Earth day in dhow. Entertainment in a preschool educational institution for Earth Day in the preparatory group. Scenario Musical holiday Earth Day in kindergarten

Subject: Our Earth

Target: to form initial ideas about the creation of the world, our Earth; cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards living and inanimate nature; develop children's desire to express their joy; introduce the history of the appearance and use of the globe - a model of the Earth.

Progress of the lesson

(Children are invited to view an exhibition of paintings, illustrations, children's works depicting landscapes, flowers, animals, people.)

Guys, have you ever seen the starry sky? Tell me what it is like? (children's answers)

Do you think the stars are small, as we see them, or are they very large? (children's answers)

That's right, we see them as small because they are far from us, but in fact they are very large.

(The teacher offers the children a map of the starry sky.)

Cosmonauts learned to fly very far from our Earth, but they did not reach the stars. But they saw our Earth from above. It turns out that our Earth is blue and small, like all the other stars. The astronauts photographed the Earth from space. Here it is, our planet!

(The teacher offers the children photographs in the atlas “The World and Man.”)

Our distant ancestors knew little about the planet Earth on which we live. Over time, they learned to build small boats first,

and then ships on which one could go on long journeys across the seas and oceans around the world. These wanderings continued for many days and nights. How did the sailors not go astray? What helped them during their travels? (children's guesses)

That's right, guys, you need a compass, map, globe. Once upon a time, sailors navigated by the stars. But the stars appeared only at night and only in good weather. And such assistants as a compass, map, globe were used both during daylight hours and in bad weather. (The teacher offers the children a globe to look at.)

Look, the globe, this is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. Looking at the globe, we can learn a lot about our planet. For example, what shape is the Earth? Is there land on it? Is there a lot of water on our planet? Let's take a closer look at the globe. What colors do you see on it? (White, blue, green, brown, yellow.)

Why is our Earth so colored? (Read N. Sladkov’s excerpt “The Multi-Colored Earth.”)

Guys, our planet Earth is the most beautiful of all planets. Only on Earth there is life and all the diversity of nature that we see: the sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, air, water, mountains, rivers, seas, grass, trees, fish, birds, animals and, of course, people , that is, you and I. There are so many wonderful things on Earth!

This is the Earth, our bright home.

There are many neighbors in it:

And furry kids,

And fluffy kittens,

And winding rivers

And curly sheep,

Grass, birds and flowers,

And, of course, me and you.

Who arranged everything around us on Earth so beautifully and wisely? (children's answers)

This is such a wonderful house

There are many neighbors in it,

Only Who built it?

Who put order in it?

So diligently, skillfully

Who made people and animals?

Who sowed moss and flowers?

Who gave the trees leaves?

Who poured water into the rivers?

Who put the fish in them?

Did he send summer to us for spring?

Who, Who came up with this?

Who could arrange everything like this?

Well, of course, only God!”

(E. Queen)

Our world is God's creation.

(Classical music sounds, the teacher offers a series of paintings.)

Here we are in the meadow. The sky with white clouds spread high above us like a blue tent. Imagine that we lay down on tall, thick grass dotted with flowers. Among the grass you can hear the chirping of various insects, and butterflies of unprecedented beauty flutter over the flowers, bees buzz, collecting fragrant honey. The whole Earth is like a big beautiful carpet. But not a single carpet woven by human hands can compare with the beauty of wild meadows.

Now let's walk through the forest. (Illustrations.) We see many trees of various types and structures. There is both a powerful oak and a slender spruce. and curly birch, and fragrant linden, and tall pine, and thick hazel. In the forest there are clearings with all kinds of herbs, flowers, berries, and mushrooms. The voices of birds are heard in the forest. Hundreds of all kinds of animals live here. This is its own big forest world.

And here comes the river! (Illustrations.) It smoothly carries its waters, glistening in the sun, among forests, fields, meadows. How pleasant it is to swim, fish, or ride a boat in it! It's hot all around, but the water is cool and light. And how many different fish, frogs, water beetles and other living creatures there are in it! The river also has its own life, its own world.

And how majestic the sea is, having its own huge and rich underwater world of living creatures.

And how beautiful and delightful the mountains are, with their peaks, covered with eternal snow and ice, high above the clouds!

The earthly world is wonderful in its beauty, and everything in it is filled with life. It is impossible to count all the plants and animals that inhabit the Earth. They live everywhere: on land, in water, in the air, in the soil, and even deep underground.

The world is rich and diverse! And in this world there reigns a marvelous and harmonious order, which is often called the “law of nature.” All plants and animals are distributed across the Earth according to this order. And whoever is supposed to eat what, that’s what he eats. Everything is given a certain rational purpose. Everything in the world on Earth is born, grows, ages and dies. One thing gives way to another. Everything has its time, place and purpose.

This whole world was created for the life and benefit of man - for each of us. Therefore, we guys must love this world, love our planet Earth.

The music of Chichkov's Scherzo sounds. Children dressed as animals and insects run into the hall. A musical composition is being performed. Children depict animals, birds, insects. The composition ends with a free construction.

Reb. There are miracles in this world

Blooms like a poppy in the distance

On your blue planet

Children celebrate Earth Day!

Reb. There is one garden planet,

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in the green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Reb. Nature has vibrant colors,

Millions of radiant inflorescences

What are miracles from fairy tales for?

If you can meet them in life?

Reb. We are not guests on the planet

And the earth is our home,

It will be light and clean,

If we save:

And clear lakes and cedar forests,

And patterns of colored fields and river space.

Reb. Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won’t let anyone offend her.

Reb. Let's take care of birds, insects, animals

This will only make us kinder,

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers

All. We need such a planet!

“Let the planet bloom” song.

Ved. Nature has three treasures: Water, Earth and air - its three foundations. No matter what misfortune strikes, they are safe, everything will happen again and there will always be life on the planet.

The girl Masha comes out. He holds a flower pot in his hands.

Masha. Hello.

Ved. Hello Masha. Why you so sad?

Masha. So, I wanted to grow a flower, I planted a seed in a pot, I wait, I wait,

but nothing grows. I don't even know what to do.

Ved. Guys, we need to help Masha. Let's remember what a plant cannot grow without?

Children. Without Earth, water, sun, clean air

Ved. That's right, and we go to the forest, to Mother Earth for help. We’ll take Masha with us, and so that we can get there faster, sing more cheerfully!

.“It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” round dance

The curtain opens. Forest Glade. The Earth comes out and sings a song

Song "Don't pick flowers" by Antonov

Earth. Good morning today, sunny. The forest has already woken up. Hello forest. So the flowers in the meadow open and golden bees rush towards them. I'll listen to their funny song.

Song – dance “In the apiary”.

Earth. Fly, workers. (Waves his hand at them) Where are all the animals?

A bunny runs out into the clearing.

Hare. Mother Earth, Mother Earth! Help us quickly, we are in trouble!

Earth. What happened, bunny? Who scared you?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest and strikes fear into everyone. It breaks bushes and destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to call all the animals, rescue the forest quickly! All the animals come here quickly, there is trouble in our forest!

The animals come out.

Animals. What's happened?

Hare. An evil boy, a hooligan named Grishka, came to the forest. He wanders through the forest, instills fear in everyone, breaks bushes, destroys nests. I scared away all the birds and scattered the garbage.

Earth. We need to help out the forest, save birds and animals.

Wolf. I can scare him as soon as I howl - Oooh - ooh - ooh. He will tremble in fear and run away from the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared!

Bear. Then I’ll scare him, catch him by the collar, explain everything properly and drive him out of the forest.

Hare. No, he won't be scared.

Earth. I will outwit him, lure him deeper into the forest, ask the children to scream and answer like an echo.

Bunny. Help us guys and answer like an echo.

The animals go behind the trees. The earth remains. Grishka comes out.

Sings: I came to the forest for a walk and to scare the animals.

I break everything, I shoot birds,

That's how brave I am, that's how I am.

Children. Oh oh.

Grishka. Oh, who's here?

Children. Here, here.

Grishka. Something made me feel uneasy, I felt a little scared.

Earth. What, is it scary? You offended the forest, so it scared you.

Grishka. Forgive me, I won't do it again.

Earth. Then tell me how to behave in the forest?

Grishka. I don't know.

Earth. Forest animals, come out, tell Grisha how to behave in the forest.

Bear. If you came to the forest for a walk, to breathe fresh air,

Run, jump and gallop, then don’t forget,

That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.

Wolf. Do not break oak branches,

Never forget:

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Hare. Don't shoot with a slingshot, you didn't come here not to kill!

Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch them, stomp, slap, or hit them with a stick!

Grishka. I got it. Now I will take care of the forest!

Earth. Let's smile how good it is around.

Nature is our good, our kind, faithful friend!

For us, the forest grasshopper will sing among the grass,

And the breeze will play on the keys of the foliage!

Song "Don't tease the dogs"

Masha comes out.

Masha. Mother Earth, we come to you for advice. I planted a flower, but it doesn’t grow, I don’t even know what to do, maybe you can help us?

Earth. Of course I'll help. I will give you land from the forest. Transplant your flower into this soil, and then water will help you, without it the flower cannot grow. I also give you flower seeds.

If everyone plants a flower, our planet will become more beautiful!

Ved. Guys, the Earth said that we can’t do without water, but let’s remember what water is and what it comes in?

Reb. Water travels in nature.

It never disappears.

It will turn into snow, then into ice,

It melts and goes on a hike again.

Over mountain peaks, wide valleys,

Suddenly it rises into the sky and turns into rain.

Look around, look at nature,

We are surrounded everywhere and always,

This sorceress is our water!

Song of Water. (Individual number)

Water. I'm so funny, I'm so mischievous

Drops of rain are with me, I’ll spill them on the ground.

Dance of Water and Droplets.

Masha. Dear Water, help us. Our flower cannot grow without you.

Water. Here is clean water for you, and now the Sun will help you. Goodbye.

Ved. Guys, in order for our flower to grow, it is not enough to plant it in good soil and water it, it also needs sunlight. Let's call Sunny.

Reb. The sun is rolling in the sky like a yellow ball.

Sometimes he hides behind a cloud, sometimes he jumps through the trees.

Come out, come out the sun, shine more generously,

Smile at us kindly, make everyone kinder.

The sun runs out under the “sunny bunny”.

Sun. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, awaken nature.

I look at the window in the morning,

And I call myself the Sun!

Did you call me? What happened to you?

Masha. Sunny, we want to grow a flower, but without your light and warmth it cannot grow.

Sun. Of course, I will help you, because I love you all so much.

Look at each other, who has my freckles?

And now my advice to you: Place the flower in sunlight.

Be healthy, everyone, be cheerful,

Run, jump, jump, dance!

Dance “Freckles” (Pairs)

Ved. The sun gave us good advice. Guys, what else is needed to grow a flower?

Children. Fresh air.

Ved. That's right, and a cheerful breeze will bring it to us.

Wind Boy runs out to the tune of “Cheerful Wind.”

Wind. I fly all over the earth,

I quickly disperse the clouds,

I don't know where I live

I'll attack and destroy the trees.

I whistle and the river trembles.

You can't stop me being mischievous!

Masha. Wind, we really need you. Our flower lacks clean air.

Wind. I will help you, just answer the question: What am I like?

Song about the Wind.

Wind. Yes, I am like that, I love to fly, blow, frolic and play. Let's play?

Game "Wind and Insects"

Ved. The breeze died down and all the insects flew to their houses. Guys, sit down.

Wind. I enjoyed playing with you, but it's time to fly away. I’m giving you my advice, I’ll say it finally. Fresh air breathe, and take care of your flower. (The wind leaves).

Ved. Here we have collected all the necessary tips. And now we know that in order to grow a flower, you need: clean air, good soil, water and sunlight. If we take care of these earthly riches. Then our planet will become even more beautiful.

Children stand in a semicircle.

Reb. May it be a glorious day in April,

And eternal in future years.

And let it be more transparent than watercolors

The air in the cities shines!

Reb. So that the sun shines brightly,

And our day did not fade into darkness,

We have a lot to do

In the name of life on Earth.

Reb. It's all about the person

It can do miracles:

Save the animals, clean the rivers,

Create gardens, grow forests!

Ved. I know, guys, that we have enough to do.

Love animals, people and flowers

Please do not hide your kindness.

Reb. I know, guys, that we have enough to do,

Do good, those who have not yet done so.

Love animals, people and flowers.

Please, do not hide your kindness!

Reb. There are many questions in the world

And we could solve them,

Whenever there was day on the planet,

And our World Earth Year!

Dance “Tell the Birds” (children dance with flower arches).

At the end of the dance, the children bow and leave the hall.

Goals and objectives.

To develop environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth.

Raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children. Teach them environmentally

Competent behavior in nature, humane attitude towards all living things.

Musical tasks:

To develop children's musical sensitivity and ability to emotionally

Respond to feelings expressed in music.

Develop children's musical curiosity using pop music,

Symphonic works, music by classical composers.

To develop in children the ability to feel the mood of music or a change in mood

By portraying animals or insects using pantomime, teach children to self-

Expression and improvisation.

When working on the song repertoire, I solved the following problems:

Formation of singing skills in children that contribute to

Correct and expressive performance.

Development creativity in individual work with children.


Earth is an adult

Masha, Grishka, Wind, Sun, Water, Animals - hare, wolf, bear - children


Hero costumes

Flower pot,

Flowers for children

Flower seeds

Slingshot for Grishka

Entertainment on ecology for children of secondary and senior groups
"Earth Day"

Goal: To promote the formation of an environmental culture in preschool children.
*repeat and update children's environmental knowledge;
*promote the formation of social and communicative qualities;
* cultivate a feeling of love for nature, a desire to protect and preserve it;
*promote the development of thinking and memory;
*develop fine motor skills.
Equipment: costumes (Scarecrow, Queen Murana, ants, Voskobovich’s games (“Fonoriki”, “Miracle Crosses”), presentation “Rules of Conduct in Nature.”
The children go into the hall.
Educator: Guys, we have gathered with you today to celebrate Earth Day.
1 child
Our earth is a blue planet,
Guys, we need to remember this.
It must be very clean, beautiful,
So that we could be proud of her!
2 child
Let's save our planet,
We will make it more beautiful.
The sky will become clear
The sun is radiant!
The forest is green forever
And a transparent river!
Children sing the song “We want the birds to sing”
The little jackdaw, Karrchik, flies in.
Oh-oh-oh trouble, trouble,
I barely made it here.
You, friends, hurry up and run
Hurry to our aid!
Educator: Wait, Karrchik, don't rush. You rushed into the hall so quickly that you didn’t say hello to the guys.
Hello guys.
There was once a cheerful forest,
And now we're scared
And walking is dangerous.
Someone is very, very angry
Ugly and crooked,
Settled in the clearing
Our forest has turned into a dump!
The river became dirty.
The clouds have darkened
The animals immediately ran away,
We were very scared
Help us guys
And drive away the Scarecrow1
Educator: Guys, let's help little jackdaw Karrchik? Then go ahead to adventure!
Karrchik: Thank you guys, I flew to please the inhabitants of our forest, they are waiting - they can’t wait for your help!
Educator: Well, we won’t waste any time and hit the road!
Children march around the hall and sing a song.
Well, wait, who's coming?
There is no way forward for you!
I am the Scarecrow, I scare everyone,
I'm not missing anyone!
I'll tell you a riddle,
Answer without hesitation
For an incorrect answer
I'll put a spell on you for a hundred years!
Educator: Guys, we need to be very careful, if you do what the Scarecrow says, then answer: it’s us, it’s us, everyone is friendly with nature. And if you don’t do this, then remain silent.
-Who is resting by the river?
Does it clean up the trash right away?
-Who is walking in the forest?
Is the anthill being ruined?
-Who will follow the path?
It won’t even tear off branches?
-Who is walking along the path?
Won't even break branches?
-Who sat by the fire?
And drank and ate here?
He scattered the bottle jars,
Didn't you clean up after yourself?
-Who doesn’t bother animals?
And protects nature?
The scarecrow is crying
Educator: Why are you crying, Scarecrow?
I was once a boy
I was like all the guys
I just didn't know the rules
Littered and broke everything,
The forest is angry with me
I turned into the Scarecrow!
Educator: How can we help you?
Music plays and Queen Murana appears.
I know how to help trouble.
No need to litter anywhere
Don't break the anthill
And don't light fires,
And you don’t pick flowers in vain,
Don't break the branches,
Don't throw trash into the river
And protect nature!
Hello, my name is Queen Murana, I will help you disenchant the boy, but you must remove all the garbage in the forest, look how dirty it is here!
Educator: Let's help, guys. our Scarecrow to become human again? Then let's get to work! We need to not only collect all the garbage, but also sort it into different bags.
You need to put round and oval-shaped garbage in the first bag, triangular in the second, rectangular and square in the third.
Children complete the task with the game "Lanterns". Game parts are scattered on the floor. Children collect them and display them on carpet runners (circles, ovals, triangles, rectangles and squares).
Murana: Well done guys, now tell the Scarecrow how to behave in nature.
1 child:
Remember, friend, you are a guest in the forest.
Preserve its beauty
Keep order here
Follow all the rules!
2nd child:
Don't touch the anthills
Go on your way
And you can't scream in the forest...
There is no need to scare the animals!
3rd child:
You can't destroy nests.
Shoot birds with a slingshot
Breaking branches from a tree
And it’s in vain to pick flowers!
4th child:
This is the order in the forest
You've eaten, clean up after yourself!
Don't throw trash into the river
Don't leave me on the shore
The bottle jars are a complete mess,
Put it in your backpack quickly!
Music sounds, two ants run in.
1 ant:
We are forest ants
Serious ones like that
We are forest orderlies,
Everyone knows this!
2 ant:
Someone evil came to our forest
And I brought my order,
The anthill was broken,
He hit the bird with a stone.
1 ant:
Here it is, here it is, quickly grab it
Lock him up!
Murana: Wait, wait, don’t rush, we won’t lock anyone up, now we’ll figure it out. These are the inhabitants of my country, ants. You guys need to help them, they have a lot to do, and our new acquaintance has destroyed all their anthills.
Educator: Guys, let's help the little ants, we have the game “Miracle Crosses” with us, we need to divide into two teams and assemble their houses for the ants.
Murana: My ants are very hardworking, they will gladly take part in the construction, here are the diagrams of the anthills, you can start working, and you, Scarecrow, help too!
Children are divided into teams and lay out anthills according to the diagrams on the carpet.
Murana: Well done, you did a good job, and now let’s all sing a song for the ants together.
The song “Don’t hurt the ant” is performed, the ants say goodbye and leave.
Murana: Guys, in order for the Scarecrow to free himself from witchcraft, you must complete one more task: you need to clear the river of garbage. They threw a lot of things into the river: jars, flasks, bottles, an old shoe, even a pan with holes! You need to remove everything and the rivers!
Educator: We will cope with this task, guys, go to the tables, there are diagrams in front of you various items, caught in the river. As soon as you collect an object according to the diagram, it will immediately disappear from the river, because a strong sorceress - Queen Murana - is helping us!
Children receive diagrams and begin to collect objects from the “Miracle Crosses”; they can work while sitting on the carpet, at which time the Scarecrow dresses up as a boy.
Murana: Well done boys. Tell me what items you pulled out of the river?
Children call.
Murana: So our forest has become clean! And instead of the Scarecrow, you have a new comrade!
A boy comes in.
Thank you so much, friends
I became a boy again!
I will be friends with nature,
Protect both forest and water,
So that our entire Earth
She grew beautiful and blossomed!
Educator: Let's remind our new friend once again, guys, that we need to take care of nature.
Children tell
Well done guys, you said everything correctly, now look at everything on the screen and remember the rules of behavior in nature.
Presentation “Rules of behavior in nature” is shown
And now it's time to say goodbye
You have to go back to kindergarten.
Take a new friend.
Teach intelligence!
Don't forget my advice
And protect nature!
Music is playing, children are marching around the hall and singing the song “It’s fun to walk together,” wow

Scenario ecological holiday Earth Day was prepared by music director N.V. Kudinova, MDOU No. 3 “Fairy Tale”, Dmitrov.

Earth Day kindergarten is carried out to expand environmental knowledge, educate children in a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on our planet.

Preparatory work

Preliminary work:

  • learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature;
  • conversations on the topic of environmental education;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • reading works of fiction about plants and animals;
  • acquaintance with space;
  • holding a competition for the best drawing on the theme “Earth is our home.”


  • a large ball with continents (model of the earth),
  • two waste baskets,
  • garbage (sticks, paper),
  • hops,
  • easels,
  • A4 paper,
  • pastel or wax crayons.


  • Presenter,
  • Earth,
  • Strong whistle,
  • children.

Earth Day in kindergarten. Scenario

Children enter the hall to the music of Savelyev’s “Big Round Dance”.

Presenter: — Guys, today the whole world is celebrating Earth Day. You and I are part of our planet. And we should become participants in the celebration of this have a wonderful day

- Hello, our planet Earth!
Hello, oceans, rivers, seas, lakes! (Children add.)
Hello insects, animals and birds! (Children add.)
Hello, meadows, forests, glades, groves! (Children add.)
The earth is our common home. People, animals, and birds - we all live in it together.
Everyone here knows, you and me!
You cannot offend nature!
So let’s say together: “One, two, three!”
Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

- And here Mother Earth herself has come to us!

The Earth comes out with big ball(land layout).

Earth: - Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I am so glad to see you all today at our holiday!

Leading: - Earth, the guys didn’t come to you empty-handed, but prepared a greeting card.

The children come out and read out the congratulations on a card made in advance in the size of whatman paper:

- Dear, sweet land!
Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish your rivers, lakes, forests,
To your pets: animals and birds,
Health to fish and insects!
And also to be the most beautiful planet.
And on this holiday, don’t be sad or bored, but be cheerful.
Because we also give you our songs, poems and dances,
And these are the gifts.

Four children carry four holiday gift boxes and place them against the central wall.


— I thank all the children, “Thank you!” to all! I say!
How many sounds, how much singing on this wonderful spring day.
Echoing the songs of the nightingale, here I will sing for you too!

Song “The Earth is our common home” (music by Nasulenko).


- A smile and a song will make everyone happier together,
And today on Earth Day we give you a dance!

Children perform the “Smile” dance.

Earth: - Guys, do you want to play with my model of the Earth - a globe?

A ball game is being played.

The Earth asks a question and throws the ball:

-Who lives on earth? (Animals, insects, flowers.)
-Who lives underground? (Worms, moles, beetles.)
-Who flies above the Earth? (Birds, insects.)
— When is it light outside? (During the day.)
- Why do you need water? (Drink, swim, water the plants.)
—What is air needed for? (Needed for breathing.)
— What do bees do? (Collect nectar.)

Earth: - You guys are great! You already know everything about me.

A whistle is heard outside the door, and Krepkosvist appears in the hall with a large backpack.

Leading: - Who are you?

Strong whistle: “I am a disturber of the peace, rivers and lakes, a destroyer of birds’ nests and a violator of forest paths.” I'm a strong whistler.

Leading: —Your backpack is so big, what’s in it?

Strong whistle:

- For such good kids
I don't feel sorry for anything.
I have gifts for you
No one has these. (Takes it out and gives it to the children.)
Here's a slingshot for you guys.
To shoot birds.
Here's a noisy pistol for you,
To scare each other!
This heavy stone
You can break out windows!
With this lifesaver
Wave in all directions! Like this!

-Are my gifts good?

Leading: - And not at all good, take them back. These are not gifts, but very bad things. They urgently need to be thrown away. Children, give everything back to him!

Children return all things.

Strong whistle: - You kids are bad, I won’t be friends with you! And here are my gifts... (Scatters garbage.) Look how dirty your place is! And the garbage...

Earth: - It was you, Krepkosvist, who littered it.

Strong whistle: - It's not me, it's them! (Points to the guys.)

Earth: - Oh, how I don’t want to be so littered on such a holiday. What are we going to do now?

Children offer to clean up the trash. Adults prepare four waste baskets.

Earth: - Thank you for your help, just let’s sort the garbage into different baskets: put paper in one, and branches, pine cones and plastic bottles in the other.

A competition is being held to see who can clean up the trash the fastest.

Strong whistle: - Yes, I behave badly, but do your children know how to behave correctly?

Leading: - Of course they can! You can ask them any questions.

Strong whistle: - Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you game “If I come to the woods”. I will voice my actions to you, and you will answer: if I act well, we say “yes”; if I act badly, then we all shout “no” together! I open my forest book.

- If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No.)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No.)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes.)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes.)
If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No.)
If I mess up too much
And forget to remove it? (No.)
If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes.)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes.)

Leading: - Well, Krepkosvist, our children know how to behave. And they collected all the garbage. How clean and beautiful it is here!

Strong whistle:

“I won’t do any more harm!”
I will forget evil and deceit.
I will help people
Don't offend anyone!
And now, guys, I'm leaving you.
I’ll take the gifts, I’d better throw them away, I’ll go! (He leaves, waves his hand.)

Presenter (speaking against the backdrop of birdsong):

- Birds sing loudly -
Everyone is welcoming spring!

Children dance in a round dance "Spring".


- Is someone in a hurry to come here? Is someone running towards us here?
Well, let's clap cheerfully, let him find us quickly! (Children clap.)

Music sounds, Aprelechka appears, holding a gift in her hands.


- Hello my friends!
I am April-spring.
I wake the earth from sleep!
I fill the buds with juice and grow flowers in the fields.
I drive the ice away from the bay,
I make the sunrise bright,
Everywhere, in the field and forest
I bring joy to people!
I'm celebrating Earth Day.
I'm starting to sing for you!

Song “The Happiest” (music by Savelyev).


- I thank you all and give you my gift,
And now it’s time for me to go to the forest. Goodbye friends! (Leaves the hall.)

Leading: - Dear Earth, the guys have prepared poems for you, listen!

1st child:

- Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing
Spider - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.

2nd child:

— Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness.
Nature has it all year round
You need to study.
All the forest people
Teaches strong friendship.

3rd child:

- You breathe the clean air of the forests
And you drink water from deep rivers,
You are full of her bread, man,
Answer her sad call.

4th child:

— There is one planet-garden
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Migratory birds are called.

5th child:

— There is a huge house on Earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream,
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.

6th child:

-Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
The nature of my native land
This house is called.

Earth: - Guys, I am different at different times of the year.

The earth asks questions to children:

- Guess: When am I white? (In winter.)
What about yellow, red, orange? (In autumn.)
When am I green? (In spring.)
And when is it colorful? (In summer.)

- Now it’s time to look at April’s gift. Look, here is a postcard with a riddle:

- He was born on a May day,
And the forest protects him.
Only you hit him -
Will it ring quietly? (Lily of the valley.)
Oh, look, there's a whole basket here.

Child: “And we’ll take the lilies of the valley and start dancing with them.”

Children perform the dance “Lilies of the Valley”.

Leading: - Yes, our Earth is beautiful in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The earth is a common home for everyone. Living in this house, a person must be kind, must take care of all living beings. And who are they, living beings?


- Fish, birds, animals look into people's souls.
It’s as if they are asking us: people, don’t kill in vain!
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
A land without animals is not a land,
But we can’t live without land!

Leading: - Does everyone agree?

Earth: - There are two beautiful lakes on my planet, look! (Three bodies of water are displayed.) Listen, how quiet it is! No one is splashing, why? (Children answer.) That's right, we'll do that now.

A competition is being held: “Which lake will have the most fish?”

Children are given nets and fish are released into containers with water.

Earth: - Who can answer my question: “What should the planet be like?”


- Let's save the planet!
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it -
We won’t let anyone offend her!
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers.
We all need such a planet!

Earth: - Yes, I agree, we will bring beauty to my planet. But how?

Leading: - Mother Earth, we ask you, open your gift boxes, and you will see everything for yourself! (Opens the first box - flowers.) Of course, they must be on my planet! Please decorate! (Opens the second box - butterflies.) These fabulous insects cannot live without flowers. Please decorate! (Opens the third box - birds.) Of course, without birds singing, my planet will be sad and sad. Release them to the ground! (Opens the fourth box - fish.) May these goldfish always fulfill your wishes. Launch them into the seas and oceans!

- Look, friends.
How beautiful you are, earth!

The song “How Beautiful the World” is performed (music by Vikhareva).


- Thank you guys. I was so interested in you.
Let's save the planet -
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There's only one in the whole universe
I am given to all of you for life and friendship!

Musical composition “Let’s give the globe to the children.”


- We had a lot of fun.
We became very close friends.
We danced and played.
Everyone around became friends.
It's time for me to say goodbye -
I will part with you.

- Goodbye!

The earth is leaving. The children leave the hall.

Musical composition "Big Round Dance".

Children and children enter the festively decorated hall to the song “Spring”.

line up against the central wall.


We celebrated holidays in this hall many times,

But we didn’t know this yet.

Today we celebrate Earth Day - our common home.

Guests came to our holiday.

Let's say hello to the guests!

Children welcome guests. Leading.

We are talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home.

Our good home

Spacious house -

We all live in it from birth.

We are also talking about this

That we must take care of our home.

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth is counting on us!


1. The sun is shining, it smells of bread, the forest is noisy, the river, the grass... It’s good to hear kind words under a peaceful sky.

2. It’s good in winter and summer, On an autumn day and in spring, to enjoy the bright light, the ringing, peaceful silence. All.

Look how good it is, the house you live in!

Children perform Yu. Chichkov’s song “Native Song”. Children go to the chairs and sit down.


“Hello, good children! I am the Earth! And I am glad to hear your words.”

Earth! Earth! Did you hear us? Are you talking to us?


I always hear you, but you also listen to me.

I'm in trouble!

I can't fix all the evil that's happening


I am unable to save dying animals, birds,

clear the air of smoke and fumes.

I can't deal with all the garbage that


scattered across the Earth by man.


Earth! You are so beautiful, blue, blooming! Could you really die?

Yes, I have a lot of flowers, forests, rivers, but they are becoming less and less...


You still have time to save me and yourself! Only you can do it!


In response, beeps sound... Presenter.

The earth did not have time to tell us how to help it. This means that we ourselves must find a way to save her. Loud music is playing. Enter the Trash Monster. Monster.

It was lying in the trash can - It just came out of nowhere, And now I’m walking here, looking at the creators. And I want to tell you, people: - Long live garbage! And may he always be here!

The monster scatters garbage all over the hall. Leading.

It's scary if such trash Monsters live on our

beautiful planet.

We can deal with them.

We and our good deeds.

After all, good conquers evil.

So come on, kids, let's clean up this trash. There is an attraction called “Garbage Cleaning”.

The children hand garbage bags to the Monster and ask him to take them to the recycling plant.


Along the dewy grass, along the grass, Through the green silk grass, Through the gardens and through the valleys The holiday is coming to the kindergarten, It brings joy and fun with it. Our holiday goes through the meadows, showering them with flowers!

Children perform the dance “Flowers and Dwarfs”. Flower girls.

We are flowers, nature's perfection! We bloom, we smell, we decorate the Earth! Child.

If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If everyone: both me and you, If everyone picks flowers, Then the trees and bushes will be empty, And there will be no beauty...

Children give guests indoor flowers grown in pots.


Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always have time to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet. Ant appears. Leading.

Oh, who is this? Ant.

I am an ant!


What are you talking about, Ant? Ant.

I’m carrying building material: people destroyed our house.

They trampled everything around, the anthill was torn up.

Now we are repairing, because we are forest nurses,

We protect it from harmful insects. Leading.

Indeed, where there are a lot of ants, the forest is clean.

Children stage the song “About Me and the Ant” by L. Abelyan.

The Ecology Fairy enters to the sound of birdsong. Fairy.

Hello children!

My name is Fairy Ecology.

I walk the earth and keep order.

Only it became difficult for me alone.

I look - the branch is broken, the nest is destroyed, the flowers are crushed.

So I decided to find helpers - I walked the earth in search of

Good luck. I walked and walked and saw your kindergarten. What is it called?

I looked in and saw: pine, birch, and spruce trees all around! Cleanliness all around.

Probably, I think, kind and caring children live in this garden,

who love plants, animals, birds and care for them.

Is this so, guys?


Yes. Fairy.

Are you ready to pass my tests?

Then solve the riddles.

  1. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill).
  2. With the arrival of which birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (rooks).
  3. Name the most famous forest singer? (nightingale).
  4. The hardest working insect? (ant).
  5. What herb do the blind also know? (nettle).
  6. Comes to us with warmth,
    Having come a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window from grass and clay.

(martin). The fairy praises the children for correctly guessing the riddles.

Children perform the song “Swallow” by E. Krylatov.


And now the 2nd test. Let's play the "Yes - No" game.

  1. Can carp live in the ocean? (No. It's a pond fish.)
  2. Do fish cough? (Yes.)
  3. Is a penguin a bird? (Yes.)
  4. Does the turtle eat insects? (No, she is a herbivore).
  5. Are rabbits born sighted? (Yes).
    The relay race “Save the Hares” is being held.

Two teams of 5 people each participate.

At a distance of 5 - 6 m from them there are 2 hoops, in which there are 5

toy bunny, “bumps” are laid out on the floor up to the hoop.

At a signal, children take turns running around the “bumps”, taking a bunny from the hoop and

return to their team.

The team that manages to save all the hares the fastest wins.


And finally, the last test is “Ecological Signs”.

The fairy shows a sign, the children answer what it means. Fairy.

Dear children!

You deserve to be my assistants and for this I reward you

medal "Young Ecologist"

The fairy praises the children and stays at the party.


Let's be friends with each other, like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow, like the wind with the sea, grass with rain, like the sun is friends with all of us!

Let's save the planet

Throughout the Universe

There is no similar one:

Throughout the Universe

All alone,

What will she do without us?


Thank you, good children!

I'm glad that I now have such helpers.

Children perform the round dance “The children of the whole earth are friends” by D. Lvov-Kompaneets.