energy. And, of course, it is best that its leaves are real.

At the same time, a pendant in the shape of a clover leaf is also an effective amulet. At the same time, a silver product is protection from a female energy vampire, and a gold one will not allow a male vampire to influence you.

You can protect yourself from vampires with the help of amulets, such as the runes Thurisaz, Teyvaz, Thurisaz

This method has also long been known as pinning a pin to clothes on the left side. It doesn't matter whether it is visible to a stranger or not.

The pendant that symbolizes your zodiac sign will also become your individual protector. It is better if it is made of metal, even non-precious.

Your pet, cat or dog, can also become a talisman. It is known that they are able to “absorb” negative energy without harm to themselves. If you are going to meet an unpleasant person at home, be sure to take a furry amulet in your hands or sit it down next to it, stroke the animal - and you can calmly communicate.

The ideal ones that will put up a barrier to protect a person from someone else’s negative energy are: Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz. You can cut them yourself, for example, on a wooden pendant.

Select the above runes and use for energy protection

The best defense against energy vampires is your own strong energy and positive attitude. Remember a simple truth: darkness cannot touch the light. Likewise, negative energy will not be able to penetrate your energy shell if you radiate positivity.

Video on the topic: “Energy vampires: how to recognize them and protect yourself”

In this article we will tell you how to recognize an energy vampire and get rid of it. Probably, each of us has noticed that after communicating with certain people, you suddenly begin to feel tired and lack of strength, a feeling of discomfort and irritability appears. Most likely, you are faced with such a phenomenon as energy vampirism. Let's figure out who an energy vampire is and how to protect yourself from him?

Any of us can periodically become an energy vampire. For example, if a person is sick, stressed or depressed. At such moments, everyone experiences an acute lack of vital energy and needs the support of others. But some people practice sucking other people's energy all the time. How do they do this?

Most often, the mechanism of pity and compassion is used for this. The vampire chooses for himself the role of “eternal victim,” forcing those around him to give him their love and care. After all, people usually tend to feel sorry for and help the unfortunate. He plays on the feelings of his victim, takes advantage of her kindness and mercy and gradually drains her energy.

After such an interaction, the victim feels completely exhausted and mentally devastated. She develops apathy and irritability, her health and mood deteriorate, and she loses interest in life. If after communicating with someone you notice such symptoms, know that you are dealing with an energy vampire. Try to avoid communicating with him.

How can you recognize an energy vampire?

It is quite easy to determine that an energy vampire is near you.

  • You don't want to communicate with this person. Subconsciously, you try to avoid any contact with him.
  • After interacting with a vampire, you get a headache, your hands get cold or tremble.
  • The victim loses his balance - experiences irritation and rage, or, conversely, falls into apathy.

It is believed that the more negative feelings the victim experiences, the more energy the vampire will receive. For example, if you just feel mildly irritated, it won't be enough to "feed" the vampire. Therefore, he will try to bring you to hysterics, screaming or fits of rage. Now he will be satisfied, and the victim will feel exhausted, like a squeezed lemon.

Contact with energy vampires can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • sleep disturbances and bad mood;
  • deterioration of health;
  • state of depression and apathy;
  • nervous tension and irritability;

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely stop communicating with an energy vampire. After all, such a person can easily end up in your immediate environment - among close relatives or at work. In this case, you will be forced to communicate with such a person for many years.

But don’t despair, simple recommendations will help you protect yourself from energy vampirism.

Tips on how to protect yourself from an energy vampire

It turns out that feeding off someone else’s energy is not at all easy. To do this, it is necessary to disrupt the integrity of the donor’s energy shell, which helps protect against such influences. This can be done by putting the victim into a state of discomfort.

In other words, the vampire must cause great emotion and stress in the donor. After this, we can assume that he achieved his goal. Therefore, the main rule for protecting against energy attacks is to remain calm. No matter how difficult it may be to remain calm and not react to the provocative behavior of a vampire, still try to do it.

Very often, people prone to energy vampirism like to torment the victim for hours with stories about their problems and illnesses. Therefore, if you are talking to such a person on the phone, end the conversation as soon as you realize that he does not have important news. In this case, you can refer to the fact that you are very busy at the moment.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the best defense is an attack. As soon as the vampire starts talking about endless problems and illnesses, start burdening him with your worries. Believe me, in this case, communication with him will not be long and tiring. Such people are usually not inclined to donate their energy to charitable causes.

Special amulets and talismans will also help you protect yourself from energy attacks. This could be jewelry, hair hoops, or something else. It is desirable that these objects have a round shape.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family?

It’s a pity, but an energy vampire can often be one of the people closest to you - a husband, father or child. How to protect yourself in this case, because you cannot stop communicating with him?

It is believed that an energy vampire receives life energy not only from people. Nature can provide powerful energy supply. Therefore, try to spend more time in the forest, in the country, near bodies of water. This method is especially suitable for little “vampires”.

Many people turn into energy vampires in old age. This happens because in old age they no longer have enough of their own energy and they begin to feed on the vital forces of those around them.

If you notice this quality in someone close to you, try to ensure that this person has enough positive emotions. He should have a favorite pastime, a hobby. This could be crafts, gardening, fishing or anything else. The main thing is that the person is passionate about this activity and simply does not have time left for “vampirism.”

Aromatic lamps and natural oils will be wonderful amulets for your home. They will help create a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere in your home and awaken positive emotions in the vampire.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work?

Are you familiar with the situation when, after contact with some person at work, your mood sharply worsens, your head begins to pound, weakness and loss of strength appear? Most likely, you are dealing with an energy vampire.

Special amulets and talismans will help you protect yourself from it. Such magical items should always be on your desk or in your purse. If it's a ring or bracelet, wear it every time you meet a vampire.

Place a mirror at your workplace so that its reflective surface faces visitors. This way you will reflect all the negativity that is sent to you.

Try to eat more fresh fruits. Even a simple cup of tea with lemon can strengthen your biofield and make it less vulnerable to energy attacks.

Also, an ordinary apple or cherry seed can act as a talisman. Wrap a few bones in a white scarf and put them in your purse or desk drawer.

But the most important rule of defense is to try to develop resistance in the face of attacks from the aggressor, to maintain calm and emotional balance.

Watch a video on how to protect yourself from energy vampires:

Communication with energy vampires brings a huge amount of negativity. This is fraught not only with a deterioration in mood, but also with problems in all areas of life.

There are three reliable ways to protect yourself from negative energy, but they do not always help protect yourself from energy vampires. The fact is that such people do not have a negative influence on others - they simply take away positive emotions, devastating the person. After communicating with an energy vampire, the interlocutor feels exhausted: not only his mood, but also his physical condition worsens.

How to spot a vampire

You cannot become such a person, you can only be born. Often everything happens automatically. Many energy vampires are unaware that they are such.

Main sign: After communicating with a vampire, you will feel “broken.” A sharp deterioration in mood is ensured by those who have high empathy, that is, the ability to give and receive emotions. Such people attract vampires like a magnet.

More signs:

  • negative talk and emotions;
  • the desire to make you dependent on them.

If your loved one or colleague can only talk about bad things, then know that this is a true energy vampire. Normal people are not able to talk for a long time about problems, quarrels and negative memories. Vampires can non-stop “wind up” you, talking about how bad your offender was or the relative with whom the clash occurred. These people know how to provoke negative memories, after which a period of apathy or anger sets in.

The desire to make you dependent can manifest itself in different ways: for example, a person deliberately does not pick up the phone, does not return money borrowed earlier, and constantly puts something off for later. It throws you out of balance and makes you constantly think about him. By the way, there are approximately the same number of energy vampires among men and women, and the strength of their influence is also at the same level.

Protection from vampires at home

If such a person lives under the same roof with you, problems may arise constantly, because simply avoiding him will not work. In such a situation, the most reliable defense is needed, namely, ignoring.

First, you need to not focus on what the negative person is saying.. He will load you with unnecessary information, which is better to simply ignore. Think about something of your own when talking with a loved one who is a vampire. This is the best way to stay in a good mood.

Secondly, try to talk as little as possible. Sometimes this doesn’t work within our own walls. In this case, a simple technique will help: talk to the vampire in a closed position, with your arms crossed over your chest. This is a subtle psychological trick that will allow you to “turn off” any vampire, be it an experienced psychologist or one who is not even aware of his “gift.” Answer such people as briefly and restrainedly as possible.

Protection from energy vampires at work

Metals and talismanic stones perfectly protect against unfamiliar and completely unfamiliar vampires. Among metal jewelry, silver rings and chains are best suited. The best protective stones are diamond, crystal, onyx, moonstone. It may not be possible to neutralize all the negative effects, but at least partly you will have protection.

Try not to catch their gaze, change the topic of conversation, wash your face and wash your hands after an unpleasant dialogue. Do not have long conversations, avoid communication in every possible way. The best way to protect yourself is to ignore it. Even if you are seething inside, try to show it as little as possible. After some time, you will feel that the energy vampire can no longer harm you.

Remember that your stress and worries only feed the energy vampire, making him more active, so do not share your problems with such individuals. To get rid of emptiness and apathy after communicating with a vampire, use effective meditation - it will help you recover. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2018 04:37

Each person has a unique energy field that can protect against negative influences from the outside. However, often in...

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire, how to recognize its presence, how to maintain your mental health – these are questions that people who have come under negative influence at least once often ask themselves.

In the occult, vampires are blood-sucking dead people who emerge from their graves in search of their victims. In ordinary life, people most often encounter psychological vampirism, which instantly affects the well-being and health of the victim who has been attacked.

Energy vampirism is a relationship between people that leads to the forceful taking of energy and vitality by one person from another.

The more tense relationships between people become, the more often energy losses lead to diseases.

Types of Vampires

There are two types of vampires:

  1. “Sunny” people are rowdy people who constantly provoke scandals. Most often these are choleric people who cannot remain alone for a long time. They can be found in public places, transport, and clinics.
  2. “Lunar” are secretive, constantly dissatisfied people. They tend to tell everyone about their problems, cry about troubles and troubles.

Symptoms of negative influence

The main signs that a person is being negatively influenced are:

  • sudden drowsiness and fatigue;
  • causeless feeling of anxiety;
  • irritation in the presence of a person;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • rapid aging;
  • illness, reduced immunity.

Characteristics of the behavior of an energy vampire

You can protect yourself from energy vampires only by knowing the peculiarities of their behavior.

The most typical behavioral reactions include:

  • Off-balance

The energetic aggressor distracts a person from any activity in any way possible, while showing that he needs help. He does not listen to any arguments or explanations, but only complains about his inadequacy in the matter. Most people succumb to pressure and solve problems.

  • Constant chatter

Most often, this behavior is characteristic of the fair half of humanity. In most cases, the conversation begins “about nothing” and continues for a long time. Despite all attempts to stop the conversation, the opponent continues his monologue, causing irritation and fatigue in the interlocutor.

  • Long wait

If important news for a person depends on an energy vampire, then he will try to leave the information closed for as long as possible, while enjoying the experiences and torments.

  • Tragedies

There is nothing more pleasant for a vampire than discussing tragedies and disasters. At the same time, he constantly tries to evoke strong emotions in his listeners, which he feeds with pleasure.

  • Contact

Energy vampires try to violate a person’s personal space in any way. It can sometimes be extremely difficult to protect yourself from such attacks.

Ways to protect yourself from energy vampires

Protection from energy vampires can consist of several stages:

  1. The initial task for a person who has been negatively affected is to cease emotional contact.
  2. The second step can be to cleanse your own energy after contact with an unpleasant person.

In addition, you can install protection using various methods:

  • Emotional blockage
  • Refusal of eye contact

The eyes are not just a mirror of the soul; through them there is a strong energy exchange with others. It is for this reason that you should not look an unpleasant interlocutor straight in the eyes.

  • Saying no

The best defense against energy vampires is the ability to say “no.” You should limit your interactions with people who constantly complain. They don't need help as such. They are trying to feed off your negative emotions or feelings of pity and compassion.

  • Ending a conversation

If you have neither the time nor the energy to explain your attitude to the conversation to your annoying interlocutor, you should simply end the conversation. It is not necessary to listen to the person completely. You can simply apologize and explain that you don’t have time at the moment because you are in a hurry for an important matter.

  • Irony

Protection from energy vampires with the help of jokes or irony presupposes a sense of proportion and tact. Laughter is an emotion that energetic aggressors do not expect to receive in response to their actions. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away, because rude jokes about a person’s imaginary weaknesses can put you on an equal scale with your opponent.

  • Mood

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire if it is not possible to avoid talking to him? Only complete control over your feelings will help. You can achieve complete detachment from what is happening and protect yourself from negative influences using your own imagination:
imagine yourself next to your loved one. Think about him, remember in detail his facial features, habits, peculiarities of conversation. After some time, all negative emotions will go away.

Place yourself in a glass ball, the walls of which do not let anything through, not even sounds; hum your favorite song to yourself.

  • Changing the topic

How to protect yourself from the effects of an energy vampire during a conversation? You just need to change the subject. The choice should fall on the direction that is closest and most interesting to you. In addition, you can distract his attention with the help of movements and gestures.

Correct body position

When asked: how to protect yourself from energy vampires, bioenergetics specialists advise learning to take the correct body position in public places. It is best to cross your arms over your chest or place your feet together.

While talking with an energy vampire, you can keep a fig in your pocket. This is a strong protective amulet that allows you to preserve your own energy.


Our ancestors also knew how to protect themselves from energy vampires. The best way, in their opinion, is a talisman.

Protective agents can be different, but the most powerful are:

  • Silver

Since ancient times, this metal was considered the best assistant in the fight against vampires. Despite the fact that energy vampirism is just a metaphor, products made from this precious stone will reliably protect its owner from various external influences. The best protective amulet is a silver cross.

You can also use a clover pendant. This decoration will protect its owner from representatives of the fairer sex who are negatively disposed towards him.

  • Clover

A pendant in the shape of this plant made of gold will serve as protection against male “vampires”. Amethyst clover will preserve the energy of its owner if he has to care for a seriously ill person for a long time. A pendant made of garnet and turquoise will improve your well-being and get rid of negativity.

  • The pin should be attached to the wrong side of the garment. Our ancestors believed that it reliably protects against various negative influences.
  • A woolen thread wrapped around your wrist will help preserve energy when communicating with a sick person. It should be remembered that the thread cannot be tied in a knot. Otherwise, the effect will not be observed.
  • In the room where a seriously ill patient is located, it is necessary to plant as many young indoor plants as possible. They will give the sick person strength and nourish them with their positive energy.

How to deal with energy vampires? Psychologists recommend several effective methods that will eliminate the problem at the very beginning.

First you need to understand why you become the object of influence of a negative person. To do this, you need to find in yourself those character traits that attract energy vampires to you. This may be an irresistible desire to help others or a desire to show everyone your intelligence and talents.

Only after a weak point in your character or habits has been found can you begin to master energy protection techniques.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire? It is necessary to act contrary to the expectations of the aggressor. For example, respond to any complaint from the interlocutor with sympathy and not develop the topic further. If you politely let your opponent know that he has been heard, but do not try to resolve the issue for him, then an energy exchange will not occur.

There is such a thing as trolls on the Internet. These are people whose goal is to provoke as many people as possible into conflict. How to protect yourself from energy vampires in such a case? It's best to ignore them completely. Messages from such individuals are a direct provocation, which is best simply ignored.

Preventive methods

An emotional shield is the best way of protection, according to bioenergeticists.

To ensure that your energy level is always high, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Take a shower in the morning and evening. Water perfectly removes all accumulated negativity and helps you relax.
  2. After communicating with an energy vampire, you can drink warm herbal tea. Preference should be given to horsetail and yarrow.
  3. You need to add nutmeg and black pepper to your food. These spices are great at removing negativity.
  4. Adequate rest allows you to restore the strength spent during the day. Before going to bed, you need to try not to think about grievances, remove all negative thoughts.
  5. You need to be optimistic when talking with negative people;
  6. You should learn to forgive all your ill-wishers;
  7. Regular walks in the fresh air will give you a boost of energy;
  8. Another way to quickly restore your energy supply is to listen to your favorite music.

How to deal with energy vampires? The main thing is to learn not to attract their attention. Sometimes defiant behavior can provoke people into conflicts. This is why modesty is sometimes the best defense.

When thinking about how to protect yourself from the influence of others, you need to remember that absolutely anyone can become an energy vampire. To prevent this from happening to you, you should learn to control your emotions. It is necessary to try to get rid of irritability and despondency.