How to make a paper gift bag. DIY paper gift bag. How to make a beautiful gift bag with your own hands

Giving gifts is always nice. Especially if it is something useful and long-awaited. But sometimes the design of such pleasant surprise not enough attention is paid.

If the holiday took you by surprise and you didn’t have enough time to take care of the gift bag, then you can make it yourself. In addition, you can create something unusual and unique with your own hands.

What you need when making gift wrapping

To make the process easy and quick, you should prepare the necessary equipment. To make a gift bag with your own hands you will need:

  • Base for the product. This can be any wrapping or craft paper. You can also use a regular one, but you will have to decorate it yourself. You should also consider the weight of the gift and the strength of the chosen paper.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Decorative or regular tape.
  • Hole puncher.

Suitable handles include: strong paper, ribbons, lace, ropes, leather straps etc.

To decorate the package: ribbons of various colors and sizes, lace, paints, pencils, stickers in the form of bows, rhinestones, pebbles, hearts, etc.

Traditional gift bag

A common solution for placing a gift is a bag with handles. They differ in size (depending on the gift) and materials used.

Let's consider making a gift bag with your own hands from kraft paper.

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the finished gift packaging. They should be such that the gift fits completely inside.
  • A sheet of paper should be folded in half and the free edges should be glued together with tape. inside.
  • In the lower part it is necessary to form a bottom. To do this, you need to bend both edges at a certain distance, and then fold them, as in the picture.

You will get a handmade gift bag in the form of a bag with handles.

Gift bags for small gifts

Small items can be made in the same way. Or show your imagination and make them more original.

For example, a DIY gift bag made of paper with a ribbon or bow.

To do this, you need to wrap the gift or box itself in paper. the right size. Seal the edges of the paper with tape or glue. Do not glue the top edge. It needs to be bent by 1.5-2 cm. Then make holes with a hole punch immediately through 4 layers of paper. Thread satin ribbon and tie a bow.

Another gift bag, made by hand, in the shape of a cone. You need to roll a sheet of paper into a cone shape. Secure in this position with glue. Decorate, place the gift, close the top corner and secure with a neat bow.

This packaging format is perfect for gifts not big size.

These are just some of the ways to make your own gift bag. You can find many more ready-made solutions or come up with your own method. For any of them, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • Additionally, glue the bottom with cardboard for greater strength.
  • Buy decorative tape and ready-made bows-stickers. This will simplify and speed up the process.

  • Use various applications and thematic designs for decoration.
  • Take care of the strength of the handles and take into account the weight of the gift.
  • When using tapes, it is advisable to lightly burn the cut area so that it does not unravel.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: use fabrics or other unusual materials as bases for bags.
  • If the paper is wrinkled, it should be ironed with an iron before making the bag.
  • For greater strength and water resistance, special laminated paper should be used.
  • Always consider who the gift is intended for and for what occasion.

As you can see, making a gift bag with your own hands is not at all difficult and provides an opportunity for creativity.

Friends, hello!

It all started when I saw absolutely incredible wallpaper!

“In these rainy times, color therapy is absolutely necessary,” I thought and bought a roll :)

And although, to be honest, I would love to cover the walls of my bedroom with such “delicious” wallpaper, renovation is not yet part of my plans (probably in vain:).

What to do with a whole roll of beautiful wallpaper? I didn’t have to think about this question for long either - use it for packaging, of course!

The idea of ​​using wallpaper for packaging is not new at all. Personally, it came to my mind during my student days, a time of acute shortage of funds and insufficient variety of packaging paper. Wallpaper, especially paper wallpaper, was cheap, and you could use it to wrap gifts for the whole group :)

Now, of course, times are completely different - there is a lot of wrapping paper of different colors and textures, but we cannot neglect the ideas and wonderful colors in the air that are just asking to be turned into something beautiful :)

So it was this wallpaper that we dreamed of becoming a gift bag :) And what about the paper (or what they are made from) of the wallpaper is thick, strong, holds its shape well, the texture is interesting, and now there are countless colors of wallpaper :)

Let's make a DIY wallpaper gift bag!

Making a gift bag is not easy, but very simple!

At all, general scheme the same, only the size is usually larger and at the end we attach handles :)

So, cut a piece of wallpaper to the size you need. Try to do it smoothly :)
Bend the sheet so that there is an allowance of 1.5-2 cm at the edge

Bend the wallpaper to the thickness of the allowance on one side

We glue this edge. I used regular office glue

We glue here:

We make folds on both sides of 2-3 cm (this will be half the width of our package)

On both sides:

Now we wrap what was the central fold inward (on both sides)

It is most convenient to iron the folds with your nails

Form the bottom: bend the bag on one side by 3-4 cm

Now we do it like this:


Bend one edge and apply glue

Now fold the second edge onto the adhesive surface and press it

Hooray! everything is almost ready!

Forming the top: bending the top cut

and turn it inward

Making holes for the handles - I used a hole punch

We thread the ribbon of the required length and we get handles!

That's all! A beautiful DIY gift bag is ready!

The good thing about wallpaper for creativity is that you can make a fairly large package!
In this one you can pack a whole set of home cosmetics, and not just a bar of soap :)

My package is different on all sides :)

By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to use new wallpaper (buy:). Many people keep pieces of unused wallpaper after renovation, just in case 🙂 This just in case has come. Moreover, if you give free rein to your imagination and combine several types of wallpaper, you can get something extraordinary :)

Happy creativity :)

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We create a design from what we have at hand. There are stickers - we decorate with stickers, there are artificial or dried flowers - with flowers, appliques made from multi-colored paper are also good and effective. We offer to design packages using stamps. Therefore we need:

We take a sheet of paper of a suitable size and bend the edges towards the middle of the sheet, so that one edge overlaps the other by about 1-1.5 cm.

It looks like this.

We iron the fold lines properly - this is convenient to do with any blunt object.

We open one of the resulting “flaps” and apply glue or double-sided tape (which is undoubtedly more convenient) to the edge of the sheet, parallel to the fold line.

The result is a blank for the future bag, which still bears little resemblance to it.

We retreat a few centimeters - as much as the planned width of the side wall of the package and make new fold lines. The result is a kind of rectangular pipe.

We connect the side edges in pairs, so that the middle of the side face “goes” inward. Already more like what we had in mind =)

We decide on the “bottom and top” of the bag. At the bottom of the bag we begin to form the bottom. The bottom should be approximately the same width as the side walls. We bend it in one direction, iron the fold line, then bend it in the opposite direction and iron it too. This is necessary so that the fold lines are ready to bend in both directions. It is important.

We continue to form the bottom. We bend the corners of the rectangle obtained at the previous stage so that the side of the corner coincides with the fold line separating the base of the package from its main part. We iron the new fold lines and do the same in reverse side, so that our corners can bend well in both directions.

And now the fun begins! Feel like almost magicians =) We straighten our blank to the state of a “pipe with a rectangular cross-section” (remember, we had such a stage?) And then, with a deft, elusive movement, we bend the sides of the bottom inward, forming trapezoidal parts. If all the fold lines have been ironed well, then this will be quite easy to do. They will almost fold themselves.

To make gluing easier later, we “rehearse” the process - fold the bottom and iron the fold lines.

We apply tape or glue to the places marked in the photo and glue the base of our package.

Fold the bottom of the bag as you previously folded the sides in step 8. It will become flat again, which will make it easier to decorate. Then we bend the top of the bag. But only once. This will protect future content from accidentally falling out.

Using a regular hole punch or a “single-toothed” crimper, we make holes in the upper part of the bag. They will help us make handles for a bag or tie a beautiful bow, as will be shown below.

It's time to decorate the bag. You can use special stamps for scrapbooking...

...or you can also use silicone stamps for soap. We take any mold with a flat bottom, attach a stamp to the outside, apply paint to it and make an impression. The result is no worse =)

It’s already beautiful =) You can thread twine or any other decorative ribbon through the holes and tie a beautiful bow.

Or you can add a beautiful paper napkin by making holes in it too (1). And for added effect, decorate the ends of the rope with beads or, as in our case, dried orange slices (2).

In exactly the same way, you can make a bag from any other decorative paper, choosing a design to match the theme of the celebration and the gift placed inside.

You can also decorate ready-made craft bags.
Bags with a seal made from ordinary postal sealing wax look luxurious.

In general, everything is in your hands! Dare and create! There are a huge number of decor options!

How to make a paper bag with your own hands. Of course, it’s very easy to buy a paper gift bag in a store, but how nice it is to make a gift bag with your own hands in the size you need and decorate it the way you need. Do-it-yourself gift wrapping made in RETRO style is especially beautiful and fashionable today.

To do this, designers around the world use ordinary wrapping paper, twine and natural decorative elements, including lace, twigs, wood or. To make it easy for you to make a paper bag with your own hands, I offer the following Master Class on how to make a paper bag with your own hands.

You will need:

Wrapping paper

Double-sided tape (or regular office glue - pencil)


Hole puncher

Twine (or ribbon, woolen threads)

Decorative elements for decoration

So, first, cut a piece of wrapping paper. rectangular shape. The size depends on your gift. If the paper is wrinkled, it must be ironed. In my case, I use a shopping paper bag, I ironed it with a very hot iron.

On one side, where the paper was folded 1 cm, we glue it with double-sided tape (or spread it with glue). We tear off the protective layer from the tape. Glue the two sides together, then draw the other side with your hand for a more precise bend.

Next, we turn our blank away from the bottom by 3-6 cm (depending on the width of your gift). We straighten it as shown in the photo. We bend the lower part again, and glue the pieces onto the upper part. double sided tape as shown in the photo.

We tear off the protective layer of tape. We lower the upper part of the bottom of the paper bag down and smooth it with our hand.

Then we put our hand into the bag and straighten it a little, straighten the bottom of the paper bag, and press the side parts inward.

We make holes with a hole punch. Cut the handle for the bag to the required length. We tie a knot on one side, thread it through the holes and tie a knot on the other side.

Giving a friend a gift for a birthday or other holiday will be even nicer if you pack it in an original handmade gift bag.

Template for homemade paper gift bag

This is a template that you can use as the basis for your package. But in fact, it is not necessary to adhere to the dimensions specified in the template - you can make a bag of the size that you need.

Also, your imagination is not limited in decoration - come up with new options, use base paper of different colors with different designs - everything is in your hands!

For the template you will need a sheet of thick paper 21 centimeters long and 11 centimeters wide. Cut it according to the diagram and fold along the dotted lines. Use double-sided tape to connect the sides of the bag.

We will need the following supplies:

Small pieces of scrapbooking paper or colored paper and cardboard;

Thick paper for making the actual bag;

Double-sided tape and twine;

A simple pencil, glue, eraser;


Step 1. – Cut out the paper according to the template, fold it along the dotted lines. Connect the sides of the bag using double-sided tape.

Step 2 – Cut two pieces of twine about 15-10 centimeters long for the handles of the bag.

Step 3.- Take scrapbooking paper or cardboard and a plain colored paper. Cut rectangles out of them, the length of which is equal to the length of the bag, and the width is about 10 centimeters. Glue pieces of twine to the top of the bag using these rectangles.

Step 4 – Make decorations for your bag and attach them with either glue or double-sided tape.