Nadezhda Babkina's maiden name. Interesting facts from the personal life and biography of Nadezhda Babkina. Height, weight, age of Nadezhda Babkina

An incredibly energetic, talented, charming person. A singer who can “turn on” listeners from the first seconds gathers not only a concert hall, but also entire stadiums. The person for whom people came to the cinema, just to listen to her voice before the show, back in 1969. All this is about Nadezhda Babkina. But few people know that everyone’s favorite Babkina is not only an artist, but also a politician.

She takes an active part in the political life of her country, for which she has been awarded certificates and prizes more than once. She also published two books about Russian folk singers and their songs, which are still used as textbooks in universities. This is how versatile and multifaceted Nadezhda is.

Height, weight, age of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Babkina’s height, weight, and age are of interest not only to her peers, but also to the younger generation. This year the popular singer celebrated her 68th birthday. She weighs 60 kg and has an average height of 1 meter 65 centimeters. In order to look great at her age, the honored artist has been on a strict diet for a long time, has given up coffee and meat altogether, and goes to the gym.

More than once, Babkina herself admitted in an interview that she quite often turns to the help of cosmetologists, does a facelift, and blepharoplasty. He doesn’t see anything terrible or shameful in this, because on stage an artist must look his best in order to please the audience. Nadezhda Babkina's photos in her youth and now are distinguished by the fact that in earlier photographs the light of confidence only lights up, and in later ones it blazes like a fire.

Biography of Nadezhda Babkina

The biography of Nadezhda Babkina begins in 1950, in the spring in a small village near Astrakhan Nadezhda is born. Her father, Georgy Ivanovich Babkin, was appointed chairman of the collective farm, her mother, Tamara Aleksandrovna Babkina, was a teacher at school, and her younger brother, Valery Georgievich Babkin, played along with his sister on the piano and accordion since childhood. The artist also has three grandchildren growing up: Grandson - Georgy Daniilovich Zasedatelev, granddaughter - Vera Danilovna Zasedateleva, granddaughter - Marfa Danilovna Zasedateleva.

Already from the cradle, the Babkins’ daughter “developed” her voice. While still quite a baby, Nadenka firmly decided for herself that I would sing. From the first grade, the student gathers full houses of teachers and classmates who come to listen to her with pleasure. The parents were flattered that they had such a gifted daughter, but they saw her in the future as either a teacher or a doctor - there was no question of any singing career.

After graduating from high school, Nadya, under pressure from her parents, entered medical school, but after the first semester she dropped out and in 1967 became a student at a music institution. In 1971, she finally decided on her future profession and became a student at the Gnessin State Institute in Moscow. Five years later he receives a diploma in conducting a folk choir, and after another five years he receives a diploma in solo folk singing.

While studying at the institute, the young singer simultaneously performed as a soloist in the Bayan ensemble. In 1975, the women's ensemble “Russian Song” was created. At first, girls sang in factories and various enterprises. Popularity comes to artists after participating in a song competition in Sochi. Then in Bratislava they win the gold medal and again perform successfully in Sochi. But do not think that these prizes and achievements were easy for Nadezhda Babkina and her ensemble. The young artist put a lot of effort and energy into being noticed and loved: she traveled to different parts of the country, collected folk songs, studied local folklore, and carefully thought through all the performances. And the audience appreciated this, they came to the concerts not only to listen to the ensemble, but also to see what they would be surprised and pleased with today.

The girl is overwhelmed with energy, she wants to achieve more, and in 1985 she enrolls in courses at GITIS, department of stage and public performance director. From this moment on, Nadezhda, as a director, writes productions and scenes for the ensemble herself. Six years later, Babkina begins performing solo. "Russian Song" became the state musical theater in 1994.

Spectators are always amazed by the outfits of the national artist with their uniqueness and beauty. The secret is that famous fashion designers, including Yudashkin, Zaitsev and other fashion representatives, help Nadezhda sew and develop stage images. Since 2010, the People's Artist has appeared on television in the “Fashionable Sentence” program as a presenter. According to unverified information, she was even offered to demonstrate clothes with the appeal “Nadezhda Babkina buy clothes for plus-size people,” but, again, this is not reliably known.

Personal life of Nadezhda Babkina

At the very beginning, Nadezhda Babkina’s personal life was not as successful as her career. The people's favorite was officially married only once. Unable to forgive her husband's betrayal, she leaves, taking her son with her.

After the divorce, the singer throws herself into her work, not paying any attention to the attempts of the opposite sex to woo her. Over time, the pain subsides, Nadezhda allows herself to be invited on dates, to cafes, attends exhibitions, but she is constantly accompanied by different gentlemen, she does not give preference to anyone.

Family of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Babkina’s family includes her common-law husband, only son Daniil and his wife, and her grandchildren, whom the artist adores.

Due to the busyness of all family members, they see each other extremely rarely, but when this happens, there is always laughter in the house, songs flow and music plays. And Evgeny Gor, Babkina’s common-law husband, knowing that his chosen one has a great sweet tooth, but can only afford baked apples with honey, spoils her with home-made dietary pastries from bird cherry flour. This is how you should do something nice for your loved ones!

Children of Nadezhda Babkina

After the People's Artist became a grandmother three times, we can say with confidence that the grandchildren are the “children” of Nadezhda Babkina. In general, the artist has one son, Daniel. Often in her interviews, the folk singer recalls her own childhood. She talks about how she loved to play with her peers at the skating rink in winter; in the spring, after the river floods, you can fish almost by hand, and in the summer you can ride bicycles and pick wild flowers.

Since his father was the chairman of a collective farm, he and his brother were not forced to go out into the fields and work, but they still came and helped their friends so that they could quickly go for a walk.

Son of Nadezhda Babkina - Daniil Zasedatelev

The son of Nadezhda Babkina, Daniil Zasedatelev, from his first marriage was born in 1975. When her son was still small, Nadezhda decided to leave her husband, after which she raised her son herself. After their departure, the son and father did not intersect; they saw each other once, when Daniel got married.

Now Babkina’s adult son owns a law firm - he is a lawyer by profession and is a candidate of legal sciences. Despite such serious and responsible work, he serves as a bell ringer in a church in Moscow, and says that he feels the need for it. In 2007, Babkina’s son gets married. Three years later, their first child appears in the family - a boy, Georgy, and three years later - a girl, Vera. The young couple did not stop there and in 2015 their third child appeared - little Marfa.

Former husband of Nadezhda Babkina - Vladimir Evgenievich Zasedatelev

The ex-husband of Nadezhda Babkina, Vladimir Evgenievich Zasedatelev, was 3 years older than Nadezhda. They met at a concert where they performed together. Love broke out between the young people almost immediately and six months later they decide to legalize their relationship. Soon their child is born.

Vladimir Evgenievich worked as a drummer in various ensembles. But he did not become popular like his wife, because of this, quarrels often began to arise between them; he was jealous of his famous wife for her many fans. When Vladimir played in the group “Spectrum” he met the vocalist and they began a secret affair. In the end, he secretly divorces his wife and, when Babkina finds out about his betrayal and such meanness, she disappears from his life forever.

Nadezhda Babkina's common-law husband - Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Gor

Nadezhda Babkina’s common-law husband, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gore, unlike her first husband, is exactly 30 years younger than his chosen one.

Nadezhda Babkina was on the jury at the competition, in which the young and talented Evgeniy participated. Seeing Gorshechkov - this is the real name of the singer - Nadezhda Georgievna falls in love at first sight and, oh happiness, the contestant reciprocates her feelings. Having learned about the new novel, to say that both fans and colleagues were shocked is to say nothing. Everyone began to unanimously dissuade Babkina, saying that the young man was living with her in order to make a career as a singer. However, quite a lot of time has passed since 2003 (the year in which they met) - and the star couple, no matter how envious people gossip, are still together.

It often happens that the press writes unverified facts about many idols, simply gossip. This fate did not spare the honored artist either. “Photo of Nadezhda Babkina in Maxim magazine” was the headline of several printed publications, but there were no photographs themselves. Apparently in this way they wanted to increase their circulation.

Having looked at Babkina when she performs on stage, many people think that she is just as relaxed in everyday life. You won’t find a photo of the singer where she is naked. Although people are different and perceive the same information differently: when they saw the artist without makeup, many began to say why she was displaying such candid photos.

Nadezhda Babkina loves to go on vacation, in between concerts, and since she is an open, kind and sociable person, photographs where she is in a swimsuit can still be found.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Babkina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Babkina are not the only social networks where the singer is registered. Her account can be found on VK, Facebook and Twitter. It will probably be redundant to write that there are thousands and thousands of subscribers.

In 1950, the future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was born into an ordinary family. Her small homeland is the small village of Cherny Yar, located on the great Russian river Volga. While still very young, Nadezhda cried day and night. According to Babkina’s mother, even then she showed the makings of a future singer.

Having barely learned to speak, Nadezhda first voiced her desire to become an artist. Parents, of course, did not take this seriously. They were sure that their daughter should receive a serious education. Parents saw their daughter as a qualified doctor, teacher or engineer.

As soon as the girl entered first grade, she immediately became an active participant in all school events. The teachers were delighted with Russian folk songs performed by Nadya Babkina. All the singer’s children’s performances were accompanied by her brother, who learned to play the button accordion at a music school.

During her school years, the popular singer was a member of an amateur art group. By the end of the eighth grade, the girl was already sure that she would be a great artist. At the end of the school year, school students went on an excursion to the Astrakhan Music School. Nadezhda sang in front of the best teachers at the school, who invited her to come in a couple of years to enroll.

Two years flew by in a flash. However, the parents persuaded their daughter to get a medical education. Nadya entered, but did not study at medical school for even a year. She nevertheless became a student at the music school, which she had dreamed of throughout her childhood. After graduating from college, Babkina moved to the capital, where she soon became a student at the Institute. Gnessins to receive conducting and choral education.

The creative path of the People's Artist

Nadezhda Babkina took her first steps in her career at the age of 16, when she became a laureate of a folk song competition. At this age, Nadezhda took part in many competitions.

Nadezhda Babkina performing with her band

Soon Nadezhda got a job in the film distribution department. Her task was to perform Russian folk songs before the start of the film. Cinema visitors fell in love with the young singer so much that they began to come just to listen to the girl’s performance. So she was noticed and invited to the role of a soloist in the Bayan group. With this team, Nadezhda traveled halfway across the country and picked up many interesting creative ideas.

Nadezhda Babkina in the Star Breakfast program

The singer gained real popularity thanks to her group “Russian Song”, with which she still works today. Nadezhda Babkina immediately became the artistic director of the group. They performed a lot in different cities of the country, but these performances did not bring fame.

Nadezhda Babkina and Alexey Chumakov at a concert

They performed mainly at production enterprises of the Soviet Union. In 1976, “Russian Song” took part in a popular music competition. After this, the team began to gain popularity and acquired its first fans. In 1992, the singer received the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Nadezhda Babkina on the set of the program "Fashionable Sentence"

Since 2010, the singer has been working on Channel One as the host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program. The popular artist is a member of the United Russia party. The artist travels around the country and collects the opinions of Russians about the state of affairs in the country. She then conveys these opinions to the President's reception room. Subsequently, they are taken into account when drawing up new bills in Russia.

The behind-the-scenes life of a popular artist

The personal life of the famous singer is often discussed in the press. Babkina’s first chosen one was Vladimir Zasedatelev, a musician. They first met while participating in one of the festivals. Soon the young people got married, and in 1975 the couple had their first child. The boy was named Daniel. The marriage lasted about 17 years. Vladimir was jealous of his wife for her successful career. Soon he cheated on Nadezhda, and at the request of his mistress, he left his family.

Nadezhda Babkina with her first husband Vladimir Zasedataev

After the marriage broke up, Babkina devoted herself entirely to work. It was only in 2003 that she met her second husband. It was the promising singer Evgeniy Gore. Feelings immediately flared up between Evgeny and Nadezhda. Many suspected the singer of self-interest, but several years of marriage proved to Babkina’s fans the sincerity of the young performer’s feelings for the popular artist.

Evgeny Gor and Nadezhda Babkina

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Babkina Nadezhda Georgievna (b. 1950) - Soviet and Russian singer, one of the most prominent performers of pop and folk songs, teacher, folklore researcher. She founded and directs the Russian Song ensemble and theater. In 1978 she became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, and since 1992 she has been a People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Happy childhood

Nadya was born on March 19, 1950 on the banks of the Volga River in the Astrakhan region in the small village of Cherny Yar. Dad, Georgy Ivanovich Babkin, worked all his life in leadership positions in the national economy of the Astrakhan region. He was originally from the White Guard Cossacks.

Mom, Tamara Aleksandrovna (nee Chistyakova), taught at school in the lower grades. Before the revolution, Tamara’s ancestors were the owners of several Moscow manufactories and had housing on Malaya Bronnaya. When the civil war ended, they sold everything in Moscow and moved to Nizhny Novgorod, and from there to the Astrakhan region, where they purchased a good-quality wooden house in the Trusovo area. When Nadya was two years old, she had a little brother.

It was here, on the banks of the wide Volga, that the future celebrity spent his childhood. It was real, perky, Soviet and happy. Rural children spent almost all their time outside - playing noisily, swimming in the river, and in the harsh winter sledding down the hills. To this day, Nadezhda clearly remembers how the Volga flooded in the spring, and then the water subsided and fish remained in small holes. And she, a little girl, together with the village children, caught fish with her bare hands and proudly carried her catch home in buckets.

Nadezhda keeps the beauty and generosity of her native land, when at the end of spring the steppe turned into a colorful carpet of flowers, in her memory all her life.

School years

In 1957, my father was appointed to preside over the collective farm in the village of Bolkhuny, here Nadya went to the first grade of high school. Everyone lived in this village - Cossacks and Chechens, Armenians and Ukrainians, Kazakhs and Russians. Nadya's father was highly respected by fellow villagers, despite such a multinational collective farm, he knew how to find his own approach to everyone.

The Babkins' house was always full of guests, they organized evenings with songs accompanied by an accordion. Nadezhda’s dad sang wonderfully and played any instrument that he could get his hands on. Nadya was just like her dad; she grew up as an artistic and musical child.

Already in the first grade, the girl took part in all school concerts, performing folk songs. Teachers and parents of students were delighted with her performances. Nadya’s first accompanist was her brother Valera, who from the age of five studied at a music school to play the button accordion.

The school organized a propaganda team, whose children went to other villages with concerts: they read poetry, sang songs, and danced. Nadezhda became the first participant in this propaganda team, and also attended the school amateur art group; everyone, young and old, listened to her singing.

Every year the girl thought more and more about the profession of a singer. But the parents dreamed of their daughter becoming a doctor, teacher or engineer.

During the summer holidays, children worked in the collective farm fields, helping adults. Nadya also worked together with the other children, despite the fact that she was the chairman’s daughter.

In high school, Babkina went to amateur art competitions in Volgograd and Kuibyshev, where she represented her region. In the summer, after Nadya graduated from eighth grade, the most gifted and talented children of the school were taken to Astrakhan to a music school for auditions. With bated breath, young Babkina waited for what her vocal teacher would tell her. The teacher suggested that the girl study at school for two more years, wait until her young voice gets stronger, and then she would be happy to listen to it again.

The beginning of a musical journey

Inspired Hope could not wait for two years to pass. Nevertheless, her parents did not change their decision and insisted that Nadya go to medical school.

In the tenth grade, the girl went to the All-Russian Youth Competition, where she took first place among performers of Russian songs.

After school, in order not to upset her parents, Babkina became a student at a medical school. But after studying there for only one semester, she took the documents and went to her relative, who worked as a conductor. The girl asked him to help with admission to the Astrakhan Music College, and in the summer of 1967 Nadezhda became his student.

While still studying, Babkina began working part-time in movie theaters, performing folk songs before screenings. Soon, full houses began to gather in front of the films a few minutes before the start, and all because they wanted to listen to the young singer.

Also, while a student, Nadya met composer Anatoly Gladchenko and began performing his works. And he specially selected a repertoire of hundreds of folk songs for the accordion for the young talented singer. With such baggage, in 1971, Nadezhda Babkina, after graduating from college, came to conquer the capital of the USSR.

In Moscow, Nadezhda became a student of the conducting and choral department of the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. In addition to studying, Nadya managed to engage in creative activities. They rehearsed concert programs with their classmate girls in the dormitory and performed with them in small villages near Moscow.

"Russian song"

Soon Babkina was invited to the famous Bayan orchestra as a soloist. With the group, she traveled a lot around the country, performing both in big cities and in small villages, while collecting folk art in all corners of Russia.

It was from these student expeditions and evening rehearsals in the dorm that the folk art ensemble “Russian Song” was born. This happened in 1975.

Of course, popularity doesn’t come to anyone right away. At first they gave concerts in factories and factories. Sometimes this happened right in the workshops with the machines running.

Gradually, the group became recognizable, and real fame came after a festival in Sochi in 1976 at the All-Russian Competition of Soviet Songs, when they performed the compositions “Podblyudnaya” and “Curl, Birch”.

In 1978, the International Folklore Competition took place in Bratislava, where the song “The grass dries and withers in the field” by the Russian Song ensemble won a gold medal.
Having received another award at the second All-Russian competition of folk song performers, the group was invited to work at Mosconcert.

Nadezhda Babkina received three higher education diplomas:

  • director of the folk choir;
  • folk singing soloist;
  • director of variety and mass performances.

Over time, the ensemble grew into a real folk theater. Nadezhda came up with all the performances herself. The following ritual performances appeared in the repertoire of “Russian Song”:

  • "Maslenitsa";
  • "Carols";
  • "Wedding";
  • "Curling a birch tree."

In 1994, “Russian Song” ceased to be subordinate to “Mosconcert”; now they, as an independent organization, worked directly with the Moscow Culture Committee.

Since 2000, “Russian Song” is no longer just an ensemble, now they are the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore, whose permanent director is Nadezhda Babkina.

Vivid stage images and stunning costumes for the team are created by famous Russian fashion designers Valentin Yudashkin and Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

Over the 40 years of its existence, the Russian Song collective has accumulated almost 2,000 songs in its repertoire, become the country's main promoter of the richest Russian culture, and represented Russia in different parts of the world. In their work, folklore is always combined with modernity, closely intertwined with the current time and generation.

Personal life

Nadezhda Babkina’s first husband was musician Vladimir Zasedatelev. Their acquaintance happened on the plane; during the flight, the young people started talking and found out that they were flying to perform at the same festival. Vladimir was a drummer from the ensemble “Leisya, song!”

Sympathy flared up between Nadya and Volodya, which over time grew into serious feelings. They came to the festival banquet together, and six months later they got married. In 1975, the couple had a son, Daniel.

They lived together for 17 years, but in the end the marriage broke up. The reason was Zasedatelev’s professional jealousy; he could not put up with his wife’s enormous popularity and started a romantic relationship on the side. The mistress insisted that Vladimir file for a divorce. Nadezhda was absorbed in work and learned about her husband’s betrayal only when he showed her his passport with a divorce stamp. The son by that time was already quite an adult young man; he and his mother packed up their things and left their father forever.

In order to forget herself and distract herself from the thoughts that constantly haunted her about the betrayal of her loved one, Nadezhda plunged even more into work. For a long time, she was not interested in men at all.

New love came unexpectedly. In 2003, at one of the song competitions, where Nadezhda was invited as a judge, she met the young performer Evgeny Gore. By education and profession, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich was a translator and philologist, and taught English. He was interested in pop vocals, which is why he entered the competition. His mother works as one of the assistants to the President of the Russian Federation.

Evgeniy is 30 years younger than Nadezhda. At first, when a romantic relationship began between them and the couple began to live together, many believed that the young man was pursuing selfish goals. But now their civil marriage is more than 10 years old and no one doubts the sincerity of Evgeniy’s feelings.

Life off stage

Since 2010, Babkina has been a co-host of the show on Channel One “Fashionable Sentence”, where she acts as a defender.

In addition to creativity, Nadezhda Babkina devotes a lot of attention and time to social activities. Her father’s genes make themselves felt; he held many leadership positions, so Nadya actively takes part in the political life of Russia.

Almost from the day the United Russia party was founded, Babkina has been a member of it. She travels around the country a lot, communicating with the leaders of small amateur art groups in the outback, and with the directors of the capital's theaters and orchestras. The collected information is analyzed and transmitted to the President's reception, so that the opinion of the people is taken into account when adopting important laws in the field of art.

Since 2012, Babkina has been V.V. Putin’s confidant; she fully supports the president’s policies.

For her professional and social activities, Nadezhda Babkina has received a huge number of various awards - medals, prizes, orders, titles, and memorial signs. She is the People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Karelia, and the Chechen Republic.

She is also a happy grandmother of three wonderful grandchildren: George, Vera and Martha.

An incredibly energetic, talented, charming person. A singer who can “turn on” listeners from the first seconds gathers not only a concert hall, but also entire stadiums. The person for whom people came to the cinema, just to listen to her voice before the show, back in 1969. All this is about Nadezhda Babkina. But few people know that everyone’s favorite Babkina is not only an artist, but also a politician.

She takes an active part in the political life of her country, for which she has been awarded certificates and prizes more than once. She also published two books about Russian folk singers and their songs, which are still used as textbooks in universities. This is how versatile and multifaceted Nadezhda is.

Nadezhda Babkina’s height, weight, and age are of interest not only to her peers, but also to the younger generation. This year the popular singer celebrated her 68th birthday. She weighs 60 kg and has an average height of 1 meter 65 centimeters. In order to look great at her age, the honored artist has been on a strict diet for a long time, has given up coffee and meat altogether, and goes to the gym.

More than once, Babkina herself admitted in an interview that she quite often turns to the help of cosmetologists, does a facelift, and blepharoplasty. He doesn’t see anything terrible or shameful in this, because on stage an artist must look his best in order to please the audience. Nadezhda Babkina's photos in her youth and now are distinguished by the fact that in earlier photographs the light of confidence only lights up, and in later ones it blazes like a fire.

Biography of Nadezhda Babkina

The biography of Nadezhda Babkina begins in 1950, in the spring in a small village near Astrakhan Nadezhda is born. Her father, Georgy Ivanovich Babkin, was appointed chairman of the collective farm, her mother, Tamara Aleksandrovna Babkina, was a teacher at school, and her younger brother, Valery Georgievich Babkin, played along with his sister on the piano and accordion since childhood. The artist also has three grandchildren growing up: Grandson - Georgy Daniilovich Zasedatelev, granddaughter - Vera Danilovna Zasedateleva, granddaughter - Marfa Danilovna Zasedateleva.

Already from the cradle, the Babkins’ daughter “developed” her voice. While still quite a baby, Nadenka firmly decided for herself that I would sing. From the first grade, the student gathers full houses of teachers and classmates who come to listen to her with pleasure. The parents were flattered that they had such a gifted daughter, but they saw her in the future as either a teacher or a doctor - there was no question of any singing career.

After graduating from high school, Nadya, under pressure from her parents, entered medical school, but after the first semester she dropped out and in 1967 became a student at a music institution. In 1971, she finally decided on her future profession and became a student at the Gnessin State Institute in Moscow. Five years later he receives a diploma in conducting a folk choir, and after another five years he receives a diploma in solo folk singing.

While studying at the institute, the young singer simultaneously performed as a soloist in the Bayan ensemble. In 1975, the women's ensemble “Russian Song” was created. At first, girls sang in factories and various enterprises. Popularity comes to artists after participating in a song competition in Sochi. Then in Bratislava they win the gold medal and again perform successfully in Sochi. But do not think that these prizes and achievements were easy for Nadezhda Babkina and her ensemble. The young artist put a lot of effort and energy into being noticed and loved: she traveled to different parts of the country, collected folk songs, studied local folklore, and carefully thought through all the performances. And the audience appreciated this, they came to the concerts not only to listen to the ensemble, but also to see what they would be surprised and pleased with today.

The girl is overwhelmed with energy, she wants to achieve more, and in 1985 she enrolls in courses at GITIS, department of stage and public performance director. From this moment on, Nadezhda, as a director, writes productions and scenes for the ensemble herself. Six years later, Babkina begins performing solo. "Russian Song" became the state musical theater in 1994.

Spectators are always amazed by the outfits of the national artist with their uniqueness and beauty. The secret is that famous fashion designers, including Yudashkin, Zaitsev and other fashion representatives, help Nadezhda sew and develop stage images. Since 2010, the People's Artist has appeared on television in the “Fashionable Sentence” program as a presenter. According to unverified information, she was even offered to demonstrate clothes with the appeal “Nadezhda Babkina buy clothes for plus-size people,” but, again, this is not reliably known.

Personal life of Nadezhda Babkina

At the very beginning, Nadezhda Babkina’s personal life was not as successful as her career. The people's favorite was officially married only once. Unable to forgive her husband's betrayal, she leaves, taking her son with her.

After the divorce, the singer throws herself into her work, not paying any attention to the attempts of the opposite sex to woo her. Over time, the pain subsides, Nadezhda allows herself to be invited on dates, to cafes, attends exhibitions, but she is constantly accompanied by different gentlemen, she does not give preference to anyone.

Family of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Babkina’s family includes her common-law husband, only son Daniil and his wife, and her grandchildren, whom the artist adores.

Due to the busyness of all family members, they see each other extremely rarely, but when this happens, there is always laughter in the house, songs flow and music plays. And Evgeny Gor, Babkina’s common-law husband, knowing that his chosen one has a great sweet tooth, but can only afford baked apples with honey, spoils her with home-made dietary pastries from bird cherry flour. This is how you should do something nice for your loved ones!

Children of Nadezhda Babkina

After the People's Artist became a grandmother three times, we can say with confidence that the grandchildren are the “children” of Nadezhda Babkina. In general, the artist has one son, Daniel. Often in her interviews, the folk singer recalls her own childhood. She talks about how she loved to play with her peers at the skating rink in winter; in the spring, after the river floods, you can fish almost by hand, and in the summer you can ride bicycles and pick wild flowers.

Since his father was the chairman of a collective farm, he and his brother were not forced to go out into the fields and work, but they still came and helped their friends so that they could quickly go for a walk.

Son of Nadezhda Babkina - Daniil Zasedatelev

The son of Nadezhda Babkina, Daniil Zasedatelev, from his first marriage was born in 1975. When her son was still small, Nadezhda decided to leave her husband, after which she raised her son herself. After their departure, the son and father did not intersect; they saw each other once, when Daniel got married.

Now Babkina’s adult son owns a law firm - he is a lawyer by profession and is a candidate of legal sciences. Despite such serious and responsible work, he serves as a bell ringer in a church in Moscow, and says that he feels the need for it. In 2007, Babkina’s son gets married. Three years later, their first child appears in the family - a boy, Georgy, and three years later - a girl, Vera. The young couple did not stop there and in 2015 their third child appeared - little Marfa.

Former husband of Nadezhda Babkina - Vladimir Evgenievich Zasedatelev

The ex-husband of Nadezhda Babkina, Vladimir Evgenievich Zasedatelev, was 3 years older than Nadezhda. They met at a concert where they performed together. Love broke out between the young people almost immediately and six months later they decide to legalize their relationship. Soon their child is born.

Vladimir Evgenievich worked as a drummer in various ensembles. But he did not become popular like his wife, because of this, quarrels often began to arise between them; he was jealous of his famous wife for her many fans. When Vladimir played in the group “Spectrum” he met the vocalist and they began a secret affair. In the end, he secretly divorces his wife and, when Babkina finds out about his betrayal and such meanness, she disappears from his life forever.

Nadezhda Babkina's common-law husband - Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Gor

Nadezhda Babkina’s common-law husband, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gore, unlike her first husband, is exactly 30 years younger than his chosen one.

Nadezhda Babkina was on the jury at the competition, in which the young and talented Evgeniy participated. Seeing Gorshechkov - this is the real name of the singer - Nadezhda Georgievna falls in love at first sight and, oh happiness, the contestant reciprocates her feelings. Having learned about the new novel, to say that both fans and colleagues were shocked is to say nothing. Everyone began to unanimously dissuade Babkina, saying that the young man was living with her in order to make a career as a singer. However, quite a lot of time has passed since 2003 (the year in which they met) - and the star couple, no matter how envious people gossip, are still together.

It often happens that the press writes unverified facts about many idols, simply gossip. This fate did not spare the honored artist either. “Photo of Nadezhda Babkina in Maxim magazine” was the headline of several printed publications, but there were no photographs themselves. Apparently in this way they wanted to increase their circulation.

Having looked at Babkina when she performs on stage, many people think that she is just as relaxed in everyday life. You won’t find a photo of the singer where she is naked. Although people are different and perceive the same information differently: when they saw the artist without makeup, many began to say why she was displaying such candid photos.

Nadezhda Babkina loves to go on vacation, in between concerts, and since she is an open, kind and sociable person, photographs where she is in a swimsuit can still be found.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Babkina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nadezhda Babkina are not the only social networks where the singer is registered. Her account can be found on VK, Facebook and Twitter. It will probably be redundant to write that there are thousands and thousands of subscribers.

Nadezhda Babkina is the largest star of Russian folk song, a talented singer, a strong personality and a beautiful woman, so her biography and personal life always become a source of topics for conversation, both among fans and among ill-wishers.


In the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina, the breadth of scope is striking: from a singer to an academician, from the wife of a drummer to the wife of a candidate of legal sciences.

Childhood and family

The year of birth of Nadezhda Babkina is 1950, and the love of song entered her biography from early childhood.

Babkina’s childhood is a classic example of a battle with parents and circumstances. Talent longed for self-realization, parents were categorically against singing.

Not without adventure, having overcome all obstacles, in 1967 she was able to enter the Astrakhan Music School. She combined her studies with work: she sang in cinemas before the films started.

Nadezhda Babkina in her youth

In 1971 she came to Moscow and entered the famous Gnesinka.


The fame of Nadezhda Babkina is inextricably linked with the Russian Song ensemble, which gathered its first members back in 1975. The path to recognition turned out to be very thorny. Folk song was in decline, concerts were not popular.

The situation changed in 1976, after the all-Union competition in Sochi. Success came, and the team was blessed by the famous Makhmud Esambaev himself.

Nadezhda Babkina with the Russian Song ensemble

The most famous songs and compositions in the repertoire of Babkina’s ensemble of those years:

  • "Wedding"
  • "Maslenitsa"
  • "Night Fortune Telling"
  • "When the Sand Rises"
  • "Golden-domed Moscow"
  • “How my mother wanted me” and others.

Babkina followed the path of processing and adapting folk music to modern sounds. Some populist composers, for example, Kuznetsova and Belyaev, also collaborated with her ensemble.

Babkina graduated from the directing department of GITIS, and directed all the ensemble’s performances independently.

Nadezhda Babkina and the Russian Song ensemble on stage

Since 1994, the Russian Song ensemble has been part of the folklore center under the Moscow Culture Committee. Instrumentalists-arrangers, famous directors such as Tsvetkov, leading choreographers, choreographers and clothing designers, including Valentin Yudashkin, work with the center. Since 2000, the center has been reorganized into a state musical theater.

Since the Slavic Bazaar festival in 1991, Babkina has also performed solo programs. The most famous songs performed by her:

  • “The reeds rustled”
  • "Tsvetnoy Boulevard"
  • "Cossack Nadya"

From the late nineties to the present, Babkina has invariably headed the jury of various folklore competitions and festivals.

Nadezhda Babkina - member of the jury of the Five Stars music competition

During his creative activity, 16 discs were released as part of an ensemble and solo. Babkina starred in seven films, including:

  • "TASS is authorized to declare"
  • "The Snow Queen"
  • "Love is not show business."

Nadezhda Babkina is one of the TV presenters of the “Fashionable Sentence” program on Channel One.

Meanwhile, Babkina’s concerts and performances are not always cloudless, and there are scandals. For example, there was a major scandal in Omsk when spectators protested against Babkina’s invitation to a concert in honor of City Day instead of the Leningrad group.

According to young people, such a concert would drive an already depressed city into an even greater depression. The published amount of the fee that Babkina was promised for her performance – two and a half million rubles – also caused outrage.

Nadezhda Babkina in the “Fashionable Sentence” program

Quite reasonable remarks were made that an artist who calls herself a truly popular artist would be ashamed to receive such crazy money in a country where the main mass of the people is not yet prospering.

She amazed Babkin and the participants of the Slavic Bazaar festival with her arrogant behavior when she told them in the dressing room: “Come on, kids, get out of here!”

Sometimes her self-esteem begins to go off scale. For example, she quite sincerely stated that she has no competitors, since she is the only one who sings folk songs, but Kadysheva is vulgar and pop.

This was not the first conflict with Kadysheva. At one time, Babkina gave the organizers of the Pugacheva festival in Crimea an ultimatum: either me or her!

Some of her statements were also received ambiguously by the public, for example, this:

“I jump for joy when I hear your statements, Vladimir Vladimirovich! I... am the first creative person to join the United Russia party, it excites me.”

Nadezhda Babkina and Vladimir Putin

In addition, accusations have appeared in the media that Babkina’s theater is laundering budget money. However, such a charge was brought against a number of theaters that exist with public money.

The photos on Stas Sadalsky’s blog created a lot of noise, showing Babkina vacationing in Monte Carlo with her new young favorite Anton. It remains unconfirmed whether this impressive man was in any way connected with the mayor of Moscow.

Nadezhda Babkina with Anton Sobyanin

Plastic surgery

Age, as you know, takes its toll, but it is difficult for a beautiful woman, especially one in star status, to come to terms with this. The services of plastic surgeons are not cheap, but the stars have the funds for this.

Turning to aesthetic medicine does not always have successful consequences. Nadezhda Babkina was forced to take such a step in her biography and personal life by the appearance of a new husband, who after a while was tired of answering questions about how much younger he was?

Nadezhda Babkina - before and after plastic surgery

This is one of the favorite pastimes of the online community: comparing photos before and after plastic surgery. Yes, based on such photos, we can conclude that the singer has undergone circumferential blepharoplasty, facelift and neck plastic surgery more than once.

In such cases, users’ comments under photos on social networks are sometimes merciless: “horror,” “nightmare,” “looks like a transvestite.”

There are also opinions that with a height of 165 cm, it is much more important for Babkina to ensure that she does not gain excess weight, which she has always been prone to.

Nadezhda Babkina after plastic surgery

Everyone decides for themselves how to deal with aging. The example of Nadezhda Babkina once again proves a simple truth: any plastic surgery, even successfully performed, changes appearance, and sometimes changes so much that fans simply cannot recognize their idol.

Personal life

Fateful changes occurred in the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina in the mid-70s - her first husband entered her life.

The husband, Vladimir Zasedatelev, was the most famous drummer of that time, played in leading groups - “Gems”, “Leisya, song” and others.

In 1975, the couple had a son, Daniel. Daniel is an interesting person. He owns his own law firm, and at the same time serves as a bell ringer in one of the Moscow churches. Babkina has a granddaughter and two grandchildren.

Nadezhda Babkina and Vladimir Zasedatelev with their son

Judging by the photos of those years, in the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina, life with her husband was a bright time. As it turns out, this is not entirely true. Seventeen years later the marriage broke up. According to Babkina, the reason for the breakup is the creative envy of her husband and his betrayal.

For many years in Nadezhda Babkina’s life there was no constant companion, and then she would hardly have believed that the name Evgeniy would play such a role in her biography and personal life.

In 2003, Nadezhda Babkina was on the jury of a song competition in Saratov, and she liked the 23-year-old lead singer of the group “After 11”. This is how Evgeny Gore appeared in the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina.

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor

A spark immediately ran between them, and mutual attraction arose. The thirty-year age difference did not bother them, and the couple began to live together without formalizing the relationship as an official marriage.

For fifteen years there was not a year when there was no rumor that Babkina and Gore had separated. However, they invariably deny these rumors and claim that they are still together and everything is just wonderful with them in every sense, including intimate ones.

Whether this is true or not, one can only guess. After all, Nadezhda Babkina is already 67, and Gore is still a man in the prime of his life. In such cases, nature usually takes its toll. In any case, in the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina there can be no more children.

Nadezhda Babkina with her grandchildren

Unfortunately, Nadezhda Babkina is not such an open person, and not many interesting facts are known about her. We were only able to collect the following:

  • Nadezhda Babkina keeps several Cossack checkers; she is fluent in these weapons and knows how to “draw eights.”
  • Nadezhda Babkina sings behind the scenes in two films - “New Bremen” and “My Big Armenian Wedding”.
  • Nadezhda Babkina is a member of the United Russia party and takes an active part in the political life of the country.
  • Babkina has the title of academician of a certain Academy of Information Technologies.
  • Since 2014, Nadezhda Babkina has been a deputy of the Moscow City Duma.

Nadezhda Babkina - member of the United Russia party

Nadezhda Babkina now

Nadezhda Babkina continues to be a media person and recently appeared on the “Evening Urgant” show. TV viewers and Internet users were amazed at how much weight she had gained. Our good people do not mince words, and Babkina was immediately dubbed the “samovar woman.”

Nadezhda Babkina continues to work in the show “Fashionable Sentence”, although, according to her, this work is literally exhausting. Filming begins at ten in the morning and ends at half past one at night, and all this in a room without windows or fresh air. The artist admits that after this she experiences a catastrophic lack of air.

Nadezhda Babkina in the show “Evening Urgant”

The Russian Song Theater is hosting a premiere based on Shukshin’s “Kalina Krasnaya.” According to Babkina, this story by Vasily Makarovich is incredibly close to her in spirit. It contains the people's pain and faith, there is both wisdom and naivety, and the author's sincerity and honesty are simply amazing.

It is interesting that the heroine Lyuba is played by Shukshin’s daughter, Maria, just as his wife once played this role in the film. For Maria Shukshina this is a theatrical debut, but, according to Babkina, she coped with the role perfectly.

This is not the first performance of literary classics at the Babkina Theater. Before this, there were already performances based on Gogol and Kuprin. Evgeny Merzlikin looked great in the role of Yegor. Both the audience and theater critics received the premiere quite warmly, although it was not without criticism.

At the Russian Song Theater there is a premiere based on Shukshin - “Kalina Krasnaya”

Babkina continues to oversee fashion for “curvy people.”

Babkina’s grandson Georgy went to school last year, and his grandmother had more worries. It’s interesting that her grandson easily calls her “Nadya,” and this only amuses her.

As befits a modern star, Nadezhda Babkina has her own page on Instagram, and she has 194 thousand subscribers.

Nadezhda Babkina, of course, has done an incredible amount to popularize Russian folk song. She revived interest in Russian music, in the traditions and beliefs of our ancestors, making them closer and more understandable to everyone.

People's Artist Nadezhda Babkina

In a sense, in her young years she fit very well into the type described by the classic: “she will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” Beautiful, smart, strong, independent, brave, and even talented - what man doesn’t dream of such a woman?