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Anne Jacqueline Hathaway is a famous American actress and singer. She became famous thanks to the films “The Princess Diaries”, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Jane Austen”, “Rachel Getting Married”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Love and Other Medicines”, “Les Miserables”, “The Intern”, etc. Winner Oscars, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and many other awards.

Childhood and education

Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 12, 1982, the daughter of lawyer Gerard Hathaway and his wife, actress Kathleen Anne McCulley. She has an older brother, Michael, and a younger brother, Thomas.

The parents named Anne in honor of William Shakespeare's wife, who in her maiden name was Anne Hathaway.

When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the small town of Millburn in New Jersey, not far from New York. Where and where she grew up. All three children were raised Catholic, and Anne said more than once that she was instilled with “strict moral principles.” As a child, she even considered joining a monastery, but by the age of fifteen her attitude towards religion had changed: “I realized that my older brother was gay, and I could no longer support a church that did not support my brother.” Since then, the actress considers herself a non-denominational Christian.

Anne was educated at a Montessori children's development center as a young child and then attended primary and secondary school in Millbourne. During her school years, she played on the soccer team and regularly performed on stage in school and amateur productions. Her main stage venue at that time was the Paper Mill Playhouse, once a local pulp and paper mill and later transformed into the New Jersey State Theatre.

In parallel with her school education, the girl took a special course at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, the oldest acting school in English-speaking countries, and graduated in 1993.

In addition to acting in the theater, she also studied vocals, and in 1998 - 1999 she performed soprano roles several times, performing with the choir at Carnegie Hall. Subsequently, the actress repeatedly said in interviews that she loves going on stage much more than acting in front of the camera. Her idols among actresses were Judy Garland and Meryl Streep.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the private women's college Vassar College in New York State and there, in her own description, “gnawed her way through life through political science, American Gothic literature and British literature.”

After a few semesters, Ann transferred to the Gallatin School at New York University, where students have the opportunity to independently choose the courses they need and create curriculum. Subsequently, she called this transition one of the best decisions in her life and admitted that if it were not for her acting career, she could have become an English literature teacher or psychologist.

Film career

One day, when a 16-year-old girl was performing at Carnegie Hall, producers noticed her and invited her to appear in the television series “Be Yourself.” After this, the young actress was offered the main role in the Disney teen film The Princess Diaries (2001), where she played an ordinary American high school student who, by the will of fate, became a princess in a small European country. The film was a huge box office success, generally not typical for children's films, and Anne Hathaway became famous overnight.

She subsequently played leading roles in the children's film Ella Enchanted (2004) and in the sequel The Princess Diaries 2: How to Be Queen (2004). Summing up this period of her life, the actress said in an interview: “You can only play princess roles while you are still a young girl - until you start to feel ridiculous. These are fun roles. And I felt like I should enjoy them as much as possible while I could. And then you have to move away and start playing drug addicts, and prostitutes, and good people - all these roles for which they give Oscars.”

During the same period, Anne voiced the main characters in two full-length cartoons - the English version of the Japanese anime “The Cat Returns” (2002 – 2003) and the comedy detective “The True Story of Red Hat” (2005). After that, the actress played the leading female role in the youth crime drama “Krazy” (2005) and a supporting role in the three-time Oscar-winning “gay western” “Brokeback Mountain” (2005) directed by Ang Lee.

In this film, the girl had to ride a horse, and the question of whether she could do this was asked at the very end of the audition, when she almost got the role.

My parents gave me many gifts in my life, and one of them was that when they ask me “can you do this,” you need to answer “yes.” If you have the motivation, you can learn anything in two weeks.

And she really learned, although she later experienced more than one fall on the set. The film turned out to be successful, and Anne's colleagues in this film - Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Williams - were nominated for an Oscar and other prestigious awards.

It was thanks to her first notable adult role in the film “Brokeback Mountain” that Anne Hathaway established herself as a fairly mature actress and got the opportunity to play one of her iconic works in the comedy-drama “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) along with her idol, the wonderful actress Meryl Streep .

And although the success of this film is attributed mainly to the brilliant performance of Meryl Streep, who received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for it, Anne was quite pleased: “I am proud of this work. It’s just that among other, brightly characteristic roles, my role was calmer.”

Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Interview

Anne Hathaway's next work was the title role in the British-Irish biographical drama Jane Austen (2007), which allowed the young actress to further demonstrate her dramatic potential. The press wrote: “Anne Hathaway, with her foal beauty and sincere demeanor, makes a wonderful Jane.”

When asked by a journalist how she felt about playing the great writer, the actress replied: “I was very worried, and not so much about how the audience would perceive my performance, but about how I could play this woman.” a legend that I respect and admire so much."

And again, filming required serious work on herself: Anne had to learn dancing in a short time, get used to the British accent and get used to writing with an ink pen.

In 2008, the actress starred in the comedy spy action film Get Smart as an experienced superspy, and then played the lead role in the family drama Rachel Getting Married, which brought her nominations for an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. and other awards. And although the box office receipts of this film did not significantly exceed its budget, critics did not skimp on praise - both for the film as a whole and for the main character Kim, played by Ann: “Her nervous laugh, lack of restraint in manners and quick temper are convincingly combined in a single character with vulnerability and need. in attention."

After the film was released, the actress admitted: “I didn’t want to let Kim lose my temper. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I fell in love with her. She inspired me to be sincere. After playing this role, I felt determined to open up to the world and not be afraid of being judged, or misunderstood, or disliked for something.”

The third film in which Anne Hathaway starred in the same 2008 was the dramatic and partly mystical thriller “Passengers,” which was not so successful, despite some of its certain advantages.

She followed this up by playing one of the two leads in the romantic comedy Bride Wars (2009), opposite Kate Hudson. Critics did not rate this film very highly because of its simple plot about how two closest friends accidentally planned weddings on the same date and because of this entered into an irreconcilable struggle for guests and wedding services, but viewers liked it soul just with its ease and inevitably happy ending.

In 2010, another romantic comedy starring Anne Hathaway was released - Valentine's Day. In this film, the plot of which is made up of several lines that bizarrely intersect at the end, many famous actors took part: Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts, Kathy Bates, Bradley Cooper, etc. And like the previous film, this film was also -was received differently by a wide audience and professionals: despite the high box office receipts, critics responded lukewarmly to it, criticizing it for its fragmentary narrative and lack of originality.

In the same 2010, the actress was lucky enough to take part in the fantasy adventure film “Alice in Wonderland” based on the Lewis Carroll fairy tale - an unusual and very beautiful picture created by the wonderful creative union of Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, with the participation of Mia Wasikowski, who played the main role, as well as Stephen Fry and other talented actors.

Anne Hathaway played the role of the White Queen, whose conflicted nature she described as follows: “She likes the dark side, but she is afraid of going too far into it, so she wants everything to seem light and joyful. She lives in constant fear that she won’t be able to control herself.” In addition, in one interview, she called her character “a vegan and a punk rock pacifist.”

"Alice in Wonderland" - trailer

The film received three Oscar nominations, two of which it won, as well as three Golden Globe nominations and many other nominations and awards, and its box office gross exceeded a billion dollars. Anne said that when she was invited to participate in this film, she felt truly happy: “... Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter - they are like the coolest rock band who suddenly asked me to play along with them for album recordings."

Another interesting role of Anne Hathaway was the main role in the drama “Love and Other Drugs” (2010), played in partnership with Jake Gyllenhaal. For this work she received a Golden Globe nomination and a Sputnik Award. Here the actress appeared naked in front of the camera for the first time, which was not easy for her. According to her, she tried to follow the example of Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz - actresses who posed nude “with deep sensuality and amazing dignity.”

After that, she participated in the dubbing of the animated musical film "Rio" (2011) and the sequel "Rio 2" (2014), and also starred in the romantic drama "One Day" (2011) and as Catwoman in the famous superhero action film about Batman The Dark Knight Rises (2012, starring Christian Bale, Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman), which grossed over a billion dollars.

In 2012, the actress took part in the filming of the dramatic musical Les Misérables based on the novel by Victor Hugo, along with such prominent actors as Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen. The film received eight Oscar nominations and won three of them, including Best Supporting Actress for Anne Hathaway.

In addition to this Oscar, the actress also received a Golden Globe - one of three that the film won - as well as a Grammy music award. Critics wrote: “Anne Hathaway is heartbreaking as she sings about how life killed her dream. Her performance is so beautiful – at first glance it’s clear that this is an Oscar.” Others agreed: "This movie is worth watching for Hathaway alone."

In 2014, the actress made her debut as a producer and participated in the creation of the drama film Once Upon a Time in New York, in which she also played the main role - but the film was not a great success. She then starred in the science fiction blockbuster Interstellar (2014) alongside Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and Mile Kane.

Anne Hathaway raps

Despite scientifically obvious "blunders" in the script, the film was very well received by critics and audiences. Anne herself believes that its main idea is expressed in one of her heroine’s lines: “Maybe we should believe and love, even if we cannot understand much.” The film received many prizes and nominations, including five Oscar nominations, one of which it won.

Another interesting work of the actress of this period was the comedy “The Intern” (2015), in which she played the main role in partnership with Robert De Niro. This film, known by the slogan “Experience is always in fashion,” tells the story of an elderly man who decides to learn a new profession and his friction with a young and ambitious boss.

After this, in 2016, Anne Hathaway again played the White Queen in the film “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” which can be considered a sequel to the famous film “Alice in Wonderland.” This film again featured Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen, but Tim Burton participated this time only as one of the producers, giving way to director James Bobin. Unfortunately, this film failed to repeat the success of the first Alice, and the press called it “incredibly expensive and terribly stupid.”

Views and social activities

Anne Hathaway is an active activist for the rights of women and children around the world. In particular, she is fighting against child marriage and has traveled on missions to Kenya, Ethiopia and other countries where this issue is especially acute.

In 2010, she was part of a World Bank-funded team to participate in The Girl Effect, a two-year program to help girls in developing countries gain education and careers.

In 2013, the actress provided voice-over narration in the CNN documentary “Girl Rising,” dedicated to girls from different countries who are trying to overcome social and cultural barriers on the way to their dreams. Together with Anne Hathaway, such famous actors as Liam Neeson, Cate Blanchett, Selena Gomez, Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep, Chloë Grace Moretz participated in this project.

The actress is a vegetarian and an opponent of smoking - at one time she became addicted to this addiction, but forced herself to quit.

In 2016, she became a Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women.

In 2017, she publicly advocated for the introduction of equal paid parental leave for fathers and mothers.

Personal life of Anne Hathaway

In 2004, Ann began an affair with Italian businessman Raffaello Folieri, who a year earlier had opened a fund in the United States that financed the vaccination of children in poor countries of the world, but later could not document the intended use of the funds.

The couple’s relationship was not easy and made her life very difficult, so her colleagues on the set of the film “The Devil Wears Prada,” which was released in 2006, could not help but notice it

Ann was constantly on edge. She lived with a guy who was a criminal and a swindler. He wanted her not to work at all, and hated it when she stayed late in the evenings. When we filmed late into the night, she always became very tense.

In June 2008, Folieri was arrested for defrauding investors and embezzling millions of dollars in property donated to the Catholic Church. Since Anne Hathaway was technically listed as his business partner, she was also included in the proceedings, but no charges were filed.

However, the girl had to go through serious public humiliation, and she managed to maintain her dignity: “At first I felt like such a fool! And it seemed to me that everyone would judge me. But it turned out that from family, and from friends, and from all people - literally from all sides - I met only sympathy. It helped me come to terms with everything and overcome everything.”

Some time after the scandalous breakup with Folieri, Anne began dating actor and jewelry designer Adam Shulman. They announced their engagement in November 2011 and got married on September 29, 2012.

In an interview, the actress admitted: “Thanks to him, it became more pleasant for me to live in the world. In my opinion, it is now common to say that we women don’t need anyone in this world. But it turned out that I still need my husband. His love, so unique and unlike anything else, changed me.”

On March 24, 2016, the couple had a son, Jonathan Rosebanks Shulman. With the birth of her son, the actress’s outlook on life has changed in many ways: “I’m happy when my life is simple... My day begins with security questions: Is he breathing? He is healthy? He grows? Is it developing? And if all four answers are “yes,” then it’s hard to ruin my day with anything.”

In the summer of 2017, Ann became the victim of a hacker attack, as a result of which her personal photos, including intimate ones, appeared online. The actress and her agent refrained from publicly commenting on this topic.

Anne Hathaway now Anne Hathaway without makeup

The same year, post-production was completed on the dramatic thriller Serenity starring Matthew McConaughey and Diane Lane and the comedy Ugly Aunts, a remake of the famous 1988 film Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. In addition, the actress starred in the title role in the film “Barbie” about the famous doll and in the sci-fi thriller “02”, where her heroine wakes up locked in a cryogenic chamber.

Anne Hathaway believes that the production of TV series has come a long way, so that today the series is no longer the “little brother” of the feature film, but a less serious format. Together with Sofia Boutella, Olivia Cooke, Julia Garner and other famous actresses, she took part in the filming of the mini-series “Modern Love”. Each of the seven episodes of the project is based on a true story published in the pages of the New York Times.

Perhaps in the near future the actress will take a break from her career again, since in 2019 Anne Hathaway became pregnant for the second time. The child was planned, but the movie star was unable to get pregnant for a long time. “As luck would have it, everyone around me was getting pregnant! I understood that this was happening regardless of me, but still, it was hell,” Ann later recalled.

Hathaway celebrated her 37th birthday “deeply pregnant.” According to fans, the baby should be born in January 2020.

Ann Hataway: biography

If you are interested in the filmography of Anne Hathaway, then perhaps you are a fan of this young girl, and you are interested in watching all the films with her participation.

Biography of Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 12, 1982. Anne's father is lawyer Gerard Hathaway, mother is actress Kathleen Anne McCulley. She also has an older brother, Michael, and a younger brother, Thomas. Baby Anne was named after William Shakespeare's wife.

Ann's childhood

Ann's childhood was exciting and entertaining; her parents spent a lot of time with their children. Anne studied at a Montessori children's development center and then attended primary and secondary school in Millburn. During her school years, she played on the soccer team and regularly performed on stage in school and amateur productions.

Ann's parents made a lot of efforts to ensure that their daughter was able to show her talents in the theater field. Her main stage venue at that time was the Paper Mill Playhouse, once a local pulp and paper mill and later transformed into the New Jersey State Theatre.

Her pretty appearance and good vocal abilities opened the way for the girl to the theater. A little later, she wanted to build a career on Broadway, but she was already too tall to portray children. But she’s not yet mature enough to take on “adult” roles. Ann was in the school choir and, as a high school student, was honored to perform with him at Carnegie Hall.

The actress combined the acquisition of skills in the theater, which will easily result in receiving a diploma, with an in-depth study of English literature at one of the university colleges in New York.

Also, the future actress Anne always said that she liked to play on stage more than in front of the camera. Anne Hathaway's idols were Meryl Streep and Judy Garland.

Film career

After Anne's performance at Carnegie Hall, Anne immediately landed the role of the main characters' growing-up daughter in the show Be Yourself. The series aired for only one season, but they managed to notice the slender young beauty.
Soon, the famous American director Garry Marshall, who directed the world melodramas “Pretty Woman” with Julia Roberts and “Runaway Bride,” invited Anne Hathaway to play the leading role in the Disney film "The Princess Diaries". The director saw in the young actress Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn and Judy Garland rolled into one. It was with these actresses that the director compared the still unknown Anne Hathaway.

She subsequently played leading roles in the children's film Ella Enchanted (2004) and in the sequel The Princess Diaries 2: How to Be Queen (2004).

Film "Brokeback Mountain"

As the talented girl grows up and becomes an actress, Anne Hathaway gradually moves away from working in fairy tale projects. For example, in 2005, Anne starred in the crime film “Krazy,” and a little later agreed to play a role in the famous erotic drama about the complexities of the relationship between two young guys, “Brokeback Mountain.”

In this project, the girl manages to work with another young American talent, Heath Ledger. The actress played the role of a cowboy's wife, whose family life was destroyed by her husband's same-sex love.

Film "The Devil Wears Prada"

In 2006, Anne played a role in the comedy drama The Devil Wears Prada (2006) along with her idol, the wonderful actress Meryl Streep.

The film “The Devil Wears Prada” was just another comedy in which the clumsy simpleton “ugly duckling” turned into a beautiful swan. Meryl Streep perfectly portrayed the stern, demanding and imperturbable editor of a fashion glossy magazine, and Anne was her “errand girl”, to whom the behind-the-scenes side of “high fashion” is revealed.

The film has an instructive character. First of all, he shows that no matter what, you need to remain human. Having lost your mind in the spotlight, you can lose the most important thing - yourself. From the outside, it seems that Miranda Priestly’s place is the most desirable for every girl, but as it turns out, this is hellish work that makes us give up everything else that we have in our lives.
The film performed very well in cinemas around the world, exceeding its budget almost ten times.

And although the success of this film is attributed mainly to the brilliant performance of Meryl Streep, who received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for it, Anne was quite pleased: “I am proud of this work. It’s just that among other, brightly characteristic roles, my role was calmer.”

"Jayin Austin"

There are more and more offers from various talented directors, so the popularity is growing rapidly. Anne participates in the filming of the film "Jane Austen", plays the role of a writer. The well-played role of the main character, who is planning to get married in a dishonest way, was well received even by the harshest critics.

In 2008, movie theater audiences couldn't tear themselves away from the movie. "Passengers". The actress plays yet another one of the main roles for herself, and works with Patrick Wilson. It is worth noting that it was normal for Hathaway to work in several projects at the same time, and she coped with two roles with a bang.

2010 fantasy adventure film "Alice in Wonderland" also could not do without the involvement of Anne Hathaway. In Tim Burton's masterpiece, the actress does an excellent job of playing the role of the good heroine - the white queen.

A year later, another successful project follows for the artist in the drama “One Day”, where the artist does an excellent job playing the leading role of the character Emma, ​​a simple girl who wants to change the world around her for the better.

Fans of superhero movies were also not left deprived of Hathaway's talent as she plays the role of Catwoman in the film "The Dark Knight".

For the actress herself, the most difficult work was Catwoman from the final part of the Dark Knight franchise. The clever thief Selina is a real acrobat, so Anne did not leave the gym. But she is very glad that she beat out many good actresses in the competition for this role; the result was worth it: the film earned more than $1 billion, and it starred almost only stars.

Among the artist’s acclaimed works, the fantastic painting “ Interstellar" the famous director Christopher Nolan, in which Matthew McConaughey became Hathaway's partner.

Anne's personal life

Anne Hathaway's first serious relationship was with a successful real estate businessman, Raffaello Folieri. The novel ended with a loud scandal. Folieri was accused of stealing $50 million from the Catholic Church Foundation, of which the actress was one of the founders. Anne Hathaway herself was a witness in the case, and the actress’s diaries served as indirect evidence. The actress had a hard time with the breakup, which was accompanied by a criminal trial, did not give interviews and hid from the paparazzi.

In 2010, the actress was credited with a relationship with colleague Jake Gyllenhaal. The actors starred in the melodrama together, and fans hoped that a spark had flown between Anne and Jake. The actors denied rumors of romantic relationships. Gyllenhaal dated singer Taylor Swift, and Hathaway continued to worry about her divorce.

When Anne Hathaway gradually recovered from her divorce, the actress began to accept the advances of her colleague Adam Shulman. The actor and jewelry designer spent 3 years seeking the hand and heart of a Hollywood beauty. In 2011, the lovers announced their engagement, and on September 29, 2012, Adam Shulman and Anne Hathaway got married. The wedding was celebrated in the small Californian town of Bi-Sur, inviting only relatives and close friends. The celebration was organized by Ivat Oren, whom Hollywood stars call only the “good fairy.” It was Oren who created the festive atmosphere at the weddings of such Hollywood celebrities as Cameron Diaz, Natalie Potrman, Drew Barrymore, Reese Witherspoon and others.

In March 2016, the couple became happy parents and their son Jonathan was born.

Anne Hathaway does not like journalists and social events. Most of all, the actress loves to walk with her dog Esmeralda, and she tries to spend her free time from filming films with her husband or family.


  • How to become a princess 2001
  • Nicholas Nickleby 2002
  • Ella Enchanted 2004
  • The Princess Diaries 2: How to Become a Queen 2004
  • The True Story of Red Cap 2005
  • Crazy 2005
  • Brokeback Mountain 2005
  • The Devil Wears Prada 2006
  • Jane Austen 2006
  • Rachel gets married 2008
  • Get Smart 2008
  • Rachel gets married 2008
  • Bride War 2009
  • Alice in Wonderland 2010
  • Love and Other Medicines 2010
  • Valentine's Day 2010
  • One day 2011
  • Rio 2011
  • The Dark Knight Rises 2012
  • Les Miserables 2012
  • Don Peyote 2014
  • Once Upon a Time in New York 2014
  • Interstellar 2014
  • Rio 2 2014
  • Trainee 2015
  • Alice through the Looking Glass 2016
  • My Girlfriend is a Monster 2016
  • Inveterate scammers 2018
  • Sea of ​​temptation 2018

The actress is a vegetarian According to her, not a day goes by without eating at least a piece of her favorite broccoli.

Ann is a happy woman. She has a successful career and family life. She tries to avoid social events and meetings with journalists. The 36-year-old star values ​​her family and spends any free time from work at home with her son and husband.

    Anne Hathaway


    If you are interested in the filmography of Anne Hathaway, then perhaps you are a fan of this young girl, and you are interested in watching all the films with her participation. Contents Biography of Anne HathawayAnne's childhoodFilm careerFilm "Brokeback Mountain"Film "The Devil Wears Prada""Jayin Austin"Anne's personal lifeFilmography: Biography of Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 12, 1982. Anne's father is lawyer Gerard Hathaway...

Anne Hathaway is a famous American beauty who became famous due to her great talent. The woman managed to become famous not only as an actress, but also as a singer. She has a huge number of different awards from the world of cinema.



The girl was born in one of the most famous cities in the world - New York, namely.

The name "Anne" was given to her in honor of the wife of the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. The ancestors of the future star came from Ireland, France, England and Germany. The baby grew up in the family of a lawyer and a representative of the film industry.

The marriage of Gerard and Kathleen also produced boys; the celebrity has an older and younger brother.

2. Change of place of residence.

The family moved from New York to Millburn when the girl was 6 years old. This small town (population is about 20,000 people) is located in New Jersey. In close proximity to the village there is a nature reserve, as well as the Big Apple itself. It was in this place that Hathaway spent her entire childhood.

3. Religiosity.

The girl was raised in accordance with Christian canons and strict principles of morality. Anne regularly attended the Catholic Church, and faith became an integral part of her life.

As a teenager, the brunette even thought about joining a monastery, but later she radically changed her attitude towards religion. Her position was influenced by her older brother’s confession about his non-traditional sexual orientation. Thus, the girl no longer wanted to attend a religious organization that had a negative attitude towards gays. Today she continues to be very religious, but does not consider herself to be a member of official denominations.

4. Children's hobbies.

The American developed a love for creativity and public speaking from early childhood. Anne was greatly influenced by her mother's work in the theater. The future celebrity, in his spare time from studying, played football and took part in amateur plays. My favorite hobby gradually grew into the meaning of my whole life.

In 1993, she entered specialized courses at the academy. The student's favorite subjects were also English and psychology. She taught these disciplines at the special Gallatin School, operating at the University of New York.

5. Vocal abilities.

The girl succeeded not only in acting, but at the same time she managed to develop her acting abilities. For some time she acted as a choir soloist, singing soprano roles. She liked to combine acting on stage with vocal classes.


6. Early start.

The student often performed at the famous New York concert hall, Carnegie Hall. This site was a great place to start her career. At one of the performances, the beauty was noticed by representatives of the short film series “Fox Get Real” (or “Be Yourself”) and offered her a role. Thus, the girl made her debut on television at the age of sixteen.

Early success did not save Hathaway from bouts of depression and anxiety; she had to struggle with these problems for quite a long time. The work affected the student’s studies; she even had to miss an entire semester of college to film her debut film, “The Princess Diaries.” Children's films were an excellent start in the beauty's career.

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

On the domestic Internet, the famous actor who played roles in The Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources, this actor is stated to be 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photographs with this actor, that he will stand next to other famous people and based on these photos it will be clear how tall he really is.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172 cm. Obviously, this photo should already make one wonder whether our celebrity really is 178 cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner, whose height is supposedly 178 cm, and next to him is Mark Wahlberg, with a height of 173 cm. You can find countless similar photos, where the height of our celebrity will be in the region of 172-173 cm. It is obvious that in RuNet people are mistaken about Jeremy Renner’s height.
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How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin is credited on the Internet with a height of 178 cm. But is this really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of scattered data, we will use a comparison of the heights of celebrities from photographs. We will simply take a photo where our model stands next to other famous models and compare her height from these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178 cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only now we see that our model is shorter than she is credited with.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175 cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178 cm tall, but closer to 175 cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is considered to be the role of Martin Brest in the crime comedy Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Thomas Young, also known for his roles in the films Where's Fred?, Inglourious Basterds, This Means War.

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama “Good Will Hunting”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Dogma”, the crime drama “The Talented Mr. Ripley”; three parts about the adventures of Ocean's friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason Bourne; as well as the films "The Departed", "Interstellar" and "The Martian" and "Ford v Ferrari"

Matt Damon's height is 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Foxx began her film career in 2004 in the film Teenage Drama Queen. Her first famous film was the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. After Transformers, she won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous tattoos on her body, which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a Marilyn Monroe tattoo because: "She was one of the first people I saw on television. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the Twilight saga is credited with a height of 165 cm in RuNet. Although the celebrity herself in her controversial interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is equal to 167 cm, and that she feels like she is 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses say that We saw the actress live near us and noted that her height was hardly higher than 160 cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photographs where the celebrity will be near people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who states that her height is as much as 167 cm; Dakota Fanning, with a real height of 163 cm. As we can see, our celebrity, with a stated height of 167 cm, turns out to be lower than 163 cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality in reality her height is about 161 cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars, when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.

Anne Hathaway is one of the most famous and talented Hollywood actresses of our time. This has been confirmed more than once by critics, as well as by viewers and numerous awards for roles in films.

Anne Hathaway's appearance

The actress's appearance, however, has always caused mixed reviews. Some call her a beauty with beautiful hair, big eyes and gorgeous pink skin. This appearance helped her a lot at the beginning of her career, when the actress participated in films produced by the Disney film company. She even played a real-life princess in the film How to Be a Princess and its sequel The Princess Diaries: How to Be a Queen.

But there was no less criticism towards Anne Hathaway. The actress's appearance is usually criticized for her excessively small chin, large mouth and disproportionately long neck. However, this does not prevent Anne from starring in several new films every year and receiving constant confirmation of the love of the audience. She also has the biggest acting awards in her treasury: Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, BFTA and Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Anne Hathaway's height, weight and body measurements

Ann has a fairly slender physique and is tall. Her height, according to the actress’s own statements, is 173 cm, and her normal weight is in the range of 53–59 kg. At the same time, Anne Hathaway has the following parameters: chest – 90 cm, waist – 66 cm, hips – 89 cm.

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Anne Hathaway, like most actors, is fanatical about her profession and is ready to go to great lengths for the role. So, during the filming of the film adaptation of the musical “Les Miserables,” she not only had to lose her gorgeous hair, but also lost 11 kg in just 3 weeks. To reach a weight of 46–48 kg, she consumed only 500 kcal per day and, by the actress’s own admission, felt terrible. But we should not forget that it was the role of Fantine in this film that brought Anne Hathaway the coveted Oscar.