How to organize children's and adult creativity with bubble wrap (2). All about bubble film Christmas ball made from bubble film

Do you like to pop bubbles from packaging film? If so, then you probably won’t have enough willpower to create masterpieces from it :) But the American artist Bradley Hart found it much more useful application and makes incredible pictures with this film! How does he do this? See below.

Bradley's workshop contains huge rolls of this polyethylene "drug", but he is in no hurry to pop the transparent bubbles. Filling them with paint, the artist paints pictures, as if putting together a multi-colored children's mosaic.

An art project with packaging film and bubbles filled with paint is called Injections. The artist actually has to inject each transparent bump in order to inject paint of a certain color into it, or even mix several colors in it at once to get the desired shade.

Thus, moving from bottle to bottle, Bradley Hart makes several hundred injections per day, gradually turning ordinary packaging film into a natural artistic object - a portrait, landscape, or some other picture.

By injecting paint into transparent pimples of packaging film, Bradley Hart has already painted portraits of Steve Jobs and himself, singer Tamiya and artist Germinio Pio Politi, as well as the faces of other people, cityscapes and abstractions.

Interestingly, when the painting is finished, the wooden stand to which the bubble wrap was attached all along also becomes a painting. The same multi-colored and bright, but blurry and fuzzy, painted with smudges of acrylic paint. Looking at them, it seems that you are looking at the same original work of the artist, but through rain-drenched glass. Atmospheric and creative, especially considering that this painting technique is still quite popular. So, instead of one picture, the artist paints two at once. By the way, at exhibitions in which Bradley Hart takes part with his art project, he always exhibits both results of the creative process.

How are these magical paintings created?

The process of creating paintings is quite “simple”: using ordinary syringes, Hart injects acrylic paints into separate bubbles.

This is not only a long but also incredibly difficult process.

And although the portraits are amazing, to understand their beauty, you need to see with your own eyes the process of their creation.”

Hart's portraits will be on display until March 29 in an exhibition in New York entitled "What? Where? When? For what? How?".

Bubble wrap is fun. All children, and even adults, love to pop these bubbles. They are thrown away only after all the bubbles are no longer air-free. However, few people thought about what could be made from this film. original craft. The texture of the film with bubbles can serve as the basis for making a body for a dragon or crocodile. You just have to show a little imagination, prepare necessary tools, colored paper, cardboard and paints, and you can begin the creative process.

Modern school goods are not only pens and notebooks; in the departments with school goods there are many sets and items for artistic creativity. Pay attention to them, be sure to purchase colored paper, cardboard, and parts for crafts. Many art supplies are included in the first grade kit. Make sure that your child has no shortage of colored paper, plasticine and paints, and the fidget will not be bored at home when the weather outside is inclement and you can’t go for a walk.

Crocodile made from film with bubbles

You will need

  • wrapping film,
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • PVA glue,
  • aluminum wire,
  • cardboard,
  • red thick paper,
  • acrylic paints,
  • cotton balls,
  • old newspapers.

Step 1. Let's make the body.

We wind the film onto the aluminum wire, trying to make the roll as dense as possible. Aluminum wire is needed in order to subsequently bend the body. We tuck the ends of the roll inside and glue them together with transparent tape. The result should be a “sausage” that is easy to bend.

Step two. Coloring.

To avoid getting the table dirty, cover it with old newspapers. Using a flat, wide brush, paint the body with green paint. You can use green paint different shades. In the middle of the crocodile's body it is usually lighter, and in the area of ​​the head and tail it is darker.

Step three. We make the paws and scallop.

While the green paint on the film body is drying, we begin cutting out the paws for the crocodile. To do this, take thicker cardboard. After all, the entire craft will rest on these paws. The shape is very simple: on one side there is a straight line, and on the other - in the shape of a trident. We also paint the paws with green paints.

We cut out the comb from red thick paper; it is a strip with teeth on one side.

Step four. Putting all the details together

Bubble prints

This is the most versatile option for creativity with such a film, since our bubbles give an extremely interesting pattern when correct use. And this will be very interesting for children, who, with the help of film, will also be able to better understand the creation scheme regular pattern. This method is suitable even for kindergarten-age children: they will be able to make interesting drawings, great creative and custom cards, book covers and bookmarks, inner sheets for scrapbooking and collages, and at the same time get acquainted with color scheme and the concept of abstraction.

Protect your desk from heavy activity with paint, tape and paper (or, alternatively, newspaper) covering a piece of furniture. Give your child a variety of brushes and bubble wrap, as well as paints and construction paper. The paint must be applied directly to the bubbles. You can make a bubble rainbow by applying different colors with lines on the bubbles; older children can be shown how to make a colored abstraction or use dot bubbles to create a figurine of some animal, insect or inanimate object. It is very interesting to get, for example, multi-colored houses and two-colored giraffes with brown spots or zebras with monochrome stripes, respectively.

You can initially cut out a certain shape from the film and only then make prints: for example, a heart or any other shape. To such a form, you can then attach a rigid part on top (like a handle) to make it more convenient to hold and print. Work quickly so that the paint on the first bubbles doesn't dry before you finish the last ones.

Finally, the last part of the job is to carefully flip the painted bubble wrap over and make a print on the paper. If you/the child managed to apply more paint and less water - and the film does not drip - feel free to turn the film over, gently press it to the paper (put something under the paper, for example, cellophane, so that wet prints do not reach the table) and do not Remove the film less carefully. This will make the print clearer. If, nevertheless, the film is about to drip, leave it on the table and, on the contrary, gently press the paper against the bubbles, also trying not to smear the drawing and not to wrinkle the paper itself. Then let the print dry completely.

The same prints can be used on paintings that have already been drawn, but have not yet dried, or before drawing the picture itself in the standard way.

Underwater life made from bubble wrap

Let's now try to make a fish out of film, paint and paper. Wrap a piece of film around the rolling pin. Use clear adhesive tape to secure the edges of the film. Roll the film in paint on a rolling pin (on a wide tray) and then transfer the paint to a sheet of paper with a rolling pin. You will now have a nice “scaly” pattern for the fish on the paper in your hands. Let the paper dry and cut out an elongated fish shape without a fin and tail, and then glue the resulting paper on both sides onto cardboard of the same shape. Next, using pieces of clean or also painted bubble film, wrap or paste over the cardboard base, and then - made from the same film, but without cardboard inside - attach “air” fins and a tail to the figure. Several of these figures can be hung in the form of a mobile on a chandelier or crib.

Or you can make a jellyfish/octopus from film and a plastic transparent/white bowl/bowl. Before attaching the bowl and film to each other, paint them, if desired, white, blue or purple, respectively. Or just leave it transparent. If it's an octopus, draw eyes on the bowl. Take a fairly large square of film (up to a meter on a side) and lay it flat on a hard surface. Turn the bowl upside down and place it in the center, then adhere to the film with clear or double-sided tape. Next, cut the edges of the film remaining outside the bowl into relatively thin strips - if it is a jellyfish, and medium width - if it is an octopus. It is optimal to hang the finished toy above a point non-heating light source (LED, for example), or it can be mounted under a chandelier/on the ceiling, or in a doorway.

Victoria Bezruchko

On the Internet I saw an interesting and unusual painting technique with bubble wrap. There is nothing difficult, but it still took a little work.

I decided to try it with my kids.

For work we needed the following materials:

- bubble wrap;

Fruit patterns;


White sheet of paper.

First, we find suitable pictures on the Internet, in my case they are strawberries, apples, pineapples. Try to choose pictures without small details. Print, cut out.

We attach the templates to bubble wrap, outline, cut out fruit along the contour

It is best to cover the work area film or newspaper.

We take our template from bubble wrap and paint. Strawberries in red, leaves in green. You need to try to color every little bump, then the drawing will turn out clearer.

As soon as the template is painted, immediately, while the paint is not yet dry enough, turn it over onto a sheet of paper. Works like a stamp.

My children are small, so I work with each one individually. drew.

These are the drawings the kids came up with.

Thank you for stopping by to visit! I hope this drawing technique you liked it!

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Each of us has enough stress and anxiety in our lives. But as long as the good and joyful things outweigh, everything is fine. And also, there are two proven antidepressants that, without harm, save you from the blues at any age and at any time of the year - a portion of delicious ice cream and bursting bubble wrap. By the way, the latest anti-stress remedy boasts 11 more unexpected, but very useful properties.

Are you nervous? For such a case, always keep a small piece of bubble wrap with you. Surprising but perfect children's activity, like popping plastic bubbles, is a great mood booster. Or you can spare the bubble wrap and use it effectively to solve simple everyday problems. Eg:

1. Take her shopping

When you go on a long grocery run, take a couple of layers of bubble wrap with you. If you place it along the sides and bottom of bags or bags, it will help bring frozen food, ice cream and fresh vegetables home in the same condition as they were in the store. Nothing will melt or flow.

2. Protect your pants from wrinkles

Do you store your trousers on hangers, but even they leave creases in the fabric? There is a solution: wrap the hanger in bubble wrap. Just make sure the bubbles are inward. Put your pants back in place. The film will level and soften the surface. So from now on - no folds.

3. Entertain the kids at the party

What's a birthday without dancing? And to make your beloved child’s holiday even more fun, equip a special dance floor for your guests by covering part of the floor with bubble wrap. Children are dancing, bubbles are bursting, everyone is safe and happy - joyful!

4. To make shoes last longer

Your favorite shoes and boots will not lose their shape in anticipation of the new season if you put a rolled-up film inside according to size.

5. How to make a long trip by car comfortable?

Going on a trip in your own car is not like going for bread. Of course, there are many advantages, but there are also enough disadvantages. In particular, pain in the back and lower back from a long sitting position. To alleviate the situation, place bubble wrap on top of the backrest and the seat itself (bubbles up). A light massage and orthopedic effect is guaranteed.

6. Sleeping in a tent or outdoors

Place a bubble wrap under sleeping bag on a hike: this will make sleeping on the ground dry and comfortable.

7. Protect young tree shoots during heavy rainfall or lawn work

Wrap the trunk of the seedling with film and secure it with tape. Just remember to remove the protection when the sprout is safe again.

8. We insulate the housing of the smaller brothers

Do you keep a four-legged guard in a booth? Insulate its walls and floor with bubble wrap in winter. By the way, animals also enjoy popping bubbles.

9. To make your tools last longer...

... carefully wrap each copy in “individual packaging.” Good protection against rust and corrosion, and it’s nice to use something “new” every time.

10. Making a pillow for traveling and hiking

Film rolled up in several layers + pillowcase = a comfortable pillow for all occasions.

11. Let's go on a picnic

To keep drinks and snacks cool, wrap them in this healthy bubble wrap. Enjoy your meal in the fresh air!