How to distinguish good mink fur from bad. How to distinguish rabbit fur from mink. Mink coat outside

Sellers of fur products are ready to go to any lengths to sell goods, including low-quality ones. They offer all kinds of discounts, gifts, free dry cleaning. But you shouldn’t fall for these tricks, otherwise you may be very disappointed after the purchase.

Mink mittens: “heated” status

Remember the immutable postulate of every true lady? A woman's hands always give her away. By how well-groomed they are, a careful look can “calculate” their age, status, and even habits and lifestyle.

Tatyana Bashlykova

It has already been verified that a high-quality mink fur coat proper care can serve the owner for ten seasons. This is pleasing, because a product made from such fur is not cheap. It is better to purchase a fur coat in specialized salons, then the likelihood of purchasing a low-quality item is significantly reduced.

Rules for choosing a fur coat

In order for a fur item to look like new for several seasons, you must adhere to several rules when purchasing.

1. The fur should be shiny and thick. To determine this, you just need to carefully touch the product: the fur should be dense and the skin thick.

2. The next stage of checking a mink coat for quality should be to examine it in the light. Good fur will shimmer and flow. You should immediately smell the product; the fur coat should not have any foreign odors or smell musty.

3. Mink should not shed! This is easy to check: it only costs with a wet hand sweep over the fur coat; no hairs should remain on the palm.

4. The fur should not break, even if it is folded in half; the undercoat of a quality product will definitely be thick.

5. The product should not crunch when it is crushed in your hands. If this happens, you can safely refuse the purchase, because the core of such a thing is overdried, and this will lead to rapid wear and tear in the first season.

6. An honest manufacturer never sews a lining to a mink coat. This makes it possible to evaluate inner side products. If there are uneven seams, pieces of fur are tightly stretched, there are tears, the item will not last long. And you shouldn't spend money on it.

7. Fur coats made from undyed fur are considered the highest quality and most expensive. This is very easy to determine; you just need to blow on the fur and look at the inside. If it is light, the fur is natural color.

8. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply alter old products, passing them off as trendy items. But even this is easy to determine: in this case, the mink pieces will be of different sizes, uneven in color, and the fur may fall out in shreds.

Knowing these details, you can easily distinguish a low-quality product from a good mink coat. When purchasing, you should not be guided only by the seller’s recommendations, because his main goal is to sell his product.

Mink coats are the dream of any woman, regardless of her age and status. Today there is a wide selection of different models, so choosing a truly high-quality option is not so easy. Due to the fact that there are fakes on the market mink fur, women can find themselves in a very unpleasant situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to determine the quality of a mink coat.

Possible defects

You can avoid buying a fake if you know the common defects in mink fur. This should include:

  1. Uneven fur color, fading, abrasions. All these flaws indicate that old and low-quality fur was used for sewing.
  2. Don't know how to check quality? Then inspect the fur coat for red spots. If they are true, then this indicates that the animals were kept in iron cages. Rest assured that it is simply impossible to get rid of such stains.
  3. The fur fibers stick together, there is no gloss or shine. These defects indicate that the manufacturing technology was not strictly followed.
  4. The villi have an uneven surface. Their appearance looks like the result of a poor haircut. Most likely, the fur was damaged by animals. There is also no way to get rid of such a flaw.
  5. How else can you check the quality of a mink coat? You just need to feel it. If it feels like you are touching parchment paper, then the fur is dry. Such a product will quickly crack and fall apart.

If at least one of the presented flaws occurs, then it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

Verification methods

There are certain secrets regarding how to check a mink coat. Today, many unscrupulous manufacturers are trying in every possible way to disguise the existing flaw. They paint the faded parts of the fibers or cover them with a special varnish, which gives the product luster and gloss.

How to check the quality of a mink coat? It is enough to use the following recommendations:

  1. Take your palm and move it against the growth of the pile. If the fur is of high quality, then after such a procedure it will be able to return to its previous position. There will be no dents or hair creases. And there should be no fluff or lint on your hands.
  2. How to distinguish good from bad? Just part the fur hairs and inspect the color of the flesh. If the product is of high quality, then it should be light. But the brown color indicates that the fibers have been dyed. The darkened color of the skin indicates improper storage of the product. The back of the skin will allow you to determine this.
  3. The joints of the skins of a quality fur coat should not be noticeable upon external inspection. They should also be highly accurate. You can check this by pulling them in different directions. The joints of the skins can be seen in the shoulder and collar areas. Seams must be made with strong threads.
  4. How to distinguish high-quality from low-quality? Take a regular needle and insert it from the wrong side. Then pull. The formed hole should not increase in diameter.
  5. The undercoat should have a soft surface and density. If you run your hand over it, it should create a feeling of softness, but not prickly.
  6. How to identify a mink coat? Just rub the skin with a slightly damp cloth. After such actions there should be no traces of painting. There are situations when manufacturers subject it to tinting. This gives it a supportive and beautiful shimmer. But the applied coating must not only be durable, but also not leave marks.
  7. The top hair should be of equal length. If there are protruding fibers on winter clothes, it means the fur has been trimmed. This product cannot be called high quality.
  8. You can tell how high quality mink coats are by smelling them. It must not smell like an animal or chemicals. There may be a slight odor of the cleaning solution.

Useful tips when shopping fur product, details in the video:

Lining quality

At the time of buying outerwear When making mink fur, it is important to pay attention not only to the condition of the fur, but also to the lining. If the product is really high quality, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Made from material that is highly durable and of excellent quality. Most often natural silk is used.
  2. Exactly repeats the cut of outerwear. When worn, movement is free, and the fur itself does not bristle.
  3. The lower part of the outerwear is loose and not attached to the fur coat. You can get to the underside of the skins without much difficulty.
  4. The seams are processed with high quality, they are distinguished by smooth lines and durability.
  5. There is a cord trim around the edge.

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Types of mink

A wide selection of mink allows you to sew a fur coat that will be ideal for wearing in a certain climatic zone.


This fur has remained one of the warmest for many years. It is distinguished by a high awn and underfur, so that its appearance seems a little tousled. Its price is quite affordable, and the range is wide.


This type of mink accounts for 80% of all fur sold in the world. Characterized by a medium awn and thick underfur. How to identify mink fur? Everything is very simple: you need to inspect its surfaces. Scandinavian fur has a chic shine, which is why the product is popularly called “black diamond”.


For those who don't understand how to determine good fur coat made from mink, then it is worth remembering one rule: do not purchase Chinese-made products in the markets. China produces high-quality mink, but increased demand does not allow it to be exported outside the country. Only low-quality budget products are supplied abroad. In addition, Chinese manufacturers stretch the fur, as a result of which it becomes brittle, the service life is reduced and, as a result, it does not warm.

North American

Determining the quality of fur is very simple. It has low pile, but there is no shine at all. Most often, such a product is called velvet. The peculiarity of the North American mink is that it is perfect for the harsh Russian winters.


How to check for quality? Don’t think that the more expensive it is, the better the quality. This type of fur is considered rare. It is characterized by a long pile, almost the same as that of sable. Its color is dark gray-brown. It is also distinguished by its light underfur. Wild fur has a lot of flaws, because to get a fur coat you need a large number of skins Consequently, the price of such products is high.

Italian and Greek

In Italy they do not farm mink. But this does not prevent local craftsmen from creating excellent samples with an original design. Currently, the quality of such fur coats pleases all fashionistas both in Russia and abroad. If you do not understand how to correctly determine the quality of a mink coat, then you should buy such clothes in stores at fur factories.

Mink fur is in great demand today for tailoring. winter clothes. But due to high competition in the market, some manufacturers resort to certain tricks. They reduce the cost of the product because they themselves purchase a low-quality product. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, you need to learn how to identify quality fur. This is not difficult, but it will protect you from counterfeiting and financial waste.

How to choose a quality product, details in the video:

According to statistics, every fourth fur coat is either fake or defective. The main disadvantages of fur coats can be bald spots, incorrect selection of skins, worn-out pile or untreated lining.

Buying a quality fur coat - be careful, it's a scam!

The most unpleasant thing about purchasing a fur coat is that unscrupulous manufacturers of fur products sometimes engage in outright deception, passing off one thing as another: a dyed rabbit as a mink, a fox and arctic fox as a silver fox, and a beaver as nutria. A fur coat is far from a cheap pleasure, therefore, it is quite natural that any customer wants to receive a quality product that matches the money paid for it. To buy yourself a truly high-quality fur coat that will warm not only your body, but also your soul, you need to know how to distinguish rabbit fur from mink and be able to easily recognize a fake.

Selfish interest

Mink fur differs from dyed rabbit fur in that it has fairly coarse hair, but not prickly hair. That’s why a mink coat serves its owner for at least ten years, and rabbit hair is soft, so a product made from it quickly “goes bald” and wears out.

People believe that it’s easy to recognize really good fur: you don’t want to let go of it at all. Experts advise not only holding the fur coat in your hands, but also conducting several tests with it. Do not hesitate to do this, because you, as a buyer, have every right to do so.

Swipe sharply from bottom to top across the skin. If the fibers fell off or did you then have to smooth them out with your palm to restore them to their previous shape? Most likely, the fur is of low quality or it was stored incorrectly (in an unventilated area, in a warm place, folded).

Pay attention to how the hair of the fur coat lies. A good pile should only lie in one direction.

Hold the fur coat up to any source of color. Mink fur plays, shimmers and shines, while hare fur remains dull. In just a couple of seasons, a fur coat made from this fur will turn into an ugly, tattered robe a la “my grandmother used to wear it.”

Part the pile of the fur coat and look at short hair at the base or undergrowths. The smoother and thicker it is, the warmer the fur coat. “Liquid” down can have a bad effect on the heat-saving properties of a fur product. It usually indicates that the skin was specially stretched during dressing in order to reduce the cost of the product, or that the fur was collected during the period of active molting of the animal.

To check if the lint is stuck together, blow on the fur.

The color of the product also has great importance. To distinguish rabbit fur from mink, you need to know that bad skins are often dyed black to hide various defects. To understand the color fastness of fur, run a wet handkerchief over it - under no circumstances should colored marks remain on it. What will happen to such a fur coat if it gets caught in the rain or snow?

The next stage of inspection is inspection of the core. No, this is not a curse at all, but the name of the lower layer of the skin. The flesh should be light, clean and soft. The lining of a fur coat should not be sewn to the skin. To distinguish rabbit fur from mink, peel back the lining and remember the flesh in your hands - is there any rustling? Its presence means that the furriers probably overdid the chemical treatment of the product or it was wet. By the way, since you have already looked under the lining, check the quality of the seams at the same time. Pieces of skin should move smoothly and gracefully from one to another, and the threads should in no case stick out at random.

The most expensive mink is the so-called “black diamond” type, the color of which is usually black with a purple or blue tint. It is most often counterfeited by dyeing cheaper fur, including rabbit fur. To immediately distinguish such a fake, look at the color of the skin - it must be white.

You now know how to distinguish rabbit fur from mink and will not fall for the tricks of scammers.

Modern technologies for tanning hides and processing natural fur make it possible to achieve a very impressive appearance of fur products.

Some types of cheap fur are sometimes subjected to such processing as dyeing, tinting, cutting, trimming, after which the fur becomes similar to more expensive fur, imitating its appearance. For example, the fur of a rabbit, marmot or honor is sometimes passed off as natural mink.

In this article we will tell you how to distinguish natural fur mink from imitation and make sure of its quality.

Marmot. A marmot, well-dressed and dyed to match the mink's natural dark brown fur, can indeed be mistaken for a mink at first glance. But if you pay a little more attention to it, you will notice quite obvious signs of a fake:

  • The length and thickness of the guard hairs of a marmot are not the same - this is noticeable if you stroke it against the grain. Mink has a uniform spine over the entire surface of the skin.
  • This same technique will reveal that the groundhog's fur becomes shaggy and does not return to its original state. Mink fur is more flexible and is practically unaffected by creasing.
  • A marmot dyed like mink will have a bluish-violet tint, which is noticeable in bright light, while dark natural mink always has brown tint and smooth silky shine.

Rabbit. Most often, a sheared rabbit is passed off as a plucked or sheared mink, taking advantage of the similarity between the mink's underfur and the rabbit's fur. The rabbit is almost devoid of underfur, but if you cut it, it will look like a mink.

Mink underfur is elastic and does not wrinkle, while thin, damage-prone rabbit fur is much thinner and softer: it is easy to wrinkle, after getting wet it loses its appearance, and the skins quickly “bald” during wear.

Honorik. This is a close “relative” of the mink - an animal obtained by crossing a mink and a ferret. Currently, it is bred in few places, but it is still worth being able to distinguish honorik fur from mink:

  • If a fur coat is made from whole honorik skins, you will notice their big size, because honorik is noticeably larger than mink.
  • The color of the Honorik's fur is distinguished by a large difference in the shades of light underfur and dark awn. The color of the mink underfur is slightly lighter than the outer fur or has the same color.

Have you come to choose and buy a natural mink fur coat? Here are some tips on what to look for when assessing its quality:

  • Look at the fur. Natural mink fur has a uniform silky sheen. The guard hairs are of equal length, fluffy, and do not form icicles.
  • Spread the underfur: it should be equally dense, and the inner skin (skin) underneath should be light, unless the fur coat is declared as dyed.
  • Stroke the fur with your palm with and against the grain. Natural mink is silky to the touch, the spine does not prick, and the fur pressed against the fur quickly returns to its original appearance.
  • Shake your fur coat. The guard fur should not fall off, and the flesh should not crunch.

The most reliable way to choose high-quality natural mink is to make a purchase in a store that has a long-standing reputation as a reliable seller of high-quality mink coats. You can always contact the administration of such a store directly regarding assortment and quality issues!

The Fur Academy company also draws your attention to the control identification marks with electronic chips that are included with each fur coat sold under the Fur Academy brand. The chips contain comprehensive information about the origin of the fur coat that you are going to buy, which means they guarantee factory production and high quality of the product.