How to distinguish natural leather from artificial leather. Signs of natural leather in products - how to distinguish natural leather from artificial leather? How to distinguish leather from artificial leather by appearance

Products made from genuine leather, due to their natural and elegant appearance, are significantly different in appearance from any synthetic fibers. Today there are a large number of similar synthetic materials on the market at a much lower price. You can also find products that are only partly made of genuine leather, but the tag states “genuine leather” or “made from genuine leather”. Marketers use such ambiguous terms to mislead consumers. If you are planning to purchase an expensive genuine leather product, you need to know how to distinguish a genuine product from a synthetic material.


How to distinguish genuine leather from fake

    Beware of buying products that do not have the "genuine leather" tag. If it is marked "man-made material", then it is definitely synthetic leather. If nothing is indicated, then most likely the manufacturer wants to keep silent about the fact that the leather is not real. Of course, used items may not have tags at all. However, most manufacturers pride themselves on using genuine leather, so make the appropriate marks:

    Examine the surface of the item for grain, small bumps and pores, imperfections and unique texture that indicate that the leather is genuine. Defects on the surface of the skin actually characterize its quality with positive side. Don't forget that genuine leather is made from the skin of animals, so each piece is unique, just like the animal from which it was taken. A frequently repeating, even and identical pattern indicates the production of this material by machine.

    • There are scratches, folds and wrinkles on the surface of natural leather, and that's how it should be!
    • It should be remembered that manufacturers are constantly improving production technology, and designers are learning to imitate natural leather better. Therefore, online shopping based on a picture carries certain risks.
  1. Squeeze the skin in your hands and look for folds and wrinkles. Real skin is wrinkled to the touch. Synthetic materials tend to retain their rigidity and shape under pressure.

    Smell the product. The smell should be natural and slightly musty, not plastic and chemical. If you don't know what leather should smell like, go to a store that sells genuine leather products and check out a few bags and pairs of shoes. Ask if synthetic products are available and compare both products. After such an experiment, you will be able to unmistakably distinguish the smell of genuine leather.

    • It should be remembered that genuine leather is made from animal skin. Faux leather is made from plastic. It's obvious that natural material it smells like leather, and the artificial one smells like plastic.
  2. Carry out a fire resistance test. In this case, there is a possibility of partially damaging the product. In some cases, it is better not to use this method, but you can check the product in a small and hard-to-reach area that is not visible, for example, at the bottom of the sofa. Hold the flame near the surface of the material for 5-10 seconds:

    Pay attention to the edge of the product. Real leather has uneven edges, while the edge of artificial leather is smooth and even perfect. Machine-produced leather has a clean cut. The edges are made of genuine leather large quantity threads that fall off. Faux leather is made of plastic, so it does not have such fibers, and the cut line is clean.

    Crumple a leather item to slightly change its natural color. Genuine leather has good elasticity and changes color and wrinkles when bent. Artificial leather is much tougher and retains its shape better, and bends worse in comparison with natural leather.

    Apply a small amount of water to the product. At the same time, genuine leather will absorb moisture. If you are holding a high-quality fake, then a small puddle will form on the surface. Genuine leather absorbs a drop of water within a few seconds, thereby confirming its authenticity.

    Products made from real leather cannot be cheap. The price of a product made entirely of genuine leather is quite high. Such items are usually sold at fixed prices. Go shopping to check the prices of genuine, mixed and faux leather products - this will help you understand the difference between them. Among all types of natural leather, cow leather is the most expensive, as it has high strength and is easy to dye. Split leather, which is obtained by layering leather, is cheaper than full-grain leather or belt leather.

    Don't pay attention to the color, as even colored leather can be natural. The bright blue color of leather furniture may not look natural, but that doesn't mean it isn't. Various colors and dyes are used on both synthetic and natural leather, so first of all you should pay attention to the smell and texture of the product.

Distinguish between types of genuine leather

  1. “Genuine leather” is just one of the actual types of leather on the market. Most people have difficulty distinguishing real leather from substitute or faux leather. Connoisseurs know that there are several types of genuine leather, of which “genuine leather” is almost the lowest class. Starting from the very expensive looking, there is the following classification:

    • Full grain leather
    • Facial skin
    • Genuine Leather
    • Synthetic leather

Leather items are not only stylish and beautiful, but also a sign of quality, if, of course, we are talking about real leather. How can you find out if the product in front of you is not made of leather?

It's easy to spot a fake.

  • Pay attention to the label
  • Price
  • Need to smell the product
  • Look at the internal and external coating
  • Look at the condition of the edges and seams

Pay attention to the label

If the label indicates “synthetics”, “leatherette”, “artificial material”, “leatherine”, etc., then this product is not made from leather.

There is often an inscription stating that this product is made of 100% genuine leather. But should we trust this information? Not in all cases.


You won't find genuine leather products at low prices. You will have to pay well for a quality product. You should not react and agree to a “bargain purchase” - the proposed fake will not meet your expectations.

Take the product in your hands and feel: is it heavy?

If you take a leather jacket, this is especially noticeable. Faux leather is not heavy, but genuine leather is heavy.

Cowhide is heavy, but sheepskin is lighter. Note that leatherette is quite light, its weight can be equal to the weight of the fabric, or even lighter!

Need to smell the product

You will not be able to confuse the smell inherent in natural leather. It resembles the smell of an animal, and it is quite a rich aroma. Smell chemicals, vinyl is what distinguishes artificial leather.

You can try running your fingers across the surface. Natural leather will always have a rough surface, it will never be smooth. It may have a rough texture, often suede, but it does not have a slippery texture. By the way, leatherette has a glossy surface.

The color on the fold of a product made of genuine leather always changes; real leather is very soft. Make a bend and you won't see any signs of bending. By the way, if you do the same with leatherette, which is less pliable, then there will be folds in the fold areas.

The leatherette will have a fabric lining on the reverse side. Genuine leather will have a rough underside.

Natural leather will always have rough edges. As for the fake, its edges are usually hard, like plastic, and smooth.

Sticking threads, even holes round shape from needles - something that is typical for products made of leatherette.

Almost invisible threads, tightened leather near the holes - this is what characterizes products made from genuine leather.

Try testing the product with water or fire

Using a match, you can easily detect a fake. Although using this method is not always convenient.

Note that the skin tolerates fire well, but leatherette will instantly flare up and burn well. The leatherette will smell like burnt plastic and will bubble.

You can check it in another way: wet your finger, rub the product. Moisture on a genuine leather product will disappear instantly. But leatherette does not absorb water well, so your saliva will remain on the surface.

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Nowadays it is especially difficult not to be deceived. In any area, including the question of how to distinguish genuine leather from fakes and leatherette, it is, of course, better to understand this well yourself than to listen to sellers, because often the main thing for them is only to sell, and you will have to judge the quality of the thing the hard way experience.

A month later, it may turn out that they sold you fake leather, for which you paid an excessively high price. In order not to become an easy prey for deceiving sellers, we will give a few points by which you can answer the question, is this real leather?

How to identify real (natural) leather?

What is pressed leather?

If you have checked the product that you are thinking of purchasing, and from all points it can be assumed that it is a leather product, you only have one question left - why is it so cheap?

This means that this is a product made of pressed leather. What is pressed leather? Essentially, this is the “sausage” in the world of clothing and shoes.

This material is made from waste left over from the production of real leather goods. They are fastened under pressure, using the same synthetic materials as leatherette products. Therefore, in terms of quality, it is no different from artificial products - it wears out quickly, does not retain heat and does not spread.

  1. If the strong smell of a new leather item bothers you, you can get rid of it using ground coffee. You can simply sprinkle it over the surface of the product, but it is better to use special bags for brewing loose tea for greater convenience.
  2. Cleanse Leather Products The best way to remove dust is with a damp cloth. You can also soak the sponge in warm soapy water and after cleaning, be sure to wipe the surface of the product with a dry cloth.
  3. When caring for leather products, you need to remember that leather tends to change its shape, this is very convenient for your feet, but this property should be kept in mind when storing shoes or clothes. Cleaning up leather shoes in the closet, try not to deform it with other objects, and it is better to place paper inside the shoes to keep the shape intact.
  4. Iron only in the “wool” mode, and only through the fabric and the reverse side.
  5. Oily stains on genuine leather products can be sprinkled with chalk powder, then shaken off, after a day, and cleaned with a brush. Drops from puddles, it is better to clean them when they are dry, also with a brush.
  6. If the stain is too complex (felt pens, pens, oil, paint, etc.), then it is better to contact the dry cleaner.
  7. Dry at room temperature.
  8. If the leather product is unstuck, you can only use rubber glue.

What can ruin a genuine leather product?

We hope that this article will help you better understand how to distinguish genuine leather from fake leather. And the rules for caring for leather products will not be superfluous. If you take this useful information for service, you will be able not only to determine whether the product you are offered is made of real leather, but also to keep your favorite leather items in a neat form for a long time.

Barcode verification

ATTENTION! The correct barcode does not provide a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of counterfeit.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode, you can use the form below.

Enter 13 digit barcode:Check

New technologies today make it possible to perfectly imitate leather products. And this confuses the buyer.
By what signs in the store can you understand where the material is natural and where it is artificial? Let's figure it out.

Heat exchange

If you place your palm on the material, the natural leather heats up easily and remains dry. Artificial leather stays cold longer and does not absorb moisture.

Softness and elasticity

Genuine leather is a softer and more flexible material; when deformed, it quickly returns to its shape. Faux leather is very difficult to deform.

Product cut and thickness

The edge of things made of genuine leather is slightly rounded, uneven and thick. The artificial material is smooth, even and thinner when cut.


The “pattern” of pores in artificial materials is the same in location. Pores in natural leather have a chaotic pattern.

Base material

You can also see the base of the material in the cut. In genuine leather there are many intertwined fibers, similar to felted plush. Leatherette, as a rule, has a fabric base.


Genuine leather is completely dyed and therefore does not change color when folded. Artificial material may change color when pressed.


Leatherette has a strong chemical aroma. But now there are special flavors that imitate the smell of natural leather.

What does a label on a leather product mean?

If the product has a curly label, it means it is made of genuine leather. And if in the shape of a diamond, then leatherette was used.

Testing with water and fire


If you drop a little water on the product, the natural leather will absorb the liquid and darken in this place. But water will drain from leatherette and the color will not change.


You need to light a match and touch it to your skin. The artificial material will melt, but the natural material will not be damaged. But this must be done with caution, since natural leather is treated with an aniline coating (for shine), which makes it flammable.

How can different types of leather differ from each other?

I. By type of raw material

  1. Pigskin. The cheapest type of leather. Typically used as lining material. Insufficiently elastic, has a rough and hard surface, and has a persistent odor.
  2. Cattle leather.
    – Calfskin. It is considered the highest quality of all types of leather due to its softness, high strength and resistance to creases. Its use is very wide: from furniture upholstery to accessories.
    – Cow leather. Coarser and slightly less durable than veal. Used to make shoes and bags.
    - Bull skin. The material is thick and durable, thanks to which the products can last almost forever.
  3. Sheep leather. Durable and very soft. Excellent for making premium products.
  4. Goatskin. Dense and durable, it is often used in the manufacture of accessories from popular brands.
  5. Ostrich leather. Elastic and soft skin. It turns out comfortable shoes, outerwear and accessories.
  6. Snake skin. Soft and pleasant to the touch. Like crocodile, it belongs to premium leather. More often, python or cobra skin is used for products of this type.
  7. Crocodile skin. The strongest and most durable material. The characteristic pattern gives originality to the product.
  8. Deerskin. Finding things made from this material on sale is very difficult. Stretchable leather similar to suede.

Recently, clothing made from genuine leather has become increasingly popular, despite the fact that the price of the products is quite high. It is, of course, important for us, as consumers, to know what exactly we are paying that kind of money for.

Surely you have heard more than once, and perhaps even come across things made from a leather substitute. And if you don’t know how to distinguish leather from artificial leather, then they can easily sell you a fake, and you will pay as for genuine leather. Therefore, the first piece of advice to you is that if you do not understand how to distinguish real leather, do not under any circumstances buy products in markets or recently opened stores.

So, in order to fewer women fell into the hands of scammers, we offer some tips on how to distinguish leather from a substitute.

Properties of genuine leather

Surely many have heard that if you set natural leather on fire, it will not burn, but will simply have a burning smell. That’s how it is, but it’s better not to resort to this method, because if the product suddenly turns out to be a fake, then you will ruin it by setting it on fire. It is also recommended to soak the skin in hot water. There is no need to do this either. Natural leather under influence hot water, has the property of “shrinking”.

How then to distinguish leather from leatherette, you ask, if the most common methods cannot be used? It's actually not that complicated. Below we bring to your attention a few secrets that will help you learn how to distinguish real leather from fake.

Six tips on how to distinguish genuine leather:

  1. When choosing a leather product, try to find raw edge. Inner side The leather is very similar to suede, soft and pleasant to the touch.
  2. If you hold the skin in your hand for a little while, it will also heat up due to exposure to heat, and will cool down slowly.
  3. In many genuine leather products, a leather tag with an emblem hangs next to the price tag, which indicates the quality of the model. If this tag has the smell of leather, and its inner side is soft and rough like suede, then it is genuine leather.
  4. The fastest and most harmless way is to check the naturalness of the leather with a drop of water. As you all know, leather has pores, and if you drop one drop on a product, then, if the leather is natural, the drop will be absorbed, leaving a wet mark that will dry quickly.
  5. If you still decide to test the skin with fire, then find the most inconspicuous place and bring the fire there. As a rule, real leather does not melt or change its appearance.
  6. In products made from genuine leather, threads do not stick out from the processed edges. Although you should not trust only this method, since a fake can be stitched very high quality, so that you cannot immediately distinguish one from the other.

How to distinguish artificial leather:

  1. Faux leather with reverse side rag, sometimes protruding threads are visible.
  2. Leatherette, if you hold it a little in your hand, does not heat up, but maintains the same temperature. But now substitutes are being made that are very similar to leather in both smell and feel, and can even heat up from the warmth of your hand. In this case, you can only distinguish by the duration of cooling of the product. The leatherette will cool down very quickly.
  3. Very often, artificial leather cracks, and the service life of such a product will not be long.
  4. If you drop a drop of water on the substitute, the water will simply drain off, leaving a dry surface.
  5. How to distinguish artificial leather using fire? It is enough to bring a burning match or lighter, and the substitute will melt very quickly, and the smell will be of burning plastic.

Armed with the necessary knowledge, you can safely go shopping without fear of fakes.