How to praise a man - examples. How to praise a man: the right words, examples and advice from psychologists How can you praise a guy other than well done

99 ways to say "Very good."

1. You are now on the right track.

2. Great!

3. You did it.

4. Correct!

5. This is good.

7. That's right! (Exactly!)

8. I'm proud of the way you worked today.

9. You do it very well.

10. This is much better.

11. Good job!

12. I am happy to see your work like this.

13. You are doing it much better today.

14. You are doing a good job.

15. You are close to the truth!

16. This is the best thing you ever did.

17. Congratulations!

18. This is what you need!

19. I knew you could do this.

20. This is a good improvement.

21. Now you understand it.

22. Significantly!!

23. Finally!

24. Not bad.

25. You learn quickly.

26. By continuing to work like this, you will achieve better things.

27. It's good for you.

28. I couldn't have done better.

29. A little more time and you will succeed.

30. You made it easy.

31. You really did my job in jest.

32. This the right way to get the job done.

33. Every day you do better.

34. You did this for so long.

35. This is not bad!

37. This is the way!

38. You didn't miss anything!

39. Is this what this method is for?

40. Keep it up!

41. Extraordinary!

42. Great!

43. This is the best!

44. Absolutely!

45. Excellent progress!

46. ​​Now you understand it.

47. Sensational!

48. This is better.

49. Nothing can stop you now.

50. Great!

51. This was the first class work.

52. Wonderful!

53. Even better!

54. Did you just do that?

55. This is better than always.

56. Your brain did a great job.

57. You will truly succeed.

58. This is an outstanding discovery.

59. Fantastic!

60. Terribly great!

61. This is called great work.

62. You did it very well.

63. You probably practiced for a long time.

64. You do it beautifully!

65. How much you have done!

66. That's right!

67. You really improved (something).

68. Excellent!

69. I remember it well!

70. Congratulations.

71. You're right!

72. Keep it up!

73. You did it just in time.

74. You did a lot of work today.

75. This is the way to act!

76. Now you are acquiring skill in this.

77. I like the way you think!

78. I am very proud of you.

79. It’s very nice to teach such smart children.

80. Thank you very much.

81. You outdid yourself today.

82. I have never seen anything better.

83. You realized this very quickly.

84. Your work has brought me a lot of joy.

86. All-right - in English - complete order.

87. Well, well.

88. Powerful breakthrough!

89. I haven’t seen this yet.

90. You are unrecognizable today.

91. This is already a success!

92. This is your victory.

93. Now you feel your capabilities.

94. You are a true master.

95. Heartily happy for you.

96. I can’t express my delight.

97. Grand!

98. Beautiful thought.

99. I believe in you, you will always do no worse than now.

Revealing main secret feminine charm.

We need to convince a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others don’t understand this... Well, they’ll do the rest good shoes and silk linen.

Lilya Brik

Girls who know how to praise men are never deprived of fans. If you want to make a guy fall in love with you, give him a compliment. But before you use the “magic weapon”, take note of a few rules.

    Give compliments sincerely. Praise for what you really like. You don't need to tell the guy that he's in great shape physical fitness if he has obvious problems with overweight. Better look for real advantages for which you can praise him.

    Don't give too abstract, general compliments. Not “How beautiful, strong and smart you are!”, but “What a toned torso you have!” and “You are great with computers!”

    Ask for help. Asking for help is such a veiled compliment. You seem to let the man know that you need him and you won’t be able to cope with the problem without his intervention, and he feels strong and needed. “Please open this jar. I can’t do it myself...”, “Oh, my computer froze for some reason! Maybe you’ll take a look?” (of course, this request should only be made if the guy is computer savvy).

    Don't babysit. A man wants to be an eagle, a lion and a shark, and not a cat, a bunny and a sweetie.

    Avoid ambiguity. Compliments like “You have an unusual figure” or “Today you finally made a funny joke” will push a man away from you.

    Don't overdo it. Don't praise your man too often and for any reason. He may have the idea that you want to achieve something from him.


Now let’s take a closer look at the character traits, skills and appearance features for which a man should be praised.

Ability to drive a car

Men give this skill great importance. Tell him something like, “I only feel safe when you're driving,” and he'll be won over!

Conversation skills

If your friend is a good conversationalist, be sure to tell him about it. For example, “I really like talking to you. You talk so interestingly!”, “You left, and I immediately became bored. There’s no one else to talk to..."

Physical form

Most men pay a lot of attention to their physical fitness. Your friend will be flattered if you admire his biceps or abs.

Sense of humor

Girls love guys with good feeling humor, so guys work hard to be witty. The best compliment to a man with a great sense of humor is your sincere laughter at his jokes.

Ability to protect

You will make the right move if you tell your man that you feel safe under his protection. Surely, the gentleman will want to meet with you again to feel strong and courageous. “With you, I’m not afraid to walk even at night,” “Could you walk me to the apartment? I’m afraid to go into the entrance alone.”

Appearance and clothing

Guys don't often hear compliments about their appearance. Therefore, your friend will be very happy if you compliment his way of dressing or appreciate his new jeans.


The vast majority of men have some hobbies: for example, football, fishing, skydiving. In order for a man to be attracted to you, be sure to take an interest in his hobbies. Let him invite you to a match or take you fishing. During the event, praise your date: “Wow, what a fish! I’ve never seen such a huge pike!”

Finally, a simple way to avoid problems

It happens that now everything is fine in a relationship, and then bang - and something happens: a major conflict, betrayal. And maybe everything will continue to be fine. It is impossible to predict this in advance; no one knows the future.

This is actually not true. All events can be predicted in advance if you know how.

You've probably experienced something where you feel like you've already been in this situation. It's called deja vu. It is quite possible that you were given a sign from a passage of your future in a dream. The Universe warns us about upcoming events - good or bad.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Tatyana Panyushkina. She is the presenter of schools, seminars and trainings on energy information literacy and personal growth. She taught many girls to predict events in their lives in order to turn the situation in their favor and become happier.

If interested, this course is available on Tatiana’s official website. She usually sells it for money, but we asked her to open it for free for our visitors for a while.

They say that the ability to praise yourself is a necessary thing. But it’s not enough to say that you’re smart (which is known to others), beautiful (even if only your husband thinks so), you need to be able to justify it all beautifully and write it so that it’s interesting to read. After all, if you don’t praise yourself, someone else might. And it’s not a fact that he will do it as needed.
@Alexandra Ruda "Capital"

And it turns out that the topic “How to praise yourself, but so that success motivates others, and does not cause envy and a desire to unfollow” is very relevant for many. And in live On Instagram, we discussed this topic today, performed exercises and applied techniques right during the broadcast, and at the end the participants even received a small homework 🙂

So why is it good to praise yourself?

If you don’t yet know how to praise yourself or don’t know what you could write down as your achievements, praise others. When we praise others, we learn to notice and enjoy others' successes. And at such moments we can often discover that we have something to say to ourselves “well done.” Saying “thank you” to others, giving a compliment, thanking, praising is much more healing than doing it to yourself. But maybe it’s still worth a try? After all, as they say, “Until you praise yourself...” :)

Do you know how to praise yourself? Do you have any tricks or exercises of your own on how to praise yourself, how to talk about yourself so that it makes you want to share joy, and not irritation and envy?

“Women love with their ears”... Several beautiful words, spoken sincerely and from the heart, and the girl has already blossomed. Compliments act on women like water on a dried flower. Nice words have a positive effect on men as well. Everyone loves praise. What sweet words suitable for men? What compliments should you use?

What words does a man want to hear? First of all, it is necessary to remember that each of them is individual. A woman should try to understand her man, and only then will she be understood by a man. Any compliment is said for a specific purpose. So how can you praise a man without compromising your own interests?

Difference for women too

To show how significant a person is, a lover or lover compliments each other. Praise is very important for the man you love. He sees support in compliments; praise instills in him additional energy, which will help him move mountains for the sake of his beloved. The sincere care that comes through in a compliment from a beloved woman expresses the very words that every man longs to hear: he is a hero. Perhaps he is only guessing about this, and praise from his beloved will only strengthen his confidence in this. Therefore, a man must be praised so that he feels his strength. He must be sure that his beloved has chosen him alone and found her hero in him.

Emotional connection

How to praise a man, what words to say in order to create the dream that came in a girl’s dreams? The main purpose of praise is to create and maintain an emotional connection in a relationship. Many argue that love, passion and other romance are not important, mutual respect and trust are enough. This is a misconception, since it is through romance that an emotional connection is strengthened.

In a relationship, it is very important to build the foundation on which the house will be built. A home you want to return to again and again. The emotional connection is this foundation on which he will stand. Every person needs a place where they want to return and hide from the “bad weather” of the world around them, where negativity recedes. And all the troubles seem insignificant.

This atmosphere is created for each other, and no one from the outside can do it. If such a situation is absent, then a break in relations is inevitable.

Words are important!

How to praise a man correctly so that compliments have an impact on him? A man's actions can be programmed if he speaks the right words. It seems that what can be achieved with ordinary words? Anything! How to praise a man in correspondence, in bed, at work and anywhere, so that he has the desire to do anything for his soulmate.

Wonderful and even brilliant - this must be instilled in a man. Others simply don't understand this. You can allow him to do what he is prohibited from doing at home. This is how it is created ideal man. A man's mind will be filled with what a woman will fill it with. If you tell him how handsome he is, the man will take care of his beauty.

That is, it is necessary to give the right compliments. Therefore, it is important to know how to praise a man. We need to talk only about those qualities that are unique to a particular man. It is important to choose the right words to add confidence to him, and after the words you said, he began to want to move mountains.

The main thing in a compliment is to choose Right words that will bring the desired result. Most women use methods that have been tried for a long time and have already proven their effectiveness. But for some reason they have the opposite result.

For example, a woman needs to take a man out for a “heart-to-heart talk.” In such a situation, you need to remember that men solve their problems on their own and it is not customary for them to talk about it. Therefore, encouraging him to “speak out” will not work; you can only achieve the opposite.

Speak directly!

How to praise a man so that he understands that a woman is happy with him, how grateful she is that he is nearby? Guys don't take hints, so it's better for them to say some things directly. So why not put these words in the form of a compliment? You can talk about the happiness you feel next to him, how much you appreciate what he does for you. There are some phrases that will help develop the qualities that a woman values ​​so much. young man- courage, strength.

How to praise a man? Examples

Let's look at a few samples that contain hidden compliments for men:

  1. Is yours appearance It turns me on so much that a little more and I’ll go crazy.
  2. With you, it’s like I’m in a vacuum, I lose track of time so much.
  3. You can’t get out of my head, even when you’re nearby.
  4. When you smile, I want to become better and more beautiful just for you.
  5. Let's go for a walk, let everyone see how beautiful it is the man is walking next to me.
  6. My vitality is restored when I am next to you.
  7. I want to hug you forever, so that no elements can separate us.
  8. It's so hard to focus on anything else when you're around.
  9. You are like a wonderful drink that you want to drink and drink, and this thirst for you will never be quenched.
  10. Touching you, your world, led to the fact that I want to be a part of you always.
  11. One look from you, and I feel like the most loved and desired on this planet.
  12. Your warm breath envelops me when you speak.
  13. You are priceless, there is only one such person in the world. And I wouldn’t trade you for what treasures in the world.
  14. I am drawn to you like a magnet when you speak. I'm ready to hang on your every word. I'm in love with your voice.
  15. You cook wonderfully, I admire your ability to make a real masterpiece out of nothing.
  16. Hug me more often, only with you I feel protected. And even the most beautiful place on earth cannot compare with your embrace.

A man is created by his beloved woman

How to praise a man, and why is it necessary? To create the partner of your dreams, you need certain tools. The artist uses paints and a brush to create another masterpiece. In the hands of a woman, compliments are such a weapon. A man must understand that he himself wants to be the best for his lady, he himself has come to this. You can remind him of the feeling of security that appears when he is nearby. And he will want to be around more often. It is necessary to point out to the man that he is very smart, and his intelligence is much higher than that of his colleagues, for example.

How to praise a man without him recognizing manipulation? Words must be spoken sincerely: they should not be perceived as flattery. Therefore, when complimenting a man, you need to believe in your own words. In addition, there must be a sense of proportion. There can be a lot of praise, and then the confidence acquired by a man and inspiring him to achieve feats will develop into a sense of his own superiority, that is, he is simply arrogant.

Men need to be praised so that they have the strength for exploits, accomplishments and simply for support. It often happens that a guy also needs to speak out, but he doesn’t know how to do it. And he doesn’t need advice or encouragement in this situation, he just needs to listen to him and agree. And if this is reinforced with praise, then he will have a desire to move mountains.

A little conclusion

A man wants to return to the woman he needs to protect. We need to let him be in charge. Sometimes we just need to push them in the right direction.