Diet of Oksana Fedorova. Weight loss according to Fedorov Oksana Fedorova’s diet - description and general principles

Many famous people have their own signature diet. Fedorova Oksana Gennadievna is the winner of a number of beauty contests, a TV presenter and fashion model who never ceases to attract attention and still remains the owner of a spectacular figure.

Oksana Fedorova herself says that maintaining an elegant shape is not easy - in addition to fitness and other means, you have to follow a certain diet. A diet helps you quickly lose extra pounds.

Buckwheat diet

One of the first famous diets of a fashion model was buckwheat. It consists of eating a glass of pre-steamed buckwheat over the course of a day without adding oil or even salt, and drinking a liter of low-fat kefir. Oksana stayed on this menu from five days to two weeks. Such a diet can be called part of a catabolic diet. It involves eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits and a measured amount of complex carbohydrates such as buckwheat, black bread, millet, limiting protein and almost completely eliminating fat (only a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter are allowed).

To be fair, it is worth noting that such a diet is recognized as leading to the loss of muscle mass, and therefore is not very beneficial for health.

Diet after childbirth

A new wave of attention came after the TV personality became a mother. Many newspapers and online publications wrote about how Oksana Fedorova lost weight.

During pregnancy, the former fashion model gained quite a lot of weight (20 kg), and after giving birth she decided to quickly get back into shape. She began to eat low-calorie foods - turkey, buckwheat, cauliflower, but there was no result.

And after active training in the gym almost immediately after giving birth, Oksana even had to seek medical help. After all, for a new mother’s body, rapid weight loss is real stress. All these events led the TV presenter to a professional nutritionist. This is where the real weight loss began.

A special diet for Oksana Fedorova was developed by Margarita Koroleva, a well-known specialist in the field of nutrition. The former fashion model gave up the idea of ​​losing weight in a matter of days and chose the rational approach of slowly but surely losing weight.

First of all, Oksana refused to eat at night, following the advice of the Queen. The latest meal can be at seven o'clock in the evening. Then this beautiful woman, as they would have said before, with one stroke of the pen crossed out all canned food, marinades and flour products from her menu. Bread took the place of bread in her diet, and fish appeared in it about four times a week.


At the moment, Oksana Fedorova is losing weight gently and gradually; all harsh methods are a thing of the past, because they cause considerable damage to health. As the TV presenter herself says, fasting only creates a difficult-to-control desire to pounce on food and eat everything. A simple diet has replaced the old methods. She simply does without foods that affect weight gain. There are no potatoes, sweets or floury, fatty meats in her diet. By the way, dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets.

Here is a sample menu of Oksana Fedorova.

Before breakfast, on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of warm (room temperature) water, and a little later the same amount of kefir.


Breakfast occupies a special place in the daily diet. Having skipped it, at lunch a person automatically eats more than necessary, and leans on fatty foods.

Option 1 – oatmeal.

Option 2 – eggs and low-fat cheese.

Option 3 – yogurt with fruit.


Option 1 – vegetable salad.

Option 2 – light soup.


Dinner should be as light as possible. For example, vegetables with boiled meat.

Even with such a modest diet, Oksana Fedorova prefers to do a fasting day once a week. For such a day, you can use boiled rice (pre-soaked) or buckwheat with kefir.

Emergency diet

And yet there are times when you need to get into proper shape very quickly. For example, it is not necessary to check your weight after long holidays with large feasts. You need to get down to business right away. For this case, Oksana Fedorova has a green diet in stock. It consists in the fact that for a couple of weeks the famous presenter switches to green fruits and vegetables. This could be lettuce and apples, zucchini and cucumbers, grapes and kiwi.

The main thing, as Oksana herself believes, is that she completely satisfies her hunger with these products, since there is no need to limit their quantity. Moreover, with these greens the body receives useful minerals, amino acids and vitamins. During this diet, the former fashion model drinks more than half a liter of green tea a day.

Oksana Fedorova’s main recommendation is to never allow excess deposits to set in. As soon as they appear, they need to be eliminated. At the same time, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and faith in success. Confidence in a good result allows Oksana Fedorova to always keep in excellent shape.

Oksana Fedorova is the winner of many beauty contests in our country and holder of the title “Miss Universe - 2002”. Now Oksana leads an active social life, works as a host of various concert events and television programs, and acts in films.

Fedorova has a negative attitude towards strict diets and hunger strikes. Before the birth of her first child, the girl practically did not limit herself in food. Oksana had to look for a way to lose weight after her first birth, when the girl gained about 15 extra pounds.

Oksana Fedorova's diet rules

  • Exclude baked goods, confectionery, potatoes, fatty meats and fish from your diet.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits.
  • Avoid late snacks and have dinner no later than 19:00.
  • Before breakfast, drink 200 ml of warm still water.
  • Carry out fasting days regularly. Lean rice, buckwheat and low-fat kefir are suitable as the main product.

The effectiveness of the diet will be much higher if you regularly visit the gym. The model preferred fitness and stretching classes. In addition, Fedorova attended a Russian bath and massage treatments.

Sample diet menu for Fedorova

Breakfast: yogurt with pieces of natural fruit and berries, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese, a cup of green tea.

Lunch: a serving of soup with low-fat broth, vegetable salad.

Dinner: steamed meat (or fish), vegetable stew.

"Green" diet of Oksana Fedorova

If she needs to quickly lose weight, the girl goes on her own diet, the diet of which consists only of green foods. By following a diet for 2 weeks you can get rid of 4-5 extra pounds.

The diet consists of the following products:

  • apples;
  • grape;
  • kiwi;
  • cucumbers;
  • greens, leafy vegetables;
  • zucchini;
  • green pepper, etc.

These products can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The diet menu will provide the body with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and will help remove excess fluid from the body. It is recommended to drink still water and green tea throughout the day.

Oksana Fedorova's diets are safe for health, easily tolerated, and have no contraindications. A doctor's consultation is required if you have chronic diseases.

“Star” weight loss techniques always arouse the interest of fans. Firstly, this is an incentive to review your own menu and give up bad habits. Secondly, stars are almost always expected to have some secret secrets and new stunning techniques.

The figure of Oksana Fedorova is the subject of sighs for many women. She was able to quickly get back into shape after the birth of her first child, son Fedor. Surprisingly, some time after the birth of her second child, daughter Elizabeth, the TV presenter’s weight quickly began to decline.

Oksana Fedorova makes no secret of how she managed to lose 15 kg. Nutrition is based on avoidance of unhealthy foods and healthy principles.

Prohibited Products

The TV presenter’s menu does not include products that are clearly harmful to the figure:

  • Fat meat;
  • Pasta;
  • Bread (you can use bread rolls instead);
  • Sweets and confectionery;
  • Canned and pickled foods;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Oksana eats several times during the day, and always eats dinner 3 hours before bedtime. The girl loves to sit with her husband in the evening while he has dinner. However, she herself drinks tea at this time, but can afford to eat a little honey or a piece of dark chocolate.

TV presenter diet

The following diet helped her lose 15 kilograms:

  1. The TV star's breakfast consists of oatmeal cooked in water. Another option is an egg white omelet (egg yolks, as Oksana herself admits, are used to strengthen hair).
  2. At lunchtime, the TV presenter eats vegetable soup, for example, pumpkin.
  3. For dinner - vegetables. This could be broccoli baked under a cheese crust, or a vegetable salad.
  4. During the day, snacks consisting of vegetables or banana are expected. Every day, the beauty and television presenter drinks at least one and a half liters of clean water, and Oksana also drinks a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  5. Once a week there is a fasting day, during which you can eat soaked rice without additives or buckwheat with kefir.

Physical exercise

A sports lifestyle helps to maintain such a magnificent figure as Oksana Fedorova’s. The girl works out in the gym three times a week, where she performs a set of exercises selected for her by a specialist. The exercises are not too difficult, however, they are supposed to be performed at least 100 times! For example, the TV presenter tries to lift her torso 200 times to strengthen her abdominal muscles. Other exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, hips and back.

As you can see, there are no intricate recipes in the TV presenter’s diet. Healthy eating and exercise are the basis of a lifestyle that allows you to control weight. As Oksana says, you need to start losing weight when you have gained 2 kilograms. If the weight is already exceeded by 5 kilograms, losing it becomes increasingly difficult.

“Move, hurry up, come on, come on! Legs up and down, up and down...” An energetic female voice commands from the speakers of the music center: “Come on, push it up!” Imagine what you want to be. One more time, one more time, don’t be lazy!..” I hear this, and somehow I straighten my shoulders. Oksana laughs and stretches out on the gymnastics mat. It's one o'clock in the afternoon, the TV presenter is working hard in the gym. Oksana began restoring her figure in September of this year, when her daughter Lisa was one month old. Three times a week, for an hour, Fedorova performs a proprietary set of 10 exercises, which she selected for herself together with her trainer and thanks to which she quickly returned to shape after the birth of Fedor. Each exercise is repeated at least 100 times in a row. Plus a stepper: walks for 15 minutes 4 days a week. And as a stimulus in the gym, he turns on a disc on which the woman counts the rhythm and spurs on the star.

The first result is that Oksana returned from maternity leave in November. And she returned to her usual work schedule: regular filming in “Good Night, Kids!”, work at a charity foundation. New Year's lights and concerts are ahead - it's time to get back in perfect shape!

My son copies us

– Oksana, I see that you are only close to your “native” size 44!

– Yes, 15 kilograms are already gone. But I need to lose about the same amount, I dream of getting close to 42! Now the weight will start to come off faster. I just stopped breastfeeding my daughter. And I was able to return to dieting. I excluded fish, meat, all fatty and junk foods. And I’m completely indifferent to baking!

– What remains on your menu?!

– For breakfast at 8 am – oatmeal with water or a protein omelet. I put the yolk on the hair mask so that it doesn’t disappear. For lunch at two o'clock - vegetable soup, for example, pumpkin. During the day – banana, vegetables and 1.5 liters of water. At six or seven in the evening I have dinner: I can bake broccoli, cauliflower with cheese or make a salad...

– Before your second pregnancy, you told me that you like to have dinner with your husband when he returns from work. Was it really necessary to abandon the family tradition?

– I try to eat early so as not to be tempted by anything forbidden. And I drink tea with Andrey. And then I can allow myself a little sweet - honey or dark chocolate. By the way, I am now setting the table for three: our son Fedya, he is now one year and nine months old, loves to sit with us for company.

– Is your son jealous of Lisa?

– Only when I carry my daughter in my arms for a long time. Then Fedya pulls my clothes and demands attention. He’s at that age now – he loves to copy us. For example, I affectionately call my daughter Lizuney - and so does he. I remember that every evening my sister “walks” surrounded by her favorite toys on the rug that I spread on the floor for her. And just imagine: yesterday around six he started urging me on: “Lizuna needs a rug!” Lay down next to her and let her put her little cars instead of rattles. I tell him: Lizunya is still little, she will grow up, you will play together, and you will begin to protect her... And recently I saw how my dad and I were doing exercises - he immediately ran up: “Dad, show me!” Well, come on, I say, let’s pump up the abs. He pushes, he pushes, but it doesn’t work out yet. But he tries!

I can't be alone

– Do you and your husband discuss how your children are similar to you?

- Yes! At first Fedya looked more like dad, but after a year my features appeared. And my son’s eyes are green. And Lizunya is a copy of her dad, with huge gray-blue eyes. We are waiting for her teeth to start cutting. That's it! Fedya's first tooth came out at seven months. But girls develop faster. It’s still too early for her to dress up, of course. Andrey, however, recently couldn’t resist bringing Lisa a beautiful dress from a business trip. For growth. I appreciate when he pays attention to children: plays, communicates with them. Fedya asks: “Dad, take the airplane for a ride!” Andrey picks him up in his arms and spins him high in the air. And the son laughs with joy!

– You say that you notice your own traits in Fed... Has he inherited his love for music?

- And how! When I practice the piano, it comes up. Sometimes he opens the lid himself, sits down and starts hitting the keys! I'm going to invite a teacher to resume the classes that were interrupted a year ago. At the same time, we’ll try to work out with Fedya. Music, vocal, and breathing exercises help you free yourself from internal tensions, tell you how to achieve harmony, how to learn to understand your body, and, finally, cultivate taste. I like to listen to classical music. She inspires.

– In November, you and Andrey went on vacation together for the first time since Lisa’s birth...

– Yes, we flew to Vienna for four days. I agreed to this because work called me - it was necessary to resolve the issues of the charitable foundation. But I managed to do everything in the first day, and my husband and I devoted the next three days to each other. The second day of our mini-vacation we slept in our room. All day! And only on the third day we went for a walk along the boulevards and squares, tasted Vienna duck, went to the opera and watched “Elisir of Love.” When I'm at home, the children take up all my free time, and it's almost impossible to be alone or alone. It’s good that my mother and nanny help me. Thanks to her, I at least started to get enough sleep. Since I stopped breastfeeding Lisa, I rest for eight hours. And if my daughter accidentally wakes up in the morning, her mother comes up to her, gives her some water, and lulls her to sleep. Previously, before I got married, I could think about how best to plan my weekends. And now they fly by in one breath.

– Two happiness is not the limit?

– I completed the minimum program. And I think that we will not stop there. But we need to take a break. For a woman, giving birth to children one after another is a colossal burden. Not even physical, but moral. Fatigue accumulates and it takes time to recover...

– Have you already decided how you will celebrate the New Year?

– We want to celebrate in our “town”, together with our friends - neighbors in the village. Let's have a party. For the last ten years, New Year has been a lost holiday for me - I worked at corporate events. Although, of course, we were greeted cheerfully - with colleagues. This year I took only pre-holiday corporate events. And I will spend the night from the 31st to the 1st and the New Year holidays with my family. So interesting - will Fedya like the holiday? After all, he will meet him consciously for the first time. Of course, I won’t take him to Christmas parties in theaters until he’s three years old. But at home we’ll arrange everything like in a fairy tale: with Santa Claus, gifts, a Christmas tree in the yard, we’ll set off fireworks on the street... I catch myself thinking that I myself am waiting for the New Year with a feeling of long-forgotten magic.


We take the starting position: hands behind the head, legs bent. Raise your upper body and then return to the starting position. We count loudly and perform all exercises 100 times. I do abs 200 times.


We lie on our backs, hands behind our heads. We bend the left leg at the knee and throw the right leg over it. We tighten our oblique abdominal muscles and raise our left shoulder. We bend towards the right knee. And so 100 times. We change the leg.


We lean on our left arm and leg bent at an angle of 90 degrees. We perform swings with our right foot diagonally. Then we change the leg. We do 100 swings with each leg.


We stand on our knees, resting our hands on the floor. Raise one leg parallel to the floor. Then bend it at an angle of 90 degrees. We tighten our buttocks. Straighten the leg. We do the exercise 100 times on one leg and 100 on the other.


We lie on our backs, arms to the sides. Slowly raise your legs at an angle of 60 degrees and smoothly lower them, returning to the starting position. In all exercises we breathe in the rhythm of counting. We do it 100 times.


From a supine position we stand on the “bridge”. Having bent your legs, press your feet to the floor, stretch your arms along your body, palms down. As you inhale, raise your pelvis as high as possible, straining your buttocks. As you exhale, lower your back down. And so 100 times.


The right and left arms are bent at the elbow. The right leg is half bent at the knee, and the left leg - it is on top - we stretch it out and lower it up and down. Then we change position: we lie on our right side and work with our left leg. We do it 100 times.

9. Exercise for the spine, stomach, hips // Photo: Nikolay Temnikov


We stand at a distance of 45 cm from the wall, feet parallel to each other. We bend our knees and move our pelvis back, as if we were sitting on a low stool. Hands behind our backs, holding on to the “machine”. We squat 100 times.


We press tightly against the machine. We swing our legs diagonally. 100 times with each leg. At the same time, the back is straight. It is important to feel how the muscles of the back and waist work.

Oksana Fedorova is a winner of several beauty contests, a popular Russian TV presenter, fashion model and Baskov’s former lover. The beauty admits that keeping in shape is not so easy for her - a variety of means are used, but the diet remains in the foreground. What is Oksana Fedorova’s diet? This question interests all fans of this beautiful woman.

Basic principles of Oksana Fedorova's diet

Oksana does not accept strict methods of losing weight. In her opinion, after a period of fasting, the desire inevitably arises to “fill the gap” by treating yourself to a portion of pork or a delicious cake. Our heroine made it a rule to avoid any foods that provoke rapid weight gain - the star beauty almost completely abandoned flour products, potatoes, sweets and fatty meats.

For breakfast, Oksana prefers to eat protein foods: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt with pieces of fruit, low-calorie cheese, etc. Our heroine believes that the morning meal is extremely important - if you ignore it, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid overeating by lunchtime.

Fedorova's lunch meal includes light soup and a salad of fresh vegetables. For dinner, the model and TV presenter prefers to eat boiled lean meat and a side dish of vegetables. Instead of sweets, Oksana treats herself to healthy and tasty dried fruits.

Emergency diet of Oksana Fedorova

If necessary, Oksana Fedorova switches to a “green diet” for a couple of weeks. This allows our heroine to quickly get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight. For fourteen days, Fedorova eats only green foods: green varieties of apples and grapes, as well as kiwi, green leaf lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, etc. It is not at all difficult to maintain such a diet, according to Fedorova - you can eat green foods until you are completely full. This diet enriches the body with essential vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. In order to cleanse the body, Oksana drinks at least one and a half liters of green tea every day.

Oksana believes that under no circumstances should you allow yourself to become fat. The higher the weight bar rises, the more difficult it is to bring yourself back to normal. Having gained an extra kilogram, our heroine tries to immediately get rid of this makeweight.

After holidays or unexpected feasts, Oksana definitely switches to a diet - the beauty prefers to unload on green tea or kefir. And one more little secret of Fedorova - when switching to a dietary nutrition plan, she tries to set herself up for success, developing confidence in a good result literally on a subconscious level.

Oksana Fedorova was not at all worried about breaking up with Baskov - our heroine immediately got married. There is no need to be surprised: the bright appearance and ideal forms of this popular model and TV presenter cannot go unnoticed.