Interesting scenarios for celebrating the day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Scenario of the holiday “Gymnasium Day”, dedicated to the Opening Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum material (grade 5) on the topic. Greetings from the Goldfish crew

Holiday-travel “Lyceum Little Boy” dedicated to Lyceum Day

In recreation primary school installed: sound equipment, microphone, chest; Classes for gaming programs have been prepared.

Musical signal. The presenter's text is in the background of music.

Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guys! And today is really a good day. After all, we are here to celebrate an important event- Lyceum Day! Traditionally, we celebrate this day every year. But I want to note that this is an unusual day for us. You will ask why? It was on this day many years ago that the great Russian poet, writer, storyteller was born, who received the title of first lyceum student. And the following lines belong to him:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty.

His name... Maybe you can tell me what his name is? (Children answer.) Absolutely right - this is A.S. Pushkin. Do you know the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich? (Children call fairy tales.) Since today is an unusual day for us and we are talking about fairy tales, then you and I will definitely find ourselves in a fairy tale land, where various miracles await us.

Presenter. Guys! You hear?

Presenter. Someone is crying! And where is this sound coming from? (Looks around, his gaze stops at the chest.) Oh, guys! Yes, this is from the chest! Who is there?

Presenter. How did you get here?

Presenter. How did this happen?

Voice. Vredina-Vredina tricked me into this chest and locked it with pound locks, and hid the keys far, far away. And now I can’t get to your holiday. Help me guys! Ah-ah-ah! (Cries.)

Presenter. Do not Cry. The guys and I will help you (approaches the chest). But it’s true, the locks are big and the lid is heavy! Yes, apparently, you and I have already found ourselves in a fairy tale. So, where do we start? Let's first remember what fairy-tale objects helped the heroes of fairy tales get out of difficult situations? (Children name the objects.) Of course, a magic ball.

A song sounds, Balls come out (high school students with 8 colorful balls).

I. I’ll just cover my eyelashes

In the blue twilight of the moon,

They immediately start dreaming

Amazing dreams.


Magic ball -

My friend forever.

And our path went

For forests and rivers,

Where goblin walk -

Horse and foot

Where it wanders by itself

Stupa with Baba Yaga.

II. Along unknown paths

Let it take you far

But with such a good friend

Everything is simple and easy for me

Presenter. Meet guys, these are your guides - Magic Tangles.

Musical signal.

They will show you the way to the keys. So that you don’t get lost, here are magic cases with which you will go through all the stations, where there are probably traps prepared for you that you must overcome in order to find the keys and free the lyceum student.

But before you set off, I want to warn you that you are given 5 minutes to visit stations, and one minute to move from one station to another. And this transition is carried out by a musical signal. So, be careful! Good luck! Welcome back soon!

Musical signal.

1st station - “Yel”.

There is a spruce tree in the classroom, under which there is a squirrel with nuts, and game cards have been prepared. At a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station. The guys are met by two guards.

1st guard.

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen!

We are always glad to see you!

2nd guard.

Hey honest people

Don't stand there with your mouth open!

A miracle of miracles awaits you!

1st guard. Here is a spruce - under the spruce there is a squirrel.

2nd guard(winking).

Know that this is not a trinket!

1st guard.

The squirrel sings songs

And he keeps nibbling on nuts.

But nuts are not simple:

All shells are numbered.

2nd guard. There is a little secret in them.

1st guard.

Go around the whole world,

But there are no such things anywhere.

2nd guard.

Choose any nut

And then success awaits you.

1st guard. Each nut has its own number, its own secret and riddle that you guys must solve. So please choose your nut.

The participant chooses a nut with a number and is given a card with the same number. And all participants solve the task described in the card.

1st guard. Well done boys! We completed the task! Bon Voyage!

2nd station - “Stargazer”.

A table is drawn on the board, a box of letters and a bag for letters are prepared. At the sound of a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station. They are met by Astrologer and Cockerel.

Cockerel. Kiri-ku-ku!

Reign while lying on your side!

Astrologer. I greet you, my friends! Peace and health to everyone who came to us! It was nothing other than need that brought you here. O bright minds! We will help you, but first you have to try a little.

My assistant is a cockerel

Will provide you with a bag.

You will find letters in it.

The letters are all magical.


Letters need to be taken out

And words starting with this letter

You, friends, need to name it.

And in this table

Enter it carefully.

A participant is called, he takes a letter out of the bag, and all the guys name the words and write them in the table according to their purpose.

Astrologer. O bright minds! You completed the task!

Musical signal. Moving from station to station.

3rd station - “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”.

8 seven-flowered flowers have been prepared. At a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station. The guys are met by the presenter - the girl Zhenya.


Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you!

Do you want to play? Then listen, watch!

There is a miracle flower in the world.

Any petal will save you from boredom.

But before we tear it off,

Let's say the magic words.

And then we tear off the leaf,

Let's start playing.

One of the participants takes a flower. The guys say the words in chorus:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south.

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

Let's do it our way!

The participant tears off a petal and reads it on back side petal the name of the game and then everyone plays together.


You guys are great!

We had a lot of fun!

Musical signal. Moving from station to station.

4th station - "Bogatyrskaya".

The props have been prepared: hoops, jump ropes, tables have been set up.

At a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station. The guys are met by Uncle Chernomor.


Oh, you are beautiful girls and kind fellows.

Why did you come here? Measuring strength?

From time immemorial we have

As the old tale goes,

With its strength in Rus'

The heroes measured themselves!

Who isn't afraid to compete?

Who will dare to measure their strength?

Come out bolder!

Well, buddy, don't be shy!

Sports competitions are held. Musical signal. Move from a station to the next station.

5th station - "Balda".

At a musical signal, the guys enter the classroom station, the guys are met by two little devils and Balda.

Balda. We welcome guests as good news!

1st damn What will you show, what will you tell?

2nd damn. What will you please us with?


Well, dear guests, please us

With your skill and ingenuity.

Here's your first riddle:

I'll start, you finish.

Answer in unison.

For 1st grade:

Guess what it's called

What money is being sold.

It's not a wonderful gift

But simply... (product).

To consume food,

Show off in new dresses,

To eat and drink deliciously,

We need all this... (buy).

1st damn Let's play "Field of Miracles", guess what kind of word is hidden here: this is what a person needs to live.


b) They are of different colors, life in our society without them is unthinkable.


b) What is the exchange of goods for goods called?

c) Define this concept:



Balda. Our area is industrial. The air there is heavily polluted. Write what needs to be done to make the air cleaner?

Musical signal. Move to the next station.

6th station - "Lukomorye".

Tables are arranged, flowers are scattered around the classroom.

At the sound of a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station, where Baba Yaga meets them.

Baba Yaga.

There is a green oak near Lukomorye.

Golden chain on oak volume.

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything is walking... or wandering...

Oh, my head, little head. Ugh, I forgot everything! How can I remember if there is such a mess in my clearing of fairy tales?

Oh, killer whales, help me out! What a disaster! A hurricane passed through my clearing and mixed up all the fabulous flowers. And now I can’t determine which flower grew with which. If I don’t match flower to flower, then there will be a big mess in fairy tales. Can you help? (Children answer.) Here's a hint for you. On the back of the flower are written phrases from fairy tales. After reading them, you will immediately understand everything, and tables with a symbolic toy will tell you where which fairy tale grew.

Children collect flowers according to fairy tales.

Baba Yaga. Now let's check if you collected the flowers correctly? Well done! Well, my dears, we helped the old woman out!

Musical signal. Moving from station to station.

7th station - “Dudochka-samogudochka”.

At the sound of a musical signal, the guys enter the station. The station owner meets the guys. They hand out musical instruments to the children.

1st mistress. We decided to relieve boredom today.

2nd mistress. We invite you to have fun and play.

3rd mistress. Let the merry round dance begin.

4th mistress. Let the honest people amuse themselves.

With a song and musical accompaniment, the housewives and the children dance in a circle. Musical signal. Moving from station to station.

8th station - "Gornitsa".

Tables have been set up and props have been prepared:

a) tablecloth, cards, tableware for table setting;

b) paper, scissors, glue, fabric, 3 forges.

At a musical signal, the children enter the classroom station. The guys are met by 3 hostesses. The class is divided into 3 groups.

1st mistress. You are welcome, dear guests!

2nd mistress. Come in, don't be shy!

3rd mistress. Take your seats at the tables.

1st mistress. Of course, no celebration is complete without a feast. And our holiday is no exception. Therefore, I now suggest that you turn our tablecloth into a self-assembled tablecloth, that is, I offer you a minimum set of cutlery and a card with the name of the dishes with which you need to set the table in five minutes and explain what these dishes mean.

The guys are setting the table.

2nd mistress.

Only dexterous and skillful,

Who is strong in invention,

Sewing mastery

And it will set the tone for your work!

I invite you to become fashion designers for a few minutes. From the materials at hand that are on this table, you must sew and glue together an outfit for the dolls.

The guys make outfits for the dolls.

3rd mistress. Since ancient times, Rus' has been famous for its craftsmen. So, in 5 minutes you must show that there are still craftsmen and masters of their craft in Rus'.

Come on, dear guests!

Show me your handicrafts

Show off your skills.

Musical signal. The guys return to the recreation area, where they are met by the presenter.

Presenter. So, the entire route has been completed, all obstacles have been overcome. And now comes the crucial moment. This is getting the keys, and for this I invite all the fairy-tale characters you met at the stations.

Musical signal. Characters exit.

Well, dear ones, I think that you should give the guys the keys they deserve.

Each of the characters comes out, says words of praise to some class and hands the key to Tangle. After each presentation there is a musical signal.

Presenter. Keys received. Now we need to help out the Little Lyceum. Come on, Balls, let's open the locks with these keys and let the Little Lyceum out.

Balls come up to the chest, hang the keys on the locks, open the lid of the chest, and the Little Lyceum gnome comes out.

Lyceum boy. Thank you guys! You are real friends, which means you are real lyceum students. Happy holiday to you! Happy Lyceum Day!

Music is playing. The Lyceum Gnome sings.

Presenter. All's well that ends well. We overcame all obstacles, freed the Lyceum Boy and proved that we can rightfully bear the title of Lyceum Student, like the great Russian poet, writer, storyteller A.S. Pushkin.

Scenario for the holiday of lyceum students “Lyceum Day”.

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -

Unwavering, free and carefree

A. S. Pushkin

Teacher : Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have a holiday that is celebrated by lyceum students throughout our vast Motherland - Lyceum Day.

Where do the origins of this holiday come from? What does the word "lyceum" mean?

We will talk about this today. And you will also show off your eloquence by declaring your love for the Lyceum in the competition “Lyceum, you are in my heart!” Introduce the lyceum brand by combining in a drawing the most important things that are inherent in our lyceum life.

1 Presenter:

Everyone would live like in those days -

Everyone would live easily and boldly,

Don't calculate the limit

For fearlessness and love,

And, like the lyceum students,

Gather by the fire

In October, purplish-leaved

Nineteenth day

Presenter 1: Today we have Holiday - Day Lyceum!

What does the word "lyceum" mean? "Lyceum" is a type of secondary or higher educational institution. The name comes from a philosophical school. Once upon a time, on the outskirts of Athens, near the temple of Apollo Lyceum, there was a school founded by the great philosopher of the past, Aristotle. It was called the Lyceum or Lyceum. October 19, 1811 educational institution under the same name it opened in Tsarskoe Selo, near St. Petersburg. And, probably, its creators hoped that the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum would in some way become the successor to the famous school of antiquity.
Presenter 2 . One of the main tasks of lyceum education was to develop mental capacity pupils, teach them to think independently. Its first-born sons brought real glory to the Lyceum. This issue went down in history.

Film about lyceum students

Fifth graders.

Can we have our say?We will not go into the history of the creation of this word, but will explain it from a phonetic point of view. What does it mean"L"?

1 . I believe that L - this is Love! Love for life, for knowledge, for science!

2: I am convinced: And - Intelligence!

3. I think C is purposefulness in life!

4.E – also respect for elders, father, mother, teachers!

5 I is an interest in everything new, intelligence.

6. I know for sure, C – the desire to be first, to be diligent.

7 . I'm sure T is talent!

Presenter 1.

Guys! I think you will agree with what your fifth-grader friends said and will be worthy of this word. What distinguishes our lyceum, almost 200 years after the creation of the first Russian lyceum? Here are the answers the lyceum students gave during the survey.
Video interview:

Lessons for 30 minutes on holidays

Program and quality of training

The prestige of the lyceum, its reputation

The lessons are interesting, challenging, but the kids are smart


The lyceum is more beautiful than others, it has a good environment

Classes in one shift

The Lyceum hosts many events and Olympiads

Many victories

Lots of traditions

There is a museum in the lyceum


The food here is delicious

Wonderful teaching staff

Heroes of the Soviet Union studied at our lyceum.

When asked what the students achieved within the walls of the lyceum, we received a variety of answers:

took first place in the Olympics

achieved a culture of speech

became more persistent

gained respect

found friends

Favorite school day

Friday and Saturday, because after them comes Sunday - a day off. We also remembered New Year, Lyceum Day, September 1st, holidays and various events.

Least favorite day at school

Monday, because, as you know, Monday is a hard day, and oddly enough, many celebrated Thursday.
My least favorite day is when I have a test.

Favorite place in the Lyceum

your office,

buffet and dining room. computer science room

Labor office,

Assembly Hall,

gym, corridor,

Library, museum,

porch, last desk

Teacher: The current lyceum tradition was founded in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which is why the Lyceum Day is celebrated on October 19, the day the Pushkin Lyceum was founded.
Today, on the day of Russian lyceums and gymnasiums, I would like to remember that the created Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum determined civic aspirations as its goal. It is impossible not to note the atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie that was inherent in the Pushkin Lyceum... The working day of the lyceum students of the past was very busy (lessons, clubs, preparing homework, music lessons, drawing and much more), and they also knew how to appreciate their human dignity , respect other people. On our holiday, the day of the lyceum, we realize that we are not in everything like the lyceum students of the past, but we, like them, have a desire to be useful to our homeland, Russia, to serve its people faithfully. And by and large - to correspond to the high title of Citizen of Russia! Because the lyceum will remain in the hearts of each of you. Express in your speech the feelings that you have for our Lyceum No. 9 in Salsk. "Lyceum!" You're in my heart!" Eloquence competition homework. Each person is given no more than one and a half minutes to speak. The jury evaluates the content of the speech and oratory.

The jury sums up the results.

During the summing up, a song is played (to the tune of the song `Nadezhda`)

1.Why did everything freeze around?
Do you hear how quickly the speeches fell silent?
This is the temple of eternal sciences
We dedicate this evening.
The world is beautiful if we are together
We listen, decide and read,
Even if we cram until the morning,
And then we will not be at all discouraged.
Our lyceum! You live forever
And you always win hearts,
And again and again you lead,
You open the way to science for us.

2. Nowadays you won’t find schools in the area:
There is a lyceum, and there are already two lyceums!
Young people study and strive
To know everything and forget everything quickly.
Our lyceum is special, we have
The guys are learning what they need to learn!
You enter, as if into a temple, into any of our classrooms -
It is pleasing to the eye and a joy to the soul.
Our lyceum, bloom, prosper!
Well, we will get you glory!
You don’t know either grief or troubles
On a solemn day and on weekdays

Presenter 2: The director of the lyceum has the floor to congratulate and announce the results of the 1st competition.

Director : (Congratulations on the holiday)

I wish your friendship to grow stronger year by year,
And so that you remain faithful to her.
For the commonality of thoughts of the young lyceum people
Pushkin called them a family of friends.

In science the path is not simple and even difficult.
Go ahead, friends! May it inspire you
What are the best people in Russia?
Once upon a time we began to live like you do now!

Teacher: The second competition is the presentation of the Lyceum brand. This is, of course, a continuous and complex process that requires the intellectual investment of all participants in the educational process. In order to represent the brand and protect it, it is necessary to understand the modern requirements for education and deeply analyze the previous activities of the school.

Why does the lyceum need a brand? To gain your worthy place in the eyes of the public, to earn a positive reputation, to be competitive.

A strong lyceum brand should have the following characteristics and indicators:

innovats ion activity school (updating the goal and mission, educational content, choice effective technologies and changing teaching and educational methods);

Effective organization of the educational process (self-government, cooperation of teachers, students and their parents in achieving the goals and objectives of training, education and development);

joint planning and organization of activities of teacher and student as equal partners;

high level of motivation of participants in the pedagogical process;

the right to choose the content, profile, forms and methods of education for students),efficiency of the educational process (comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (the degree of education and training of students, their erudition and deep knowledge of any field of science,

Attitude to study, work, nature, social norms and law, attitude towards oneself). So, let's begin introducing the brand and protecting it.

(During the summing up, a song about the lyceum sounds)

Presenter 1: The deputy director for educational affairs has the floor to sum up the results of the competition.

A group of students comes out:

1 . Souls are open to beauty,
Minds are open to knowledge,
So that the truths become beaten,
You have to get through to them first.
2. Biology with physics nearby,
And a linguist is a brother to a musician.
We win at the Olympics,
At least studying is not for the sake of awards.
3.In the world of dance, poetry, song
A whirlwind of wonderful years,
We don’t choose Pepsi at all,
We choose intelligence for life.

4.The doors of the higher school will open,
No matter how many of these doors there are,
The lyceum teaches fully,
And it can make the guys smarter.
5.And, leaving my home overnight,
The graduate will not go astray
Lyceum student high name
It will be carried through life with honor.

Presenter: Word to the head teachers.

1.We congratulate you on today's holiday! We wish you success in your studies and that you achieve a lot in our lyceum! Let our lyceum truly become Pushkin’s “holy brotherhood, a friendly family”2.

God help you, my friends!
And in storms and in everyday grief.
In a foreign land, in a deserted sea,
And in the dark abysses of the earth.

Presenter: Lyceum! To pronounce the oath, lyceum students stand still!

Lyceum students' oath:

The path of knowledge is thorny and difficult,
But wherever I end up,
Lyceum and lyceum student rank
Not to sully, I swear.

In work, in study - everywhere
Everything I can take on
I will do it honestly
And competently - I swear!

Let the years fly by quickly,
I will return to our Lyceum:
It has always been my home
And it will be - I swear!

And if it gets harder -
I'll look back
And into the life of the dream of the lyceum days
I swear I will implement it!!!

Students sing the lyceum anthem.


Thank you everyone for your active participation. All the best to you, friends!

On October 19, 2020, our country celebrates All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. In lyceums they take place holiday events: ceremonial assemblies, concerts, creative evenings, olympiads, team games, quizzes, drawing and craft competitions.

For this day, we offer a scenario for the celebration “Lyceum Student’s Day”.

The holiday is opened by the presenters:
– My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like a soul, is indivisible and eternal -
Unwavering, free and carefree
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate throws us,
And happiness wherever it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;
Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

According to the script, the holiday “Lyceum Student’s Day” will continue the story about the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

– Once upon a time, on the outskirts of Athens, near the Temple of Apollo Lyceum, there was a school founded by the great philosopher Aristotle. It was called the Lyceum or Lyceum.

On October 19, 1811, an educational institution under that name opened in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg by decree of Emperor Alexander I.

- It was assumed that they would be raised here younger brothers emperor, but these plans did not come true. The best teachers worked at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. It became for the lyceum students both a place of education, a school of life, and a home.

– The training lasted for 6 years. In those years, the education system in lyceums consisted of two levels (secondary and higher education). Graduates of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum were comprehensively developed and educated people.

– Among the lyceum students of the first graduating class were: poets A. Pushkin, A. Delvig, V. Kuchelbecker, Decembrist I. Pushin, Chancellor A. Gorchakov and others.

– Former lyceum students, who upon graduation from this educational institution gathered for the so-called “lyceum lunch,” laid down the traditions of the holiday. It existed until 1918, when this educational institution was closed on the initiative of the Council of People's Commissars of the Republic of Soviets.

– However, the previous traditions were not forgotten, and today we again celebrate Lyceum Students’ Day.

Then, according to the scenario for the holiday “Lyceum Student’s Day,” the children will read poetry.

– This holiday is in the autumn glow
He walks toward us on painted carpets.
Storerooms with riches of knowledge
Open with a gold key.

“It’s as if these walls are protecting us.”
Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles.
And here they are waiting for us, like mothers at home,
Rejoicing in victories big and small.

The celebration of “Lyceum Student Day” will continue the story about the educational institution: the history of its opening, teachers, graduates, established traditions.

Then the Lyceum Anthem is performed.

– There is a feeling of kinship between Pushkin’s lyceum students and us, despite the fact that an entire era separates us. And today we proudly pronounce the words of the great Russian poet:

Bless, jubilant muse,
Bless, long live the Lyceum!

– Dear teachers and lyceum students, we congratulate you on today’s holiday! Let our lyceum truly become Pushkin’s “holy brotherhood, a friendly family.”

The Initiation of new students into lyceum students can be timed to coincide with this holiday.
And the scenario of the holiday “Lyceum Student’s Day” will be completed by the Lyceum Ball.

Scenario of the literary evening “UNDER THE SHADOW OF FRIENDLY MUSES...”,

Scenario of the literary evening “UNDER THE SHADOW OF FRIENDLY MUSES...”,
dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Progress of the evening.
Presenter 1: Good evening, Dear friends!!!
Today we will tell you the story of one class. The class as a class - almost thirty people; boys are like boys who studied together from 12 to 18 years old and never forgot about it after that. Let's go back one and a half to two centuries ago - to the very beginning of the 19th century.
(Vivaldi's melody sounds)
Presenter 1: Of course, each era has its own unique voice and style, but who cares, in the end, what century these classmates lived in! One hundred, two hundred years ago! Did they have electric lamps or candles burning in their classroom... Did they cross their country by train, plane or carriage, on post horses... wore jeans or camisoles, cocked hats... Wouldn't we, contemporaries of space rockets, television and computers, find , what to ask the guys of those years? What about us? Didn't they dream about the future as you dream? Didn't they look back into the past to learn about their ancestors, just as we do today?
Presenter 2: We invite you to go with us... to Tsarskoe Selo of the early 19th century (now the city of Pushkin, near St. Petersburg). In this amazingly beautiful place, at the behest of the emperor, they decided to open a higher educational institution - the first Lyceum in Russia, which was called the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Future statesmen of Russia were to be educated in it.
Presenter 2: And so on October 19, 1811, 30 boys sat down at their desks and became classmates for 6 years. This was the very first enrollment at the Lyceum. These boys grew up to be poets, ministers, rural homebodies and restless travelers. Later, descendants will call the guys from this issue differently: “People of October 19,” “Pushkin Issue.” This is our story about them today.
(Chopin's waltz sounds)
(Lyceum students come out one at a time, light a candle, introduce their hero, light the candle, sit on chairs placed in a semicircle facing the audience)
Student 1: Volkhovsky Vladimir. 13 years old. Nickname “Suvorochka”, “Spartan”. Everyone in their class had a nickname, and the boys were not offended by them. Short and frail in appearance, Vladimir Volkhovsky had an iron character and an unbending will. Volkhovsky decided to become a military man while still at the Lyceum and prepared himself in every possible way for future hardships. In order to have more time, he slept little. While training his will, he refused meat, cake, and tea for weeks, which often caused the lyceum students to smile. Being the weakest, he did a lot of gymnastics.
When I studied lessons, I carried two heavy dictionaries on my shoulders. The guys laughed at him, sometimes in verse:
Suvorov is ours
Hooray! March, march
Screams astride a chair.
Vladimir Volkhovsky was the first student. Graduated from the Lyceum with a gold medal. Became a member of the secret society of Decembrists.
Student 2: Prince Alexander Gorchakov, 13 years old, nicknamed "Frant". The prince is a smart, cheerful, noble and extremely ambitious young man. He was so ambitious that it often drove his comrades away from him. What did this young man do to outshine Volkhovsky and take first place. Gradually, his tenacity and perseverance won respect among the lyceum students; they saw that “Frant” studied from morning to evening in order to be the first student. Upon graduating from the Lyceum, he received a small gold medal. Alexander Gorchakov has had a brilliant career. He became a diplomat and then Russian Foreign Minister.
Student 3: Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker. 14 years old. One of Pushkin's best friends. As often as the lyceum students called poor Wilhelm: “Küchlya”, “Vilya”, “Beckerküchel”, “Chicken Pies”. His appearance was especially often ridiculed: a long, skinny, awkward figure. And, of course, his passion for writing poetry. His comrades did not understand his peculiar literary views and tastes. By the end of their studies, the lyceum students began to respect Kuchelbecker, since he repeatedly published his poems and articles in magazines, and everyone could envy his education and knowledge. At the same time, his friends did not stop making fun of him. Before graduating from the Lyceum, “Kyukhlya” almost drowned. In the dining room at lunch, one of his comrades offended him so much that he jumped out from the table in complete unconsciousness, ran out into the park and threw himself into the pond near the Alexander Palace. The pond was shallow, and “Kyukhlya” was immediately pulled out, and the offender turned out to be Ivan Malinovsky.
Student 4: Ivan Vasilyevich Malinovsky was nicknamed a Cossack for 14 years for his valor and pugnacity. The son of the director of the Lyceum... Actually, he was kind-hearted and not at all ambitious. Ivan knew many proverbs and sayings, for which one of the guards called him Sancho Panza. He made a military career, becoming a guard colonel at the age of 27. But he refused the general's position and never regretted it, but became a landowner and leader of the nobility.
Student 5: Pushchin Ivan Ivanovich. 13 years old. Pushkin's closest friend. Because of his height, he was called by his classmates Ivan the Great or Big Zhano. He had good talents. Pleasant in communication. Polite and sincere, but with decent legibility and caution.
Subsequently he participated in the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square. Convicted. Sentenced to 31 years in prison and exile.
Student 6: Delvig Anton.13 years old. Nickname "Tosya". Close friend Pushkin. He didn't like noisy games or fussing. Perhaps everyone, both friends and enemies, noted one remarkable quality of Delvig - his phenomenal laziness. One day during a lecture (at a Latin lesson), Anton, having not learned his lesson as usual, hid under the pulpit and there... fell asleep. This is how a poem about him appeared:
Give me your hand, Delvig! Why are you sleeping?
Wake up, sleepy sloth!
You are not sitting under the pulpit,
Put to sleep by Latin.
But his closest friends knew that Delvig was pretending more. This “lazy” and far from the best student later became an excellent poet and one of the leading publishers. It was he who wrote the farewell song of the Lyceum students:

In the arms of sweet silence,
And the Fatherland’s calling
It thunders to us: “Proceed sons...
Student 7: Pushkin Alexander. 11 years. He was sometimes called the Frenchman because he spoke French easily. And sometimes “Egoza” and even… “Monkey”. By the way, Pushkin liked this nickname; Alexander was proud of his agility, ability to jump and throw a ball. Pushkin himself spoke about himself in poetry like this:
In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum
I prospered serenely
I read Apuleius on the sly,
And he yawned over Virgil,
When I was lazy and mischievous,
And I forgot my Latin class
For scarlet lips and black eyes;
When was someone called French?
My perky friends,
Then the pedants predicted,
That I will forever be a rake.
(watch video clip)
Presenter 1: These guys, among the thirty, studied together for 6 years at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum without a break; they didn’t even go home during the holidays.
Presenter 2: Tsarskoe Selo is a quiet green town with magnificent parks, fountains, and ponds. No wonder the royal family vacationed here in the summer in the Catherine Palace of amazing beauty, which shone with blue trim and gilding. (view illustrations)
Presenter 1: Adjacent to this palace was an outbuilding in which the Lyceum was located.
Presenter 2: Alexander was brought to this Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo by his uncle Vasily Lvovich (video clip about this)
Presenter 2: Lyceum students often recalled the entrance exams when they were worried and in awe. The exam took place in the summer.
Student 5: It seems that Pushchin was not the timid type, but here he somehow got lost - he looked at everyone and saw no one. I remember only one boy - lively, curly-haired, quick-eyed, also a little embarrassed - Alexander Pushkin. Based on the similarity of surnames (Pushchin - Pushkin), he was remembered better. And their bedrooms were nearby: Pushchin’s was No. 13, Pushkin’s was No. 14. They became great friends and became inseparable friends. Later Pushkin wrote the following lines about him:
My first friend, my priceless friend!
And I blessed fate
When my yard is secluded,
Covered in sad snow,
Your bell rang.
I pray to holy providence:
Yes my voice to your soul
Gives the same consolation
May he illuminate the imprisonment
A ray of lyceum clear days!
Student 7. Then over the summer and autumn they got used to each other, to the new place, so it was no longer so scary on October 19 in the palace at the opening of the Lyceum, when Emperor Alexander 1 himself was present with his family, and there were many guests.
Most of all, I remember Professor Kunitsyn’s speech, which captivated the children. Later, all the lyceum students fell in love with this professor, and Pushkin dedicated the following lines to him:
Kunitsyn tribute to heart and wine!
He created us, he raised our flame.
They set the cornerstone,
They lit a clean lamp...
Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the Tsaritsyn's palace for us,
And we came.
And Kunitsyn met us...
Student 1: And after lunch they all played snowballs in the garden near the palace. Snow fell early that autumn. Then they started common days in this 4-story town. (working with an interactive model) Inspectors and tutors lived on the first floor. The second floor is a dining room, a hospital, and a conference room. The third floor is educational: classrooms, a physics room, an office for newspapers and magazines, a place for relaxation and fun. On the fourth floor there are bedrooms. Each lyceum student has his own room with half a window. The room has an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, and a table for washing. On the desk there is an inkwell and a candlestick. Each room has a number. The boys played numbers for a long time, signed letters and notes with their numbers. “No. 14 does not agree with the opinion of No. 13” meant that Pushkin did not agree with Pushchin.
Student 2: There are many lessons. We got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, then prayed. From 7 to 9 classes, and at 9 tea with a white bun and the first walk until 10. From 10 to 12 more lessons, then the long-awaited lunch and a second walk. From 14 to 15, as the boys said, tedious penmanship, but also my favorite drawing. And finally, tea and a third walk. There were gymnastics, fencing, and dancing - everything to raise well-educated people.
Presenter 2: Yes, Pushkin always had excellent marks in Fencing.
Student 3: Lots of lessons, but a lot of fun too. Their birthdays were not missed. Various competitions were held. And in the first winter there was an illuminated ball. I also remember literary meetings in the apartment of their tutor Chirikov and funny incidents: how once Myasoedov, nicknamed Myasozhorov, described the sunrise in verse: “The ruddy king of nature flashed in the west...” Pushkin, having heard that Myasoedov’s sun was rising in the west, attached an ending to poem:
The ruddy king of nature flashed in the west,
And the astonished nations
Don't know what to start:
Go to bed or get up
Student 7: The boys especially loved to come up with nicknames. Pushkin had a lot of them: Dragonfly, Cricket, Spark, Monkey, A mixture of a monkey and a tiger. And Pushkin himself said about himself:
And I, the rake, am forever idle.
The descendant of blacks is ugly,
Raised in wild simplicity.
Love without suffering,
Young beauty likes me
A shameless frenzy of desires.

Lyceum students enter to the music. It is desirable that there be at least 8-10 people. Form - dark trousers, white shirts. Red ribbons are sewn to the collars. Collars are up.
Reader 1: In this temple of sciences they will educate honest citizens. The words and actions of a statesman should serve as an example for others. Acquire titles and honors only through honest means; the opposite is worthy of contempt.
The lyceum raised students in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, for Russia.
Reader 2: All the lyceum students who graduated from Pushkin considered themselves and subsequently showed themselves to be truly Russian.
Reader 3: The whole world is foreign to us. Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.
Reader 4: Yes! The lyceum regime is strict - everyone is called to class
Math lesson
Karpov enters. Hands out sheets of paper to everyone. Everything is decided. Pushkin alone does nothing.
KARPOV: Pushkin, solve the equation.
PUSHKIN: I can't.
KARPOV: Go and decide, and you all hurry up!
Pushkin is suffering at the blackboard.
KARPOV: I still stand sadly and look...
PUSHKIN: But the equation is zero.
KARPOV: For you, everything always equals zero. Yes! You're not good at 5 in math. You sit at the last desk, write your poems. Here's my only advice.
CHORUS OF VOICES: But he is a great poet among us.
Presenter 1: It’s good that corporal punishment was abolished at the Lyceum. They were punished only with “house arrest” - they were locked in a room and a “guy” was posted at the door on a watch.
Presenter 1: At the Lyceum, the boys had many “firsts”: first poetry, first love, first disappointment. They have been writing, talking, bragging and dreaming about love for a long time.
Presenter 2:
First love...She came to the lyceum student in the image of the graceful, irresistible Katenka Bakunina, maid of honor to the Empress. She was slender, graceful, with lively dark eyes, regular facial features. She loved and knew how to dance, and it was not for nothing that she was often elected queen of the ball. Her lovely face, wondrous figure and charming manner created a general delight among all the Lyceum youth.
Presenter 2:
The lyceum student in love hid his pure, platonic love from his comrades and, only when left alone “in the lyceum cell”, gave vent to his feelings on the pages of his diary.
Oh, honey, you are with me everywhere!
But I'm sad and secretly I'm sad!
Pushkin gave Katya Bakunina his poetic inspiration, all the fervor of his heart. For her, 22 poems are a kind of encyclopedia of young love.
Ball scene. Ekaterina Bakunina and Alexander Pushkin.
Enters, waltzing, Katenka Bakunina:
Oh, how I love balls! Wonderful music, wonderful dancing! Attention to me gentlemen! I especially like the balls at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. I came here with my mother many times: my brother Alexander Bakunin studied here.
I know well that many lyceum students were not indifferent to me, wrote me notes declaring their love, and made appointments.
Pushkin: Katenka, do you know how I feel about you?
Katenka Bakunina: How?
Pushkin: I am happy when I see you! No, yesterday I was not happy, in the morning I was tormented by anticipation. Standing at the window, I looked at the snow-covered road, it was not visible. Finally, I lost patience. Suddenly I meet you on the stairs. Sweet moment!
So I was happy
So I enjoyed it
I reveled in the quiet joy and peace.
And where is the fun quick day?
Has flown away with the wind of dreams,
The charm of pleasure has faded
And around me again
A shadow of gloomy boredom!
Did you dedicate these poems to me?
Pushkin (avoiding answering):
I asked the painter to paint your portrait, your beauty!
Are you talking about the poem “To the Painter”?
Yes. Now it has become a romance - Nikolai Korsakov set it to music.
Korsakov, I ask you, please, fulfill your romance!
Nikolai Korsakov sings the romance “To the Painter.”
The child harits and inspires,
In a fit of fiery soul,
With a careless brush of pleasure
Write to me a friend of your heart;
The beauty of lovely innocence,
Hope's sweet features,
A smile of heavenly joy
And the gaze of beauty itself.
Around the thin Hebean camp
Tie a Venus belt,
Hidden by Alban's charm
Surround my queen.
Transparent waves of the blanket
Throw it on your trembling chest,
So that she can breathe under him too.
I wanted to secretly relax.
Imagine the dream of bashful love,
And the one that I breathe,
By the lover's hand happy
I'll sign your name below.
These poems and music, in my opinion, express not only your feelings. They are beautiful! Shall we dance? (Addresses Pushkin)
With pleasure!
(Music sounds - “Waltz” by G.V. Sviridov. Pushkin and Bakunina dance.)
Student 5. In January 1815, there was a transfer lyceum exam from junior to senior year to see what the lyceum students had learned in 3.5 years. Relatives of the lyceum students came to this exam, and they also invited the most famous poet of that time, Derzhavin. One of the tests is to read a poem of your own composition. When Derzhavin heard Pushkin reading his poem, he perked up and listened attentively to the young talent. Having finished reading, Pushkin ran away from the hall... Derzhavin was delighted, he demanded that this curly-haired boy be brought in to hug him. They searched for Alexander for a long time, but never found him. And after the exam, Derzhavin said that a true poet was maturing in this young boy, “the second Derzhavin.”
A very old Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin appears.
Old man Derzhavin noticed everything.
I didn’t hide my delight then.
After all, the miracle in Pushkin was noted
And, going into the grave, he blessed.
I want to hear everything again.
Come on, honey, stand closer.
Pass the phone quickly, (hearing aid)
And Sasha is a stronger mouthpiece.
Pantomime. Pushkin runs into the garden.
Presenter: Yes, the main hobby of the lyceum students was poetry... And yet the main asset of the lyceum students, which they took out of the walls of the Lyceum, was
friendship. She is put first.
Student 6: So the 6 years spent at the Lyceum have flown by. In May 1817, final exams took place. The mature boys took 15 exams over 17 days. Then the farewell formation. Farewell song to the words of Delvig:
Six years flew by like a dream,
In the arms of sweet silence.
And the calling of the fatherland
It thunders to us: march, sons!
O mother! We heeded the calling
Young blood boils in the chest!
We only have one desire -
Always keep love for you!
We took an oath: all my dear,
Everything without division is blood and labor.
Unwaveringly ready for battle,
Unshakable - truth in court...
Presenter 1:“Farewell Song” was written by Anton Delvig. Excellently written. Tepper's music was good too. The king did not listen to the singing. He left. They didn't sing for him. They sang as if they swore eternal friendship. They swore to preserve the best that the Lyceum gave.
Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time!
Fate for eternal separation,

Presenter 1: Then the director put cast iron rings on their fingers - a symbol strong friendship. And the farewell oath ended with these words: “And the last lyceum student alone will celebrate October 19.” Yes, they took an oath that every year on October 19 they will celebrate Lyceum Day.
Pushkin: And I undertake to write poems dedicated to the “Lyceum brotherhood” for each anniversary of the Lyceum - October 19th.
Presenter 2: They had a whole life ahead of them, but none of them forgot the Lyceum and their friends. They kept this oath.
Stop each other
You look with a farewell tear!
Keep, oh friends, keep
That friendship with the same soul.
Well, there is a strong desire for truth,
The same young blood for glory.
In misfortune - proud patience
And in happiness – love is the same for everyone!
Six years flew by like a dream,
In the arms of sweet silence,
And the calling of the fatherland
Thunders to us: go, sons!
Farewell, brothers, hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time.
Fate for eternal separation,
Perhaps this is where we are related!
“...bless, jubilant muse, bless: long live the Lyceum!”
Student 7: In 1817, the first anniversary was celebrated after graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There are already 28 lyceum students (one of the boys, Rzhevsky, died of nervous fever)
Regardless of where the fate of these boys took them, they tried to meet on October 19th. In 1818, 14 people gathered. We remembered the good old days and sang lyceum songs.
In 1825, Pushkin could not attend this holiday: he was in exile in Mikhailovsky. On this day he wrote to his comrades the lines:
It's time for me... feast, oh friends!
I anticipate a pleasant meeting;
Remember the poet's prediction:
A year will fly by, and I will be with you again...
But in a year, Alexander Sergeevich will not see everyone. After the uprising on Senate Square in 1825, in which two lyceum students took part: Ivan Pushchin and Wilhelm Kuchelbecker - “Zhano” and “Kuchlya”. They were among the Decembrists. Soon “Kyukhlya” was captured and taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Pushchin’s friends tried to persuade him to hide abroad, but “Zhano” refused, he did not want to flee.
Student 6: The poem “October 19, 1827” was composed for the anniversary of the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and in the author’s reading at a meeting of lyceum students, it was perceived as a spontaneous improvisation. E. A. Engelhardt: “Pushkin made an impromptu speech at a lyceum meeting that was so sweet that I kept it in my prosaic memory:
God help you, my friends,
In the worries of life, royal service
And at feasts of riotous friendship,
And in the sweet sacraments of love!
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God help you, my friends,
And in storms and in everyday grief,
In a foreign land, in a deserted sea,
And in the dark abysses of the earth!

Student 7: Time flies. On the 15th anniversary, six were no longer alive. Among them, the most terrible loss for Pushkin was Anton Delvig. On the 25th anniversary of the Lyceum, Pushkin read his poems about Delvig:
And it seems that it’s my turn.
My dear Delvig calls me,
A living comrade of youth,
Comrade of sad youth,
Companion of young songs,
Feasts and pure thoughts.
There, in the crowd of shadows of relatives
A genius that has escaped us forever...
These were prophetic words. Soon Pushkin will die in a duel. He will be the seventh to leave after Delvig. Now the lyceum anniversaries took place without Pushkin.
Park and pond, domes and palace,
I remember the young singer,
He loved the beauty of swans
And my native Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Ascended under the branches of oak trees
Lace of poetic words,
The virgin, having broken the urn, is sad,
Pushkin's muse speaks here.

Memories in Tsarskoe Selo

Confused by memories,
I imagined this day to be a happy one,
When the Lyceum arose among you,
And I hear our games again, the playful noise,
And I see my family of friends again.
Once again a tender youth,
Sometimes ardent, sometimes lazy,
Vague dreams melt in my chest,
Wandering through meadows, through silent groves,
So I forget myself.

Student 2: On October 19, 1880, 1881, 1882, Alexander Gorchakov celebrated one, he was the last lyceum student of the first graduating class. Every single one of them fulfilled the oath they took in their youth. They were real friends.
My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like a soul, is indivisible and eternal,
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate throws us,
And happiness wherever it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us,
Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

The song “October 19” by Yuli Kim is sung.
On the threshold of our days
Inevitably we meet
Let's recognize and hug
Our true friends.

Hello, time for proud plans,
Ardent vows and long meetings!
Holy friendly flame,
It’s not easy to save.
I wish I could live like in those days -
I wish I could live easily and boldly,
Don't calculate the limit
For fearlessness and love.

And, like the lyceum students,
Gather by the fire
In October, purplish-leaved
Nineteenth day.
But fate will take its toll,
He whistles dashingly like a driver,
Everything will be calculated in its own way, -
You won't know in advance.

A mad blizzard will break out,
The gray darkness will laugh.
And you want to save your friend,
You can't imagine how.
On the roads of our days,
At the crossroads of hostels,
You are our friend, you are our teacher -
Glorious Pushkin Lyceum.

Under your immortal shadow
I would like to learn completely
Reckless fun
I trust selfless
Freethinking depth.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Blue Lakes,
Dark green spruce,
White-trunked birches,
I brought hello
Kasmalinsky pine forest
And Siberian pines
Drops of fiery tears

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
You are available to the people:
For both children and adults,
And gray-haired old men.
You inspired the people
To holy freedom
Let me touch my heart
To dear springs.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Everything here breathes love:
Every bush, blade of grass,
Celestial fabric.
Here the Almighty sealed
Friendship of young men by blood
And spread out over you
Hand of protection.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Here in the hourly labors
The genius of Pushkin has grown,
He matured of his own accord.
And on that memorable day
On vowel exams
His voice is clear
He was shaking with excitement.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Russian Glory Monastery.
The cradle of Pushkinists,
The cradle of young dreams.
You are immortal for centuries,
Our reliable teacher,
The salt of Russian poetry
Like the basics!

Scenario for Lyceum Student's Day.

2 presenter: On this day, the first graduation took place at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There was no celebration. The parting was sad.

Lyceum student: Engelhardt (director of the Lyceum) gave us cast iron rings - a sign of the strength of our friendship. And they will call us cast iron workers.

Lyceum students (sing the anthem): Six years flew by like a dream,

In the arms of sweet silence.

And the Fatherland’s calling

It thunders to us: march, sons.

Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate for eternal separation,

Perhaps this is where we are related.

1 presenter: 203 years ago, on October 19, 1811, special excitement reigned in Tsarskoe Selo: it was appointed on this day Grand opening Lyceum.

2 presenter: Every now and then, carriages and carriages drove up to the Lyceum building - prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of lyceum students came together. Alexander I was supposed to attend the celebration.

1 presenter: The imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a privileged educational institution, was designed to prepare youth “especially destined for the most important parts of the public service.”

2 presenter: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved the list of the first students of the Lyceum in 1811 and personally distributed awards and diplomas to them six years later.

Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,

How the king opened the Tsaritsyn’s palace for us,

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among royal guests.

Lyceum student: The Lyceum became our home, our republic with its laws, brotherhood, and friendship.

Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. Regular classes began on Monday, and normal lyceum life began. "Six years of connection."

1 presenter: Daily routine at the Lyceum.

    Wake-up call at 6 o'clock.

    From 7 to 9 o’clock – class, that is, training sessions.

    At 9: tea with white bread.

    Immediately after tea, first walk until 10 o'clock.

    From 10 to 12 – grade.

    From 12 to one - second walk. We definitely walked in any weather.

    Then repetition of lessons or auxiliary class for those who are behind.

    At half past 9 the bell rings for dinner.

    After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest and entertainment.

    On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.

    At 10 o'clock - evening prayer, sleep.

2 presenter: Lyceum students were accommodated in separate rooms. Pushkin moved into room 14. The room had only what was necessary for relaxation and study.

1 presenter: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves “cattle brothers” and, as usual, gave each other nicknames:

    Wilhelm Küchelbecker – Küchl

    Anton Delvig - Tosya

    Mikhail Yakovlev - Buffon

    Ivan Malinovsky – Cossack

    Alexander Gorchakov – Prince

    Konstantin Danzas – Bear

    Ivan Pushchin – Big Jeannot

    Fedor Matyushkin – Matyushko

    Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, a cross between a monkey and a tiger.

Lyceum student: We deal with our bosses without fear, we joke with them, we laugh.

Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: Anyone who accidentally speaks Russian will be fined.

Lyceum student: Birthdays are not missed.

2 presenter: They were ordinary boys who loved to play pranks.

Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky)

And I started drinking eggnog.

Pushchin: I got some rum, got some eggs.

Malinovsky: They pushed sugar.

Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar.

Pushchin: Questions and searches began here. The three of us appeared and announced that it was our business and that we alone were to blame.

Pushkin: The resolution is as follows: kneel for two weeks during morning and evening prayer.

Malinovsky: Move us to the last places at the table, where we sat according to our behavior.

1 presenter: In January 1815, a public examination was scheduled at the Lyceum.

Lyceum student (reading a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor to notify that on the 4th of next month, from 10 to 3 p.m., there will be a public test of first-reception students on the occasion of transfer from junior to senior age.

It was an exam - a review of what we had learned in more than three years, because we had reached the middle.

Pushkin: Derzhavin was a living legend. When we found out that Derzhavin would be visiting us, we all became excited.

2 presenter: The exam tired Derzhavin very much. Pushkin read “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo”, standing two steps away from Derzhavin.

Pushkin: I don’t remember how I finished my reading, I don’t remember where I ran away to. Derzhavin was delighted. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They looked for me, but did not find me.

Lyceum student: They said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: “I’m not dead!”

Lyceum student: Study for two more years.

Lyceum student: May 1817. "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" invites the public and parents to the final exams of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Lyceum student: 17 days, 15 exams.

Lyceum student: On June 9, 1817 there was an act. Its character was completely different: just as the opening of the Lyceum was magnificent and solemn, so our graduation was quiet and modest.

1 presenter: No, they did not graduate from the Lyceum. The lectures ended, the Tsarskoe Selo time of waking up at dawn, wandering around with persistent poetry all day ended, it all ended, but the Lyceum did not end. Couldn't end... Didn't end. That's all.

2 presenter: Class as a class... Boys as boys, who will become poets and ministers, officers and “state criminals”, rural homebodies and restless travelers.

Pushkin: At the beginning of my life I remember school

There were a lot of us, careless children,

An uneven and playful family...

Presentation by lyceum students (read by presenters)

1 presenter: On October 19, 1836, gentlemen from the lyceum gathered in Yakovlev’s house and feasted.

Lyceum student: Everyone gathered at half past five and left at half past nine.

2 presenter: The cattle brothers dispersed, wishing a good journey to the student of the Imperial Lyceum, Alexander Pushkin, a Frenchman.

Pushkin: Having fervently prayed to God,

The Lyceum shouted HURRAY!

Farewell, brothers, on my way,

It's time for you to go to bed.