Children's playground 3 top views drawing. DIY playground. The best step-by-step instructions. How to make a tree house

A playground made by yourself will become a favorite place for children in the garden, where they will feel like full owners, a place of games and real adventures. For parents, this is a chance to show their skills and earn popularity not only among their children, but also among their friends. By showing a little imagination and courage, you will get a favorite place for children to play - create a reliable base for them, and the rest of the splendor will be added by the bright children's imagination.

There are many great playground ideas that you can make yourself, but don't miss the opportunity to involve the children themselves in setting up the playground.

Children's playground with sandbox.

A children's playground with a sandbox is a favorite place for little ones to play. To keep the sand clean, you can make a closing lid for the sandbox, which when open turns into a bench.

Just a little imagination and by adding a triangular box for storing toys to the sandbox, you get almost a ship.

All that’s left to do is install a strong staircase mast and decorative sides.

Another option for a children's playground with a sandbox. Isn't it fun to have a chalkboard next to the sandbox for kids to draw on? On the other hand, an additional wall will shield the playground from both the wind and the sun.

DIY playground made from stumps and branches.

Climbing trees is a favorite activity for children; such a playground made from old wood will be a real adventure for your child and his friends.

Children's playground with swings.

How great it is to run and jump, and then relax on your favorite swing. A beautiful garden, the aromas of summer, the chirping of birds - it’s so nice to enjoy all this while swinging on a swing on a wonderful summer day.

DIY playground made from old pallets.

All children love houses in the garden, especially if they themselves helped build this house from pallets, and for the first time held a serious tool in their hands.

DIY children's house.

For those who want to make a children's house at their dacha, our drawing with exact dimensions will help. By installing this house in a cozy corner of the garden and painting it beautifully with your children, you will bring pleasure to your little ones.

Children's playground with slide near the terrace.

An ordinary terrace can become a beach-style children's playground if you install a slide on it and make a sandbox below. Kids can play in the sand for days, and if you can't spend the summer with them at the seaside, you can bring the beach home. In hot summers, you can install an inflatable pool nearby for the little ones.

On a hot day, real adventurers will find life-saving coolness in a small tunnel equipped with a small door and similar to the famous hobbit house.

DIY playgrounds in the shape of a ship.

Such playgrounds will not only bring pleasure to children, but can also become an interesting element of the landscape design of your dacha.

Children's playground and gym under the high terrace.

The place under the high terrace can be equipped as a sports ground for older children, so they will have the opportunity to engage in regular training every day.

Children's house under the terrace.

For the little ones, you can make a playhouse under the terrace, where they will feel like complete masters, because... No one else can enter there except them.

How to make a playground next to your house with your own hands.

Previously, the space under the terrace was not used and was a spontaneous warehouse for all sorts of “useful things”. Because There are two exits from the terrace, and the terrace is quite high. It was decided to make a children's playground. In addition to the slide and sandbox, under the terrace there is a cozy place with a children's playhouse, and on the wall of the house there is an additional drawing board and a shower with a tap for washing hands and feet.

The space under the terrace will later be partitioned into two parts - in one there is a children's playground, in the other there is a place for storing garden tools. First, taking into account waterproofing, a wooden frame was made for the platform.

Then the soil for the sandbox and the area near the slide was removed. This is the hardest part of the job.

In the area under the sandbox and next to the slide, ebbs were made and sand and crumb rubber were poured for children's playgrounds.

Children's playground under a canopy.

A cozy playground can be made from a regular canopy by adding a small raised platform for a slide.

Bright do-it-yourself playground.

No matter how simple your playground design is, you can always add some cheer to it with bright, bold colors.

A simple wooden playground.

Even if you have no construction skills at all, you can always find a simple and interesting option for a playground that you can do.

Dream playground - treehouse.

A children's tree house is a wonderful idea that not only children, but also adults fall in love with. Such sites are not made on fruit trees - because the fasteners go straight into the tree, but if your site is located next to a forest, this is the best idea for a playground.

How to make a tree house with your own hands.

Usually, fairly large trees are taken for a tree house; if there are no such trees in your garden, you can make a platform for the site, which will be mounted both on the tree and on wooden posts in the corners.

Instead of driving several small bolts into the wood, it is better to use one larger one.

The order of work is as follows: first, two beams are attached to the tree, then a frame under the platform is installed on them, which in our case is reinforced with posts at the corners of the platform.

And no matter how complicated the site plan may look for a young dad, in reality it is a small square platform on which a children’s house is being built.

Such a platform is a simple and attractive design that looks good in any corner of the garden.

DIY children's playground in a rustic style.

This children's playground is made according to the same principle, but instead of a children's house, a beautifully decorated gazebo is made on supporting posts, which also serves as a canopy for the sandbox on a hot day.

Children love summer most of all because they can spend almost the whole day outside. Children's playground projects can be completely different - from the simplest to the fantastically beautiful. But in any case, a do-it-yourself playground will allow you to truly fulfill one important dream of your baby.

Infancy is an amazing time of fairy tales, fun games and bright adventures. And we, adults, need to make very little effort, and the dacha, garden or courtyard of a high-rise building will become a favorite place for children's games. Therefore, today we will talk about options for decorating a playground with your own hands.

The main elements of a playground can be:

  • sandbox;
  • pond (only in summer);
  • children's playhouse in the form of tents, awnings and wooden structures;
  • planting bucks;
  • various swings;
  • DIY crafts for games.

All these elements can be used either separately or combined with each other.

Playground design ideas

I want to present only some of the many acceptable options for decorating sites. The main thing here is to bring as much imagination as possible or ask the children themselves for advice, and you can safely work miracles.

Wooden sandbox

The most common element of a children's playground is the sandbox. It is present on a large number of platforms. And in general, it’s hard to imagine a playground without sand.

Sand is the best playing material. You can use it to sculpt various figures, build tunnels and castles, and simply dig and bury a hole.

To benefit from sandboxes, you need to choose a suitable location. It should not be too shaded or painfully open. It is better to place it not far from the house in order to observe the child’s actions from the window.

What can you make a sandbox out of with your own hands? The simplest Sklifosovsky option is to make a sandbox from wooden beams, boards or logs. A large sandbox is carefully divided into several play areas.

If it so happens that it is impossible to place the sandbox in the shade, then you can make a fabric canopy so that the baby does not get baked in the sun.

Children's playgrounds for a summer residence with a pond, a swimming pool and a shower

Children can spend a lot of time in the water. Even when very cold, they are not willing to leave them. It would be wonderful if the pond was combined with a sandbox. For these purposes, you can use any container that is on the farm (basin or large bucket).

A real pool in which you can swim will bring great joy to any child. It’s better to make a pool yourself if it’s not very profitable, and buy a ready-made one in a store. For example, inflatable pools are not as fast and expensive.

Perhaps the most fun activity on a hot summer day will be taking a shower by swimming, but not just from a hose, but from an unusual shower that can be made from PVC pipes.

Decorating a children's playground with wooden crafts

In my opinion, the best material for decorating a playground would be wood and any wooden crafts. Suitable for these purposes. Ant. You cannot use any logs, stumps, boards, etc. Children's tables and chairs can be made from wood, and it can be used as fencing elements and sports equipment.

Children's imagination is limitless and is capable of turning an ordinary log into a bridge over a river, a train, an airplane or a horse. Such spectacles with the replacement of objects help to develop the child’s creative thinking to the maximum.

As an example, I would like to show a photo of the arrangement of a playground, perhaps someone will take these ideas for themselves in order to implement them.

Decorating the playground with plants and their decor

Green spaces such as trees, bushes and flowers will look very good on the playground.

You can not only climb trees, but also decorate them. Thus, giving an excellent deserted (= sparsely populated) look not only to the site, but also to the overall design of the site.

Old trees should not be cut down at the roots. The best option would be to turn it into a fairytale house.

For girls, you can create a flower bed, which they will take care of with great pleasure.

In addition, the child is allowed to set aside a small area for a vegetable garden, where he can plant and grow his own plants.

Crafts for the playground

Creating crafts to decorate a playground is a fun and exciting activity, especially if the children themselves take part in it.

You can use wood, old tires, plastic bottles, etc. to make crafts.

Cheerful colorful sun

So that children can have a wild time, you can equip them with your own hands a bright, beautiful and interesting playground. Plunging into the immature world of fairy tales and bright images, you can decorate your play area with cheerful colorful sunshine. Let’s face it, it gives a joyful and playful mood even on a cloudy day. You can make it yourself from scrap materials. Or purchase it at a gift shop.

The sun can be pinned to the ring of an old net that was once used to catch butterflies. The gauze bag needs to be unlocked, and the rod can be stuck next to the sandbox. For a complete idyll, we add toy cockerels and chickens to the sun. They will pore on straw perches.

Sculptures for the playground

For the playground, you need to carefully sort the sculptures. We give preference to strong, reliable materials and cheerful, friendly compositions. Figures made from fragile ceramics of pale color with sad characters are far from the best solution for a children's playground. It is better to place fragile sculptures in the depths of the garden. And offer children manufactured goods that they can play with and have fun with without the risk of sharing or breaking anything.

For games, children can be offered homemade dolls made from soft materials. As an inexpensive option, people made from ordinary paint brushes are suitable.

Bright doves – Pyramid and Mold.

Young explorers will love the colorful figurines that can be easily made from simple toys. The bright pyramid quickly turns into a colorful boy named Pyramid.

It’s quite easy to simply assemble a pyramid, grease its top with quick-drying glue like “Moment” and root a hank of polypropylene twine of a matching color onto it. A ball of brightly colored rope would also work. Then the eyes are glued on and the hat is put on.

The Girl Mold is assembled from a set of multi-colored sand molds in the form of cups. To prevent the figurine from falling apart, the bottoms of the cups are smeared with glue. We glue the head to the top mold, just like the Pyramid. Only it will be a little larger in size. And it is advisable to take a skein of a different color. Over time, we also glue the eyes and put on a braided wig. The look is completed with an elegant summer hat, decorated with a bouquet of flowers.

Underdeveloped playground house

It would be nice if you create a corner on the playground exclusively for your child in the form of a house or tent, where the little one can be alone or invite his friends.

I propose to consider one drop of ideas for creating a children's house with your own hands.

The simplest option is to make a tent out of rope and a piece of fabric.

The version of a house made of plants will be more complex, but much more interesting.

Swings for children's playground

How can we ignore the swing? Every playground should have swings. Moreover, you can even make a swing with your own hands using available materials in just a few hours.

For example, if there is an old and unnecessary chair in the house, then you can easily swing a swing from it.

Above I have given many options for decorating a playground with your own hands. All you have to do is choose the one that’s right for you and bring it to life. Give your child an incomparable corner on your property.

A children's playground, made with your own hands from improvised materials together with your child, will be a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for making it in the country will help you with this.

A playground for children to spend time in the country plays a role both in the development of children and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of a well-equipped playground for children is that the child is under constant supervision, although he does his own things.

A children's playground at the dacha can be made from improvised materials

By creating a playground for your child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the master. Although his presence on it happens before your eyes.

The sandbox at the dacha can be decorated interestingly with stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show off your own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having your child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child, using the devices independently, will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends over and, without disturbing you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner..

The functional purpose of the site for children's development is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of them who are now adults built huts, climbing frames, and swings in childhood, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

A car on the playground made from old tires, attributes of an old car, will really appeal to the boys

Today it is possible to fully realize children's fantasies... Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Don’t think about technical perfection, make your childhood dreams and desires come true as best you can, using available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting activities together with the child.

Important! The choice of devices for creating a play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is primarily important. This is the least time- and material-consuming place for children to play.

The sandbox is very easy to install. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the area chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from boards

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional mushroom or a canopy.

To prevent the child from overheating, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pole at least 1.5 meters high and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

The sandbox canopy can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire can be an option for fencing a sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing you will need the following materials:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 x 50 centimeters and 1 x 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing mixture placed in the tire.
  • A board at least 1.5 meters long.

The mechanism for adapting the pipe and the wooden product is also shown in the figure.

Car tires are a universal material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as an option for using car tires to make various jumping ropes and climbing frames, is shown in the photo.

Jumping bars are often made from tires by half-burying the tires in the sand.

For the physical development of a child, simulators for the vestibular apparatus are necessary; they can be made from either wheels or logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Another interesting option for the physical development of a child is the installation of a climbing wall.

DIY A-shaped climbing wall for children

For its manufacture, the ideal option is an A-shaped wall, which can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected at the top with bolts. It is advisable to cover it with carpet or similar suitable material.

Grips will be required for support. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, or they can also be purchased in specialized stores. It is advisable to attach them with bolts for greater safety.

In addition to tires, any broken piece of furniture can be used to make swings - chairs, benches and even a skateboard.

The swing seat can be made from an old chair

We make a rocking skate by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Thread the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for a child to confidently stay on a swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

The knots should not be tightened too tightly so that they can be adjusted if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check its strength, safety and functionality yourself.

Also, a fun element for children is a slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself slide in the country

To make it, you will need boards treated from roughness so that there is no possibility of planting a splinter.

A swimming pool is a fairly necessary element in summer. The easiest way to purchase it is in a store and install it in the shade. Although doing the work of installing a pool independently, together with the children, will be remembered for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me, it's worth it.

Digging a pit and a drainage hole, attaching hoses to fill water - all these activities will teach your child engineering skills, and he or she may show interest in them in the future.

In addition to exercise equipment for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses can be purchased in stores or built independently. An artfully landscaped structure can also be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various calmer and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which a regular stump is used. Or just various hemp for gatherings

An excellent option is to combine many elements into one, which will significantly save installation space.

Another unique, although less durable, are cardboard boxes, from which you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It's very easy to make a house out of a box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on a playground for children is a clearly separated area for full visibility.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting areas so as not to worry about children trampling them.

The playground equipment itself may vary in the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation of more devices:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, this is like a version of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

A table and chair made from hemp would be a good option for a playground.

In such an area, a child, alone or together with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, can spend the whole day in the fresh air. Here he can play noisy and quiet games, take water treatments or engage in similar activities that are beneficial to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

A playground for children is made from various items and complemented with interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. These can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From ordinary plastic bottles, of which there are many in everyday use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, your imagination will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood or logs to create jewelry. Which will be unique in their appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Let's present a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements as he grows up. A sandbox required by a child aged 2–5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve-year-old boy or girl. Although swings are in demand by children of any age, and even young people, for evening gatherings.

There are a lot of variations of playground elements that you can make with your own hands. Some of the necessary elements will have to be purchased in the store, but most often everything is at hand.

All installed structures must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, accordingly, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much, in this case, depends on the income of the family and its composition. Male and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. This will be a decisive factor influencing the choice of the number and technological features of elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly create a functional, interesting space for children to spend time. When installed with stationary options made of durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a children's playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha 46 photos:

An important component of open areas is a children's playground. It turns out that you can build an entire town for a child with your own hands from scrap materials. And it will have houses, swings, sandboxes, artificial ponds, and sports equipment. This article will tell you how to build such a playground with your own hands.

Houses made of cardboard and fabric in five minutes

If you make a playground with your own hands and are still in the process of construction, then you can whip up a cardboard “dwelling.” Surely almost every family has large boxes for refrigerators, home theaters or washing machines. With a little imagination and taking tape in their hands, adults can turn unnecessary trash into a creative house for their children and their neighbors, because playing alone is not always fun.

A children's playground, created with your own hands from scrap materials, can turn into a fairy-tale town if adults try to build houses for the kids, similar to those described by Nikolai Nosov in the book about shorties. With roofs painted in the shape of cups of flowers, berries, fruits and mushrooms, the miniature dwellings will delight the eye, turning the site into a fantastic relaxation area for both children and adults.

You can do without cardboard by setting up a children's corner. It is enough to simply stretch bright fabric or oilcloth between vertically dug wooden piles. It is best to use plastic film instead of a roof on top so that it protects the inside of the house from rain.

Children's house made of boards or logs

If funds allow and you have some carpentry skills, you can build a wooden play house. The playground will benefit greatly from this! With your own hands it is not difficult to build a small building with windows, doors and a roof, with a veranda and a porch. Instead of boards, logs are quite suitable. But if you wish, you can even build a nice cozy hut out of firewood, fastening them together with cement mortar.

It is only important to follow all safety rules so that children, while playing, do not get hurt on protruding nails or twigs, do not fall through climbing onto the roof, or break limbs by falling out of windows.

Houses made from plastic bottles

Today there is a trend to reuse plastic containers. Bottles are very creatively used to decorate courtyards in cities, summer cottages, and playgrounds in kindergartens. With your own hands you can make a wonderful playhouse for children.

Bottles should be tied with strong twine, creating a wall panel or part of a fence. The frame of the building itself is made of wooden piles or metal pipes.

Sometimes craftsmen use cement mortar to fasten the eggplants together. Then the container is laid horizontally.

Swimming pool made of plastic bottles

The container can also be used for the construction of artificial reservoirs on the site. By fastening plastic bottles with cement, it is easy to build the walls of a miniature pool in this way. With a pond, the children's playground at the dacha will become the favorite place to stay for children and adults!

You can also build steps with your own hands, making them from natural stone or brick. Just make sure that everything is stable and there are no sharp edges or jagged edges.

The simplest body of water

In order for a children's playground in the country, equipped with your own hands, to have an artificial pond, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money. After all, you can get by with a piece of plastic film.

The dug hole is simply covered with waterproof material, which is secured along the edges with stones. Pour water into the pool and splash around to your health! Of course, such a reservoir can not be used for as long as with a cement foundation, but as a “quick-and-dry” pool option, it is suitable for many.

Near the pond you can install benches, a table, and an umbrella that protects from the sun. In this case, adults can also relax here, watching children play.

Swimming pool and sandbox made from car tires

A skilled craftsman manages to make “candy” out of any garbage. By using old tires you can create a wonderful DIY playground! Photo of the original sandbox, in the construction of which the baby himself takes part - only one option for their use.

If you cut off the inner bends of the tire, lay the bottom with film or fill it with cement, you can get a miniature pond. In the summer, when it’s hot, not only kids, but also adults can swim in it. However, you should remember that water quickly deteriorates in the warm season, so it needs to be changed quite often.

Running ladders made from tires

Parents usually actively participate in organizing children's leisure time. Many people help build playgrounds in kindergartens. With their own hands they make figures of swans, nesting dolls, crocodiles, Baba Yaga, and Smeshariki from old tires. A little imagination, a sharp knife, glue and paint - and as if by magic, old trash turns into a fairy-tale creature!

And if you use tires of different sizes, then by stacking them and firmly fastening them together, you can easily build a ladder for running.

An interesting version of the labyrinth. Then the tires are dug vertically into the ground. The kids happily run around the playground, crawling inside the rubber circles, climbing up, jumping off, playing catch-up. Some tires can be hung low above the ground. This will complicate the game, because it is quite difficult to get inside such an obstacle.

Furniture made from tires

It’s so nice to drink tea or even have lunch in nature. And kids will eat with much more appetite in nature. It is quite easy to equip a playground for these purposes with your own hands. The photo below shows how easy it is to make a table outside without the use of expensive building materials.

Craftsmen even manage to make chairs with armrests from tires and miniature sofas.

Sandbox in half an hour

The imagination of a skilled craftsman creates an amazing children's playground. You can make a sandbox with your own hands from scrap materials in half an hour, just a small amount of ordinary chopped or sawn firewood, glass or plastic bottles. The material, which in everyday life can be called trash, is used as a border or a miniature fence.

Sand is poured inside - that’s it, the sandbox is ready! You can add functionality by turning the sandbox fence into an obstacle course. For this purpose, all parts are made of different heights. Children, moving along such a curb, develop the ability to maintain balance. Tired of digging in the sand, they can easily change the type of activity, which is very useful for a growing organism.

Tire swings and carousels

Since you can make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials, practically reducing financial costs to zero, everything will be used, even old car wheels. Craftsmen use them to build original benches in recreation areas, imitating a car. And tires can make wonderful swings. You just need to choose a stronger tree, a strong enough rope and learn how to tie real sea knots, which will guarantee the safety of children. You can use metal chains or braided wire bundles.

A children's playground, created with your own hands from available materials, will not only be functional, but also beautiful if its design is consistent with the general style. To do this, the master must use bright colors and use various details. For example, carousel swings that imitate a motorcycle or ATV look creative.

Craftsmen resort to making swings in the form of animals, cutting them out of tires and connecting the parts with bolts. If you think of an option where the top part of the carousel can rotate, then the kids’ joy will know no bounds.

Rocking chairs made from scrap materials

To make a playground with your own hands from improvised means a favorite place to play for kids, you can equip it with rocking chairs. Half of a car tire is placed on the ground with its roundness down, and a board is bolted onto the cut.

Be sure to attach holders to the seat. They can be ordinary door handles or old wheels or bicycle handlebars.

Sculptures made from trash

Sculptures will help you create a unique design. The master chooses fairy-tale creatures or fantastic animals, aliens or cartoon characters as prototypes. The frame of the sculpture itself is made of wire, which is coated with clay, plaster or cement.

Since it was decided to make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials, bright small details are stuck on top of the figures: caps from yogurt or mineral water bottles, parts of broken toys, checkers and buttons. Scattered parts from the Lego constructor will also be used. Even fragments of dishes will become material for decorating the sculpture. However, you should be careful here: they need to be immersed deep enough in clay or cement so that the sharp edges cannot injure.

Old basins are easily transformed with paint into strange turtles. And the bowls, mounted on tree stumps, imitate giant mushrooms. Metal dishes laid out in the grass or along paths, painted red and covered with black circles, will become fantastic ladybugs.

And plastic bottles make cute piglets and hedgehogs, funny and amusing. Metal cans will help you build alien creatures that will also drive birds away from the site. After all, if you connect them in the form of beads mounted on a string, when the wind blows, the “arms” will sway, creating the effect of movement.

A children's playground is not a place for orderly and quiet games: children are expected to make noise, run, climb, jump from heights, get dirty and litter. This means that such a playground should be simple, safe and, most importantly, easily changeable, taking into account the changing interests of the child. Take these great ideas from other parents!

DIY playground for children: houses and huts

A house where you can hide from prying eyes is a necessary element of any summer cottage: puppet tea parties will take place here, there will be a secret base and a pirates’ lair, and if necessary, this “home” will turn into a fortress, a tower, a princess’s castle and a magical portal. It is better to build a house without walls, and use thick fabric to protect it from the sun, rain and wind.

Where will we climb?

A simple climbing route can be made from boards or furniture boards and special holds or ordinary wooden blocks. For routes that run close to land, use noodles, flexible swimming accessories made from lightweight foam plastic. They can also be used to make temporary soccer goals or arches for ball games.

Do-it-yourself playground: tires in action

Old car tires are simply invaluable material for arranging a playground. From them you can make swings, ladders, elements for “rope” routes and many other useful things on the children’s playground with your own hands.


A sandbox with a high-stretched awning is both a safe place to play (the child does not risk getting sunstroke) and a ship with raised sails, a house or a hut. If you provide the sandbox with a light lid, then it won’t be afraid of rain either.

Water games

Set up a small area where you can play around with water on hot days. This part of the site can be covered with rubber flooring so that it is not slippery, and then you can simply run a hose here and build several “routes” for water and water mills.

"Board games

Hard childhood, wooden toys: unusual elements for familiar board games can be easily cut out of wooden blocks. And painted flat stones make excellent tic-tac-toe chips.

Rope routes

Several textile slings stretched tightly between trees at different heights - and future acrobats are happy to conduct their training here.

Drawing with chalk

To prevent paths painted with chalk from spoiling the appearance of your well-groomed summer cottage, select a part of the wall or fence for painting. Paint a board or furniture board with special chalkboard-effect paint or make the coating yourself by mixing, for example, dark paint with tile grout or latex paint and primer for it (in a ratio of 8 to 1).


Dolls and guests wandering into the light will not be left without a treat: the ideal country kitchen can easily be made from a couple of boards and blocks and an old sink. Organize a simple “plumbing” and “stove”, give the children unnecessary real dishes - and enjoy the peace.