"Health Day". Physical education and valeology event for children together with their parents. Scenario for a sports festival in kindergarten. Senior group. Healthy family - healthy children Health day competitions in dow

Natalia Goshko
Health Day. Entertainment scenario for all kindergarten groups

Health Day

entertainment for all kindergarten groups

Target: raise the emotional mood and muscle tone of children.


Cultivate the desire to be healthy, teach to take care of your health.

To develop in children dexterity, speed, ingenuity, the ability to use their experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers: endurance, determination, mutual assistance.

To give children knowledge about the effects of physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, and mood on health.

Activation of children's speech activity, expansion vocabulary, development of attention and memory.

Invite parents to actively participate in the life of the child in kindergarten.

The song “Health Day” is performed(lyrics by Davydova, free music).

Leading: Guys, today we came to the Health Day holiday.

Health day, beauty day,

Everyone loves him - me and you.

And everyone around always says:

“Being healthy – that’s it!”

And a guest came to us. Guess who it is?

Who is the most useful on the day of illness and heals us from all illnesses?

Children. Doctor.

Leading. That's right doctor. You and I will show and tell him how we can take care of our health.

The Doctor enters. Greets everyone present.

Leading: We never get bored here

It's time to start warming up

Stand in a circle together,

Hold hands together.

Rhythmic dance.

Leading. The kids will play the game “Right - Wrong” with me

Listen carefully,

Do it diligently.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

You stomp - no, no!

1. You constantly need to eat,

Important for health:

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt (children clap).

2. Do not bite the cabbage leaf,

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade (stomp - no, no).

3. You brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

Grab a bun

Sweets to bed (they stomp - no, no).

Leading. And now the game “No and Yes” (for the middle group)

Porridge is a delicious food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Green onions sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)

Cabbage soup is great food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Fly agaric soup is always -

Is this useful to us? (No)

Fruits are simply beautiful!

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Sometimes dirty berries

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candies

Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on our table!

And since it's healthy food -

Will we be healthy? (Yes)

Senior and preparatory group - two teams.

1 competition“Read the folk saying”

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer quickly!

Don’t be afraid of the cold, up to your waist….(wash yourself).

In a healthy body healthy mind).

Before the wedding... (will heal).

One skin, yes... (bones).

Whoever has pain, that’s what he (talks) about.

Helps against colds and sore throats... (oranges)

Barely a soul in (the body).

Sun, air and water…. (our faithful friends).

And ingenuity is needed, and hardening....(important).

Anyone who loves sports... (healthy and cheerful).

Smoking is harmful to health.

Whoever plays sports gains strength….(gains).

A fun football game, the first one has already been scored... (goal)

Someone ran up quickly and flew into... without the ball. (gates)

If you decide to become healthy, then follow through. (mode).

In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently. (alarm).

Our whole friendly team got up to exercise. (family).

Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash under cold water. (shower).

Forget about the computer, run outside for a walk. Very useful for children fresh air(Breathe)

2 competition « Sports training"(Teams perform exercises with sports equipment)

Friends with a ray of sunshine

With jumping ropes and a ball,

Skittles and hoops

You will see for yourself.

Work hard in training, take part in the preparation.

You will see for yourself how stronger and healthier you will become.

Performing exercises with a gymnastic stick. (Yoke)

The gymnastic stick is simply amazing

Do exercises with her

And you will part with laziness.

Doing exercises with a ball.

We can’t count all our ball games:

There are so many of them in the world.

After all, you can throw a ball, roll it,

Hit with his hand.

Throw the ball into the basket and into the water,

We found work everywhere.

Doing exercises with a hoop. (Jumping from hoop to hoop)

A hoop is a useful item

Why? I'll give you the answer now

You can roll a hoop,

Play it all day long.

3 competition“Sports Quiz” (three questions for each team)

Let the one who lives with sports be the first!

1. What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy? (charging)

2. What is the name of the athlete who skates to music? (figure skater)

3. How many teams play hockey? (2 teams)

4. How many people are in the football team? (11 people)

5. What are the names of the people who swim in the ice hole in winter? (walruses)

6. What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use to play with clubs? (washer)

7. Where was the Olympics held in 2014? (Sochi)

8. What type of sport is on the board? (snowboard)

9. Skier's path? (ski track)

10. Children's winter transport? (sled)

11. Skates for the summer? (rollers)

12. What is it? Olympic emblem? (5 rings)

Leading. Our guys know their body well and know how to massage.

Game-massage “My body”.(for all groups)

Nightingale head (children stroke the head,

Forehead - bobby (children put their forehead forward, like bulls,

The nose is an apricot (children with their eyes closed touch the tip of their nose,

Lumpy cheeks (children carefully knead their cheeks and rub them with their palms,

Sponges - doves (children stretch their lips into a tube,

Teeth - oaks (children quietly knock their teeth,

Beard - young woman (children stroke their chin,

Eyelashes are sisters (children blink their eyes,

Ears are naughty (children rub their ears with their fingers,

Turkey neck (children stretch their necks,

Hangers - grasshoppers (children raise and lower their shoulders,

Handles are grippers (children grab themselves with both hands,

Fingers - boys (children move their fingers,

Breasts - ducks (children arch their chest forward,

Tummy - watermelon (children inflate their bellies,

The back is supported (children straighten their backs, rising on their toes,

Knees - logs (children alternately bend their legs at the knee and press them to

Feet - boots (children stomp their feet)

4 competition"Obstacle Course"

Running between the posts

Rolling the ball between the posts

Climbing under the arc

5 competition"On a visit to Moidodyr"

Assignment to the participants: continue the lines from K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr”.

1. You have blackening on your neck, there is a blot under your nose.

You have such hands (That even your trousers have come off).

2. The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away (And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me).

3. You must, you must wash your face in the mornings and evenings…. (And shame on unclean chimney sweeps).

4. Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel (And tooth powder and a thick comb).

5. And in the bath, and in the bathhouse, always and everywhere... (Eternal glory to the water).

Game for children of primary and secondary groups “Dwarves and Giants”

Children stand near the chairs. If the presenter says dwarfs, everyone should sit down on chairs and stretch their arms forward; if the giants say, everyone should rise on their toes and stretch both arms up.

6 competition And now. guys, guess the riddles

Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so much fun to jump around with. What is this? (jump rope)

Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him out.

Foams with white foam,

I'm not too lazy to wash my hands. (soap)

Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away streams of tears,

He won’t forget about his nose (handkerchief)

Always in your mouth, never swallowed. (Language)

At night, the two windows close on their own, and with sunrise they open on their own (eyes)

They stand together, walk apart. (Legs)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better. (Bike)


Leading: It's time to end the holiday

Let's shout to the holiday: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Children leave the hall to the music “Toughen Up”

Zdorovyachok: Hello guys, my name is Zdorovyachok, I invite you to travel to the land of Health!

Big guy: is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

Well, then pull yourself up, don’t yawn and don’t be lazy,

Stand in a circle together!

"Morning exercises"

One, two, three, we're spinning
We turned into bear cubs.


In the morning, little target woke up
The bear reached out to the sun.
Like this, like this
The bear reached out to the sun.


The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads.
Like this, like this.
They turned their heads


The cubs were looking for honey,
Together they rocked the tree,
Like this, like this
They rocked the tree together.
Squat: Waddled around,
And they drank water from the river.

Like this, like this
And they drank water from the river.


Bears have fun playing.
The bears want to jump.
One, two; one, two,
So the game is over.

Stop! Charging has ended.
Inhale and exhale for order.
One, two, three - we're spinning
And they turned into kids.

(Sounds of the forest)

Hello, hello, good forest!
Full of fairy tales and miracles! Guys, look at the unusual paths in the fairytale forest, they will lead us to the land of “Health” (walking along the “paths of health”)

Big guy: What a wonder this is, what a beautiful tree is this? What's growing on it?
Children: toothbrushes. Soap. Combs. Towel.
Big guy: what are all these items for? What is soap used for?
Children: to wash their hands.
Big Guy: When Should You Wash Your Hands?
Children: before meals. After the walk. After the toilet. After drawing and sculpting.
Big guy: what is a towel for?

Children: to dry hands after washing.

Big guy: what is a comb for?
Children: to comb their hair. Be beautiful. Be careful.
Big guy: what is it for? toothpaste and toothbrushes?
Children: to brush their teeth. To keep your teeth clean and healthy. To chew well.

Big guy: that’s right guys, do you follow the rules of personal hygiene? Now we will check it.

Children stand in a circle.

Big guy: one, two, three, spin around and turn into kittens!

Game "Neat kittens":

Big guy: Paws?

Children: washed

Big guy: Ears?

Children: washed

Big guy: ponytail?

Children: washed

Everything was washed.

And now we're clean

Fluffy kittens

(Children perform imitative movements).

Big guy: I’ll tell you a secret: to be healthy, strong, fight germs and not succumb to diseases, you need to eat vitamins. Vitamins, like soldiers, protect our body from evil harmful microbes and various diseases. Who knows where vitamins live? (Children's answers).

A game " Cabbage - radish"
The presenter pronounces the words “cabbage” and “radish” in random order. If the presenter says “cabbage”, the players must clap their hands, “radish” - stomp their feet.

Game "Cucumber":

On one side of the hall there is a mouse, on the other there are cucumber children. Jumping on two legs, the cucumber children approach the mouse with the words: Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

At the last word, the children quickly run away to their house, and the mouse catches up with them.

Game "TURNIP":

Turnip, turnip, turnip!

That's how strong it is

(children and the “turnip” walk counter-moving in a circle)

Spin around in place!

(everyone is spinning)

And then show yourself to us!

(tilt forward and down, arms forward)

One, two, don't yawn!

Catch up with whoever you want!

(sliding claps, the “turnip” catches up with the children)

Hey guys, come to me.

Who is standing there on the sidelines?

Well, hurry up and get inspired

And start the massage game.

Back massage “Soup”

Children stand in a circle one after another, placing their hands on the shoulders of the child in front:

Chi-ki, chi-ki, chi-ki - cabbage soup, here's cabbage for borscht!

(Children tap each other lightly on the back with their palms)

I will chop potatoes, beets, carrots

(Tap with the ribs of the palms).

Half a head of onion,

Yes, a clove of garlic

(They shake their fists)

Chiki-chok, chiki-chok,

And the borscht is ready

(stroke with palms).

Healthy guy: this is where our journey ends, you have learned all the rules and laws of the land of Health. Take care of yourself, take care of your health. Until next time!

Tatyana Zvonova
Fun with parents in middle group"Health Day"

Fun with parents in the middle group on the topicHealth Day"

Target: To form an interest in children and adults healthy image life.


Give children joy and pleasure from being together with parents activities;

Provide children and parents the opportunity to show activity and initiative in action;

- develop independence in the use of acquired motor skills in children;

- develop intelligence, ingenuity, logical thinking;

Foster friendliness and mutual assistance.

Progress of the event

Ved: Hello guys, dear preschoolers! Hello parents, you've never seen anything like this before!

Greeted everyone?

Let's start the fun.

Today is a holiday, important day,

Are we too lazy to meet him?

Children love Health Day

Cities and villages.

Let it be on the planet

During the day health every day. Physical education...

Children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Ved: Health is strength, beauty, good mood! How to save long lasting health dear parents? What is needed for this? (regime, physical education, sports, proper nutrition, maintaining personal hygiene)

Ved: Right. The regimen helps strengthen health: get up on time, do exercises, don’t forget to have breakfast, lunch, go to bed on time.

So that to be completely healthy

We need physical education!

Let's exercise in the morning!

And without any doubt -

There is a good solution:

Running is good for you and playing!

Everyone health... Cheers!

Children with parents run in a circle and do exercises together with the leader.

Ved: Well, let's start our competition. But first guess riddle:

If you hit the wall, I'll bounce back,

If you throw it on the ground, I'll jump up.

I'm flying from palm to palm,

I don’t want to lie still.

Ved: That's right, it's a ball! Our first part of the competition is called that “My cheerful, ringing ball”

The first test is called:

"Pass the ball over your head" (children)

Children pass the ball forward in their column over their heads.

The second test is called "Hit the target" (parents)

Parents throw the ball into the basket.

Ved: Guys, I completely forgot to tell you, come to our group Moidodyr came by today. He really wanted to see you. What a pity that he didn’t wait for you, because he has a lot of worries in the morning. But he left you this little bag. Now the guys will tell us riddles, and whoever guesses the answer must pull out this item from the magic bag.

Didactic game "Magic bag"

1. I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And for the mustache and hair!

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears. (COMB)

2. Plastic back,

Stiff bristles.

Friends with toothpaste

Serves us diligently. (TOOTHBRUSH)

3. It hangs on the wall, dangles -

Everyone grabs hold of him. (TOWEL)

4. I take on the labor -

Rub your heels, elbows with soap...

And I rub my knees,

I don't forget anything (SPASH)

5. Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him out.

Foams with white foam.

Not too lazy to wash your hands (SOAP)

6. And it shines and shines,

It doesn't flatter anyone!

And he will tell anyone the truth -

Everything will be shown to him as it is. (MIRROR)

Ved: Well done. We called these personal hygiene items. We even know a poem about these objects.

Child: Healthy the lifestyle I always lead

And that's why I won't get into trouble!

When doing your hair, remember to yourself,

That your comb is just for you!

In the morning, when brushing your teeth, remember to yourself,

That a toothbrush is just for you.

Ved: Do you like to play with balloons? See what I can do (puts the ball into the spoon). I want to see if our moms and dads can carry the ball in a spoon.

A game "Move the ball in a spoon" (parents)

Ved: Well done ours parents!

Ved: And in order to be healthy, what else is needed? (Healthy food)

Child: So that stay healthy,

You need to eat right.

Sweet food, chocolate -

Don't get carried away.

Very sour, salty

You beware!

Only vegetables and fruits -

Very tasty products!

Ved: Let's play with you didactic game "Beneficial-harmful".

Children lay out on one easel healthy foods, on another easel - harmful. (Offer to characterize the products)

Ved: Well done boys. Everyone completed the task.

Ved: Our mothers and fathers have been sitting too long. I suggest you play the game « Siamese twins» (Two participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands tightly. They run sideways. The backs of the players should be pressed tightly against each other)

Ved: All the guys are brave,

Dexterous, skillful!

Everyone health from the heart!

Here I give you balloons!

Ved: Well done! I see the smile on your faces! This is very good! After all, a joyful and good mood helps our health! And also grow up healthy, we are helped by proper nutrition, exercise, and adherence to a daily routine. I wish everyone health.

Ved: Now everyone go out to dance.

Well, now it's time for us to group.

Publications on the topic:

Health Day. Entertainment “Cleanliness is the key to health” Health Day scenario for children of secondary and senior group“CLEANITY IS THE KEY TO HEALTH” Objectives 1. To consolidate children’s hygienic knowledge and.

Physical education and valeological entertainment in the middle group “In Search of Health” Objectives: 1. To cultivate in children the need for movement and emotional perception of life. 2. Strengthen the child’s health using non-traditional methods.

Goal: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: 1. Teach them to take care of their health, explain to them what harm microbes cause.

Entertainment for Health Day for the middle group “Vitamins are our friends!” Entertainment for Health Day in the middle group: “Vitamins are our friends!” Progress of the entertainment: Children enter the gym to the sound of cheerful music.

Fun with parents in the senior group "Family Day" Compiled by: Gryukova Lyudmila Vasilievna MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 373” Perm Entertainment with parents in the senior group for the holiday “Family Day”.

Nina Karabakhtsieva

Sports activities with parents

"Health Day"

Goal: To form a positive emotional attitude in children;

cultivate qualities such as camaraderie, discipline,

respectful attitude towards opponents in games and competitions.

Invite parents to participate in the leisure and life of the kindergarten.

Progress of the event.

Educator: Boys and girls, as well as their parents,

Hurry up to our sports hall.

There will be competitions between children, fathers and mothers,

We'll tell you who the winner will be later!

(To the march, children enter the hall one after another and stand in a semicircle)

Today is our holiday. And our holiday is called “Health Day!” (children in chorus)

Dear mothers, fathers - these are your beloved children who love to run, jump, and play. It is so difficult for them to stay in one place. You, too, were once children, you just forgot about it a little. Today we have a wonderful opportunity to plunge back into the world of childhood and feel how great it is to be a child.

Guys, let's tell mothers how the day begins in kindergarten? (from charging).

Question: Why do you need charging?

Child: What is charging for?

This is not a mystery at all.

To develop strength,

And don't get tired all day.

Child: If someone doesn’t look back

Runs away from charging

He won't become anything

A real strongman!

Voss: Do you run away from charging? (No)

Do you do all the exercises? (Yes)

Do you exercise at home on weekends? (Yes)

We need to teach mom and dad how to do our exercises and then doing exercises together will be more fun( children invite mothers to exercise)

"Fun exercise"

(children and mothers perform exercises in accordance with the text, the child is in front of the mother)

"We clap our hands, clap, clap, clap,

We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp, stomp,

We shake our heads.

We raise our hands, we lower our hands,

We squat low and we stand up straight.

Hands down and on your side,

Hands up and into a fist,

Unclench it to the side.

Get up on your toes,

Squat down and stand up straight,

Feet apart and feet together,

And let’s jump on the spot!”

Voss: What great guys they all were, how beautifully and correctly they performed the exercises. And now the “Blue Stars” team will take places on the right, and the “Red Stars” team on the left (children sit on chairs in front of their parents)

(knock on the door)

Voss: Who is knocking on our doors? Come visit us!

(Parsley enters with balls in his hands)

Parsley: Hello mommies and daddies! Hello girls and boys!

My funny cap

Dashingly shifted to the side.

I'm a funny toy

And my name is Petrushka!

There are so many of you here, why are you all gathered?

Voss: Parsley! And today we have a sports holiday. Our guys invited their moms and dads. We have 2 teams, “Blue Stars” and “Red Stars”.

Parsley: How great! Can I play with you and work out?

Voss: Of course, Petrushka.

Parsley: I have balls.

Each ball is not simple.

He's also lively when he plays.

So that you can achieve victory

You need to work hard

In games, you know everything,

They are great to do.

(takes the first ball, reads)

Parsley: Guess the riddle (addresses children)

“Guess who he is?

If you hit him with your hand,

He doesn't cry at all

It just jumps higher"

Well done! It's a ball!

1 Ball relay.

Children are formed into two teams. The child has a ball in his hands. He runs, runs around a large cube and comes back, passing the ball to the next one.

Parsley: Well done, guys!

(takes the second ball, reads)

“Hiding from you and me,

One doll into another.

There are polka dots on the scarves,

What kind of dolls? (Matryoshka dolls)

2 Matryoshka relay race

Girls participate in this relay race. Form into 2 teams. At a distance of 3-4 meters there are chairs, two mothers are sitting on them, they have handkerchiefs in their hands. The girls jump up to the chair, the mothers put a scarf on the girls and they jump back.

Parsley: What beautiful girls, all in elegant scarves, real nesting dolls.

Parsley: (takes the third ball, reads)

“He lives where it’s terrible cold,

Ice floes live among the snow.

Walks in a black and white tailcoat

Proud bird….(penguin)”

3 Penguins Relay

Boys participate in this relay race. Form into two teams. The first participant from each team holds the ball between his legs and, jumping with it, runs around the chair and comes back. Passes the ball to the next participant. You cannot hold the ball with your hands. If the ball falls, you need to stop, correct the ball and continue moving.

Parsley: What great fellows they all are, smart and dexterous.

Parsley takes the fourth ball and reads

“What you can’t live without,

Adults can't survive and children can't live either

Who will support you, friends,

Your friendly (family)"

4 Relay race “Friendly Family”

Parents and children participate in this relay race. Form into 2 teams. The parent puts his child on his feet and thus walks together around the landmark.

Parsley: Well done!

Voss: Parsley, can I also pick up the ball and read the assignments? And there are riddles on this ball, do you want to guess these riddles? Listen carefully.

1 “I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun, (blue stars)

I make the bed myself

I quickly do (exercise)"

2 “Not offended, but inflated

They lead him across the field. (red stars)

But they’ll hit me - no matter

Can't keep up with (the ball)"

3 “Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race. (blue stars)

And it’s not my feet that carry me,

And shiny (skates)"

4 “Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow (red stars)

These red horses

And their name is (skis)"

5 “On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass. (blue stars)

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer

This is my (bike)"

6 “On the ice platform there is a cry,

A student rushes to the gate (red stars)

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Hit!

Fun game (hockey)"

And now only children can guess the riddle!

“It molds easily in your hands,

Fun for the kids.

Throw him away tirelessly,

Into each other, without a doubt!

Cold round lump

What's his name? (Snowball).

Well done! All the riddles have been solved!

Do you want to play in the snow?

5 Game – relay race “Snowballs”

Form into 2 teams, one behind the other. They take the snowball in their right hand and fall into the basket held by the parents.

Well done! Now we will count how many snowballs each team threw into the basket.

Parsley: How great! So funny! And now I invite the parents.

6 Relay race “My funny, ringing ball”

Parents form teams. The first player has the ball in his hands, hits the ball on the floor, runs to the pyramid and also back, passes the ball to the next player.

Parsley: And now I invite the guys to play a game

7 Game “Shepherd and Flock”

Presenter: And now, Petrushka, we will show you how strong our parents are.

8 Relay “Who is stronger?”

(Tug of War)

(Parsley takes the ball and reads)

Parsley: “Here is the last beautiful ball,

You will walk along the path,

Find the magical treasure"

Guys, to find the treasure, you need to overcome an obstacle course.

(children stand one after another, 1- run between the pyramids, 2- jump from hummock to hummock, 3- crawl under the arc)

Parsley: Look, a magic chest (children approach the chest)

"Chest, chest,

Open your barrel” (doesn’t open)

“The chest is not simple,

Asks for a catchy dance!

"Dance of little ducks"

(everyone sits down)

Parsley: How beautifully you all danced, I really liked you, you are all so fast, strong, dexterous. I followed the teams very closely when you competed and I want to say that both teams “Blue Stars” and “Red Stars” won.

Voss: Guys, the main thing is that you won?


Parsley: Guys, let's go to the chest. “Chest, chest, open your barrel” (takes out treats for the boys and mothers, treats them).

Goodbye friends! (Parsley runs away)

The fun holiday was a great success.

I think everyone liked it.

We are ending the holiday and wishing everyone

Health, success and happiness in everything!

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Location: gym.


- create a joyful mood and high emotional uplift in children;

- develop the ability to be organized and maintain friendly relationships with peers;

— enrich parents with knowledge and practical skills in organizing and conducting children’s leisure;

- instill a love for activities physical culture and sports.

Equipment: audio equipment, recordings of cheerful music, landmarks, benches, scoreboards, A4 sheets (according to the number of teams), colored tapes, Stuffed Toys(according to the number of children), rope 1/2 length, markers, hoops.

Dictionary: athlete, winner, judge, rivals, health.

The gym is festively decorated with multi-colored ribbons, balls, hoops, and sports symbols.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents and adult guests of our holiday. We are greeted by the country of Sportlandia. Today Sportlandia gathered preschool children with their mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers for the sports festival “Health is in our hands.”

Runs fast

And shoots accurately -

How in one word

Are they all named?

The children answer.

Absolutely right. These are athletes. Today, real child athletes are present at our holiday along with their parents. Hurray for the athletes!

Children. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


I'm like mom, I'm like dad,

I have been interested in sports since childhood.

Together with mom, together with dad

I do physical education.

And I'll tell you, friends,

We have a sports family.

Leading. Now meet the teams, which consist of senior children and their parents. Children have someone to follow by example.

The teams march out and take their places.

Teams, get ready to welcome!

Captain of the 1st team. Welcome to the Dolphin team. Our motto:

The dolphin always swims forward

And he never lags behind.

Captain of the 2nd team. Welcome to Team Bubble. Our motto is “We’ll burst, but we won’t give up!”

Captain of the 3rd team. Welcome to the Champions team. Our motto:

Champions are the best

Fame and success await them.

Leading. Who will watch the teams’ actions, their victories and defeats today? Who is the most attentive, fair, honest? Of course, our children. They have the honor of being judges in today's sports match.

Next to each team hangs a sheet - a scoreboard. Together with the children, we will show the results of the teams after the relay races. What symbol will we choose to represent the results? Come on, guess the riddle.

Joy has a friend

In the form of a semicircle.

She lives on the face;

It will suddenly go somewhere,

It will suddenly return

Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her.

Children. It's a smile!

Leading. Absolutely right, guys! The symbol of our holiday will be a smile!

Intellectual competition

Question for the children of the first team:“What does it mean to be healthy?”

Question for parents of the first team:“What does it mean to be healthy?” (Adults complement the children’s answer.)

Question for the children of the second team:“What should you do to be healthy?”

Question for parents of the second team:“What should you do to be healthy?” (Adults complement the children’s answer.)

The presenter and children evaluate the teams' answers and display the corresponding number of smiles on the scoreboard.


And now it's time to warm up,

Before you compete.

Quickly everyone get up in a circle,

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

Musical-rhythmic dance “Colorful game”

Children and parents perform a dance as shown by the leader.

Relay 1. Health

Only adults participate in the relay race. Players from each team line up behind their captain at the starting line. At the landmark for each team there is a piece of paper and a marker. At the signal, the first team members cover the distance to the landmark, take a felt-tip pen and write the letter 3 - the first letter of the word “health”. Then they return back and pass the baton to their comrades.

(If the adult teams have fewer letters than there are letters in a given word, you must first agree on who will have to complete the task twice.)

Relay 2. Bring a toy

Only children participate in the relay race. At the landmark opposite each team, toys are displayed according to the number of children in the team. At the signal, the first participants run to the landmark, pick up one toy and return to their team. Next the task is performed next child. (Adults help the children in this task.)

Summing up the results of the relay race. Smiles are displayed on the scoreboard.

Relay 3. Magic hoop

Only adults participate in the relay race. On the way to the landmark, opposite each team there are two hoops. At the signal, you need to run to the hoop, put it on yourself, get out of it, then run

to the second hoop, put it on yourself again and get out of it again; run to the landmark, run around it and return to your team. The task is then completed by the next team member.

Summing up the results of the relay race. Smiles are displayed on the scoreboard.

Relay 4. One pair of pants

Both children and adults participate in the relay race. At the signal, the first pair in the team puts on the pants (the child puts his leg in one pant leg, the adult in the other). In this form they run to the landmark. They run around him, come back and pass the pants to the next couple.

Summing up the results of the relay race. Smiles are displayed on the scoreboard.

Relay 5. Combined

Both children and adults participate in the relay race. Teams are lined up at the starting line according to the pattern: child, adult, child, adult, etc. There is an arc and a bench in front of each team, and at the finish line there is a rope stretched out for everyone. Each child has a ribbon in his hands. At the signal, the first player crawls through the arc in any way, runs to the bench and crawls along it. Having reached the rope, he hangs a ribbon on it and returns to his team. For an adult, when he reaches the rope with the ribbon, he needs to tie a bow from it.

Summing up the results of the relay race. Smiles are displayed on the scoreboard.

Leading. This concludes our sports festival. While the strict jury sums up the results, I propose to play an outdoor game.

Game "Traps"

Adults stand in pairs, hold hands and raise their arms up. Children run around the hall to cheerful music, running into these gates. When the music ends, the adults lower their hands, trying to hold the child in them. Those children who are caught also stand in pairs and make collars just like adults. Game continues.

The presenter announces the results of the sports festival. Teams and distinguished children are awarded.

We want to say goodbye to everyone

And wave to you all.

We want to say goodbye to you

Until new, new, new meetings.