How to bouffant long hair. Backcombing - step-by-step instructions and useful tips. Options for creating combed hairstyles

Lush hair is not every girl’s destiny. But the owner of any hair type can add volume to her hair. Using a not particularly complicated procedure called backcombing.

There is an opinion that this procedure is not very beneficial for the hair structure, but only if it is done incorrectly. Today we will tell you how to properly comb your hair. Attention to photo instructions:

When not to backcomb

There are several cases when backcombing cannot be done, because then the hair will actually be damaged:

  • the hair must be thoroughly dry before starting the procedure; even on damp hair, do not backcomb it;
  • You need to use styling product very sparingly so that your hair does not lose its volume;

  • Do not comb your hair too often, as this will cause it to become brittle;
  • never comb the ends of the hair; the distance from the end should be at least 5 cm.

These simple rules are worth remembering before you start working on your hair.

Collecting a bouffant for medium hair

The bouffant will depend on the length of the hair itself. Hairstyles with hair middle length some of the most common. What tools you will need:

  • fine-tooth comb;
  • round brush;

Step-by-step photo instructions:

  • hair is washed with shampoo in order to give it additional volume;
  • use a hairdryer to dry your hair; you can help yourself with a comb, pulling out strands of hair, so they dry faster under the hot air;
  • We separate a strand at the forehead and, using a comb, gently and carefully comb it, before doing this we moisten the strand with varnish, the movements should be against the direction of the hair growth;
  • We do exactly the same actions with the strands on the sides of the head;
  • After all the strands are combed, spray them with varnish.

We pull the hair back and use a round comb to smooth out the top layer and once again apply the final fixation with varnish. The bouffant will look beautiful only when the hair is well washed.

Video instruction

Backcomb for long hair

If the task is to create just a voluminous hairstyle, until the roots of the hair are sufficiently backcombed, in the case when it is intended to do a Babette-type hairstyle, then the backcombing is done along the entire length of the hair.

To work, you will need the following tools: a fine-toothed massage brush, bobby pins, and hair spray.

  • mousse is applied to fix it, then the hair is dried with a hairdryer;
  • the top layer of hair is separated, its thickness is no more than 1 cm and it is secured with a hairpin;
  • after that we comb the strands, starting from the roots;
  • When all the strands are combed, they are carefully pulled back using a massage brush.

At the final stage, the combed hair is covered with those strands that were initially separated and secured with a hairpin. We must remember that you cannot go to bed with your hair combed; you must wash it, dry it and then comb it.

Comb for short hair

Often a woman is in the making own style chooses exactly short hair. And at the same time, they are convinced that the backcombing technique is now inaccessible to them. But this is not true, and with short hair you can create voluminous hairstyles.

  1. Before starting the procedure, the hair is thoroughly combed so that not a single tangled strand remains.
  2. Then separate the strand and comb it with an up and down motion. And so strand by strand.
  3. When the required volume is ready, you can begin to shape the hairstyle that was intended, using fixing varnish.
  4. Using a comb, the strands are laid in the desired direction and fixed.
  5. Use a flat comb to make your hair smooth, and use a fork comb to lift your hair a little so that your hairstyle looks voluminous.

The last thing you need to do is secure the strands behind your ears with bobby pins. But if this is not an everyday hairstyle, but to participate in some kind of festive event, then it is better to choose shiny hairpins.

How to make a backcombed ponytail: step-by-step instructions

This bouffant is suitable for girls with long or medium hair. The ponytail looks especially good with side bangs. To make this hairstyle you will need:

  • fixing varnish;
  • spray that makes hair soft;
  • comb with wide teeth and a knitting needle;
  • brush with natural bristles;
  • elastic bands;
  • bobby pins and decorative pins.

Having prepared everything necessary to create a bouffant with a tail, let's get down to the work itself:

  • hair is washed and dried thoroughly;
  • spray with spray, dry again;
  • the strands are wound onto a knitting needle, then combed;
  • One strand is separated from the top of the head and secured to the side with a hairpin;
  • take a strand just below the fixed one and comb it;
  • cover the combed strand with the one that was secured to the side;
  • hair is collected in a ponytail and secured with an elastic band;
  • separate another strand and wrap it around the tail in the place where it is secured with an elastic band.

We fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish and secure it on the sides with a hairpin. Photo instructions:

Lush and voluminous hairstyles have always been fashionable. And it was almost always possible to create them using backcombing. Nowadays, almost all coiffures, be it braids or curls, styling or a ponytail, are based on combed strands. However, there is an opinion that this procedure is unsafe for hair, and thus can damage its structure. This will not happen if you approach the process of creating a hairstyle correctly.

How to make a bouffant - step by step instructions

But the main reason for failed experiments with backcombing is the inability to do it correctly.

Preparatory stage

Before backcombing, you should wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, because... On dirty hair, the bouffant will last no more than a couple of hours. Dry your hair, and it is advisable to do this in a natural way, without the use of a hair dryer, after which the condition of the hair may worsen.

To create a high and beautiful backcomb, use a comb with mild teeth. For backcombing as a base hairstyle will suit comb with narrow and frequent teeth.

It will be good if you always have a comb with a long handle that becomes thinner at the end. With its help, it will be convenient to separate the strands and comb them right away.

Sequence of actions when forming a pile

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. You should separate the small top strand - we won’t comb it. It will become a kind of “veil”, covering the tangled curls. This way your hair will look neat and well-groomed.
  3. Now, selecting small strands at a time, comb them, making movements from the ends to the roots of the hair. This should be done smoothly, avoiding sudden gestures, otherwise you can damage the structure of the curls.
  4. The main mistake made by most beauties who do bouffant hair is trying to comb the strands along their entire length at once. This is fundamentally wrong.

But how to do the bouffant correctly?

  1. The comb should be moved along the designated zones of each strand. Let's say divide each strand into end, middle and root parts. And start moving, combing the curls first at the ends, then moving to the middle third, and then at the roots of the hair.
  2. If you have long and thick hair, then you can backcomb it only on the top of your head. To make the style last longer, spray hairspray over the combed strand.
  3. Once you're done, take a wide-tooth comb (ideally a natural bristle brush, again to avoid damaging your hair) and comb your hair back. At the same time, do not try to comb them, you just need to lay them in the right direction.
  4. Now it’s the turn of our strand, which we prepared in advance. Cover the entire surface of the pile with it.
  5. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray (medium hold - to make the styling look more natural).
  • You can’t backcomb hair on damp, and even less so on wet, strands. This way, the hair scales will open up even more, making the curls more vulnerable to mechanical stress.
  • Don't overdo it with styling products - they will weigh your hair down and make it less manageable.
  • The bouffant is, of course, beautiful in itself, but still do not overuse it: you should not comb your curls every day. This will make them brittle and lifeless.
  • Do not comb the ends of your hair. It is necessary to retreat at least 5 cm.

Who is suitable for combed hairstyles?

Of course, backcombing gives volume to the hair, and girls with a round face should take this into account. By combing the top at the roots, chubby ladies will be able to visually lengthen their face shape, bringing it as close as possible to the ideal oval.

  1. For rectangular type Facial stylists recommend backcombing at the roots throughout the entire volume of hair.
  2. “Triangles” will benefit from backcombing on loose curls. Thus, they harmonize the proportions of the lower and upper parts of the face.
  3. Ladies with an oval are, as usual, the luckiest. Whatever type of combing they have in mind, everything will suit them.
  4. Those with a round face are advised to comb their curls at the very roots. This will help visually lengthen the oval of the face.
  5. Women with a square face should lift their hair along its entire length.
  6. Those with a triangular face shape should be careful when creating a backcomb, because the situation will only get worse if you lift the hair at the roots. For such women, stylists recommend combing only the ends to visually expand the lower part of the face.
  7. You can comb your hair in any way for women with oval faces, because in this case all hairstyles will look good.

Tools, tools and basic principles

First of all, experts focus on the fact that not everyone understands the difference between backcombing and blunting, as a result of which the replacement of these concepts leads to incorrect styling. What does each of these words mean?

  • Bouffant- dense and abundant beating of the strands, carried out from all sides and along the entire length. Thus, a smooth curl turns into a kind of thick “pillow”, significantly reduced in length, but increased in volume.
  • Tuping- one-sided or partial backcombing, produced only with inside or at the root, no more than half the thickness of the strand, which leaves it smooth on the outside. Casual undone hairstyles typically use a blunt at the top of the head to create the illusion of natural volume at the roots.

Options for bouffant hairstyles

Low ponytail

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and dry it.
  2. Spray your curls with a spray for easy detangling.
  3. Dry your hair again (remember that backcombing is done on completely dry hair?).
  4. Curl the strands on a large curling iron, then comb them with a brush.
  5. Separate a small strand at the top of the head and secure it to the side - it will come in handy later.
  6. Comb the strand a little lower (if you have forgotten how to comb it, go back to the material above). Cover it with hairspray.
  7. Now cover the backcomb with the top strand that was secured to the side.
  8. Pull your hair into a low ponytail while maintaining volume at the top.
  9. Separate a small strand and wrap it around your ponytail, covering the elastic that holds your hairstyle together.
  10. Secure everything with hairspray.

Fluffy tail

  1. Sometimes you can backcomb not only the roots, but also the tail itself. This way it will become more voluminous and interesting.
  2. As usual, we separate the strand from the front and backcomb it underneath. Next we cover this place with it.
  3. Now we collect the curls in a high ponytail. It should not be tight - otherwise the bouffant will disappear.
  4. Take a small section of hair from your ponytail and wrap it around your ponytail.
  5. Divide the tail into two parts.
  6. We put the top one aside for now.
  7. On the lower part you need to backcomb the base of the tail. Don't forget hairspray.
  8. We release the upper curls and cover the combed strands with them.
  9. Smooth the tail with a comb and coat the entire hairstyle with varnish.

Ponytail with backcomb

  1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and comb our hair.
  2. We divide the hair with a horizontal parting at the level of the temporal lobes.
  3. In the part above the forehead, separate a little hair. We twist them into a bundle so that they do not interfere with styling.
  4. The hair at the back of the head, crown and temples should be combed well, pulled back and smoothed a little.
  5. We collect all the hair in a ponytail. If the styling has lost volume, insert the tip of the comb into the comb and pull it up.
  6. Unwind the tourniquet above the forehead and lay the strands back.
  7. We wrap them around the base of the elastic band and secure the ends with a hairpin.
  8. Spray the styling with varnish.

Backcombed hairstyle for long hair

  1. We wash our hair and dry it with a hairdryer.
  2. Lubricate the strands with thermal protection and curl the ends with a curling iron.
  3. Separate a strand of hair from the top of the head and secure it with a clip.
  4. We form a backcomb immediately behind this strand.
  5. We lay the hair from the clip on top.
  6. We throw all the hair to the left side.
  7. We secure the hairstyle at the back with a couple of bobby pins.
  8. We hide the strand on the right behind the ear.

Chic babette on long hair

  1. We wash our hair, comb our hair and use a hairdryer.
  2. Using the sharp tip of a comb, divide the hair just below the crown using a horizontal parting.
  3. We also divide the upper part into two more parts.
  4. We twist the section that is lower into a tight bundle and attach it to the main hair with hairpins.
  5. Now we backcomb the section that is located closer to the bangs.
  6. Cover the bundle with a comb and lightly smooth the strands with a comb.
  7. We collect them under a tourniquet and fasten them with an invisible one.
  8. Spray the styling with varnish.

If you are thinking about how to backcomb your hair long hair, use a special roller or hairpiece. They will perfectly replace the tourniquet and make the process a little easier.

Stylish bouffant on bangs

  1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and apply a volumizing product to our hair.
  2. We curl our hair with a curling iron.
  3. At the very forehead, separate a small strand of hair.
  4. We comb it at the very roots and attach it with an invisible thread to the main mass.
  5. We collect the remaining strands in a high ponytail.
  6. We wrap the elastic band with a curl from the tail. We fix its tip with a hairpin.

Backcomb on loose hair

  1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and apply styling mousse and heat protectant.
  2. We wind the strands on curlers and form curls.
  3. Separate part of the hair on the crown and temples.
  4. Comb them with a thick comb.
  5. We throw the backcomb back, leaving thin strands free.
  6. We lay them on top of the pile.
  7. We fix the tip with a couple of pins.

Club hairstyle with backcomb

  1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and comb it with a comb. The strands should be perfectly smooth.
  2. We separate the middle strand in the crown area and pin it with a professional clip.
  3. We do the same with the strands in the temporal lobes.
  4. We tie the remaining strands into a ponytail.
  5. Comb the hair on the crown with a thick comb.
  6. We wrap the strands near the temples around our ponytail.
  7. We lower the backcomb onto the tail and smooth the hair with a brush.
  8. Now you know how to backcomb medium hair and create styling based on it.

How to properly bouffant at home?

  1. Do not use a fine-toothed comb to comb the hair as is usually done. It is better to use a wooden massage brush with rare teeth.
  2. Leave the top layer of hair uncombed so that when creating a hairstyle, it can cover the backcombed hair.
  3. You only need to comb your hair near the roots. There is no need to comb the ends of your hair.
  4. Divide the hair strands into several parts, then pull one strand perpendicular to the head and begin to comb your hair carefully.

How to beautifully bouffant yourself?

  1. In order to properly comb your hair at home, you will need a hair dryer, a pair of combs and hairspray.
  2. In order for the result of the work you have done to look natural and delightful, you need to take into account some simple rules.
  3. Before combing, you must first wash your hair.
  4. Particles of dust and dirt significantly weigh down the hair and therefore do not hold its shape well.
  5. In addition, fat has a sliding effect, resulting in poor hair adhesion.
  6. Well-washed hair must be dried.
  7. Wet strands should not be combed
  8. Since in this state they are more sensitive, and when combing you can damage their structure.
  9. In order to comb your hair, you need to use a comb with fine, non-sharp teeth.
  10. It is recommended to start combing from the roots of the hair, and gradually move towards the ends.
  11. To disguise a combed mop, you need to leave a few top curls untouched and then use them.
  12. To obtain a weather-resistant styling, you need to select small strands of 0.5-1 cm thick.
  13. Each strand must be sprayed with varnish or spray for a more durable and reliable fixation.
  14. After you comb all the strands and arrange them the way you want, the “result of your efforts” should be varnished.

Step-by-step creation of a bouffant

Comb your hair and create beautiful hairstyle in retro style or a shocking version of the glam rock image in a few steps.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. If the strands are long, then apply styling spray or extra strong hold mousse. Dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  3. Separate your hair into sections. There is no need to comb the topmost strand, since it will cover the volume obtained by backcombing.
  4. Each strand should be combed with a fine-toothed comb. It is necessary to retreat 5-8 cm from the roots and gradually comb the hair, moving towards the base. You need to remember that there is no need to comb the ends of your hair.
  5. When all the strands are combed, you need to cover them with the top layer of hair and carefully comb them using a wooden massage brush. You should not be overzealous, the main thing is that the hairstyle acquires an aesthetic appearance without losing its original volume.
  6. At the final stage, it is necessary to fix the comb with a strong hold varnish.

  1. Immediately before creating a backcomb, the hair should be washed and dried. You can start creating a backcomb only after the hair is completely dry, which will allow you to avoid severe damage from mechanical actions.
  2. It is necessary to minimize the use of various styling products that cause hair to become heavier.
  3. Daily backcombing should be avoided, as hair will quickly lose its strength and healthy shine.
  4. When creating a backcomb, it is not recommended to touch the ends of the hair, which may begin to split as a result.
  5. Only smooth execution of all movements without jerking or strong pulling of the hair is encouraged.
  6. It is not recommended to go to bed with a backcomb, which is a sure way to hair breakage. If no means were used to fix the comb, you can get by with simply combing the curls. But you should get rid of hairspray applied to your hair to preserve your hairstyle by washing your hair.
  7. Backcombing along the entire length of the hair is not suitable for those with brittle and weakened strands. In this case, it is better to get by by simply lifting the hair at the roots and fixing the volume with hairspray.

Technique for creating a bouffant

As already noted, backcombing should be done exclusively on clean hair, so first you should wash and dry it. To create a backcomb, you will need to use a comb with a large number of teeth and a handle. acute form designed to separate strands. It must be taken into account that the thickness of each strand should not exceed 1 centimeter.

  1. So, the first step is to separate a section of hair and move it to the side.
  2. Combing should begin with the second strand, retreating from the roots by 5-6 centimeters.
  3. First you need to comb the back of your head and only after that you can start working on the side strands.
  4. After combing, it is recommended to treat each strand special means for long-term fixation and preservation of the result.
  5. Creating a backcomb on both short and long hair is done almost the same way.
  6. The lower curls are combed first, but the upper ones are used to cover the backcomb and give the hair a natural look.
  7. Movements should be performed from the ends of the strands towards the roots.
  8. If combing is done on long hair, you should not pull the curls to their entire length.
  9. Stylists recommend dividing long hair into several areas and combing each one sequentially, starting from the ends.
  10. Many women still prefer a slightly different method of creating a backcomb, which involves making movements in the direction from the roots of the hair to its ends.
  11. It is noted that in this case, a more uniform combing of the strands is ensured and the formation of hair knots, which are then very difficult to get rid of, is prevented.
  12. To determine for yourself which method of creating a comb is optimal, you need to try each of them.

Now each of you knows how to properly bouffant, but that’s not all. The condition of your hair after combing largely depends on how kindly you treat it. Here are a few tips to keep your hair healthy:

  • Tip 1. The bouffant will look beautiful only on fresh and washed strands. Read more:
  • Tip 2. Do not comb wet or damp strands - this will damage their structure.
  • Tip 3. Do not overuse styling products. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not look very beautiful.
  • Tip 4. But you shouldn’t give up sprays for easy combing.
  • Tip 5. Do not use backcombing for everyday hairstyles. Appearance The hair can be seriously damaged, because combing against hair growth leads to delamination of the scales and increased fragility of the strands.
  • Tip 6. Do you want to “disassemble” your hairstyle with a backcomb? First, rinse off styling and fixing products, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Tip 7. Do not comb the ends of your hair, back off at least 5 centimeters.
  • Tip 8. The teeth of the comb should not penetrate right through the strand. Treat only the inner surface.
  • Tip 9. Give preference to brushing made from natural bristles.

High bouffant helps visually lengthen the face round shape. For those who have a naturally elongated face, we recommend combing the strands all over the head and at the very roots. As for the “triangles”, they should take a closer look at the backcombing on loose strands. But the “ovals” are lucky - any hairstyle with a backcomb suits them.

Video: how to make a bouffant

Who among the girls does not dream of lush and voluminous hair? Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew a lot about creating graceful bouffants, which amazingly gave even the thinnest and thinnest strands a majestic look.

And although not so long ago, combing for many was synonymous with something old-fashioned, however, with changes in fashion, the situation has changed dramatically.

Retro and vintage are back in trend, so now any fashionista simply must know how to do the right, and most importantly beautiful, bouffant.

It is worth noting that backcombing for long hair is used not only to create an elegant 60s look. Such a shocking style as glam rock also cannot be imagined without an extraordinary bouffant on the top of the head.

However, you need to understand that getting a perfect bouffant the first time is quite problematic, especially if you don’t know all the intricacies of this hairstyle.

Backcomb for loose hair

Elegant hairstyle with side bangs

Side bouffant and ponytail

Preparing for backcombing

There is an opinion that it is almost impossible to do a good bouffant for long hair on your own. It is believed that only an experienced hairdresser will be able to reward you with the coveted hairstyle.

However, this is completely misleading. In order to please yourself with a new voluminous hairstyle, it is not at all necessary to have a hairdresser’s crust, it is enough to follow simple recommendations and stock up on the necessary styling products.

The first thing to remember is that backcombing is done only on dry, clean hair. Otherwise, you risk building a very dubious masterpiece on your head.

If you are combing short hair, it is not necessary to use styling products first.

However, owners of long hair should apply foam or hair spray, preferably with super-strong hold, to their strands. This is necessary so that the comb does not fall under the weight of the hair within half an hour after creating the hairstyle.

Gorgeous bouffant at the back of the head

Popular hairstyle among celebrities

Original hairstyle with backcomb

Stylish look for evening

Updo hairstyle for a party

Retro bouffant

To do a comb at home you need to have two types of combs. One should be thin with small teeth; it will be needed for backcombing itself.

The second, on the contrary, is made of natural fibers and has sparse large teeth. The best option is a wooden massage brush.

Step-by-step creation of a bouffant

You can comb your hair and create a beautiful retro-style hairstyle or a shocking version of a glam rock look in a few steps.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. If the strands are long, then apply styling spray or extra strong hold mousse. Dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  3. Separate your hair into sections. There is no need to comb the topmost strand, since it will cover the volume obtained by backcombing.
  4. Each strand should be combed with a fine-toothed comb. It is necessary to retreat 5-8 cm from the roots and gradually comb the hair, moving towards the base. You need to remember that there is no need to comb the ends of your hair.
  5. When all the strands are combed, you need to cover them with the top layer of hair and carefully comb them using a wooden massage brush. You should not be overzealous, the main thing is that the hairstyle acquires an aesthetic appearance without losing its original volume.
  6. At the final stage, it is necessary to fix the comb with a strong hold varnish.

When choosing a bouffant, you should understand that this is a kind of stress for the hair, therefore, this look is not recommended for daily use.

In addition, the bouffant will not always be pleasant to the touch. After all, if your hair does not maintain a given shape well, then it will take quite a lot of styling products to create such a hairstyle.

Backcomb creation technique

Volumetric bouffant along the entire length

Backcomb hairstyles

Getting the bouffant right is not so bad. The most important thing is to choose a harmonious hairstyle that will fit perfectly with the bouffant. The easiest way is the tail.

It looks very stylish and feminine. In addition, the easiest way to secure the hair is with the tail without unnecessary hassle and difficulty.

Great option for a holiday

Bouffant with headband and tail

Graceful ponytail and bouffant

Another option is to leave your hair down. You can straighten the strands with a hair straightener or curl large curls.

This hairstyle will be an excellent solution for a complete retro look, especially if you add a headband and curled ends to a bob haircut.

One of the most beautiful and feminine options with a backcomb is the babette hairstyle, which has become unique business card Brigitte Bardot.

It can also be combined with loose strands, or secured with a light and elegant bun.

Babette with side bangs

Babette with her hair down

Chic hairstyle with fleece

Stylish bouffant with ponytail

Updo babette hairstyle

To make a beautiful bouffant for medium hair with your own hands, you need to follow simple tips and perform all the steps step by step. However, it is worth remembering that backcombing does not suit all face types.

It visually lengthens, which is useful for girls with round or square face, while such a hairstyle will not look entirely harmonious on girls with an elongated shape.

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This method of creating any hairstyle, like combing strands, came to us from ancient times. Despite such ancient history This method of collecting hair and adding volume to the hair, properly done backcombing is especially popular today. With its help, you can get the perfect volume and style your hair beautifully no worse than Hollywood divas. However, the correct execution of this trick requires some skill. The instructions in this article will tell you how to do the bouffant yourself, even if you are planning a hairstyle using a crimp or curler.

Backcombing is especially popular for long hair if you want to create a so-called retro hairstyle, which will give the most necessary volume even to corrugated hair. Backcombing for medium hair can also be used to create an evening hairstyle with your own hands. But the bouffant for short ones hair will do in order to get beautiful flowing hair with maximum volume. Most often, backcombing is practiced on the top of the head, however nice option in any case, it can be carried out over the entire head.

Some rules

Before the execution technique is presented, thanks to which you can make a root backcomb to any length, some rules should be outlined.

  • You should not backcomb your hair on short strands, or on hair of any length if their structure leaves much to be desired. Brittle and lifeless hair can suffer too much from such mechanical stress. Perfect side or straight combing should be done carefully and only on completely healthy hair.
  • A comb for backcombing will help you create the right and beautiful volume on your hair in “corrugated” or regular straight curls. It is with its help that you can comb long hair or strands of any length without harming them.
  • You should only backcomb long, corrugated hair on clean and completely dried hair, since wet hair will not be able to withstand the given volume for too long. If you combed short hair with your own hands using light and clean strands, you will not need to use any styling products to maintain the desired volume.
  • You cannot comb the top part in any style at home, since it will cover the bottom layer, which will be combed.
  • Under no circumstances should you start the process of creating the “corrugated” volume from the ends, since the correct backcombing in any style is created only at the roots. You should approach the ends gradually, smoothly moving backwards; you can do everything correctly at home with a brush for perfect backcombing.
  • After the backcombing has been done, the intended styling can be done, but it is advisable to first spray the hair with hairspray. Bouffant long bangs should be done last.

There are many medium-length hairstyles: simply styled loose curls, pulled up, using clips, headbands and hoops.

But any styling will last longer if backcombed. Not everyone can afford a visit to a specialist, so many girls wonder how to properly bouffant medium hair themselves.

To learn how to do it perfectly, you first need to learn the golden rules of a perfect hairstyle.

The structure of the strands is different for each person. Some people are lucky with thick hair, while others use every means to add volume to thin hair.

Thick curls tend to be unruly and coarse. They are difficult to style into a neat hairstyle. Therefore, balms, masks and oils are used before styling.

On the contrary, they are easily formed into the desired shape. With brittle and damaged strands, things are more complicated. Before any manipulations with combs, curling irons and hair dryers, they must be treated with care products so as not to worsen the already damaged structure.


Any styling is done on clean, washed hair. Rinse your curls with shampoo twice. It is recommended to use a balm for easy combing and a mask for silkiness.

  • You can apply any product to get airy and light curls;
  • Use better products, which require rinsing, because “leave-in washes,” on the contrary, weigh down and pollute the hair;
  • After washing, use a hair dryer and a comb with closely spaced teeth. You need to dry your curls by tilting your head down, straightening the strands with a comb and paying more attention to the roots;
  • Thus, the hair will gain additional volume.

What you will need to do the backcombing:

  • Comb with fine and frequent teeth;
  • Comb with sparse wide teeth;
  • Comb with fine sharp teeth and a long handle;
  • Comb with natural and soft bristles;
  • Medium hold varnish;
  • Foam or mousse.

A comb with fine and fine teeth is intended for bangs or a small area of ​​hair. Sparse and wide teeth will help comb the large bottom layer. Using a comb with a long handle will make it easier to separate the strands.

To give a bouffant beautiful view, the final touch at the end of styling will be careful combing with a comb with soft bristles.

Initially, treat the selected area with styling products. The structure of such a product should not weigh down or pollute the hair. To ensure that the pile does not lose its shape, it is treated with medium hold varnish. Strong hold hairspray often sticks the strands together, and the hairstyle quickly loses volume and falls off.

Beautiful bouffant

To understand how to properly bouffant medium hair yourself, you need to practice. The easiest styling is loose curls with raised strands at the roots.

For a festive occasion you can. Then they will be magnificent on their own. Then lightly comb the curls at the roots in stages:

  • First, pin up the top layers of hair, leaving the bottom layers. There is no need to treat twisted strands with mousse or foam;
  • Using a wide-toothed comb, comb the strands from ends to roots with smooth movements;
  • You need to comb 5 cm, stepping back a little from the roots;
  • Choose thin strands - 2 centimeters each;
  • Separate curls with a fine-handled comb;
  • Process all layers in this way. There should be about 5 of them. Depending on the natural density;
  • Fix with varnish;
  • Brush gently with a soft-tooth brush.

If a girl prefers even strands, then she should comb the hair on the back of her head and its lower layer, using a wide-tooth comb and fixing agents. To make the comb look beautiful, brushing with natural and soft bristles will help to gently correct it.

Evening hairstyle

For evening outings Hair is usually pinned up or updoed. For such styling, the first thing to do is backcomb the back of the head.

  • Having selected a small area on the back of the head, the remaining strands are pinned or tied into a ponytail;
  • Apply styling products evenly to dry and clean hair. Let them dry;
  • Having divided the area into small strands using a special comb, each curl begins to be carefully combed, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the ends;
  • Having finished combing, fix it with varnish and place it in the desired shape;
  • The top is carefully combed using brushing with natural bristles;
  • After such manipulations, the remaining part of the curls is pinned up using bobby pins and hairpins with stones.


The most ordinary ponytail can be transformed with the help of backcombing. In this case, the place of active treatment with a fine-toothed comb is the bang area.

  • Having chosen the desired part for backcombing, the rest are pinned so that they do not interfere;
  • The remaining part is treated with a mousse with a weightless structure;
  • Starting from the lower strands and ending with the upper ones, they are combed with intense movements;
  • Afterwards they are fixed with varnish;
  • To give the desired shape, use a comb with soft bristles;
  • The treated ends are combed to the back of the head;
  • The tail is tied tightly at the back of the head without touching the backcomb.

Benefits of backcombed hairstyles

Let's look at the main advantages.

  • Even the thinnest strands will gain splendor and volume;
  • The same styling can be improved by combing a certain area of ​​the hair;
  • Even an ordinary everyday hairstyle can sparkle with new colors;
  • Women and girls with combed curls look impressive and sexy;
  • Backcombing in the right area will help hide imperfect facial features.

For those who want to find out how to properly manage medium-length hair on their own, it is also worth remembering some nuances:

  • Hair should be clean and dry before combing;
  • It is advisable not to overdo it with the application of fixative products;
  • Such daily manipulations with hair cause irreversible damage to the hair;
  • Use sprays for easy combing;
  • The varnish should have a medium, not strong hold;
  • Every other day, this hairstyle should be washed off with gentle shampoo and conditioner.

Additional video:

Having learned how to do a beautiful bouffant, a girl can surprise others with new styles every time.