Pizza festival in Italy. Italian language, Italy, self-study of Italian Pizza festival in Italy

Naples is considered the birthplace of pizza, which is why it takes place there. Pizzafest– annually, usually in mid-September (this year on September 13).

It was in Naples, in 1889 (if history is to be believed), that the most popular margherita pizza today appeared - it was named after Queen Margherita of Savoy, the wife of the then king of Italy. The royal couple came to the city and wanted to try a folk dish - simple, original and tasty. The best pizza maker in Naples distinguished himself here - he baked them a pizza symbolizing the Italian tricolor (green - basil, red - tomatoes, white - mozzarella cheese). The royal couple was pleased, expressed gratitude to the master, and he, in turn, called this pizza “margherita.”

It looks like a margarita, but I’m afraid to judge its complete originality)

In 1984, the Association of Real Neapolitan Pizza was founded, it developed a standard for baking an original dish - pizza according to a specific recipe using ingredients of a certain quality. And these rules are today enshrined at the highest legislative level! A step to the left, a step to the right - that’s it, pizza is no longer considered originally Neapolitan.

A Pizzafest It began to be held in its current format in 1995. This is a grandiose event where the best pizzaiolos in the world come to demonstrate their skills, share the secrets of the pizzeria business and feed visitors. Here, it’s true, you can eat to your heart’s content - for a few euros (per day) you buy a ticket, and taste it every day, collecting recipes along the way. And since the festival usually lasts about 10 days, the guests go home pretty rounded)))

In addition to eating, at Pizzafest you can enjoy live music, take part in competitions, buy souvenirs, and generally have a lot of fun and collect a lot of useful information. So, if you have a holiday planned during the high season, consider spending part of it in Naples. Surely it will be great! And delicious)))

They say that the best pizzeria in Naples is Antica Pizzeria Port"Alba. It has been operating since 1738 (!).

Pizza festival "Pizzafest" in Naples is the main pizza festival in the world and one of the brightest events in Italy. It takes place annually in September, becoming a place of pilgrimage for all lovers of this famous Italian dish. Traditionally, this event attracts guests from many countries around the world. For several days, the whole of Naples is filled with the unique aromas of basil, mozzarella and fresh baked goods.

Pizza all over the world business card and an edible symbol of Italy, in Italy itself, pizza is a symbol of Naples, which is officially considered its homeland and, at least according to the Neapolitans themselves, only there it is real. Demonstrating their love and respect for this dish, Italians celebrate it every year at the Pizzafest.

Pizza has a long history. Long before the founding of Naples, different parts of the world and different nations had their own recipes for making “pizza”. Thus, in the army of the Persian Empire, flat cakes with dates, spices and cheese, fried directly on shields, were popular, and in Ancient Greece - flat bread, seasoned with cheese, onions and olives, cooked directly on coals. Something similar could be found in the diet of the Vikings, who also added meat.

In Italy, the prototype of the future pizza appeared on the Apennine Peninsula around the 10th century. And for many centuries, round flatbread (according to some sources, taken from the Greeks), seasoned with garlic, onions, herbs and olives, served as food for the common people of Italy, and sometimes replaced breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the poor. Later - in the 16th century - it was the Neapolitans who came up with the idea of ​​baking flat cakes with an exotic overseas novelty of that time - tomatoes. In its current form, pizza first appeared in the 19th century, again in Naples, and quickly became one of the most famous dishes of Italian cuisine.

As the story goes, in 1889, King Umberto I of Italy and his wife Margaret of Savoy, visiting Naples, expressed a desire to try something simple but original. And the best pizzaiolo in the city prepared them a peasant dish - pizza, where the filling of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil symbolized the Italian tricolor. Despite the simplicity of the “country” food, the royal couple was very pleased, and the queen herself wrote a letter of gratitude after the visit. As a reciprocal gesture, with the queen’s permission, the dish they liked was called “Margarita”. This is where the history of pizza began, and then other types appeared. But one of the most popular types of pizza all over the world today is Margherita.

Despite the truly royal success, pizza remained for a long time exclusively the national product of Italy and was little known outside its borders. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, together with Italian emigrants, did it come to America and become popular. But pizza gained global success only after the end of World War II, when soldiers from different countries, who fought in Italy, returning home, took with them to their homeland the recipe for preparing their favorite Italian dish.

Nowadays, delicious pizza is prepared and loved in many countries of the world by representatives of different segments of the population. But a special holiday dedicated to her appeared not so long ago. Real mass events in honor of pizza were organized in 1984, when the Association of Real Neapolitan Pizza held the first festival in Naples. Then there were a few more, but they were spontaneous.

Only since 1995 the holiday received its current name “Pizzafest” and became an annual event both for the city of Naples and throughout Italy. People have been coming here ever since the best masters pizzeria business - pizzaiolo - from all over the world. They compete in culinary skills, speed, dexterity and ingenuity, and also conduct master classes for colleagues and visitors, because you need to be able to not only cook pizza correctly, but also eat it correctly.

For 11 days, the air of Naples is saturated with the aromas of freshly baked pizza. The main events of the festival take place in the area of ​​the exhibition center d'Oltremare, but many parallel events are scattered throughout the city - these are dance evenings, theatrical performances, sports competitions, souvenir fairs, various shows and concerts.

But the main thing at Pizzafest is, of course, the tastings. Having paid a few euros for an entrance ticket to the main festival site, visitors eat huge quantities of pizza from morning to evening. And they don’t get bored, because the chefs who come to the celebration from different countries bake flatbreads of all kinds and with a variety of fillings. But the main queen of the holiday rightfully becomes Neapolitan pizza - Margherita.

Also at the festival you can learn a lot of new things about the hero of the occasion, expand your collection of recipes, listen to good music, buy souvenirs, take part in various competitions or simply cheer for others, and be sure to vote for the best pizza eaten. After all, the central event of the festival is the competition of famous culinary masters, who compete for the honorary title of the best pizzaiolo in the world. The organizers take the selection of the winner seriously: they install special equipment for voting and counting the results.

By the way, there is an international standard for Neapolitan pizza. Indeed, today in Italy alone there are more than 2,000 types of pizza, and throughout the world this dish has received many new variations both in cooking technology and in the variety of ingredients used. Therefore, the Association of Real Neapolitan Pizza, founded in 1984, has developed a special standard containing a detailed description of the entire process of making real “Neapolitan” pizza and the quality of the products included in its composition. And then she even ensured that this “set of rules” was enshrined at the legislative level. A dish prepared without observing the norms of this law cannot be considered Neapolitan.

Therefore, the Pizzafest festival is not only delicious, but also real Neapolitan pizza. And if you find yourself in Naples at the festival, you can’t help but visit the pizzeria Antica Pizzeria Port "Alba. This is one of the very first pizzerias in the world, which has been treating its guests since 1738.

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The most correct pizza in Italy is prepared in Naples; other cities in Italy have been arguing about this truth for decades, but in Naples everyone knows the truth. During Pizza Fest, pizza masters will give a series of theoretical and practical lectures on the art of making Neapolitan pizza.

The main reason why so many people flock to the Pizza Festival is, of course, tasting. Entry to the festival grounds is free for everyone. Next you will see a long line of tent pizzerias; at one of the 24 ticket offices you can buy a ticket costing 12 euros (I think it will rise in price), which includes:

  • pizza (Margherita or Marinara)
  • drink (water, Coca-Coca or beer)
  • ice cream or dessert

With this ticket you can go to any of the pizzerias you want to get a pizza. Tents with drinks, desserts and coffee are located separately from the pizzerias. Outdoor tables are located in front of each pizzeria tent so guests can sit and dine comfortably. Chefs from all over the world come to the Naples Pizza Festival, so it's hard to stop after trying just a few pizzas. It would seem that you have tasted the most delicious piece, and told yourself for the fifth time that this is all for today, and then again another tasty morsel looks at you and beckons with olives... and you just can’t resist.

The main events center will be on the sea promenade Lungomare via Caracciolo ( map).

The main organizer of the pizza festival is the Neapolitan Pizzaiuoli Napoletani Association, whose goal, as every year, is to promote the culture of Neapolitan pizza throughout the world.

Traditional classic pizza is cut before eating special knife into 4, 6, 8, etc. pieces and eat with your hands. Do you understand? With your hands! Not with a fork and knife. If you require a knife and fork for pizza in Naples, then best case scenario you will be sent to a psychiatrist.

The wife of the Neapolitan king Ferdinand IV, Maria Caroline of Habsburg-Lorraine (1752-1814), fell in love with pizza, and later - the Italian king Umberto I and his wife Margherita of Savoy, after whom one of the recipes and the variety of pizza itself was named - Margherita. Although there is an opinion that this is just a legend. Pizza came to the United States at the end of the second half of the 19th century and apparently first appeared in Chicago. In 1957, semi-finished pizzas appeared, which cause hysterics among the Italians themselves.

Where can you try real pizza in Naples?

Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo - ( Via dei Tribunali, 32) Pizzeria Sorbillo has been operating since 1935. It is a family business, located in the historical center, on via Tribunali 32, accessible almost exclusively on foot. The pizzeria has one drawback: to get inside, you have to stand in line. Sometimes for a long time. After all, you’re not the only one so smart, everyone knows that the best pizza is here! Even if there is a queue, go inside and join the checkout line, you will be announced over the loudspeaker as soon as a table becomes available and it is your turn. Advice, try to say a surname or first name that is comfortable for Italians, according to pronunciation.

L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele - ( Via Cesare Sersale, 1) Even Julia Roberts went to this pizzeria in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.” The pizzeria was opened in 1870 and since then has never been completely rebuilt; even the original interior has been preserved. The most unattractive looking place. Yes Michele- a tiny pizzeria with one single small room, right behind which there is a huge clay oven in which your pizza is baked. Of course there will be a line here too.

IN Yes Michele They serve only two types of pizza - margherita and marinara. Marinara (contrary to popular belief) has nothing to do with seafood; its filling includes tomato, garlic, oregano and olive oil. Service with plastic cups and "conveyor type" service, but this in no way affects the quality of the pizza, it is divine.