My wife and I want a third one for bed. My husband wants to see me with another man. A smart wife never refuses her husband in bed

Let's take another woman to bed?

Dear Yana, I have a question for you. Maybe you can see better from the outside, and you can tell me what I don’t notice.

The question is: how would you feel about the fact that your married man Would you suggest having another woman in your bed?

This is my situation. My married lover This is the third time he's offered it to me. He wants another woman to be present. I tell him - go and find two for yourself. No, he says, I want you to be there.

Moreover, everything is fine with him in bed. Both are happy. But this sentence unsettles me. I told him that I am categorically against it. I was offended and did not communicate with him. She clearly made it clear that I did not accept this.
Then everything calms down, everything is wonderful. And again he offers... This irritates me terribly. The last time, he told me - why don’t you want to please me. And you don’t love me, and you don’t want to do it. And he has this fixed idea. And he wants to try.

I'm tired of all this.
But I can’t take it and get it out of my head. I can't break off the relationship. I'm like an addict.
But I can't bear all this.

I can't find the answer myself. I will be glad if you can help me with advice.
Thank you.


I don’t see the problem, I read it and shrug my shoulders. Married and unmarried lovers have offered and are offering me many interesting things. If I like and find something interesting, I enthusiastically subscribe to their experiments, and if it’s not interesting to me or doesn’t suit me for whatever reason, then the topic is closed. Sex is generally such a thing, two people do it solely because they like it (and if they do something that one half doesn’t like, then they pay a lot of money for it, there are prostitutes for that, please). If someone doesn’t like the idea, then that’s it, the topic can be closed.

It is well known that we all once didn’t know how to do anything and didn’t try anything, and everything that we have ever done in bed, someone showed us, or someone seduced us into it, or we saw it somewhere and wanted try. And therefore, among many there is an opinion that maybe a person has not tried or done many things yet, and simply does not know what he will like - and you just need to seduce him, invite him, persuade him, in general - teach him.

But, firstly, at a certain age, almost everyone became interested in everything they could. There is a lot of internet, movies, books, chatty girlfriends, pornography and erotic literature all around, and somewhere any “nonsense” will cross the road. And if in all this time an adult has never shown curiosity or reacted, then it does not attract him in any way.

Secondly, if a person is even a little interested, it will be visible. Tell and suggest once, then leave him alone, let him think, and after a while ask again. If a person is in any way offended by what is proposed, he will begin to think about it, ask somewhere, look and read, and in the next conversation he will react somehow differently. Demonstrating not 100% protest in its pure form, but asking some leading questions, trying to find out the details, to outline the boundaries.

If a person says “No, no, and no again” to all sentences, it means he has already thought, asked, listened to his feelings, and nothing has wavered. So that's it, the topic is closed.
Why would anyone impose something that does not in any way excite, excite or attract?

Actually, I outlined it all (although this is already understandable), if suddenly there are not enough words to explain to your lover why he definitely won’t persuade you anymore, and why you don’t have to try or propose further.

And I suggest you think about why you are so annoyed! After all, if it weren’t for this irritation, there would be the simplest situation - once in a while (if he likes it) he approaches you with this idea, you habitually send him away, because it was said that you are not interested in it, and then doing what you've always done. Some people, for some unknown reason, repeat some things that are useless to repeat - and if this is a lover with whom you, as they say, will not baptize children - what is it worth putting your ears to idle and simply ignoring this interference?

You are annoyed because he is putting pressure on you.
He puts pressure on you because you are afraid of the consequences. You are afraid that if you sooner or later do not agree to fulfill this request of his, he will deprive you of something. Judging by the fact that you write “I can’t break off the relationship, I’m like an addict” - you are afraid that he will deprive you of his precious presence in your life.

To be honest, I don’t want to give direct advice here (and I never pretend to do anything like that), but if I have a lover who evokes such feelings as “I’m like an addict,” then I run away from him! Because this is always a direct road to some kind of tears and tragedies. Where it was possible to have the most ordinary romance with pleasures, there will be games of power, manipulation and soul-stirring, because one person is emotionally dependent on the other, and the other will sooner or later begin to take advantage of this and play games.
And this cannot be cured - even if we are at least a thousand times smart, have read books on psychology, etc. - if someone causes such feelings in us, he will cause them until they all die off on their own, through terrible pain (often on it takes years and some incredible heaps of nerve cells and health). And the only thing you can do is get rid of all the drama early, before it reaches its peak.

— If you ever get the idea of ​​getting rid of such a lover (which would be best for your health), it’s worth remembering that the easiest way to do this is by taking on three new ones. When you have many others, with equally good sex, only without this soul-stirring, everything will appear to you in a completely different light, you’ll see. 🙂

- If you really feel sorry for parting with him, still get three more no less good ones - the fear of losing him will greatly decrease.

- It’s also worth imagining a completely extreme situation - what if he really decides to put real pressure on you and leaves, stops being your lover for that reason alone? As I wrote this sentence, I began to laugh, and I hope that, as you read it, you will also suddenly be imbued with all its absurdity and absurdity. A good lover, who is satisfied with everything in your romance, will not leave you because of such a trifle - unless he is a complete fool, of course. He has nothing else to do! Especially considering that you have nothing against this experiment of his - not with you!

He, of course, is too lazy to look for two new aunts at once in order to try out his fantasy. And I also don’t want to pay for it, and I want everything to be romantic and “real.” And he imagines an ideal scenario in which his girlfriend first agrees, and then goes on to look for a second woman (it is well known that women are much better at inviting other women on such adventures). But ideal scenario do not give. And I’m too lazy to look for it in the third place (which means I don’t really want to, by the way). If he really wants to, he’ll go and arrange it for himself - so be it. In general, judging by the fact that he still hasn’t found and arranged it, he will continue to hang around until some kind of happiness descends on him in the form of two drunk girlfriends at some party. Until this happens (since this rarely happens), he will periodically ask you on duty - what if the pressure bends you at some point, and you finally succumb?

At some point you must feel with all your soul that he will not bend you.

As a last resort, you must imagine the worst-case scenario to the end, internally experience it and accept it. Yes, if he suddenly (I don’t believe it, but suddenly) decides to make such a drama out of this that I’m leaving and that’s it - then let him walk through the forest. Not even because of this particular experience, but because he, in principle, does not give up the idiotic idea of ​​​​making you do something in bed that you don’t like - if he treats you like that, then you don’t need such a lover . In the end, as already said, he is just a lover. Novel. You will find a hundred of them who will only want what you like.
When you internally play out this whole situation, accept it (even if you are sincerely upset and worried) and come to terms with it, the drama will disappear.

Everything that happens BEFORE this final step should not matter to you. Any of his persuasion, arguments, hints that he will leave or even direct threats - do not pay attention, do not take it to heart. And if he says so directly - I’m leaving - answer “well, go away.” If he leaves, it cannot be changed. If it doesn't go away, the rest of the words don't matter.

By the way, it is possible that he is putting so much pressure on you precisely because he feels how it affects you. If he feels that you don’t care and you’re not going to bend, perhaps he’ll stop asking. Perhaps the situation in which you demonstrate to him your complete detachment from him and indifference to his similar decisions is also unpleasant for him? Lovers also understand that all this is “a romance and not forever,” but they do not like reminders that they are essentially no one.

P.S. Be sure to find some nasty thing that causes terrible rejection in him, and vindictively rush to persuade him to do it as soon as he starts this song again. Show him how nice it is when you are persuaded and persuaded to do something that you don’t want and can’t do. By the way, it is not necessary to choose any sexual practice. Something else is also possible. For example, a person gets shamelessly seasick on boats, he feels sick and sick there, and all he can think about is how to get back to land as quickly as possible, and you will become attached to him: “Oh, how I want to go with you on a romantic sailing trip for a week - so It’s romantic, it’ll be so cool.”
Or is he afraid to appear with you? in public places- and you start persuading him to go with you to the restaurant, which is opposite his office. This is your favorite restaurant and means so much to you, and what if he doesn’t love you and can’t do something nice for you once in his life? Dig up all his favorite arguments and return them to him. And as soon as he comes up with new ones, return them to him too!

P.P.S. In general, such a sandwich is a lot of work for a man, many who tried it complain that they were exhausted, and that’s all. At the same time, on the contrary (two males and one female), many of them do not want to and cannot, because the presence of another male in the arena makes them nervous. 🙂 Although many people prefer this scenario much more.
Don't you like the idea of ​​group sex at all? Or is the opposite option suitable, and only the idea of ​​the second woman is not liked? If suddenly the second option seems interesting to you, you can henceforth take the whole conversation about “troikas” in your own direction - and see how cooperative it turns out to be. :-))

5 things she wants in bed but will never ask for

How do you think she feels during sex with you? Not physically, but emotionally. Understanding her emotions during an intimate act of love will help correct your mistakes and diversify your relationship. We offer 5 techniques that are definitely worth trying to please your beloved.

1. Express your sexuality with sound

The most common mistake men make in bed, according to women, is a lack of self-expression and expression. If you silently roll in bed, without moaning, groaning, sighing or otherwise expressing your arousal, consider that you have extinguished the flame of passion, barely fanning it.

2.Get to know her body

In addition to the butt, breasts and “pussy”, there are a huge number of sensitive areas on your missus’ body. Where they are remains to be seen. Play a game with her. Have her lie down on the bed and blindfold her, then take a feather or something soft and gentle and slowly rub it all over your other half's body. During this process, ask her how much on a scale of 1 to 10 she likes the sensations in a particular place. Memorize the answers and identify the most sensitive areas on the body.

3.Enjoy her vagina

In a recent study in which women sought advice on how to improve their oral sex skills, the question was asked: why do you want to learn it? Some girls responded that they felt they weren't very good at sex, others said they wanted to encourage their man to do better to please them, and a third group said they were satisfied with their sexual partner and wanted to pamper him.

Imagine being an amazing lover and your partner spending time finding new ways to please you in bed just as much as you please her. What's the easiest way to become a better lover in casual sex? Love him! Find out how well your lady love will benefit from her intermittent moans and arched body.

4.Be a man

In another survey about sex, women were asked: “How do you like to have sex?” Only 7% of them said they liked slow, romantic lovemaking, 28% preferred rough sex and 64% of respondents said they would like to have a mixture of both types of sex.

Unfortunately, many guys believe that women only need tenderness in bed. Show your masculine self, show male dominance, she will appreciate it.

5.Remember: she wants orgasm

It’s quite easy for men to reach orgasm, but for women it takes time and diligence from guys. But, on the other hand, they may experience different types 0orgasms. You can bring her to the peak of pleasure without penetration, and also give her one orgasm after another. Just experiment, read literature and run to the bedroom!

Based on materials from Soulpost

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why do we invite a third person into bed - Rambler/female

Tango for three may be impossible, but sex is very possible. Let's try to figure out who, why and who is ready to let into their bed.

“The desire to have sex with several partners at once can be dictated by various reasons, for example, curiosity, the search for extreme sensations, an attempt to keep your partner, etc. The list is extensive, and in each individual case the motivation is individual,” psychologist Ksenia Bragina shares her experience from professional practice.

In addition to the underlying reasons that make people fantasize about a threesome, what is of interest is what “balance of power” they will prefer when choosing partners. Who would you rather let into your bed: a second man or a second woman?

Ksenia assures: “In principle, it is impossible to say unequivocally what is in demand: FFM or MMF. People come to a psychologist’s office with a variety of requests. If we talk about an established couple, then the strong point here will be trust, regardless of what gender of person you would like to involve in your sexual experiment. If a person fantasizes about a similar topic while in “free flight,” then the most significant factors there will be security and desire in its purest form.”

Two men - one woman

Let's start with the MMF trio. For most women, sex with two partners is simply scary, both psychologically and technically. Such a trio involves double penetration, which not every lady will dare to do. According to official data in Russia, at least 50% of women have a negative attitude towards anal sex. I wonder how many of the remaining 50% will be willing to try the “combo” sex format? Certainly not every second one. While admitting such desires in theory, most still do not dare to turn their fantasies into reality.

From a psychological point of view, everything is relatively simple. A woman’s feeling of inner comfort is only possible if she can trust at least one of the partners as much as possible. Sex with two unfamiliar or unfamiliar men does not allow you to completely relax due to the objective awareness of their physical superiority. The lack of control over the situation makes a woman vulnerable. And even the hypothetical possibility of being completely dependent on someone else’s will makes you shudder.

One of the respondents shared a candid comment from personal experience: “I had a threesome: me and two guys. One was just an acquaintance of mine, the second I hardly knew at all. To be honest, everything went well, but it was really scary. It seemed to me that if something happened, they would support each other, and not me. I felt dependent. I’m not sure I would repeat this experience.”

Ksenia confirms the above: “Quite often in the case of MMF, the second man ends up in the role of an observer. But even in this situation, it is really important for a woman that she can trust at least one of the men. If an initiative of this kind comes from a woman in a couple, this may indicate that she is missing something in her relationship with her partner. Not necessarily physically, as a rule, on the contrary: emotionally. She will strive to get this as much as possible with the help of a second partner.”

Several men aged 25 to 40 also shared their point of view on the situation. All of them unanimously recognized sex with one partner and two men as a rather attractive prospect, at the same time dispelling the stereotype that possible casual contact between men in the process is extremely uncomfortable.

Evgeniy, 24 years old: “If the woman is not my wife or permanent girlfriend, then why not? I see no reason to refuse. Well, with another man we will try to avoid any contact as much as possible, but even if we touch each other, we won’t die from it, right?”

There were also those who were ready to act as the initiator of such an experiment. Roman, 36 years old: “I am really excited by the thought that my woman may not be only mine. But only in sex. I am an owner, but I very clearly separate the spiritual, intellectual and physical connection. Looking at how good my woman is makes me absolutely delighted.”

Two women - one man

In a situation where a second woman is a guest in the bed, everything is also not clear-cut.

“Of course, FFM is most often offered by men. At least, in my psychological practice everything happens this way. The starting points in this regard are quite trivial. He is a male, one woman is not enough for him, or he is simply bored with his wife and is able to openly offer a way out of the situation, and not cheat behind his back. It is important here that the woman does not follow the wishes of her partner, but agrees to such a relationship only if she wants it herself.”

In a situation with FFM, if we are talking about an existing relationship or marriage, Ksenia insists that making such a decision should be as deliberate as possible. The danger of falling under the influence of others by overstepping oneself most often ends sadly.

Ksenia Bragina comments on this: “It is interesting that, unlike a man, a woman almost never takes the position of an observer. It's included in the action. If we talk about an established couple, there is always a risk that the partner will like such an experiment. There may be more than just a desire to repeat it with a certain frequency. He can simply go to the one who was originally just a guest.”

It turns out that universal advice There is practically nothing on the topic. You need to trust your partner, but more importantly, you need to trust yourself. Regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship, be guided first of all by your desires, think about yourself and what you really want. Don't be led by other people's fantasies, knowing that they can bring discomfort to your sex life. Stepping on your desires or principles once is not so scary: you tried it, realized that it was not for you, and moved on. Agreeing to fulfill other people's whims on an ongoing basis without real involvement in the process can be dangerous both for the relationship and for one's own psychological comfort.

Five secret desires of women in bed

Discussing sexual experiences with women is quite interesting, although not easy. But sometimes you can learn a lot of instructive things that will definitely be useful to you in the future.

So, just recently, I got into a conversation with my friend about what women lack in bed, and what secret fantasies they have that they would like to fulfill. Let me make a reservation right away, this article will not talk about role playing games and similar entertainments. Now I’ll tell you how you can add some slight piquancy to the very process of having sex so that it brings pleasure to both your partner and you.

All my secret desires poured out on me in the form of resentment towards the entire male race, which had become too inert in bed, and did not want to add color to the pleasant process of having sex, and these are some tips for men, which, as it turned out later, came from the lips of a beautiful a girl who expressed not only her thoughts, but also, one might say, spoke out for many representatives of the fair sex.

As it turned out, in bed for women lacks aggression on the part of men. I draw your attention to mild aggression, so that you do not overdo it. Women expect enthusiasm from you. Light spanking will brighten up your everyday and boring sex life, and the girl will appreciate your efforts and light creativity. Women just want a man to be more aggressive, and to be the leader in bed, not the follower. But do not confuse the role of an aggressor with mild sexual aggression, otherwise you will only do harm.

I won’t go further obscene expressions, which you can use in bed, but keep in mind that a small stream of light dirty statements addressed to your partner will not make her blush, but on the contrary, will ignite the fire of passion and excitement in her. So, choose your expressions, but don't be too chaste in this regard.

Ah, women's fantasies! Where can we get away from them? Even the softest and most gentle housewife gets tired of romantic and velvety sex, and it is with you that she wants to turn into depraved and insatiable lung woman behavior. Vulgar, animalistic, brutal sex excites the minds of our life companions. And now the quote: “I’m tired of regular sex! Tender, romantic, sickly sweet... It's so ordinary. In the bedroom I want fire, passion, obscenity, lust. I want to be raped by an animal. I dream about it!".

Moans and sounds. Men! Get ready! “Come on, Baby! A little to the left! No not like this! More to the right! Forget about it! Women want to hear from you moans and pleasant sounds, rustle of lips, whispering, snoring. Controlling a woman by making sounds and commands like a GPS navigator will not work for us. Don't talk, but control the girl with sounds.

Body cult. Women love to be licked and kissed from their toes to the top of their heads. They're just raving about it. This produces an effect on them no less than oral sex and paying attention to other erogenous zones. The sensations from caresses of the palms, wrists, and feet may be more pleasant than a direct attack on the girl’s genitals. Study your loved ones, appreciate them, caress them, look for the keys to their body and their pleasures.

Alexander Kokh for

In contact with


What women want in bed.

It is not the first generation that the male half of the planet has been pondering the “eternal” question: what do women want. But they want very little: attention, understanding, self-care and, of course, wild unbridled sex (yes, how could we live without it). It is a pity that not every man can understand what women want and, at least partially, provide them with it.

Of course, there are representatives of the stronger sex who manage to satisfy all women's desires. We are no longer waiting for handsome princes on white horses, we just need a brave and passionate man. Now let's try to figure out what women want in bed. Ready?

Every woman has her secrets sexual desires that rarely come true. Why? Perhaps the main reason is that she is afraid to stun (not to say shock) the man with her confession. She may also simply be afraid of offending him, and therefore remain silent. Below are some tips on how to give a woman truly heavenly pleasure in bed.

Women love persistent men. Contrary to the hackneyed opinion that if a girl refuses, there is no point in insisting, we can say with confidence that very often behind our “no” there is a well-disguised “yes”. Basically, the woman is thus trying to push you to take more decisive action, and instead of continuing to pursue the girl, you sharply back off. Try telling her about the intoxicating aroma coming from her, about how beautiful she looks. In short, tell her what she wants to hear. After all, every woman before romantic evening carefully puts on makeup, buys new sexy lingerie. Be able to show her how her every move or breath turns you on. And she will not forget this and will fully thank you for the wonderful words addressed to her.

We get pleasure slowly: almost all women can achieve a full orgasm only if the man has worked hard before sex. Once you finally find yourself in the same bed, remember the main rule: women love gentle, soft sex without frantic attacks. Female potency, unlike male potency, requires time to warm up. Therefore, immediately before sexual intercourse, try to caress each other (for about five to ten minutes) or use the “69” position.

What should a kiss be like? What kind of kiss does a woman prefer? This moment in sexual games is very important for every girl, sometimes even more important than sex itself. It all starts with a kiss, so don't neglect it. Then slowly move on to the neck. Kiss a woman passionately, with impulse (but do not forget about ugly bruises, popularly called “hickeys”; control your strength).

Don't forget to caress her body. Bite your earlobes, kiss them. Some women find it so exciting that they will do everything themselves. And, of course, don’t forget about your breasts (no matter what size they are).

The most important thing in sex is to be interested in your partner's opinion, and then you will truly understand what she really is like.

This, of course, was one side of the question of what women want. But do not forget that in addition to sexual desire women also experience platonic ones. Many men are interested in another question: why do women want to get married? Perhaps this desire is inherent in them and usually arises unconsciously. Some people want to get married to keep up with their long time married friends, some - because they are madly in love. And there is another category of women who marry for sex. Well, they can’t sleep with anyone they want with their husband. But it doesn’t matter for what reasons a woman wants to get married, it’s important to simply love and want her (even despite this obsession).

I would like to believe that after reading this article, men will understand at least a little of women’s logic and will be able to give their loved ones real pleasure.

9 things in bed that every girl secretly dreams of

Women have many secret desires - and they are waiting for them to be fulfilled. The girl will never say this directly: you have to guess for yourself. Women want this to fulfill all their sexual fantasies. You need to help them with this. Listed below are some of these desires.

Your girlfriend expects more.

1. A little aggressiveness under the sheets.

Sometimes women like aggressive sex. It can transform your sex life in incredible ways. This is not about daily aggression. But it's worth experimenting from time to time.

2.They like your stories.

Girls love to chat a little while lying in bed. It is not easy for them to tell you about their secret desires. You should listen to them carefully.

3.Wet passion.

Women dream of romance, candles, flowers and affectionate compliments - and you should not forget about such “little things”. You can even express your love by just kissing her deeply when saying goodbye.

Read: 13 Sexual Skills No Man Can Resist

4. Open up to her!

Any woman dreams of getting to the bottom of her partner’s secret desires in order to realize them in bed. The more you open up with your partner, the more open she will be with you.

5.Concentrate on your entire body.

Men make the mistake of concentrating on certain intimate areas of the body. When it comes to pleasure, it's worth paying attention to all parts of the body.

Read: Oral sex makes women smarter

6.More oral sex.

Often men neglect or forget about oral sex. This is a big mistake. Oral sex is indispensable in passionate relationships.

7. A man in bed must be demanding.

Often women are left bewildered when they have to dominate in bed. They always advocate for the man to take matters into his own hands.

8. She likes your “dirty” stories.

Girls like to listen to the “dirty” wishes of their partners. They secretly want to realize them all in bed.

9.Undress her slowly.

Women love slowness. Even when it comes to undressing. They want to enjoy every moment.

Read: A sad story about how Seryozha got a woman in his bed

A smart wife never refuses her husband in bed

This article is for those who consider sex an important component of their life. The rest don't need to read.

In LiveJournal I came across a question from one man: is it an excuse that the husband really wanted oral sex if he went to a prostitute? My wife has been refusing this for 10 years... The comments boiled down to the following: why bother making excuses and why bother with such a wife.

I also think what the heck. Because you need to live with a woman who is smart and beautiful. The rest is pure torment. It is known after all: “If a woman has not become a beauty by thirty, then she is a fool.” When I talk about beauty, I don’t mean model data, but I mean a well-groomed woman. And a smart wife never refuses her husband sex, because she understands that others will agree to fulfill her duties. If you don’t get physical pleasure in a marriage or partnership, you need to run away.

There are plenty of reasons for dissatisfaction in sex: your partner has stopped taking good care of himself, he has become lazy, you have different temperaments. There are women who are indifferent to sex. I don’t know for sure about men. I think so too, but they, liars, won’t admit it. Or inconsistencies in bed appeared immediately, but you closed your eyes to it, the guy (girl) was too handsome (rich, cheerful, free, etc.).

Waiting for something to change for the better is stupid. Of course, if you want to be “unbridled” on washing machine, and your partner stubbornly does “this” in the bedroom, then just take it and invite him to move to the bathroom. He himself will not guess about it. If a man (woman) happily took the initiative, everything is in order, harmony reigns between you. But if he makes a face and calls it perversion, pack your things and rush away from his house (or urgently share square meters with him). It is clear that the passion of the first month of marriage cannot be retained for years. But if your husband (wife) is having sex less and less and less willingly, you should at least think about it and talk to your partner.

Once I had a man at my reception. He was tormented by remorse that he began to cheat on his wife. You can understand him: she didn’t put on makeup at home (“I want to relax!”) and dressed casually: “The queen is getting ready for work!” And Cinderella is at home. I don’t want her anymore...” explains. I brought her to the reception. Indeed, almost a queen - fashionably dressed, long-legged, pretty. I can’t even believe the story about her favorite home workouts. I think that she also had someone on her side, because she listened with misunderstanding and irritation to my arguments about the need to constantly seduce her husband. As a result, he took a mistress.

Men shouldn't relax either. The habit of walking around naked to the waist at home (and your figure is not Tarzan), not shaving on weekends (and stubble doesn’t suit you), forgetting about compliments to your wife and flirting with her (women are greedy for sweet words) cools even the most passionate women. Once I found myself visiting a friend who was playing tricks with a fitness instructor. Her husband, who had gained forty kilograms over the last couple of years, confidentially whispered to me, sipping beer: “Lenka is good... But, damn it, she’s cold. She basically doesn’t need sex.” “Uh-huh,” I thought to myself, “she doesn’t need sex with you. Lena is a mega-passionate woman. It’s a pity that you’re such a fool.” By the way, his girlfriend divorced him. “Marriage for appearances is not for me. We haven’t been married for a long time and pretending that everything is fine is disgusting,”- she thinks.

There is another problem in sex: the man you just started dating is slow and doesn’t attract you to bed. A month or two passes, and you are still in the dark about his abilities. Take the initiative into your own hands: “Shall we go to your place?” Maybe this is just what he was waiting for! And if “no” again, leave the guy. I regret to say that there are plenty of impotent people even among 30-year-olds. Evaluate your new lover honestly. For long harmonious sexual relations It is necessary that the partners immediately like each other. So that it would be very good right away. If after the first night you cannot unequivocally say “He is wonderful!”, give the man one more chance to prove himself and draw a conclusion. If it’s “not right,” break up. People often do not suit each other purely physically (by the smell of their skin, habits, body structure). Don't fool yourself.

If everything was fine, but after a month the man stalled, the passion faded away, put the brakes on the romance yourself. Go into the mud for a while, let him sort out his feelings. Perhaps he realized that you were waiting Serious relationships, I saw your love, but I myself am not ready for such a turn. Or you don’t suit him in some other way (you have children, you live with your mother, you’re much older than him, you don’t have enough education—you never know what else!). Or maybe you simply crushed his masculine essence with your initiatives (sex suffers from this, a man cannot remain passionate). And finally: if your lover (husband) reproaches you for coldness (harassing you after your 12-hour working day), lack of initiative in bed and lack of refinement in affection – think about it. Don't point to the door right away. Try to improve. But ask him to the fullest! So that he too would be ready 24 hours a day, and so that he could implement everything that is described on the 1999 pages of the “Bible of Sex”. Then it's fair! Then you are a real couple.

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“Hello, Igor! I would still like to find out which women men prefer? Experienced or not? In the sense of sex” Olga, Tver.

I’ll start, of course, with the general sublime phrase that in the sense of sex, no one owes anyone anything. Normal people have sex with those they want and who want them. And if everyone mutually and strongly wants each other, everything else can be learned in the process. When feelings cool down and become dull, when a person has already tried everything, seen enough of everything and suffered several psychological traumas (whether without them) - well then, yes, some additional skills, poses, outfits, accessories are probably needed to awaken again interest. Although this does not apply to everyone. And in general, there are individuals who are happy with the same thing all their lives.

In earlier pre-Internet times, one could safely assume that knowledge comes with age. Now an advanced 14-year-old teenager, with even a dead Internet at home, knows much more about tricks in bed than all his parents combined. True, “knows” still does not mean “can”. And in this sense, experience really comes with age. Thus, if you and your partner are 19, you don’t have to worry too much about knowledge and skills. Both of you have them at approximately the same level and nature itself will tell you what to do. This was clearly demonstrated in the film The Blue Lagoon. Brooke Shields And Christopher Atkins. They had no knowledge - the old sailor died long before the couple had any thoughts about sex. And nothing, they were happy and even gave birth to a child. But if you, for example, are 27-30, and he is 35, etc., then theoretically the man can already count on some of your experience. Let's try to figure out which one.

I'm already in different women's magazines wrote that the most important female skill in bedthis is the ability to have an orgasm. A normal man wants to please not only himself, but also his beloved (and preferably several times). And the easier it is for him to do this, the more macho he feels, the more often he strives for you and the better your life together. Well, and vice versa: if you are a log in bed, a man will quickly get bored with the role of a dull plane. Then he’d better go and cut something out with a jigsaw—for example, he’ll make a breadbox, and then break it out of grief. No family happiness - just melancholy and languor of spirit. Therefore, for the hundredth time I implore you: do not enter into relationships with those who do not excite you at all. Even if you really need it and by calculation. Marriages where the husband does not excite his wife never end well. All this “endure and fall in love” is nonsense and medieval. Hit the head with a yoke to the one who keeps repeating to you “tolerate and fall in love,” and look for the one whose mere sight makes you want a lot. (I read this now and think: I’m writing obvious things. But I wouldn’t write them if you all, as one, started relationships only with those you’re crazy about. You often manage to find God knows who, because “others It’s even worse, but at least this one doesn’t drink.”)

Let's say I convinced you, and desirable man found. What else can impress him, besides your multiple orgasms, in terms of knowledge and skills? If you ask this question to Yandex Google, your eyes will be filled with various dubious courses, manuals, books, seminars and coaches who, in three days, will teach you how to achieve violent ejaculation from a banana, even if he doesn’t want you. These same mentally uninhibited characters will invite you to lessons in tantric striptease, anal yoga and God knows what else at a very considerable price per lesson. And tens of thousands of fools fall for it, diligently teach it, and try to repeat it. One diligent girl demonstrated a very clear effect of such activities to my friend. When they met, he had no idea what “advanced training courses” she went to 3 times a week after work somewhere in Sviblovo. And before the end of the course, they had a purely platonic relationship, because she was “so tired” and came up with a number of other reasons. But finally the courses ended, and the happy, modest accountant decided to demonstrate to this very friend everything that she had been taught there and even given a certificate. Can you guess how it ended? That is, it had not even begun when he suddenly “realized” that he had become involved with the most vulgar prostitute. I feel incredibly sorry for the girl - she honestly wanted what was best and learned everything. And I tried really hard. But it had the opposite effect.

I once interviewed Anfisa Chekhova, who is not only beautiful, but also smart. And she very correctly noted that no matter how experienced a man turns out to be, a woman still needs to customize him “for herself.” Show what turns her on and what doesn’t turn her on, and other little things. And, by the way, this is why sometimes a woman feels sorry to part with a good lover - after all, it will take time not only to find a new one, but also to reconfigure. Of course, the same principles apply to women's experiences. Clever man He himself will make it clear what he likes and how to do it, even if for some reason you have not attended courses in vaginal acrobatics with paddles and do not have the appropriate diploma. Well, at least you should be able to give a blowjob. And not only be able to do it, but love to do it. Or at least want to learn how to love. If you still have problems with this, then at least learn not to be afraid of it. He is not a snake, he will not bite. A disgusted or bashful attitude towards his organ is very depressing for a man - after all, during sex he practically turns into a penis, and suddenly he is feared and rejected. It’s not good and stupid - you’re adults!

Yes, I almost forgot about the most important skill: protecting yourself. Never expect your man to always take care of this. We have a lot of temperamental idiots who shout that they don’t feel anything in condoms, and in general he has a certificate from school that he is healthy. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of idiots who categorically do not like to use protection, and therefore the variety of sexually transmitted diseases is large and extensive. Be smart and demand condoms. Later, when you have a stable relationship, you can go to the venereologist together, cure each other of everything that was there, and slightly lower your vigilance.

Now it seems like I haven’t forgotten anything. Good luck in bed!

Try oriental practices that enhance sexuality. More details–in the episode of the “Practical Magic” program:

Question for a psychologist:

Good afternoon My husband (civilian) and I have been together for three years. Relationships are like everyone else’s, we fight, we make up. But overall the relationship is excellent. My husband helps me in everything, and does not forget to please me with pleasant little things, I, in turn, reciprocate his feelings. Every day we say that we love each other, and other pleasant words. Our intimacy is wonderful. Despite our long relationship, we have not lost interest in each other and are trying to introduce something new into our lives. Yesterday I asked my husband what he would like, what desires he has (this happened during the act), because lately (about two weeks) I see and feel that he has become bored. He said that he wanted a threesome (he and the girl and me/he and the man and me). Of course, I understand that my husband is no exception and many people fantasize about this. But this alarmed me; it turns out that he wants another girl? But what scared me more was that he was ready for a second man. My husband is very jealous, possessive, and it is very strange for me that he is ready to give me to someone else like that. Could this mean that he no longer has feelings for me? Could he commit treason? I don’t want to lose him and I also want our relationship to develop, but this fantasy of his is not an insurmountable barrier for me. Tell me what to do, please!!!

Psychologist Lidiya Valerievna Urazaeva answers the question.

Hello, Vera.

It’s great that you and your husband have a dialogue, and you are not afraid to tell each other about your desires, including sexual ones. This is a good foundation for further building relationships.

However, I would not recommend adding a third partner to your relationship. Such fantasies sometimes appear in all people, and it is not surprising - this type of relationship in bed is too widely sanctified; some special sensations are attributed to it (and without reason). However, a threesome is not such a good idea.

If this is not a sign that your feelings for each other are weakening now, it can lead to such consequences. You've only been together for three years, and you're already starting to think that you're bored in bed. This means that you are concentrating your attention on the wrong thing. When you introduce additional external circumstances - special objects, new places, erotic films or porn, other partners - it is like someone extra in the relationship of the two, does not give you the opportunity to focus on each other. It’s as if you are trying to develop “in breadth” instead of developing “in depth”.

Create a ritual for yourself to get to know each other. Use flirting and teasing that prepares you for sex several hours, or even days, and keeps you in anticipation and tension. Spend time not only on erotic caresses, but also on simply stroking, massage, admiring.

Learn to relax and enjoy yourself - an excited woman, yearning for desire, is the most powerful incentive for a man. Think about yourself - what do you need so that you want him, enjoy the process, can only think about your pleasure (and do it, or ask him to help). Feeling how you receive sincere pleasure, your man will discard other fantasies.

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Marriage under a microscope. Page 80

Sexual relations between a man and a woman in the family.

My husband and I just didn’t lie down in bed, didn’t turn around and didn’t become both a horse and an officer - we tried everything. I stick the plunger into my vagina and walk around the apartment. In less than five minutes, every step becomes sweet, apparently when I walk, the walls of the vagina gently rub against the piston, and the uterus sways from it. The vulva gets so jacked up that it just oozes juices. Then I go to bed with my husband. I’ll caress him, I’ll stretch myself... And then he’ll put on a honey cake, put his beloved little wife as a “horse”, and as he puts it in, and with his hand, with his hand, he hits the cleaver. What a thing! There is no end to my delight. And interesting, sweet to the very heels. This is how we live!..” In this enthusiastically naive confession, the intimate relationship of a young Italian woman, in which everything is scientifically described.
I will continue the topic raised a little. First of all, I note that women really adore one position - with their backs to the man's penis. Copulation in this position is useful because the man has the opportunity to caress with his hands either the nipples of the chest or the clitoris, which cannot be achieved during normal intercourse. In addition, I will tell you a little natural secret. Women have one biological feature: an innate increased desire for intercourse through the butt, apparently due to its similarity to the copulation positions of our distant ancestors. So, deep instincts will probably ferment in human blood for many more millennia.
Men really adore women who are activated by their butts, because this allows them to exercise the equally ancient hug reflex of the male. There are married couples who generally activate only through the butt, especially if the woman’s genital slit is favorable for this. As for science, it gave full approval to this method and recognized its right to life. The knee-elbow method of intercourse is used everywhere and in most countries, with the exception of Russia, which has not yet achieved a respectful attitude towards women, and has pleasant names.
For example, in Poland, it is called "duck" or "duck-duck". In Italy - "horse", in England-Spain - "goat", in France - "love of doves" and only in Russia - "cancer".
The French noticed that the dove was also caressing the dove from behind and decided that since the dove is a symbol of peace and purity and does not know any other way to caress and love, then it (the method) is sacred, and they were the first to use it on wives.
The whole world copulates like a pigeon, so there is nothing wrong with a woman seeking caresses through her butt - such a natural position for nature.
Knowing the terminology common in other countries, spouses can offer themselves to each other: “let’s do it like a duck”, “I want it like a horse”, “let’s play goat” or “let’s take a deep breath”, etc. Caresses through the butts are especially violent and tender for spouses . Only a woman who has recently gotten married and is naturally embarrassed by this position, as well as girls during their first sexual intercourse, can refuse them. This is correct and understandable. Sometimes a husband is refused by a wife who is too cold, because she has no desire for it.
In addition, if the genital slit is located closer to the abdomen or in the center of the pelvis (normal perineum), then the male penis may not reach the uterus by several centimeters; sometimes, especially with a short penis, it does not reach it. Here the woman either needs to slightly change her position, or, what is more desirable, to put a good honeypot on the penis with hairs at the end and an elongated head. Your wife will discover an interest in the enchanting object and you will both be rewarded with a passion that will set your hearts racing.
At the same time, you must firmly remember one rule, which I will not tire of repeating: shame has no place in the marriage bed. No wonder the Greeks said that when shame comes to bed, passion will leave. There, in bed, you are allowed to do everything: kiss and caress any part of the body, twirl, put anything on top of each other, do anything that excites you.

Let's talk about the eternal a man's dream- “he and two gentle houris.” And at the same time, let’s consider another option - also quite common: “me and two passionate macho men.” Have you encountered?

Many couples have such experience, but it is usually isolated - according to statistics, only 2% practice such sex constantly. Why do such thoughts creep into the heads of even the most faithful, respectable wives and husbands? Sexologists say that threesome love can make a relationship bright and unforgettable, but they warn that you need to be prepared for such a relationship not only physically, but also mentally.

MFF (two women and one man) and MMF (two men and one woman) sex scenes have become relatively widespread, if not fashionable, since about the 1960s - thanks to the sexual revolution.

Sharing a bed with two beauties at once is the cherished dream of men of all times and peoples. Look through men's magazines, read ads on dating sites. “A married couple is looking for a liberated girl for a relationship,” “Two beauties will meet an interesting gentleman.” Why is this happening? The answer is clear, although men themselves do not really like to voice it.

Firstly, a man is terribly afraid of leaving a woman unsatisfied. And two girlfriends will be able to entertain each other if the man is not up to par.

Secondly, he has the hope that there will be plenty of sex, simply because two women in bed are more than one.

Thirdly, men love with their eyes - the sight of two naked women will turn him on in a way that is not childish.

Fourthly, men are vain. Which of them can resist casually dropping in the smoking room the next morning: “I had a threesome yesterday...”

And fifthly, in this way the most primitive instincts of a male are realized - to collect a harem and enjoy everyone's attention. Among chimpanzees and gorillas, one such “sultan” leads a pack of six to eight females, protecting and satisfying them all, and his furry wives take care of him in every possible way. Men, of course, for the most part still differ from monkeys, but the motives for their behavior are sometimes strikingly similar.

As for women, the motivation is a little different. Many people try the MFF option because the “F” in this combination interests them no less than the “M”, and such a trio allows a woman to realize her lesbian inclinations without risking the relationship. Sometimes a woman joins a couple in order to attract the attention of her beloved man, and subsequently, if she’s lucky, take him away. Very young girls often participate in a combination of MFF “for company” or simply out of curiosity.

For a sexually and psychologically complete mature man, not prone to homosexuality and other delights, the idea of ​​sharing his wife or girlfriend with someone else’s uncle is usually not at all attractive - healthy instincts outweigh any fantasies.

Young men of hypersexual age sometimes make contact with MMF out of desperation - if for all men's company There is only one kind, sociable and understanding girl; you will have to put up with competition willy-nilly.

But, surprisingly, it also happens that a man agrees to this option out of love for a woman if she has expressed a desire to try a threesome.

It’s easier to understand women in this matter - it’s nice when not one, but two men carry you in their arms, admire all parts of your body and try their best to give maximum pleasure. As a rule, ladies in such combinations are hypersexual, relaxed mature women who like sex in all its forms, and one man is not enough to be completely happy.

Will you be third?

The question of how to convince your partner to agree to a threesome is one of the most popular on specialized forums. And not by chance. Many couples intuitively refuse this option, clearly anticipating serious problems in the relationship.

No matter how liberated we are and no matter how much we talk about sexual freedom, for most of us the situation when a loved one makes love to another before our eyes is an unbearable sight, which can also seriously traumatize the psyche. Even if the lady herself brought the second “F” into the bedroom; even if a man on his knees begged his girlfriend to try “a threesome with his friend Vasya” - logic in this situation completely refuses.

What to do? Follow your desires, but at the same time be sensitive to your partner’s feelings. You need to honestly explain to him why you want to try love in a threesome. It is important to dispel his fears, jealousy and resentment, to convey that you will not stop loving him and will not break up, that it is not about his appearance or ability to satisfy you. Answer all questions, talk in detail about how and where this will happen, let this topic become an object of jokes. Approach it as if you were talking about some unusual, but very exciting adventure.

Where to look?

There are a lot of specialized forums where couples are looking for a partner. However, finding a combination in which all participants will be satisfied and happy is an almost impossible task. After all, you are actually inviting a stranger into the holy of holies - into your bedroom.

Be prepared for the fact that anticipation of the festival of the flesh can easily give way to disgust. In addition, there are a lot of potential dangers - ranging from various diseases and ending with banal theft, uncleanliness, or threats to compromise you. Therefore, when registering on thematic forums and making acquaintances there, be careful and once again careful.

Advice for Adventurers

1. If you have already decided to take this step, stop thinking that you are a pervert. Love for three is a phenomenon as ancient as the history of mankind. Even the biblical patriarch Abraham actually offered his wife Sarah to the Egyptian pharaoh, and then conceived a child with his legal concubine Hagar. His grandson Jacob quite officially had two wives - Rachel and Leah. Catherine the Great, who was in a relationship with Potemkin, started young favorites with his approval. The fatal beauty Lilya lived in the same family for many years with her husband Osip and the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. Psychologist Sigmund Freud entered into an ambiguous relationship with Minna, the unmarried sister of his beloved wife Martha. And this list can be continued for a long time.

2. Friends are taboo. Never invite a third boyfriend or girlfriend. With a 99.9% probability, after such experiments you will lose these friends. It’s safer to find a person who is interested exclusively in the sexual side of the relationship - which will also protect you from jealousy.

3. This desire must be mutual. If one of the partners is against it, do not insist or put pressure under any circumstances. In addition, such thoughts are often impulsive - today you wanted to, and tomorrow you ask yourself with surprise and disgust: “How could this come to mind?”

4. Discuss his or her behavior scenario with your partner before the guest enters your bedroom. It is quite possible that the partner will object to kissing a third person or to oral sex. Such things need to be discussed in advance.

5. Before you go searching, ask yourself again why you need this. Often in this way couples try to solve some long-standing internal problems. However, this is a dead end - relations will only worsen. If there is a desire for revenge or punishment behind this, you need to seek help from a family psychologist. When the question “either the third one is in bed, or we break up” is posed bluntly, then it is better to break up right away - this is how the relationship will end anyway.

6. Remember what you are risking. The threat to health and reputation is far from fiction. In fact, you are inviting a stranger to your place, who could be anyone.

In conclusion, we note that, despite all the sexual revolutions, there are people for whom the option of threesome love is still unacceptable in principle. I would like to add – “fortunately”. But we will be tolerant and politically correct.