Twenty-sixth lunar day. Lunar birthday What to do on the 26th lunar day

Energy of the day: passive day

Lucky number 26 lunar day: 8; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color of the 26th lunar day: blue, sea wave and azure.

Meditations: lightning, silence.

Stones: orpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.

Happy day of the week of the 26th lunar day: Friday.

Lucky direction of 26 lunar days: Northeast.

The predominant form of 26 lunar days: a square, a horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 26th lunar day: Toad; Swamp, Traveling Frog, Pool, Mire.

Key words: smooth transition from apathy to new goals, renewal of the movement, exposing evil, understanding the essence of the life process, following natural rhythms, clearly defining one’s life positions.

Guardian Angel of the 26th lunar day: Fargas - Guardian of the Moon's moisture. Angel of healing. Genius of justice. The twenty-sixth guardian angel is called upon to heal all women's ailments. He has the power to melt ice and tame flames. Fargas eliminates unnecessary hassle and trouble. He protects from all enemies and enemies and protects from captivity and imprisonment. This Guardian Angel is created for such character traits and personal qualities as tenderness, ambition, sensitivity, patience and diligence.

Basic properties of the day

The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom, but wisdom that does not bring any benefit to man, for he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

A very difficult period when you need to gather all your physical and spiritual strength so as not to succumb to various kinds of provocations and temptations. It is necessary to remain calm and self-possessed, treat everything that happens with a certain amount of irony and, at all costs, not lose your sense of humor.

The twenty-sixth lunar day is difficult not so much because of its troubles as because of its emotional outbursts. People's moods jump like a frog - just a minute ago someone was laughing, and now they are already crying, before they have time to look back, a good-natured person has suddenly turned into a real tyrant and fanatic. These lunar days are fraught with such surprises.

The main danger of the twenty-sixth lunar day lies in its ability to “drag into a quagmire,” that is, the prevailing emotions now will pull you into themselves, like a swamp. It is not for nothing that the swamp is one of the symbols of these lunar days.

If your mood is sad and dreary, then by the end of the lunar day you will be, as they say, “up to your ears” in depression and no one will be able to get you out of there. And vice versa, if you laugh a lot and rejoice, you will soon discover that your laughter is nothing more than a nervous attack, you laugh not so much because you find it funny, but because you shudder from nervous spasms.

Today, observing the golden mean in emotional terms is very important, since the day is fraught with strong emotional instability, large, extremely opposite mood swings, leading to a huge number of conflicts, quarrels and scandals.

26th lunar day - On the twenty-sixth lunar day there is a high probability of robbery and theft. On the 26th lunar day, it is easy to fall under the negative influence of others; they will try to persuade you to take part in some adventurous event, which could end in prison for you. Therefore, be careful, if you even for a second have doubts about the righteousness of your action, it is better to stop it immediately, otherwise failures and big problems await you.

Motorists need to be especially careful: accidents, collisions, thefts - this is not a complete list of what awaits those who do not pay attention to today.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is also important not to take yourself too seriously, do not fall into fatalism and, as they say, do not make a problem out of a problem. Keep it simple, make do with little and be content with what you have. It is extremely contraindicated during this period to envy or experience hatred.

Relax. As already mentioned, this time is like a swamp - the more you strain and fuss, the more it will drag you into the quagmire.

It is very undesirable to go on a road or business trip today. No matter how well the journey starts, it will still end unsuccessfully. You will lose more than you find.

The Tibetan school of astrology believes that this time is favorable for making various vows and oaths. And besides, according to Tibetan beliefs, the twenty-sixth lunar day is the day of acquiring everything desired, but first of all, spiritual benefits.

Social influence

Bad for any communication, good for lawyers.

Mystical influence

They are working on texts and books. It is better to avoid overexertion or working with untested material. Pride often comes, followed by melancholy. You can work on these properties. It is easy to overuse energy, so do all work carefully.

On the 26th lunar day there is a high probability of robbery.

If on this day, leaving home, you meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can consider that you are going through life correctly; If you see lightning in a dream or in reality, this is a warning that pride and vanity are not tamed.

People born on this day are called upon to remain silent throughout their lives, to make vows, promises and fulfill them, to undertake any asceticism. It's a hard life, proud people.

Effect on conception

A child born on this day will be rich. Glory, great achievements, and honors await him. Perhaps dangerous pride. Dangerous, because you have to pay for everything.

Business sphere: 26 lunar day

For Business, the twenty-sixth lunar day is a dangerous period. If possible, it is better to postpone any financial transactions, refrain from concluding contracts, transactions and any trading operations. It is believed that all business-related matters are doomed to failure on the 26th lunar day, even if at first it seems that everything is going as well as possible.

Serious and serious scandals, quarrels and conflicts may arise in the work team at this time.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, ambitions may rise, disputes about authority may arise, which have every chance of moving on to a showdown. Be careful, do not allow arrogance on your part, you can lose a lot from this.

Marriage and wedding: 26th lunar day

Not a very good day for marriage. Today you can be very cruelly deceived. If the second day of the wedding falls on the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to cancel it, otherwise you will not be able to avoid scandals, fights and other manifestations of the negative aspects of human character.

Health: 26 lunar day

On the 26th lunar day, massage and cosmetology procedures, working with acupuncture points are useful today.

Sex and erotica: 26 lunar day

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to abstain from sexual relations, since they still will not lead to the expected satisfaction. Today, more than ever, all “left” sexual relations and sex with strangers are contraindicated.

It is advisable for women not to go out on the streets in the evening - there is a high probability of being raped.

It is very harmful for women to drink alcohol on the twenty-sixth lunar day. Starting with a glass of wine, you have every chance of ending the evening in bed with an unfamiliar man, or even more than one.

Dreams: 26 lunar day

Dream images of this period reflect the “shadow” side of the human personality, in particular, the area of ​​the subconscious associated with addictions and addictions. Dreams show a person who he will become if he cannot transform his negative sides into positive ones.

Esoterics: 26 lunar day

The Tibetan astrological school considers the twenty-sixth lunar day favorable for visiting your spiritual mentor, teacher, guru, or for visiting a church and temple. A good period for making offerings, making sacrifices, performing guru pujas (worship of the teacher) and so on.

Lunar ritual on the 26th lunar day

Practice of the day: Critical analysis of your own successes

Take a few minutes on this day to look impartially at your life, at your successes and problems, especially if you are being heavily praised today. Make no mistake, this may be a provocation! It is better to smash your self-confidence to smithereens. This will provide an opportunity to get rid of illusions and thus open up an overview of what will truly provide opportunities for future successes and achievements.

The 26th lunar day is full of provocations, temptations and deception. On this day, there is a high probability that you will be manipulated and pushed to make any decision. Be vigilant and careful. Try to check all the information well. You cannot trust unfamiliar people, otherwise on this day you will be disappointed and ashamed of your stupidity. To live this day without losses, treat what is happening with common sense and a dose of irony. Try not to take all random troubles and misfortunes to heart. Remain calm and be sure that if you do not dramatize the emerging situation, tomorrow it will “resolve” itself. Of course, this does not apply to truly difficult problems or misfortunes. Otherwise, be wiser and look at everything without panic.

Description of the twenty-sixth lunar day

The characteristic of the 26th lunar day is a clear understanding of one’s purpose, a transition to new heights of awareness of this world. The twenty-sixth lunar day is sent by heaven to test each of us and give an appropriate assessment. Perceive reality somewhat detachedly, do not “pass through yourself” all the events that will happen today. People whose thoughts are pure and whose hearts are open will be able to pass the test with honor. To these we can add those who engage in spiritual practices, self-improvement and meditation. Those who are endowed with willpower, clarity of mind and the ability to restrain their emotions will hardly notice the negative energy of this day.

Features and properties of the 26th lunar day

During this period, spiritually weak people can easily fall under the destructive influence of these days. Try to completely close yourself off from the information you receive. Stop watching the news, don’t go on social networks, don’t watch movies with a lot of blood and violence. All the negativity of the twenty-sixth lunar day will try to reach you through the external flow of negative vibrations. If today you want to spend the day in peace, tune in to a positive wave in the morning, do something to enjoy spiritual values:

  • go to an art exhibition or museum;
  • visit the theater, choosing to watch a comedy or operetta;
  • take a walk in the park where there are ponds;
  • read your favorite book or watch old and naive melodramas.

Try to “nourish” yourself with something pleasant and positive, direct your thoughts towards the light. This will help you feel protected and improve your inner energy. Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a toad, a swamp, a whirlpool, a quagmire;
  • Astrologers list yellow jades, jadeites, and chrysoprase as talisman stones;
  • element – ​​earth;
  • The main colors are blue, azure and sea green.

Today the 26th lunar day does not have very pleasant symbols. The toad, although a rather wise creature, also personifies inflated conceit and pride. It is precisely these character traits that cannot be allowed to manifest themselves today. Otherwise, the second symbol of the day – the swamp – will come into effect. And you will drown helplessly in it, after you are punished for your boasting and arrogance.

What should you do today to achieve success?

Try to relax and not give in to negative emotions. The energy of the day is really like a viscous swamp - the more you flounder and fuss, the deeper you will plunge into the quagmire. During the 26th lunar day, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean. You need moderation in everything you do. You shouldn’t indulge too much in having fun, but you shouldn’t delve into your problems and cry over your fate either. Unstable mental balance can lead to mental disorder. Meditation, internal discipline, contemplation and rest will help you successfully cope with the negative energy of this day.

Lunar relationships on the 26th day

This is a bad time for communication. Limit conversations with colleagues at work, do not enter your boss’s office. Your work today will be more successful the fewer of your colleagues who take part in it. It will still not be possible to come to a common decision. Mutual accusations and grievances will be added to this. If you have such an opportunity, spend your working day in solitude or at home. On the twenty-sixth lunar day, the stability of the Earth’s emotional background is disrupted. This negatively affects our psyche, which is reflected in aggression, irritation and depression. Watch your actions and words carefully. There is no need to provoke unnecessary quarrels and conflicts. Try to be tolerant of the actions and statements of your loved ones and relatives. They are subject to the influence of these days, but may turn out to be much weaker than you.

Registration of relationships and sex

Characteristics of people born on the 26th lunar day

Strong and confident people. They pass all the trials that befall them with honor and dignity. "Twenty-sixers" have great willpower. Anyone born today must devote his life to serving people; only in this case can he achieve recognition and well-deserved honors. “Twenty-sixth people” must not succumb to vanity, pride and envy. They constantly need to work on their negative character traits, cleanse their karma and strive for spiritual perfection. Children born on this day are characterized by unhurriedness and slowness, and their inner world is very rich and diverse. Parents must find the optimal balance between the child’s real and inner world. Enroll your child in sports or other “contact” activities. Constant communication with other children will be of great benefit.

What do dreams mean on the 26th lunar day

They show us the real state of things in our lives. Our subconscious today bypasses the mind and brings to the surface everything that is deeply hidden from our eyes. If you can understand the dream you had, you can learn more about your dark and light sides. If you understand in a dream that you are acting badly and unfairly, reconsider your actions and line of behavior. If your dream shows confusion and fear, you should act more boldly and not be afraid of responsibility.

Rituals of the 26th lunar day

Rituals today should not be performed by amateurs or novice practitioners. This is a very good day for making amulets and talismans aimed at attracting love and getting rid of dangers. Today you can turn to a specialist for help and perform a ceremony to remove damage. Rituals for cleansing and deliverance will be held with great success today. You can carry out simple rituals to cleanse your home yourself.

Twenty-sixth lunar day energetically unstable.

The symbol of the day is the Toad, personifying false wisdom, a swamp, an abyss, an abyss, a duckweed, a quagmire, a whirlpool.

The qualities of the Toad are blasphemy, self-righteousness, contempt for others. If you have a desire to feel like the center of the world, then you are following the wrong path. You can overcome arrogance only through increased self-control. It is necessary to “shed the frog skin” and learn to see the sincerity and good feelings under the “frog skin” of other people.
Don’t lose your sense of humor; today the ability to laugh kindly at yourself and the world will become your “lifeline.” Close friends can point out your shortcomings. This is a reason to take a closer look at yourself and think about what you can improve in your character.

In this regard, the constant instability of the day manifests itself, during which you swing like a pendulum, endlessly revaluing previously set priorities and principles, internal values. Which, as a result, can lead you to conclusions that you may not like.

The emotional background is also unstable... both your own and those around you, which leads to negative emotions, aggression, and sometimes to devastation and depression. Therefore, today it is recommended to be attentive to your condition and not to succumb to the provocations of daily events and negativity. It is advisable to avoid fuss and idle talk, which so easily take away your already diminishing energy.

The twenty-sixth lunar day is a kind of test day. It’s good if you can perceive the surrounding reality detachedly, letting it pass by. Spiritual practices and austerities can help you withstand all the trials of the day, bringing a restless mind into a state of peace and concentration. The main thing is that self-criticism does not turn into self-flagellation, and awareness of one’s successes does not lead to vanity and pride. On this day, it is good to cultivate tolerance in yourself, not to judge or condemn others, and not to wish evil. The assessments you give today will not be objective.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day there is a high probability of robbery and theft.
Today it is easy to fall under the negative influence of others; they will try to persuade you to take part in some adventurous event. Therefore, be careful, if you even for a second have doubts about the righteousness of your action, it is better to stop it immediately, otherwise failures and big problems await you.

Motorists need to be especially careful: accidents, collisions, thefts - this is not a complete list of what awaits those who do not pay attention to today.
It is extremely contraindicated during this period to envy or experience hatred.

One of the critical days: there is a danger of self-aggrandizement, vanity, and pride. This is also the day of unification of all scum (like reaches out to like - all the frogs sing in chorus). It was believed that one should not swim on this day, because the Vodyanoy could be pulled under the water. To keep him from getting angry, they threw pieces of bread into the swamp.

On this day, a person’s strength is tested. Toad, frog is a sacred beast into which the Mother Goddess, or Heavenly Arta, turns into, testing her beloved sons (heroes-pahlavans). A person can be seduced by his own wisdom and importance; if on this day he feels superior to those around him and becomes proud, he has not passed the test.

It is also the day of payment of earthly debts, therefore, it is necessary to pay tribute to the Earth. It is also associated with karma yoga. Some Teachers tested their students by sending them to the people, but before that the students underwent practice: sitting in a cave, testing with water, fire. Almost no one passed the final test of the students - to live in the world, with people. As a result, a contemptuous attitude towards the people around them was often formed. And they needed to understand that a Princess lives in every Frog, and look for the highest traits in the very last scoundrel, respect the common man, communicate with him and see in him a reflection of the spirit of God, understand that you are no better than others and your knowledge is nothing compared with the highest cosmic knowledge - only then can one really climb the mountain, gain new spaces and gain power.

Whoever does not pass through this day will never reach the final goal, because it is impossible to reach the highest goal alone. Therefore, this is a day of brotherhood and unity of people, and not according to external attitudes, but according to internal needs.

The motto of the day is don't believe what you see. Beneath the ugliest guise there can be a beautiful spirit.

Best case scenario.
On this day, the dirty does not stick to the clean, and if you are afraid of getting dirty, then it is better not to interfere and remain silent.

This is the day of purification of the spirit, the spiritual core, which is hidden by a dirty, vile shell, i.e. getting rid of frog skin. If a person is pure and noble, he will pass the test with honor; his wisdom is not false, and he will be able to extract the maximum useful information.

At worst.
A person is drawn to all sorts of nasty things, to gossip, to farce, to low energy, to baseness in general. This is the day of manifestation of philistinism, narrowly possessive instincts.

Social influence

If on this day, leaving home, you meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can consider that you are going through life correctly; If you see lightning in a dream or in reality, this is a warning that pride and vanity are not tamed.

People born

on this day, we are called upon to remain silent all our lives, to make vows, promises and fulfill them, to undertake any asceticism. It's a hard life, proud people.

Effect on conception

A child born on this day will be rich. Glory, great achievements, and honors await him. Perhaps dangerous pride... dangerous, because you have to pay for everything.


For business, the twenty-sixth lunar day is a dangerous period. If possible, it is better to postpone any financial transactions, refrain from concluding contracts, transactions and any trading operations. It is believed that all business-related matters are doomed to failure on this day, even if at first it seems that everything is going as well as possible.


Not a very good day for marriage. Today you can be very cruelly deceived. If the second day of the wedding falls on the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to cancel it, otherwise you will not be able to avoid scandals, fights and other manifestations of the negative aspects of human character.


Those who play sports today are advised to take a break or at least halve their workload. Health is now very vulnerable; the slightest reason is enough to cause an exacerbation of existing diseases or get injured.
Massage and cosmetic procedures, acupressure are useful today.


On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to abstain from sexual relations, since they still will not lead to the expected satisfaction. More than ever, all “left” sexual relations and sex with strangers are contraindicated.


Dream images of this period reflect the “shadow” side of the human personality, in particular, the area of ​​the subconscious associated with addictions and addictions. Dreams show a person who he will become if he cannot transform his negative sides into positive ones.

Description of the day

The twenty-sixth lunar day is associated with a change in the value system and prioritization. Today we get the opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside.

This time is considered unfavorable for any business. But you have a small bonus if you worked actively and competently during the previous days of the month. In this case, you will be able to expand the opportunities and prospects for your activities - at least in plans at this stage. Listen to the advice of your friends, do not reject their suggestions. Think about what initiative you could take: fresh solutions to pressing problems can give you support from your superiors and material success.

You are also able to improve relationships with others, especially loved ones, the day will pass easily and joyfully - but, we repeat, this is rather an exception. It applies only to those who listened to the lunar rhythms for a month, as well as to the lucky ones celebrating their birthday today.

Let's not forget that the toad is also the personification of wisdom, like a snake or a turtle. But the difference is that such wisdom does not benefit a person. Its reverse side, symbolized by the toad, is complacency and self-deception. Thanks to these characteristics, the 26th lunar day turns out to be a difficult and responsible time for most people.

There are a lot of provocations and bad temptations around, so you have to gather all your strength to resist them.

You will need endurance and willpower, the ability to treat everything that happens calmly and with humor. Because the hardest thing on this day is not even the bustle and problems, but the constant mood swings.

The emotional background is very unstable and changeable; neither promises, nor oaths, nor threats, nor confessions can be trusted. And to get out of such a swamp will require too much time and effort.

Do not go to extremes in expressing emotions: there is no need for melancholy and sadness, or wild fun. Stick to the golden mean, this is the best thing you can do today. Otherwise, almost inevitable quarrels await you. In addition to interpersonal conflicts, on the 26th lunar day there is an increased likelihood of theft and robbery. It is very easy to become a victim of such an “enterprise.” On the other hand, it is also easy to fall under alien influence, to agree to a thoughtless adventurous trick, for which you will then have to pay for a long time.

This lunar day does not threaten, but only warns. And if you intend to do something, but doubt whether it is a good deed, then you should immediately abandon your idea.

Features of the day

On this day you cannot nurture painful conceit, engage in self-criticism, feel sorry for yourself, complain about fate and exaggerate your troubles. If you aggravate these emotions with jealousy and envy, then the result will be very bad: a black state of mind and thoughts will very soon become habitual. And, as we have already said, it is very difficult to get out of the emotions born on this day. They are literally addictive.

Among other warnings is advice for everyone who drives: be especially careful on the roads and take care of your car, do not leave it unattended.

The Tibetan school of astrology believes that the 26th lunar day is favorable for making various vows and oaths. And yet, again according to the teachings of this school, today is the time to achieve what you want. Perhaps the opinion of Tibetan experts will be correct for you. Everything is in your hands: at the very beginning we talked about how to achieve this.

Finally, the 26th lunar day has its own signs. If you saw lightning in a dream today, be careful - you have received a warning about danger. Another sign of the day: if you meet a person with a full bucket, this is a sign that you have chosen the right path.

The day is unfavorable for travelers. You shouldn't hit the road today. It is believed that along the way you will lose more than you gain, even if everything looks good at first. The trip will be unprofitable and will not live up to expectations.

1) Practice “Tangle of problems”
To get rid of problems, take the one that is currently bothering you the most in your hands, like a ball. Imagine this ball. It is better if it is not tight, but loose. Now let’s unwind this “tangle”, lowering the thread into a bottomless well, while remembering what led to the current situation, but in reverse order. What now, what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a month, a year ago, unwind the ball to its base until its thread runs out.
As often happens, the thread of the ball is first wound on some piece of paper or simply first on a finger. How did it turn out for you? If you find a piece of leaf at the end, mentally burn it, and mentally give the end of the thread to the Almighty, to his will. It is possible that, having unwound your “ball”, you will understand the reason and purpose of the chain of events that you had to go through.
Now, after the passage of time, everything seems so clear and understandable. Well, if, after unwinding it, you did not find anything, then you have already “unwinded” the situation, and now it will develop differently, and you will soon see it for yourself.

General forecast

Symbol - frog, toad, swamp. The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom, but wisdom that does not bring any benefit to man, for he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

This is, one might say, a critical day. It is associated with fasting, abstinence, learning about life and tearing off masks. It is desirable that on this day there will be an access to the traditions of the Teacher. But you need to refrain from vigorous activity, otherwise you can, especially in empty chatter, overspend a lot of your energy. On this lunar day you may encounter theft, gross materialism, and hypocrisy. If on this day you meet a person with a full bucket or bag, this is a sign that life is going right. And, for example, lightning in a dream or in reality indicates that you have pride and vanity. And nothing should be done or started during this period. All undertakings will bring you only losses.

Love and relationships. It is absolutely not suitable for a first date, or meetings with a person with whom you are just beginning to develop a relationship. If your relationship is already strong enough, then today you can provide each other with support and help. You shouldn’t completely isolate yourself and avoid contacts. It’s good to communicate with like-minded people with whom you can just sit next to and be silent in order to calm down and restore mental strength. It is better to refuse sex on this day. As was written earlier, today any asceticism is welcome. An undesirable day for conceiving a child. If you feel that your relationship has long outlived its usefulness, then the 26th lunar day is ideal for breaking up the relationship. In this case, you will be able to quickly agree and come to an agreement on all issues.

Housework. You can only do light household chores. Don't do housework at all if you don't feel well.

The influence of the 26th lunar day on business and money. The twenty-sixth lunar day is considered unfavorable for any important matters and financial transactions. Bad day for concluding contracts and deals. They may remain at the level of eternal negotiations and empty talk. In addition, today there is a possibility of encountering scammers.

Dreams. These lunar days can show your habits and addictions, which it would be good to get rid of. If you see yourself in the role of a dictator, then curb your pride; if, on the contrary, your role is small, you see yourself, for example, as a beggar, then your self-esteem is too low. In dreams on this day you can see the secret sides of your soul. If you see lightning in a dream, this is a warning that you need to tame pride and vanity. These days, there are dreams that improve your mood. Dreams can come true, especially colored ones.

Health. Illnesses on this day will be severe and can be dangerous. It’s good to do therapeutic fasting today and not overeat. There is no need to overload the hip area with loads or procedures. It is not advisable to engage in intense exercise and running. It's not a good time to visit the dentist, especially to have teeth pulled. Not the best time for water procedures and swimming. It's good to eat raw vegetables, citrus fruits and fish today. It is not advisable to eat meat.

  • The beginning of the 26th lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 2 at 04:58
  • January 31 at 05:09
  • March 2 at 05:47
  • April 1 at 05:22
  • May 1 at 04:23
  • May 30 at 03:00
  • June 29 at 01:56
  • July 28 at 00:45
  • August 27 at 00:49
  • September 25 at 00:52
  • October 24 at 01:17
  • November 22 at 01:52
  • December 22 at 03:53
26th lunar day in other years


Today, not only a haircut, but also a change in hairstyle will bring joy and happiness to your home.


People born on the 26th lunar day are distinguished by their attraction to the material world and insufficient understanding of the laws of existence. They live a complex, confusing life. It is difficult for them to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. There is constant self-evaluation going on. But at the same time, these people quickly make contact, are charming, and achieve a good position in society.
Tip: Don't fuss or talk too much. You lose energy in conversations. Keep your promises, be modest, thereby you will work off your karma and make your life easier.

Bathing in the sauna

It's better to skip the bathhouse.


Dreams of the 26th lunar day indicate that we need to be careful and demonstrate our self-esteem, that is, our opinion of ourselves deep down. If you had a good dream, everything is fine in life and health. If you saw yourself as a dictator, is your pride too great? And if in a dream you appeared to be a beggar, then perhaps you underestimate yourself.

Guardian stones

Blue jade, coral.

Conceiving a child

Those conceived on the 26th lunar day have many chances for a brilliant career and financial prosperity. The only thing that can hinder him on the path to success is constant dissatisfaction with what he has now, that is, the inability to be happy with what he has. This is one of the people who created the proverb: “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose, we cry.” It is very important for such a person to appreciate the moment, to be able to enjoy the pleasant periods of his life, not to compare his happiness with the happiness of others, his wealth with other people's wallets. Otherwise, it will always seem to him that, compared to his neighbors, his cabbage soup is thin and his pearls are small. But happiness will live in his soul regardless of the circumstances, and he will begin to understand happiness not in the traditional, but in a very special sense. Vanity will become a stumbling block on his path to mental balance, which is very important to him. He will very quickly receive both a reward for good deeds and punishment for mistakes.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

It strengthens self-confidence and strength, builds self-esteem and instills self-respect. Restores the thickness of the aura. Eliminates depression, anxiety and despair. This aroma fills a person with the energy of joy and well-being, as well as optimism. Jasmine opens a pragmatic view of such negative events as betrayal, betrayal and irreparable losses, muffling useless emotions.


Dental treatment

The symbol of the 26th lunar day is a toad, a swamp. The energy of the twenty-sixth lunar day is quite heavy.


Not a good day for marriage. Today you can be very cruelly deceived. If the second day of the wedding falls on the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to cancel it, otherwise you will not be able to avoid scandals, fights and other manifestations of the negative aspects of human character.


Shopping on the twenty-sixth lunar day is contraindicated. But this is the ideal time to submit goods for repair, inspection, and also to get rid of unnecessary things.


symbol: marsh toad
stones: chrysoprase, malachite
body part: foot, sole

Lapels, quarrels, cold spells, rituals to increase jealousy, dirty damage, any rituals aimed at hostility, scandals and breakups, both in love and in business. Omorochki, damage to reduced intelligence and insanity, to alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling and other bad habits.

It is advisable to refrain from fortune telling; take a rest.

Description of other lunar days all lunar days → Share CHARACTERISTICS AND SIGNS OF THE DAY:

The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom, but wisdom that does not bring any benefit to man, for he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

A very dangerous day. You need to be extremely attentive and communicate with other people only out of inner conviction, inner sympathy. There is no need to fuss, show vanity and pride. If possible, it is better to completely abandon vigorous activity; rest, fasting and abstinence from sexual entertainment are recommended. Nothing new should be undertaken - the things that have been started will get bogged down in the swamp of everyday illusions and will only bring losses and damage.

On this day, as a rule, you lose the remaining energy in conversations, so be attentive to those who praise you, who force you to deceive yourself and respond with mutual flattery. It’s better to accept a person who curses everyone, including you. There is no need to fuss, talk too much, swim or run on this day. Smoke should be avoided. You can't pull teeth. On this day there is a high probability of robbery.

The day of alchemy, rebirth, transmutation, the beginning of work with incarnation diseases. Day of restoration of justice, karmic punishment. The day of wisdom, which is a temptation and does not bring any benefit.

It’s better to rest on this day or at least refrain from excessive activity - do normal everyday things, some routine work where you don’t need to think a lot and make decisions.

On this day, you may have a desire to brag and exaggerate your achievements. Stop and shut up in time if you feel something like this. Otherwise it will be a shame later.

Contacts on this day should be limited as much as possible, communicating only when necessary or with the most reliable people. Avoid fuss, stupid shopping, and gossip. It is better to save money - there is a danger of wasting it or losing it. It is very good to meet some wise person who will help you soberly assess reality and guide you on the right path.

The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom. But this wisdom does not bring any benefit to a person, since he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

This is one of the dangerous critical days in which people are predisposed to conflicts. They fuss in vain, engage in empty chatter, and gossip. There is a danger of overspending your energy on trifles. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from active actions, rest and spend energy sparingly. It is necessary to abandon unnecessary connections and contacts, to be selective in communication. On this day there is no point in doing or starting anything, as all this will only bring losses and damage. Fasting and abstinence are also recommended.

On this day, people may have a desire to brag and exaggerate their achievements. Under no circumstances should you do this - it will be embarrassing later.

The day inclines people to waste money, unnecessary purchases, and stupid behavior. There is a high probability of robbery and loss. You should be as focused and attentive as possible.

This is one of the critical, dangerous days on which people swear, fuss in vain, and waste energy on chatter. A person can overspend his energy. It is better on this day to refrain from vigorous activity, rest, or be reasonable and economical in matters related to energy costs. It is a day of abstinence and fasting, although abstinence is not as obligatory as fasting.

On this day, do not start anything, do not undertake anything, because it will bring only losses and damage. It is desirable to contact the Teacher.

It is necessary to cut off false connections and contacts, selectivity of communication. One should strive for knowledge of life, the worst in people, a sober assessment of reality, and the removal of “masks.” Otherwise, you will be bullied, mocked, showing hypocrisy and crude materialism.

On this lunar day there is a high probability of robbery. If on this day, leaving home, you meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can consider that you are going through life correctly; if you see lightning in a dream or in reality, this is a warning that pride and vanity have not been tamed.

Associated with Aquarius. This is one of the most dangerous days. Modesty should be your motto. If you did not succumb to temptation, then you passed the test. On this day it is better to refrain from vigorous activity; chatting is especially harmful; silence is encouraged.

The 26th lunar day requires us to carefully choose our social circle; it is necessary to break off false contacts and ties with selfish people. Meeting a person with a bucket full of water indicates that you have chosen the right direction in life. Lightning seen in a dream can warn of danger or some dubious event.

The healing energy of the day will be revealed by a bathhouse in combination with a Russian broom in the steam room and a good massage. It is contraindicated to treat hip diseases on this day. To avoid pain, you need to run less and limit physical activity. The energy of the moon gives an excellent effect for manipulating the skin; cauterization, massage, and acupuncture can be performed.

Broken bones can have especially dangerous consequences on this day.

A rainy day is associated with the transformation of our value system. Today we see ourselves as if from the outside. We may not be entirely happy with what has been revealed to us. We became this way of our own free will and we have the power to change it. Today, some abstinence in food and sex is good. It's very easy to overuse energy.

The first half of the day is good. Solve painful old problems. In the second half, avoid conflicts with your family. Don't sign documents - not on this day! Don't drive recklessly - it's unsafe!