A story about lonely strangers from life. Tag: Stories about loneliness. Why does God need a miserable wreck?

We have published a book of incredible beauty and with deep meaning - “Starry, Starry Night”. This book touches the heart of everyone who picks it up at least once - and takes away a part of it. Forever. The poignant illustrations of Taiwanese artist Jimmy Liao immerse you in the story entirely and without reserve - it is a whole world. Magic. Clear to everyone.

The story is so touching that the editor cried while reading it the first few times, then the marketer cried, and then the copywriter cried twice (I admit, that’s me). The book does not leave you indifferent.

A story of first love and loneliness

A girl who used to live with her grandparents in the mountains - where the stars are big and bright - moves to the city, to her parents' apartment. “Now I miss my grandfather. He stayed high, high in the mountains. And according to my grandmother, she is high, high in the sky.”

The city seems to her a cold and soulless place, mom and dad constantly quarrel, and classmates don’t allow her to go to school. So she just hides in her own world. Together with the kitten that her mother brought her from a trip abroad, sometimes he turns into a thunderous cat.

But everything changes when he moves into the next house new boy... “Thick snow was falling, and he lay so happy and carefree, as if he had fallen from another planet.”

And then in this story, what happened was what should have happened to the teenagers, each of whom was lonely and different from the others. It's so hard to see the stars in the city! The plan appeared by itself: “Let’s run away!”

Moreover, I no longer have the strength to listen to my parents’ quarrels. And outside the city there is such a beautiful sky.

Most main question

When you throw your head back to the starry sky, the world seems huge.

While I was preparing this post, I almost cried for the third time. Never before have a children's book touched me so much. Maybe because she’s not exactly childish? Or because the little heroes have had too many difficult events. Or is it all about Jimmy Liao's magical illustrations - I may be a copywriter, but I don't have the words to describe them. You just need to watch. The words from “ The Little Prince": "Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.” Yes, exactly... Each page of this book needs to be considered in a special way - with the heart.

I won’t say how this story ends. Let me just say that the book has a surprise. And when you understand what it is, it just gives you goosebumps.

Simple yet richly layered, this story will appeal to both children and adults. And will be remembered for a long time. Definitely.

Sometimes we crave loneliness, but we just can’t manage to be left alone with our thoughts and feelings, and sometimes we need someone to be nearby, but he’s not there...

Loneliness is considered a kind of awareness of oneself as a useless, abandoned person. But for what reasons does a person who lives in the company of other people consider himself lonely and abandoned? And is this so? Let's try to figure it out using short quotes about the loneliness of great people.

Beautiful women rarely alone, but often lonely.
Henryk Jagodzinski

Dreamers are lonely.
Erma Bombeck

Loneliness is the reverse side of freedom.
Sergei Lukyanenko

Loneliness, how overpopulated you are!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

How better means messages, the further the person is from the person.
Yalu Kurek

A wise man is least lonely when he is alone.
Jonathan Swift

Solitude is a luxury of the rich.
Albert Camus

You are not alone in your loneliness.
Ashley Brilliant

We make ourselves lonely.
Maurice Blanchot

Eagles fly alone, rams graze in herds.
Philip Sidney

Every person has a piece of loneliness that can never be filled by loved ones, earthly entertainment, pleasures or pleasures. This has been the case since biblical times, namely from the moment when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, loneliness settled in the hearts of people. Maybe loneliness is that eternal longing for the times of being in paradise, or maybe not. Probably everyone should answer this question for themselves. Well, quotes about loneliness will help with this.

Wise Quotes About Loneliness

We are often lonelier among people than in the quiet of our rooms.
Henry David Thoreau

Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil.
Robert Burton

Loneliness is a well-known refrain in life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much. A person is always lonely or never!
Erich Maria Remarque

The cruelest loneliness is the loneliness of the heart.
Pierre Buast

A person feels lonely when he is surrounded by cowards.
Albert Camus

Loneliness is sometimes the best company.
John Milton

A pensive soul tends towards loneliness.
Omar Khayyam

The worst loneliness is not having true friends.
Robert Burton

It's better to be alone than in bad company.
John Ray

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel lonely in one way or another.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

As long as humanity has existed, loneliness has existed for as long. Most of humanity is afraid of it and cannot understand why it comes sooner or later. But, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. So let's try to understand this topic with the help of sayings and quotes from great people.

About loneliness with meaning

Solitude is a beautiful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a wonderful thing.
Honore de Balzac

Being alone often makes you feel less lonely.
Johann Gottfried Herder

God is with us, so we are not alone.
Konstantin Kushner

I have never met a partner as sociable as loneliness.
Henry David Thoreau

Most strong people and the most lonely.
Henrik Ibsen

Loneliness is really a lousy thing for all its enormous advantages.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

I've always been my own best company.
Charles Bukowski

Loneliness only increases the feeling of uselessness.
Ken Kesey

You should not confuse loneliness and solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, mental concept, while solitude is physical. The first dulls, the second calms.
Carlos Castaneda

The first thing loneliness prompts you to do is to deal with yourself and your past.
August Strindberg

Many people find positive aspects in solitude. Indeed, loneliness can be seen as an opportunity to be alone with yourself, understand your own soul and listen to your inner voice. Many psychologists believe that the time we spend alone is the most fruitful. If a person were always busy communicating with others, many wonderful thoughts and ideas would never come to his mind. And, besides, as one quote says, you can live alone if you are waiting for someone.

Sad sayings about loneliness

Don't wait for someone else to make the first move. What do you have to lose but your loneliness?
John Kehoe

How nice it is to lie motionless on the sofa and realize that you are alone in the room! True happiness is impossible without loneliness.
Anton Chekhov

It's so good to be alone. But it’s so good when there is someone to whom you can tell how good it is to be alone.
Ernest Hemingway

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.
Bernard Show

It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone.
Marilyn Monroe

I don't like loneliness. I just don’t make unnecessary acquaintances so as not to be disappointed in people again.
Haruki Murakami

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings.
Faina Ranevskaya

When you are lonely, it does not mean that you are weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Will Smith

It's scary to become unnecessary, not to be lonely.
Tatiana Solovova

A fool seeks how to overcome loneliness, a wise man finds how to enjoy it.
Mikhail Mamchich

But smart quotes about loneliness with meaning are one thing, but the real state when, even being among other people, you feel lonely is completely different. Too much loneliness has a bad effect on life expectancy. By degree negative impact For life expectancy, loneliness is equivalent to smoking and alcohol. And sometimes only a good psychoanalyst can help. Well

Hello. I found this site a long time ago and now I remembered about it, probably because I have no one else to tell what’s on my soul, so I’m not really looking forward to any advice, I just want to speak out, although for the advice of those who can Maybe I experienced the same condition, I would be very grateful. That year I graduated from school, there was no question about choosing an institute - I was always drawn to medicine. While submitting documents, I thought about how my life would change. Most of all I dreamed of meeting new friends and young man, even just a friend. I myself am a rather shy, serious person, but in the circle of loved ones I open up, I become who I am. Perhaps that’s why I have very few friends, and have never had a boyfriend. Why, no one even held my hand, let alone felt any feelings. Now the first course is nearing the end, and I understand that everything remains in its place. The guys in my group are good, since the beginning of the year I have become friends with a classmate, but now I realize that I am starting to lose her, they are forming their own friendly company and no matter how much I want to get there, I can’t, again, because of my inability to open up. It feels like you can only talk to me about studying, I’m starting to understand this. It's a shame that besides her I have no other hobbies and activities, she really takes up a lot of time, yes honey. This is what a university is like. Close girlfriend Since school, she has already managed to work, and enroll in a driving school, and she has a young man with whom they are planning to buy an apartment, but for me, everything has remained in its place. Another friend also now has a lot of new acquaintances and friends, and I already understand that something is wrong with me. Because of this, I feel somehow flawed, I withdraw into myself even more, I withdraw into myself even more. There is one acquaintance who is plump, maybe not beautiful, but she knows how to present herself in such a way that she has a guy and has a lot of friends. I always envy such girls with charisma. I don’t consider myself beautiful, although I’m not deprived of looks, and there were compliments from guys/men even just on the street, but when it comes to communication, I’m immediately withdrawn and shy, even to the point that I’m afraid to look a person in the eyes. Of course, this puts them off, but I can’t help it. Probably the only way out is to find a patient guy who would wait until I get through this time barrier, trust and open up to him. But where can you find something like this? And how much longer will we have to wait? Because of all these experiences, I started eating a lot, gained weight, got angry and hated myself. If I lose my appearance, then I will have nothing at all. It’s sad and insulting that I’m only 18 years old, but I’m sitting at home, studying and eating. There is no one to go out with, everyone has their own life, their own interests. But I have nothing, apparently, loneliness is my only companion in life.

Family problems are inherited

Natalya, family coach, 44 years old:

- Loneliness? I don’t believe that this is God’s providence. God wants everyone to be happy. For me, family is a deep value. But the picture of the world that was formed in my childhood did not make it possible to start a family. I was married twice: once in an official marriage, the other in a civil marriage. And the mistakes that my parents made in their relationship, unfortunately, I also made. It destroyed my first marriage.

Since childhood, I remember that my parents often argued, and it was not customary in the family to express their feelings and emotions. Any manifestations of disagreement or resentment were suppressed. So I, too, already married, could become withdrawn and not clarify in time what was bothering me. The situation became tense, reached the limit and resentment grew into aggression. The marriage could not be saved.

In my second, civil marriage, I took into account many mistakes and tried to discuss our problems with my husband. Therefore, the relationship was initially more mature than in the first marriage. But they were undermined by the fact that the husband was somehow not eager to work. And I, as a “faithful wife,” for a long time was the only breadwinner in the family. It turned out that by helping him and doing what he wanted, I deserved his love.

But help and support are not the same thing. Support implies acceptance and trust, while help implies mistrust. It was precisely this mistrust and desire to solve all his problems that I showed.

When I began, after two unsuccessful marriages, to understand my family history, I somehow remembered that my grandmother always told me as a child: “Whatever, no matter how crooked or askew, just as long as I get married.” In general, it was with this underlying feeling that I got married for the first time.

This was the attitude of the post-war generation that survived so much. When so few men survived, any marriage was a success for a woman. Both of my grandmothers' marriages were built on this principle. “If it weren’t for the war, would we really go for them?”

Several years ago, I made a conscious decision to be alone. I needed to figure myself out. And this has already been achieved. I gained strength.

Internally, I am convinced that I will have a family and I will be happy in marriage.
It is important that from the very beginning my chosen one and I understand that we are doing everything to ensure that our relationship is sincere and deep.

Why does God need a miserable wreck?

Elena, 49 years old, teacher:

- Loneliness? No, I can't accept it! My marriage ended four years ago. This was a complete surprise for me. We lived together for seven years absolutely happily. It seemed so to me. We walked holding hands. To the store, for a walk with the dog, to see friends. Always together. And now I can't even go to those stores. They remind me of him.

I'm broken. My strength is leaving me. It was as if I had been killed, trampled into the ground.
I drank, beat my head, and thought about suicide.

I am constantly sick. My immunity has dropped. I'm afraid of losing my ability to work.

At first I thought that several diseases just fell on me at once: pneumonia, anemia, pancreatitis. But the doctor recognized clinical depression in time and gave me a referral to the Neurosis Clinic. There I received treatment. But the effect of the drugs has long worn off, and I can’t get to the doctor. I have no strength for anything. I only do what I can’t help but do... I can’t help but go to work - and so I go. You can’t help but walk the dog – and I take a walk. There is no strength for the rest.

Have I tried to meet another man? I tried it. I registered on the Orthodox dating site “Svetelka”. 30 people responded. But no one aroused in me the feelings that I felt for my husband. Although... There was one worthy person. But this time he did not want to continue communication. He was very religious. And I am Orthodox, but not a fan. And as a housewife, I’m not perfect. Scientist, what can you say? I'm not a very good cook. I don't have perfect comfort. Do you know how this happens with scientists? Everything is littered with books, records...

Why did we break up? I still do not understand. Of course we argued. And the windows were broken. But there are no married couples without quarrels. But you can still solve it!

I asked him once after the divorce: “Why did you tell me every day that you love me?” To which he replied: “I didn’t understand my feelings.” This looks like the truth.

Divine Providence? But I don’t understand what God wants. Why would he see such a ruin? Teach compassion? I could do this before. My husband and I always tried to help those who were in misfortune. They did what they could. Let it be a little. I remember how my grandmother, who had lost her memory, was brought home. We worked in orphanages. And now I have no strength for anything. I smoke and cry. I would like to do good deeds, but I can’t.

Someone has already relied on those you can rely on!

V.G.,defectologist, 41 years old:

- I'm single. Why? It's not entirely up to me...

Yes, I see the advantages of being married and consider it a natural state for a woman. But now I’m not ready to make special efforts to get married. I don't feel unhappy. But if my marriage works out, I will be glad!

My friends worry about me more than I do. Let’s say, one of my friends suffers a lot because I’m not married, she’s still trying to somehow arrange my marriage. personal life. What for? Maybe, so that she wouldn’t be offended, she came out recently... (laughs)

In childhood? No, I didn't think about my family life. I didn't have any clear plans at all. I lived rather self-centeredly and paid little attention to the world around me. Rather, I was thinking about my professional fulfillment. I wanted to become a surgeon, a climber, or a policeman. Actually, my idea of ​​self-realization was formed quite late. I'm slowing down in life. Maybe that’s why I didn’t get married...

But when I finally decided, I realized that, firstly, I want to communicate with people (as a child, communication was very difficult for me), and secondly, I want to be useful. I tried different specialties until I finally found my place.

I have been working with special needs children for about ten years now. I am interested in the process of work, the children themselves are interesting, and it is interesting to study myself through them. After all, opening each new child, you need to open yourself. There is no other way. It doesn't work any other way. Here you need to invest yourself emotionally, such work requires a lot of effort - but this is good! The love that could be realized in a family is not wasted.

No, I don’t have maternal feelings for the children I work with. One of my tasks is to improve relationships within the family; I should not replace parents. I want to make sure that parents themselves can successfully interact with their child. Although it is often not easy. I have the same close, warm relationships with my godchildren, with the children of friends and relatives. I generally love children.

I’m now thinking about adopting a child, but I doubt whether I can do it alone... Financially, physically.

I can’t have a special child while I’m not married. I’m afraid that I won’t have enough strength, and the question always remains: what will happen to him later, in 20 years? Who will take care of him when I can no longer? Back to boarding school?

Of course, I would like to lean on someone. Sometimes you really want to... But apparently there is not enough motivation. Well, for example, online dating. I imagine that after work I need to go somewhere, meet someone... And I think: no, I’d rather read a book.

With age, of course, you get used to loneliness. And the demands on your spouse increase. Maybe they are too high for me. But if I take a closer look at a man, I immediately imagine him as the father of my children, a support for myself and my family. I wonder if I can rely on him... And almost always it turns out that someone has already relied on those who can be relied on! (laughs)

I think God gives me what is more useful for me now. I have friends, I have my job. I feel in the right place. I understand what I am doing and why. We'll see what happens next.

I didn’t get married not because of lack, but because of excess.

Ella Sovitova, child psychologist-practitioner, full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League, candidate pedagogical sciences, 39 years

— I have never had problems with communication. And there were always many fans who proposed marriage. But I have never once experienced the feeling of purity and clarity of the moment: it is with this person that I need to build a family - a small Church.

Was it my decision to refuse? Yes, definitely. Here a person gives you a ring, offers you his hand and heart - and you need to make a decision. But the moment of truth never came - and I refused.

I was very lucky: I never experienced any social or family pressure about this. Although my parents have an exemplary marriage: 62 years of marriage, three children, no betrayal. And yet they never put pressure on me. “If you want to paint pictures, write. If you want to write poetry, write.” They never forced me into family life, never reproached me for its absence. They just want me to be happy. And I am happy!

I communicate easily and joyfully with people, including family members. They invite me without fear, they let me into their world. Never have other women assessed me by the everyday yardstick of “married - not married”, “with children - without children”.

I can't say that family life I don’t understand it and it’s not close to me. Clear and close! But apparently God has other plans for me! Once upon a time, when I was 20 years old, Father Vasily Ermakov told me: “Why are you bothering with these boys! Those who you could marry are all already old or married. Serve in another field for now.” And I became a child psychologist.

When I was 25-26 years old, I had 30 babies abandoned by HIV-infected mothers. I led them all as a psychologist. I distributed them all to families. They are all my children. I have a rare specialization. I work in infant psychology. I see how their feelings, emotions, their souls develop. I look after many of them and advise them from birth to adulthood. I have 200 children in my care. I wouldn't have given birth to so many!

And just as the wisdom of an infant is obvious to me, so the need for marriage at some point would be obvious.

If you want to get married, you can get married at any age. I don't have any sadness or melancholy about this. I'll get married - good. If I don’t go out, that’s also good.

I didn’t get married not because of a lack, but because of an excess (smiles). I am a happy man.

I don't need to follow the ancestral program to become whole. I already have it in me - integrity. It's just there and that's all.

I have two older sisters. And everything is “as expected” for them. They have already completed our birth program for me. For which a huge “thank you” to them! But I just have a different fate.

Perhaps everyday life would crush me, it would turn out to be an unbearable burden, who knows... But I have an excellent opportunity to be myself, to do what God intended me to do, and not what is “accepted.”

They usually say that there are two paths for a woman: family and monastic. But I would say more broadly: family or ministry. I chose ministry, but not monasticism (I also considered it and also did not hear the Calling in myself). And without a Calling, without the voice of God, there can be neither one nor the other inside you. God provides different ways to serve. He sent me his way.

But this is extremely important: to find your ministry. Otherwise, if a woman has not found herself either here or there, she is a “lost”, she is spurred on by lawlessness and licentiousness.

It’s interesting that I haven’t lost friendly relations with any of my fans. We don't have any left in our relationship. dark colors. But, apparently, I was in their life for a different reason. For example, once a German man courted me. And at that moment in my life I was going through a period of active churching; I was teaching at a seminary. And, apparently, this ardor was transferred to him. He was baptized (converted to Orthodoxy), went to Georgia and there, on his German scholarship, supported an entire Georgian monastery during those hungry years. Perhaps we crossed paths with him precisely for this purpose...

I am from the generation that grew up in the 90s, on the rocks, when the world collapsed. In the chaos in which the usual foundations were scattered, the opportunity arose not to act “according to an established pattern,” but to think, search, and choose. The church began to be revived, and for many, many people, relationships with God, with reality, with themselves became more important than ancestral programs.

Time ordered other programs, gave rise to other questions: “Who am I? What am I? How am I connected to God? What is my relationship with the world? I don’t have statistics, this is just my hypothesis, but it seems to me that there are quite a lot of such unmarried women aged 37-40.

And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, perhaps this generation will become a laboratory for marriage of a new format. After all, the old forms no longer work. You can’t fit into them, just like you can’t fit into old clothes. Need to carry out laboratory work, to return to Domostroi and at the same time adapt it to the 21st century.

And the main question of a new marriage: “For what reason are we together? What are we doing here together?

Night. Cold. Feeling lonely. The girl sat and cried, no one needed and forgotten by everyone, watching how the soft light of the lanterns beautifully illuminated the first snow that had just begun, and how a couple in love kissed. She realized long ago that her life was meaningless, she had done nothing good to anyone, only one lie, evil and pain brought to people. She decided everything for herself. The world will be better without her. She herself is to blame for all her problems. The girl opened the window, icy air rushed into the room, blowing her long hair, she closed her eyes and fell.

The girl opened her eyes, feeling nothing - neither pain nor cold. There were people standing around, an ambulance and police nearby. She saw her mother run up and, bending over her, began to sob. The girl didn’t understand why her mother was crying, because she was alive! She began to calm her mother down, but she did not pay any attention to her. Standing up and walking away a little, the girl realized she was dead. There lay only a lifeless body, slowly staining the snow-white snow scarlet with blood.
The girl’s soul did not know what to do now, where to go. She was hysterical, regretting what she had done. She felt terribly sorry for her mother, who loved her more than life itself. Now the girl did not think that he had done correct solution, and she went in an unknown direction.
The girl reached the park. There were happy people who were happy with life and appreciated every moment of it, not like her. The girl reached the bench and sat down, a young guy was sitting next to her. She knew he couldn't see her. But he suddenly turned to her and smiled! Then he quickly got up and left.

5 years later. But this girl could not find peace for herself. Every evening she came to the bench where on the first night she saw the same restless soul as herself, and every evening this guy came to her, simply smiling and disappearing. But that evening he did not come, he did not come for the first time. The girl’s grief knew no bounds; she understood that she fell in love with him. Of course, it was stupid to fall in love with a dead man, with a ghost, but she herself was one. The guy didn't show up again.

Another seven years passed. And the girl was still alone, now she really understood the meaning of the word “loneliness.” And it was no longer possible to escape from this problem through death.

One fine spring morning, when the sun was just rising over the roofs of the houses, the girl saw the same guy from the park. He approached her and silently extended his hand, the girl trusted him and extended her hand in response. A bright light flashed before her eyes, blinding her.

Opening her eyes, the girl was sitting on the windowsill, and outside the window the first snow was falling, the lanterns were burning, and a couple in love was kissing.